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envlp-cardano-wallet (sponsored by the SHOP stake pool)

This project is an open-source and pure Java client for the official cardano-wallet, which is built and maintained by Input|Output.


The cardano-wallet consists of binaries that expose a REST api which allows clients to perform common tasks on the cardano-blockchain, such as creating wallets, submitting transactions, delegating to stake pools, etc.

This implementation aims to support the full cardano-wallet api including old Byron wallets, and to be compatible with not only Java but Android and JVM-based programming languages such as Scala, Kotlin, etc.

Input|Output is also working to build its cardano-wallet client but at the time of writing it is specific to the new Shelley functionality only, and it's written in Scala with Akka which (as far as I know) makes it impossible to work with Android.

Our project also aims to provide an easy to use API for programmers, instead of exposing the raw REST structure to you (but it's still accessible if you need).

Finally, it helps you to build desktop wallet clients - like Daedalus - with embedded cardano-wallet binaries, so you don't necessarily have to connect to a remote cardano-wallet server.


The cardano-wallet backend built by IOG was not designed to be exposed as a public web service. The use case for it is close to 1 server <-> 1 client (or a few clients). If should be fine for utility APIs such as listing stake pools, epoch information, among other things. Don't try creating and managing wallets if it's not running locally.


You'll notice that the library version matches with the cardano-wallet releases published by IOG here.

This means that all endpoints available from that build of the official cardano-wallet should be supported by the build you are installing. In general, it should be safe to use more recent builds of the cardano-wallet as its API is generally stable and won't change that often.

Stable releases

Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:

(Snapshots available only for now, read next section)


        <!-- other dependencies ... -->


Snapshot builds

We are releasing new snapshots to maven central whenever there's any relevant updates.

You can download the latest SNAPSHOT builds directly from this link.

To get the snapshots automatically using maven, add this to the repositories section of your pom.xml:


    <!-- other repositories ... -->



To begin, start with a WalletServer. It allows you to connect to some remote cardano-wallet service or to start with an embedded process.

Connecting to a remote server:

The following snippet connects to a remote cardano-wallet server and query the network parameters:

RemoteWalletServer remoteServer = WalletServer

NetworkParameters networkParameters = remoteServer


NOTE: the example above does not use HTTPS, don't do this at home.

This will print out something like this:

  "genesis_block_hash" : "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb",
  "blockchain_start_time" : "2017-09-23T21:44:51Z",
  "slot_length" : {
    "quantity" : 20.0,
    "unit" : "second"
  "epoch_length" : {
    "quantity" : 21600,
    "unit" : "slot"
  "epoch_stability" : {
    "quantity" : 2160,
    "unit" : "block"
  "active_slot_coefficient" : {
    "quantity" : 100.0,
    "unit" : "percent"
  "decentralization_level" : {
    "quantity" : 44.0,
    "unit" : "percent"
  "desired_pool_number" : 150,
  "minimum_utxo_value" : {
    "quantity" : 1000000,
    "unit" : "lovelace"
  "hardfork_at" : {
    "epoch_number" : 208,
    "epoch_start_time" : "2020-07-29T21:44:51Z"

The NetworkParameters class makes your life a bit easier to extract information from what comes out of the REST API. It offers a few helper methods that unwrap the values you are interested in from the nested structures of JSON result displayed above:

// Will print out `44.00%`

If you want to interact with the raw REST api directly, simply use:

// Executes a synchronous (blocking) request:
GetNetworkParametersResponse response = remoteServer

// Executes an asynchronous request:
    .getNetworkParameters(response -> {
        //do something with the GetNetworkParametersResponse response

The full API of the cardano-wallet is supported. We generate this code automatically so there's no reason to lag behind updates to the official cardano-wallet.

Useful operations

Seed phrases

//seed phrase using 24 English words
String seed = Seed.generateEnglishSeedPhrase(24);

 >> swallow prefer target profit reopen minute state size isolate squirrel scrub table outer proud hint fire fossil behave clutch fragile juice weapon february cause
//convert phrase into list of words
List<String> words = Seed.toMnemonicList(seed);

 >> [swallow, prefer, target, profit, reopen, minute, state, size, isolate, squirrel, scrub, table, outer, proud, hint, fire, fossil, behave, clutch, fragile, juice, weapon, february, cause]
//print entropy of seed phrase in hexadecimal
byte[] entropy = Seed.checkEnglishSeedPhrase(seed);
String entropyHex = Hex.encodeHexString(entropy);

