From 434ebc7d179e84ec5f3ee6cad8c20d5904e05155 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:04:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/3d).
uni/3d/animationcontroller.icn | 46 +++---
uni/3d/animationset.icn | 16 +-
uni/3d/basicobject3d.icn | 96 ++++++------
uni/3d/bone.icn | 222 ++++++++++++++--------------
uni/3d/camera.icn | 24 +--
uni/3d/material.icn | 42 +++---
uni/3d/matrix.icn | 98 ++++++-------
uni/3d/mesh.icn | 224 ++++++++++++++--------------
uni/3d/modelobject3d.icn | 108 +++++++-------
uni/3d/node.icn | 22 +--
uni/3d/quaternion.icn | 52 +++----
uni/3d/selection3D.icn | 146 +++++++++----------
uni/3d/skeleton.icn | 98 ++++++-------
uni/3d/skinnedmodelobject3d.icn | 139 +++++++++---------
uni/3d/terrain.icn | 122 ++++++++--------
uni/3d/vector.icn | 88 +++++------
uni/3d/viewer/u3dviewer.icn | 146 +++++++++----------
uni/3d/viewer/world.icn | 116 +++++++--------
uni/3d/xparse.icn | 250 ++++++++++++++++----------------
19 files changed, 1027 insertions(+), 1028 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/3d/animationcontroller.icn b/uni/3d/animationcontroller.icn
index 93d0e920b..b790a9618 100644
--- a/uni/3d/animationcontroller.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/animationcontroller.icn
@@ -22,37 +22,37 @@ class AnimationController(
#animation_track := []
animation_step := 1
method set_skeleton(skl)
skeleton := skl
method init_timer()
method set_timer(t)
- a_clock := t
+ a_clock := t
method get_timer()
return a_clock
method faster()
animation_step +:= 1
DEBUGW("animation_step:", animation_step)
return animation_step
method slower()
if animation_step > 1 then{
- animation_step -:= 1
- DEBUGW("animation_step:", animation_step)
- }
+ animation_step -:= 1
+ DEBUGW("animation_step:", animation_step)
+ }
return animation_step
# Do we need trk ?
method set_animation_track(anim_set, trk)
local bone, anim
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ class AnimationController(
#animation_step := anim_set.maxKey/120
a_clock := 0
DEBUGW("anim track set to:", anim_set.label)
DEBUGW("mapping... animation to bones")
every anim := ! anim_set.lsAnimation do{
bone := skeleton.get_bone_by_label(anim.boneName)
bone.animation := anim
@@ -70,29 +70,29 @@ class AnimationController(
method calc_animation(curious)
if /animation_track then fail
if a_clock > animation_track.get_max_key() then{
- a_clock := 0
- #CalcAnimation(Skeletton)
+ a_clock := 0
+ #CalcAnimation(Skeletton)
DEBUGW("controller clock:", a_clock)
skeleton.calc_animation(a_clock, curious)
a_clock +:= animation_step
method update_animation()
a_clock +:= animation_step
if a_clock > animation_track.get_max_key() then{
- a_clock := 0
- #CalcAnimation(_Skeletton)
- #CalcAttitude(_Skeletton,0)
- #SkinMesh(_Skeletton)
+ a_clock := 0
+ #CalcAnimation(_Skeletton)
+ #CalcAttitude(_Skeletton,0)
+ #SkinMesh(_Skeletton)
- end
+ end
diff --git a/uni/3d/animationset.icn b/uni/3d/animationset.icn
index 336630ec1..eb8c01a25 100644
--- a/uni/3d/animationset.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/animationset.icn
@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ class AnimationSet(
method get_label()
return label
method is_name(nam)
if label==name then return self
- method addAnimation(anim)
+ method addAnimation(anim)
- method get_animation_for_bone(bname)
- if member(lsAnimation, bname) then return lsAnimation[bname]
+ method get_animation_for_bone(bname)
+ if member(lsAnimation, bname) then return lsAnimation[bname]
method get_max_key()
return maxKey
diff --git a/uni/3d/basicobject3d.icn b/uni/3d/basicobject3d.icn
index 33481b8fe..5ada2a0ef 100644
--- a/uni/3d/basicobject3d.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/basicobject3d.icn
@@ -15,46 +15,46 @@ class BasicObject3D(
label, # string
loc, # Vector3
orientation_angles, # Vector3 , Orientation in the 3D space
- # which are the angles around x, y, z axises
+ # which are the angles around x, y, z axises
- color,
+ color,
radius, # aproximation of the bounding sphere radius
- reference, # Vector3 a refrence point in the 3D space
- bb_max, # max vector and min vector four bounding box calcs
- bb_min, #
- visible_section, # Unicon WSection Record
- Txyz, # Unicon Translation Record
- Rx, #
+ reference, # Vector3 a refrence point in the 3D space
+ bb_max, # max vector and min vector four bounding box calcs
+ bb_min, #
+ visible_section, # Unicon WSection Record
+ Txyz, # Unicon Translation Record
+ Rx, #
Ry, # Unicon Rotation Records
- Rz, #
+ Rz, #
- render_func # rendering function if supplied
+ render_func # rendering function if supplied
# render Template for all 3D objects
- method render()
+ method render()
visible_section := WSection( label )
- PushMatrix()
+ PushMatrix()
Txyz:=Translate (loc.x, loc.y, loc.z)
Sxyz:=Scale(scalexyz.x, scalexyz.y, scalexyz.z)
Rx:=Rotate(orientation_angles.x, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Ry:=Rotate(orientation_angles.y, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
Rz:=Rotate(orientation_angles.z, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
render_details() # this is the real render
# every object will override this method to customize
# its look in the way it likes
method render_details()
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class BasicObject3D(
method set_render_func(new_render)
render_func := new_render
method refreshLoc()
if /Txyz then fail
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ class BasicObject3D(
