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[{"id": "01-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the beginning", "text": "That is, \"the beginning of all things,\" before anything existed except God."}, {"ref": "created", "text": "This is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing."}, {"ref": "universe", "text": "This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things."}, {"ref": "earth", "text": "The word \"earth\" refers to the whole world that people live on."}, {"ref": "dark", "text": "It was completely dark. There was no light at all, since God had not yet created light."}, {"ref": "empty", "text": "God had not yet created anything except for the bare earth covered by water."}, {"ref": "nothing had been formed", "text": "There were no distinguishing features\u2013just water covering everything."}, {"ref": "God's Spirit", "text": "The Spirit of God, sometimes called the Holy Spirit, was present in the beginning, moving freely over the earth in order to create all that he had planned to do."}]}, {"id": "01-02", "tn": [{"ref": "God said", "text": "God created light by means of a simple verbal command."}, {"ref": "let there be", "text": "This is a command that happened immediately because it was spoken by God. It may be more natural to translate this as a statement of certainty that this would definitely happen. For example, you could translate this as, \"God said, 'There will be light.'\""}, {"ref": "light", "text": "This was a special light that God created\u2013the sun was not created until later."}, {"ref": "was good", "text": "This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose."}, {"ref": "creation", "text": "This word is used here to refer to the six-day period during which God made everything that exists."}]}, {"id": "01-03", "tn": [{"ref": "the second day", "text": "God's work of creation was orderly, purposeful, and sequential. The things he created each day built upon and depended on the acts of the previous days."}, {"ref": "God spoke", "text": "God created the sky by speaking a command."}, {"ref": "created", "text": "God made the sky out of nothing."}, {"ref": "sky", "text": "This term refers to all of the space above the earth, including the air we breathe and the heavens."}]}, {"id": "01-04", "tn": [{"ref": "third day", "text": "The next in the series of orderly days in which God prepared the earth for life."}, {"ref": "God spoke", "text": "God created the dry land by speaking a command."}, {"ref": "earth", "text": "This word is used here to refer to dirt or soil, which is what dry land is made of."}, {"ref": "created", "text": "This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing."}]}, {"id": "01-05", "tn": [{"ref": "God said", "text": "God created all vegetation by speaking a command."}, {"ref": "let the earth produce", "text": "This is a command that happened immediately because God spoke it."}, {"ref": "all kinds", "text": "The many different species, or types, of plants and trees."}, {"ref": "created", "text": "This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing."}, {"ref": "was good", "text": "This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose."}]}, {"id": "01-06", "tn": [{"ref": "the fourth day", "text": "The next in the orderly series of days in which God created."}, {"ref": "God spoke", "text": "God created the sun, moon, and stars by speaking a command."}, {"ref": "light", "text": "Shining objects in the sky now provided light for the earth."}, {"ref": "day and night, seasons and years", "text": "God created a different light to mark each portion of time from small to large, and set them to repeat continually until the end of time."}, {"ref": "created", "text": "This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing."}]}, {"id": "01-07", "tn": [{"ref": "the fifth day", "text": "God continues his orderly progression of creation that he started during the previous four days."}, {"ref": "God spoke", "text": "God created the birds and water creatures by speaking a command."}, {"ref": "everything that swims", "text": "God not only made fish, but every kind of living thing that lives in the waters. Every one exists because God chose to create it."}, {"ref": "all the birds", "text": "God did not make just one kind of bird, but all of the amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and kinds of birds."}, {"ref": "it was good", "text": "This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose."}, {"ref": "blessed them", "text": "God speaks his desire that they would prosper and that things would go well for them in the world in which he had placed them."}]}, {"id": "01-08", "tn": [{"ref": "the sixth day", "text": "The next event in a continuing, orderly progression of days and creative acts."}, {"ref": "God said", "text": "God's spoken word is the means by which the animals were created."}, {"ref": "all kinds", "text": "This indicates a great variety, but also order."}, {"ref": "land animals", "text": "Every kind of animal that lived on the land, as opposed to the birds, or animals that live in the seas."}, {"ref": "farm animals", "text": "The kinds of land animals that commonly live peacefully with people\u2013-as in tame, or domesticated animals."}, {"ref": "crawled on the ground", "text": "This probably includes reptiles, and possibly the insects."}, {"ref": "wild", "text": "The kinds of animals that do not normally live peacefully with people, usually because they are afraid of people, or dangerous to them."}, {"ref": "it was good", "text": "This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose."}]}, {"id": "01-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Let us", "text": "This indicates God's deliberate, willful decision to create man in a particular way for a particular purpose. You could translate this as, \"We will make.\""}, {"ref": "us\u2026our\u2026us", "text": "The Bible teaches that there is one God, but the Old Testament word \"God\" is a plural form, and God uses plural pronouns when speaking to himself. Some understand this as a special way of speaking that expresses God's majesty, and others understand this as God the Father speaking to the Son and the Spirit, who are all God."}, {"ref": "in our image", "text": "An image is a physical representation of someone or something. Humans were made in such a way that we display or represent some of the qualities or traits of God."}, {"ref": "like us", "text": "Humans share some of God's characteristics, but not all of his qualities. This phrase should be translated with words that show man is similar to God, but not equal with him or the same as he is."}, {"ref": "authority", "text": "God gave people the right and power to manage, guide, and control how the earth and the animals will be used."}]}, {"id": "01-10", "tn": [{"ref": "took some dirt", "text": "God made man from the dust, or dry dirt from the ground. This word should probably be different from the general word used for earth."}, {"ref": "formed it", "text": "This word expresses that God personally fashioned the man, comparing this to how a person creates something with his hands. Make sure that a different word from \"create\" is used. Note that this is very different from how he created everything else through a simple spoken command."}, {"ref": "a man", "text": "Only the man was created at this time; the woman was created later by a different method."}, {"ref": "breathed life", "text": "This phrase expresses God's very personal, intimate action as he transferred life from himself into Adam's body, comparing this to how a human being breathes out air."}, {"ref": "life", "text": "In this event, God breathed both physical and spiritual life into the man."}, {"ref": "Adam", "text": "Adam's name is the same as the Old Testament word for \"man,\" and similar to the word for \"dirt\" from which he was formed."}, {"ref": "garden", "text": "An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purpose\u2013usually to produce food or to provide beauty."}, {"ref": "care for it", "text": "To maintain the garden by tending, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, etc."}]}, {"id": "01-11", "tn": [{"ref": "in the middle", "text": "The central location emphasizes the importance of the two trees."}, {"ref": "garden", "text": "An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purpose\u2013usually to produce food or to provide beauty."}, {"ref": "tree of life", "text": "Anyone who ate fruit from this tree would never die."}, {"ref": "tree of knowledge of good and evil", "text": "The fruit of this tree could enable a person to know both good and evil."}, {"ref": "knowledge", "text": "To know or understand by personal experience."}, {"ref": "good and evil", "text": "Evil is the opposite of good. Just as \"good\" refers to what is pleasing to God, \"evil\" refers to everything that is not pleasing to God."}, {"ref": "die", "text": "In this instance, he would die both physically and spiritually."}]}, {"id": "01-12", "tn": [{"ref": "not good", "text": "This is the first time that anything in creation was not good. It means it was, \"not yet good\" because God was not finished with the creation of humans."}, {"ref": "alone", "text": "Adam was the only human, with no possibility of a relationship with another person, and unable to reproduce children and multiply."}, {"ref": "Adam's helper", "text": "There was no one who was similar enough to Adam to join with him to accomplish the task that God gave to him. None of the animals could do this."}]}, {"id": "01-13", "tn": [{"ref": "a deep sleep", "text": "This was a deeper sleep than normal."}, {"ref": "took one of Adam's ribs and made", "text": "The verbs indicate God's very personal act of removing the rib from Adam and shaping it into a woman."}, {"ref": "a woman", "text": "She was the first woman, the female version of human beings that was missing until now."}, {"ref": "brought her to him", "text": "God personally introduced them. He presented the woman to Adam, almost like offering a special gift."}]}, {"id": "01-14", "tn": [{"ref": "At last!", "text": "Adam's exclamation indicates that he had been waiting for something like the woman."}, {"ref": "like me", "text": "The woman was the same type of being as Adam, even though there were important differences between them."}, {"ref": "Woman", "text": "This word is the feminine form of the word for man."}, {"ref": "made from man", "text": "The woman was formed directly from Adam's own body."}, {"ref": "a man leaves", "text": "This is stated in the present tense to indicate what would become the normal situation in the future. Adam did not have a mother or father, but all other men would."}, {"ref": "becomes one", "text": "The husband and wife will share an intimate bond of unity and a commitment to one another that will surpass their relationships to anyone else."}]}, {"id": "01-15", "tn": [{"ref": "God made", "text": "God formed the man and the woman in a very personal way."}, {"ref": "in his own image", "text": "An image is a physical representation of someone or something. God made people to display or represent some of his qualities and traits, but not to be equal to him."}, {"ref": "very good", "text": "More intense than the, \"it was good\" statements on previous days. \"Very good\" refers to all of creation, not just the man and the woman. Everything was exactly as God intended it to be."}, {"ref": "creation", "text": "The six-day period during which God made everything that exists."}]}, {"id": "01-16", "tn": [{"ref": "the seventh day", "text": "The next day after the six days of creation were completed."}, {"ref": "finished his work", "text": "Specifically, God finished the work of creation. He still performs other work."}, {"ref": "God rested", "text": "God \"rested\" in the sense that he stopped working because creation was complete. God was not tired, or unable to continue."}, {"ref": "blessed the seventh day", "text": "God had a special, positive plan for the seventh day, and for every seventh day to follow."}, {"ref": "made it holy", "text": "That is, God \"set apart\" the day as a special day. It was not to be used in the same way as the other six days of the week."}, {"ref": "the universe", "text": "This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things."}]}, {"id": "02-01", "tn": [{"ref": "garden", "text": "A special collection of trees and plants that God prepared for Adam and Eve to enjoy and from which to eat. This should be the same word that was used in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:01-11|[01-11]]]</b>. See how you translated it there."}, {"ref": "talked with God", "text": "The word for \"talk\" should be the same as would be used to refer to talking to a human being. God may have taken a physical form to talk to the man and the woman since the text indicates that they talked to him face-to-face."}, {"ref": "shame", "text": "The feeling that comes with knowing we have sinned or that we fall short in some way."}]}, {"id": "02-02", "tn": [{"ref": "crafty", "text": "Clever and sly, with the intent to deceive."}, {"ref": "snake", "text": "An elongated, legless land creature that now moves by wiggling on its belly. Although later on in the story it is revealed that the snake is Satan, this should not be said here in this frame."}, {"ref": "Did God really tell you", "text": "The snake asked the woman whether God actually said not to eat from any of the trees in the garden. But he was only pretending that he didn't know what God had said because he wanted to create doubt in the woman's mind. He wanted her to question God's goodness."}, {"ref": "fruit of any of the trees", "text": "All of the various types of fruit from each of the different trees in the garden."}]}, {"id": "02-03", "tn": [{"ref": "fruit", "text": "We don't know what kind of fruit this was. We only know that it grew on this tree. If possible it is best to use a general word for fruit here, and not a word for a specific kind of fruit."}, {"ref": "tree of the knowledge of good and evil", "text": "The woman correctly understood that they were not allowed to eat from this one tree that would enable them to understand evil as well as good."}, {"ref": "you will die", "text": "Use your ordinary word for death, for a person's physical life to end. Don't avoid the term just because the thought of death sounds too harsh."}]}, {"id": "02-04", "tn": [{"ref": "like God", "text": "The man and the woman were already made in the likeness of God. The snake is suggesting that the woman would be more like God if she understood evil. However, God never intended for her to have this knowledge."}, {"ref": "understand good and evil", "text": "To know from personal experience what things are good and what things are bad, or being able to know whether something is good or bad."}]}, {"id": "02-05", "tn": [{"ref": "wise", "text": "The woman wanted to have insight and understanding like the snake seemed to have, and like God has."}, {"ref": "who was with her", "text": "This is important information because it shows that the man was present when the woman made the decision to eat the fruit."}]}, {"id": "02-06", "tn": [{"ref": "their eyes were opened", "text": "This could be translated as, \"they saw things differently.\" This expression means they now understood something for the first time. In your language, there may be an expression with similar meaning that you could use to translate this."}, {"ref": "realized they were naked", "text": "After the man and the woman disobeyed God, they felt ashamed that they were naked. That is why they used leaves to try to cover their naked bodies."}, {"ref": "cover their bodies", "text": "The man and the woman attempted to use leaves to hide themselves from God."}]}, {"id": "02-07", "tn": [{"ref": "God walking", "text": "It seems that God regularly came to the garden to walk and talk with the man and the woman. We do not know what this looked like. If it is possible, it is best to use the same word that would be used to talk about a person walking."}, {"ref": "Where are you?", "text": "God already knew the answer to this question. The purpose of the question was to force the man and the woman to explain why they were hiding."}]}, {"id": "02-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Who told you that you were naked?", "text": "Or, \"How did you find out that you were naked?\" God already knows the answer to all of his questions. By asking this question and the following question, he was giving Adam the opportunity to admit his sin of disobedience. Being naked was not a sin. God created them that way. Their knowledge of their nakedness was the problem. Their shame showed that they had sinned."}, {"ref": "she gave me the fruit", "text": "The man blamed the woman rather than confessing his disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God."}, {"ref": "What have you done?", "text": "Or, \"Why have you done this?\" God already knew the answer to this question. By asking this question, he was giving the woman the opportunity to admit her guilt. He was also implying that she should not have done what she did."}, {"ref": "The snake tricked me", "text": "The snake deceived or misled her. He lied to her. Don't use a word that indicates that he cast a spell on her or bewitched her. The woman blamed the snake rather than confessing her disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God."}]}, {"id": "02-09", "tn": [{"ref": "you are cursed", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"I curse you\" or, \"Great harm will come to you.\" Do not use a word that implies magic."}, {"ref": "hate each other", "text": "The woman would hate the snake and the snake would hate the woman. The women's descendants would also hate the snake's descendants, and the snake's descendants would hate them."}, {"ref": "woman's descendant", "text": "Refers to one of her descendants in particular."}, {"ref": "crush your head", "text": "The descendant of the woman will destroy the descendant of the snake."}, {"ref": "wound his heel", "text": "The descendant of the snake will wound the descendant of the woman."}]}, {"id": "02-10", "tn": [{"ref": "childbirth very painful", "text": "Some languages may need to express this as a verb. You could say, \"I will cause you to have much more pain when you give birth to children.\""}]}, {"id": "02-11", "tn": [{"ref": "ground is cursed", "text": "As punishment for Adam's disobedience, the earth would no longer be fruitful. Adam would have to work very hard to raise enough food to eat."}, {"ref": "you will die", "text": "The ultimate punishment for their disobedience was death. Spiritual death is our separation from God. Physical death is our separation from our body."}, {"ref": "return to dirt", "text": "God created Adam from the dirt or soil and gave him life. As a result of sin, his life will be taken from him and his body will decompose and become dirt again."}, {"ref": "Eve, which means 'life-giver'", "text": "God gave life to Adam and Eve, and it is passed on to every person through childbirth."}, {"ref": "mother of all people", "text": "This means that she would be the female ancestor of all people. Some languages say \"she would be the grandmother of all people.\""}]}, {"id": "02-12", "tn": [{"ref": "like us by knowing good and evil", "text": "Here, this phrase points to a new way that Adam and Eve would be like God. Because they had sinned, they were aware of evil and could experience it. You could say, \"because now they knew both good and evil.\""}, {"ref": "fruit", "text": "The specific kind of fruit is not revealed, so it is best to translate this using a general word for fruit."}, {"ref": "tree of life", "text": "This was an actual tree with fruit. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:01-11|[01-11]]]</b>. If a person ate this fruit he would live continually and never die."}]}, {"id": "03-01", "tn": [{"ref": "After a long time", "text": "This story happens many generations (hundreds of years) after creation."}, {"ref": "very wicked and violent", "text": "It may be more natural to say, \"had become wicked and did violent things\"."}, {"ref": "It became so bad", "text": "It may be clearer to say, \"People were behaving in such harmful and evil ways that God.\""}, {"ref": "God decided to destroy", "text": "This does not mean that the earth would be destroyed completely. Rather God planned to destroy all the people who had rebelled against him and who had caused such evil and violence. This flood would also kill all the land animals and the birds."}, {"ref": "huge flood", "text": "Very deep water that would cover the earth, even in places where the ground was normally dry, and even covering the tops of the highest mountains."}]}, {"id": "03-02", "tn": [{"ref": "found favor", "text": "God was pleased with Noah because he feared and obeyed God. So even though Noah was not sinless, God was gracious to him and made a plan to rescue his family from the devastating flood. Make sure this doesn't sound like Noah was lucky or that he just happened to escape. Rather, it was God's choice."}, {"ref": "the flood", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:03-01|[03-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "planning to send", "text": "God planned to cause deep water to cover the earth by sending a lot of rain. That is, he planned to cause the flood by causing a lot of rain to fall."}]}, {"id": "03-03", "tn": [{"ref": "the boat", "text": "The boat was big enough to carry eight people, two of every kind of animal, and their provisions for almost a year."}]}, {"id": "03-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Noah warned", "text": "Noah told everyone that God planned to destroy the world because of sin."}, {"ref": "turn to God", "text": "This means that they should stop sinning and start obeying God."}]}, {"id": "03-05", "tn": []}, {"id": "03-06", "tn": [{"ref": "God sent", "text": "Noah did not need to find the animals. God sent them to him."}, {"ref": "used for sacrifices", "text": "For some languages it may be better to say something like, \"animals that were acceptable to sacrifice to God.\" God had decided that people should sacrifice animals to him, but he only permitted them to sacrifice certain kinds of animals."}, {"ref": "God himself closed the door", "text": "This emphasizes that it was God who shut the door."}]}, {"id": "03-07", "tn": [{"ref": "rain, and rain, and rain", "text": "This emphasizes that there was an unusual, extreme amount of rain. Other languages may have a different way of emphasizing this."}, {"ref": "gushing", "text": "This indicates that there was a large amount of water coming out."}, {"ref": "whole world was covered", "text": "This refers to all the earth being covered with water from the flood."}]}, {"id": "03-08", "tn": []}, {"id": "03-09", "tn": [{"ref": "the rains stopped", "text": "This could be translated as, \"it stopped raining.\""}, {"ref": "boat rested", "text": "There was so much water from the rain that it covered the mountains. The ship floated over the mountains, and when the water started to go down, the ship went down with the water and settled on a mountain."}, {"ref": "three more months", "text": "During the next three months, the water continued to go down."}, {"ref": "mountains were visible", "text": "Other ways to translate this would be, \"were showing\" or, \"appeared\" or, \"could be seen.\" It may be more clear to say, \"After three months, the water had gone down enough so that Noah and his family could clearly see the tops of the mountains."}]}, {"id": "03-10", "tn": [{"ref": "raven", "text": "A black bird that flies and eats a variety of plant and animal foods, including the rotting flesh of dead animals."}]}, {"id": "03-11", "tn": [{"ref": "dove", "text": "A small, white or gray flying bird that eats seeds or fruit."}, {"ref": "olive branch", "text": "An olive tree's fruit contains oil which people use for cooking or putting on their skin. If your language does not have a word for \"olive branch,\" you could translate it as, \"branch from a tree called 'olive'\" or, \"branch from an oil-tree.\""}, {"ref": "water was going down", "text": "It may be more natural in your language to say that, \"the water was going away\" or, \"the level of the water was getting lower.\""}]}, {"id": "03-12", "tn": [{"ref": "waited another week", "text": "You could say, \"waited seven more days.\" The word \"waited\" shows that Noah was allowing time for the floodwaters to go down before sending out the dove again."}]}, {"id": "03-13", "tn": [{"ref": "Two months later", "text": "This means two months after Noah released the dove from the ark. It may be necessary to say this explicitly if it is not clear."}, {"ref": "Have many children", "text": "To make sure it is clear that this was God's command and desire, you could say, \"You must have many children.\" or, \"I want you to have many children.\""}, {"ref": "fill the earth", "text": "If this is not clear, it may be necessary to say, \"and fill the earth with people\" or, \"so that there will be many people living on the earth.\""}]}, {"id": "03-14", "tn": [{"ref": "animal that could be used for a sacrifice", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"that people could use to sacrifice to him.\""}, {"ref": "God was happy", "text": "God was pleased with Noah for sacrificing these animals."}]}, {"id": "03-15", "tn": [{"ref": "never again", "text": "This means, \"not ever again\" or, \"not again at any time\" or, \"truly not again\". Examples: \"I will not ever again curse the ground\" or, \"I will not curse the ground again at any time\" or, \"I will truly not curse the ground again\"."}, {"ref": "curse the ground", "text": "The earth and the other creatures suffered because of man's sin."}, {"ref": "the world", "text": "This refers to the earth and the living creatures that lived on it."}, {"ref": "people are sinful from the time they are children", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"people do sinful things their entire lives.\""}]}, {"id": "03-16", "tn": [{"ref": "rainbow", "text": "This is the multicolored arc of light that often appears in the sky after a rainstorm."}, {"ref": "a sign", "text": "A sign is something (such as an object or event) that gives a certain meaning or which points to something that is true or will happen."}, {"ref": "as a sign of his promise", "text": "In some languages it may be better to say, \"to show that he had promised.\""}, {"ref": "Every time", "text": "Make sure it is clear that this means every time a rainbow appeared from that time on. It may be necessary to add, \"From then on, every time.\""}, {"ref": "what he promised", "text": "This refers back to the previous frame in which God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood."}]}, {"id": "04-01", "tn": [{"ref": "many years after the flood", "text": "Many generations had passed since the end of the flood."}, {"ref": "again many people", "text": "Noah's family multiplied into enough people to fill a city."}, {"ref": "same language", "text": "This means there was only one language, so they could all understand each other."}, {"ref": "a city", "text": "It is best to use a general word for \"city\" since the text does not give a specific name."}]}, {"id": "04-02", "tn": [{"ref": "tall tower to reach heaven", "text": "This structure was so tall that its top would be in the sky."}, {"ref": "heaven", "text": "This could be translated as, \"sky.\""}]}, {"id": "04-03", "tn": [{"ref": "changed their language", "text": "In an instant, God miraculously gave them different languages to speak so that suddenly they were no longer able to understand each other."}, {"ref": "many different languages", "text": "Instead of one large group of people speaking one language, there were now many smaller people groups each speaking its own separate language."}, {"ref": "spread the people", "text": "When God changed their languages, he caused these groups of people to scatter out on the earth and each group moved to its own area."}, {"ref": "Babel", "text": "We don't know the exact location of this city, other than it was somewhere in the ancient Middle East."}, {"ref": "confused", "text": "This refers to how the people were confused or, \"mixed-up\" when they could no longer understand each other after God changed their language."}]}, {"id": "04-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Hundreds of years later", "text": "This could be translated as, \"many generations after the people split into different language groups at Babel.\" or, \"a long time after that happened.\""}, {"ref": "Leave your country", "text": "This refers to the area where Abram was born and grew up (a region in Central Asia called \"Ur\"). It could be translated as, \"native region\" or, \"homeland\" or something similar."}, {"ref": "and family", "text": "God was calling Abram to leave behind most of his relatives. However, God was not telling Abram to abandon the people he was responsible for, including his wife."}, {"ref": "make you a great nation", "text": "God would cause Abram to have many descendants, and they would become a large and important nation or country."}, {"ref": "make your name great", "text": "This means that Abram's name and family would become well-known throughout the world and people would think well of them."}, {"ref": "all families on earth", "text": "Abram's decision to follow God would affect not only his own family, but also families from every people group on earth."}]}, {"id": "04-05", "tn": [{"ref": "He took", "text": "Some languages would say, \"He brought\" here. Others would use two different verbs here, such as, \"He caused his wife to come with him\" and, \"He brought along all of their servants and possessions.\""}, {"ref": "God showed him", "text": "Somehow God made it clear to Abram where he was to go. The text doesn't tell how God showed him."}, {"ref": "land of Canaan", "text": "The name of this land was \"Canaan\". This could be translated, \"the land called Canaan.\""}]}, {"id": "04-06", "tn": [{"ref": "all the land that you can see", "text": "If Abram was standing on a mountain, he could have seen a very large area. On several occasions God promised to give the entire land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants."}, {"ref": "as an inheritance", "text": "God promised to give land to Abram and his descendants as a father gives land and possessions to his children."}, {"ref": "Then Abram settled in the land", "text": "Abram lived there along with all those who had gone there with him."}]}, {"id": "04-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Melchizedek", "text": "Melchizedek was the recognized religious authority in Canaan who received and presented offerings to God."}, {"ref": "God Most High", "text": "The people of Canaan worshiped many false gods. The title, \"Most High God\" explains that the God that Melchizedek worshiped was far superior to all of them, and was the same God that Abram worshiped."}]}, {"id": "04-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Many years", "text": "Several years had passed since God had first promised that Abram would have a son."}, {"ref": "as the stars in the sky", "text": "This expression means that Abram's descendants will be so many that no one can count them all."}]}, {"id": "04-09", "tn": [{"ref": "two parties", "text": "The parties could be two people, two groups of people, or a person and a group of people. In this case the agreement was between God and Abram."}, {"ref": "from your own body", "text": "With his own body Abram would cause his wife to become pregnant, so that together they would have their own, natural son. This was an amazing promise, since Abram and Sarai were very old."}, {"ref": "did not have a son", "text": "Abram still did not have any descendants who could possess the land."}]}, {"id": "05-01", "tn": [{"ref": "still did not have a child", "text": "Without a child, Abram had no descendants to become a great nation."}, {"ref": "Marry her also", "text": "Abram would take Hagar as a second wife, but Hagar would not have the full status of a wife as Sarai did. She was still Sarai's servant."}, {"ref": "have a child for me", "text": "Since Hagar was Sarai's servant, Sarai would be considered the mother of any children that Hagar bore."}]}, {"id": "05-02", "tn": [{"ref": "married", "text": "Hagar became Abram's concubine\u2013a \"second wife\" of lower status. Hagar was still Sarai's servant."}, {"ref": "became jealous of Hagar", "text": "Sarai was jealous of Hagar because Hagar could have children and Sarai could not."}]}, {"id": "05-03", "tn": [{"ref": "father of many nations", "text": "Abram would have many descendants, and they would have their own lands and rule themselves. They and others would remember that Abram was their ancestor and would honor him."}, {"ref": "I will be their God", "text": "Another way to say this is, \"I will be the God that they will worship.\""}, {"ref": "every male in your family", "text": "This could be translated as, \"every boy and man in your family.\" This included Abram's servants and his descendants."}]}, {"id": "05-04", "tn": [{"ref": "son of promise", "text": "Isaac would be the son that God promised to Sarai and Abram. He would also be the son that God would use to give Abram many descendants."}, {"ref": "I will make my covenant with him", "text": "This would be the same covenant that God made with Abram."}, {"ref": "father of many", "text": "As God had promised, Abraham would become the ancestor of many people who would even become many nations."}, {"ref": "princess", "text": "A princess is a daughter of a king. The names Sarai and Sarah apparently both meant \"princess.