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Adapt - ReactJS for your infrastructure.

AdaptJS is a system to easily, reliably, and repeatably deploy your full-stack applications. Adapt specifications look like React apps, but instead of rendering browser DOM elements like <input>, or <div>, Adapt specifications use elements like AWS <EC2Instance>, Kubernetes <Pod>, or <MongoDB> database. An Adapt description for a complete front end and back end app stack looks like this:

import Adapt from "@adpt/core";
import { NodeService, ReactApp } from "@adpt/cloud/nodejs";
import { Postgres } from "@adpt/cloud/postgres";

function MyApp() {
  const pg = Adapt.handle();

  return (
      <ReactApp srcDir="../frontend" />
      <NodeService srcDir="../backend" connectTo={pg} />
      <Postgres handle={pg} />

Each of the components above renders to simpler components until they get to primitive infrastructure. You can also specify a style sheet to customize how components render to infrastructure (e.g., Docker vs. Kubernetes vs. AWS). Styles can also swap out components entirely, for example, using a test database for your test environment and a hosted database service for production.

If you're already familiar with React, you'll feel right at home with Adapt. But if not, don't worry, knowledge of React isn't required to start using Adapt. You can get started with a starter, write your code and deploy, and come back to the Adapt specification when you need to change how it gets deployed.

Getting Started

For a new project, it's easy to get started with Adapt by using a starter template. The Getting Started Guide will walk through installing Adapt and deploying your first starter app.

Creating and deploying an app

This example creates a new full-stack app from a starter template. It has a React UI, an Nginx web server, a Node.js API server, and a Postgres database, then deploys it to Kubernetes:

# Install adapt
npm install -g @adpt/cli

# Create a new app from a starter template
adapt new hello-react-node-postgres ./myapp
cd myapp/deploy

# Deploy full stack locally using Docker
adapt run laptop

# Or just as easily deploy everything to Kubernetes
adapt run k8s-test

Adapt in action

This demo shows using Adapt to create and deploy a simple app called MovieDB that has a React UI, an Nginx web server, an Nginx URL router, a Node.js API server, and a Postgres database, then deploys it to Kubernetes:

Adapt in action

More info

Getting Help


We'd love to hear about your experience with Adapt! Join us on our Gitter channel to ask questions or to give us your feedback and suggestions.

If you've found a bug, you can also file an issue.


Adaptable is the easiest way to deploy your app. Deploy an app now!

Command Reference

adapt autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ adapt autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ adapt autocomplete
  $ adapt autocomplete bash
  $ adapt autocomplete zsh
  $ adapt autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @unboundedsystems/plugin-autocomplete

adapt config:list

Shows Adapt configuration settings

  $ adapt config:list

  -q, --quiet    Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.
  --all          Show all configuration items, including defaults
  --no-truncate  do not truncate output to fit screen
  --source       Show the source of each configuration item's value

See code: dist/src/commands/config/list.js

adapt config:set NAME VALUE

Modify Adapt configuration settings

  $ adapt config:set NAME VALUE

  NAME   The name of the configuration item to be modified
         (not case-sensitive)

  VALUE  The value to assign to the configuration item

  -q, --quiet  Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  Change the upgrade check notification to use the "next" channel:
       $ adapt config:set upgradeChannel next

See code: dist/src/commands/config/set.js

adapt deploy:destroy DEPLOYID

Destroy an existing deployment of an Adapt project

  $ adapt deploy:destroy DEPLOYID

  -d, --debug=debugFlags  Enable additional debug output. Should be a comma-separated list of debug flags. Valid debug
                          flags are: build

  -f, --force             Continue destroying the deployment even if errors are encountered

  -q, --quiet             Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --dryRun                Show what would happen during deploy, but do not modify the deployment

  --registry=registry     URL of alternate NPM registry to use

  --rootFile=rootFile     [default: index.tsx] Project description file to deploy (.ts or .tsx)

  --serverUrl=serverUrl   URL of Adapt server. Defaults to using local system.

  $ adapt destroy


  Destroy the deployment "myproj-dev-abcd" using the default project description file, "index.tsx":
       $ adapt deploy:destroy myproj-dev-abcd

See code: dist/src/commands/deploy/destroy.js

adapt deploy:list

List active Adapt deployments

  $ adapt deploy:list

  -d, --debug=debugFlags  Enable additional debug output. Should be a comma-separated list of debug flags. Valid debug
                          flags are: build

  -q, --quiet             Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --rootFile=rootFile     [default: index.tsx] Project description file to deploy (.ts or .tsx)

  --serverUrl=serverUrl   URL of Adapt server. Defaults to using local system.