 >> db153b77d5eb671ab5364f769a77076e79d5599af2b95be28cb22e378df09511
//restore or generate seed phrase from entropy
String seedFromEntropy = Seed.generateEnglishSeedPhrase(entropy);

 >> swallow prefer target profit reopen minute state size isolate squirrel scrub table outer proud hint fire fossil behave clutch fragile juice weapon february cause

Wallet restoration

Create or restore a Shelley wallet:

String seed = Seed.generateEnglishSeedPhrase(24);

ShelleyWallet wallet = server.wallets()

Create or restore a Byron wallet:

String seed = Seed.generateEnglishSeedPhrase(12);

ByronWallet wallet = server.wallets()

Wallet operations:

List wallets:

List<Wallet> wallets = server.wallets().list();

Rename wallet:

wallet.rename("my new name");

Update wallet password:

wallet.updatePassword("qwerty12345", "myNewPassword");

Delete wallet:



List addresses (Shelley/Icarus/Ledger/Trezor):

List<Address> addresses;
addresses = shelleyWallet.addresses().unused();
addresses = shelleyWallet.addresses().used();
addresses = shelleyWallet.addresses().all();

Address nextUnusedAddress = shelleyWallet.addresses().next();

List addresses (Byron):

//byron wallet requires you to create addresses manually:
Address address1 = byronWallet.addresses().next("qwerty12345");
Address address2 = byronWallet.addresses().next("qwerty12345");
Address address3 = byronWallet.addresses().next("qwerty12345");

List<Address> addresses;
addresses = byronWallet.addresses().unused();
addresses = byronWallet.addresses().used();
addresses = byronWallet.addresses().all();

Address nextUnusedAddress = byronWallet.addresses().next();


Wallet balances (in ADA):

BigDecimal totalBalance = wallet.totalBalance();
BigDecimal availableBalance = wallet.availableBalance();
BigDecimal rewardsBalance = wallet.rewardsBalance();


Send money:

String recipientAddress = "addr1qy77cfgccmcfe9h936qunl4u36hyrwryrmzj6duug9sm73tdd0sqyslnjxvce9syyw4ktnrh0n7ct60zrs29wnef3jqq202748";
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("100000.54321")

ShelleyTransaction transaction = wallet.transfer()
    .to(recipientAddress, amount)

Fetch transaction:

String transactionId = "2b1633ba62ee3bfc553f69579ae308614ed5c6a425844a6dbf4ba0629ab82ecf";
ShelleyTransaction transaction = shelleyWallet.transactions().get(transactionId);

String transactionId = "1b1644ba62ee3bfc653f6978ae308614ed5c6a425844a6dbf4ba0629ab82abc";
ByronTransaction transaction = byronWallet.transactions().get(transactionId);

List all wallet transactions:

List<ShelleyTransaction> transactions = shelleyWallet.transactions().list();

List<ByronTransaction> byronTransactions = byronWallet.transactions().list();

List wallet transactions within a date range, asynchronously:

LocalDateTime fromDate = LocalDateTime.of(2020, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0);
LocalDateTime toDate = LocalDateTime.of(2020, Month.JUNE, 30, 23, 59);

Future<List<ByronTransaction>> transactionsLoading = byronWallet
                                                    .listAsync(fromDate, toDate);

List<ByronTransaction> transactions = transactionsLoading.get();

Send payments to multiple addresses:

Fees<ShelleyTransaction> fees = shelleyWallet
    .to(firstWallet, new BigDecimal(15)) //15 ADA
    .to("addr", new BigDecimal(111)) // 111 ADA
    .to(byronWallet, new BigDecimal("222.55")) //222.55 ADA

// you can estimate fees first 
BigDecimal fee = fees.maximumInAda();
System.out.println("Fee " + fee);

// then submit the transaction from there
ShelleyTransaction transaction = fees.authorize(PASSWORD);


Send a simple list of objects;

ShelleyTransaction transaction = shelleyWallet.transfer()
    .to(someWallet, new BigDecimal(15))
    .withMetadata(new Object[]{"abcd", "efg", "hijk", 123})

Metadata has an index assigned to each entry, this will internally create a simple map with {0=abcd, 1=efg, 2=hijk, 3=lmnop}

Send a complex object structure

Map<Long, Object> metadata = new TreeMap<>();
metadata.put(0L, "cardano");
metadata.put(1L, 14);
metadata.put(2L, new byte[]{55, 33, 33});

metadata.put(3L, Arrays.asList(14, 42, 1337));