method refreshRot()
if /Rx then fail
Rx.angle := orientation_angles.x
Ry.angle := orientation_angles.y
Rz.angle := orientation_angles.z
method set_location (v)
loc.set (v)
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ class BasicObject3D(
method set_locationxyz (x, y, z)
loc.setxyz (x, y, z)
- refreshLoc()
+ refreshLoc()
# param count: 1(vector) OR 3(reals)
@@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ class BasicObject3D(
if numeric(dx) then
loc.addxyz(dx, dy, dz)
- loc.add(dx)
+ loc.add(dx)
method set_orientation(v)
method set_orientationxyz(x, y, z)
orientation_angles.setxyz(x, y, z)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class BasicObject3D(
method set_referencexyz(x, y, z)
reference.setxyz(x, y, z)
method rotate(rx, ry, rz)
if numeric(rx) then
orientation_angles.addxyz(rx, ry, rz)
@@ -137,49 +137,49 @@ class BasicObject3D(
method show()
method hide()
method is_hidden()
return visible_section.skip=1
method calc_bounding_box()
- method is_colliding( another_object )
- if loc.distance_to( another_object.loc ) <
+ method is_colliding( another_object )
+ if loc.distance_to( another_object.loc ) <
radius + another_object.radius then return
method set_size_to(val)
local d, dx, dy, dz, mesh, tx, ty, tz
/val := 1.0
dx := bb_max.x - bb_min.x
dy := bb_max.y - bb_min.y
dz := bb_max.z - bb_min.z
tx := -dx / 2.0 - bb_min.x
ty := -bb_min.y
tz := -dz / 2.0 - bb_min.z
if dx>dy & dx>dz then
- d:=dx
+ d:=dx
else if dy>dz then
- d:=dy
+ d:=dy
- d:=dz
+ d:=dz
- scalexyz.x := scalexyz.y := scalexyz.z := real(val) / d
+ scalexyz.x := scalexyz.y := scalexyz.z := real(val) / d
initially(myname )
@@ -190,4 +190,4 @@ class BasicObject3D(
radius := 1.0
bb_min := Vector3(-1,-1,-1)
bb_max := Vector3( 1, 1, 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni/3d/bone.icn b/uni/3d/bone.icn
index 0ea3b9cce..6ebff727c 100644
--- a/uni/3d/bone.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/bone.icn
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@ $include "graphics3dh.icn"
class Bone : Node(
- mesh_name, # the mesh label that this bone works on
- mapped_mesh, # the mesh object that this bone works on
- tmp_mesh,
- local_mesh, # mesh created by using vertex index data in this bone only
- lst_vertex_index, # vertecies affected by this bone
+ mesh_name, # the mesh label that this bone works on
+ mapped_mesh, # the mesh object that this bone works on
+ tmp_mesh,
+ local_mesh, # mesh created by using vertex index data in this bone only
+ lst_vertex_index, # vertecies affected by this bone
- combined_matrix, # =local_matrix * parent_node-combined_matrix
- final_matrix, # =skinOfset * combined_matrix
- skin_offset_matrix, # Transformation matrix
+ combined_matrix, # =local_matrix * parent_node-combined_matrix
+ final_matrix, # =skinOfset * combined_matrix
+ skin_offset_matrix, # Transformation matrix
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ class Bone : Node(
method init()
lst_vertex_index := []
lst_weight := []
- skin_offset_matrix := []
- anim_index_mat:=1
+ skin_offset_matrix := []
+ anim_index_mat:=1
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ class Bone : Node(
local_mesh.label:= mesh_name || "$" || label
DEBUGW(" creating new bone mesh ", local_mesh.label )
local_mesh.lst_vertex:= mapped_mesh.lst_vertex
- local_mesh.lst_vertex_final := local_mesh.lst_vertex
+ local_mesh.lst_vertex_final := local_mesh.lst_vertex
#local_mesh.lst_vertex_index := mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_index
local_mesh.lst_texturecoords := mapped_mesh.lst_texturecoords
local_mesh.lst_material := mapped_mesh.lst_material
local_mesh.lst_face := []
#n :=
while i <= *(tmp_mesh.lst_face) do{
face := tmp_mesh.lst_face[i]
every bonevi := !lst_vertex_index do{
@@ -84,22 +84,22 @@ class Bone : Node(
} #if
every node := !subnodes do
method render_standalone()
method render_final()
method update_display_list_matrix()
local c, i
\display_list_matrix | fail
@@ -109,34 +109,34 @@ class Bone : Node(
# display_list_matrix[i+2] := local_matrix[i]
display_list_matrix[3] := local_matrix.A
method render_in_displaylist()
local node
display_list_matrix := MultMatrix(local_matrix.to_list())
#every writes(!display_list_matrix)
- if \local_mesh then{
- PushMatrix()
- MultMatrix(skin_offset_matrix.to_list())
- DEBUGW(" rendering bone mesh ", local_mesh.label )
- local_mesh.render()
- PopMatrix()
+ if \local_mesh then{
+ PushMatrix()
+ MultMatrix(skin_offset_matrix.to_list())
+ DEBUGW(" rendering bone mesh ", local_mesh.label )
+ local_mesh.render()
+ PopMatrix()
every node:=!subnodes do
# Combined_Matrix = Local_Matrix * Combined_Matrix_parent
# Final_Matrix = Skin_Offset * Combined_Matrix
- method build_final_matrix()
+ method build_final_matrix()
DEBUGW(" Combined Matrix : ", label)
if \parent_node then{
combined_matrix := local_matrix.mul2(parent_node.combined_matrix )
@@ -149,26 +149,26 @@ class Bone : Node(
final_matrix := skin_offset_matrix.mul2(combined_matrix)
final_matrix := deepcopy (combined_matrix)
method transform_skin()
local i, j, v
DEBUGW(" trying to transform skin.... for mesh:", mapped_mesh.label)
#mapped_mesh.is_rigid :=1
if \(mapped_mesh.is_rigid) then{
- DEBUGW(" Transformaing sking.... for mesh:", mapped_mesh.label)
+ DEBUGW(" Transformaing sking.... for mesh:", mapped_mesh.label)
every i:= 1 to *lst_vertex_index do{
#v := mapped_mesh.lst_vertex[j]
- v := mapped_mesh.lst_vertex[j].mul_matrix(final_matrix)
- mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].x +:= v.x * lst_weight[i]
- mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].y +:= v.y * lst_weight[i]
- mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].z +:= v.z * lst_weight[i]
+ v := mapped_mesh.lst_vertex[j].mul_matrix(final_matrix)
+ mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].x +:= v.x * lst_weight[i]
+ mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].y +:= v.y * lst_weight[i]
+ mapped_mesh.lst_vertex_final[j].z +:= v.z * lst_weight[i]
@@ -185,30 +185,30 @@ class Bone : Node(
method set_local_matrix(lm)
local_matrix := lm
method mulLocalMatrix(m)
local_matrix := matrixMul (local_matrix, m )
method rotate(r, axis)
local c
c:=matrixRotate(r, axis)
local_matrix := matrixMul (local_matrix, c )
method translate(t)
method scale(s)
method calc_animation(pkey)
local delta_key, cur_time, A, B, C, mat, quat, scal, tran, bone
@@ -221,79 +221,79 @@ class Bone : Node(
mat := Matrix4x4()
#If the transformations are expressed as matrices
if not(animation.matrix_empty()) then{
- if pkey = 0 then anim_index_mat := 1
- if anim_index_mat >= animation.matrix_size() then
- #If we are at the last matrix index use the last matrix as a transform matrix
- mat := (animation.get_matrix( -1)).matrix
- else{
- # Advance the internal matrix animation index according to the main the_time count
- while (pkey > (animation.get_matrix(anim_index_mat+1)).the_time) do {
- anim_index_mat+:=1
- if anim_index_mat >= animation.matrix_size() then{
- anim_index_mat := animation.matrix_size()-1
- break
- }
+ if pkey = 0 then anim_index_mat := 1
+ if anim_index_mat >= animation.matrix_size() then
+ #If we are at the last matrix index use the last matrix as a transform matrix
+ mat := (animation.get_matrix( -1)).matrix
+ else{
+ # Advance the internal matrix animation index according to the main the_time count
+ while (pkey > (animation.get_matrix(anim_index_mat+1)).the_time) do {
+ anim_index_mat+:=1
+ if anim_index_mat >= animation.matrix_size() then{
+ anim_index_mat := animation.matrix_size()-1
+ break
+ }
} # while
#interpolate the transform matrix between this matrix index and
- #the next using the the_time count parameter
+ #the next using the the_time count parameter
A := animation.get_matrix(anim_index_mat)
B := animation.get_matrix(anim_index_mat+1)
C := B.matrix.minus(A.matrix)
- delta_key := B.the_time - A.the_time
- cur_time := pkey - A.the_time
- C.mul_s(real(cur_time) / delta_key)
+ delta_key := B.the_time - A.the_time
+ cur_time := pkey - A.the_time
+ C.mul_s(real(cur_time) / delta_key)
mat :=
local_matrix := mat
- {
+ {
# Quat := Quaternion()
# Scal := ??
# Tran := ??
if (pkey = 0) then{
- anim_index_R := 1
+ anim_index_R := 1
anim_index_S := 1
anim_index_T := 1
#If there are rotations
if not(animation.rotation_empty()) then{
- if anim_index_R >= animation.rotation_size() then
- #If we are at the last rotation index use the last rotation
- quat := (animation.get_rotation(-1)).quat
- else{
- #Advance the internal rotation animation index according to the main the_time count
- while (pkey > (animation.get_rotation(anim_index_R+1)).the_time) do{
- anim_index_R+:=1
- if anim_index_R >= animation.rotation_size() then{
- anim_index_R := animation.rotation_size() - 1
- break
- }
- }# while
+ if anim_index_R >= animation.rotation_size() then
+ #If we are at the last rotation index use the last rotation
+ quat := (animation.get_rotation(-1)).quat
+ else{
+ #Advance the internal rotation animation index according to the main the_time count
+ while (pkey > (animation.get_rotation(anim_index_R+1)).the_time) do{
+ anim_index_R+:=1
+ if anim_index_R >= animation.rotation_size() then{
+ anim_index_R := animation.rotation_size() - 1
+ break
+ }
+ }# while
#Interpolate the quaternion
A := animation.get_rotation(anim_index_R)
- B := animation.get_rotation(anim_index_R+1)
+ B := animation.get_rotation(anim_index_R+1)
delta_key := B.the_time - A.the_time
cur_time := pkey - A.the_time
quat := Quaternion()
quat.slerp( A.quat, B.quat , real(cur_time)/delta_key)
- DEBUGW("BONE LABEL:", label , " -- " , image(mat) ) #, " -- ", image(mat.A))
+ DEBUGW("BONE LABEL:", label , " -- " , image(mat) ) #, " -- ", image(mat.A))
@@ -314,22 +314,22 @@ class Bone : Node(
#Interpolate the vector
A := animation.get_scaling(anim_index_S)
- B := animation.get_scaling(anim_index_S+1)
- C := B.v.minus(A.v)
+ B := animation.get_scaling(anim_index_S+1)
+ C := B.v.minus(A.v)
delta_key := B.the_time - A.the_time
cur_time := pkey - A.the_time;
C.mul( real(cur_time) / delta_key)
scal :=
- local_matrix.mul(mat)
- }
+ local_matrix.mul(mat)
+ }
#if there are translations
if not(animation.translation_empty()) then{
@@ -348,25 +348,25 @@ class Bone : Node(
#interpolate the vector
A := animation.get_translation(anim_index_T)
- B := animation.get_translation(anim_index_T+1)
- C := B.v.minus(A.v)
+ B := animation.get_translation(anim_index_T+1)
+ C := B.v.minus(A.v)
delta_key := B.the_time - A.the_time
cur_time := pkey - A.the_time;
C.mul( real(cur_time) / delta_key)
tran :=
- local_matrix.mul(mat)
- }
- }
- every bone := !subnodes do
- bone.calc_animation(pkey)
+ local_matrix.mul(mat)
+ }
+ }
+ every bone := !subnodes do
+ bone.calc_animation(pkey)
method resetMatrixAll()
diff --git a/uni/3d/camera.icn b/uni/3d/camera.icn
index f0edf616f..5556234c9 100644
--- a/uni/3d/camera.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/camera.icn
