From cda7fd39356877891c541ee5290fe46d11083b4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 13:38:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove MacGraph configuration.

 doc/ib/appH.tex        |    4 +-
 src/h/config.h         |   17 +-
 src/h/graphics.h       |   59 ---
 src/h/grttin.h         |    9 -
 src/h/macgraph.h       |  204 --------
 src/h/rproto.h         |   39 --
 src/runtime/Makefile   |    2 +-
 src/runtime/imain.r    |   78 ---
 src/runtime/rmac.ri    | 1048 ----------------------------------------
 src/runtime/rmacrsc.ri |  971 -------------------------------------
 10 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2422 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/h/macgraph.h
 delete mode 100644 src/runtime/rmac.ri
 delete mode 100644 src/runtime/rmacrsc.ri

diff --git a/doc/ib/appH.tex b/doc/ib/appH.tex
index 051dbdceb..e5d9b27a5 100644
--- a/doc/ib/appH.tex
+++ b/doc/ib/appH.tex
@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ \chapter{Glossary of Defined Symbols}
 LONG64 & IU & C compiler's long is 64 bits (xpm) \\
 LoopThreshold & U & number of tended var initializations iconc will unroll \\
 M\_PI & IU & constant value of Pi \\
-MacGraph & U & build graphics using (legacy pre OSX) Mac graphics (should delete)  \\
-MACGRAPH\_H & IU & macgraph.h has been included \\
+{\gr MacGraph} & {\gr U} &{\gr  build graphics using (legacy pre OSX) Mac graphics (should delete)}  \\
+{\gr MACGRAPH\_H} & {\gr IU} & {\gr macgraph.h has been included} \\
 {\gr MACINTOSH} & {\gr all} & {\gr build on legacy Mac platform (delete?)}  \\
 MacOS & U & build on modern UNIX-based Mac platform \\
 max & all & compute maximum of x and y \\
diff --git a/src/h/config.h b/src/h/config.h
index 20ef568da..8c540b4bc 100644
--- a/src/h/config.h
+++ b/src/h/config.h
@@ -428,15 +428,8 @@
       #define ConsoleWindow 1
    #endif                               /* NTConsole */
    #endif                                       /* MSWindows */
-   #ifdef MacGraph
-   #undef Graphics
-   #define Graphics 1
-   #endif                                       /* MacGraph */
 #ifdef Graphics
    #ifndef NoXpmFormat
       #if UNIX
@@ -446,10 +439,8 @@
    #endif                               /* NoXpmFormat */
    #ifndef MSWindows
-         #ifndef MacGraph
-            #undef XWindows
-            #define XWindows 1
-         #endif                         /* MacGraph */
+         #undef XWindows
+         #define XWindows 1
    #endif                               /* MSWindows */
    #undef LineCodes
@@ -1026,3 +1017,7 @@ Deliberate Syntax Error
 #if defined(MACINTOSH)
 #error The MACINTOSH configuration option is no longer supported (since 7 Mar 2024)
 #endif                                  /* MACINTOSH */
+#if defined(MacGraph)
+#error The MacGraph configuration option is no longer supported (since 8 Mar 2024)
+#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
diff --git a/src/h/graphics.h b/src/h/graphics.h
index 8347f1c26..56955e067 100644
--- a/src/h/graphics.h
+++ b/src/h/graphics.h
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
 #define MAXDISPLAYNAME  128
-#ifdef MacGraph
-   #include "::h:macgraph.h"
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
 #ifdef XWindows
    #include "../h/xwin.h"
 #endif                                  /* XWindows */
@@ -241,12 +237,6 @@ typedef struct _wfont {
   char          type;
   int           size;
   void          *fonts;
-#ifdef MacGraph
-  short     fontNum;
-  Style     fontStyle;
-  int       fontSize;
-  FontInfo  fInfo;                      /* I-173 */
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
 #ifdef XWindows
   char        * name;                   /* name for WAttrib and fontsearch */
   int           ascent;                 /* font dimensions */
@@ -323,25 +313,6 @@ struct imgmem {
 #define PCH2 ','                        /* punctuation character */
-#ifdef MacGraph
-typedef struct _wctype {
-   Pattern bkPat;
-   Pattern fillPat;
-   Point pnLoc;
-   Point pnSize;
-   short pnMode;
-   Pattern pnPat;
-   short txFont;
-   Style txFace;
-   short txMode;
-   short txSize;
-   Fixed spExtra;
-   RGBColor fgColor;
-   RGBColor bgColor;
-} ContextType, *ContextPtrType;
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
  * Texture management requires that we be able to lookup and reuse
  * existing textures, as well as support dynamic window-based textures.
@@ -460,9 +431,6 @@ typedef struct _wcontext {
   int           leading;                /* inter-line leading */
 #endif                                  /* GraphicsGL */
-#ifdef MacGraph
-  ContextPtrType   contextPtr;
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
   wdp           display;
 #ifdef XWindows
   GC            gc;                     /* X graphics context */
@@ -598,19 +566,6 @@ typedef struct _wstate {
   struct descrip filep, listp;          /* icon values for this window */
   struct wbind_list *children;
   struct _wbinding *parent;
-#ifdef MacGraph
-  WindowPtr theWindow;      /* pointer to the window */
-  PicHandle windowPic;      /* handle to backing pixmap */
-  GWorldPtr offScreenGWorld;  /* offscreen graphics world */
-  CGrafPtr   origPort;
-  GDHandle  origDev;
-  PixMapHandle offScreenPMHandle;
-  Rect      sourceRect;
-  Rect      destRect;
-  Rect      GWorldRect;
-  Boolean   lockOK;
-  Boolean   visible;
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
   wdp           display;
 #ifdef GraphicsGL
@@ -708,20 +663,6 @@ struct wbind_list {
   struct wbind_list *next;
-#ifdef MacGraph
-typedef struct
-   {
-   Boolean wasDown;
-   uword when;
-   Point where;
-   int whichButton;
-   int modKey;
-   wsp ws;
-   } MouseInfoType;
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
  * Gamma Correction value to compensate for nonlinear monitor color response
diff --git a/src/h/grttin.h b/src/h/grttin.h
index 94cc9fa77..a59b3fc49 100644
--- a/src/h/grttin.h
+++ b/src/h/grttin.h
@@ -394,15 +394,6 @@ typedef int va_list, siptr;
    #endif                               /* HAVE_LIBFREETYPE */
    #endif                               /* GraphicsGL */
-   #ifdef MacGraph
-      typedef int Str255, Point, StandardFileReply, SFTypeList, Ptr, PixMap;
-      typedef int Boolean, Rect, PolyHandle, EventRecord, wsp, MouseInfoType;
-      typedef int Handle, MenuHandle, OSErr, WindowPtr, GWorldFlags;
-      typedef int PaletteHandle, BitMap, RgnHandle, QDErr, GWorldPtr;
-      typedef int GrafPtr, GDHandle, PixMapHandle, OSType, FInfo;
-      typedef int IOParam, DialogPtr, ControlHandle, StringHandle, Size;
-   #endif                               /* MacGraph */
    #ifdef XWindows
       typedef int Atom, Time, XSelectionEvent, XErrorEvent, XErrorHandler;
       typedef int XGCValues, XColor, XFontStruct, XWindowAttributes, XEvent;
diff --git a/src/h/macgraph.h b/src/h/macgraph.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b17d66d2..000000000
--- a/src/h/macgraph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- * Constants
- */
-#include <Quickdraw.h>
-#define kEmptyString    "\p"
-#define kMoveToFront    (WindowPtr)-1L
-#define kVisible        true
-#define kInvisible      false
-#define kHasGoAway      true
-#define kNilRefCon      (long)nil
-#define kPi             3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511
-#define kSleep          400
-#define kMenuBar        128
-#define kAppleMenu      128
-#define kAboutMItem     1
-#define kFileMenu       129
-#define kCompileMItem   1
-#define kRunMItem       1
-#define kQuitMItem      3
-#define kOptionsMenu    130
-#define k_cMItem        1
-#define kRInMItem       1
-#define kROutMItem      2
-#define kArgsMItem      3
-#define kEchoOut2Con    5
-#define kCLArgsDialog   128
-#define kArgStringField 3
-#define kDisableButton  255
-#define kEnableButton   0
-#define kStringID       128
-#define kNARGS          25
-#define kMinDocSize     64
-#define kMaxDocSize     500
-#define kZeroTolerance  0x0000
-#define DMAXCOLORS           256
-#define FS_SOLID             1
-#define FS_STIPPLE           2
-#define FS_OPAQUESTIPPLE     4
- * Macros
- */
-#define STDLOCALS(wb) wcp wc=(wb)->context;\
-                      wsp ws=(wb)->window;\
-                      WindowPtr stdwin=ws->theWindow
-#define ICONFILENAME(wb) ((wb)->window->iconimage)
-#define ICONLABEL(wb) ((wb)->window->iconlabel)
-#define WINDOWLABEL(wb) ((wb)->window->windowlabel)
-#define ANGLE(ang) (ang)
-#define EXTENT(ang) (ang)
