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Ian Hoegen edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 7 revisions
  1. View the setup instructions over at: Setup
  2. Let the team know what feature you are working on, by messaging us on Slack, and making use of the Zenhub board.
  3. Contributions should be done on a branch named of the following format feature/YOUR_INITIALS-ISSUE_NUMBER-NAME_OF_FEATURE. For example: feature/ih-1-contributing-instructions This branch should be based off develop.
  4. Tool development is to be done in the translationCoreApps organization. Each tool has it's own repo there.
  5. Commits should be in detail and give a clear idea of what is being done and why. Same goes for pull request, be sure to follow the template. It is important to commit early and often.
  6. Merge locally with develop when changes occur.
  7. Ensure your code works. Test, Test, Test.
  8. Push your branch to your remote.
  9. Submit a Pull Request with develop.