\" But God changed her name to signify that she would be the mother of many nations, and some of her descendants would be kings."}]}, {"id": "05-05", "tn": [{"ref": "all the males in his household", "text": "This means all of the men and boys that Abraham was responsible for, including his male servants, young and old."}]}, {"id": "05-06", "tn": [{"ref": "God tested Abraham's faith", "text": "God wanted Abraham to show that he was completely submitted to God, that he would obey whatever God told him to do."}, {"ref": "kill him", "text": "God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God."}, {"ref": "prepared to sacrifice", "text": "Abraham got ready to sacrifice his son. God stopped him before he killed his son."}]}, {"id": "05-07", "tn": [{"ref": "walked to the place of sacrifice", "text": "God had told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on a special high hill that was about three days' walk from where they lived."}, {"ref": "wood for the sacrifice", "text": "For a sacrifice, normally the lamb was killed and then placed on top of wood so that the wood and the lamb could be burned up with fire."}, {"ref": "the lamb", "text": "A young sheep or goat would be the normal animal for a sacrifice."}, {"ref": "provide", "text": "Abraham may have believed that Isaac was the \"lamb\" that God provided, although God fulfilled Abraham's words by providing a ram to sacrifice in Isaac's place."}]}, {"id": "05-08", "tn": [{"ref": "kill his son", "text": "God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God."}, {"ref": "Stop! Do no hurt the boy!", "text": "God protected Isaac and kept Abraham from killing him."}, {"ref": "you fear me", "text": "Abraham feared God, which included respect and reverence for God. Because of those things, he obeyed God."}, {"ref": "your only son", "text": "Ishmael was also Abraham's son, but Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. God's covenant was with Isaac and it was through Isaac that God would fulfill his promise."}]}, {"id": "05-09", "tn": [{"ref": "a ram", "text": "A ram is a male goat. Goats were one of the animals that people could sacrifice to God."}, {"ref": "God had provided the ram", "text": "Just at the right moment, God caused the ram to be stuck in the bush."}]}, {"id": "05-10", "tn": [{"ref": "your only son", "text": "See explanation in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:05-08|[05-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "the stars in the sky", "text": "See explanation in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:04-08|[04-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "all the families of the world", "text": "Here, \"families\" refers to the larger distinct groups of people on earth, rather than to each set of parents and children."}, {"ref": "blessed through your family", "text": "Here, \"family\" refers to the many descendants that Abraham would have. The future generations of the world would be blessed through Abraham's descendants. The greatest blessing would come many generations later through God's chosen servant, the Messiah."}]}, {"id": "06-01", "tn": [{"ref": "sent one of his servants back", "text": "This could be translated as, \"told one of his servants to go back.\" The word \"back\" means that the servant would be going to the same place where Abraham used to live long ago before he came to Canaan. Make sure the translation of this phrase makes that clear."}, {"ref": "to the land", "text": "This land was east of where Abraham was now living."}, {"ref": "to bring back a wife for his son, Isaac", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to bring back an unmarried woman for his son, Isaac, to marry\"."}]}, {"id": "06-02", "tn": [{"ref": "granddaughter of Abraham's brother", "text": "Specifically, she was the daughter of Abraham's brother's son. Her grandfather was Abraham's brother."}]}, {"id": "06-03", "tn": [{"ref": "Rebekah agreed", "text": "Even though Rebekah's parents were arranging her marriage, they did not force her to go marry Isaac."}]}, {"id": "06-04", "tn": [{"ref": "the promises \u2026 were passed on", "text": "The promises of the covenant that God made with Abraham were not for him only, but also for his descendants."}, {"ref": "countless", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"very many.\" The word \"countless\" means there would be so many descendants that people would not be able to count them."}]}, {"id": "06-05", "tn": [{"ref": "in Rebekah's womb", "text": "That is, \"inside her.\""}]}, {"id": "06-06", "tn": [{"ref": "from the two sons", "text": "That is, \"from the descendants of the two sons.\""}, {"ref": "They will struggle with each other", "text": "Both the two sons and the nations that will come from them will continually fight with each other. Compare to <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-05|[06-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "the older son", "text": "Even though the babies were twins, the baby that came out first would be treated as the older son."}, {"ref": "serve the younger one", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the older son will have to do what the younger one tells him to do.\""}]}, {"id": "06-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Rebekah's babies were born", "text": "Some languages have a more indirect way of saying this such as, \"when Rebekah saw and took them\" or, \"when Rebekah brought them to light.\""}, {"ref": "the older son \u2026 the younger son", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the first son to come out \u2026 the second son to come out.\" Make sure that the way \"older\" and \"younger\" are translated still communicates that the boys were twins."}, {"ref": "red", "text": "This may mean that his skin was very red or that the hair on his body was red."}, {"ref": "hairy", "text": "Esau had a lot of hair on his body. You could say, \"the older son's body was red, with lots of hair.\""}]}, {"id": "07-01", "tn": [{"ref": "loved to stay at home \u2026 loved to hunt", "text": "Some languages will use a word for \"love\" here that is different from the one used for, \"Rebekah loved Jacob.\" For example, this could be translated as, \"liked to stay at home \u2026 liked to hunt\" or, \"preferred to stay at home \u2026 preferred to hunt.\""}, {"ref": "at home", "text": "This expression refers to the area around the family dwellings. Jacob preferred to stay close to the tents where they lived. Some languages have a special expression for, \"at home.\""}, {"ref": "Rebekah loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Rebekah was more fond of Jacob, and Isaac was more fond of Esau.\" This does not necessarily mean that Rebekah and Isaac did not love the other son, but that each parent had a favorite."}]}, {"id": "07-02", "tn": [{"ref": "give me some of the food \u2026 give me your rights", "text": "Some languages may prefer to use two different words for \"give\" here. This would also apply to, \"Esau gave \u2026 Jacob gave\" in the last two sentences."}, {"ref": "rights as the oldest son", "text": "According to their custom, since Esau was the oldest son, he should have been the one to receive twice as much of their father's wealth when their father died. Jacob thought of a way to take these rights of the oldest son from Esau."}]}, {"id": "07-03", "tn": [{"ref": "give his blessing", "text": "It was customary for fathers to formally express their desire for good things to happen to their children. Normally the older son received the best promise. Isaac wanted this extra prosperity to happen to Esau."}, {"ref": "tricked him", "text": "The word \"trick\" means to do something to deliberately deceive someone. Rebekah came up with a plan to deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the special blessing instead of Esau."}, {"ref": "pretend", "text": "The word \"pretend\" shows how Jacob would deceive his father (who had very poor eyesight in his old age)."}, {"ref": "goatskins", "text": "The hairiness of the goatskins would make Jacob feel like Esau."}]}, {"id": "07-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Jacob came to Isaac", "text": "In some languages it might be more natural to say, \"Jacob went to Isaac.\""}, {"ref": "he thought it was Esau", "text": "He thought that the person he was touching and smelling was Esau."}]}, {"id": "07-05", "tn": [{"ref": "rights as oldest son", "text": "Jacob found a way to get the larger portion of their father's wealth that should have gone to Esau as the older son. See also note on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-02|[07-02]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "his blessing", "text": "Jacob also tricked their father into giving him the promise of extra prosperity that Isaac intended to give to Esau. See also note on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-03|[07-03]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "07-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Esau's plan", "text": "Esau's plan was to kill Jacob after his father died."}, {"ref": "she and Isaac sent Jacob", "text": "Rebekah wanted to protect Jacob from Esau so she talked to Isaac about sending Jacob away."}, {"ref": "far away to live with her relatives", "text": "This was the same place where Rebekah was living when Abraham's servant got her to be Isaac's wife. To make this clear, you could add, \"relatives in the same land where she used to live.\" The land was to the east, several hundred miles away."}, {"ref": "her relatives", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"their relatives.\" Since Abraham's brother was Rebekah's grandfather, her relatives were also Isaac's relatives."}]}, {"id": "07-07", "tn": [{"ref": "wealthy", "text": "This included money, large herds of animals and other possessions."}]}, {"id": "07-08", "tn": [{"ref": "after twenty years", "text": "Jacob had lived for twenty years in the land where his mother was from. If that is not clear you could say, \"After twenty years living in the land where his relatives were.\""}]}, {"id": "07-09", "tn": [{"ref": "your servant, Jacob", "text": "Jacob was not actually Esau's servant. But Jacob told his servants to say this because he wanted to show Esau that he was coming to him humbly and respectfully, so that Esau would no longer be angry with him."}]}, {"id": "07-10", "tn": [{"ref": "lived peacefully", "text": "This refers to the fact that Esau and Jacob were not angry at each other and did not fight with each other."}, {"ref": "buried him", "text": "This could mean that they dug a hole in the ground, placed Isaac's body in it, and covered the hole with dirt or stones. Or it could mean that they placed Isaac's body in a cave and covered the opening."}, {"ref": "covenant promises", "text": "These were the promises that God made in his covenant with Abraham."}, {"ref": "passed on from Isaac to Jacob", "text": "The promises went from Abraham to his son Isaac, and now to Isaac's son Jacob. Esau did not receive the promises. See also <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-04|[06-04]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "08-01", "tn": [{"ref": "sent", "text": "This word means that Jacob told Joseph to go and Joseph went."}, {"ref": "favorite son", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the son he loved more than any of his other children.\""}, {"ref": "check on", "text": "This means that Joseph is to go and see if everything is all right with his brothers. Some languages might say something like, \"to see his brothers' well-being.\""}, {"ref": "brothers", "text": "These were Joseph's older brothers."}, {"ref": "taking care of the herds", "text": "Since this was several days' journey away, it may be necessary to say, \"who were far away taking care of.\""}]}, {"id": "08-02", "tn": [{"ref": "came to his brothers", "text": "Another way this could be translated is, \"reached the place where his brothers were.\""}, {"ref": "kidnapped", "text": "They took him against his will. It was not right for them to do this."}, {"ref": "slave traders", "text": "These were people who made a business of buying people from one owner and selling them as slaves to another owner."}]}, {"id": "08-03", "tn": [{"ref": "goat's blood", "text": "The brothers wanted Jacob to think that the blood on the clothes was Joseph's blood."}]}, {"id": "08-04", "tn": [{"ref": "government official", "text": "This was a person who was part of the Egyptian government. Another way to say this would be, \"a leader in Egypt's government.\""}]}, {"id": "08-05", "tn": [{"ref": "tried to sleep with Joseph", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"tried to seduce Joseph to have sex with her.\" To \"sleep with\" is a way of expressing this in order not to be crude or offensive."}, {"ref": "sin against God", "text": "It is against God's law for people to have sex if they are not married to each other. Joseph did not want to sin by disobeying God's law."}, {"ref": "remained faithful to God", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"continued to obey God.\""}]}, {"id": "08-06", "tn": [{"ref": "disturbed him greatly", "text": "This means that the king felt very afraid and confused (because of what he had seen in the dreams)."}, {"ref": "his advisors", "text": "These were men with special powers and knowledge who could sometimes tell what dreams meant. Some translations refer to them as, \"wise men.\""}, {"ref": "meaning of the dreams", "text": "People in Egypt believed that dreams were messages from the gods telling them about what would happen in the future. God used Pharaoh's dreams to tell him what would happen."}]}, {"id": "08-07", "tn": [{"ref": "interpret dreams", "text": "To \"interpret\" is to tell what something means. So Joseph was able to tell people what their dreams meant."}, {"ref": "had Joseph brought to him", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"ordered his servants to bring Joseph to him.\""}, {"ref": "God is going to send", "text": "God will cause the crops to grow well for seven years, and after that He will cause them to produce very little food so that the people and animals will not have enough to eat."}, {"ref": "famine", "text": "The gardens and fields would produce so little food that people and animals would not have enough to eat."}]}, {"id": "08-08", "tn": [{"ref": "impressed with", "text": "Pharaoh was amazed by Joseph's wisdom and felt respect for him; he trusted Joseph to make wise decisions that would benefit the people. It may be clearer to say, \"impressed with Joseph's wisdom.\""}, {"ref": "second most powerful man", "text": "Pharaoh made Joseph a very powerful and important ruler over all of Egypt. Only Pharaoh was more powerful and important than Joseph."}]}, {"id": "08-09", "tn": [{"ref": "store up large amounts of food", "text": "They took food from the abundant harvests to the cities and stored it there. The food then belonged to Pharaoh."}, {"ref": "famine", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:08-07|[08-07]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "08-10", "tn": [{"ref": "Egypt, but also Canaan", "text": "For some languages it may be clearer or more natural to say, \"the country of Egypt, but also the land of Canaan.\""}, {"ref": "The famine was severe", "text": "The famine was very bad. There was very little food and many people outside of Egypt were starving."}]}, {"id": "08-11", "tn": [{"ref": "his older sons", "text": "These were Joseph's older brothers who had sold him into slavery."}, {"ref": "did not recognize Joseph", "text": "They did not know that the man was Joseph, because now Joseph was much older than when they last saw him, and he was dressed as an Egyptian ruler."}]}, {"id": "08-12", "tn": [{"ref": "testing his brothers", "text": "Joseph placed his older brothers in a difficult situation to see if they would protect their youngest brother, or treat him as badly as they had treated Joseph. When they protected their youngest brother, Joseph knew they had changed."}, {"ref": "if they had changed", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"if they were different than they used to be.\" Years ago Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph wanted to find out if they would now do what was right."}, {"ref": "do not be afraid", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"You do not need to fear any punishment from me.\" Joseph's brothers were afraid because they had greatly wronged Joseph and now as a great ruler he had the power to punish them. Joseph could refuse to sell them food, or even put them in prison or kill them."}, {"ref": "evil for good", "text": "Joseph's brothers did an evil thing when they sold Joseph as a slave and he was taken to Egypt. But God allowed this so that Joseph could save thousands of people from starving during the famine, including his own family. This was a very good thing."}]}, {"id": "08-13", "tn": []}, {"id": "08-14", "tn": [{"ref": "Even though Jacob was an old man, he moved to Egypt", "text": "Egypt was a great distance away from Canaan, and it would have been difficult for an elderly man to walk or ride a cart that far."}, {"ref": "Before Jacob died", "text": "Jacob died in Egypt. He did not get to return to Canaan, the land God had promised to give to him and his descendants."}]}, {"id": "08-15", "tn": [{"ref": "covenant promises", "text": "Long ago God made an agreement with Abraham and promised him that he would give him many descendants; they would possess the land of Canaan and become a great nation. God also promised that all peoples would be blessed through Abraham's line. See also <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-10|[07-10]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "passed on to", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"passed down to\" or, \"given to\" or, \"applied to.\" God's promise to Abraham was also for Abraham's children, grandchildren and all the rest of his descendants. See also <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-04|[06-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "twelve tribes of Israel", "text": "God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their descendants would become a great nation. God later changed Jacob's name to Israel. The descendants of Jacob's 12 sons became 12 great tribes. These 12 tribes made up the ancient nation called Israel, which was named by Jacob's new name."}]}, {"id": "09-01", "tn": [{"ref": "called the Israelites", "text": "The people group that descended from Jacob was called \"Israel,\" which is the name that God gave to Jacob. The people from that group were called \"Israelites.\""}]}, {"id": "09-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Pharaoh", "text": "\"Pharaoh\" is an Egyptian word that refers to their king. This Pharaoh was probably the son of a former Pharaoh who had died, who may have been a descendant of the Pharaoh that Joseph knew."}, {"ref": "made the Israelites slaves", "text": "That is, \"forced the Israelites to do hard labor against their will and treated them very harshly.\""}]}, {"id": "09-03", "tn": [{"ref": "miserable", "text": "This means that they suffered terribly because of how harshly they were treated and how hard they were forced to work. They also felt very discouraged."}, {"ref": "God blessed them", "text": "God took care of them, helping them endure the severe treatment and even caused them to become more numerous by giving them children."}]}, {"id": "09-04", "tn": [{"ref": "saw", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"realized\" or, \"knew.\""}]}, {"id": "09-05", "tn": [{"ref": "as long as they could", "text": "They hid the baby from the Egyptians until it became too difficult to keep him safely hidden in their home."}]}, {"id": "09-06", "tn": []}, {"id": "09-07", "tn": [{"ref": "took him as her own son", "text": "She was a princess. When she made him her son, he became a prince of Egypt."}, {"ref": "to nurse him", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"to breastfeed him.\""}]}, {"id": "09-08", "tn": [{"ref": "grown up", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"grown into a man.\""}, {"ref": "fellow Israelite", "text": "This phrase refers to the Israelite slave. The word \"fellow\" here indicates that Moses was also an Israelite. Although the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh raised Moses, Moses remembered that he was really an Israelite."}]}, {"id": "09-09", "tn": []}, {"id": "09-10", "tn": [{"ref": "wilderness", "text": "The wilderness was a large area that was rocky and dry. The land there was not good for growing food and few people lived there."}]}, {"id": "09-11", "tn": [{"ref": "wilderness", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:09-10|[09-10]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "09-12", "tn": [{"ref": "taking care of his sheep", "text": "This means he was doing the work of a shepherd to guide the sheep to grass and water, and to protect them. It could be translated as, \"tending the sheep.\""}, {"ref": "bush did not burn up", "text": "God made the bush full of fire, but the fire did not damage the bush."}, {"ref": "the voice of God said", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God said out loud.\" Moses heard God speak, but he did not see God."}, {"ref": "take off your shoes", "text": "God wanted him to take off his shoes to show that he greatly respected God. To make clear the reason for this, you could say, \"take off your shoes, because you are on holy ground.\""}, {"ref": "holy ground", "text": "It was holy in the sense that God set it apart from the ordinary land and made it to be a special place where He would reveal Himself."}]}, {"id": "09-13", "tn": [{"ref": "suffering of my people", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the very harsh treatment that my people are experiencing. Some languages might translate this as, \"how the Egyptians are giving my people terrible pain.\""}, {"ref": "my people", "text": "This refers to the Israelites. God had made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants that He would bless them and make them into a great nation. Through this covenant, the Israelites became God's own people."}, {"ref": "bring \u2026 out of their slavery in Egypt", "text": "This can be translated as, \"set them free from being slaves in Egypt\" or, \"bring them out of Egypt where they are now slaves.\""}]}, {"id": "09-14", "tn": [{"ref": "the people", "text": "See \"my people\" in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:09-13|[09-13]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "I AM WHO I AM", "text": "This description shows that God can only be defined by himself, not by anything else that we know of, and he cannot be compared to anyone else."}, {"ref": "I AM", "text": "This name emphasizes that God is the only one who has always lived and always will live."}, {"ref": "my name", "text": "The name that God told Moses and all of Israel to use for him is \"Yahweh,\" which is related to \"I AM\" and appears to mean, \"HE IS.\""}]}, {"id": "09-15", "tn": [{"ref": "was afraid and did not want to go", "text": "Moses knew that Pharaoh wanted to kill him, and he did not believe that he could do what God wanted him to do."}, {"ref": "Moses' brother, Aaron", "text": "Aaron was Moses's actual brother from his Israelite mother and father. Aaron would have been at least several years older than Moses."}, {"ref": "stubborn", "text": "This means the Pharaoh would refuse to obey God. You may also want to add, \"stubborn and refuse to listen (or obey).\""}]}, {"id": "10-01", "tn": [{"ref": "to Pharaoh", "text": "It may be clearer to say, \"to Pharaoh's palace to talk to him.\""}, {"ref": "God of Israel", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God, who chose the Israelites to be his people\" or, \"God, who rules the people of Israel\" or, \"the God whom the Israelites worship.\""}, {"ref": "Let My people go", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"Allow My people to go free\" or, \"Free My people to leave Egypt.\""}, {"ref": "my people", "text": "See \"my people\" in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:09-13|[09-13]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "listen to", "text": "This could be translated as \"heed\" or, \"obey.\""}]}, {"id": "10-02", "tn": [{"ref": "the people", "text": "This refers to the people of Israel, also called, \"the Israelites.\""}, {"ref": "ten terrible plagues", "text": "A plague is something very bad or terrible that happens to someone or something. A plague usually refers to something that affects many people or happens over a large geographic area. Another word for \"plague\" would be \"disaster.\""}, {"ref": "all of Egypt's gods", "text": "It may be more clear to say, \"all the gods that the Egyptian people worshiped.\" The people of Egypt worshiped many different false gods. These false gods were either spirit beings that the God of Israel created, or they did not actually exist."}]}, {"id": "10-03", "tn": [{"ref": "turned the Nile River into blood", "text": "Some languages may need to say, \"turned the water in the Nile River into blood.\" Instead of water in the river there was blood, so the fish died and the people had no water to drink."}]}, {"id": "10-04", "tn": [{"ref": "God sent frogs all over Egypt", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God caused many frogs to appear throughout Egypt.\""}, {"ref": "hardened his heart", "text": "He became stubborn again and refused to obey God."}]}, {"id": "10-05", "tn": [{"ref": "God sent a plague", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God caused there to be a plague\" or, \"God caused a plague (of gnats) to come over the land of Egypt.\""}, {"ref": "gnats", "text": "These were tiny, biting insects flying in large swarms, annoying and landing on all the people and animals of Egypt."}, {"ref": "flies", "text": "These were much bigger flying insects that were both annoying and destructive. There were so many of these flies that they covered everything, even filling the Egyptians' houses."}, {"ref": "hardened his heart", "text": "See note in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "10-06", "tn": [{"ref": "farm animals", "text": "This refers to large animals that the Egyptians used to help them in their work, such as horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats."}, {"ref": "heart was hardened", "text": "See note in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "10-07", "tn": [{"ref": "God hardened Pharaoh's heart", "text": "God caused Pharaoh to continue to be stubborn. See also note in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "10-08", "tn": [{"ref": "After that", "text": "This means, after God caused the painful sores to appear on the Egyptians' skin."}, {"ref": "God sent hail", "text": "God caused hail to fall from the sky."}, {"ref": "hail", "text": "Hail is like chunks of ice that fall down from the clouds as rain does. These chunks can be very small or very large. The larger ones will hurt or kill whatever they fall on."}, {"ref": "You may go", "text": "The word \"you\" refers to Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites."}]}, {"id": "10-09", "tn": [{"ref": "hardened his heart", "text": "See note in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "10-10", "tn": [{"ref": "swarms of locusts", "text": "Locusts are grasshoppers that fly together in swarms, or large groups, and that can destroy large areas of all kinds of plants and food crops by eating them."}, {"ref": "hail", "text": "Hail is like chunks of ice that fall down from the clouds as rain does."}]}, {"id": "10-11", "tn": [{"ref": "God sent darkness", "text": "God caused darkness to cover or spread over most of Egypt. In other words, God took away the light from this part of Egypt."}, {"ref": "darkness that lasted for three days", "text": "This darkness was darker than ordinary nighttime darkness, and it continued to be totally dark for three whole days."}]}, {"id": "10-12", "tn": [{"ref": "these nine plagues", "text": "This means, \"these nine disasters that God had caused.\""}, {"ref": "Since Pharaoh would not listen", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Since Pharaoh would not do what God was telling him to do\" or, \"Since Pharaoh refused to obey God.\""}, {"ref": "This would change Pharaoh's mind", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"This last plague would cause Pharaoh to change how he thought about God and as a result he would let the Israelites go free.\""}]}, {"id": "11-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the firstborn males of both people and animals", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the eldest son in every family and the first male offspring of any of their animals.\""}]}, {"id": "11-02", "tn": [{"ref": "God provided", "text": "God is the only one who could provide the way to save the Israelites' sons from death."}, {"ref": "perfect lamb", "text": "That is, \"a young sheep or goat that had no blemishes or defects.\""}]}, {"id": "11-03", "tn": [{"ref": "made without yeast", "text": "Yeast is something that is mixed into bread dough that makes the dough expand and it also makes the bread rise as it bakes. This could be translated as, \"made without something that would make it rise.\" Making the bread with yeast would have taken much longer, so cooking the bread without yeast was a way to be prepared to leave Egypt quickly."}, {"ref": "when they ate", "text": "This means they needed to be prepared to leave before they started to eat."}]}, {"id": "11-04", "tn": [{"ref": "every firstborn son", "text": "This means every firstborn son of families who had not made the blood sacrifice, that is, the Egyptians. To make this clear you may want to add, \"Every Egyptian firstborn son\" (since all the Israelite families had put the blood on their doorposts)."}]}, {"id": "11-05", "tn": [{"ref": "passed over", "text": "This means that God passed by those houses and did not stop to kill anyone there. This phrase became the name of the Jewish festival, \"Passover.\""}, {"ref": "They were saved", "text": "God did not kill their firstborn son."}, {"ref": "because of the lamb's blood", "text": "This could be translated as, \"because the lamb's blood was on their door.\" God saw that they had killed their lamb as he had commanded, so he did not kill their son."}]}, {"id": "11-06", "tn": [{"ref": "did not believe God or obey his commands", "text": "In some languages it may be more natural or clear to say, \"did not believe God and so they did not obey his commands.\""}, {"ref": "did not pass over", "text": "He did not pass by their houses. Rather he stopped at each house and killed their eldest son."}]}, {"id": "11-07", "tn": [{"ref": "from the firstborn of the prisoner in jail, to the firstborn of Pharaoh", "text": "This is a way of saying that everyone's firstborn son died\u2013from the son of the least important person to the son of the most important person, and everyone in between."}]}, {"id": "11-08", "tn": [{"ref": "called for", "text": "This means that Pharaoh told his servants to tell Moses and Aaron to come to him."}, {"ref": "and said", "text": "Pharaoh said the following words to Moses and Aaron after they came to him. In some languages this would be translated as, \"and said to them,\" or, \"After they came, Pharaoh said to them.\""}]}, {"id": "12-01", "tn": [{"ref": "They were no longer slaves", "text": "This could be translated as, \"They were not slaves anymore.\""}, {"ref": "going", "text": "Some languages may use a more specific word like \"traveling\" since they would be going a long distance to the Promised Land."}, {"ref": "Promised Land", "text": "This is the land that God had promised that he would give to Abraham's descendants."}]}, {"id": "12-02", "tn": [{"ref": "tall pillar of cloud", "text": "This could be translated as, \"a tall cloud\" or, \"a cloud shaped like a pillar.\""}, {"ref": "tall pillar of fire", "text": "This was a column of fire that hung or floated in the air in front of the Israelites."}, {"ref": "guided them", "text": "God showed them the way by making the pillar move along in front of them so they could follow it."}]}, {"id": "12-03", "tn": [{"ref": "After a short time", "text": "Probably at least two days had gone by. For that to be clear, it may be translated as, \"After a few days\" or, \"A few days after the Israelites left Egypt.\""}, {"ref": "changed their minds", "text": "This phrase means, \"began to think differently than they had before.\" Some languages may not have this same expression, and will express the meaning in a direct way."}]}, {"id": "12-04", "tn": [{"ref": "they were trapped between\u2026Red Sea", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"there was nowhere they could go to escape since the Egyptians were behind them and the Red Sea was in front of them.\""}, {"ref": "Why did we leave Egypt?", "text": "This means, \"We should not have left Egypt!\" They were not really asking for reasons. Because they were afraid, in this moment they were wishing they had not left Egypt (even though it had been very difficult for them there)."}]}, {"id": "12-05", "tn": [{"ref": "God will fight for you today and save you", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"Today God will defeat the Egyptians for you and keep them from harming you.\""}, {"ref": "move", "text": "Some languages will be more specific and say, \"walk.\""}]}, {"id": "12-06", "tn": [{"ref": "pillar of cloud", "text": "See how you translated this phrase in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:12-02|[12-02]]]<b>"}, {"ref": "could not see", "text": "The cloud pillar was so large and thick that the Egyptians could no longer see any of the Israelites."