-#define RECX(recs) ((recs).x)
-#define RECY(recs) ((recs).y)
-#define RECWIDTH(recs) ((recs).width)
-#define RECHEIGHT(recs) ((recs).height)
-#define FULLARC 360<<6
-#define ARCWIDTH(arc) ((arc).width)
-#define ARCHEIGHT(arc) ((arc).height)
-#define RED(x) ((x).red)
-#define GREEN(x) ((x).green)
-#define BLUE(x) ((x).blue)
-#define ASCENT(wb) ((wb)->context->font->fInfo.ascent)
-#define DESCENT(wb) ((wb)->context->font->fInfo.descent)
-#define LEADING(wb) ((wb)->context->font->fInfo.leading)
-#define FWIDTH(wb) ((wb)->context->font->fInfo.widMax)
-#define FHEIGHT(wb) ( (ASCENT(wb))+(DESCENT(wb))+(LEADING(wb)) )
-#define MAXDESCENDER(wb) ((wb)->context->font->fInfo.descent)
-#define DISPLAYWIDTH(wb) (qd.screenBits.bounds.right-qd.screenBits.bounds.left)
-#define DISPLAYHEIGHT(wb) (
-#define LINEWIDTH(wb) ((wb)->context->contextPtr->pnSize.h)
-#define TEXTWIDTH(wb,s,n) ( TextWidth(s,(int)(s),n) )
-#define SCREENDEPTH(wb) 8
-#define COPYCONTEXT(c) BackPat(&(c)->bkPat);\
-                       MoveTo((c)->pnLoc.h,(c)->pnLoc.v);\
-                       PenSize((c)->pnSize.h,(c)->pnSize.v);\
-                       PenMode((c)->pnMode);\
-                       PenPat(&(c)->pnPat);\
-                       TextFont((c)->txFont);\
-                       TextFace((c)->txFace);\
-                       TextMode((c)->txMode);\
-                       TextSize((c)->txSize);\
-                       SpaceExtra((c)->spExtra)
-#define SETCONTEXTDEFAULT(c) memcpy(&((c)->bkPat),&qd.white,sizeof(Pattern));\
-                             memcpy(&((c)->fillPat),&,sizeof(Pattern));\
-                             (c)->pnLoc.h=0;(c)->pnLoc.v=0;\
-                             (c)->pnSize.h=1;(c)->pnSize.v=1;\
-                             (c)->pnMode=patCopy;\
-                             memcpy(&((c)->pnPat),&,sizeof(Pattern));\
-                             (c)->txFont=0;\
-                             (c)->txFace=normal;\
-                             (c)->txMode=srcOr;\
-                             (c)->txSize=0;\
-                             (c)->spExtra=0;\
-                             (c)->;\
-                             (c)->;\
-                             (c)->;\
-                             (c)->;\
-                             (c)->;\
-                             (c)->
-#define PREPAREGWORLD(ws)  GetGWorld(&((ws)->origPort),&((ws)->origDev));\
-                           SetGWorld((ws)->offScreenGWorld,nil);\
-                           (ws)->offScreenPMHandle=GetGWorldPixMap((ws)->offScreenGWorld);\
-                           (ws)->lockOK=LockPixels((ws)->offScreenPMHandle)
-#define GWORLD2WINDOW(ws)  (ws)->sourceRect=(ws)->theWindow->portRect;\
-                           (ws)->sourceRect.bottom=(ws)->theWindow->portRect.bottom;\
-                           (ws)->sourceRect.right=(ws)->theWindow->portRect.right;\
-                           (ws)->destRect=(ws)->theWindow->portRect;\
-                           (ws)->destRect.bottom=(ws)->theWindow->portRect.bottom;\
-                           (ws)->destRect.right=(ws)->theWindow->portRect.right;\
-                           CopyBits(&(((GrafPtr)((ws)->offScreenGWorld))->portBits),\
-                                    &(((GrafPtr)((ws)->theWindow))->portBits),\
-                                    &((ws)->sourceRect),&((ws)->destRect),srcCopy,\
-                                    nil);\
-                           UnlockPixels((ws)->offScreenPMHandle);\
-                           SetGWorld((ws)->origPort,(ws)->origDev)
-#define EVQUEGET(ws,d) {\
-                       int i;\
-                       if (!c_get((struct b_list *)BlkLoc((ws)->listp),&d)) fatalerr(0,NULL);\
-                       if (Qual(d)) {\
-                          ws->eventQueue[(ws)->eQfront++] = *StrLoc(d);\
-                          if ((ws)->eQfront >= EQUEUELEN) (ws)->eQfront = 0;\
-                             (ws)->eQback = (ws)->eQfront;\
-                          }\
-                       }
-#define EVQUEEMPTY(ws) (BlkLoc((ws)->listp)->list.size == 0)
- * the bitmasks for the modifier keys
- */
-#ifndef MACGRAPH_H
-#define MACGRAPH_H
-#define ControlMask          (1 << 16)
-#define Mod1Mask           (2 << 16)
-#define ShiftMask            (4 << 16)
- * macros performing row/column to pixel y,x translations
- * computation is 1-based and depends on the current font's size.
- * exception: XTOCOL as defined is 0-based, because that's what its
- * clients seem to need.
- */
-#define MARGIN 0
-#define ROWTOY(wb,row) ((row-1) * LEADING(wb) + ASCENT(wb) + MARGIN)
-#define COLTOX(wb,col) ((col-1) * FWIDTH(wb) + MARGIN)
-#define YTOROW(wb,y)   (((y) - MARGIN) / LEADING(wb) + 1)
-#define XTOCOL(wb,x)  (!FWIDTH(wb) ? ((x)-MARGIN) : (((x) - MARGIN) / FWIDTH(wb)))
- * typedef & structs
- */
-typedef struct
-  {
-  long x, y;
-  long width, height;
-  long angle1, angle2;
-  } XArc;
-typedef struct
-  {
-  long x,y;
-  } XPoint;
-typedef struct
-   {
-   long x1, y1;
-   long x2, y2;
-   } XSegment;
-typedef struct
-   {
-   long x, y;
-   long width, height;
-   } XRectangle;
-#endif                                  /* MACGRAPH_H */
diff --git a/src/h/rproto.h b/src/h/rproto.h
index d47b36a71..c28e0d026 100644
--- a/src/h/rproto.h
+++ b/src/h/rproto.h
@@ -668,45 +668,6 @@ int checkOpenConsole( FILE *w, char *s );
       int   Consolefflush       (FILE *file);
    #endif                               /* ConsoleWindow */
-   #ifdef MacGraph
-      /*
-       * Implementation routines specific to Macintosh
-       */
-      void hidecrsr (wsp ws);
-      void showcrsr (wsp ws);
-      void UpdateCursorPos(wsp ws, wcp wc);
-      void GetEvents (void);
-      void DoEvent (EventRecord *eventPtr);
-      void DoMouseUp (EventRecord *eventPtr);
-      void DoMouseDown (EventRecord *eventPtr);
-      void DoGrowWindow (EventRecord *eventPtr, WindowPtr whichWindow);
-      void GetLocUpdateRgn (WindowPtr whichWindow, RgnHandle localRgn);
-      void DoKey (EventRecord *eventPtr, WindowPtr whichWindow);
-      void EventLoop(void);
-      void HandleMenuChoice (long menuChoice);
-      void HandleAppleChoice (short item);
-      void HandleFileChoice (short item);
-      void HandleOptionsChoice (short item);
-      void DoUpdate (EventRecord *eventPtr);
-      void DoActivate (WindowPtr whichWindow, Boolean becomingActive);
-      void RedrawWindow (WindowPtr whichWindow);
-      const int ParseCmdLineStr (char *s, char *t, char **argv);
-      pascal OSErr SetDialogDefaultItem (DialogPtr theDialog, short newItem) =
-         { 0x303C, 0x0304, 0xAA68 };
-      pascal OSErr SetDialogCancelItem (DialogPtr theDialog, short newItem) =
-         { 0x303C, 0x0305, 0xAA68 };
-      pascal OSErr SetDialogTracksCursor (DialogPtr theDialog, Boolean tracks) =
-         { 0x303C, 0x0306, 0xAA68 };
-      void drawarcs(wbinding *wb, XArc *arcs, int narcs);
-      void drawlines(wbinding *wb, XPoint *points, int npoints);
-      void drawpoints(wbinding *wb, XPoint *points, int npoints);
-      void drawrectangles(wbp wb, XRectangle *recs, int nrecs);
-      void drawsegments(wbinding *wb, XSegment *segs, int nsegs);
-      void fillarcs(wbp wb, XArc *arcs, int narcs);
-      void fillpolygon(wbp wb, XPoint *pts, int npts);
-   #endif                               /* MacGraph */
    #ifdef XWindows
        * Implementation routines specific to X-Windows
diff --git a/src/runtime/Makefile b/src/runtime/Makefile
index 5878af7c8..21816fd9e 100644
--- a/src/runtime/Makefile
+++ b/src/runtime/Makefile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ HDRS = ../h/define.h ../h/config.h ../h/typedefs.h ../h/monitor.h\
 	  ../h/rproto.h ../h/mproto.h ../h/version.h ../h/sys.h
 GRAPHICSHDRS = ../h/graphics.h ../h/xwin.h
-GRAPHICSRI = rmac.ri rxwin.ri rmswin.ri rwin3d.ri ropengl.ri rd3d.ri ropengl2d.ri
+GRAPHICSRI = rxwin.ri rmswin.ri rwin3d.ri ropengl.ri rd3d.ri ropengl2d.ri
 .PHONY: update_rev
diff --git a/src/runtime/imain.r b/src/runtime/imain.r
index 735d0247c..180833750 100644
--- a/src/runtime/imain.r
+++ b/src/runtime/imain.r
@@ -22,14 +22,6 @@
 void    icon_setup      (int argc, char **argv, int *ip);
-#ifdef MacGraph
-void MacMain (int argc, char **argv);
-void ToolBoxInit (void);
-void MenuBarInit (void);
-void MouseInfoInit (void);
-int GetArgs (char **argv);
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
  * The following code is operating-system dependent [@imain.01].  Declarations
  *   that are system-dependent.
