Releases: underworldcode/stripy
Stripy v2.0
This release contains the following new features:
- Voronoi diagram (see Cartesian example and Spherical example)
- Interpolation / gradients / smoothing with spline tension (see Cartesian example and Spherical example)
- New elliptical equispaced mesh in cartesian_meshes
- Central area node weights for any mesh
- Efficient evaluation of second derivatives on a Cartesian mesh
- Better docstrings
- LGPLv3 license
- Other small bug fixes
This release is compatible with conda and can be installed by conda install -c underworldcode stripy
[Edit - version numbering fixed]
conda installation v1.0
This release is compatible with conda and can be installed by conda -c underworldcode stripy
but this is still only preliminary.
Workflow release testing
This should trigger twine/pypi and conda/ builds ... we will see.
Stripy 1.1.1
A minor release to remove the webdav dependency at build / test time.
Stripy version 1.1
- Interpolation, gradient, and derivative operations now support tensioned splines. Refer to API documentation on
. - Cartesian interpolation methods just got a lot faster due to a more comprehensive wrapping of Fortran routines.
method for interpolating data to a regular grid (Cartesian and spherical implementations)
Stripy 1.0.2 release
Fixes minor problems with PyPI installation
stripy 1.0.1
Stripy 1.0
Stripy has reached a production-ready milestone after having undergone a stringent review through the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). 1.0.x releases correspond to the reviewed version (with trivial bug-fixes) and include the files needed to build the publication itself.
The review process for JOSS is entirely open and is documented here and in the issue tracker for stripy.
Release notes 1.0.1
- Point increment for PYPI re-upload after errors
Release notes 1.0.0
- Testing suite implemented with
- API documentation with
- Updated and improved instructions to users, contributions guide, licensing etc.
- Separated out the litho1pt0 code.
- Minor bug fixes
stripy v0.7.0b release
Release to coincide with JOSS submission
Public release 1
Release 0.6.5 (beta) - fully functional version of stripy (including litho1pt0)
NOTE: This release is available on pypi as v 0.6.5
Stripy is - A Python interface to TRIPACK and STRIPACK Fortran code for (constrained) triangulation in Cartesian coordinates and on a sphere. Stripy is an object-oriented package and includes routines from SRFPACK and SSRFPACK for interpolation (nearest neighbor, linear and hermite cubic) and to evaluate derivatives (Renka 1996a,b and 1997a,b).
stripy is bundled with litho1pt0 which is a python interface to the crust 1.0 dataset and the lithospheric part of the litho 1.0 dataset (Laske et al, 2013 and Pasyanos et al, 2014) which both requires and demonstrates the triangulation / searching and interpolation on the sphere that is provided by stripy.
0.1.2 release
Fixes several bugs including the annoying 'error loading swpcom' grievance.
Other notable improvements include:
- Moving fortran packages underneath stripy
- Better documentation
- LGPL 3 license
The license only covers the python wrapper we have made to the fortran base code. The fortran code is covered by the ACM Software License Agreement detailed in COPYING in the top level directory.