}]}, {"id": "12-07", "tn": [{"ref": "raise his hand over the sea", "text": "This could be translated as, \"held out his hand over the sea\". This was a gesture to show that God was doing this miracle through Moses."}]}, {"id": "12-08", "tn": [{"ref": "marched", "text": "This can be translated as, \"walked\" or, \"went.\""}, {"ref": "with a wall of water on either side of them", "text": "This could be translated as, \"and the water on both sides of them stood up tall and straight like a wall.\""}]}, {"id": "12-09", "tn": []}, {"id": "12-10", "tn": [{"ref": "path through the sea", "text": "This was the dry strip of land across the bottom of the sea, with a wall of water on each side."}, {"ref": "to panic", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to get fearful and confused.\""}, {"ref": "get stuck", "text": "The chariots could no longer move."}]}, {"id": "12-11", "tn": [{"ref": "made it safely to the other side", "text": "This could be translated as, \"walked safely to the other side\" or, \"arrived safely on the other side\" or, \"walked to the other side and were safe from the Egyptians and the sea.\""}, {"ref": "stretch out his arm again", "text": "This could be translated as, \"lift his arm over the sea again\" or, as a direct command, as in, \"God told Moses, 'Stretch out your arm again.'\""}, {"ref": "returned to its normal place", "text": "This could be translated as, \"covered the place again where the path had been,\" or \"filled the whole sea again\" or, \"went back to where it was before God separated it.\""}, {"ref": "The whole Egyptian army", "text": "This could be translated as, \"everyone in Egypt's army.\""}]}, {"id": "12-12", "tn": [{"ref": "trusted in God", "text": "In other words, the people now trusted that God was powerful and could protect them."}]}, {"id": "12-13", "tn": [{"ref": "rejoiced with much excitement", "text": "This could be translated as, \"were very happy and they showed it enthusiastically\" or, \"showed it with their whole hearts\" or, \"with all their strength.\""}, {"ref": "from death and slavery", "text": "This could be translated as, \"from being killed or made slaves by the Egyptians.\""}, {"ref": "free to serve", "text": "God freed, or rescued, the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt so that they could serve him."}, {"ref": "praise God", "text": "In some languages this could be translated as, \"lift up God's name\" or, \"say that God is great.\""}]}, {"id": "12-14", "tn": [{"ref": "the Passover", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the Passover activities\" or, \"the Passover celebration\" or, \"the Passover meal.\""}, {"ref": "remember how God gave them victory over", "text": "This could be translated as, \"regularly remind themselves of how God defeated.\" The word \"remember\" here doesn't just mean to not forget; it also means to formally commemorate something."}, {"ref": "perfect lamb", "text": "The word \"perfect\" here refers to a lamb with no disease or anything else wrong with it. Another way to say this might be, \"a completely healthy and well-formed lamb.\""}, {"ref": "bread that was made without yeast", "text": "Another way to say this is, \"unleavened bread.\" See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:11-03|[11-03]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "13-01", "tn": [{"ref": "burning bush", "text": "Before Moses returned to Egypt, God had spoken to him from a shrub that was on fire, but that was not burned up by the fire. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:09-12|[09-12]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "set up their tents", "text": "The Israelites had to travel a great distance from Egypt to the Promised Land. So they took tents with them so that they could set them up as shelters and sleep in them along the way. Some languages could translate this as, \"hung their tents.\""}, {"ref": "base of the mountain", "text": "This could be translated as, \"bottom of the mountain.\" This refers to the area of land that is located next to the place where the ground starts to slant upward to form a mountain."}]}, {"id": "13-02", "tn": [{"ref": "keep my covenant", "text": "This could be translated as, \"do what my covenant requires you to do.\" Obeying and keeping the covenant are not two different things. One way to make this clear would be to say, \"obey me by keeping my covenant.\" God will soon tell them what his covenant requires."}, {"ref": "my prized possession", "text": "This could be translated as, \"You will be my possession that I value most\" or, \"You will be the people that I treasure more than any other group of people\" or, \"You will be my own precious people.\""}, {"ref": "You will be\u2026a kingdom of priests", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I will be your king and you will be like priests.\" The Israelites were supposed to teach the other nations about God and be a mediator between God and the nations just as there were priests in the nation of Israel to go between God and the Israelites."}]}, {"id": "13-03", "tn": [{"ref": "Three days later", "text": "In other words, three days after they arrived at Mount Sinai and God first spoke to them."}, {"ref": "prepared themselves spiritually", "text": "This refers to ceremonial cleansing in preparation to meet with God. This could be translated as, \"got ready to meet with God\" or, \"prepared themselves to meet with God.\""}, {"ref": "loud trumpet blast", "text": "This could be translated as, \"and a loud sound came from a horn\" or, \"and a horn was blown and it made a loud sound\" or, \"and they heard the loud sound of a horn blowing.\" Trumpets were made out of ram's horns. They were used that day to call the people to gather at the mountain and meet with God."}, {"ref": "Only Moses was allowed to go up", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God permitted Moses to go up, but he did not permit anyone else to go up.\""}]}, {"id": "13-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Then God gave them the covenant and said", "text": "What God says next is the content of the covenant, that is, he tells the people the things that they must obey. This could be translated as, \"Then God told them His covenant. He said\" or, \"Then God made this covenant with them:\""}, {"ref": "Yahweh your God", "text": "In some languages it might be more natural to change the order and say \"your God Yahweh.\" Make sure it does not sound like the Israelites had more than one God. It should be clear that Yahweh is the only God. Another way to translate this would be, \"Yahweh, who is your God\" or, \"your God, whose name is Yahweh.\""}, {"ref": "who saved you from slavery", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I freed you from slavery.\""}]}, {"id": "13-05", "tn": [{"ref": "I, Yahweh, am a jealous God", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I, Yahweh, will be angry if you worship or honor anything besides me.\" God strongly desires that his people love, serve, and obey Him more than anything or anyone else. He must be the only master of their lives."}, {"ref": "Do not use my name in a disrespectful way", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Do not talk about me in a way that does not show respect and honor\" or, \"Talk about me in a way that gives me proper respect and honor.\""}, {"ref": "seventh day", "text": "To translate this, it is best to use the number (\"seventh\") rather than give the name of a specific day of the week."}, {"ref": "to remember me", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to keep me in mind\" or, \"to honor me.\""}]}, {"id": "13-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Do not commit adultery", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Do not have sexual relations with someone else's spouse\" or, \"Do not have marital relations with another man's wife or another woman's husband.\" Be sure to translate this in a way that doesn't offend or embarrass people. Languages often have an indirect, polite way of saying this, such as, \"Do not sleep with.\""}, {"ref": "Do not lie", "text": "This means, \"Do not say false things about other people.\""}]}, {"id": "13-07", "tn": [{"ref": "these Ten Commandments", "text": "This refers to the commands God gave to Moses for the Israelites to obey. They are listed in frames <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:13-05|[13-05]]]</b> and <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:13-06|[13-06]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "stone tablets", "text": "These were flat pieces of stone."}, {"ref": "God also gave", "text": "This can be translated as, \"God also told them.\""}, {"ref": "to follow", "text": "This can be translated as, \"that they must obey\" or, \"that they must keep.\""}]}, {"id": "13-08", "tn": [{"ref": "a detailed description", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God described it in detail\" or, \"God told them exactly how He wanted them to make it.\""}, {"ref": "It was called", "text": "This could be translated as, \"They called it\" or, \"Moses called it.\""}, {"ref": "the room behind the curtain", "text": "This room was hidden by the curtain. Some languages would call this room, \"the room in front of the curtain.\""}, {"ref": "God lived there", "text": "If this phrase would lead people to think that God was limited to living in the tent, here are some ways of translating it: \"God was there\" or, \"God revealed Himself to humans there.\""}]}, {"id": "13-09", "tn": [{"ref": "God's law", "text": "This refers to all the commandments and instructions that God had told the Israelites to obey."}, {"ref": "to the Tent of Meeting", "text": "They did not bring the animal inside the Tent of Meeting, but to the altar in front of the Tent of Meeting. Be sure not to use an expression that means that they brought it inside."}, {"ref": "covered the person's sin", "text": "When people brought animals to sacrifice, God chose to see the blood of the animals as a covering over their sin. This is like hiding something that is ugly or dirty by covering it."}, {"ref": "clean in God's sight", "text": "This could be translated as, \"as if he did not have the sin according to God\" or, \"free of the punishment for breaking God's law.\""}]}, {"id": "13-10", "tn": [{"ref": "given them", "text": "This could be translated as, \"told them to obey.\""}, {"ref": "his special people", "text": "From among all the nations, God had chosen the Israelites for his special purpose. This could be translated as \"his special nation\" or, \"his own people\" or, \"the nation he chose to be his people.\""}, {"ref": "a short time", "text": "The people sinned during the forty days that Moses was on the mountain with God."}, {"ref": "sinned terribly", "text": "They sinned in a way that was especially offensive to God. This could be translated as, \"they sinned badly,\" or \"they did something that was very bad\" or, \"they did something bad that made God very angry.\""}]}, {"id": "13-11", "tn": [{"ref": "The people became tired of waiting", "text": "This could be translated as, \"The people became impatient because he did not return quickly\" or, \"The people didn't want to wait any longer for him to return.\""}, {"ref": "brought gold", "text": "These were objects and jewelry made of gold, which could be melted and formed into other things."}]}, {"id": "13-12", "tn": [{"ref": "made a golden idol", "text": "Aaron took the things made of gold that the people had brought to him, melted them, combined them, and formed them into the shape of a calf."}, {"ref": "wildly worship", "text": "The people were sinning by worshiping the idol and also by doing sinful things as they worshiped it."}, {"ref": "listened to his prayer", "text": "God always hears prayer. In this situation, \"listened\" means that God agreed to do what Moses asked."}]}, {"id": "13-13", "tn": [{"ref": "smashed the stones", "text": "He threw the stones down on the ground and they broke up into little pieces."}]}, {"id": "13-14", "tn": [{"ref": "beat the idol into powder", "text": "Moses utterly destroyed the idol by pounding it into fine particles."}, {"ref": "into some water", "text": "Moses scattered the gold powder over a large expanse of water."}, {"ref": "a plague", "text": "This could be translated as, \"a terrible disease.\""}]}, {"id": "13-15", "tn": [{"ref": "Moses made", "text": "Moses carved the stone tablets with tools such as a hammer and chisel."}, {"ref": "listened to", "text": "See how you translated this phrase in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:13-12|[13-12]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "14-01", "tn": [{"ref": "pillar of cloud", "text": "See how you translated this phrase in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:12-02|[12-02]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "14-02", "tn": []}, {"id": "14-03", "tn": [{"ref": "get rid of", "text": "This could be translated as, \"get them out of the land\" or, \"remove them from the land.\""}, {"ref": "Do not make peace with them", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Do not live peacefully among or alongside them\" or, \"Do not promise to live peacefully with them.\""}, {"ref": "do not marry them", "text": "God did not want any Israelite person to marry any Canaanite person."}, {"ref": "you will worship their idols", "text": "If the Israelites became friends with the Canaanites and did not destroy the idols, they would be tempted to worship those idols instead of God. You could say, \"you will end up worshiping\" to make it clear that this would result from living so close to the Canaanites and learning their ways."}]}, {"id": "14-04", "tn": [{"ref": "spy on the land", "text": "This could be translated as, \"secretly get information about the land\" or, \"secretly learn about the land.\" Part of the spies' task was to find out what kinds of food the land could produce."}, {"ref": "spy on the Canaanites", "text": "This could be translated as, \"secretly get information about the people of Canaan\" or, \"secretly learn about the Canaanites.\""}, {"ref": "to see if they were strong or weak", "text": "They wanted to know if the Canaanites were prepared to fight against them. This could be translated as, \"to find out how powerful the Canaanite armies were.\""}]}, {"id": "14-05", "tn": [{"ref": "they came back", "text": "They returned to where the rest of the Israelites were waiting, just outside the border of Canaan."}, {"ref": "The cities are very strong", "text": "The cities had strong walls around them, so it would be very difficult for the Israelites to attack them."}, {"ref": "the people are giants", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the people are like giants compared to us!\" or, \"the people are much taller and stronger than we are!\""}]}, {"id": "14-06", "tn": [{"ref": "people of Canaan", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the people who live in Canaan\" or, \"the Canaanites.\""}, {"ref": "we can certainly defeat them! God will fight for us", "text": "To show the connection between these two statements, it may be necessary to say, \"we can certainly defeat them because God will fight for us!\""}, {"ref": "God will fight for us", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God will fight alongside us and help us defeat them!\" This makes it clear that the Israelites would also be fighting against the Canaanites."}]}, {"id": "14-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Why did you bring us", "text": "This is not a real question. It is a way that some languages use to say, \"You should not have brought us.\""}, {"ref": "this horrible place", "text": "They considered Canaan to be \"horrible\" because they thought it was so dangerous that they would all be killed."}, {"ref": "rather than be killed in battle and our wives and children made slaves", "text": "This could be translated as, \"If we fight against the Canaanites, they will kill us men and force our wives and children to be their slaves.\""}]}, {"id": "14-08", "tn": [{"ref": "came to", "text": "God did not appear as a person, but came in some other form that showed his glory and power."}, {"ref": "wander in the wilderness", "text": "God would lead the people around in the wilderness with no specific destination until all of the adults who rebelled against him died."}]}, {"id": "14-09", "tn": [{"ref": "they had sinned", "text": "It may be necessary to add, \"they had sinned by disobeying God's command to conquer the peoples of Canaan.\""}, {"ref": "Moses warned them not to go", "text": "This means that Moses told them not to go to fight against the Canaanites because they would be in danger if they did that."}, {"ref": "God was not with them", "text": "In other words, God would not be with them to help them. Because of the Israelites' disobedience, God withdrew from them his presence, protection, and power."}, {"ref": "but they did not listen to him", "text": "They did not obey Moses. They went to attack the Canaanites anyway."}]}, {"id": "14-10", "tn": [{"ref": "God did not go with them into this battle", "text": "In other words, God did not help them in this fight."}, {"ref": "turned back from Canaan", "text": "They left Canaan and went back into the wilderness where they were before."}, {"ref": "wandered through the wilderness", "text": "They lived in the wilderness, and together they moved from place to place in that large, dry land, looking for food and water for themselves and their animals."}]}, {"id": "14-11", "tn": [{"ref": "God provided for them", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God gave them everything they needed for food, water, and shelter.\""}, {"ref": "bread from heaven, called \"manna\"", "text": "This thin, bread-like food fell from the sky overnight onto the grass like dew. They called it \"manna.\" Almost every day the people gathered this \"manna\" and cooked it as their food."}, {"ref": "He also sent flocks of quail\u2026camp", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"He also caused a large number of quails to fly into their camp.\" If quails are unknown, a different, similar type bird could be used. Or it could be translated as, \"a large number of medium-sized birds.\""}, {"ref": "their camp", "text": "The place where the Israelites set up their tents to sleep in was called a \"camp.\" It was like a city with tents instead of buildings, and it could be moved around."}]}, {"id": "14-12", "tn": [{"ref": "miraculously gave them water from a rock", "text": "This could be translated, \"by doing something that only God can do, he made water pour out of a rock so the people and animals could drink.\""}, {"ref": "But despite all this", "text": "This could be translated as, \"But even though God provided food, water, clothing, and everything that they needed.\""}, {"ref": "Even so", "text": "This could be translated, \"Even though the Israelites complained and grumbled against him.\""}, {"ref": "God was still faithful to his promises", "text": "This could be translated, \"God continued to do what he had told Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob he would do.\" He provided their descendants with what they needed so they that could live and become a great nation and eventually own the land of Canaan."}]}, {"id": "14-13", "tn": [{"ref": "Moses dishonored God", "text": "This could be translated, \"Moses disobeyed God\" or, \"Moses disrespected God.\" God had a specific way He wanted Moses to show the people God's power to provide for them. When Moses disobeyed God by doing it in a different way he showed a lack of respect for God."}, {"ref": "by hitting the rock twice with a stick instead of speaking to it", "text": "This can be translated as, \"Moses did not speak to the rock; he hit it twice with a stick.\""}]}, {"id": "14-14", "tn": [{"ref": "who had rebelled against God", "text": "This could be translated, \"who had refused to obey God when he told them to go into the Promised Land.\""}, {"ref": "the people", "text": "That is, the children of the generation that died."}, {"ref": "one day", "text": "This means, \"some time in the future.\""}, {"ref": "another prophet like Moses", "text": "Like Moses, this man would be an Israelite, he would speak God's words to the people, and he would lead the people."}]}, {"id": "14-15", "tn": [{"ref": "mourned for thirty days", "text": "For thirty days all the people of Israel cried and showed that they were very sad that Moses had died."}]}, {"id": "15-01", "tn": [{"ref": "At last it was time for", "text": "\"At last\" means \"finally\" or, \"after a long wait.\" To make it clear what \"time\" refers to, you could say, \"after they had wandered in the desert for 40 years, God finally permitted.\""}, {"ref": "two spies to the Canaanite city of Jericho", "text": "This could be translated as, \"two men to Jericho, a city in Canaan, to find out information about it.\" Also see the notes for, \"spy out the land\" in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:14-04|[14-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "protected by strong walls", "text": "This could be translated as, \"completely surrounded by thick, strong walls made of stone to protect it from their enemies.\""}, {"ref": "escape", "text": "It is also possible to add, \"escape from people in Jericho who wanted to harm them.\""}, {"ref": "her family", "text": "Rahab asked for protection for her father, mother, brothers, and sisters. Use your word for family that includes these people."}]}, {"id": "15-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Have the priests go first", "text": "For some languages it may be helpful to add, \"Have the priests go before the rest of the people to cross the river.\""}, {"ref": "the water upstream stopped flowing", "text": "In some languages it may be helpful to add, \"and the water in front of them flowed away downstream.\""}]}, {"id": "15-03", "tn": [{"ref": "After the people crossed the Jordan River", "text": "In some languages it is better to say, \"The people crossed the Jordan River and then\u2026\""}, {"ref": "how to attack", "text": "This could be translated as, \"exactly what he should do to attack.\""}, {"ref": "once a day for six days", "text": "That is, they went around the city one time every day for a total of six days."}]}, {"id": "15-04", "tn": [{"ref": "While they marched around the city for the last time", "text": "This can be translated as, \"During their final circuit around the city.\""}, {"ref": "blew their trumpets", "text": "This could be translated as, \"They sounded their trumpets\" or, \"They played their trumpets.\" These trumpets were made out of ram's horns."}]}, {"id": "15-05", "tn": [{"ref": "became part of", "text": "This can be translated as, \"who then joined the Israelite community\" or, \"who then became members of the nation of Israel.\""}]}, {"id": "15-06", "tn": [{"ref": "peace treaty", "text": "This is an agreement between two groups of people that they will not harm each other but will live in peace and help each other. This could be translated as, \"peace agreement.\""}, {"ref": "But one of the Canaanite people groups called the Gibeonites", "text": "Some languages may introduce this as, \"But one day a Canaanite people group by the name of the Gibeonites \u2026\""}, {"ref": "lied to Joshua and said", "text": "This could be translated as, \"They lied to Joshua by saying\" or, \"They falsely said to Joshua\" or, \"They falsely told Joshua.\""}, {"ref": "where the Gibeonites were from", "text": "That is, \"where the Gibeonites lived\" or, \"where the Gibeonites' home was.\" \"Gibeonites\" means, \"people of Gibeon.\""}]}, {"id": "15-07", "tn": [{"ref": "sent a message to Joshua asking for help", "text": "This could be translated as, \"sent some of their people to tell Joshua that they needed the Israelites to help defend them against their enemies.\""}]}, {"id": "15-08", "tn": [{"ref": "to reach the Gibeonites", "text": "That is, \"to get to the Gibeonites\" or, \"to arrive at where the Gibeonites lived.\" The Gibeonites lived in Canaan, but Canaan is big enough that it took all night for the Israelite army to travel from their camp to where the Gibeonites were."}, {"ref": "they surprised the Amorite armies", "text": "The Amorites did not know that the Israelites were coming to attack them."}]}, {"id": "15-09", "tn": [{"ref": "God fought for Israel", "text": "God fought on the side of Israel against Israel's enemies."}, {"ref": "caused the Amorites to be confused", "text": "This could be translated as, \"made the Amorites panic\" or, \"caused the Amorites to be unable to fight together well.\""}, {"ref": "large hailstones", "text": "This could be translated as, \"very large balls of ice to come down from the sky.\""}]}, {"id": "15-10", "tn": []}, {"id": "15-11", "tn": [{"ref": "attacked and destroyed them", "text": "This could be translated as, \"fought against them and defeated them.\""}]}, {"id": "15-12", "tn": [{"ref": "God gave\u2026Land", "text": "this could be translated as, \"God appointed each tribe its own plot of land\" or, \"God decided which part of the Promised Land each tribe of Israel would live on.\""}, {"ref": "gave Israel peace along all its borders", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God allowed the Israelites to experience peace with the other people groups that surrounded them\" or. \"the other countries around Israel.\""}]}, {"id": "15-13", "tn": [{"ref": "When Joshua was an old man", "text": "It may be clearer to say, \"Many years later, when Joshua was an old man.\" Joshua was over 100 years old at this time."}, {"ref": "remain faithful to God", "text": "In other words, they would be loyal to God. They would worship and serve only God; they would not worship or serve any other gods."}, {"ref": "follow his laws", "text": "This means that the people would obey the laws that God had given them already as part of the covenant."}]}, {"id": "16-01", "tn": [{"ref": "and did not drive out", "text": "This tells how they disobeyed God, so in some languages it may be better to start this as a new sentence, \"They did not.\""}, {"ref": "drive out the rest of the Canaanites", "text": "This can be translated, \"fight with the rest of the Canaanites to force them to leave the land.\""}, {"ref": "or obey God's laws", "text": "This means that the people also disobeyed the laws that God gave to the Israelites at Mount Sinai."}, {"ref": "the true God", "text": "That is, \"the only real God.\" Yahweh is the only one that people should worship."}, {"ref": "what they thought was right for them", "text": "This means that they all did whatever they wanted to do, including many evil things."}]}, {"id": "16-02", "tn": [{"ref": "asked God to rescue them", "text": "That is, they asked God to help them and to set them free from their enemies."}]}, {"id": "16-03", "tn": [{"ref": "God provided", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God chose\" or, \"God appointed\" or, \"God raised up.\""}, {"ref": "brought peace", "text": "This could be translated as, \"allowed the people to live without fear\" or, \"ended the fighting\" or, \"stopped their enemies from attacking them.\""}, {"ref": "the land", "text": "That refers to Canaan, the Promised Land that God had given to Abraham."}, {"ref": "the people forgot about God", "text": "This means, \"The people stopped thinking about God and ignored what he had commanded them.\""}]}, {"id": "16-04", "tn": [{"ref": "crops", "text": "This refers to plants that the Israelites were growing in their gardens or fields for food."}, {"ref": "were so scared that they hid", "text": "This could be translated as, \"were very afraid of the Midianites, so they hid.\""}, {"ref": "cried out", "text": "This might be translated as, \"they called out\" or, \"they prayed desperately.\""}, {"ref": "save them", "text": "This might be translated as, \"set them free\" or, \"rescue them from these enemies.\""}]}, {"id": "16-05", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "threshing grain", "text": "The grain was wheat, which has a head of many small grains, or seeds, on the top of a thin stalk. \"Threshing\" is separating the seeds of the plant from the stalks by beating the heads of grain. The seeds are food, but the stalks are not."}, {"ref": "secretly", "text": "Gideon was threshing the grain in a hidden location, so the Midianites would not see him."}, {"ref": "God is with you", "text": "This means, \"God is present with you in a special way\" or, \"God has plans to use you in a special way.\""}]}, {"id": "16-06", "tn": [{"ref": "to tear down", "text": "This means, \"to violently bring down\" or, \"to take down and destroy.\""}, {"ref": "afraid of the people", "text": "Gideon was afraid that his fellow Israelites who worshiped the same idol would be angry with him."}, {"ref": "waited until nighttime", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"waited until after dark.\" Gideon smashed the altar at night when everyone was asleep so that no one would see him do it."}]}, {"id": "16-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Why are you trying to help your god?", "text": "This is not a real question that asks for information. Another way of saying this would be, \"You should not be trying to help your god\" or, \"You should not need to help your god.\""}, {"ref": "If he is a god, let him protect himself", "text": "This means, \"If he were truly a god, he would be able to defend himself.\""}]}, {"id": "16-08", "tn": [{"ref": "came again to steal from the Israelites", "text": "This could be translated as, \"came again to the Israelites' land to steal things from them.\""}, {"ref": "they could not be counted", "text": "This could be translated as, \"The number of the Midianites was too great to count\" or, \"it would be very difficult to count all of the Midianites.\""}, {"ref": "for two signs", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to do two miracles\" or, \"to make two impossible things happen.\""}, {"ref": "that God would use him", "text": "This could be translated as, \"that God would enable him\" or, \"that God would help him\" or, \"that God was calling him.\""}, {"ref": "to save Israel", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to rescue Israel from the Midianites.\""}]}, {"id": "16-09", "tn": [{"ref": "sign", "text": "This could be translated as, \"miracle\" or, \"impossible thing.\""}, {"ref": "sheep skin", "text": "This is the skin of a sheep that has all of the wool on it. Wool is a very thick and curly hair that would hold a lot of water. Translate this so that it is clear that this skin is covered with thick, soft hair."}, {"ref": "let the morning dew fall", "text": "This can be translated as, \"make the morning dew appear\" or, \"make the morning dew come up.\" \"Dew\" refers to the drops of water that appear on the ground in the morning. Dew naturally covers everything equally."}, {"ref": "God did that", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God did what Gideon asked him to do.\""}]}, {"id": "16-10", "tn": [{"ref": "32,000 Israelite soldiers came to Gideon", "text": "Some languages might need to insert the following sentence at the beginning of the story: \"Gideon called the Israelites to come fight against the Midianites.\" See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:16-08|[16-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "too many", "text": "This was more soldiers than God wanted for this fight. If that many solders fought and won, they would think that they won the battle with their own strength, and they would not know that God did it."}, {"ref": "except for 300 soldiers", "text": "This sentence could be translated as, \"So Gideon allowed only 300 men to stay, and the rest of the men went home.\""}]}, {"id": "16-11", "tn": [{"ref": "Go down", "text": "The Midianite soldiers were camping out in a valley and were at a lower elevation than the Israelite soldiers."}, {"ref": "you will no longer be afraid", "text": "That is, \"you will stop being afraid.\""}, {"ref": "something he had dreamed", "text": "That is, \"something he had seen in a dream\" or, \"a dream he had had.\""}]}, {"id": "16-12", "tn": [{"ref": "horn", "text": "This could be translated as, \"trumpet\" or, \"ram's horn trumpet.\" These horns came from a male sheep and were often used to call men for battle."}, {"ref": "a torch", "text": "This was probably a piece of wood wrapped with cloth and soaked in oil so that it could burn well. (This was not the modern torch that runs on batteries.)"}]}, {"id": "16-13", "tn": [{"ref": "shouted", "text": "This could be translated as, \"yelled loudly\" or, \"said with a very loud voice.\""}, {"ref": "sword", "text": "A sword is a weapon that has a long sharp blade and a handle at one end. People hold the handle and hit or stab the enemy with the sharp blade. If your people don't have a weapon just like this, you could translate it as a \"long knife,\" \"machete\" or, \"bush knife.\""}, {"ref": "A sword for Yahweh and for Gideon", "text": "This means, \"We fight for Yahweh and for Gideon!\""}]}, {"id": "16-14", "tn": [{"ref": "God confused the Midianites", "text": "God caused the Midianites to be confused. They wanted to attack the Israelites, but instead, they attacked each other."}, {"ref": "the rest of the Israelites", "text": "This could be translated as, \"many other Israelite men.\" This refers to the soldiers previously sent home in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:16-10|[16-10]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "were called", "text": "That is, \"were called out\" or, \"were summoned.