@@ -134,16 +126,6 @@ void ExpandArgv(int *argcp, char ***avp)
 #endif                                  /* WildCards */
 #endif                                  /* NT */
-#ifdef MacGraph
-MouseInfoType gMouseInfo;
-PaletteHandle gPal;
-long gNumColors;
-Boolean gDone;
-char *cmlArgs;
-StringHandle textHandle;
-void MacMain (int argc, char **argv)
-#else                                   /* MacGraph */
 #ifdef DLLICONX
 #passthru void __declspec(dllexport) iconx_entry(int argc, char **argv)
 #else                                   /* DLLICONX */
@@ -153,7 +135,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 void main(int argc, char **argv)
 #endif                                  /* INTMAIN */
 #endif                                  /* DLLICONX */
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
    int i, slen;
@@ -882,62 +863,3 @@ char *ArgvToCmdline(char **argv)
    return mytmp;
 #endif                                  /* NT */
-#ifdef MacGraph
-void MouseInfoInit (void)
-   gMouseInfo.wasDown = false;
-void ToolBoxInit (void)
-   InitGraf (&qd.thePort);
-   InitFonts ();
-   InitWindows ();
-   InitMenus ();
-   TEInit ();
-   InitDialogs (nil);
-   InitCursor ();
-void MenuBarInit (void)
-   Handle         menuBar;
-   MenuHandle     menu;
-   OSErr          myErr;
-   long           feature;
-   menuBar = GetNewMBar (kMenuBar);
-   SetMenuBar (menuBar);
-   menu = GetMHandle (kAppleMenu);
-   AddResMenu (menu, 'DRVR');
-   DrawMenuBar ();
-void EventLoop ( void )
-   EventRecord event, *eventPtr;
-   char theChar;
-   gDone = false;
-   while ( gDone == false )
-   {
-      if ( WaitNextEvent ( everyEvent, &event, kSleep, nil ) )
-         DoEvent ( &event );
-   }
-void main ()
-   atexit (EventLoop);
-   ToolBoxInit ();
-   MenuBarInit ();
-   MouseInfoInit ();
-   cmlArgs = "";
-   EventLoop ();
-#endif                                  /* MacGraph */
diff --git a/src/runtime/rmac.ri b/src/runtime/rmac.ri
deleted file mode 100644
index e236d0f02..000000000
--- a/src/runtime/rmac.ri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
- * File: rmac.ri - Mac system-specific graphics interface code.
- */
-#ifdef Graphics
-#passthru #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
-struct RGBColor {
-        unsigned short  red;            /*magnitude of red component*/
-        unsigned short  green;          /*magnitude of green component*/
-        unsigned short  blue;           /*magnitude of blue component*/
-typedef struct RGBColor RGBColor, *RGBColorPtr, **RGBColorHdl;
-#passthru #endif
-#passthru #include <sound.h>
- * Global variables specific to Mac
- */
-extern PaletteHandle gPal;
-extern long gNumColors;
- * Prototypes
- */
-int     CreateWindow    (wbp wb);
-int     seticonicstate  (wbp w, char *s);
-void    unsetclip       (wbp w);
-int     seticonpos      (wbp w, char *s);
-int     setdisplay      (wbp w, char *s);
- * allocates a window binding, a context and a state, then calls
- * CreateWindow to draw the window on screen
- */
-FILE *wopen(name, lp, attr, n, err_index)
-char *name;
-struct b_list *lp;
-dptr attr;
-int n, *err_index;
-   {
-   wbp wb;
-   wsp ws;
-   wcp wc;
-   char dispchrs[256];
-   char answer[128];
-   char *display = NULL;
-   int i;
-   tended struct b_list *tlp;
-   tended struct descrip attrrslt;
-   tlp = lp;
-   for(i=0;i<n;i++)
-      {
-      if (is:string(attr[i]) &&
-          (StrLen(attr[i])>8) &&
-          !strncmp("display=",StrLoc(attr[i]),8))
-             {
-         strncpy(dispchrs,StrLoc(attr[i])+8,StrLen(attr[i])-8);
-         dispchrs [ StrLen(attr[i])-8 ] = '\0';
-         display = dispchrs;
-         }
-      }
-   /*
-    * Allocate a binding, a state and a context
-    */
-   Protect(wb = alc_wbinding(), return NULL);
-   Protect(wb->window = alc_winstate(), { free_binding(wb); return NULL; });
-   Protect(wb->context = alc_context(wb), { free_binding(wb); return NULL; });
-   ws = wb->window;
-   ws->listp.dword = D_List;
-   BlkLoc(ws->listp) = (union block *)tlp;
-   wc = wb->context;
-   /*
-    * Defaults
-    */
-   ws->height = 100;
-   ws->width = 100;
-   ws->posy = 60;
-   ws->posx = 20;
-   ws->visible = kVisible;
-   /*
-    * some window attributes
-    */
-   /*
-    * Loop through any remaining arguments.