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class Camera(
line, line2
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ class Camera(
# angles that it is rotated in the x-z plane and in the y direction
# (horizontal and vertical).
- hRadians := 0.0
+ hRadians := 0.0
vRadians := 0.0
halfPI := &pi/2.0
#line:=DrawSphere(target.x, target.y, target.z, 0.1)
#line2:=DrawSphere(position.x, position.y, position.z, 0.5)
#DrawLine( position.x, position.y, position.z,
- # target.x, target.y, target.z )
+ # target.x, target.y, target.z )
# Setting the Camera consists of giving its position and angles that it is
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Camera(
method set( x, y, z, h, v)
position.setxyz(x, y, z)
target := Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- upVector := Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ upVector := Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
hRadians := h
vRadians := v
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Camera(
-# Rotating the Camera is possible in both the horizontal and vertical
+# Rotating the Camera is possible in both the horizontal and vertical
method rotate( h, v)
hRadians +:= h
@@ -79,21 +79,21 @@ class Camera(
upVector.x := position.x - target.x
upVector.y := abs(position.y + radius * sin(vRadians + halfPI))
upVector.z := position.z - target.z
Eye(position.x, position.y, position.z,
target.x, target.y, target.z,
upVector.x, upVector.y, upVector.z)
# Sliding along the vertical and horizontal planes,
diff --git a/uni/3d/material.icn b/uni/3d/material.icn
index dde553606..66d85f2ee 100644
--- a/uni/3d/material.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/material.icn
@@ -27,51 +27,51 @@ class Material(
specular:= [1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0] # RGB
emissive:= [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0] # RGB
power := 50
textureFileName := &null # null if not available
- textureRecord := &null
+ textureRecord := &null
method has_texture_filename()
return \textureFileName
- method get_texture_filename()
+ method get_texture_filename()
return \textureFileName
method apply()
local diff, spec, emis, shin, rec, f, t
diff := "diffuse " || string( diffuse[1] * 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( diffuse[2] * 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( diffuse[3] * 65535 )
+ string( diffuse[2] * 65535 ) || "," ||
+ string( diffuse[3] * 65535 )
emis := "emission " || string( emissive[1] * 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( emissive[2]* 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( emissive[3]* 65535 )
+ string( emissive[2]* 65535 ) || "," ||
+ string( emissive[3]* 65535 )
spec := "specular " || string( specular[1] * 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( specular[2]* 65535 ) || "," ||
- string( specular[3]* 65535 )
+ string( specular[2]* 65535 ) || "," ||
+ string( specular[3]* 65535 )
shin := "shininess " || string(power)
# DEBUGW( shin )
f:=Fg( diff || ";" || emis || ";" || spec || ";" ||shin )
#Fg( diffuse ); Fg( emissive ); Fg( specular ); Fg( shininess )
- if has_texture_filename() then{
- if WAttrib("texmode")=="off" then WAttrib("texmode=on")
- t:=Texture(get_texture_filename())
- DEBUGW( "Texture :", get_texture_filename() )
- return \t
- }
+ if has_texture_filename() then{
+ if WAttrib("texmode")=="off" then WAttrib("texmode=on")
+ t:=Texture(get_texture_filename())
+ DEBUGW( "Texture :", get_texture_filename() )
+ return \t
+ }
return \f
diff --git a/uni/3d/matrix.icn b/uni/3d/matrix.icn
index 475e1a410..c3bcebbea 100644
--- a/uni/3d/matrix.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/matrix.icn
@@ -19,31 +19,31 @@ class Matrix4x4(
every i:=1 to 16 do
A[i] := L[i]
method to_list()
return [ A[1 ], A[2 ], A[3 ], A[4 ],
- A[5 ], A[6 ], A[7 ], A[8 ],
- A[9 ], A[10], A[11], A[12],
- A[13], A[14], A[15], A[16]
- ]
+ A[5 ], A[6 ], A[7 ], A[8 ],
+ A[9 ], A[10], A[11], A[12],
+ A[13], A[14], A[15], A[16]
+ ]
method copy_elements_to(L)
local i
every i:=1 to 16 do
L[i] := A[i]
method get_copy()
local mat, B, i
mat := Matrix4x4()
B := mat.A
every i:=1 to 16 do
- B[i] := A[i]
+ B[i] := A[i]
return mat
method identity()
A[1 ] := 1.0; A[2 ] := 0.0; A[3 ] := 0.0; A[4 ] := 0.0