\" This sentence could also be translated as, \"Gideon sent messengers to summon many other Israelite men from their homes.\""}]}, {"id": "16-15", "tn": [{"ref": "did not allow them to do this", "text": "Gideon knew that it was better for the Israelites to have God as their king."}, {"ref": "but he asked them", "text": "This phrase starts with \"but\" because what he did next was not wise."}]}, {"id": "16-16", "tn": [{"ref": "Gideon used the gold to make a special garment", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Gideon melted down the gold objects the people had given him and formed a special garment out of that gold.\""}, {"ref": "turned away from God", "text": "This could be translated as, \"disobeyed God\" or, \"stopped worshiping God.\""}]}, {"id": "16-17", "tn": [{"ref": "This pattern repeated many times", "text": "This could be translated as, \"These things kept happening again and again\" or, \"These things happened many times.\""}]}, {"id": "16-18", "tn": [{"ref": "Finally", "text": "This could be translated as, \"After their enemies attacked them many times\" or, \"After many years of being attacked by many different nations.\""}, {"ref": "asked God for a king", "text": "This could be translated as, \"demanded that God give them a king\" or, \"kept asking God for a king.\""}, {"ref": "like all the other nations had", "text": "Other nations had a king. Israel wanted to be like them and have a king too."}, {"ref": "God did not like this request", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God did not agree with what they had asked him for.\" God knew that they were rejecting him as their ruler and were instead choosing to follow a human leader."}]}, {"id": "17-01", "tn": [{"ref": "first king of Israel", "text": "This could be translated as, \"first king to rule over Israel.\""}, {"ref": "one day", "text": "This could be translated as, \"some time in the future\" or \"years later.\""}, {"ref": "be king in his place", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"take his place as king over Israel\" or, \"rule as king instead of him.\""}]}, {"id": "17-02", "tn": [{"ref": "watching", "text": "That is, \"caring for\" or, \"protecting\" or, \"taking care of.\""}]}, {"id": "17-03", "tn": [{"ref": "a giant named Goliath", "text": "The word \"giant\" here describes a person who is unusually large and powerful. Goliath was a huge soldier in an army that was fighting against Israel."}]}, {"id": "17-04", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "to prove to Saul", "text": "That is, \"to convince Saul\" or, \"to show Saul.\""}, {"ref": "to become king", "text": "David would not dishonor God by killing the man that God placed as king over Israel."}]}, {"id": "17-05", "tn": [{"ref": "made him successful", "text": "That is, \"helped him accomplish the good things he wanted to do.\""}, {"ref": "his capital city", "text": "That is, \"the capital city of his kingdom.\" David lived in Jerusalem and ruled from there."}, {"ref": "During David's reign", "text": "That is, \"During the time when David was king over Israel\" or, \"During the time when David was ruling as king over Israel.\""}]}, {"id": "17-06", "tn": [{"ref": "build a temple", "text": "David wanted to construct a permanent building for worshiping God that would replace the portable Tent of Meeting."}]}, {"id": "17-07", "tn": [{"ref": "the prophet Nathan", "text": "It may be more natural in some languages to say, \"a prophet named Nathan.\""}, {"ref": "man of war", "text": "That is, \"man who fights battles.\" David killed many, many people in battle against the Israelites' enemies. God wasn't punishing David, but God wanted a man of peace to build the Temple where people would worship him."}, {"ref": "this Temple", "text": "That is, \"this building for worship\" or, \"this place of worship.\""}, {"ref": "from sin", "text": "That is, \"from the terrible consequences of their sin.\""}]}, {"id": "17-08", "tn": [{"ref": "these words", "text": "That is, \"the words the prophet had just said.\" This refers back to the promises in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:17-07|[17-07]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "this great honor", "text": "People who lived later would highly respect David because some of his descendants would be kings over Israel and one of them would be the Messiah."}]}, {"id": "17-09", "tn": [{"ref": "David ruled with justice and faithfulness for many years", "text": "This could be translated as, \"When David ruled the people, for many years he did what was right and fair, and he was faithful to God.\""}, {"ref": "toward the end of his life", "text": "This may be translated as, \"when David was older\" or \"later on in David's life.\""}, {"ref": "sinned terribly", "text": "That is, \"sinned in a very evil way.\" David's sin was especially evil."}]}, {"id": "17-10", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "saw", "text": "Bathsheba may have been bathing at her own house, but David's palace was very high and he was able to see over walls that were lower."}, {"ref": "bathing", "text": "This may be translated as, \"taking a bath\" or, \"washing herself.\""}]}, {"id": "17-11", "tn": [{"ref": "Instead of looking away", "text": "That is, David did not look away from the woman as she bathed, as he should have done."}, {"ref": "He slept with her", "text": "This is a polite way to say that David had sexual relations with Bathsheba."}]}, {"id": "17-12", "tn": [{"ref": "go be with his wife", "text": "That is, \"go home to be intimate with his wife.\" David wanted people, especially Uriah, to believe that Bathsheba was pregnant with Uriah's child."}, {"ref": "where the enemy was strongest", "text": "That is, the location in the battle where the most fighting was going on."}]}, {"id": "17-13", "tn": [{"ref": "what David had done", "text": "This refers to David's adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband, Uriah."}]}, {"id": "17-14", "tn": [{"ref": "fighting in David's family", "text": "This \"fighting\" was very serious. Among other things, one of his sons murdered another son and tried to take David's place as king while David was still reigning. If possible, use a word that conveys the intensity of this conflict within the family."}, {"ref": "David's power was greatly weakened", "text": "This might be translated as, \"David became less powerful\" or, \"David lost much of his authority.\""}]}, {"id": "18-01", "tn": [{"ref": "asked for wisdom", "text": "This could be translated as, \"asked God to make him wise.\""}]}, {"id": "18-02", "tn": [{"ref": "was present in the Temple", "text": "That is, \"was present in the Temple in a special way.\" Even though God was also present everywhere else at the same time, he made himself especially available to the people at the Temple."}, {"ref": "with his people", "text": "This could be translated as, \"in the midst of his people\" or, \"among his people.\""}]}, {"id": "18-03", "tn": [{"ref": "brought their gods with them", "text": "They brought their idols and their methods of worshiping idols with them to Israel."}]}, {"id": "18-04", "tn": [{"ref": "as a punishment for Solomon's unfaithfulness, he promised to divide", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to punish Solomon for being unfaithful to him, God solemnly said that he would divide.\""}]}, {"id": "18-05", "tn": [{"ref": "confirm him as king", "text": "That is, \"tell him that they were glad he was king and that they would do what he said.\""}]}, {"id": "18-06", "tn": [{"ref": "foolishly answered", "text": "Rehoboam's answer was harsh, and caused the people to turn against him."}]}, {"id": "18-07", "tn": [{"ref": "tribes of the nation of Israel", "text": "The descendants of each of Jacob's twelve sons had become a \"tribe\" or very large family group in the nation of Israel. Everyone in Israel belonged to one of the twelve tribes."}, {"ref": "rebelled against Rehoboam", "text": "That is, \"refused to follow Rehoboam as their king.\" It might help to start this sentence with, \"So\" or, \"Because of that\" or, \"Because of what Rehoboam said.\""}, {"ref": "remained faithful to him", "text": "That is, \"stayed loyal to him\" or, \"continued to support him as king.\""}]}, {"id": "18-08", "tn": [{"ref": "set up their kingdom", "text": "This may be translated as, they \"established\" or, \"built\" their kingdom. This sentence may also be translated as, \"They separated themselves from the other two tribes and lived in the northern part of the land, and they called their country 'Israel.'\""}]}, {"id": "18-09", "tn": [{"ref": "caused the people to sin", "text": "This could be translated as, \"led the people to sin\" or, \"motivated the people to sin.\" Rehoboam led the people into sin by making idols for them to worship."}, {"ref": "instead of worshiping God at\u2026Judah", "text": "This can be translated as, \"so that they would not worship God at\" or, \"instead of going to the kingdom of Judah to worship God at the Temple.\""}]}, {"id": "18-10", "tn": [{"ref": "Judah and Israel", "text": "The people of Judah and Israel were all descendants of Jacob and part of God's people. Even so, they disobeyed God and fought and killed each other."}]}, {"id": "18-11", "tn": [{"ref": "Israelites", "text": "Here, \"Israelites\" refers only to the people living in the northern kingdom of Israel, not to the people living in the southern kingdom of Judah."}]}, {"id": "18-12", "tn": [{"ref": "child sacrifice", "text": "They killed children as offerings to some of their idols."}]}, {"id": "18-13", "tn": [{"ref": "ruled justly", "text": "This means they ruled according to God's laws. This can be translated as, \"when they ruled, they did what was right.\""}, {"ref": "corrupt", "text": "This can be translated as, \"did what was wrong in order to get whatever they wanted.\""}]}, {"id": "19-01", "tn": [{"ref": "Throughout the history of", "text": "This expression means that God sent many prophets at many different times during all of the years that Israel and Judah existed."}, {"ref": "Israelites", "text": "This could be translated here as, \"the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.\" All of the descendants of Jacob, including those in the kingdom of Judah, continued to be called \"Israelites.\""}]}, {"id": "19-02", "tn": [{"ref": "until I say so", "text": "This may be translated as, \"until I command the rain and dew to come again.\""}, {"ref": "This made Ahab very angry", "text": "This could be translated as, \"When Ahab heard what Elijah said, he became very angry.\""}]}, {"id": "19-03", "tn": [{"ref": "the wilderness", "text": "This was a remote location with very few people. This may also be translated as, \"desert\" or, \"the bush.\""}, {"ref": "The drought", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the lack of rain.\" This drought was a result of Elijah declaring that there would be no rain."}]}, {"id": "19-04", "tn": [{"ref": "neighboring country", "text": "This refers to a country that was beside, or shared a border with Israel."}, {"ref": "the famine", "text": "If needed, this could be translated as, \"the famine caused by the drought.\""}, {"ref": "took care of", "text": "This means they gave him a place to stay in their house and provided food for him. It does not mean he was sick."}, {"ref": "God provided for them\u2026never became empty", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God prevented their flour jar and their bottle of oil from becoming empty\" or, \"God caused\u2026to never become empty.\""}, {"ref": "flour jar", "text": "This refers to a clay jar in which the widow kept her supply of flour."}, {"ref": "bottle of oil", "text": "In Israel, olive oil is used for cooking. This could be translated as, \"bottle of cooking oil.\" The widow used the flour and the oil for making bread."}]}, {"id": "19-05", "tn": [{"ref": "speak with Ahab because he was going to send", "text": "This could be translated as, \"tell Ahab that God was going to send.\""}, {"ref": "you troublemaker", "text": "This means, \"You are a troublemaker!\" Ahab was accusing Elijah of causing trouble by telling the king that he was doing wrong and also by stopping the rain."}, {"ref": "You have abandoned Yahweh", "text": "That is, Ahab had led Israel to stop worshiping and obeying Yahweh."}, {"ref": "Mount Carmel", "text": "Mount Carmel is the name of a mountain located in northern Israel. It is over 500 meters high."}]}, {"id": "19-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Mount Carmel", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:19-05|[19-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "How long will you", "text": "This is not a real question asking for information. Elijah was rebuking the Israelites for repeatedly changing their minds about whether they would serve Yahweh or Baal. Some languages will have to express this as a statement such as, \"Stop changing your minds about whom you will worship!\""}, {"ref": "If Yahweh is God\u2026If Baal is God", "text": "This does not mean that Elijah was undecided. He knew that Yahweh is the real God. He wanted the people to understand that when they worship false gods, they are rejecting Yahweh as the only true God. Translate this in a way that shows that the people had to make a choice."}]}, {"id": "19-07", "tn": [{"ref": "who answers with fire", "text": "That is, \"who supernaturally sends fire to burn up the sacrifice.\""}, {"ref": "the real God", "text": "This means the one and only true God."}]}, {"id": "19-08", "tn": [{"ref": "prayed to Baal", "text": "the prophets of Baal asked Baal to send fire onto the bull they prepared as a sacrifice."}, {"ref": "shouted", "text": "They yelled or called out loudly to Baal."}, {"ref": "cut themselves with knives", "text": "They injured themselves with knives as an extreme way to show their devotion to Baal, hoping that this would persuade him to listen to them."}, {"ref": "there was no answer", "text": "There was no response of any kind to their shouting, and no fire came to burn up the sacrifice."}]}, {"id": "19-09", "tn": []}, {"id": "19-10", "tn": [{"ref": "show us", "text": "That is, \"prove to us\" or, \"demonstrate to us.\""}, {"ref": "I am your servant", "text": "This could be translated as, \"You have given me authority to serve you and do these things.\""}, {"ref": "Answer me", "text": "That is, \"respond to my prayer\" or, \"send the fire that I have asked you for.\""}, {"ref": "these people will know", "text": "This may be translated as, \"these people will see and understand.\""}]}, {"id": "19-11", "tn": [{"ref": "fell from the sky", "text": "This may be translated as, \"suddenly came down from the sky.\""}, {"ref": "fell on the ground", "text": "They quickly lay down or knelt down on the ground. They were afraid of Yahweh because they had seen his power. They knew that only the true God could do that and bowed down to honor and worship him."}, {"ref": "Yahweh is God", "text": "This expression means that they understood that Yahweh is the only God, not just one god among others."}]}, {"id": "19-12", "tn": [{"ref": "escape", "text": "The prophets of Baal tried to run away after their god was proven to be a false god."}, {"ref": "captured", "text": "That is, \"seized and held onto\" or, \"took hold of.\""}]}, {"id": "19-13", "tn": [{"ref": "the sky grew black", "text": "That is, \"the sky became very dark.\" Heavy rainclouds covered the sky, making it look dark grey or black."}, {"ref": "drought", "text": "That is, \"long dry time with no rain.\""}]}, {"id": "19-14", "tn": [{"ref": "an enemy commander", "text": "Naaman was a commander in the army of one of the countries that was Israel's enemy."}, {"ref": "He had heard of Elisha", "text": "This means that people had told Naaman that Elisha was able to perform miracles."}, {"ref": "he went and asked Elisha", "text": "That is, \"he went to see Elisha and asked him.\" Naaman had to go into Israel to find Elisha and ask him to do this."}]}, {"id": "19-15", "tn": [{"ref": "would not do it because it seemed foolish", "text": "Naaman would not do what Elisha said because he knew that washing alone could not heal his disease."}, {"ref": "he changed his mind", "text": "That is, \"he decided to do what Elisha had told him to do.\""}]}, {"id": "19-16", "tn": [{"ref": "start showing justice and mercy", "text": "This can be translated as, \"start being just and merciful\" or, \"begin to demonstrate justice and mercy.\""}]}, {"id": "19-17", "tn": [{"ref": "dry well", "text": "The well did not currently have any water in it, but it did still have mud in the bottom. This could be translated as, \"empty well.\""}, {"ref": "had mercy on him", "text": "This means he was kind to Jeremiah and helped him."}]}, {"id": "19-18", "tn": [{"ref": "continued to speak for God", "text": "That is, \"continued to tell the people what God wanted to tell them.\""}, {"ref": "of the promise that God's Messiah would come", "text": "This could be translated as, \"that God had promised that his Messiah would come to save his people.\""}]}, {"id": "20-01", "tn": [{"ref": "broke the covenant", "text": "That is, \"disobeyed the commands God had given them in his covenant with them at Mount Sinai.\""}, {"ref": "warn them to repent and worship him again", "text": "Another way to translate this would be, \"tell them to stop sinning and to worship Yahweh instead of other gods, or terrible things would happen to them.\""}]}, {"id": "20-02", "tn": [{"ref": "both kingdoms", "text": "This refers to both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah."}, {"ref": "Empire", "text": "A country was called an \"empire\" when it was powerful enough to extend its authority over many other countries."}, {"ref": "took away", "text": "That is, \"stole.\" They stole these valuable things and carried them back to Assyria."}]}, {"id": "20-03", "tn": [{"ref": "skills", "text": "This refers to practical skills such as woodworking, metalworking, and building."}, {"ref": "remained", "text": "That is, \"stayed\" or, \"were left behind\" or, \"were allowed to stay behind.\""}]}, {"id": "20-04", "tn": [{"ref": "foreigners", "text": "This refers to people who were not Israelites."}]}, {"id": "20-05", "tn": [{"ref": "for not believing and obeying him", "text": "Another way to translate this would be, \"because they did not believe or obey him.\""}, {"ref": "warn them", "text": "That is, \"tell them to stop sinning or terrible things would happen to them.\""}, {"ref": "they refused to listen", "text": "That is, \"they refused to obey\" or \"they refused to stop their evil behavior.\""}]}, {"id": "20-06", "tn": [{"ref": "empire", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-02|[20-02]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "agreed to be", "text": "The king of Judah was forced to either serve the Babylonian king or be destroyed."}, {"ref": "to be Nebuchadnezzar's servant", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to govern Judah under Nebuchadnezzar's command.\""}]}, {"id": "20-07", "tn": [{"ref": "came back", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"returned\" or \"came to Judah again.\""}, {"ref": "captured the city", "text": "That is, \"took control of the city and the people there.\""}, {"ref": "took away", "text": "They carried the treasures with them back to Babylon."}]}, {"id": "20-08", "tn": [{"ref": "To punish", "text": "Nebuchadnezzar punished the king of Judah by telling his soldiers to do these things."}, {"ref": "in front of him", "text": "This may be translated as, \"where he could see,\" or \"so that he could see it,\" or \"before his eyes.\""}, {"ref": "made him blind", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"destroyed his eyes.\""}]}, {"id": "20-09", "tn": [{"ref": "leaving\u2026behind", "text": "That is, \"leaving only the poorest people in Judah\" or, \"letting only the poorest people stay in Judah.\""}, {"ref": "This period of time", "text": "To translate this, choose a phrase that can refer to a long time, since this exile period lasted seventy years."}, {"ref": "Exile", "text": "The word \"exile\" means someone is removed from they country by force. The \"Exile\" is the term for this 70-year period when the Israelites were forced to live in Babylon."}]}, {"id": "20-10", "tn": [{"ref": "exile", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-09|[20-09]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "did not forget", "text": "This could be translated as, \"did not ignore\" or, \"did not neglect.\" Or the whole phrase could be translated as, \"continued to honor his commitment to his people and his promises.\""}, {"ref": "watch over", "text": "That is, \"take care of.\""}, {"ref": "speak to them through his prophets", "text": "This could be translated as, \"tell his prophets messages that he wanted them to tell his people.\""}]}, {"id": "20-11", "tn": [{"ref": "seventy years later", "text": "This refers to the seventy years that had passed since the Babylonian army took the people of Jerusalem into exile."}, {"ref": "Cyrus", "text": "Cyrus was also called, \"Cyrus the Great.\" The name \"Cyrus\" meant \"like the sun\" in the Persian language. However, since Cyrus was an important historical person, it might be best to transliterate his name, rather than translating the meaning."}, {"ref": "Persians", "text": "The Persian Empire grew to cover the area from central Asia to Egypt. Its home was located in the general area of modern-day Iran."}, {"ref": "The Israelites were now called Jews", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"People now called the Israelites by the name 'Jews.'\""}, {"ref": "the land of Judah", "text": "That is, the area where the kingdom of Judah was located before the Exile. Jerusalem was the capital city of Judah."}]}, {"id": "20-12", "tn": [{"ref": "Persian Empire", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Cyrus", "text": "See how you translated his name in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Judah", "text": "See the note about Judah in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "to return to Judah", "text": "Since most of these Jews were the children and grandchildren of those who left Judah, they had never lived in Judah before. In some languages it might be better to say \"to go to Judah.\""}, {"ref": "exile", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:20-09|[20-09]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "returned", "text": "That is, \"went back.\" Some languages may prefer to say, \"went\" since most of these people had never been to Jerusalem."}]}, {"id": "20-13", "tn": [{"ref": "the people", "text": "That is, the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob, who were now called the Jews."}, {"ref": "the wall", "text": "This wall was very thick (2.5 meters) and was built to protect the city from attackers."}, {"ref": "ruled by other people", "text": "That is, another nation controlled them. The Jews were ruled by the Persians at this time, and later by other nations."}, {"ref": "once again", "text": "In some languages this might need to be translated as, \"now\" or, \"as their ancestors had done\" or, \"just as before the Exile.\""}, {"ref": "worshiped at the Temple", "text": "They worshiped Yahweh, the One True God, at the Temple they rebuilt."}]}, {"id": "21-01", "tn": [{"ref": "From the very beginning", "text": "That is, from when the earth was first created."}, {"ref": "crush the snake's head", "text": "Unless the head of a venomous snake is crushed, the snake can still hurt someone. Use a word for \"crush\" that communicates that its head is destroyed."}, {"ref": "The snake\u2026was Satan", "text": "Satan spoke to Eve in the form of a snake. This does not mean that he is a snake now. This could be translated as, \"The snake\u2026was an appearance of Satan.\""}, {"ref": "who deceived Eve", "text": "That is, \"who lied to Eve.\" The snake lied by making Eve doubt what God had said and tricking her into disobeying God."}]}, {"id": "21-02", "tn": [{"ref": "through him", "text": "That is, \"because of one of his descendants.\""}]}, {"id": "21-03", "tn": [{"ref": "raise up another prophet like Moses", "text": "That is, \"appoint another prophet like Moses\" or, \"cause another prophet to come who would be like Moses.\""}, {"ref": "prophet like Moses", "text": "To be like Moses, the future prophet would need to have great authority from God to lead and rescue his people."}]}, {"id": "21-04", "tn": [{"ref": "David's own descendants", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"a direct descendant of David himself.\""}]}, {"id": "21-05", "tn": [{"ref": "Through the prophet Jeremiah God promised", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Through the messages that God gave to Jeremiah, God promised\" or, \"The prophet Jeremiah told the people God's promise.\""}, {"ref": "but not like", "text": "The New Covenant would be truly effective. People really would know God, they would truly live as his people, and He would forgive their sins completely, based on the Messiah's sacrifice of himself one time for all who believe in him."}, {"ref": "write his law on the people's hearts", "text": "This is a metaphor meaning, \"help his people to understand his laws and to earnestly desire to obey them.\" If possible, keep the image of writing on their hearts, since this is in contrast with the way God had written his law on stone tablets for the Israelites. If that is not possible, you could just translate the meaning."}, {"ref": "be his people", "text": "This could be translated as, \"be his special people\" or, \"be his favored people.\""}, {"ref": "start the New Covenant", "text": "That is, \"be the one to cause the New Covenant to take effect\" or, \"bring the New Covenant to his people.\""}]}, {"id": "21-06", "tn": [{"ref": "perfect prophet", "text": "The Messiah would be a prophet who is perfect in obedience to God, giving every word God would speak to the people. He would present God perfectly to the people, helping them to know and understand God."}]}, {"id": "21-07", "tn": [{"ref": "on behalf of", "text": "This may be translated as, \"for the benefit of\" or, \"in the place of.\""}, {"ref": "as a substitute for the punishment for their sins", "text": "God allowed people to bring animals to sacrifice for their sin as a reminder of the punishment that they deserved and their dependence on God to remove their sin. God accepted these sacrifices as a temporary covering for sin and did not punish the people for it."}, {"ref": "perfect high priest", "text": "Unlike the other high priests, the Messiah would never sin, and he would permanently take away all the sins of the people."}, {"ref": "offer himself", "text": "That is, \"allow himself to be killed.\""}, {"ref": "perfect sacrifice", "text": "That is, \"a sacrifice that has no fault or imperfection.\""}]}, {"id": "21-08", "tn": [{"ref": "sit on the throne of his ancestor David", "text": "A throne is a ceremonial chair for a king or queen that represents their authority. This expression could also be translated as, \"have the authority to reign as his ancestor King David did\" or, \"be the descendant of King David and continue his rule over God's people.\""}, {"ref": "the whole world", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"everyone everywhere.\""}]}, {"id": "21-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Malachi", "text": "Malachi was the last prophet in the Old Testament."}, {"ref": "foretold", "text": "This could be translated as, \"predicted\" or, \"prophesied.\" It means to tell something that will happen in the future. Malachi spoke God's message to the people 400 years before the Messiah came."}, {"ref": "prophesied", "text": "In this context, \"prophesied\" has the same meaning as \"foretold\" and \"predicted\" since it means the prophet told something that would happen far in the future."}, {"ref": "the Messiah would be born from a virgin", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"a virgin would give birth to the Messiah.\""}, {"ref": "Micah", "text": "Micah was an Old Testament prophet of God who, like Isaiah, spoke his messages from God almost 800 years before the Messiah came."}]}, {"id": "21-10", "tn": [{"ref": "broken-hearted people", "text": "This expression refers to people who are experiencing extreme sadness."}, {"ref": "proclaim freedom to captives", "text": "That is, \"tell slaves they could be free.\" This could also refer to freeing people from slavery to sin."}, {"ref": "release to prisoners", "text": "That is, \"he will set free those who have unjustly been put into prison.\" This could also refer to setting people free from the bondage of sin."}, {"ref": "could not hear, see, speak, or walk", "text": "It may be better to say, \"could not hear, could not see, could not speak, or could not walk.\" Some languages have special words for these conditions, such as \"deaf\" and \"blind.\""}]}, {"id": "21-11", "tn": [{"ref": "hated without reason and rejected", "text": "This could be translated as, \"hated and rejected, even though he had done nothing wrong\" or \"\u2026even though he was innocent.\""}, {"ref": "foretold", "text": "This means they told about things that would happen in the future. Other words that have a similar meaning are, \"predicted\" and \"prophesied.\""}, {"ref": "gamble for his clothes", "text": "That is, \"play a game of chance to determine who would win his clothes.\""}, {"ref": "Zechariah", "text": "Zechariah was an Old Testament prophet who spoke to God's people after they returned to the Promised Land from the Exile in Babylon. This was about 500 years before the Messiah came."}, {"ref": "thirty silver coins", "text": "At the time, each of these coins was worth the amount of money a person could earn in four days."}]}, {"id": "21-12", "tn": [{"ref": "pierce", "text": "That is, \"stab.\" Sharp objects would penetrate his body as part of the punishment for people's sin."}]}, {"id": "21-13", "tn": [{"ref": "having no sin", "text": "This can also be translated as \"he never sinned.\""}, {"ref": "receive the punishment for other people's sin", "text": "That is, \"to take on himself the punishment that other people deserved\" or, \"to be punished in the place of other people.\""}, {"ref": "it was God's will", "text": "That is, \"it fulfilled God's purpose.\" This phrase means that the Messiah's death was exactly what God had planned to happen in order that his sacrifice would pay for the sins of the people."}, {"ref": "to crush", "text": "That is, \"to damage completely,\" \"to kill\" or, \"to completely destroy.\""}]}, {"id": "21-14", "tn": [{"ref": "raise him from the dead", "text": "That is, \"cause him to be alive again.\""}, {"ref": "Through the Messiah's death and resurrection, God would", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"God would use the Messiah's death and resurrection to\" or \"The Messiah's death and resurrection would be the way that God would.\""}, {"ref": "start the New Covenant", "text": "That is, \"put the New Covenant into effect.\""}]}, {"id": "21-15", "tn": [{"ref": "into the world", "text": "This could be translated as, \"to the people of the world.\" The Messiah would be sent not only to the Jews, but to all people."}]}, {"id": "22-01", "tn": [{"ref": "his people", "text": "This could be translated as, \"his people, the Israelites\" or \"his people, the Jews.\" But only include the added information if it is not clearly understood who these people were."}, {"ref": "400 years went by", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"400 years passed\" or \"there were 400 years.\" 400 years had passed since the last Old Testament prophet, Malachi."}, {"ref": "when he did not speak to them", "text": "That is, \"during which God did not give any messages to the prophets for his people.\""}, {"ref": "godly people", "text": "That is, \"people who obeyed God.\""}]}, {"id": "22-02", "tn": [{"ref": "The angel", "text": "This refers to the angel that came to Zechariah in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:22-01|[22-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "filled with the Holy Spirit", "text": "That is, \"controlled by the Holy Spirit\" or, \"given wisdom and power by the Holy Spirit.\""}, {"ref": "How will I know this will happen?", "text": "Another way to translate this would be, \"How can I be sure that this will truly happen?\""}]}, {"id": "22-03", "tn": [{"ref": "became pregnant", "text": "Some languages have polite ways of saying \"become pregnant.\" Use an expression that will not be embarrassing to readers."}]}, {"id": "22-04", "tn": [{"ref": "six months pregnant", "text": "Either she had already been pregnant for six months or she was in the sixth month of her pregnancy."}, {"ref": "pregnant", "text": "Different languages have different idioms to talk about pregnancy, such as \"she was with child\" or, \"she had one in her body\" or, \"she had belly.\" Some languages have special ways of speaking about it politely, such as \"she was expecting.\" Use an expression that will not be embarrassing to readers."}, {"ref": "Elizabeth", "text": "She was Zechariah's wife. An angel told Zechariah that Elizabeth would give birth to a son."}, {"ref": "Elizabeth's relative", "text": "Many translations say, \"cousin\" here but we don't know exactly how these two women were related. A general term like, \"relative,\" \"kin\" or, \"cousin\" could be used."}, {"ref": "was engaged", "text": "That is, \"was promised.\""}]}, {"id": "22-05", "tn": [{"ref": "How can this be", "text": "That is, \"How can I become pregnant?\" Mary was not doubting the truth of the angel's words, but asking how it would happen."}, {"ref": "Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of God will overshadow you", "text": "These are two ways of saying the same thing: \"By the power of God, the Holy Spirit will miraculously cause you to become pregnant.