-    */
-   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-      {
-      /*
-       * write the attribute,
-       *  except "display=" attribute, which is done earlier
-       */
-      if((StrLen(attr[i])<9)||strncmp(StrLoc(attr[i]),"display=",8))
-         {
-             switch (wattrib((wbp) wb, StrLoc(attr[i]), StrLen(attr[i]), &attrrslt, answer))
-                {
-                case RunError:
-                   *err_index = i;
-                   return NULL;
-                case Failed:
-                   free_binding((wbp)wb);
-                   return NULL;
-                }
-             }
-      }
-   /* set window color according to context */
-   if (CreateWindow(wb) != 1) return NULL;
-   return (FILE *)wb;
-   }
- * Creates a window and shows it on screen
- */
-int CreateWindow(wbp wb)
-   {
-   Rect winRect;
-   QDErr errGWorld;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   /*
-    * create the window
-    */
-   SetRect (&winRect,
-            ws->posx, ws->posy,
-            (ws->posx)+(ws->width),
-            (ws->posy)+(ws->height));
-   ws->theWindow = NewCWindow (nil,
-                              &winRect,
-                              "\pUntitled",
-                              ws->visible,
-                              documentProc,
-                              kMoveToFront,
-                              kHasGoAway,
-                              kNilRefCon);
-   /*
-    *  creating offscreen graphics world
-    */
-   SetRect (&(ws->GWorldRect), 0, 0, kMaxDocSize, kMaxDocSize);
-   GetGWorld (&(ws->origPort), &(ws->origDev));
-   errGWorld = NewGWorld (&(ws->offScreenGWorld), 0, &(ws->GWorldRect), nil, nil, 0);
-   if (errGWorld != noErr)
-      printf ("Cannot create offscreen graphics world!\n");
-   SetGWorld (ws->offScreenGWorld, nil);
-   ws->offScreenPMHandle = GetGWorldPixMap (ws->offScreenGWorld);
-   ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   EraseRect (&(ws->offScreenGWorld->portRect));
-   UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-   return 1;
- * Draw a bilevel image
- */
-int blimage(w, x, y, width, height, ch, s, len)
-wbp w;
-int x, y, width, height, ch;
-unsigned char *s;
-word len;
- * copy an area
- */
-int copyArea(wb1,wb2,x,y,width,height,x2,y2)
-wbp wb1, wb2;
-int x, y, width, height, x2, y2;
-   Rect sourceRect, destRect;
-   SetRect (&sourceRect, x, y, x+width, y+height);
-   SetRect (&destRect, x2, y2, x2+width, y2+width);
-   CopyBits (&(((GrafPtr)(wb1->window->theWindow))->portBits),
-             &(((GrafPtr)(wb2->window->theWindow))->portBits),
-             &sourceRect, &destRect, srcCopy, nil);
-   LockPixels (wb1->window->offScreenGWorld->portPixMap);
-   LockPixels (wb2->window->offScreenGWorld->portPixMap);
-   CopyBits (&(((GrafPtr)(wb1->window->offScreenGWorld))->portBits),
-             &(((GrafPtr)(wb2->window->offScreenGWorld))->portBits),
-             &sourceRect, &destRect, srcCopy, nil);
-   UnlockPixels (wb1->window->offScreenGWorld->portPixMap);
-   UnlockPixels (wb2->window->offScreenGWorld->portPixMap);
- * clear an area
- */
-void clearArea(w,x,y,width,height)
-wbp w;
-int x, y, width, height;
- * erase an area
- */
-void eraseArea(wb, x, y, width, height)
-wbp wb;
-int x, y, width, height;
-  Rect r;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  SetRect (&r, x - 1,
-               y - 1,
-               (width == 0) ? (ws->posx + ws->width) : (x - 1 + width),
-               (height == 0) ? (ws->posy + ws->height) : (y - 1 + height) );
-  EraseRect (&r);
-/*   */
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  EraseRect (&r);
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*   */
- * dumpimage -- write an image to a disk file in an X format.
- *
- * Accepts only .xpm and .xbm file names, returning NoCvt for anything else.
- */
-int dumpimage(w,filename,x,y,width,height)
-wbp w;
-char *filename;
-unsigned int x, y, height, width;
-int do_config(w, status)
-wbp w;
-int status;
-void free_rgb(w, rgb)
-wbp w;
-RGBColor *rgb;
-void freecolor(w, s)
-wbp  w;
-char s;
-void geticonic(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
-void getpointername(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
-void getlinestyle(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
-void getfg(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
-void getbg(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
- * Set the context's foreground color by color cell.
- */
-int isetfg(wb,i)
-wbp wb;
-int i;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (-i > gNumColors) return Failed;
-   GetEntryColor (gPal, -i-1, &c);
-   wc->contextPtr->fgColor = c;
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   PmForeColor (-i - 1);
-/*   */
-   GetGWorld (&(ws->origPort), &(ws->origDev));
-   SetGWorld (ws->offScreenGWorld, nil);
-   ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   PmForeColor (-i - 1);
-   UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-   return Succeeded;
-/*   */
- * Set the context's background color by color cell.
- */
-int isetbg(wb,i)
-wbp wb;
-int i;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (-i > gNumColors) return Failed;
-   GetEntryColor (gPal, -i-1, &c);
-   wc->contextPtr->bgColor = c;
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   PmBackColor (-i - 1);
-int setfg(wb,s)
-wbp wb;
-char *s;
-   long  r, g, b;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (parsecolor (NULL, s, &r, &g, &b) == Succeeded) {
-      RED (c) = r;
-      GREEN (c) = g;
-      BLUE (c) = b;
-      wc->contextPtr->fgColor = c;
-      SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-      RGBForeColor (&c);
-      GetGWorld (&(ws->origPort), &(ws->origDev));
-      SetGWorld (ws->offScreenGWorld, nil);
-      ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-      RGBForeColor (&c);
-      UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-      SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-      }
-   else
-      return Failed;
-   return Succeeded;
-int setbg(wb,s)
-wbp wb;
-char *s;
-   long r, g, b;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (parsecolor (NULL, s, &r, &g, &b) == Succeeded) {
-      RED (c) = r;
-      GREEN (c) = g;
-      BLUE (c) = b;
-      wc->contextPtr->bgColor = c;
-      SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-      RGBBackColor (&c);
-      }
-   else
-      return Failed;
-   return Succeeded;
-int nativecolor(w, s, r, g, b)
-wbp  w;
-char *s;
-long *r;
-long *g;
-long *b;
-   return 0;
-int getvisual(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
- * Initialize client for producing pixels from a window
- */
-int getpixel_init(wb, x, y, width, height)
-wbp wb;
-int x, y, width, height;
- * Return pixel (x,y) from a window in long value (rv)
- */
-int getpixel(wb, x, y, rv, s)
-wbp wb;
-int x, y;
-long *rv;
-char *s;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   GetCPixel (x, y, &c);
-   *rv = (( << 8) + << 8 +;
-   sprintf (s, "%d,%d,%d",,,;
-   return Succeeded;
-void getdrawop(w, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *answer;
- * getimstr(w, x, y, width, height, paltbl, data) -- get image as a string.
- *
- * Stores the specified subimage in data, one pixel per byte, and sets
- * entries in paltbl corresponding to the pixel values that were used.
- */
- * The getimstr() code assumes that a maximum of 256 colors can be onscreen
- * at one time.  If DMAXCOLORS maximum is raised, code must be added for the
- * depth>8 case to reduce the local copy of the image to no more than the
- * 256-color maximum allowed in a GIF file.  This reduction operation is
- * nontrivial; look up "color quantization" in computer graphics literature.
- */
-#passthru #if (DMAXCOLORS > 256)
-#passthru   Deliberate Syntax error
-#passthru #endif                                /* DMAXCOLORS */
-int getimstr(w, x, y, width, height, paltbl, data)
-wbp w;
-int x, y, width, height;
-struct palentry paltbl[DMAXCOLORS];
-unsigned char *data;
-int geticonpos(w, s)
-wbp w;
-char *s;
-void getcanvas(wb, s)
-wbp wb;
-char *s;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (ws->theWindow == (WindowPtr) (NULL))
-      sprintf (s, "absent");
-   else
-      switch (ws->visible) {
-         case kVisible:
-            sprintf (s, "normal");
-            break;
-         case kInvisible:
-            sprintf (s, "hidden");
-            break;
-         default:
-            sprintf (s, "unknown");
-         }
- *  Set the canvas type, either during open (pixmap is null, set a flag)
- *   or change an existing canvas to a different type.
- */
-int setcanvas(wb,s)
-wbp wb;
-char *s;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if (!strcmp(s, "iconic")) {
-      return Failed;                                    /* not supported */
-      }
-   else if (!strcmp(s, "normal")) {
-           ws->visible = kVisible;
-           if (ws->theWindow != (WindowPtr) (NULL)) {
-              ShowHide (ws->theWindow, kVisible);
-              SelectWindow (ws->theWindow);
-              }
-           }
-   else if (!strcmp(s, "maximal")) {
-           return Failed;                               /* not supported */
-           }
-   else if (!strcmp(s, "hidden")) {
-           ws->visible = kInvisible;
-           if (ws->theWindow != (WindowPtr) (NULL)) {
-              ShowHide (ws->theWindow, kInvisible);
-              }
-           }
-   else return RunError;
-   return Succeeded;
- * getpos() - update the window state's notion of its current position
- */
-int getpos(w)
-wbp w;
-   if (!w->window->theWindow) return Failed;
-   return Succeeded;
-int getdefault(w, prog, opt, answer)
-wbp w;
-char *prog, *opt, *answer;
-void getdisplay(wbp w, char *answer)
-   strcpy(answer, "local");
-int setdisplay(wbp w, char *s)
-  return Failed;
-int raiseWindow(w)
-wbp w;
-int lowerWindow(w)
-wbp w;
- * rebind() - bind w's context to that of w2.
- */
-int rebind(w, w2)
-wbp w, w2;
-int readimage(w, filename, x, y, status)
-wbp w;
-char *filename;
-int x, y, *status;
-int setimage(w, val)
-wbp w;
-char *val;
- * Set the context's line style by name.
- */
-int setlinestyle(w, s)
-wbp w;
-char *s;
- * Set the context's fill style by name.