Map<Object, Object> inner = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner.put("key", "value");
inner.put(14, 42);
metadata.put(4L, inner);

ShelleyTransaction transaction = shelleyWallet.transfer()
    .to(someWallet, new BigDecimal(15))

Stake pools:

List stake pools

Notice, on the first run this will time out - the cardano-wallet backed takes a few minutes to load them all

List<StakePool> pools = server.stakePools().listAsync().get();

Delegate to a stake pool

StakePool pool = pools.get(0);
shelleyWallet.delegate(pool, PASSWORD);

To switch to another stake pool, simply execute the above with a new stake pool.

Update stake pool metadata source:


Force reload of stake pools



Inspect addresses

AddressDetails addressDetails = server.inspectAddress("addr1qysdgp6y6k5ncmw3ts4epnqv32tf762a5rlwcj0j5ek0vwawzdq65lps4pmtz6e5gwqsurydjrkc04vn82uwgsnpd0nsj4d8lh");
System.out.println(; //Shelley
System.out.println(addressDetails.stakeKeyHash()); //ae1341aa7c30a876b16b3443810e0c8d90ed87d5933ab8e442616be7

Running an embedded cardano-wallet process

If you are interested in running the cardano-wallet binary along with your program, just create an embedded wallet server.

Note that the cardano-wallet process connects to a cardano-node process (cardano-node should be familiar to those who run stake pools).

To make this work you need to:

  1. download the latest released builds from IOG (scroll down to the assets section and download the binaries for your platform).

  2. download the cardano-node configuration files from here

NOTE: currently only mainnet works, I didn't write the code to start up cardano-wallet on testnet (yet)

NOTE(2): only tested on Ubuntu linux. Hopefully it will work on Windows/Mac but I didn't try it yet.

Assuming you downloaded everything to your Downloads folder and unzipped the files there, you can start the local cardano-wallet server with:

final String HOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
final String DOWNLOADS = HOME + "/Downloads";

EmbeddedWalletServer server = WalletServer
        .binariesIn(DOWNLOADS + "/cardano-wallet-2020.10.13/")
        .configuration(DOWNLOADS + "/mainnet-config.json")
        .topology(DOWNLOADS + "/mainnet-topology.json")
        .storeBlockchainIn(DOWNLOADS + "/blockchain")

NetworkClock clock =;

The consumeOutput calls above configures the cardano-node and cardano-wallet processes to print their messages the system output. You can redirect these to log files or simply ignore the output of these processes.

Eventually, the network clock call will execute and print out something like:

  "status" : "available",
  "offset" : {
    "quantity" : -562,
    "unit" : "microsecond"

The program will exit soon after and automatically stop the cardano-node and cardano-wallet services for you.

To keep the program running, and keeping printing the activity logs of the cardano-node and wallet processes, you can use something like this:

CardanoNodeManager nodeManager = server.getNodeManager();

This will make the program wait until the cardano-node process finishes (it never does).

Similarly, the CardanoWalletManager is also available to let you control the process:

CardanoWalletManager waletManager = server.getWalletManager();


For the cardano-wallet to work, the cardano-node has to be fully synced. On the first run this will take hours to complete. Make sure you have enough space available (~5GB) for the blockchain directory configured earlier.

The cardano-wallet process will take a long time to retrieve the full list of stake pools initially. This code will fail to run with TimeOutException a few times until the cardano-wallet finally caches the result:

List<StakePool> pools = remoteServer.stakePools().list(); 

REST API code generation

All classes and methods that interact directly with the cardano-wallet REST API are generated automatically by class ApiGenerator.

It simply reads the swagger.yaml specification from IOG's cardano-wallet and generates all classes that conform to that specification.

Every time IOG updates their spec, we can execute the ApiGenerator to update the generated classes and release a new build for you.

This allows us to quickly stay up to date and support EVERY single endpoint that is made available on their API.


  • Ensure embedded server runs on Windows/Mac/Linux.
  • Document all source code files.
  • Download binaries and configuration files automatically.


  • Delegate to the SHOP stake pool.
  • Or donate ADA to addr1qy77cfgccmcfe9h936qunl4u36hyrwryrmzj6duug9sm73tdd0sqyslnjxvce9syyw4ktnrh0n7ct60zrs29wnef3jqq202748

Thank you!