\" Make sure the translation of this sentence does not sound like there was any physical contact involved. This was a miracle."}]}, {"id": "22-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Elizabeth", "text": "See the note about Elizabeth on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:22-04|[22-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting", "text": "For some languages it may be better to say, \"Mary greeted Elizabeth and as soon as Elizabeth heard her.\""}, {"ref": "baby jumped inside her", "text": "The baby moved suddenly inside Elizabeth's womb in response to Mary's greeting to Elizabeth."}, {"ref": "what God had done for them", "text": "This refers to the fact that both women were pregnant through God's supernatural intervention. Mary had conceived without a man, and Elizabeth had conceived with Zechariah after she was past the age of childbearing."}]}, {"id": "22-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Elizabeth", "text": "See the note about Elizabeth on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:22-04|[22-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Praise God", "text": "That is, \"We should all praise God.\""}, {"ref": "will be called", "text": "This is another way of saying, \"will be\" or, \"will be known as.\" John would actually be the Prophet of the Most High God."}, {"ref": "the prophet", "text": "That is, \"the very important prophet.\" John would be the prophet that the Old Testament prophets had predicted would come before the Messiah."}, {"ref": "Most High God", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"the God who is greater than everything\" or, \"the God who rules over everything.\""}]}, {"id": "23-01", "tn": [{"ref": "he knew it was not his baby", "text": "That is, \"he knew that he was not the one who had caused her to be pregnant.\""}, {"ref": "to shame Mary", "text": "That is, \"to cause Mary to be publicly disgraced\" or \"to embarrass Mary publicly.\" Joseph was merciful to Mary, even though it seemed like she was an adulterer."}, {"ref": "he planned to quietly divorce her", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"He planned to divorce her without telling others why,\" or, \"He planned to divorce her without telling others about her pregnancy.\" Because Joseph was righteous, he wanted to resolve the situation in the best way possible, which in this culture would be to divorce her quietly."}, {"ref": "divorce her", "text": "For some languages it may be better to say, \"break their engagement.\" Joseph and Mary were engaged or, \"pledged to be married.\" But in Jewish culture a divorce was required in order to break off an engagement."}, {"ref": "in a dream", "text": "That is, \"while he was asleep and dreaming.\""}]}, {"id": "23-02", "tn": [{"ref": "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Stop thinking that you shouldn't marry Mary\" or, \"Do not hesitate to have Mary as your wife.\""}, {"ref": "is from the Holy Spirit", "text": "That is, \"was conceived by a miracle of the Holy Spirit.\""}]}, {"id": "23-03", "tn": [{"ref": "he did not sleep with her", "text": "That is, \"he did not have sexual relations with her.\" He kept her a virgin until the birth of the baby."}]}, {"id": "23-04", "tn": [{"ref": "When the time was near for Mary to give birth", "text": "That is, \"When it was near the end of Mary's pregnancy.\""}, {"ref": "Roman government", "text": "Rome had conquered and ruled over Israel at this time."}, {"ref": "for a census", "text": "That is, \"to be counted for the government record\" or, \"so that the government could write their names on a list\" or, \"to be counted by the government.\" This census was probably made for the purpose of taxing the people."}]}, {"id": "23-05", "tn": [{"ref": "no place to stay", "text": "That is, \"no usual place to stay.\" Because Bethlehem was so crowded at that time, the usual rooms for guests were already full of people."}, {"ref": "place where animals stayed", "text": "This was a place for sheltering animals, not a place where people lived. Translate this with a term that would normally be used for a place where animals were kept."}, {"ref": "feeding trough", "text": "That is, \"animal feed box\" or, \"wooden or stone box for feeding animals.\" The box could have been filled with hay to provide a padded surface for the baby to lie on."}]}, {"id": "23-06", "tn": [{"ref": "guarding their flocks", "text": "A \"flock\" is a group of sheep. The shepherds were caring for their sheep, and protecting them from harm or theft."}, {"ref": "a shining angel", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"an angel surrounded by a bright light.\" The shining light would have seemed even brighter in contrast to the darkness of the night."}, {"ref": "they were terrified", "text": "The appearance of the supernatural angel was extremely frightening."}, {"ref": "Do not be afraid", "text": "This often means, \"stop being afraid.\" The shepherds were very afraid when they saw the angel so he was telling them they did not need to be afraid."}]}, {"id": "23-07", "tn": [{"ref": "wrapped in pieces of cloth", "text": "The custom of that time was to tightly wrap newborn babies in long strips of cloth. It may be necessary to say, \"wrapped in long strips of cloth, in the customary way.\""}, {"ref": "feeding trough", "text": "That is, \"animal feeding box.\" Also see how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:23-05|[23-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "filled with angels", "text": "This means that there were so many angels that they seemed to fill the sky."}, {"ref": "Glory to God", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Let us all give glory to God!\" or, \"Our God deserves all glory and honor!\" or, \"We all give glory to God!\""}, {"ref": "peace on earth", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"may there be peace on earth.\""}, {"ref": "the people he favors", "text": "This might be translated as, \"people that God looks upon with favor, delight, or good will.\""}]}, {"id": "23-08", "tn": [{"ref": "all they had heard and seen", "text": "That is, \"for everything they had heard and seen.\" This included the glorious angels and their amazing message, as well as seeing the newborn Messiah himself."}]}, {"id": "23-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Sometime later", "text": "It is not clear how long it was after the birth of Jesus before the wise men saw the star, but it may have taken as long as two years for them to prepare for the trip and then travel to Bethlehem."}, {"ref": "wise men", "text": "The \"wise men\" were probably astrologers who studied the stars. They may also have had access to the Old Testament prophets' writings that predicted the birth of the Messiah."}, {"ref": "unusual star", "text": "The star that they noticed was not a normal star. It was something that appeared at the time of Jesus' birth."}, {"ref": "They realized", "text": "Some languages may add, \"From their studies, these scholars realized.\""}, {"ref": "the house", "text": "They were no longer staying in the place for animals where he was born."}]}, {"id": "23-10", "tn": [{"ref": "wise men", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:23-09|[23-09]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "bowed down", "text": "That is, \"bowed low to the ground.\" At that time, this was the customary way of showing great respect or reverence."}, {"ref": "expensive", "text": "That is, \"very valuable.\""}]}, {"id": "24-01", "tn": [{"ref": "wilderness", "text": "That is, \"the desert\" or, \"a remote, desert-like place.\" There were few people living out in this area."}, {"ref": "wild honey", "text": "This honey was the natural product of bees in the wilderness; it was not cultivated by people. If that is what people would understand by the word \"honey,\" you may not need to call it \"wild.\""}, {"ref": "locusts", "text": "These were large, hopping insects with wings, like very large grasshoppers. Some people who live in the desert eat them."}, {"ref": "camel hair", "text": "A camel is an animal that has very rough hair. People could make clothing out of it. This could be translated as \"rough animal hair.\""}, {"ref": "clothes made from camel hair", "text": "That is, \"coarse clothes made of camel hair.\" These clothes would not quickly wear out in the wilderness as other clothes would."}]}, {"id": "24-02", "tn": [{"ref": "wilderness", "text": "See how you translated this word in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:24-01|[24-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Repent", "text": "It might be better to say, \"Repent from your sins.\""}, {"ref": "the kingdom of God is near", "text": "That is, \"the kingdom of God is ready to appear\" or, \"the kingdom of God will arrive soon.\" This refers to God's ruling over people. This can also be translated as, \"God's reign is about to begin\" or, \"God will soon rule over us as king.\""}]}, {"id": "24-03", "tn": [{"ref": "repented from their sins", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"repented concerning their sins\" or, \"changed their minds about their sins\" or, \"turned away from their sins.\""}, {"ref": "did not repent", "text": "That is, \"did not turn away from their sins.\""}, {"ref": "confess their sins", "text": "To confess is to acknowledge that something is true. These leaders did not want to acknowledge that they had sinned. This may be translated as, \"confess that they had sinned.\""}]}, {"id": "24-04", "tn": [{"ref": "You poisonous snakes", "text": "This could be translated as, \"You are like lying poisonous snakes!\" John was calling them poisonous snakes because they were dangerous and deceptive."}, {"ref": "Every tree that does not bear good fruit", "text": "John is not really talking about trees. This is an expression that compares good fruit to good actions and attitudes that come from God."}, {"ref": "will be cut down and thrown into the fire", "text": "This means, \"will be judged and punished by God.\""}, {"ref": "John fulfilled", "text": "That is, \"John was doing\" what the prophet said God's messenger would do."}, {"ref": "See", "text": "This could be translated as \"Look and see\" or, \"Pay attention!\""}, {"ref": "my messenger", "text": "That is, \"I, Yahweh, will send my messenger.\" In some languages it would be more natural to use an indirect quote for this sentence, such as: \"what the prophet Isaiah predicted when he said that God would send his messenger.\""}, {"ref": "ahead of you", "text": "In this phrase, the word \"you\" refers to the Messiah."}, {"ref": "prepare your way", "text": "God's messenger will prepare the people to listen to the Messiah."}]}, {"id": "24-05", "tn": [{"ref": "He is so great", "text": "This could be translated as, \"He is so important.\""}, {"ref": "not even worthy to untie his sandals", "text": "In other words, \"compared to him, I am not important enough to do even the most menial task for him.\" Untying sandals was a very low job, something a slave would do."}]}, {"id": "24-06", "tn": [{"ref": "There is", "text": "For some languages this would be, \"Here is\" or, \"That man is.\""}, {"ref": "Lamb of God", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the Lamb from God\" or, \"the sacrifice Lamb that God has provided.\" Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin that God promised to provide. He fulfills the image that was presented by the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament."}, {"ref": "will take away", "text": "The sacrifice of Jesus causes God to look at our sin as if it never existed."}, {"ref": "sin of the world", "text": "That is, \"the sin of the people in the world.\""}]}, {"id": "24-07", "tn": [{"ref": "I am not worthy to baptize you", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I am not good enough to baptize you\" or, \"I am sinful, so I should not baptize you.\""}, {"ref": "it is the right thing to do", "text": "This might also be translated as, \"it is the proper thing to do\" or, \"this is what God wants me to do.\""}]}, {"id": "24-08", "tn": [{"ref": "my Son whom I love", "text": "Make sure the translation of this does not sound like there was another son. It may be necessary to say, \"You are my Son. I love you very much and am very pleased with you.\""}]}, {"id": "24-09", "tn": [{"ref": "God had told John", "text": "That is, \"Before this, God had told John\" or, \"Before Jesus came to be baptized, God had told John.\""}]}, {"id": "25-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the Holy Spirit led him", "text": "That is, \"the Holy Spirit guided him\" or, \"the Holy Spirit prompted him to go.\""}, {"ref": "the wilderness", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the desert\" or, \"a remote, barren place with few people.\" This place probably had very few trees or other plants, so most people would not be able to live there."}, {"ref": "forty days and forty nights", "text": "This means \"forty days, both during the day and during the night.\" Make sure the translation of this phrase does not sound like a period of eighty days."}, {"ref": "tempted him to sin", "text": "Since Jesus did not sin, make sure you use a word that does not imply that Satan succeeded in convincing Jesus to sin. This phrase could also be translated as, \"tried to convince him to sin.\""}]}, {"id": "25-02", "tn": [{"ref": "turn these rocks into bread", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"make these rocks become bread\" or, \"supernaturally change these rocks into bread.\""}, {"ref": "bread", "text": "This could be translated as, \"food\" for languages where bread is not a common food. In the Jews' culture, bread was the main food."}]}, {"id": "25-03", "tn": [{"ref": "bread", "text": "Make sure that you use the same word to translate \"bread\" here as you did in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:25-02|[25-02]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "but they need every word that God speaks!", "text": "Another way to translate this would be, \"Rather, people need to listen to and obey everything God says\" or, \"Rather, people have real life by believing and obeying what God says.\""}]}, {"id": "25-04", "tn": [{"ref": "throw yourself down", "text": "That is, \"jump off this building to the ground.\""}, {"ref": "it is written", "text": "That is, \"a prophet of God wrote long ago.\""}, {"ref": "so your foot does not hit a stone", "text": "This means, \"so that you will not be hurt at all; not even your foot will be injured on a stone.\" It could also be translated as, \"so that even your foot will not strike against a stone; you will not be injured at all.\""}]}, {"id": "25-05", "tn": [{"ref": "In God's word, he commands his people, 'Do not test the Lord, your God.'\"", "text": "This could be translated as an indirect quote: \"God commands us in his word that we should not test the Lord our God.\""}, {"ref": "Do not test the Lord your God", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Do not make the Lord your God prove himself to you\" or, \"Do not make the Lord your God prove that he is good.\""}, {"ref": "Lord your God", "text": "That is, \"Yahweh, your God\" or, \"Yahweh, who is God and has authority over you.\""}]}, {"id": "25-06", "tn": [{"ref": "kingdoms of the world", "text": "This refers to all the greatest cities, countries, and other territories of the world."}, {"ref": "their glory", "text": "That is, \"their power and wealth.\""}, {"ref": "I will give you all this", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I will give you all the wealth and power of these kingdoms\" or, \"I will make you the ruler over all these countries, cities and people.\""}]}, {"id": "25-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Get away from me", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"Leave me\" or, \"Leave me alone.\""}, {"ref": "In God's word he commands his people, \"Worship only the Lord your God and only serve him\"", "text": "This could be written as an indirect quote, \"In God's word, he commands us that we must worship and serve only the Lord God, who rules over us.\""}, {"ref": "Lord your God", "text": "Translate this phrase the same way as you did in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:25-05|[25-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "and only serve him", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"He is the only one you should serve.\""}]}, {"id": "25-08", "tn": [{"ref": "did not give in to", "text": "This could be translated as, \"did not do the things that Satan was tempting him to do.\""}]}, {"id": "26-01", "tn": [{"ref": "After overcoming Satan's temptations, Jesus returned", "text": "You may prefer to make this into two sentences and say, \"Jesus did not do the wrong things Satan tried to get him to do and so defeated him. After that, Jesus returned.\" The word \"overcoming\" can also be translated with \"resisting\" or, \"rejecting\" or, \"refusing.\""}, {"ref": "in the power of the Holy Spirit", "text": "This may be translated as, \"as the power of the Holy Spirit worked through him\" or, \"and the Holy Spirit was powerfully guiding him.\""}, {"ref": "went from place to place teaching", "text": "That is, he \"traveled to different towns and other places and taught the people there.\""}, {"ref": "Everyone", "text": "That is, \"Everyone who knew him or heard about him.\""}, {"ref": "spoke well of him", "text": "That is, \"said good things about him.\""}]}, {"id": "26-02", "tn": [{"ref": "place of worship", "text": "That is, \"the building where the Jews gathered to worship God.\" This can also be translated as, \"worship building.\""}, {"ref": "scroll", "text": "A scroll was a long sheet of paper or leather that was rolled up and had writing on it."}, {"ref": "the scroll of the prophet Isaiah", "text": "That is, \"the scroll that had the words that the prophet Isaiah had written.\" Isaiah had written on a scroll hundreds of years before. This was a copy of that scroll."}, {"ref": "opened up the scroll", "text": "This could be translated as, \"rolled open the scroll\" or, \"unrolled the scroll.\""}]}, {"id": "26-03", "tn": [{"ref": "proclaim good news to the poor", "text": "That is, \"to tell poor and needy people the good message that God will help them.\""}, {"ref": "freedom to captives", "text": "That is, \"to tell people who are wrongfully in prison that they will be released.\""}, {"ref": "recovery of sight for the blind", "text": "This could be translated as, \"that those who are blind will receive their sight.\""}, {"ref": "release to the oppressed", "text": "That is, \"freedom for those who are mistreated in life.\""}, {"ref": "the year of the Lord's favor", "text": "This may be translated as, \"the time when the Lord will be merciful to us\" or, \"the time when the Lord will be very gracious to us.\""}]}, {"id": "26-04", "tn": [{"ref": "The words I just read to you are happening right now", "text": "Other ways to translate this would be, \"The words you just heard me read are being fulfilled right now\" or, \"Today the words I read to you came true as you heard them.\""}, {"ref": "amazed", "text": "Translate the word \"amazed\" with a term that means that they were surprised, shocked, and confused about how this could be possible."}, {"ref": "Isn't this the son of Joseph?", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"This man is only the son of Joseph!\" or, \"Everyone knows he is just Joseph's son!\" The people were not asking if he was Joseph's son or not. They were wondering how he could be the Messiah since they thought he was only the son of an ordinary man."}]}, {"id": "26-05", "tn": [{"ref": "no prophet is accepted in his hometown", "text": "This phrase means, \"people do not recognize the authority of a prophet that has grown up among them.\""}]}, {"id": "26-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Elisha", "text": "Elisha was God's prophet who came after Elijah. Like Elijah, Elisha confronted Israelite kings who were sinning against God and he did miracles that God gave him power to do."}, {"ref": "a commander", "text": "That is, \"a military leader.\""}, {"ref": "they were furious at him", "text": "The Jews did not want to hear that God had blessed any people group besides themselves, so they were very angry at what Jesus said."}]}, {"id": "26-07", "tn": [{"ref": "place of worship", "text": "That is, \"the building where the Jewish people gathered to worship God.\" This can also be translated as \"worship building.\" See how you translated it in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:26-02|[26-02]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "But Jesus walked through the crowd", "text": "\"But\" could be translated with a strong contrast word or phrase such as \"But instead\" or, \"However\" to show that the people were not able to do to Jesus what they had planned to do."}]}, {"id": "26-08", "tn": [{"ref": "went throughout the region of Galilee", "text": "That is, \"all around in Galilee\" or, \"from place to place in Galilee.\""}]}, {"id": "26-09", "tn": [{"ref": "who had demons in them", "text": "That is, \"who were controlled by evil spirits.\""}, {"ref": "When Jesus commanded them", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"When Jesus gave the command to them.\""}]}, {"id": "26-10", "tn": [{"ref": "learned from him", "text": "That is, \"learned from what he taught them\" or, \"learned from everything he said and did.\""}]}, {"id": "27-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "expert in the Jewish law", "text": "This man was someone who studied and taught the laws God had given the Israelites, as well as other Jewish laws."}, {"ref": "to test him", "text": "That is, \"to see if Jesus would give a good answer.\""}, {"ref": "to inherit eternal life", "text": "That is, \"to have life with God forever\" or, \"so that God will give me life with him forever\" or, \"to receive eternal life from God.\" The law expert was asking how he could be worthy to receive eternal life as an inheritance from God the Father."}, {"ref": "eternal life", "text": "This refers to life forever with God after the mortal body dies. See the key term page for eternal life."}, {"ref": "What is written in God's law?", "text": "That is, \"What is written in God's law about this?\" Jesus asked this question because he wanted the man to think about what God's law really teaches."}]}, {"id": "27-02", "tn": [{"ref": "law expert", "text": "That is, \"an expert in the Jewish law.\" See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-01|[27-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Love the Lord your God", "text": "You may choose to say, \"We must love the Lord our God.\" Make sure it does not sound like the man is commanding Jesus. Rather, he is quoting what God's law commands people to do."}, {"ref": "with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind", "text": "That is, \"with your whole self\" or, \"with every part of yourself.\" In some languages this might be translated as, \"with all your liver, breath, strength, and thoughts.\" The focus is not on each of these parts, but on all of us. Use the concepts in your language that make up the whole person."}, {"ref": "heart", "text": "The heart refers to the part of a person that has desires and emotions."}, {"ref": "soul", "text": "The soul refers to the nonphysical, spiritual part of a person."}, {"ref": "strength", "text": "Strength refers to the physical body and all of its abilities."}, {"ref": "mind", "text": "The mind refers to the part of a person that thinks, plans, and has ideas."}, {"ref": "neighbor", "text": "The word \"neighbor\" normally refers to a person who lives near us. The Jews applied the term to someone who was neither a close relative nor a foreigner or enemy."}, {"ref": "love your neighbor as yourself", "text": "That is, \"love your neighbor to the same extent that you love yourself.\""}]}, {"id": "27-03", "tn": [{"ref": "law expert", "text": "That is, \"an expert in the Jewish law.\" See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-01|[27-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "Who is my neighbor?", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"What do you mean by 'neighbor'?\" or, \"Which people are my neighbors?\" He knew that he did not love everyone, and was asking which people he needed to love."}]}, {"id": "27-04", "tn": [{"ref": "law expert", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-01|[27-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "from Jerusalem to Jericho", "text": "In some languages you could translate this as, \"from the city of Jerusalem to the city of Jericho\" or, \"from Jerusalem City to Jericho City.\""}]}, {"id": "27-05", "tn": [{"ref": "everything he had", "text": "That is, \"everything he had with him, including the clothes he was wearing.\""}]}, {"id": "27-06", "tn": [{"ref": "happened to walk down", "text": "That is, \"happened to be traveling along.\" For some languages it may be necessary to use a word like \"travel\" rather than \"walk\" since the priest was not just walking on the road but was traveling to get to another city."}, {"ref": "ignored the man", "text": "That is, \"did not help the man\" or, \"showed no concern for the man.\""}, {"ref": "kept on going", "text": "That is, \"continued traveling down the road.\""}]}, {"id": "27-07", "tn": [{"ref": "came down the road", "text": "That is, \"was traveling down that same road.\""}, {"ref": "Levites were a tribe of Jews", "text": "That is, \"Levites were from the Israelite tribe of Levi\" or, \"Levites were from the Israelite clan of Levi.\""}, {"ref": "ignored", "text": "That is, \"did not help.\""}]}, {"id": "27-08", "tn": [{"ref": "walk down", "text": "That is, \"travel along.\" These people were traveling from one city to another. Make sure that it does not sound like they were just taking a walk."}]}, {"id": "27-09", "tn": [{"ref": "his own donkey", "text": "Make sure it is clear that \"his\" refers to the Samaritan."}, {"ref": "roadside inn", "text": "That is, \"a lodging place.\" This is a place where travelers could get food and stay overnight."}, {"ref": "where he took care of him", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"where he continued to take care of him.\""}]}, {"id": "27-10", "tn": [{"ref": "continue his journey", "text": "This could be translated as, \"continue traveling toward his destination.\""}, {"ref": "in charge of", "text": "That is, \"who managed.\" It could be that this person also owned this lodging place."}, {"ref": "Take care of him", "text": "For some languages it may be preferable to say, \"Please take care of him\" in order for it to be clear that this was a polite request, not an order."}, {"ref": "repay those expenses", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"repay you\" or, \"repay that money\" or, \"repay it.\""}]}, {"id": "27-11", "tn": [{"ref": "law expert", "text": "That is, \"an expert in the Jewish law.\" See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-01|[27-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "the three men", "text": "The three men were the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan."}, {"ref": "neighbor", "text": "Jesus is using the word \"neighbor\" in a broader sense than in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-02|[27-02]]]</b>. \"Neighbor\" here refers to anyone that we meet who needs our help."}, {"ref": "was a neighbor", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"behaved as a neighbor\" or, \"was a friend\" or, \"acted in a loving way\". See how you translated \"neighbor\" in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-02|[27-02]]]</b> and <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-03|[27-03]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "You go and do", "text": "That is, \"You, too, should go and do\" or, \"Now you must do.\" Jesus was commanding the law expert to do as the Samaritan did."}, {"ref": "do the same", "text": "That is, \"love others, even your enemies.\" Make sure it does not sound like \"the same\" is only referring to helping a wounded man."}]}, {"id": "28-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "rich young ruler", "text": "This man was already a rich and powerful political official, even though he was still young."}, {"ref": "came up to Jesus", "text": "That is, \"approached Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "Good teacher", "text": "That is, \"righteous teacher.\" He was not saying that Jesus was simply a skilled teacher."}, {"ref": "to have eternal life", "text": "That is, \"to receive eternal life\" or, \"to live with God forever.\" Also consider how \"eternal life\" was translated on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:27-01|[27-01]]]</b> and see the note about that there."}, {"ref": "Why do you call me 'good'", "text": "Jesus is not denying that he is God. Rather, he is asking if the ruler understands that Jesus is God."}, {"ref": "There is only one who is good, and that is God", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"The only one who is truly good is God\" or, \"God is the only one who is truly good.\""}]}, {"id": "28-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Which ones do I need to obey?", "text": "That is, \"Which laws will be enough for me to receive eternal life?\""}, {"ref": "as you love yourself", "text": "That is, \"as much as you love yourself\" or, \"to the same degree that you love yourself.\""}]}, {"id": "28-03", "tn": [{"ref": "ever since I was a boy", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"from the time I was a child until now.\""}, {"ref": "What do I still need to do?", "text": "That is, \"What else do I need to do\" or, \"What do I need to do in addition to these?\""}, {"ref": "loved him", "text": "Jesus had compassion on him. Choose a word for love that is consistent with the kind of love God has for people."}]}, {"id": "28-04", "tn": [{"ref": "you", "text": "If your language has different words for \"you\" depending on the number of people intended, use the singular form. Jesus was addressing this command to this one man."}, {"ref": "perfect", "text": "That is, \"completely righteous.\""}, {"ref": "everything you own", "text": "That is, \"all of your possessions.\""}, {"ref": "treasure", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"riches\" or, \"great wealth.\""}, {"ref": "in heaven", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"located in heaven when you arrive there.\" This treasure will exist \"there and then,\" as opposed to the wealth that Jesus asked the young man to give up \"here and now.\""}]}, {"id": "28-05", "tn": [{"ref": "heard what Jesus said", "text": "That is, \"heard Jesus tell him to give away what he owned.\""}]}, {"id": "28-06", "tn": [{"ref": "enter the kingdom of God", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"become a citizen in God's kingdom.\""}, {"ref": "camel", "text": "Camels are very large animals that are often used to carry heavy loads. If camels are not known in your language area, a phrase such as, \"very large animal\" or, \"beast of burden\" could be used. If you choose to substitute the name of some other large animal, make sure that the animal would have been known by the people Jesus was talking to, such as, \"ox\" or, \"donkey.\""}, {"ref": "eye of a needle", "text": "This refers to the tiny hole in the end of a sewing needle. The idea of something as large as a camel going through the eye of a needle is intended to represent something that is impossible."}]}, {"id": "28-07", "tn": [{"ref": "shocked", "text": "That is, \"greatly astonished.\""}, {"ref": "who can be saved", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"If even rich people cannot be saved, how can anyone else be saved?\" Many people believed that being rich was a sign of God's favor."}, {"ref": "saved", "text": "Here it refers to being saved from God's judgment and condemnation for sin and being allowed to be a citizen in God's kingdom."}]}, {"id": "28-08", "tn": [{"ref": "With people this is impossible", "text": "That is, \"It is not possible for people to do this\" or, \"Mere humans cannot save themselves.\""}, {"ref": "with God, all things are possible", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"God is able to do anything, even save a rich person\" or, \"God is able to do impossible things, so he can save even a rich person.\""}]}, {"id": "28-09", "tn": [{"ref": "left everything", "text": "That is, \"left everything behind\" or, \"given up everything we owned.\""}, {"ref": "What will be our reward?", "text": "Another way to say this is, \"What reward will we receive\" or, \"How will we be rewarded?\" or, \"What will God give us as a reward?\" It may also be necessary to add, \"because we have done this?\""}]}, {"id": "28-10", "tn": [{"ref": "has left", "text": "That is, \"has left behind\" or, \"has given up\" or, \"has counted as less important than God.\""}, {"ref": "for my sake", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"because of me\" or, \"on my account.\""}, {"ref": "100 times more", "text": "That is, \"very much more than he had before.\""}, {"ref": "many who are first will be last", "text": "That is, \"many people who are important now, will not be important then.\""}, {"ref": "many who are last will be first", "text": "That is, \"many people who are considered to not be very important on earth will be considered very important in heaven\" or, \"Many people who are considered now to be of little value on earth will be highly valued in heaven.