- */
-int setfillstyle(w, s)
-wbp w;
-char *s;
-int seticonimage(w, dp)
-wbp w;
-dptr dp;
-int seticonicstate(w,s)
-wbp w;
-char *s;
- * Draw a character-per-pixel image
- */
-int strimage(w, x, y, width, height, e, s, len)
-wbp w;
-int x, y, width, height;
-struct palentry *e;
-unsigned char *s;
-word len;
-char *get_mutable_name(wb, mute_index)
-wbp wb;
-int mute_index;
-   RGBColor c;
-   char *tmp = malloc (28);
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (-mute_index > gNumColors) return NULL;
-   GetEntryColor (gPal, -mute_index - 1, &c);
-   sprintf(tmp, "%d", mute_index);
-   sprintf(tmp + strlen (tmp) + 1, "%d,%d,%d",,,;
-   return tmp;
-int set_mutable(wb, i, s)
-wbp wb;
-int i;
-char *s;
-   long  r, g, b;
-   RGBColor c;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   if (parsecolor (NULL, s, &r, &g, &b) != Succeeded )
-      return Failed;
- = r;
- = g;
- =b;
-   AnimateEntry (ws->theWindow, -i - 1, &c);
-   ActivatePalette (ws->theWindow);
-   ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   AnimateEntry ((WindowPtr)(ws->offScreenGWorld), -i-1, &c);
-   ActivatePalette ((WindowPtr)(ws->offScreenGWorld));
-   UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
- */
-   return Succeeded;
-void free_mutable(w, mute_index)
-wbp w;
-int mute_index;
- * Allocate a mutable color
- */
-int mutable_color(wb, argv, argc, retval)
-wbp wb;
-dptr argv;
-int argc;
-int *retval;
-   long  r, g, b;
-   tended char *str;
-   RGBColor c;
-   {
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   gNumColors++;
-   if (gNumColors == 1) {
-      gPal = NewPalette (gNumColors, nil, pmAnimated, kZeroTolerance);
-      }
-   else{
-      ResizePalette (gPal, gNumColors);
-      SetEntryUsage (gPal, gNumColors-1, pmAnimated, kZeroTolerance);
-      }
-   SetPalette (ws->theWindow, gPal, true);
-/*   */
-   ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-   SetPalette((WindowPtr)(ws->offScreenGWorld), gPal, true);
-   UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-/*   */
-   /* set the color */
-   if (argc > 0) {
-      if (argc != 1)
-         return RunError;
-      else
-         if (argv[0].dword == D_Integer) {
-            if (IntVal (argv[0]) >= 0) return Failed;  /* must be negative */
-            }
-         else {
-            if (!cnv:C_string(argv[0], str)) {
-               ReturnErrVal (103, argv[0], RunError);
-               }
-            if (parsecolor (NULL, str, &r, &g, &b) != Succeeded) {
-               gNumColors--;
-               return Failed;
-               }
-   = r;
-   = g;
-   = b;
-            }
-      SetEntryColor (gPal, gNumColors-1, &c);
-      ActivatePalette (ws->theWindow);
-      ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-      ActivatePalette ((WindowPtr)(ws->offScreenGWorld));
-      UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
- */
-      }
-      *retval = -gNumColors;
-      return Succeeded;
-   }
-int setleading(wb, i)
-wbp wb;
-int i;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if (i<0) return Failed;
-   wc->font->fInfo.leading = i;
-   return Succeeded;
- * Set the context's line width
- */
-int setlinewidth(wb, linewid)
-wbp wb;
-LONG linewid;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if (linewid < 0) return Failed;
-   wc->contextPtr->pnSize.h = linewid;
-   wc->contextPtr->pnSize.v = linewid;
-   return Succeeded;
-int setwidth(wb, new_width)
-wbp wb;
-SHORT new_width;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if (new_width < 0) return Failed;
-   ws->width = new_width;
-   return Succeeded;
-int setheight(wb, new_height)
-wbp wb;
-short new_height;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if (new_height < 0) return Failed;
-   ws->height = new_height;
-   return Succeeded;
-int query_pointer(wb, pp)
-wbp wb;
-XPoint *pp;
-   Point mousePt;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   GetMouse (&mousePt);
-   pp->x = mousePt.h;
-   pp->y = mousePt.v;
-   return Succeeded;
-int query_rootpointer(pp)
-XPoint *pp;
-void toggle_fgbg(w)
-wbp w;
-int setwindowlabel(wb, s)
-wbp wb;
-char *s;
-   wsp ws = wb->window;
-   if (ws->windowlabel != NULL) free(ws->windowlabel);
-   ws->windowlabel = salloc(s);
-   SetWTitle (ws->theWindow, "\pUntitled");
-   return Succeeded;
-int seticonlabel(w, val)
-wbp w;
-char *val;
- * setdrawop() - set the drawing operation
- */
-int setdrawop(w, val)
-wbp w;
-char *val;
-void setclip(wb)
-wbp wb;
-   Rect r;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   SetRect (&r, wc->clipx, wc->clipy, wc->clipx+wc->clipw, wc->clipy+wc->cliph);
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   ClipRect (&r);
-void unsetclip(w)
-wbp  w;
-int     allowresize(w, on)
-wbp  w;
-int  on;
-   return 0;
-int     setgamma(w, gamma)
-wbp  w;
-double  gamma;
-   return 0;
- * setpointer() - define a mouse pointer shape
- */
-int setpointer(w, val)
-wbp w;
-char *val;
- * setcursor() -
- */
-int setcursor(w, on)
-wbp w;
-int on;
-   if (on==1)
-      InitCursor ();
-   else {
-      InitCursor ();
-      HideCursor ();
-      }
-   return Succeeded;
-int seticonpos(w,s)
-wbp w;
-char *s;
- * Set the window's font by name.
- */
-int setfont(wb,s)
-wbp wb;
-char **s;
-   short theFontNum;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   GetFNum (CtoPstr (*s), &theFontNum);
-   wc->contextPtr->txFont = theFontNum;
-   return Succeeded;
- * sync all the servers ???
- */
-void wsync(w)
-wbp w;
- * put a character out to a window using the current attributes
- */
-int wputc(ci,w)
-int ci;
-wbp w;
-int setgeometry(wb, geo)
-wbp wb;
-char *geo;
-   int width = 0, height = 0;
-   int x = 0, y = 0, status;
-   char *tmps;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   if ((status = parsegeometry(geo, &x, &y, &width, &height)) == 0)
-      return RunError;
-   if (status & 1) {
-      ws->width = width;
-      ws->height = height;
-      }
-   if (status & 2) {
-      ws->posx = x;
-      ws->posy = y;
-      }
-   /* insert assigns here:
-    *  ws->posx = ((sign > 0) ? tmp :
-    *              DisplayWidth(stddpy,wd->screen) - ws->width - tmp);
-    *  ws->posy = ((sign > 0) ? tmp :
-    *              DisplayHeight(stddpy,wd->screen) - ws->height - tmp);
-    */
-   return Succeeded;
- * wclose - close a window.  If is a real on-screen window,
- * wait for a DestroyNotify event from the server before returning.
- */
-int wclose(wb)
-wbp wb;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   DisposeWindow (ws->theWindow);
-   DisposeGWorld (ws->offScreenGWorld);
- * flush a window
- */
-void wflush(w)
-wbp w;
- * get a single item from w's pending queue
- */
-int wgetq(wb,res)
-wbp wb;
-dptr res;
-   wsp ws;
-   if (!wb || !(ws = wb->window) || !(ws->theWindow)) return -1;
-   while (1) {
-      if (!EVQUEEMPTY (ws)) {
-         EVQUEGET (ws, *res);
-         return 1;
-         }
-      GetEvents ();
-      }
-   return -1;
-void warpPointer(w, x, y)
-wbp w;
-int x, y;
-   /* can't change cursor location, Inside Mac, Imaging: 8-4 */
-int walert(w, volume)
-wbp w;
-long volume;
-   long oldVol;
-   GetDefaultOutputVolume(&oldVol);
-   SetDefaultOutputVolume(volume);
-   SysBeep (30);
-   SetDefaultOutputVolume(oldVol);
- * write some text to both the window and the pixmap
- */
-void xdis(w,s,n)
-register wbp w;
-char *s;
-int n;
-wsp GetActiveWindow(void)
-#else                                   /* Graphics */
-/* static char junk;            /* avoid empty module */
-#endif                                  /* Graphics */
diff --git a/src/runtime/rmacrsc.ri b/src/runtime/rmacrsc.ri
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f2a3846..000000000
--- a/src/runtime/rmacrsc.ri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
- * File: rmacrsc.ri - Mac specific resource
- */
-void MacMain (int argc, char *argv[]);
-extern MouseInfoType gMouseInfo;
-extern char *cmlArgs;
-extern StringHandle textHandle;
- * allocate a context.  Can't be called until w has a display and window.