  $ adapt list

  List all deployments from the server
       $ adapt deploy:list

See code: dist/src/commands/deploy/list.js

adapt deploy:run [STACKNAME]

Create a new deployment for an Adapt project

  $ adapt deploy:run [STACKNAME]

  STACKNAME  [default: default] Name of the stack you wish to run

  -d, --debug=debugFlags  Enable additional debug output. Should be a comma-separated list of debug flags. Valid debug
                          flags are: build

  -q, --quiet             Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --deployID=deployID     A fixed deployID to use for this deployment. Will error if the specified deployID already

  --dryRun                Show what would happen during deploy, but do not modify the deployment

  --registry=registry     URL of alternate NPM registry to use

  --rootFile=rootFile     [default: index.tsx] Project description file to deploy (.ts or .tsx)

  --serverUrl=serverUrl   URL of Adapt server. Defaults to using local system.

  $ adapt run

  Deploy the stack named "default" from the default project description file, index.tsx:
       $ adapt deploy:run

  Deploy the stack named "dev" from the default project description file, index.tsx:
       $ adapt deploy:run dev

  Deploy the stack named "dev" from an alternate description file:
       $ adapt deploy:run --rootFile somefile.tsx dev

See code: dist/src/commands/deploy/run.js

adapt deploy:status DEPLOYID

Fetch the status of an existing deployment of an Adapt project

  $ adapt deploy:status DEPLOYID

  -d, --debug=debugFlags  Enable additional debug output. Should be a comma-separated list of debug flags. Valid debug
                          flags are: build

  -q, --quiet             Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --dryRun                Show what would happen during deploy, but do not modify the deployment

  --registry=registry     URL of alternate NPM registry to use

  --rootFile=rootFile     [default: index.tsx] Project description file to deploy (.ts or .tsx)

  --serverUrl=serverUrl   URL of Adapt server. Defaults to using local system.

  $ adapt status

  Fetch the status of deployment "myproj-dev-abcd" from the default project description file, "index.tsx":
       $ adapt deploy:status myproj-dev-abcd

  Fetch the status of deployment "myproj-dev-abcd" from an alternate description file, "somefile.tsx":
       $ adapt deploy:status --rootFile somefile.tsx myproj-dev-abcd

See code: dist/src/commands/deploy/status.js

adapt deploy:update DEPLOYID [STACKNAME]

Update an existing deployment of an Adapt project

  $ adapt deploy:update DEPLOYID [STACKNAME]

  -d, --debug=debugFlags  Enable additional debug output. Should be a comma-separated list of debug flags. Valid debug
                          flags are: build

  -q, --quiet             Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --dryRun                Show what would happen during deploy, but do not modify the deployment

  --registry=registry     URL of alternate NPM registry to use

  --rootFile=rootFile     [default: index.tsx] Project description file to deploy (.ts or .tsx)

  --serverUrl=serverUrl   URL of Adapt server. Defaults to using local system.

  $ adapt update

  Update the deployment "myproj-dev-abcd", from the default project description file, "index.tsx":
       $ adapt deploy:update myproj-dev-abcd

  Update the deployment "myproj-dev-abcd", using the stack named "dev" from an alternate description file, 
       $ adapt deploy:update --rootFile somefile.tsx myproj-dev-abcd dev

See code: dist/src/commands/deploy/update.js

adapt help [COMMAND]

display help for adapt

  $ adapt help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

adapt project:new STARTER [DIRECTORY]

Create a new Adapt project

  $ adapt project:new STARTER [DIRECTORY]
  $ adapt project:new STARTER DIRECTORY [STARTER_ARGS...]

  STARTER    Adapt starter to use. May be the name of a starter from the starter gallery, a URL, a local file path, or
             most formats supported by npm.

  DIRECTORY  [default: .] Directory where the new project should be created. The directory will be created if it does
             not exist.

  -q, --quiet                                        Suppress status output messages. Still outputs any result output.

  --adaptVersion=adaptVersion                        [default: <adapt CLI version>] Attempt to select a starter that is
                                                     compatible with this version of Adapt. Must be a valid semver.

  --sshHostKeyCheck=yes|no|ask|accept-new|off|unset  [default: yes] Sets the ssh StrictHostKeyChecking option when using
                                                     the ssh protocol for fetching a starter from a remote git
                                                     repository. Defaults to 'yes' if OpenSSH is detected, 'unset'

  $ adapt new

  Create a new project into the directory './myproj' using the starter named 'blank' from the Adapt starter gallery:
       $ adapt project:new blank myproj

See code: dist/src/commands/project/new.js