\""}]}, {"id": "29-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "my brother", "text": "This term sometimes included people who were not actually siblings, but who shared another very strong connection such as religion, ethnic background, etc."}, {"ref": "sins against me", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"does something wrong against me.\""}, {"ref": "Not seven times, but seventy times seven!", "text": "This could be translated as, \"You should not forgive only seven times, rather you should forgive seventy times seven times.\" Jesus was not talking about an exact number. He was saying that we should forgive people every time they sin against us."}, {"ref": "By this, Jesus meant", "text": "That is, \"When Jesus said this he meant.\""}]}, {"id": "29-02", "tn": [{"ref": "The kingdom of God is like", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"God's rule over people is like\" or, \"The way God rules people can be compared to.\""}, {"ref": "is like a king who", "text": "This could be translated as, \"is like the kingdom of a king who\" or, \"can be compared with the rule of a king who.\""}, {"ref": "settle accounts with his servants", "text": "That is, \"collect the debts his servants owed him\" or, \"collect the money his servants had borrowed from him.\""}]}, {"id": "29-03", "tn": [{"ref": "pay the debt", "text": "That is, \"pay back the money he owed to the king.\""}, {"ref": "to make payment on his debt", "text": "This could be translated as, \"and use the money received from selling them to pay part of what he owes me.\""}]}, {"id": "29-04", "tn": [{"ref": "fell on his knees", "text": "That is, \"quickly knelt down on the ground.\" This was a way to show his humility and his desire for the king to help him. Make sure it doesn't sound like he fell down accidentally."}, {"ref": "before the king", "text": "This means, \"in front of the king.\""}, {"ref": "felt pity", "text": "That is, \"felt compassion for\" or, \"felt sorry for.\" The king knew that the servant and his family would suffer greatly if they were sold into slavery."}, {"ref": "canceled all of his debt", "text": "This can be translated as, \"said that the servant did not need to pay back any of the money that he owed the king.\""}]}, {"id": "29-05", "tn": [{"ref": "fellow servant", "text": "This refers to another man who was also a servant of the king."}]}, {"id": "29-06", "tn": [{"ref": "fellow servant", "text": "Translate this phrase in the same way as in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:29-05|[29-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "fell on his knees", "text": "This phrase has the same meaning as in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:29-04|[29-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "threw his fellow servant into prison", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"had the man put into prison.\" The word \"threw\" is figurative and means it was done in a forceful way."}]}, {"id": "29-07", "tn": [{"ref": "what had happened", "text": "That is, \"that the servant had refused to cancel the other servant's debt and had put him into prison.\""}, {"ref": "were greatly disturbed", "text": "That is, \"deeply grieved\" or, \"very distressed.\""}]}, {"id": "29-08", "tn": [{"ref": "called the servant", "text": "That is, \"commanded the servant to come to him\" or, \"ordered his guards to bring the servant to him.\""}, {"ref": "begged me", "text": "This could be translated as, \"pleaded with me\" or, \"urgently asked me to be merciful.\""}, {"ref": "You should have done the same", "text": "That is, \"You should have forgiven the man who owed you, just as I forgave you.\""}, {"ref": "threw", "text": "That is, \"commanded his guards to put.\" Consider how \"threw\" was translated in frame <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:29-06|[29-06]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "29-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Then Jesus said", "text": "Some languages may add, \"to his disciples.\""}, {"ref": "This", "text": "\"This\" refers back to the way the king punished the unforgiving servant in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:29-08|[29-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "my heavenly Father", "text": "That is, \"my Father in heaven.\" Jesus is expressing his unique, personal relationship to God the Father."}, {"ref": "your brother", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:29-01|[29-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "from your heart", "text": "That is, \"with sincerity\" or, \"truly\" or, \"genuinely\" or, \"honestly.\""}]}, {"id": "30-01", "tn": [{"ref": "quiet place", "text": "This refers to a place with few people where they could be by themselves."}]}, {"id": "30-02", "tn": [{"ref": "arrived", "text": "That is, \"got to the other side of the lake\" or, \"got there.\""}]}, {"id": "30-03", "tn": [{"ref": "not counting the women and children", "text": "That is, \"not counting the women and children who were with them\" or, \"and there were also women and children in addition to the men.\" Another way to translate this could also be, \"in addition, there were many women and children.\""}, {"ref": "To Jesus", "text": "That is, \"Jesus knew that\" or, \"Jesus understood that.\""}, {"ref": "like sheep without a shepherd", "text": "This could be translated as, \"vulnerable and lost, just like sheep are when they have no shepherd to take care of them.\""}]}, {"id": "30-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Late in the day", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"When it was almost evening.\""}, {"ref": "Send the people away", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Please tell the people to go to a town\" or, \"Shouldn't you tell the people to go somewhere?\" or, \"Let the people go to a town.\" Make sure it sounds like a polite request, not an order."}]}, {"id": "30-05", "tn": [{"ref": "How can we do that?", "text": "This could be translated as, \"We cannot do that!\" or, \"It is impossible to do that!\" The disciples were not asking an actual question. Rather, they were strongly expressing that they did not think this was possible."}]}, {"id": "30-06", "tn": []}, {"id": "30-07", "tn": []}, {"id": "30-08", "tn": [{"ref": "broke the bread and the fish", "text": "That is, \"tore the bread and the fish.\""}, {"ref": "it never ran out", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"there was always more left.\""}, {"ref": "were satisfied", "text": "That is, \"were no longer hungry\" or, \"were not hungry any more.\""}]}, {"id": "30-09", "tn": []}, {"id": "31-01", "tn": [{"ref": "he dismissed the crowd", "text": "This is another way of saying, \"he sent the crowd on their way\" or, \"he told the crowd of people to go back to their homes.\""}, {"ref": "mountainside", "text": "That is, \"the side of a mountain.\""}]}, {"id": "31-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Meanwhile", "text": "That is, \"while Jesus was praying on the mountainside.\""}, {"ref": "rowing their boat", "text": "The boat had a sail, but it would not have worked when the wind was against them."}, {"ref": "great difficulty", "text": "That is, \"much difficulty\" or, \"a lot of difficulty.\""}]}, {"id": "31-03", "tn": []}, {"id": "31-04", "tn": [{"ref": "a ghost", "text": "That is, \"a spirit.\" They thought Jesus was a spirit, since normally a human being cannot walk on water."}, {"ref": "Do not be afraid", "text": "For some languages it may be more natural to say here, \"Stop being afraid.\""}, {"ref": "it is I!", "text": "For some, it might be more natural to translate this as, \"It is me, Jesus.\""}]}, {"id": "31-05", "tn": [{"ref": "if it is you", "text": "That is, \"if it is really you, and not a ghost.\""}, {"ref": "Come!", "text": "That is, \"Come here\" or, \"Come to me\" or, \"Come, walk to me.\""}]}, {"id": "31-06", "tn": [{"ref": "turned his eyes away from", "text": "This expression means, \"looked away from.\" It could also be translated as, \"stopped looking at.\""}]}, {"id": "31-07", "tn": [{"ref": "You man of little faith", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"You have so little faith in me!\" or, \"You do not trust me very much!\""}, {"ref": "why did you doubt?", "text": "That is, \"You should not have doubted me!\" or, \"You should have trusted me completely.\" This isn't a real question, but a way in this language to make a strong point. In many languages, it works better to express this as a statement."}]}, {"id": "31-08", "tn": [{"ref": "When Peter and Jesus got into the boat, the wind", "text": "It may be better to say, \"Peter and Jesus got into the boat, and then the wind.\""}, {"ref": "worshiped Jesus", "text": "This could be translated as, \"bowed down and worshiped Jesus.\" This word has the idea of physically bowing down in front of someone out of respect and reverence."}, {"ref": "Truly you are the Son of God", "text": "Other ways to say this would be, \"You really are the Son of God\" or, \"It really is true that you are the Son of God.\""}]}, {"id": "32-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "the Gerasene people", "text": "The Gerasenes lived in an area along the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. They are descendants of the Jews, but we know few details about them."}]}, {"id": "32-02", "tn": [{"ref": "a demon-possessed man", "text": "That is, \"a man who had demons in him\" or, \"a man who was controlled by evil spirits.\""}, {"ref": "came running up to", "text": "That is, \"ran to\" or, \"ran and stopped in front of.\""}]}, {"id": "32-03", "tn": [{"ref": "fastened his arms and legs", "text": "That is, \"restrained\" or, \"bound.\""}, {"ref": "kept breaking them", "text": "Some languages may need to say, \"kept breaking the chains.\""}]}, {"id": "32-04", "tn": [{"ref": "among the tombs", "text": "That is \"near the tombs\" or, \"around the tombs.\""}]}, {"id": "32-05", "tn": [{"ref": "fell on his knees", "text": "That is, \"quickly knelt down on the ground.\""}]}, {"id": "32-06", "tn": [{"ref": "cried out", "text": "That is, \"shouted\" or, \"exclaimed.\""}, {"ref": "What do you want with me", "text": "This expression means, \"What are you going to do to me?\""}, {"ref": "the Most High God", "text": "That is, \"the Supreme God\" or, \"the Most Sovereign God\" or, \"the Most Powerful God.\" The meaning of \"high\" here refers to God's greatness. It does not refer to altitude or being tall."}, {"ref": "Legion", "text": "This was the name of the group of demons, but it also describes that the evil spirits were very numerous. Use the name if the note that follows will make the meaning clear in your language. If not, you may need to translate the word as something like, \"Army\" or, \"Crowd\" or, \"Thousands.\""}, {"ref": "we are many", "text": "we are many - That is, \"there are many of us\" or, \"we are many demons.\""}]}, {"id": "32-07", "tn": [{"ref": "do not send us", "text": "That is, \"do not make us go.\""}, {"ref": "Please send us", "text": "That is, \"Please let us go.\""}, {"ref": "instead", "text": "That is, \"instead of making us go away.\""}, {"ref": "Go!", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Go into the pigs!\" or, \"You may go into the pigs!\""}]}, {"id": "32-08", "tn": [{"ref": "herd", "text": "That is, \"herd of pigs\" or, \"group of pigs.\" Many languages have specific names for groups of animals, such as \"flock of sheep,\" \"herd of cattle,\" \"pack of dogs,\" and \"school of fish.\" Use a word that can appropriately be used for a large group of pigs."}]}, {"id": "32-09", "tn": [{"ref": "what happened", "text": "That is, \"how Jesus sent the demons out of the man and into the pigs.\""}, {"ref": "who used to have the demons", "text": "That is, \"in whom the demons had lived\" or, \"who had been controlled by the evil spirits.\""}]}, {"id": "32-10", "tn": [{"ref": "people", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"people from that region\" or, \"the Gerasene people.\""}, {"ref": "afraid", "text": "It may be better to say, \"afraid because of what Jesus had done.\""}, {"ref": "prepared", "text": "That is, \"was getting ready.\""}, {"ref": "begged to go along with Jesus", "text": "That is, \"begged Jesus to let him go with him\" or, \"earnestly asked Jesus if he could go with him.\""}]}, {"id": "32-11", "tn": [{"ref": "how he has had mercy on you", "text": "This can be translated as, \"how he has shown mercy to you\" or, \"that he has been merciful to you.\""}]}, {"id": "32-12", "tn": [{"ref": "heard his story", "text": "That is, \"heard the man tell what had happened to him.\""}, {"ref": "was filled with wonder and amazement", "text": "The words \"amazement\" and \"wonder\" are similar in meaning. They are used together to emphasize how amazed the people were. This could be translated as, \"completely astonished about what he told them.\""}]}, {"id": "32-13", "tn": [{"ref": "pressed in on him", "text": "That is, \"pushed tightly against him\" or, \"crowded in tightly around him.\""}, {"ref": "she only got worse", "text": "That is, \"her condition only got worse\" or, \" her health got worse instead of better\" or, \"instead she became more sick.\""}]}, {"id": "32-14", "tn": []}, {"id": "32-15", "tn": [{"ref": "power had gone out from him", "text": "This may be translated as, \"healing power had flowed from him into someone else\" or, \"his power had healed someone.\" Jesus did not lose any power because of this."}, {"ref": "Why did you ask, 'Who touched me?'", "text": "In some languages it may be better to use an indirect quote here such as, \"Why did you ask who was touching you?\" or, \"Why you are wondering who touched you?\""}]}, {"id": "32-16", "tn": [{"ref": "fell on her knees", "text": "That is, \"quickly knelt down.\""}, {"ref": "before Jesus", "text": "That is, \"in front of Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "shaking and very afraid", "text": "That is, \"shaking with fear\" or, \"trembling because she was afraid.\""}, {"ref": "Your faith has healed you.", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"You have been healed because of your faith.\""}, {"ref": "Go in peace.", "text": "People spoke this traditional blessing when they left each other. Other languages may say something similar such as, \"Go well\", \"Go with God\" or, \"Peace.\" Other ways of translating it could be, \"May you have peace as you go\" or, \"Go and know that all is well between us.\""}]}, {"id": "33-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}]}, {"id": "33-02", "tn": [{"ref": "spreading the seeds by hand", "text": "That is, \"throwing the seeds on the soil\" or, \"covering all of his crop soil with seeds.\" This is the way that farmers in the ancient Middle East typically planted grain-bearing crops."}]}, {"id": "33-03", "tn": [{"ref": "rocky ground", "text": "That is, \"ground that was full of rocks.\""}]}, {"id": "33-04", "tn": [{"ref": "the thorns", "text": "That is, \"the thorn plants\" or, \"the thorn bushes.\""}, {"ref": "choked them out", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"overshadowed them\" or, \"crowded them out.\""}, {"ref": "thorny ground", "text": "That is, \"ground that was covered with thorny bushes.\""}]}, {"id": "33-05", "tn": [{"ref": "good soil", "text": "That is, \"fertile soil\" or, \"soil that was good for growing plants.\""}, {"ref": "He who has ears, let him hear!", "text": "This saying means, \"Everyone who hears what I am saying should listen to me carefully\" or, \"If anyone hears what I have said, he should pay attention to what I mean.\" This can also be translated as a command. \"Since you have ears to hear, listen carefully to what I am saying.\""}]}, {"id": "33-06", "tn": [{"ref": "This story confused the disciples.", "text": "That is, \"The disciples did not understand this story.\""}, {"ref": "is a person", "text": "This comparison can also be translated as, \"is like a person\" or, \"represents a person\" or, \"refers to a person\" or, \"is speaking about a person.\""}, {"ref": "takes the word away from him", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"takes God's word away, causing him to forget it\" or, \"steals the word from his heart so he won't believe it and be saved.\" You may also add the following: \"just as birds eat up the seeds that fall on a path.\""}]}, {"id": "33-07", "tn": [{"ref": "rocky ground", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-03|[33-03]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "is a person", "text": "See how you translated this comparison in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "accepts it with joy", "text": "That is, \"believes it joyfully\" or, \"joyfully agrees that it is true.\""}, {"ref": "falls away", "text": "That is, \"no longer follows God or obeys him\" or, \"stops following or obeying God.\""}]}, {"id": "33-08", "tn": [{"ref": "thorny ground", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-04|[33-04]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "is a person", "text": "See how you translated this comparison in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "cares", "text": "That is, \"concerns\" or, \"needs\" or, \"problems.\""}, {"ref": "riches", "text": "That is, \"desire for wealth.\""}, {"ref": "pleasures of life", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"doing things to get pleasure\" or, \"focusing on things that give pleasure.\""}, {"ref": "choke out", "text": "That is, \"squelch\" or, \"destroy\" or, \"overcome.\" This phrase could also be translated as, \"cause him to stop loving God.\""}, {"ref": "does not produce fruit", "text": "That is, \"does not produce spiritual fruit\" or \"does not behave in a way that shows God's Spirit is working in him.\""}]}, {"id": "33-09", "tn": [{"ref": "good soil", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-05|[33-05]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "is a person", "text": "See how you translated this comparison in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "produce fruit", "text": "See how you translated this phrase in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:33-08|[33-08]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "34-01", "tn": [{"ref": "stories", "text": "Jesus used these stories to teach truths about God's kingdom. It is not clear if the events actually happened or not. If your language has a term that includes both fictional and real stories, you should use it here."}, {"ref": "mustard seed", "text": "This probably refers to the seed of the black mustard plant, which has tiny seeds that rapidly grow into very large plants. If there is a word for this plant in your language, you should use it. If not, you may need to substitute the name of another plant which has the same characteristics."}, {"ref": "the smallest seed of all", "text": "That is, \"the smallest of all the seeds that people plant.\""}]}, {"id": "34-02", "tn": [{"ref": "mustard seed", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:34-01|[34-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "grows", "text": "You may want to add, \"into a mature plant.\""}, {"ref": "garden plants", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"plants that would be planted in a garden.\""}, {"ref": "rest in", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"sit on\" or, \"perch on.\""}]}, {"id": "34-03", "tn": [{"ref": "story", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:34-01|[34-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "yeast", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"leaven\" or, \"the little bit of leaven.\" It is added to bread dough to make it rise. A little bit of yeast can be mixed into a large amount of dough and make the whole batch of dough rise."}, {"ref": "bread dough", "text": "This is a mixture of flour and liquid that can be shaped and baked into bread. If you do not have words for dough or flour, you can borrow a word for flour or call it \"ground-up grain.\""}, {"ref": "it spreads throughout the dough", "text": "That is, \"every part of the dough has yeast in it\" or, \"the yeast grows throughout all the dough.\""}]}, {"id": "34-04", "tn": [{"ref": "treasure", "text": "That is, \"something that is very valuable.\""}, {"ref": "buried it again", "text": "It is also possible to add, \"so that no one else would find it.\""}, {"ref": "filled with joy", "text": "Another way to say this is, \"very happy\" or, \"excited.\""}, {"ref": "buy that field", "text": "Some people may want to add, \"so that the treasure would be his.\""}]}, {"id": "34-05", "tn": [{"ref": "perfect pearl", "text": "That is, \"a pearl without any defects.\""}, {"ref": "pearl", "text": "If pearls are unknown, this can be translated as, \"beautiful stone\" or, \"beautiful stone-like thing.\""}, {"ref": "of great value", "text": "That is, \"that was very valuable\" or, \"that was worth a lot of money.\""}, {"ref": "pearl merchant", "text": "That is, \"pearl dealer\" or, \"pearl trader.\" This refers to a person whose business is buying and selling pearls."}]}, {"id": "34-06", "tn": [{"ref": "story", "text": "See how you translated this term in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:34-01|[34-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "trusted in their own good deeds", "text": "That is, \"believed that their good deeds made them righteous\" or, \"were proud of how perfectly they kept God's law\" or, \"believed that their good deeds caused God to be completely pleased with them.\""}, {"ref": "despised other people", "text": "That is, \"considered other people to be inferior to them\" or, \"looked down on other people.\""}]}, {"id": "34-07", "tn": [{"ref": "The religious leader prayed like this", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"This is how the religious leader prayed\" or, \"The religious leader prayed in this way.\""}, {"ref": "I am not a sinner like", "text": "That is, \"I am not sinful like\" or, \"I am righteous, not like.\""}, {"ref": "unjust men", "text": "That is, \"men who are not righteous\" or, \"people who do evil things\" or, \"law breakers.\""}]}, {"id": "34-08", "tn": [{"ref": "I fast", "text": "The religious ruler believed that doing this would earn favor with God."}, {"ref": "ten percent", "text": "That is, \"one-tenth.\""}]}, {"id": "34-09", "tn": [{"ref": "stood far away ", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"stood at a distance\" or, \"stayed separate.\""}, {"ref": "did not even look up to heaven", "text": "The word \"even\" indicates that people normally looked up to heaven when praying to God, but that this man did not because he was so ashamed of his sin."}, {"ref": "he pounded on his chest with his fist", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"because of his grief, he hit his chest with his fist\" or, \"he pounded his chest in sorrow.\" If people would find this hard to understand because they beat their chest for other reasons, you could translate this as, \"he showed his despair.\""}]}, {"id": "34-10", "tn": [{"ref": "declared him to be righteous", "text": "That is, \"considered him to be a righteous person.\" Even though the tax collector was a sinner, God was merciful to him because of his humility and repentance."}, {"ref": "will humble", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"will give a lower status to\" or, \"will cause to not be important.\" It could be translated figuratively as, \"will bring down.\""}, {"ref": "will lift up", "text": "That is, \"will give a higher position to\" or, \"will honor.\""}, {"ref": "humbles himself", "text": "That is, \"chooses to behave in a humble way\" or, \"has a humble attitude about himself.\""}]}, {"id": "35-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "tax collectors", "text": "Tax collectors were considered to be the worst of sinners because often they stole money from people by collecting a higher tax than the government required."}]}, {"id": "35-02", "tn": [{"ref": "story", "text": "Jesus used this story to teach truths about God's kingdom. It is not clear if the events actually happened or not. If your language has a term that includes both fictional and real stories, you should use it here."}]}, {"id": "35-03", "tn": [{"ref": "my inheritance", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the part of your wealth that will be rightfully mine when you die.\""}, {"ref": "property", "text": "That is, \"wealth\" or, \"possessions.\" This property would probably have included land, animals, and money."}]}, {"id": "35-04", "tn": [{"ref": "wasted his money", "text": "That is, \"spent all his money without getting anything of value in exchange.\" In some languages it can be translated as, \"threw his money away\" or, \"ate all his money.\""}, {"ref": "sinful living", "text": "That is, \"doing sinful things.\""}]}, {"id": "35-05", "tn": [{"ref": "a severe famine happened", "text": "That is, \"there was very little food.\" In some languages this might be translated as, \"there was a severe famine.\""}, {"ref": "no money to buy food", "text": "Because of the famine, food was very expensive, and he had already spent all of his money."}, {"ref": "job", "text": "This refers to work that he would do for someone else in exchange for money. If this is not clear, this sentence could start with, \"So in order to earn some money, he took the only job.\""}, {"ref": "feeding pigs", "text": "That is, \"giving food to pigs.\" This would have been considered as one of the lowest jobs in society at this time. If your language has a certain word for low status jobs, use that word."}]}, {"id": "35-06", "tn": [{"ref": "What am I doing?", "text": "That is, \"Why am I living like this?\" or, \" I should not be living like this!\" or, \"It doesn't make sense for me to live like this.\" The son isn't really asking a question, so some languages will have to translate this as a statement."}]}, {"id": "35-07", "tn": [{"ref": "still far away", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"within sight of his father's home, but still a distance away.\" The son was getting close to his father's house but was still far enough away that most people in the house would not have seen him. Make sure it does not sound like he was still in a different country."}, {"ref": "felt compassion", "text": "That is, \"felt deep love and pity.\""}]}, {"id": "35-08", "tn": [{"ref": "sinned against God and against you", "text": "This could be translated as, \"sinned against God, and I have also sinned against you.\""}, {"ref": "I am not worthy", "text": "It is also possible to say, \"So I am not worthy\" or, \"As a result, I am not worthy.\""}]}, {"id": "35-09", "tn": [{"ref": "the best calf", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the fattest calf.\" This was the calf that had been fattened so that when cooked it would taste the best."}, {"ref": "My son was dead, but now he is alive!", "text": "That is, \"This is like my son was dead and is alive again!\" or, \"I grieved as if my son had died, but now I rejoice because it is as if he has come back to life!\" The father is using this expression to show how happy he is that his son has come home."}, {"ref": "He was lost, but now he is is found!", "text": "That is, \"This is like I had lost him but now I have found him.\" This expression also shows how happy the father is about having his son at home again."}]}, {"id": "35-10", "tn": [{"ref": "Before long", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Soon\" or, \"After a little while.\""}]}, {"id": "35-11", "tn": []}, {"id": "35-12", "tn": [{"ref": "one small goat", "text": "A small goat would have fed fewer people than the best calf, and would not be valued as much. The older brother is complaining that his father was treating the sinful younger son better than him."}, {"ref": "this son of yours", "text": "This expression shows that the older son was angry. It shows his rejection of his younger brother and his disapproval of his father for welcoming back this wayward son. Other languages may also have an indirect way of communicating these things."}, {"ref": "consumed your money", "text": "That is, \"squandered the money that you gave him\" or, \"devoured your wealth.\" If possible, use an expression that shows the brother's anger."}, {"ref": "killed the best calf", "text": "That is, \"killed the best calf to eat at a feast.\""}]}, {"id": "35-13", "tn": [{"ref": "it is right for us", "text": "That is, \"it is the right thing for us to do\" or, \"it is proper for us.\""}, {"ref": "your brother", "text": "The father refers to his younger son as, \"your brother\" to remind the older son of his relationship to the younger son and of how he should love his younger brother."}, {"ref": "was dead, but now is alive", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:35-09|[35-09]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "He was lost, but now is found!", "text": "See how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:35-09|[35-09]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "36-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "James", "text": "This is a different James than the one who wrote the Book of James in the Bible. To make this clear, some languages may need to use two slightly different names or to spell them differently."}]}, {"id": "36-02", "tn": [{"ref": "whiter ", "text": "That is, \"more white.\""}]}, {"id": "36-03", "tn": [{"ref": "appeared", "text": "It is also possible to say, \"appeared out of nowhere.\" They suddenly were there."}, {"ref": "his death, which would soon happen", "text": "This could be translated as, \"how he would soon die\" or, \"how he would soon be killed.\""}, {"ref": "in Jerusalem", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"in the city of Jerusalem.\""}]}, {"id": "36-04", "tn": [{"ref": "shelters", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"lean-tos\" or, \"garden huts\" or, \"tents.\" It refers to small, individual, temporary shelters, like the Jews made from tree branches during an annual Jewish holiday."}, {"ref": "did not know what he was saying", "text": "That is, \"was speaking without understanding what was happening\" or, \"spoke without thinking clearly because he was so excited.\""}]}, {"id": "36-05", "tn": [{"ref": "a voice from the cloud said", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"a voice spoke from the cloud saying\" or, \"God spoke from the cloud and said.\""}, {"ref": "Listen to him", "text": "This could be translated as, \"He is the one you must listen to.\""}, {"ref": "fell on the ground", "text": "That is, \"quickly bowed to the ground\" or, \"immediately got down on the ground.\" Make sure the translation of \"fell\" does not sound like an accident. They probably did this intentionally out of awe and fear."}]}, {"id": "36-06", "tn": [{"ref": "touched them", "text": "That is, \"put his hand on them.\" Some languages may prefer to specify where he touched them. If so, this could be translated as, \"he touched them on the shoulder\" or, \"he put his hand on each one's shoulder.\""}, {"ref": "Do not be afraid", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Stop being afraid.\""}, {"ref": "Get up", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Stand up\" or, \"Please get up.\" Make sure that it sounds like Jesus spoke this with kindness."}, {"ref": "the only one still there was Jesus", "text": "It is also possible to add, \"Moses and Elijah had left.\""}]}, {"id": "36-07", "tn": []}, {"id": "37-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "Mary", "text": "Jesus' mother was also named Mary. This was a different woman."}, {"ref": "this sickness will not end in death", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"the final result of this sickness will not be death\" or, \"Lazarus is sick, but death is not the final result of this sickness.\" Jesus' disciples probably thought this meant that Lazarus would not die. But Jesus knew that, although Lazarus would die from his sickness, he would live in the end."}, {"ref": "it is for the glory of God", "text": "That is, \"this will cause people to praise God for how great he is.\""}, {"ref": "but he waited where he was for two days", "text": "This could be translated as, \"but he stayed where he was for two days, even though they wanted him to go and heal Lazarus.\""}]}, {"id": "37-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Judea", "text": "This refers to the southern section of Israel, which was settled by the tribe of Judah. Some languages will prefer to say, \"the region of Judea.\""}, {"ref": "has fallen asleep, and I must wake him.", "text": "Translate this phrase with the normal words for \"asleep\" and \"wake\" in your language. Although Jesus was using these words with a different meaning, the disciples did not understand that yet."}]}, {"id": "37-03", "tn": [{"ref": "he will get better", "text": "The disciples intended this in the sense of, \"there is no reason for us to go to him now, since he will get well.\""}, {"ref": "I am glad", "text": "This could be translated as, \"I am happy\" or, \"It is good that.\" It does not mean he was happy that Lazarus died, but rather that he was happy that God was going to show how great he is."}]}, {"id": "37-04", "tn": [{"ref": "Martha", "text": "Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "went out to meet Jesus", "text": "That is, \"went to meet Jesus as he was coming into the town.\""}, {"ref": "my brother would not have died.", "text": "That is, \"you would have healed my brother and he would not have died\" or, \"you could have prevented my brother from dying.\""}, {"ref": "will give you whatever you ask from him", "text": "That is, \"will do whatever you ask him to do.