- */
-wcp alc_context(wbp w)
-   {
-   int i;
-   wcp wc;
-   GRFX_ALLOC(wc, _wcontext);
-   GRFX_LINK(wc, wcntxts);
-   /* set default values */
-   wc->contextPtr = malloc(sizeof ContextType);
-   SETCONTEXTDEFAULT(wc->contextPtr);
-   return wc;
-   }
- * allocate a window state structure
- */
-wsp alc_winstate()
-   {
-   int i;
-   wsp ws;
-   GRFX_ALLOC(ws, _wstate);
-   ws->bits = 1024;                             /* echo ON; others OFF */
-   ws->filep = nulldesc;
-   ws->listp = nulldesc;
-   GRFX_LINK(ws, wstates);
-   return ws;
-   }
- * free a window state
- */
-int free_window(wsp ws)
-   {
-   ws->refcount--;
-   if(ws->refcount == 0)
-      {
-      if (ws->theWindow != nil)
-         {
-              CloseWindow (ws->theWindow);
-              DisposeWindow (ws->theWindow);
-             }
-      GRFX_UNLINK(ws, wstates);
-      }
-   return 0;
-   }
- * free a window context
- */
-void free_context(wcp wc)
-   {
-   wc->refcount--;
-   if(wc->refcount == 0)
-      {
-      GRFX_UNLINK(wc, wcntxts);
-      }
-   }
- * drawstrng
- */
-void drawstrng(wbp wb, int x, int y, char *str, int slen)
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  MoveTo (x, y);
-  DrawText (str, 0, slen);
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  MoveTo (x, y);
-  DrawText (str, 0, slen);
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
-void hidecrsr (wsp ws)
-void showcrsr (wsp ws)
-void getfntnam (wbp wb, char *answer)
-   Str255 fName;
-   STDLOCALS(wb);
-   GetFontName (wc->contextPtr->txFont, fName);
-   answer = PtoCstr (fName);
- * allocate a context, cloning attributes from an existing context
- */
-wcp clone_context(wb)
-wbp wb;
-   wcp wc, wc2 = wb->context;
-   wsp ws = wb->window;
-   Protect(wc = alc_context(wb), return NULL);
-   /*
-    * copy over some stuff
-    */
-   memcpy (&(wc->contextPtr->bkPat), &(wc2->contextPtr->bkPat), sizeof Pattern);
-   memcpy (&(wc->contextPtr->fillPat), &(wc2->contextPtr->fillPat), sizeof Pattern);
-   wc->contextPtr->pnLoc = wc2->contextPtr->pnLoc;
-   wc->contextPtr->pnSize = wc2->contextPtr->pnSize;
-   wc->contextPtr->pnMode = wc2->contextPtr->pnMode;
-   memcpy (&(wc->contextPtr->pnPat), &(wc2->contextPtr->pnPat), sizeof Pattern);
-   wc->contextPtr->txFont = wc2->contextPtr->txFont;
-   wc->contextPtr->txFace = wc2->contextPtr->txFace;
-   wc->contextPtr->txMode = wc2->contextPtr->txMode;
-   wc->contextPtr->txSize = wc2->contextPtr->txSize;
-   wc->contextPtr->spExtra = wc2->contextPtr->spExtra;
-   wc->contextPtr->fgColor = wc2->contextPtr->fgColor;
-   wc->contextPtr->bgColor = wc2->contextPtr->bgColor;
-   wc->clipx = wc2->clipx;
-   wc->clipy = wc2->clipy;
-   wc->clipw = wc2->clipw;
-   wc->cliph = wc2->cliph;
-   wc->font = wc2->font;
-   wc->dx = wc2->dx;
-   wc->dy = wc2->dy;
-   wc->fillstyle = wc2->fillstyle;
-   wc->drawop = wc2->drawop;
-   return wc;
- * drawrectangles
- *  Parameters - the window binding for output, an array of rectangle
- *               a count of the number of structures -> the number of
- *               rectangles
- */
-void drawrectangles(wbp wb, XRectangle *recs, int nrecs)
-  int i;
-  Rect r;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, recs[i].x - 1,
-                 recs[i].y - 1,
-                 recs[i].x - 1 + recs[i].width,
-                 recs[i].y - 1 + recs[i].height);
-    FrameRect (&r);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, recs[i].x - 1,
-                 recs[i].y - 1,
-                 recs[i].x - 1 + recs[i].width,
-                 recs[i].y - 1 + recs[i].height);
-    FrameRect (&r);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * drawpoints() -
- *  Parameters - the window binding for output, an array of points (assumed
- *               to be fixed up for bitmap) and the number of points
- */
-void drawpoints(wbinding *wb, XPoint *points, int npoints)
-   int i;
-   STDLOCALS (wb);
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   COPYCONTEXT(wc->contextPtr);
-   for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
-      MoveTo (points[i].x-1, points[i].y-1);
-      LineTo (points[i].x-1, points[i].y-1);
-      }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
-      MoveTo (points[i].x-1, points[i].y-1);
-      LineTo (points[i].x-1, points[i].y-1);
-      }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * drawlines -
- */
-void drawlines(wbinding *wb, XPoint *points, int npoints)
-  int i;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < (npoints - 1); i++)
-    {
-    MoveTo (points[i].x - 1, points[i].y - 1);
-    LineTo (points[i+1].x - 1, points[i+1].y - 1);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < (npoints - 1); i++)
-    {
-    MoveTo (points[i].x - 1, points[i].y - 1);
-    LineTo (points[i+1].x - 1, points[i+1].y - 1);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * drawsegments() -
- */
-void drawsegments(wbinding *wb, XSegment *segs, int nsegs)
-  int i;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nsegs; i++)
-    {
-    MoveTo (segs[i].x1 - 1, segs[i].y1 - 1);
-    LineTo (segs[i].x2 - 1, segs[i].y2 - 1);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nsegs; i++)
-    {
-    MoveTo (segs[i].x1 - 1, segs[i].y1 - 1);
-    LineTo (segs[i].x2 - 1, segs[i].y2 - 1);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * drawarcs() - assumes x and y are already fixed up for the bitmap
- */
-void drawarcs(wbinding *wb, XArc *arcs, int narcs)
-  int i;
-  Rect r;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, arcs[i].x - 1,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1,
-                 arcs[i].x - 1 + arcs[i].width,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1 + arcs[i].height);
-    /* converts xarc spec to mac arc apec then pass it to FrameArc */
-    FrameArc (&r, (360 - arcs[i].angle1*64 + 90), arcs[i].angle2*64 * -1);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, arcs[i].x - 1,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1,
-                 arcs[i].x - 1 + arcs[i].width,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1 + arcs[i].height);
-    FrameArc (&r, (360 - arcs[i].angle1*64 + 90), arcs[i].angle2*64 * -1);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * fillarcs
- */
-void fillarcs(wbp wb, XArc *arcs, int narcs)
-  int i;
-  Rect r;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, arcs[i].x - 1,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1,
-                 arcs[i].x - 1 + arcs[i].width,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1 + arcs[i].height);
-    /* converts xarc spec to mac arc apec then pass it to FrameArc */
-    FillArc (&r, (360 - arcs[i].angle1*64 + 90), arcs[i].angle2*64 * -1,
-       &wc->contextPtr->fillPat);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, arcs[i].x - 1,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1,
-                 arcs[i].x - 1 + arcs[i].width,
-                 arcs[i].y - 1 + arcs[i].height);
-    FillArc (&r, (360 - arcs[i].angle1*64 + 90), arcs[i].angle2*64 * -1,
-       &wc->contextPtr->fillPat);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
- * fillpolygon
- */
-void fillpolygon(wbp wb, XPoint *pts, int npts)
-  PolyHandle myPoly;
-  int i;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  myPoly = OpenPoly ();
-  MoveTo (pts[0].x, pts[0].y);
-  for (i = 1; i < npts; i++)
-    {
-    LineTo (pts[i].x, pts[i].y);
-    }
-  MoveTo (pts[0].x, pts[0].y);
-  ClosePoly ();
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  FillPoly (myPoly, &wc->contextPtr->fillPat);
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  FillPoly (myPoly, &wc->contextPtr->fillPat);
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
-  KillPoly (myPoly);
- * fillrectangles
- *  Parameters - the window binding for output, an array of rectangle
- *               structures (assumed to be fixed up for the bitmap),
- *               a count of the number of structures -> the number of
- *               rectangles
- */
-void fillrectangles(wbp wb, XRectangle *recs, int nrecs)
-  int i;
-  Rect r;
-  STDLOCALS (wb);
-  SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, recs[i].x - 1,
