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Documentation Requirements


Lennart Luttkus



  1. Readability and Maintainability:
    • Consistent Formatting: Code should follow a consistent and readable formatting style. Tools like linters or formatters can help enforce a consistent code style.
    • Meaningful Names: Variable and function names should be descriptive and convey the purpose of the code.
    • Comments: Clear and concise comments should be used where necessary to explain complex logic or provide context.
  2. Code Structure:
    • Modularity: Code should be organized into modular components or functions, promoting reusability and maintainability.
    • Appropriate Use of Functions/Methods: Functions should have a clear purpose and adhere to the single responsibility principle.
    • Hierarchy and Nesting: Avoid overly nested structures; use appropriate levels of indentation to enhance readability.
  3. Efficiency and Performance:
    • Optimized Algorithms: Code should use efficient algorithms and data structures to achieve good performance.
    • Avoidance of Code Smells: Detect and eliminate code smells such as duplicated code, unnecessary complexity, or anti-patterns.
  4. Error Handling:
    • Effective Error Messages: Error messages should be clear and provide useful information for debugging.
    • Graceful Error Handling: Code should handle errors gracefully, avoiding crashes and providing appropriate feedback.
  5. Testing:?
    • Comprehensive Test Coverage: Code should be accompanied by a suite of tests that cover different scenarios, ensuring reliability and maintainability.
    • Test Readability: Tests should be clear and easy to understand, serving as documentation for the codebase.
  6. Security:
    • Input Validation: Code should validate and sanitize inputs.
  7. Documentation:
    • Code Comments: In addition to in-code comments, consider external documentation for the overall project structure, APIs, and configurations.
    • README Files: Include a well-written README file that provides an overview of the project, installation instructions, and usage examples.
  8. Version Control:
    • Commit Messages: Use descriptive and meaningful commit messages to track changes effectively.
    • Branching Strategy: Follow a consistent and well-defined branching strategy to manage code changes.
  9. Scalability:
    • Avoid Hardcoding: Parameterize values that might change, making it easier to scale the application.
    • Optimized Resource Usage: Ensure efficient utilization of resources to support scalability.
  10. Consistency with Coding Standards:
    • Adherence to Coding Guidelines: Follow established coding standards and best practices for the programming language or framework used.