A[5 ] := 0.0; A[6 ] := 1.0; A[7 ] := 0.0; A[8 ] := 0.0
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Matrix4x4(
A[10] :=: A[7]
A[13] :=: A[4]
A[14] :=: A[8]
- A[15] :=: A[12]
+ A[15] :=: A[12]
return self
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Matrix4x4(
every writes(left(string(A[b to (b+4)]),5), " ")
method print()
@@ -187,64 +187,64 @@ class Matrix4x4(
method mul(matb)
local b,
e1:=A[1], e2:=A[2], e3:=A[3], e4:=A[4], e5:=A[5], e6:=A[6], e7:=A[7],
- e8:=A[8], e9:=A[9], e10:=A[10], e11:=A[11], e12:=A[12], e13:=A[13],
- e14:=A[14], e15:=A[15], e16:=A[16]
+ e8:=A[8], e9:=A[9], e10:=A[10], e11:=A[11], e12:=A[12], e13:=A[13],
+ e14:=A[14], e15:=A[15], e16:=A[16]
b := matb.A
A[1 ] := e1*b[1] + e2*b[5] + e3*b[9 ] + e4*b[13]
A[2 ] := e1*b[2] + e2*b[6] + e3*b[10] + e4*b[14]
A[3 ] := e1*b[3] + e2*b[7] + e3*b[11] + e4*b[15]
A[4 ] := e1*b[4] + e2*b[8] + e3*b[12] + e4*b[16]
A[5 ] := e5*b[1] + e6*b[5] + e7*b[9 ] + e8*b[13]
A[6 ] := e5*b[2] + e6*b[6] + e7*b[10] + e8*b[14]
A[7 ] := e5*b[3] + e6*b[7] + e7*b[11] + e8*b[15]
A[8 ] := e5*b[4] + e6*b[8] + e7*b[12] + e8*b[16]
A[9 ] := e9*b[1] + e10*b[5] + e11*b[9 ] + e12*b[13]
A[10] := e9*b[2] + e10*b[6] + e11*b[10] + e12*b[14]
A[11] := e9*b[3] + e10*b[7] + e11*b[11] + e12*b[15]
A[12] := e9*b[4] + e10*b[8] + e11*b[12] + e12*b[16]
A[13] := e13*b[1] + e14*b[5] + e15*b[9 ] + e16*b[13]
A[14] := e13*b[2] + e14*b[6] + e15*b[10] + e16*b[14]
A[15] := e13*b[3] + e14*b[7] + e15*b[11] + e16*b[15]
A[16] := e13*b[4] + e14*b[8] + e15*b[12] + e16*b[16]
return self
method mul2(matb)
local matc, b, c,
e1:=A[1], e2:=A[2], e3:=A[3], e4:=A[4], e5:=A[5], e6:=A[6], e7:=A[7],
- e8:=A[8], e9:=A[9], e10:=A[10], e11:=A[11], e12:=A[12], e13:=A[13],
- e14:=A[14], e15:=A[15], e16:=A[16]
+ e8:=A[8], e9:=A[9], e10:=A[10], e11:=A[11], e12:=A[12], e13:=A[13],
+ e14:=A[14], e15:=A[15], e16:=A[16]
matc := Matrix4x4()
c := matc.A
b := matb.A
c[1 ] := e1*b[1] + e2*b[5] + e3*b[9 ] + e4*b[13]
c[2 ] := e1*b[2] + e2*b[6] + e3*b[10] + e4*b[14]
c[3 ] := e1*b[3] + e2*b[7] + e3*b[11] + e4*b[15]
c[4 ] := e1*b[4] + e2*b[8] + e3*b[12] + e4*b[16]
c[5 ] := e5*b[1] + e6*b[5] + e7*b[9 ] + e8*b[13]
c[6 ] := e5*b[2] + e6*b[6] + e7*b[10] + e8*b[14]
c[7 ] := e5*b[3] + e6*b[7] + e7*b[11] + e8*b[15]
c[8 ] := e5*b[4] + e6*b[8] + e7*b[12] + e8*b[16]
c[9 ] := e9*b[1] + e10*b[5] + e11*b[9 ] + e12*b[13]
c[10] := e9*b[2] + e10*b[6] + e11*b[10] + e12*b[14]
c[11] := e9*b[3] + e10*b[7] + e11*b[11] + e12*b[15]
c[12] := e9*b[4] + e10*b[8] + e11*b[12] + e12*b[16]
c[13] := e13*b[1] + e14*b[5] + e15*b[9 ] + e16*b[13]
c[14] := e13*b[2] + e14*b[6] + e15*b[10] + e16*b[14]
c[15] := e13*b[3] + e14*b[7] + e15*b[11] + e16*b[15]
c[16] := e13*b[4] + e14*b[8] + e15*b[12] + e16*b[16]
return matc
@@ -252,29 +252,29 @@ class Matrix4x4(
local sint, cost, L
sint := sin(angle)
cost := cos(angle)
case axis of{
- "x" :{
- A[ 6] := cost
- A[ 7] := sint
- A[10] :=-sint
- A[11] := cost
- }
- "y" :{
- A[ 1] := sint
- A[ 3] := cost
- A[ 9] := cost
- A[11] :=-sint
- }
- "z" :{
- A[ 1] := cost
- A[ 2] := sint
- A[ 5] :=-sint
- A[ 6] := cost
- }
+ "x" :{
+ A[ 6] := cost
+ A[ 7] := sint
+ A[10] :=-sint
+ A[11] := cost
+ }
+ "y" :{
+ A[ 1] := sint
+ A[ 3] := cost
+ A[ 9] := cost
+ A[11] :=-sint
+ }
+ "z" :{
+ A[ 1] := cost
+ A[ 2] := sint
+ A[ 5] :=-sint
+ A[ 6] := cost
+ }
} # case
method scaling_matrix(s)
A[ 1] := s.x
A[ 6] := s.y
@@ -290,4 +290,4 @@ class Matrix4x4(
A := array(16, 0.0)
if \L then set(L)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni/3d/mesh.icn b/uni/3d/mesh.icn
index 740b8f128..b5ac568de 100644
--- a/uni/3d/mesh.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/mesh.icn
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Mesh : BasicObject3D (
lst_material, # list of materilas
lst_face, # list of faces
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Mesh : BasicObject3D (
method material_count()
return *lst_material
method texmaterial_count()
local m, c:=0
every m:=!lst_material do
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ class Mesh : BasicObject3D (
method normal_render ()
local face, L, Ltex, Lnorm, currentMaterial, cm , oldMaterial:=-1, faceMaterial, uv,
meshmod, i:=1, j, LL, normod, render_item
- #normod := WAttrib("normode");
+ #normod := WAttrib("normode");
meshmod := WAttrib("meshmode")
DEBUGW(" *vertex : ", *lst_vertex)