-                 recs[i].y - 1,
-                 recs[i].x - 1 + recs[i].width,
-                 recs[i].y - 1 + recs[i].height);
-    PaintRect (&r);
-    }
-/*begin quote*/
-  COPYCONTEXT (wc->contextPtr);
-  for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++)
-    {
-    SetRect (&r, recs[i].x - 1,
-                 recs[i].y - 1,
-                 recs[i].x - 1 + recs[i].width,
-                 recs[i].y - 1 + recs[i].height);
-    PaintRect (&r);
-    }
-  UnlockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-  SetGWorld (ws->origPort, ws->origDev);
-/*end quote*/
-void UpdateCursorPos(wsp ws, wcp wc)
-   wc->contextPtr->pnLoc.h = ws->x;
-   wc->contextPtr->pnLoc.v = ws->y;
-   SetPort (ws->theWindow);
-   MoveTo (ws->x, ws->y);
-int SetPattern (wbp w, char *name, int len)
- * Event processing
- */
-int pollevent ()
-    GetEvents ();
-    return 400;
-void GetEvents ()
-   EventRecord event;
-   Boolean done;
-   struct descrip d;
-   int eventCode = 0;
-   Point newMouseLoc;
-   done = false;
-   while (!done) {
-      if (WaitNextEvent (everyEvent, &event, kSleep, nil))
-         DoEvent (&event);
-      else {
-         if (gMouseInfo.wasDown) {
-            if (StillDown ()) {
-               GetMouse (&newMouseLoc);
-               if ((newMouseLoc.h != gMouseInfo.where.h) || (newMouseLoc.v != gMouseInfo.where.v)) {
-                  gMouseInfo.when = TickCount ();
-                  gMouseInfo.where = newMouseLoc;
-                  switch (gMouseInfo.whichButton) {
-                     case MOUSELEFT:
-                        eventCode = MOUSELEFTDRAG;
-                        break;
-                     case MOUSEMID:
-                        eventCode = MOUSEMIDDRAG;
-                        break;
-                     case MOUSERIGHT:
-                        eventCode = MOUSERIGHTDRAG;
-                        break;
-                     }
-                  MakeInt (eventCode, &d);
-                  qevent (, &d,
-                          gMouseInfo.where.h, gMouseInfo.where.v,
-                          gMouseInfo.when, gMouseInfo.modKey);
-                  }                                     /* if (newMouseLoc ...) */
-               }                                        /* if (StillDown ...) */
-            else {
-               gMouseInfo.wasDown = false;
-               }
-            }                                   /* if (wasDown ...) */
-         done = true;
-         }
-      }
-void DoEvent (EventRecord *eventPtr)
-   char theChar;
-   Boolean becomingActive;
-   switch (eventPtr->what) {
-      case mouseDown:
-         DoMouseDown (eventPtr);
-         break;
-      case mouseUp:
-         DoMouseUp (eventPtr);
-         break;
-      case autoKey:
-      case keyDown:
-         theChar = eventPtr->message & charCodeMask;
-         if ( (eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0)
-            HandleMenuChoice (MenuKey (theChar));
-         else
-            DoKey (eventPtr, FrontWindow ());
-         break;
-      case updateEvt:
-         DoUpdate (eventPtr);
-         break;
-      case activateEvt:
-         becomingActive = ( (eventPtr->modifiers & activeFlag) == activeFlag);
-         DoActivate ( (WindowPtr)eventPtr->message, becomingActive);
-         break;
-      }
-void DoMouseUp (EventRecord *eventPtr)
-   WindowPtr   whichWindow;
-   short       thePart;
-   int         eventCode = 0;
-   int         modKey = 0;
-   struct descrip d;
-   wbp         wb;
-   wsp         ws;
-   thePart = FindWindow (eventPtr->where, &whichWindow);
-   if (thePart == inContent) {
-      SelectWindow (whichWindow);
-      if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) ==0) )
-         eventCode = MOUSERIGHTUP;
-      if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) !=0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) == 0) )
-         eventCode = MOUSEMIDUP;
-      if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) ==0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) == 0) )
-         eventCode = MOUSELEFTUP;
-      MakeInt(eventCode,&d);
-      if ((eventPtr->modifiers & controlKey)!=0) modKey |= ControlMask;
-      if ((eventPtr->modifiers & shiftKey)!=0) modKey |= ShiftMask;
-      if ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey)!=0) modKey |= Mod1Mask;
-      for (wb = wbndngs; wb; wb = wb->next) {
-         ws = wb->window;
-         if (ws->theWindow == whichWindow) {
-            qevent(ws, &d,
-                   eventPtr->where.h, eventPtr->where.v,
-                   (uword)(eventPtr->when), modKey);
-            }
-         }
-      }
-void DoMouseDown (EventRecord *eventPtr)
-   WindowPtr   whichWindow;
-   short       thePart;
-   long        menuChoice;
-   int         eventCode = 0;
-   int         modKey = 0;
-   struct descrip d;
-   wbp         wb;
-   wsp         ws;
-   Point       newMouseLoc;
-   thePart = FindWindow (eventPtr->where, &whichWindow);
-   switch (thePart) {
-      case inGoAway:
-         DisposeWindow (whichWindow);
-         break;
-      case inMenuBar:
-         menuChoice = MenuSelect (eventPtr->where);
-         HandleMenuChoice (menuChoice);
-         break;
-      case inSysWindow:
-         SystemClick (eventPtr, whichWindow);
-         break;
-      case inDrag:
-         DragWindow (whichWindow, eventPtr->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds);
-         break;
-      case inGrow:
-         DoGrowWindow (eventPtr, whichWindow);
-         break;
-      case inContent:
-         SelectWindow (whichWindow);
-         SetPort (whichWindow);
-         GlobalToLocal (&eventPtr->where);
-         /* left  = click
-            mid   = option-click
-            right = command-click */
-         if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) ==0) )
-            eventCode = MOUSERIGHT;
-         if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) !=0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) == 0) )
-            eventCode = MOUSEMID;
-         if ( ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey) ==0) && ((eventPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) == 0) )
-            eventCode = MOUSELEFT;
-         MakeInt(eventCode,&d);
-         if ((eventPtr->modifiers & controlKey)!=0) modKey |= ControlMask;
-         if ((eventPtr->modifiers & shiftKey)!=0) modKey |= ShiftMask;
-         if ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey)!=0) modKey |= Mod1Mask;
-         for (wb = wbndngs; wb; wb = wb->next) {
-            ws = wb->window;
-            if (ws->theWindow == whichWindow) {
-               qevent(ws, &d,
-                        eventPtr->where.h, eventPtr->where.v,
-                        (uword)(eventPtr->when), modKey);
-      = ws;
-               break;
-               }
-            }
-         gMouseInfo.wasDown = true;
-         gMouseInfo.when = (uword)(eventPtr->when);
-         gMouseInfo.where = eventPtr->where;
-         gMouseInfo.modKey = modKey;
-         gMouseInfo.whichButton = eventCode;
-      }
-void DoKey (EventRecord *eventPtr, WindowPtr whichWindow)
-   char theChar;
-   int  modKey = 0;
-   wbp  wb;
-   wsp  ws;
-   struct descrip d;
-   if (whichWindow == nil) return;
-   modKey = 0;
-   theChar = eventPtr->message & charCodeMask;
-   StrLen(d) = 1;
-   StrLoc(d) = (char *)&allchars[theChar];
-   if ((eventPtr->modifiers & controlKey)!=0) modKey |= ControlMask;
-   if ((eventPtr->modifiers & shiftKey)!=0) modKey |= ShiftMask;
-   if ((eventPtr->modifiers & optionKey)!=0) modKey |= Mod1Mask;
-   for (wb = wbndngs; wb; wb = wb->next) {
-      ws = wb->window;
-      if (ws->theWindow == whichWindow) {
-         qevent(ws, &d,
-                wb->context->contextPtr->pnLoc.h,
-                wb->context->contextPtr->pnLoc.v,
-                (uword)(eventPtr->when), modKey);
-         }
-      }
-void DoGrowWindow (EventRecord *eventPtr, WindowPtr whichWindow)
-   long growSize;
-   Rect limitRect;
-   wbp wb;
-   wsp ws;
-   wcp wc;
-   RgnHandle locUpdateRgn;
-   SetRect (&limitRect, kMinDocSize, kMinDocSize, kMaxDocSize, kMaxDocSize);
-   growSize = GrowWindow (whichWindow, eventPtr->where, &limitRect);