\""}]}, {"id": "37-05", "tn": [{"ref": "I am the Resurrection and the Life", "text": "This is one of several very powerful \"I am\" statements in which Jesus says something about his essential nature. In this one, Jesus indicated that he is the \"provider\" or, \"source\" of resurrection and life. If possible, translate this phrase in a way that makes it clear that this is his essential nature. This can also be translated as, \"I am the one who resurrects people and causes them to live.\""}, {"ref": "will live, even though he dies.", "text": "That is, \"will live forever, even if he dies.\" The English word, \"he\" does not only refer to men. Women who believe in Jesus will also live forever."}, {"ref": "Martha", "text": "Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "will never die", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"will live forever.\""}]}, {"id": "37-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Mary", "text": "This was the same woman as in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]]</b>, not the mother of Jesus."}, {"ref": "fell at the feet of Jesus", "text": "That is, \"knelt down at Jesus' feet\" as a sign of respect."}, {"ref": "my brother would not have died.", "text": "That is, \"you could have kept my brother from dying\" or, \"you could have prevented my brother's death\" or, \"my brother would still be alive.\""}]}, {"id": "37-07", "tn": [{"ref": "he told them", "text": "That is, \"he told the men there.\" He was probably not telling Mary and Martha to roll the stone away."}, {"ref": "Roll the stone away", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"Roll the stone away from the opening of the tomb.\""}, {"ref": "Martha", "text": "Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "He has been dead for four days", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"He died four days ago and his body is lying there.\""}]}, {"id": "37-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Did I not tell you?", "text": "That is, \"Remember that I told you.\" Jesus is not asking this question in order to get an answer, so some languages should translate this as a command."}, {"ref": "see God's glory", "text": "That is, \"see the glory of God displayed\" or, \"see God show how great he is.\""}, {"ref": "rolled the stone away", "text": "Some languages should say, \"rolled the stone away from the opening of the tomb.\""}]}, {"id": "37-09", "tn": [{"ref": "hearing me", "text": "That is, \"listening to me.\" It may be helpful to add, \"as I pray to you\" or, \"when I talk to you.\""}, {"ref": "come out", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"come out of the tomb.\""}]}, {"id": "37-10", "tn": [{"ref": "Lazarus came out!", "text": "Some languages should say, \"Lazarus came out of the tomb!\""}, {"ref": "grave clothes", "text": "That is, \"burial clothes.\" This can also be translated as, \"burial bandages\" or, \"strips of cloth.\""}, {"ref": "because of this miracle", "text": "That is, \"because God had done this amazing miracle\" or, \"because Jesus had made Lazarus come alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "37-11", "tn": [{"ref": "jealous", "text": "That is, \"jealous of Jesus' power and popularity\" or, \"jealous that so many Jews were believing in Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "gathered together", "text": "That is, \"met together\" or, \"joined together.\" This was a not a casual meeting, but a meeting for a specific purpose\u2013to plan how to kill Jesus."}]}, {"id": "38-01", "tn": [{"ref": "many centuries earlier", "text": "That is, \"hundreds of years earlier\" or, \"a very long time before.\""}]}, {"id": "38-02", "tn": [{"ref": "in charge of the apostles' moneybag", "text": "That is, \"responsible to hold the apostles' money\" or, \"responsible to hold the bag that had the disciples' money in it and to distribute funds from it.\""}, {"ref": "loved money", "text": "That is, \"highly valued money\" or, \"wanted money.\" Some languages would not use the same word that can be used for \"loved people.\""}]}, {"id": "38-03", "tn": [{"ref": "thirty silver coins", "text": "Each of these coins were worth about four days' wages."}]}, {"id": "38-04", "tn": [{"ref": "celebrated", "text": "That is, \"was celebrating.\""}, {"ref": "took some bread", "text": "This could be translated as, \"picked up a piece of bread\" or, \"picked up a flat loaf of bread.\""}, {"ref": "broke it", "text": "Some languages should say, \"tore it in pieces\" or, \"tore it in half\" or, \"tore off part of it.\""}, {"ref": "given for you", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"which I give for you.\""}, {"ref": "Do this to remember me", "text": "That is, \"Do this as a way to remind yourselves of what I am doing for you.\" Jesus was referring to his death, which would happen soon."}]}, {"id": "38-05", "tn": [{"ref": "a cup", "text": "That is, \"a cup of wine\" or, \"a cup full of a drink made from grapes.\""}, {"ref": "Drink this", "text": "That is, \"Drink what is in this cup\" or, \"Drink from this cup.\" The drink in the cup was made from grapes so that it had a deep red color."}, {"ref": "blood of the New Covenant", "text": "This could be translated as, \"blood that makes the New Covenant possible\" or, \"blood that is the basis for the New Covenant.\""}, {"ref": "is poured out", "text": "This could be translated as, \"will run out of my body\" or, \"I will bleed out.\""}, {"ref": "for the forgiveness of sins", "text": "That is, \"so that God can completely forgive people for all of their sins.\""}, {"ref": "remember me", "text": "That is, \"celebrate me\" or, \"commemorate me.\" It could also be translated as, \"especially focus on me\" or, \"remind you of me.\""}]}, {"id": "38-06", "tn": [{"ref": "give this piece of bread", "text": "That is, \"hand this piece of bread.\""}, {"ref": "is the betrayer", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"will betray me\" or, \"is the one who will betray me.\""}]}, {"id": "38-07", "tn": [{"ref": "Satan entered into him.", "text": "That is, \"Satan went into him\" or, \"Satan took control of him.\""}, {"ref": "Judas left and went", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"Judas left the meal and went\" or, \"Judas left the room and went outside.\""}]}, {"id": "38-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Mount of Olives", "text": "This is the name of a hill covered with olive trees, just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem. It can also be translated as, \"Olive Tree Hill.\""}, {"ref": "abandon me", "text": "That is, \"desert me\" or, \"leave me.\""}, {"ref": "It is written", "text": "That is, \"It is written in God's word\" or, \"It is written in the scriptures\" or, \"One of God's prophets wrote.\" It is also possible to say, \"What is written will happen\" or, \"It will be like what is written.\" This prophecy refers to Jesus' death and his followers running away."}, {"ref": "I will strike", "text": "That is, \"I will kill.\""}, {"ref": "the shepherd and all the sheep", "text": "Do not use Jesus' name in this quote because the prophet who first wrote it would not have known the shepherd's name. Also, do not refer to the sheep being the disciples. It is best to use words that mean \"shepherd\" and \"sheep\" in your translation."}, {"ref": "will be scattered", "text": "That is, \"will go away in different directions.\""}]}, {"id": "38-09", "tn": [{"ref": "abandon you", "text": "Check to see how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:38-08|[38-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "to have all of you", "text": "That is, \"to completely control you\" or, \"to get you to serve him completely.\" The word \"you\" is plural in this phrase. All of the words \"you\" and \"your\" that follow are singular."}, {"ref": "that your faith will not fail", "text": "That is, \"that you will not stop believing in me.\""}, {"ref": "before the rooster crows", "text": "Roosters normally crow at the first light of the new day. If that is not clear, it may be helpful to say, \"Before the rooster crows at dawn tomorrow\" or, \"before the rooster crows tomorrow morning.\""}]}, {"id": "38-10", "tn": [{"ref": "deny you", "text": "That is, \"deny that I know you\" or, \"deny that I am your disciple\" or, \"disown you.\""}]}, {"id": "38-11", "tn": [{"ref": "a place called Gethsemane", "text": "This could be translated as, \"a nearby place called Gethsemane\" or, \"a place called Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives.\""}, {"ref": "enter into temptation", "text": "That is, \"would not sin when they were tempted\" or, \"would not give in to the temptation they were about to experience.\""}, {"ref": "by himself", "text": "This could be translated as, \"alone.\""}]}, {"id": "38-12", "tn": [{"ref": "drink this cup of suffering", "text": "That is, \"go through this suffering\" or, \"suffer what is about to happen\" or, \"endure this suffering.\""}, {"ref": "let your will be done", "text": "This expression means, \"do what you have planned\" or, \"do what needs to be done.\""}]}, {"id": "38-13", "tn": [{"ref": "After each time of prayer", "text": "That is, \"Every time Jesus prayed that prayer.\" This refers to the three times he prayed, as mentioned in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:38-12|[38-12]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "38-14", "tn": [{"ref": "came to", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"went to.\""}, {"ref": "Greetings", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Hello\" or, \"Peace\" or, \"Good evening.\""}, {"ref": "the sign", "text": "That is, \"the signal.\""}, {"ref": "do you betray me with a kiss?", "text": "That is, \"are you really going to betray me with a kiss?\" Jesus is not looking for an answer to this question. So some languages would translate it as a statement, such as, \"you are betraying me by kissing me!\" or, \"you make your betrayal even worse by kissing me!\""}]}, {"id": "38-15", "tn": [{"ref": "As the soldiers arrested Jesus", "text": "That is, \"While the soldiers were arresting Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "pulled out his sword", "text": "That is, \"pulled out his sword from the place where he was carrying it.\""}, {"ref": "I must obey my Father", "text": "That is, \"I won't do that because I must obey my Father's will and allow myself to be arrested.\""}]}, {"id": "39-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the middle of the night", "text": "This expression means, \"halfway through the night\" or, \"very late at night.\""}, {"ref": "to question him", "text": "That is, \"to ask Jesus questions to try to find something they could accuse Jesus of doing wrong.\""}]}, {"id": "39-02", "tn": [{"ref": "put Jesus on trial", "text": "This could be translated as, \"had a formal meeting to accuse Jesus of doing something wrong.\" Usually a trial is done to find out if someone is innocent or guilty of a certain crime. In this case, the leaders were determined to make Jesus seem guilty."}, {"ref": "lied about him", "text": "That is, \"told lies about him\" or, \"falsely accused him of doing something wrong.\""}, {"ref": "their statements did not agree with each other", "text": "This could be translated as, \"they said things about Jesus that were very different from each other\" or, \"the witnesses said things about Jesus that contradicted each other.\""}, {"ref": "he was guilty of anything", "text": "That is, \"that he had done anything wrong.\""}]}, {"id": "39-03", "tn": [{"ref": "Finally", "text": "That is, \"After they were unable to find any evidence against him\" or, \"After they were unable to prove that he was guilty.\""}]}, {"id": "39-04", "tn": [{"ref": "I am", "text": "That is, \"I am as you said\" or, \"I am the Messiah and the Son of God.\" \"I am\" is also the name of God (See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:09-14|[09-14]]]<b>). By saying simply, \"I am\" Jesus was also saying that he is God. If possible, translate this so that people will see a similarity between Jesus' answer and the name of God."}, {"ref": "seated with God", "text": "This could be translated as, \"reigning with God.\" Because God is the ruler over all, people talk about him as sitting on a throne in heaven. By saying that he would be seated with God, Jesus claimed that he had authority to rule with the Father."}, {"ref": "seated with God and coming from heaven", "text": "This could be translated as, \"sitting beside God and then coming from heaven.\""}, {"ref": "tore his clothes in anger", "text": "The Jews would tear their clothes to show grief or anger. If tearing the clothes means something else in your language, you may want to substitute a phrase such as, \"he was extremely angry.\""}, {"ref": "What is your judgment?", "text": "That is, \"What is your decision?\" or, \"Tell us what have you decided: Is he innocent or guilty?\" The chief priest wanted the religious leaders to condemn Jesus for claiming to be equal with God."}]}, {"id": "39-05", "tn": [{"ref": "they blindfolded Jesus", "text": "That is. \"they covered Jesus' eyes so that he could not see.\""}, {"ref": "spit on him", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"spit on him to insult him\" or, \"spit on him in order to say that he was worthless.\" This was a way of showing contempt for someone."}]}, {"id": "39-06", "tn": [{"ref": "denied it", "text": "This can be translated as, \"said that it was not true\" or, \"said that he was not with Jesus\" or, \"said, 'No. That is not true.'\""}, {"ref": "Peter denied it again", "text": "This could be translated as, \"Peter denied knowing Jesus a second time\" or, \"again Peter said he had not been with Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "are from Galilee", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"are Galileans.\" The people could tell from the way Jesus and Peter talked that they came from the region of Galilee."}]}, {"id": "39-07", "tn": [{"ref": "vowed", "text": "That is, \"said emphatically\" or, \"said very strongly.\""}, {"ref": "May God curse me if I know this man", "text": "This is a curse that means, \"May God cause harm to me if what you say is true\" or, \"May God punish me if I am lying to you!\" In this way Peter was saying very strongly that he did not know Jesus. He also referred to Jesus as, \"this man\" to make it sound like he did not know him."}, {"ref": "a rooster crowed", "text": "\"Crowing\" is the loud sound that a rooster makes. Compare how you translated this in <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:38-09|[38-09]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "39-08", "tn": [{"ref": "cried bitterly", "text": "That is, \"cried, feeling deep sorrow\" or, \"cried, feeling deep regret.\""}, {"ref": "the betrayer", "text": "That is, \"who had betrayed Jesus\" or, \"who had helped the leaders arrest Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "had condemned Jesus to die", "text": "That is, \"had said that Jesus was guilty and must die.\""}]}, {"id": "39-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Roman governor", "text": "That is, \"Roman government official.\" The Roman government had appointed Pilate to govern the region of Judea in Israel."}, {"ref": "sentence him to be killed", "text": "As governor, Pilate had the authority to condemn Jesus to death and to give approval for his crucifixion, or to set him free. The Jewish religious leaders did not have the authority to have someone killed."}]}, {"id": "39-10", "tn": [{"ref": "You have said so", "text": "That is, \"You have spoken correctly.\""}, {"ref": "my kingdom is not an earthly kingdom", "text": "That is, \"my kingdom is not like earthly kingdoms.\""}, {"ref": "my servants would fight for me", "text": "That is, \"my disciples would fight to protect me\" so that I could establish my kingdom."}, {"ref": "listens to me", "text": "This could be translated as, \"hears my teaching and obeys me.\" It includes not just hearing Jesus' words, but also doing what he says."}, {"ref": "What is truth?", "text": "that is, \"Can anyone know what is true?\""}]}, {"id": "39-11", "tn": [{"ref": "I find no guilt in this man", "text": "That is, \"I do not find this man to be guilty\" or, \"I have examined this man, and I do not see that he has done anything wrong.\""}, {"ref": "He is not guilty", "text": "That is, \"He has done nothing wrong!\""}]}, {"id": "39-12", "tn": [{"ref": "riot", "text": "That is, \"start doing violent things in their anger.\""}, {"ref": "he agreed to have", "text": "Pilate did not want to kill Jesus because he believed that Jesus was innocent. But he was forced to tell his soldiers to crucify Jesus because of his fear of the crowd. If possible, translate this phrase in a way that shows his reluctance."}, {"ref": "a royal robe", "text": "That is, \"a robe like a king's robe.\" This robe had a bright color, so it looked like the kind of robe that a king would wear."}, {"ref": "crown made of thorns", "text": "This means that they tied thorn branches into a circle to look like a crown. A crown is an ornament that a king wears on his head to show his authority. But the crown that they put on Jesus' head had sharp, dangerous thorns on it."}, {"ref": "Look", "text": "That is, \"Look at\" or, \"Here is.\""}, {"ref": "the King of the Jews", "text": "Since the soldiers were mocking Jesus, this could be translated as, \"the so-called King of the Jews.\""}]}, {"id": "40-01", "tn": [{"ref": "led him away", "text": "That is, \"forced him to go with them.\" This could also be translated as, \"took him away.\""}, {"ref": "to crucify him", "text": "That is, \"to kill him on a cross.\""}]}, {"id": "40-02", "tn": [{"ref": "the Skull", "text": "A hill near Jerusalem with a white, rocky top that was shaped somewhat like the top of a skull."}, {"ref": "forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing", "text": "That is, \"they do not understand the meaning of what they are doing, so please forgive them.\" The soldiers thought Jesus was only a criminal who deserved to die. They did not understand that he was the Son of God."}]}, {"id": "40-03", "tn": [{"ref": "gambled for Jesus' clothing", "text": "That is, \"played a game of chance to win Jesus' clothes.\" We do not know how they did this, but in some cultures it could be translated as, \"tossed stones on the ground to win Jesus' clothing\" or, \"chose sticks to decide who could take Jesus' clothes.\""}, {"ref": "they fulfilled a prophecy that said", "text": "That is, \"they did what the scriptures had long ago predicted would happen to the Messiah\" or, \"they did what a prophet wrote long ago.\""}]}, {"id": "40-04", "tn": [{"ref": "two robbers", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"two bandits.\" This refers to criminals who used force or violence to steal things."}, {"ref": "Do you have no fear of God?", "text": "The robber does not expect an answer to this question; it is a way that some languages use to make a strong statement. If your language does not use questions in this way, then translate this as, \"You should fear God!\""}, {"ref": "We are guilty but this man is innocent", "text": "This could be translated as, \"You and I have done evil things and deserve to die, but this man, Jesus, has done nothing wrong and does not deserve to die.\" \"We\" here includes both robbers, but does not include Jesus."}, {"ref": "this man", "text": "This phrase refers to Jesus."}, {"ref": "Please remember me", "text": "That is, \"Please accept me\" or, \"Please welcome me\" or, \"Please allow me to be with you.\" \"Remember\" here does not mean to recall something after forgetting it. Translate this in a way that communicates a humble request."}, {"ref": "in your kingdom", "text": "That is, \"when you establish your kingdom\" or, \"when you are ruling as king.\""}, {"ref": "Paradise", "text": "This is another name for \"heaven.\""}]}, {"id": "40-05", "tn": [{"ref": "believe you", "text": "That is, \"believe in you\" or, \"believe that you are the Messiah.\""}]}, {"id": "40-06", "tn": []}, {"id": "40-07", "tn": [{"ref": "It is finished!", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"It is completed\" or, \"I have finished it\" or, \"I have completed the work.\" This means that Jesus' work of salvation was complete."}, {"ref": "into your hands", "text": "That is, \"into your care.\""}, {"ref": "bowed his head", "text": "That is, \"lowered his head.\""}, {"ref": "gave up his spirit", "text": "That is, \"gave up his spirit to God\" or, \"released his spirit to God and died.\""}, {"ref": "large curtain", "text": "This was a large, strong fabric hung in the temple. It was like a wall separating one room from another. It can also be translated as \"thick curtain\" or, \"hanging fabric\" or, \"screen.\""}]}, {"id": "40-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Through his death", "text": "That is, \"By means of his death\" or, \"By dying.\""}, {"ref": "opened a way", "text": "That is, \"made it possible.\""}, {"ref": "come to God", "text": "That is, \"come near to God\" or, \"go near to God\" or, \"approach God\" or, \"know God personally.\" The tearing of the curtain showed that the barrier between God and people had been removed."}]}, {"id": "40-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Joseph", "text": "This was not Mary's husband. It was another man named Joseph."}, {"ref": "asked Pilate for Jesus' body", "text": "That is, \"asked Pilate to permit them to take Jesus' body down from the cross.\""}]}, {"id": "41-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the unbelieving Jewish leaders", "text": "That is, \"the Jewish leaders who did not believe in Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "That liar, Jesus, said", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"That man, Jesus, lied and said.\" They refused to believe that Jesus told the truth about being the Son of God."}, {"ref": "rise from the dead", "text": "That is, \"come back to life\" or, \"become alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "41-02", "tn": [{"ref": "they placed", "text": "That is, \"the religious leaders and the soldiers placed.\""}, {"ref": "a seal on the stone", "text": "They put a soft material like clay or wax between the stone and the tomb and marked it with an official seal. If anyone moved the stone, the material would break and show that someone had entered the tomb. This could also be translated as, \"a mark on the stone to forbid people from moving it.\""}]}, {"id": "41-03", "tn": [{"ref": "the Jews were not permitted", "text": "The Sabbath day rules did not permit a Jew to walk very far or to do any other kind of work."}, {"ref": "burial spices", "text": "This refers to sweet-smelling spices that were placed on a dead body to cover the bad smell. This can also be translated as, \"sweet-smelling spices\" or, \"sweet-smelling oils\" or, \"sweet-smelling plants.\""}]}, {"id": "41-04", "tn": [{"ref": "great earthquake", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"violent earthquake\" or, \"forceful shaking of the ground.\" Some languages may prefer to reword this as, \"the ground began to shake violently.\""}, {"ref": "that shone as bright as lightning", "text": "That is, \"whose appearance was as bright as lightning.\""}, {"ref": "fell to the ground like dead men", "text": "They were not dead, but they did not move, just like dead men do not move. They probably had fainted from fright. To make this clear, this could be translated as, \"suddenly fell to the ground and did not move.\""}]}, {"id": "41-05", "tn": [{"ref": "Do not be afraid", "text": "That is, \"Stop being afraid.\" An angel shining like lightning was a frightening sight!"}, {"ref": "He has risen from the dead", "text": "This could be translated as, \"He has come back to life.\""}]}, {"id": "41-06", "tn": []}, {"id": "41-07", "tn": [{"ref": "full of fear and great joy", "text": "That is, \"experiencing emotions of fear and also great joy.\""}, {"ref": "good news", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"the good news that Jesus was alive again.\" This good news refers to the fact that Jesus had risen from the dead."}]}, {"id": "41-08", "tn": [{"ref": "will see me", "text": "That is, \"will meet me\" or, \"can meet with me.\""}]}, {"id": "42-01", "tn": []}, {"id": "42-02", "tn": [{"ref": "did not recognize him", "text": "That is, \"did not know that it was Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "all the remarkable things that had happened", "text": "This refers to the teaching and miracles of Jesus, his death, and the reports of his resurrection."}]}, {"id": "42-03", "tn": [{"ref": "on the third day", "text": "Some languages may prefer to say, \"on the third day after his death.\""}, {"ref": "it was almost evening", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"the day was ending\" or, \"the sun was going down\" or, \"it was starting to get dark.\""}]}, {"id": "42-04", "tn": [{"ref": "he disappeared from their sight", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"he was gone\" or, \"he was no longer there.\""}]}, {"id": "42-05", "tn": [{"ref": "our hearts were burning", "text": "That is, \"we were getting excited\" or, \"we were beginning to hope\" or, \"we felt joy.\" Some languages have ways of expressing it such as, \"our hearts were stirred\" or, \"our hearts were warmed.\" If you use an expression that refers to the heart burning, make sure it does not indicate that they were upset or angry."}]}, {"id": "42-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Peace to you", "text": "This may also be translated as, \"May you have peace\" or, \"Be at peace.\""}, {"ref": "ghost", "text": "This refers to the spirit of a dead person."}, {"ref": "doubting", "text": "That is, \"doubting that I am alive and here with you.\""}, {"ref": "To prove", "text": "That is, \"to demonstrate to them.\""}]}, {"id": "42-07", "tn": [{"ref": "must be fulfilled", "text": "This can be translated as, \"must happen.\""}, {"ref": "opened their minds so that they could understand", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"caused them to be able to understand\" or, \"made them able to comprehend.\""}, {"ref": "on the third day", "text": "That is, \"after three days\" or, \"three days later.\""}]}, {"id": "42-08", "tn": [{"ref": "proclaim", "text": "That is, \"announce\" or, \"preach.\""}, {"ref": "They will do this starting in Jerusalem", "text": "That is, \"They will begin doing this in Jerusalem\" or, \"They will begin to proclaim these things in Jerusalem.\""}, {"ref": "You are witnesses of these things", "text": "That is, \"You have seen these things happen\" or, \"You will tell other people the things that you have seen happen.\""}]}, {"id": "42-09", "tn": []}, {"id": "42-10", "tn": [{"ref": "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"God has given me all authority in heaven and on earth\" or, \"God has given me complete authority over everyone in heaven and on earth\" or, \"I have all authority in heaven an on earth.\""}, {"ref": "make disciples of all people groups", "text": "That is, \"help people from every people group become my disciples.\""}, {"ref": "in the name of", "text": "This phrase means both, \"by the authority of\" and, \"under the authority of.\" Consider translating the word \"name\" literally if it will be understood in this way in your language. This phrase can also be repeated as in, \"in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.\""}]}, {"id": "42-11", "tn": [{"ref": "comes on you", "text": "That is, \"comes down upon you\" or, \"comes onto you.\""}, {"ref": "a cloud hid him from their sight", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"he disappeared into a cloud.\""}, {"ref": "at the right hand of God", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"at the right side of God.\""}, {"ref": "over all things", "text": "That is, \"over everything.\""}]}, {"id": "43-01", "tn": [{"ref": "returned to heaven", "text": "That is, \"went back to heaven.\""}, {"ref": "stayed in Jerusalem", "text": "That is, \"stayed in Jerusalem for awhile.\" They didn't stay there permanently."}]}, {"id": "43-02", "tn": [{"ref": "Pentecost", "text": "\"Pentecost\" means \"fiftieth (day).\" You could use the word \"Pentecost\" in your translation and let the text explain the meaning. Or you could use a term that means, \"50th day.\""}, {"ref": "celebrated the wheat harvest", "text": "The Jews would thank God for the wheat harvest by bringing offerings and celebrate by having special meals. Wheat is a grain crop; if you have no word that means \"wheat,\" you can use a more general word for grain. This happened in May; other crops were harvested at other times of the year."}, {"ref": "This year", "text": "That is, \"In the year that Jesus died.\""}]}, {"id": "43-03", "tn": [{"ref": "a sound like a strong wind", "text": "That is, \"a noise that a strong wind makes\" or, \"the sound that the wind makes when it blows hard.\""}, {"ref": "filled with the Holy Spirit", "text": "That is, \"given ability by the Holy Spirit\" or, \"given power by the Holy Spirit.\""}, {"ref": "in other languages", "text": "This could be translated as, \"in languages other than their own language\" or, \"in foreign languages\" or, \"as people from other places speak.\" The believers did not know these languages until the Holy Spirit gave them the power to speak them. Make sure the word used to translate \"languages\" refers to languages people actually speak and understand."}]}, {"id": "43-04", "tn": [{"ref": "a crowd", "text": "This could be translated as, \"a crowd of people\" or, \"a large group of people.\""}, {"ref": "the wonderful works of God", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the amazing things that God had done.\""}]}, {"id": "43-05", "tn": [{"ref": "accused the disciples of being drunk", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"said that the disciples were drunk.\""}, {"ref": "Joel", "text": "Joel was a prophet in Israel who lived hundreds of years before this happened."}, {"ref": "the last days", "text": "This refers to, \"the final days before the end of the world.\""}, {"ref": "pour out my Spirit", "text": "This can be understood in the sense of, \"give my Spirit generously to people\" or, \"cause my Spirit to completely empower people.\""}, {"ref": "my Spirit", "text": "That is, \"my Holy Spirit.\""}]}, {"id": "43-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Men of Israel", "text": "For some languages it is better to say, \"People of Israel\" for it to be clear that this included men and women. This could also be translated as, \"My fellow people of Israel\" or, \"My fellow Jews\" to make it clear that Peter was also a Jew and belonged to the \"people of Israel.\""}, {"ref": "you crucified him!", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"you caused him to be crucified\" or, \"because of you, he was crucified.\" The Jews did not actually nail Jesus to the cross. However, the Jewish leaders caused him to be condemned and many of the people in the crowd had shouted for him to be crucified."}]}, {"id": "43-07", "tn": [{"ref": "This fulfills the prophecy which says", "text": "Another way to translate this would be, \"This caused to come true what one of the prophets said long ago.\""}, {"ref": "You will not let your", "text": "\"You\" and \"your\" refer to God the Father. To make that clear, this could be translated as, \"You, God, will not let your.\" Some languages may have a special way of addressing someone, such as, \"You, O God.\""}, {"ref": "rot in the grave", "text": "That is, \"decay in the tomb\" or, \"decompose in the grave.\" This refers to the fact that Jesus did not remain in the tomb very long and is another way of saying that he did not stay dead, but rather came back to life again."}, {"ref": "raised Jesus to life again", "text": "That is, \"made Jesus alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "43-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Jesus is now exalted", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Jesus is now lifted up\" or, \"Jesus is now raised up\" or, \"God has exalted Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "the right hand of", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the most important position with\" or, \"the place of highest honor next to.\""}, {"ref": "causing", "text": "That is, \"enabling the believers to do\" or, \"giving these people the power to do.\""}]}, {"id": "43-09", "tn": [{"ref": "But know for certain that", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"But you can know that it is true that\" or, \"But you can be sure that.\""}]}, {"id": "43-10", "tn": [{"ref": "deeply moved by", "text": "That is, \"very troubled by\" or, \"felt very sad when they heard.\" To be \"moved\" is to feel strong emotions."}, {"ref": "Brothers", "text": "This was a normal way for a Jew to address fellow Jews. It could also be translated as, \"Friends.\""}]}, {"id": "43-11", "tn": [{"ref": "in the name of", "text": "This phrase means both, \"by the authority of\" and, \"under the authority of.\" Consider translating the word \"name\" literally if it will be understood in this way in your language."}, {"ref": "Christ", "text": "This is the same meaning as \"Messiah.\" It could be translated as \"Anointed One\" or, \"Chosen One.\" Instead of translating the meaning, some translators may choose to keep the word \"Christ\" and spell it using the sounds in their own language."}, {"ref": "Jesus Christ", "text": "Since \"Christ\" is a title here, some translators may choose to change the order and say, \"Christ Jesus.\" Both orders are used in the Bible."