DEBUGW(" *vertex Final : ", *lst_vertex_final)
- DEBUGW(" *Faces : ", *lst_face)
+ DEBUGW(" *Faces : ", *lst_face)
DEBUGW(" *texture : ", *lst_texturecoords)
render_list_face_count := []
@@ -100,47 +100,47 @@ class Mesh : BasicObject3D (
while i <= *lst_face do{
- L := []; Ltex := []; Lnorm := []
- currentMaterial := faceMaterial := ( lst_face[i].get_material_id() | 1 )
- while i<= *lst_face & currentMaterial= faceMaterial do{
- face := lst_face[i]
- every put(L,
- lst_vertex_final[ !face.lst_vertex_index ]["x" | "y" | "z"])
- every put(Ltex,
- lst_texturecoords[ !face.lst_vertex_index ]["u" | "v"])
- /lst_normal | every
+ L := []; Ltex := []; Lnorm := []
+ currentMaterial := faceMaterial := ( lst_face[i].get_material_id() | 1 )
+ while i<= *lst_face & currentMaterial= faceMaterial do{
+ face := lst_face[i]
+ every put(L,
+ lst_vertex_final[ !face.lst_vertex_index ]["x" | "y" | "z"])
+ every put(Ltex,
+ lst_texturecoords[ !face.lst_vertex_index ]["u" | "v"])
+ /lst_normal | every
put(Lnorm, lst_normal[ !face.lst_normal_index ]["x"|"y"|"z"])
- faceMaterial := face.get_material_id()
- i +:= 1
- }
- put(render_list_face_count, *L)
- if *Ltex * 3/2 ~= *L then write("PROBLEM in texture coords")
- if *lst_material > 0 & oldMaterial~=currentMaterial then{
- cm := lst_material[currentMaterial]
- oldMaterial := currentMaterial
- if not (cm.apply()) then
- WAttrib("texmode")=="off" | WAttrib("texmode=off")
- }
+ faceMaterial := face.get_material_id()
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ put(render_list_face_count, *L)
+ if *Ltex * 3/2 ~= *L then write("PROBLEM in texture coords")
+ if *lst_material > 0 & oldMaterial~=currentMaterial then{
+ cm := lst_material[currentMaterial]
+ oldMaterial := currentMaterial
+ if not (cm.apply()) then
+ WAttrib("texmode")=="off" | WAttrib("texmode=off")
+ }
$ifdef ARRAYS
- *Ltex = 0 | Texcoord(Ltex)
- render_item := FillPolygon(L)
- #(*Lnorm = 0 & WAttrib("normode=auto") ) | ( WAttrib("normode=on") & Normals(Lnorm))
+ *Ltex = 0 | Texcoord(Ltex)
+ render_item := FillPolygon(L)
+ #(*Lnorm = 0 & WAttrib("normode=auto") ) | ( WAttrib("normode=on") & Normals(Lnorm))
- *Ltex = 0 | Texcoord ! Ltex
+ *Ltex = 0 | Texcoord ! Ltex
- render_item := FillPolygon ! L
- #(*Lnorm = 0 & WAttrib("normode=auto") ) | ( WAttrib("normode=on") & Normals(Lnorm))
+ render_item := FillPolygon ! L
+ #(*Lnorm = 0 & WAttrib("normode=auto") ) | ( WAttrib("normode=on") & Normals(Lnorm))
- put(render_items, render_item)
- put(render_items_tmp, array(*L, 0.0))
- } # while
+ put(render_items, render_item)
+ put(render_items_tmp, array(*L, 0.0))
+ } # while
WAttrib("texmode")=="off" | WAttrib("texmode=off")
@@ -148,83 +148,83 @@ $endif
# update the mesh directly in the display list. No new render items is added to the list
method update_render(curious)
local i, face, L, currentMaterial, oldMaterial, faceMaterial, uv,
- index, display_item, k, v, n
+ index, display_item, k, v, n
oldMaterial := -1
index := 0
while i <= *lst_face do{
- if faceMaterial := lst_face[i].get_material_id() then
- currentMaterial := faceMaterial
- else
- currentMaterial := faceMaterial := 1
- index +:= 1
+ if faceMaterial := lst_face[i].get_material_id() then
+ currentMaterial := faceMaterial
+ else
+ currentMaterial := faceMaterial := 1
+ index +:= 1
if /curious then{
if type(render_items[index][3])=="list" then{
- k:=1
- L := render_items[index][3]
- }
+ k:=1
+ L := render_items[index][3]
+ }
- k:=3
- L := render_items[index]
- }
+ k:=3
+ L := render_items[index]
+ }
- k:=1
- L := render_items_tmp[index]
+ k:=1
+ L := render_items_tmp[index]
- n:=render_list_face_count[index]
- while k 0 & oldMaterial~=currentMaterial then
- oldMaterial := currentMaterial
+ n:=render_list_face_count[index]
+ while k 0 & oldMaterial~=currentMaterial then
+ oldMaterial := currentMaterial
if \curious then{
- }
+ }
- } # while
+ } # while
method swap_anim_keys(curious)
local i
every i:=1 to *render_items_tmp do
render_items_tmp[i] :=: render_items[i][3]
method render_details() # returns a unicon display list index
DEBUGW ( " rendering Mesh...... vx=", image(*lst_vertex), " faces=", image(*lst_face))
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ $endif
method addMaterial(newMaterial)
put(lst_material, newMaterial)
method set_label (s)