-   if (growSize != 0) {
-      for (wb = wbndngs; wb; wb = wb->next) {
-         ws = wb->window;
-         wc = wb->context;
-         if (ws->theWindow == whichWindow) {
-            SizeWindow (whichWindow, LoWord(growSize), HiWord(growSize), true);
-            InvalRect (&(ws->theWindow->portRect));
-            return;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-void GetLocUpdateRgn (WindowPtr whichWindow, RgnHandle localRgn)
-   CopyRgn (((WindowPeek)(whichWindow))->updateRgn, localRgn);
-   OffsetRgn (localRgn, whichWindow->portBits.bounds.left, whichWindow->;
-void HandleMenuChoice (long menuChoice)
-   short menu;
-   short item;
-   if (menuChoice != 0) {
-      menu = HiWord (menuChoice);
-      item = LoWord (menuChoice);
-      switch (menu) {
-         case kAppleMenu:
-            HandleAppleChoice (item);
-            break;
-         case kFileMenu:
-            HandleFileChoice (item);
-            break;
-         case kOptionsMenu:
-            HandleOptionsChoice (item);
-            break;
-         }
-      HiliteMenu (0);
-      }
-void HandleAppleChoice (short item)
-   MenuHandle  appleMenu;
-   Str255      accName;
-   short       accNumber;
-   switch (item) {
-      case kAboutMItem:
-         SysBeep (20);
-         break;
-         /* ******************* open a dialog box **************** */
-      default:
-         appleMenu = GetMHandle (kAppleMenu);
-         GetItem (appleMenu, item, accName);
-         accNumber = OpenDeskAcc (accName);
-         break;
-      }
-void HandleFileChoice (short item)
-   StandardFileReply fileReply;
-   SFTypeList typeList;
-   short numTypes;
-   char *fileName;
-   int argc;
-   char *argv[kNARGS+1];
-   char buf[256];
-   char *tmpStr;
-   MenuHandle menu;
-   switch (item) {
-      case kQuitMItem:
-         abort ();
-         break;
-      case kRunMItem:
-         typeList[0] = 'ICOD';
-         numTypes = 1;
-         StandardGetFile (nil, numTypes, typeList, &fileReply);
-         if (fileReply.sfGood) {
-            fileName = PtoCstr (;
-            menu = GetMHandle (kFileMenu);
-            DisableItem (menu, kRunMItem);
-            menu = GetMHandle (kOptionsMenu);
-            DisableItem (menu, 0);
-            textHandle = GetString(kStringID);
-            HLock((Handle)textHandle);
-            SetString (textHandle, "\p");
-            HUnlock((Handle)textHandle);
-            ChangedResource((Handle)textHandle);
-            WriteResource((Handle)textHandle);
-            }
-         else
-            break;
-         tmpStr = malloc (strlen ("ICONX ") + strlen (fileName) + 1 + strlen (cmlArgs) + 1);
-         strcpy (tmpStr, "ICONX ");
-         strcat (tmpStr, fileName);
-         strcat (tmpStr, " ");
-         strcat (tmpStr, cmlArgs);
-         sprintf (buf, "%#s", tmpStr);
-         argc = ParseCmdLineStr (buf, tmpStr, argv);
-         MacMain (argc, argv);
-         break;
-      }
-void HandleOptionsChoice (short item)
-   StandardFileReply fileReply;
-   SFTypeList typeList;
-   short numTypes;
-   char *fileName;
-   DialogPtr dialog;
-   Boolean dialogDone;
-   short itemHit, itemType;
-   Handle okItemHandle, textItemHandle;
-   Rect itemRect;
-   char *tmpStr;
-   Str255 itemText;
-   switch (item) {
-      case kRInMItem:
-         typeList[0] = 'TEXT';
-         numTypes = 1;
-         StandardGetFile (nil, numTypes, typeList, &fileReply);
-         if (fileReply.sfGood) {
-            fileName = PtoCstr (;
-            k_input.fd = fopen (fileName, "r");
-            /*
-            StrLen (k_input.fname) = strlen (fileName) + 1;
-            */
-            }
-         break;
-      case kROutMItem:
-         StandardPutFile ("\pSave output file as:", "\poutput.txt", &fileReply);
-         if (fileReply.sfGood) {
-            fileName = PtoCstr (;
-            /*
-            setfile (fileName, 'TEXT', 'ttxt');
-            */
-            k_output.fd = freopen (fileName, "w", stdout);
-            StrLen (k_output.fname) = strlen (fileName) + 1;
-            }
-         break;
-      case kArgsMItem:
-         dialogDone = false;
-         dialog = GetNewDialog (kCLArgsDialog, nil, kMoveToFront);
-         GetDItem (dialog, kArgStringField, &itemType, &textItemHandle, &itemRect);
-         GetDItem (dialog, ok, &itemType, &okItemHandle, &itemRect);
-         textHandle = GetString (kStringID);
-         HLock ((Handle) textHandle);
-         SetIText (textItemHandle, *textHandle);
-         HUnlock ((Handle) textHandle);
-         SelIText (dialog, kArgStringField, 0, 32767);
-         ShowWindow (dialog);
-         SetPort (dialog);
-         SetDialogDefaultItem (dialog, ok);
-         SetDialogCancelItem (dialog, cancel);
-         SetDialogTracksCursor (dialog, true);
-         while (!dialogDone) {
-            GetIText (textItemHandle, itemText);
-            if (itemText [0] == 0)
-               HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)okItemHandle, kDisableButton);
-            else
-               HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)okItemHandle, kEnableButton);
-            ModalDialog (nil, &itemHit);
-            dialogDone = ((itemHit == ok) || (itemHit == cancel));
-            }
-         if (itemHit == ok) {
-            GetIText (textItemHandle, itemText);
-            SetHandleSize ((Handle) textHandle, (Size) (itemText[0] + 1));
-            HLock ((Handle) textHandle);
-            GetIText (textItemHandle, *textHandle);
-            HUnlock ((Handle) textHandle);
-            ChangedResource ((Handle) textHandle);
-            WriteResource ((Handle) textHandle);
-            tmpStr = PtoCstr (itemText);
-            cmlArgs = malloc (strlen (tmpStr) + 1);
-            strcpy (cmlArgs, tmpStr);
-            DisposeDialog (dialog);
-            }
-         else {
-            DisposeDialog (dialog);
-            }
-         break;
-      }
-void DoUpdate (EventRecord *eventPtr)
-   WindowPtr  whichWindow;
-   whichWindow = (WindowPtr)eventPtr->message;
-   BeginUpdate (whichWindow);
-   RedrawWindow (whichWindow);
-   EndUpdate (whichWindow);
-void DoActivate (WindowPtr whichWindow, Boolean becomingActive)
-void RedrawWindow (WindowPtr whichWindow)
-   wsp ws;
-   wcp wc;
-   wbp wb;
-   GWorldFlags updateOK;
-   for (wb = wbndngs; wb; wb = wb->next) {
-      ws = wb->window;
-      wc = wb->context;
-      if (ws->theWindow == whichWindow) {
-         updateOK = UpdateGWorld(&(ws->offScreenGWorld), 8, &(ws->GWorldRect), nil, nil, 0);
-         SetPort(ws->theWindow);
-         EraseRect(&(ws->theWindow->portRect));
-         ws->sourceRect=ws->theWindow->portRect;
-         ws->destRect=ws->theWindow->portRect;
-         ws->lockOK = LockPixels (ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-         CopyBits(&(((GrafPtr)(ws->offScreenGWorld))->portBits),
-                  &(((GrafPtr)(ws->theWindow))->portBits),
-                  &(ws->sourceRect),&(ws->destRect),transparent, nil);
-         UnlockPixels(ws->offScreenPMHandle);
-         }
-      }
-static int ParseCmdLineStr(char *s, char *t, char **argv)
-        int c, quote = 0, argc = 0;
-        while (c = *s++) {
-                if (c == ' ')
-                        continue;
-                if (argc < kNARGS)
-                        argv[argc++] = t;
-                do {
-                        if (c == '\\' && *s)
-                                c = *s++;
-                        else if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
-                                if (!quote) {
-                                        quote = c;
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                if (c == quote) {
-                                        quote = 0;
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        *t++ = c;
-                } while (*s && ((c = *s++) != ' ' || quote));
-                *t++ = 0;
-        }
-        return(argc);
-void setfile(filename,type,creator)
-char *filename;
-OSType type,creator;
-   {
-   FInfo info;
-   if (getfinfo(filename,0,&info) == 0) {
-      info.fdType = type;
-      info.fdCreator = creator;
-      setfinfo(filename,0,&info);
-      }
-   return;
-   }