}]}, {"id": "43-12", "tn": []}, {"id": "43-13", "tn": [{"ref": "thought well of them", "text": "That is, \"had a positive opinion of them.\""}]}, {"id": "44-01", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "a crippled man", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"a lame man.\" This refers to a man who did not have full use of his legs, and could not stand or walk."}]}, {"id": "44-02", "tn": [{"ref": "In the name of Jesus", "text": "\"Name\" here stands for the authority and power of the person. Therefore, this expression here means, \"by the authority of Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "get up", "text": "That is, \"stand up.\""}]}, {"id": "44-03", "tn": [{"ref": "courtyard of the Temple", "text": "Only priests could enter the Temple, but ordinary Jews were allowed to come into this area that surrounded the Temple."}]}, {"id": "44-04", "tn": []}, {"id": "44-05", "tn": [{"ref": "author of life", "text": "That is, \"the one who created life\" or, \"the one who gives us life\" or, \"the one who causes people to live.\" This refers to Jesus."}, {"ref": "your actions ", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"the things you did.\" This refers to their asking Pilate to kill Jesus."}, {"ref": "turn to God", "text": "That is, \"decide to obey God.\""}, {"ref": "your sin will be washed away", "text": "This could be translated as, \"God will wash away your sins\" or, \"God will take away your sins and make you clean.\" This is talking about God purifying people in their spirit by completely removing their sins. It does not mean physical washing."}]}, {"id": "44-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Peter's message", "text": "That is, \"the message that Peter had preached to them.\""}, {"ref": "number of men", "text": "This was in addition to the woman and children who believed."}]}, {"id": "44-07", "tn": []}, {"id": "44-08", "tn": [{"ref": "healed", "text": "That is, \"well\" or, \"whole\" or, \"strong.\""}, {"ref": "rejected him", "text": "That is, \"refused to accept him\" or, \"refused to believe in Jesus\" or, \"refused to believe that Jesus is the Savior.\""}, {"ref": "but there is no other way to be saved except through the power of Jesus", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"but the only way to be saved is through the power of Jesus\" or, \"but only Jesus can save us, by his power.\""}, {"ref": "to be saved", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"to be saved from our sins\" or, \"that we can be saved from our sins.\""}]}, {"id": "44-09", "tn": [{"ref": "were shocked", "text": "That is, \"were very surprised\" or, \"were amazed.\""}, {"ref": "ordinary", "text": "That is, \"common\" or, \"lower-class.\" Peter and John were simple fishermen."}, {"ref": "who were uneducated", "text": "That is, \"who did not have a formal education.\" This could also be translated as, \"who had not gone to religious school.\""}, {"ref": "then they remembered", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"But then they thought about the fact that.\""}, {"ref": "had been with Jesus", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"had spend time with Jesus\" or, \"had been taught by Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "After they threatened", "text": "The leaders said that they would punish Peter and John if they continued to teach people about Jesus."}, {"ref": "let them go", "text": "That is, \"allowed them to leave.\""}]}, {"id": "45-01", "tn": [{"ref": "the early Church", "text": "That is, \"the Church when it first began.\""}, {"ref": "had a good reputation", "text": "This could be translated as, \"was thought well of by the people.\" Some languages might translate this as, \"had a good name.\""}, {"ref": "was full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"had power and ability from the Holy Spirit and had much wisdom\" or, \"was full of the Holy Spirit and was very wise.\""}, {"ref": "reasoned persuasively that", "text": "That is, \"gave convincing reasons why.\""}]}, {"id": "45-02", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}]}, {"id": "45-03", "tn": [{"ref": "Are these things true?", "text": "That is, \"Are these accusations against you true?\" or, \"Are the things these people are saying about you true?\" or, \"Is it true that you said evil things about Moses and God?\""}, {"ref": "always reject the Holy Spirit", "text": "That is, \"never obey the Holy Spirit\" or, \"always refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit.\""}, {"ref": "your ancestors", "text": "This could be translated as, \"your ancestors, the Israelites.\""}]}, {"id": "45-04", "tn": [{"ref": "covered their ears", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"They put their hands over their ears.\" This was to show that they did not want to hear what Stephen said."}, {"ref": "yelled loudly", "text": "They were yelling in anger. Translate this in a way that communicates that they were very upset."}]}, {"id": "45-05", "tn": [{"ref": "As Stephen was dying", "text": "That is, \"Just before Stephen died.\""}, {"ref": "cried out", "text": "That is, \"called out in a loud voice\" or, \"said very loudly.\""}, {"ref": "do no count this sin against them", "text": "That is, \"do not consider them guilty of the sin of killing me.\""}]}, {"id": "45-06", "tn": [{"ref": "guarded their robes", "text": "This could be translated as, \"watched over their coats.\" He was probably making sure they didn't get stolen or damaged."}, {"ref": "But in spite of this", "text": "The Jewish leaders thought they could stop the spread of Jesus' teaching by persecuting his followers. Instead, this caused them to scatter and spread the message even more widely."}]}, {"id": "45-07", "tn": [{"ref": "one day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "Ethiopia", "text": "Ethiopia is a country in Eastern Africa."}]}, {"id": "45-08", "tn": [{"ref": "Ethiopian", "text": "That is, a person from the country of Ethiopia. See note on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:45-07|[45-07]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "approached the chariot", "text": "That is, \"got close to the chariot\" or, \"came near to the chariot.\""}, {"ref": "as a lamb is silent", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"like a lamb that is silent even when it is about to be killed.\""}]}, {"id": "45-09", "tn": [{"ref": "Was Isaiah writing about", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Was Isaiah referring to.\""}]}, {"id": "45-10", "tn": []}, {"id": "45-11", "tn": [{"ref": "some water", "text": "Use a term that means a larger body of water such as a pond, lake, or stream."}, {"ref": "May I be baptized?", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Is there any reason that I cannot be baptized?\""}]}, {"id": "45-12", "tn": [{"ref": "carried Philip away", "text": "That is, \"took Philip away\" or, \"snatched Philip away.\""}]}, {"id": "45-13", "tn": []}, {"id": "46-01", "tn": [{"ref": "guarded the robes of the men who killed Stephen", "text": "See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:45-06|[45-06]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "from house to house", "text": "That is, \"into many houses.\""}, {"ref": "Damascus", "text": "Damascus is now the capital of the country of Syria. During Saul's time, it was a city belonging to the Roman Empire. Most of the people there were not Jewish, but there were some Jews and also some Christians living there."}]}, {"id": "46-02", "tn": [{"ref": "on his way", "text": "That is, \"on his journey.\""}]}, {"id": "46-03", "tn": []}, {"id": "46-04", "tn": [{"ref": "But Ananias said", "text": "If it is not clear why the word \"But\" is used here, this could be translated as, \"But Ananias was afraid, so he said.\""}, {"ref": "God answered him", "text": "This could be translated as, \"To reassure Ananias, God said\" to make clear why God said this."}, {"ref": "to declare my name", "text": "That is, \"to teach about me\" or, \"to make me known.\""}, {"ref": "for my name", "text": "That is, \"for me\" or, \"because of me\" or, \"because he serves me\" or, \"because he teaches others about me.\""}]}, {"id": "46-05", "tn": [{"ref": "here", "text": "That is, \"to Damascus.\""}, {"ref": "regain your sight", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"be able to see again.\""}, {"ref": "his strength returned", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"he became strong again\" or, \"he felt better.\""}]}, {"id": "46-06", "tn": [{"ref": "Right away", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Immediately\" or, \"Then.\""}, {"ref": "reasoned with the Jews", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"gave the Jews good reasons for believing in Jesus\" or, \"spoke persuasively with the Jews.\""}]}, {"id": "46-07", "tn": [{"ref": "the city gates", "text": "The gates were the only normal way into or out of the walled cities."}, {"ref": "lowered him over the city wall in a basket", "text": "Another way to say this would be, \"helped him get into a large basket and lowered the basket with him in it over the city wall.\""}]}, {"id": "46-08", "tn": [{"ref": "accepted Saul", "text": "That is, \"believed that Saul also was a believer in Jesus.\""}]}, {"id": "46-09", "tn": [{"ref": "city of Antioch", "text": "This was an ancient city located in what is now the southernmost tip of the modern country of Turkey, near its border with Syria and close to the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 450 miles northwest of Jerusalem."}, {"ref": "strengthen the church", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"help the church to grow strong spiritually\" or, \"help the believers in Jesus to grow strong in their faith\" or, \"help the people to believe more firmly in Jesus.\""}]}, {"id": "46-10", "tn": [{"ref": "One day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "Set apart for me \u2026", "text": "This sentence could also be translated as, \"Appoint Paul and Barnabas to do the special work I have chosen them to do.\""}, {"ref": "the church", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the believers\" or, \"the Christians.\""}, {"ref": "placed their hands on them", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"blessed them with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit by putting their hands on them\" or, \"put their hands on them as a sign of their unity in the Spirit.\" Some languages may have to say where they placed their hands. If so, you could say they placed their hands on their head, shoulder or back."}, {"ref": "sent them out ", "text": "That is, \"sent them away\" or, \"sent them on their journey.\""}]}, {"id": "47-01", "tn": [{"ref": "proclaim", "text": "That is, \"teach\" or, \"preach.\""}, {"ref": "merchant", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"seller\" or, \"business owner.\""}]}, {"id": "47-02", "tn": [{"ref": "opened Lydia's heart", "text": "That is, \"enabled Lydia.\""}, {"ref": "she and her family were baptized", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"they baptized Lydia and her family.\""}, {"ref": "so they stayed with her and her family", "text": "This was the normal custom of the day for people to provide hospitality to visitors in their homes. There were no immoral motives in this arrangement."}]}, {"id": "47-03", "tn": [{"ref": "her masters", "text": "In this case, this could also be translated as, \"her owners.\""}, {"ref": "as a fortuneteller", "text": "That is, \"as someone who told people what would happen to them in the future.\""}]}, {"id": "47-04", "tn": [{"ref": "the way to be saved", "text": "That is, \"how you can be saved\" or, \"how God saves people\" or, \"God's plan for saving people.\""}]}, {"id": "47-05", "tn": [{"ref": "one day", "text": "This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story."}, {"ref": "turned to her", "text": "That is, \"turned around and looked at her.\""}, {"ref": "In the name of Jesus", "text": "That is, \"by the authority of Jesus.\" Because of Jesus' authority, Paul could command the demon to leave."}, {"ref": "come out of her", "text": "That is, \"leave her\" or, \"go away from her.\""}]}, {"id": "47-06", "tn": [{"ref": "without the demon", "text": "That is, \"without the power from the demon\" or, \"now that she did not have the demon.\""}, {"ref": "the future", "text": "That is, \"what would happen to them in the future.\""}, {"ref": "This meant that", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Because of this\" or, \"Therefore.\""}]}, {"id": "47-07", "tn": [{"ref": "threw them", "text": "That is, \"put them.\""}]}, {"id": "47-08", "tn": [{"ref": "in the middle of the night", "text": "This could be translated as, \"very late at night\" or, \"very early in the morning.\" This was when it was completely dark outside, when people would normally be asleep."}, {"ref": "singing songs of praise to God", "text": "This can also be translating as, \"praising God by singing\" or, \"singing songs to praise God\" or, \"singing songs that gave praise to God.\""}]}, {"id": "47-09", "tn": [{"ref": "flew open", "text": "That is, \"became unlocked and suddenly opened wide.\""}, {"ref": "fell off", "text": "That is, \"suddenly came off\" or, \"suddenly came apart so that the prisoners were released.\""}]}, {"id": "47-10", "tn": [{"ref": "The jailer", "text": "That is, \"the official in charge of the jail.\""}, {"ref": "We", "text": "Some languages have a special form of the word \"we\" which does not include the person being talked to. Here the \"we\" does not include the jailer, only Paul and the rest of the prisoners."}]}, {"id": "47-11", "tn": [{"ref": "to be saved", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"in order to be saved from my sins\" or \"so that God will save me from my sins.\" The question refers to salvation from being punished by the God who caused the earthquake."}, {"ref": "Believe in Jesus, the Master", "text": "This is addressed to both the jailer and his family, who all then believed and were baptized. Some languages may use a form to indicate that Paul is speaking to the group."}, {"ref": "you and your family will be saved", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"God will save you and your family from eternal punishment for your sins.\" Make sure it is clear that the salvation referred to here is spiritual, not physical."}]}, {"id": "47-12", "tn": []}, {"id": "47-13", "tn": [{"ref": "the leaders of the city", "text": "This refers to, \"the officials of the city\" or, \"the authorities of the city.\""}, {"ref": "The good news about Jesus kept spreading", "text": "That is, \"People in more and more places were hearing the good news about Jesus.\""}, {"ref": "the Church kept growing", "text": "That is, \"more and more people were becoming part of the Church\" or, \"more and more people were believing in Jesus.\""}]}, {"id": "47-14", "tn": []}, {"id": "48-01", "tn": [{"ref": "God created the world", "text": "That is, \"God made the world out of nothing.\""}, {"ref": "perfect", "text": "That is, \"exactly as it should be\" to accomplish all that God intended for it."}, {"ref": "There was no sin", "text": "For some languages it is not possible to express \"sin\" as a thing, rather it is an action. In those cases this could be translated as, \"No one ever sinned\" or, \"People did not sin\" or, \"Nothing evil had happened.\""}, {"ref": "There was no sickness or death", "text": "That is, \"No one got sick and no one died\" or, \"They did not get sick or die.\""}]}, {"id": "48-02", "tn": [{"ref": "the garden", "text": "This refers to the garden created by God where he placed the first man and woman."}, {"ref": "deceive Eve", "text": "That is, \"lie to Eve.\" Satan lied by leading Eve to doubt what God had said. By doing this, he tricked her into disobeying God."}]}, {"id": "48-03", "tn": [{"ref": "even more terrible", "text": "That is, \"much worse\" or, \"worse yet.\""}]}, {"id": "48-04", "tn": [{"ref": "crush Satan's head", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"step on Satan's head and smash it down flat\" or, \"shatter Satan's head by stepping on it.\" This is an image of a person stepping on the head of a snake. The head is completely crushed, and the snake is dead and therefore harmless."}, {"ref": "wound his heel", "text": "This is an image of a snake on the ground biting a person's foot. In this case, Satan would cause the Messiah to suffer, but would not destroy him."}, {"ref": "raise him to life again", "text": "That is, \"make him alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "48-05", "tn": [{"ref": "destroyed because of their sins", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"everyone should be punished eternally by God because they have sinned.\""}]}, {"id": "48-06", "tn": [{"ref": "he offered himself", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Jesus allowed himself to be killed.\""}, {"ref": "took the punishment", "text": "That is, \"received the punishment in his own body.\""}]}, {"id": "48-07", "tn": [{"ref": "all the people groups of the earth", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"people from all different parts of the world.\""}, {"ref": "a spiritual descendant of Abraham", "text": "That is, \"spiritually related to Abraham, and one of God's people.\""}]}, {"id": "48-08", "tn": [{"ref": "instead of his son, Isaac", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"in the place of his son, Isaac\" or, \"in his son Isaac's place\" or, \"so that he would not have to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.\""}, {"ref": "deserve to die", "text": "That is, \"should die.\""}, {"ref": "to die in our place", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"to die in the place of each of us\" or, \"so that he would not have to kill us.\""}]}, {"id": "48-09", "tn": [{"ref": "sent the last plague on Egypt", "text": "That is, \"caused the final disaster to come on Egypt.\" This was the tenth plague when God caused the firstborn sons of the Egyptians to die."}, {"ref": "a perfect lamb", "text": "That is, \"a lamb without any defect.\""}, {"ref": "its blood", "text": "That is, \"the lamb's blood.\""}, {"ref": "door frames", "text": "If door frames are not known, this could be translated as, \"doors.\""}, {"ref": "passed over", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"passed by\" or, \"went by.\" You may want to connect how this is translated with how \"Passover\" is translated."}]}, {"id": "48-10", "tn": [{"ref": "our Passover Lamb", "text": "That is, \u201cthe Passover Lamb that was killed for us\u201d or, \u201cthe lamb that was killed so that God would pass over us\u201d or, \u201cthe lamb that was killed so that God would spare us.\u201d"}, {"ref": "sinless", "text": "This can also be translated as, \u201chad never sinned.\u201d"}, {"ref": "blood of Jesus", "text": "This could be translated as, \u201cThe sacrifice that Jesus made of himself when he died for sinners.\u201d The word \u201cblood\u201d here also means \u201cdeath.\u201d"}, {"ref": "God's punishment passes over that person", "text": "This statement means, \u201cGod does not punish that person.\u201d Translate it using a phrase that shows its relationship to the words for \"Passover\" and the \"Passover Lamb.\" If the word \"spare\" is used in the name of the Passover, this could also be translated as, \u201cGod spares that person from punishment.\u201d"}]}, {"id": "48-11", "tn": [{"ref": "the Israelites, who were his chosen people", "text": "That is, \"the Israelites, the people he had chosen\" or, \"his chosen people, the Israelites.\""}]}, {"id": "48-12", "tn": [{"ref": "a great prophet", "text": "That is, \u201ca very important prophet.\u201d"}, {"ref": "the greatest prophet", "text": "That is, \u201cthe most important prophet.\u201d"}, {"ref": "He is the Word of God", "text": "That is, \u201cHe is called the Word of God\u201d because he reveals God's character. The other prophets preached the message God gave them, but Jesus revealed God in his preaching and his actions."}]}, {"id": "48-13", "tn": []}, {"id": "48-14", "tn": [{"ref": "the king of the entire universe", "text": "That is, \"the king over everyone and everything everywhere.\""}]}, {"id": "49-01", "tn": []}, {"id": "49-02", "tn": [{"ref": "drove out demons", "text": "That is, \"made demons come out of people.\""}, {"ref": "raised the dead to life", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"caused dead people to become alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "49-03", "tn": [{"ref": "a great teacher", "text": "That is, \"a very important teacher\" or, \"an excellent teacher.\""}, {"ref": "the same way ", "text": "That is, \"as much as\" or, \"the same amount that\" or, \"to the same degree that.\""}]}, {"id": "49-04", "tn": [{"ref": "your wealth", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"your money\" or, \"your possessions.\""}]}, {"id": "49-05", "tn": [{"ref": "to be saved from your sin", "text": "That is, \"to be saved from being punished for your sin\" or, \"that God would save you from your sin\" or, \"to receive salvation from your sin.\""}]}, {"id": "49-06", "tn": [{"ref": "others will not", "text": "That is, \"other people will not receive him and therefore will not be saved.\""}, {"ref": "seed of God's word", "text": "This can be translated as, \"seed, which can be compared to God's word.\" This phrase makes a comparison between seed and God's word."}]}, {"id": "49-07", "tn": []}, {"id": "49-08", "tn": [{"ref": "is separated from God", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"cannot live with God\" or, \"cannot be near God\" or, \"cannot have a relationship with God.\""}]}, {"id": "49-09", "tn": [{"ref": "gave his only Son", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"offered his only Son to the world as a sacrifice for sins\" or, \"gave us his only Son to be a sacrifice for our sins.\""}, {"ref": "whoever believes", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"anyone who believes.\""}, {"ref": "whoever believes in Jesus will not be punished for his sins, but will live with God forever", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"When anyone believes in Jesus, God will not punish that person for his sins, but will allow him to live with God forever.\""}]}, {"id": "49-10", "tn": [{"ref": "Because of your sin", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"Because you have sinned.\" To make it clear that this is talking about all people, for some languages it may be more clear to translate this as, \"Because all people have sinned, they are guilty. They deserve death.\""}, {"ref": "God should be angry", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"It would be right for God to be angry.\""}, {"ref": "poured out his anger on", "text": "That is, \"directed his anger at\" or, \"placed all of his anger upon\" or, \"was angry only with.\""}, {"ref": "received your punishment", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"was punished instead of you\" or, \"was punished for your sin.\" To make it clear that this applies to everyone, it could also be translated as, \"was punished for everyone's sin.\""}]}, {"id": "49-11", "tn": [{"ref": "take away", "text": "That is, \"remove the penalty of\" or, \"remove the punishment for.\" The sacrifice of Jesus causes God to look at our sin as if it never existed."}]}, {"id": "49-12", "tn": [{"ref": "Good works cannot save you", "text": "That is, \"Doing good things cannot save you from your sins\" or, \"You cannot do anything good enough to save yourself from the penalty for your sins.\""}, {"ref": "wash away your sins", "text": "That is, \"completely remove your sins\" or, \"take away your sins and make you clean.\" This is talking about God purifying people in their spirit by completely removing their sins. It does not mean physical washing."}, {"ref": "instead of you", "text": "That is, \" in your place.\""}, {"ref": "raised him to life again", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"made him alive again.\""}]}, {"id": "49-13", "tn": [{"ref": "he can have a close relationship with you", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"so that you can be his child\" or, \"so that you can be his friend\" or, \"so you can belong to him.\""}]}, {"id": "49-14", "tn": [{"ref": "believe in him", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"trust in him\" or, \"trust in him to save you\" or, \"entrust your whole life to him.\""}, {"ref": "be baptized", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"have someone baptize you\" or, \"let them baptize you.\""}, {"ref": "believe that", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"acknowledge that\" or, \"agree that.\""}, {"ref": "take away", "text": "See note on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:49-11|[49-11]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "49-15", "tn": [{"ref": "Satan's kingdom of darkness", "text": "\"Darkness\" is used here to refer to sin and everything that is evil. This could be translated as, \"Satan's evil rule over people, which is like darkness.\""}, {"ref": "God's kingdom of light", "text": "\"Light\" here refers to God's holiness and goodness. This could be translated as, \"God's righteous rule over people, which is like light.\" The Bible often compares evil to darkness, and goodness to light."}]}, {"id": "49-16", "tn": [{"ref": "considers you to be", "text": "That is, \"thinks of you as\" or, \"regards you as\" or, \"calls you.\""}]}, {"id": "49-17", "tn": [{"ref": "be tempted to sin", "text": "That is, \"\"be tempted to sin even though you know sin is wrong.\""}, {"ref": "is faithful", "text": "In this context this means that God, \"keeps his promises.\""}, {"ref": "confess your sins", "text": "This could be translated as, \"admit to God what you have done wrong.\""}, {"ref": "He will give you strength to fight against sin", "text": "That is, \"He will give you spiritual strength to refuse to sin.\""}]}, {"id": "49-18", "tn": [{"ref": "to have a deeper relationship with him", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"to love him more\" or, \"to know him more\" or, \"to become more faithful to him.\""}]}, {"id": "50-01", "tn": [{"ref": "The Church has been growing", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"The number of people in the Church around the world has been increasing\" or, \"The number of believers in Jesus has been increasing.\""}, {"ref": "at the end of the world", "text": "This phrase means, \"right before the present world comes to an end\" or, \"in the final days of this world.\""}]}, {"id": "50-02", "tn": [{"ref": "the end will come", "text": "This could be translated as, \"the end of this world will come\" or, \"the end of this world will happen\" or, \"this present world will end.\""}]}, {"id": "50-03", "tn": [{"ref": "make disciples", "text": "This has the meaning, \"help people to become my disciples.\""}, {"ref": "The fields are ripe for harvest", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"They are ready to be brought to God like fields that are ripe for harvest\" or, \"They are ready to be gathered and brought to God like fields whose crops are ripe and ready to be gathered.\""}, {"ref": "The fields", "text": "In this expression, \"The fields\" represents the people in the world."}, {"ref": "ripe", "text": "\"Ripe\" here represents being ready to believe in Jesus."}, {"ref": "harvest", "text": "\"Harvest\" here represents the work of bringing people to God by teaching them about Jesus."}]}, {"id": "50-04", "tn": [{"ref": "not greater than", "text": "That is, \"not more important than\" or, in this case, \"not treated better than.\""}, {"ref": "because of me", "text": "That is, \"because you obey me\" or, \"because you teach people about me\" or, \"because you belong to me.\""}, {"ref": "in this world", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"in this lifetime.\""}, {"ref": "remain faithful to me", "text": "That is, \"Keep obeying me.\""}, {"ref": "to the end", "text": "That is, \"to the end of your life.\""}, {"ref": "will save you", "text": "This refers to spiritual salvation rather than physical deliverance from harm. It has already been stated that many believers will be killed or tortured."}]}, {"id": "50-05", "tn": [{"ref": "good seed", "text": "This seed was wheat grain. If this type of seed is not known in your language area, it is best to use a general term for \"seed.\" If there is no general term, it may be necessary to choose a type of grain seed that is known and say, for example, \"good seed like rice.\""}, {"ref": "weed seeds", "text": "The weed seeds that were planted would grow up as tall grass but could not be eaten. They were useless."}, {"ref": "wheat", "text": "That is, \"wheat seeds.\" Wheat is a kind of grain that grows like a tall grass. It has seeds that people use for food."}]}, {"id": "50-06", "tn": [{"ref": "An enemy must have planted them", "text": "If possible, translate this in a way that indicates that the speaker did not see this happen."}]}, {"id": "50-07", "tn": [{"ref": "you will pull out some of the wheat as well", "text": "That is, \"you will accidentally pull out some of the wheat also.\" It would be too difficult to distinguish young wheat from the weeds, and to pull the weeds without uprooting the wheat."}, {"ref": "until the harvest", "text": "That is, \"until the time when the wheat is ready to harvest\" or, \"until the wheat has grown enough to be harvested.\""}, {"ref": "the wheat", "text": "That is, \"the harvested wheat grains.\""}, {"ref": "barn", "text": "This refers to the building where the harvested wheat grain was saved and stored. It could also be called a \"storehouse.\""}]}, {"id": "50-08", "tn": [{"ref": "the people of God's kingdom", "text": "This can also be translated as, \"the people who live under God's authority\" or, \"the people who have submitted to God's rule\" or, \"the people who will live with God in his Kingdom.\""}]}, {"id": "50-09", "tn": [{"ref": "who belong to the evil one", "text": "That is, \"who obey the evil one\" or, \"who are ruled by the evil one.\""}, {"ref": "the evil one", "text": "This is another title for Satan. It could be translated as, \"Satan,\" but the title, \"evil one\" describes his character."}, {"ref": "the devil", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Satan.\""}, {"ref": "represents the end of the world", "text": "That is, \"represents what will happen to people at the end of the world.\""}, {"ref": "the harvesters", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"the men who harvest the ripe grain\" or, \"the workers who gather in the ripe grain.\""}]}, {"id": "50-10", "tn": [{"ref": "who belong to the devil", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"who obey the devil\" or, \"who are ruled by the devil.\" This refers to those who do not believe in Jesus but follow the evil ways of the devil."}, {"ref": "a raging fire", "text": "That is, \"a very hot, burning fire\" or, \"a large, very hot fire.\""}, {"ref": "the righteous ones", "text": "This refers to the people who belong to the Messiah. See <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:50-08|[50-08]]]</b>."}, {"ref": "shine like the sun", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"be glorious like the sun\" or, \"show pure goodness as the sun shows bright light.\""}]}, {"id": "50-11", "tn": [{"ref": "he left", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"he left the earth\" or, \"he left to go back to heaven.\""}, {"ref": "will come on the clouds in the sky", "text": "That is, \"the clouds in the sky will surround him as he comes\" or, \"the clouds of the sky will carry him along.\""}, {"ref": "when Jesus returns", "text": "That is, \"when Jesus returns to the earth.\""}, {"ref": "meet him in the sky", "text": "That is, \"join him in the sky.\" Those who believe in Jesus will go up to be near Jesus while he is in the sky."}]}, {"id": "50-12", "tn": [{"ref": "still alive", "text": "That is, \"still alive when Jesus returns.\""}]}, {"id": "50-13", "tn": [{"ref": "crown", "text": "This crown represents our reward for believing in Jesus and serving him in this life."}, {"ref": "perfect", "text": "That is, \"complete\" or, \"total.\""}]}, {"id": "50-14", "tn": [{"ref": "weep and grind their teeth in anguish", "text": "See note on <b>[[:en:obs:notes:frames:50-10|[50-10]]]</b>."}]}, {"id": "50-15", "tn": [{"ref": "his kingdom", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"Satan's evil rule over people\" or, \"all the evil things he does and the evil people he controls.\""}, {"ref": "rather than", "text": "That is, \"instead of.\""}]}, {"id": "50-16", "tn": [{"ref": "brought sin into", "text": "This could be translated as, \"caused sin to enter.\""}, {"ref": "a new heaven", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"a new sky\" or, \"a new universe\". It refers to a new set of stars and everything else in the sky."}, {"ref": "a new earth", "text": "This current earth on which we live will be replaced by a new and improved one."}]}, {"id": "50-17", "tn": [{"ref": "wipe away every tear", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"bring an end to all of our grief\" or, \"make trouble end\" or, \"tenderly take away any sadness people have.\""}, {"ref": "there will be no more suffering, sadness, crying, evil, pain, or death", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"people will no longer suffer, be sad, cry, do evil things, feel pain, or die.\""}, {"ref": "rule his kingdom with peace and justice", "text": "This could also be translated as, \"rule over his people fairly, in a way that brings them peace.\""}]}, {"date_modified": "20150924"}]