if \s then return (label := s)
@@ -254,26 +254,26 @@ $endif
every v := !lst_vertex do {
if minv.x > v.x then
minv.x := v.x
- else
+ else
if maxv.x < v.x then
maxv.x := v.x
if minv.y > v.y then
minv.y := v.y
- else
+ else
if maxv.y < v.y then
maxv.y := v.y
if minv.z > v.z then
minv.z := v.z
- else
+ else
if maxv.z < v.z then
maxv.z := v.z
bb_min := minv
bb_max := maxv
@@ -289,39 +289,39 @@ $endif
method flip_texcoord()
local uv
- every uv := !lst_texturecoords do
- uv.v := 1.0 - uv.v
+ every uv := !lst_texturecoords do
+ uv.v := 1.0 - uv.v
method rotate_vx(angle, axis)
local anglePI, sin_t, cos_t, v, x, y, z
anglePI := angle * &pi / 180.0
sin_t := sin(angle)
cos_t := cos(angle)
case axis of{
"z"|"Z" :{
every v := !lst_vertex do{
x := v.x
y := v.y
- v.x := cos_t * x + sin_t * y
- v.y := cos_t * y - sin_t * x
+ v.x := cos_t * x + sin_t * y
+ v.y := cos_t * y - sin_t * x
"y"|"Y" :{
every v := !lst_vertex do{
x := v.x
z := v.z
- v.x := cos_t * x - sin_t * z
- v.z := cos_t * x + sin_t * z
+ v.x := cos_t * x - sin_t * z
+ v.z := cos_t * x + sin_t * z
"x"|"X" :{
every v := !lst_vertex do{
z := v.z
y := v.y
- v.y := cos_t * y + sin_t * z
+ v.y := cos_t * y + sin_t * z
v.z := cos_t * z - cos_t * y
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ $endif
method scale_vx(s)
local v
every v := !lst_vertex do{
- v.x := v.x * s
+ v.x := v.x * s
v.y := v.y * s
- v.z := v.z * s
+ v.z := v.z * s
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ class Frame(
return render_index_list
method activate()
- local i, j, main_display_list
+ local i, j, main_display_list
main_display_list := WindowContents()
every i:=!render_index_list do{
@@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ class Frame(
method hide()
method show()
- lsMesh := list()
+ lsMesh := list()
end # Class Frame
diff --git a/uni/3d/modelobject3d.icn b/uni/3d/modelobject3d.icn
index 59f66d99b..7d912c3b3 100644
--- a/uni/3d/modelobject3d.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/modelobject3d.icn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $include "graphics3dh.icn"
-# load3DModel() should be the IO interface between uModel
+# load3DModel() should be the IO interface between uModel
# and different 3d model file formats
@@ -41,40 +41,40 @@ end
class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
- model_file_name, # file label of the model
- format, # "x", "s3d", or "?"
- rendering_mode, # "mesh", "bone", bone_mesh , "morph", or what else?
- lst_mesh, # list of all meshes in the model #concatMesh,
+ model_file_name, # file label of the model
+ format, # "x", "s3d", or "?"
+ rendering_mode, # "mesh", "bone", bone_mesh , "morph", or what else?
+ lst_mesh, # list of all meshes in the model #concatMesh,
method init(fname)
scale_value := 1
- format := "unkown"
+ format := "unkown"
lst_mesh := []
if \fname then
method load( fname )
local tmp_cs
if load3DModel(fname, self) then{
- DEBUGW(fname, " model file was loaded successfully!!")
+ DEBUGW(fname, " model file was loaded successfully!!")
model_file_name := fname
method mesh_count()
return *lst_mesh
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
every c+:=(!lst_mesh).face_count()
return c
method material_count()
local c:=0
every c+:=(!lst_mesh).material_count()
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
method texture_files_count()
return *texture_files()
method meshes()
every suspend !lst_mesh
@@ -137,61 +137,61 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
method flip_texcoord()
every (!lst_mesh).flip_texcoord()
method render_details()
local mesh
DEBUGW(" \nRendering model............... ", label )
every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
DEBUGW("rendering mesh ", mesh.label)
- }
+ }
method translateBy(tx, ty, tz)
every (!lst_mesh).translate_vx(tx, ty, tz)
method rotateBy(angle, axis)
every (!lst_mesh).rotate_vx(angle, axis)
method scaleBy(s)
every (!lst_mesh).scale_vx(s)
method normalize(factor)
local d, dx, dy, dz, mesh, tx, ty, tz
/factor := 1.0
dx := bb_max.x - bb_min.x
dy := bb_max.y - bb_min.y
dz := bb_max.z - bb_min.z
tx := -dx / 2.0 - bb_min.x
ty := -bb_min.y
tz := -dz / 2.0 - bb_min.z
if dx>dy & dx>dz then
- d:=dx
+ d:=dx
else if dy>dz then
- d:=dy
+ d:=dy
- d:=dz
+ d:=dz
scale_value := real(factor) / d
translateBy(tx, ty, tz)
every mesh:= !lst_mesh do
@@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
# note : this scale adjustment is uniform on all axieses.
method adjustScale(adjust_value, adjust_axis, angle, axis)
local d, dx, dy, dz, tx, ty, tz
/adjust_value := 1.0
/adjust_axis := "y"
dy := bb_max.y - bb_min.y
dx := bb_max.x - bb_min.x
dz := bb_max.z - bb_min.z
tx := -dx / 2.0 - bb_min.x
ty := -dy / 2.0 - bb_min.y
tz := -dz / 2.0 - bb_min.z
@@ -226,25 +226,25 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
scale_value := real(adjust_value) / d
translateBy(tx, ty, tz)
if \angle then
rotateBy(angle, axis)
scaleBy(scale_value )
- #write("Max x, y ,z :", bb_max.x, ", ",
- # bb_max.y, ", ",
+ #write("Max x, y ,z :", bb_max.x, ", ",
+ # bb_max.y, ", ",
# bb_max.z)
- #write("Min x, y ,z :", bb_min.x, ", ",
- # bb_min.y, ", ",
+ #write("Min x, y ,z :", bb_min.x, ", ",
+ # bb_min.y, ", ",
# bb_min.z)
method calc_bounding_box()
- local i, mesh
+ local i, mesh
mesh := lst_mesh[1]
bb_min := mesh.bb_min
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ class ModelObject3D:BasicObject3D(
format := "?"
lst_mesh := list()
diff --git a/uni/3d/node.icn b/uni/3d/node.icn
index 5ea55f748..9fcf91ed9 100644
--- a/uni/3d/node.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/node.icn
@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ $include "graphics3dh.icn"
# This class represents a node in a tree structure.
class Node(
- subnodes, # list of subnodes. Tree structure
+ subnodes, # list of subnodes. Tree structure
method init()
parent_node := &null
subnodes := []
method set_label (s)
if \s then return (label := s)
# return the count of all nodes below the current node.
# current node is excluded.
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class Node(
local n, node
n := *subnodes
every node := !subnodes do
- n +:= node.subtree_count()
+ n +:= node.subtree_count()
return n
method add_subnode(node)
node.parent_node := self
put(subnodes, node)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Node(
method has_subnodes()
if *subnodes > 0 then return *subnodes
# Return the {Node} that has the label look4name, or fail
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Node(
method is_leaf()
if *subnodes=0 then return
# Generate all the {Nodes} in this subtree, including this {Node},
# in preorder ordering.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Node(
method get_label()
return self.label
# Get the parent_node node, or fail if there is none.
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ class Node(
parent_node := &null
subnodes := []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni/3d/quaternion.icn b/uni/3d/quaternion.icn
index cc428cc95..cb0a9465c 100644
--- a/uni/3d/quaternion.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/quaternion.icn
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-# * Quaternion code
+# * Quaternion code
package graphics3d
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ method mul(b)
local w, x, y, z
W := W*b.W - (X*b.X + Y*b.Y + Z*b.Z)
X := W*b.X + b.W*X + Y*b.Z - Z*b.Y
Y := W*b.Y + b.W*Y + Z*b.X - X*b.Z
Z := W*b.Z + b.W*Z + X*b.Y - Y*b.X
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ method times(b)
local w, x, y, z
w := W*b.W - (X*b.X + Y*b.Y + Z*b.Z)
x := W*b.X + b.W*X + Y*b.Z - Z*b.Y
y := W*b.Y + b.W*Y + Z*b.X - X*b.Z
z := W*b.Z + b.W*Z + X*b.Y - Y*b.X
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ end
method invert()
local norme, recip
norme := sqrt(W*W + X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)
if (norme < EPSLN) then
norme := 1.0
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ end
method from_axis(angle, x, y, z)
local omega, s, c
s := sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
if (s > EPSLN) then{
c := 1.0/s
x *:= c
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ method from_axis(angle, x, y, z)
X := Y := Z := 0.0
W := 1.0
return self
@@ -126,17 +126,17 @@ method to_matrix(matrix) # return a list of 16 real values
/matrix := Matrix4x4()
matrix.set (
- [
+ [
1.0 - 2.0*Y*Y - 2.0*Z*Z,
2.0*X*Y - 2.0*W*Z,
2.0*X*Z + 2.0*W*Y,
- 0.0,
+ 0.0,
2.0*X*Y + 2.0*W*Z,
- 1.0 - 2.0*X*X - 2.0*Z*Z,
+ 1.0 - 2.0*X*X - 2.0*Z*Z,
2.0*Y*Z - 2.0*W*X,
2.0*X*Z - 2.0*W*Y,
- 2.0*Y*Z + 2.0*W*X,
+ 2.0*Y*Z + 2.0*W*X,
1.0 - 2.0*X*X - 2.0*Y*Y,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ method to_matrixOLD(matrix) # return a list of 16 real values
matrix[5] := 2.0*X*Y + 2.0*W*Z;
matrix[9] := 2.0*X*Z - 2.0*W*Y;
matrix[13] := 0.0
matrix[2] := 2.0*X*Y - 2.0*W*Z;
matrix[6] := 1.0 - 2.0*X*X - 2.0*Z*Z;
matrix[10] := 2.0*Y*Z + 2.0*W*X;
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ method to_matrixOLD(matrix) # return a list of 16 real values
matrix[7] := 2.0*Y*Z - 2.0*W*X;
matrix[11] := 1.0 - 2.0*X*X - 2.0*Y*Y;
matrix[15] := 0.0
matrix[4] := 0.0
matrix[8] := 0.0
matrix[12] := 0.0
matrix[16] := 1.0
return matrix
@@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ method slerp(a, b, t)
if ((1.0+cosom) > EPSLN) then{
if ((1.0-cosom) > EPSLN) then{
- omega := acos(cosom)
- sinom := sin(omega)
- sclp := sin((1.0-t)*omega) / sinom
- sclq := sin(t*omega) / sinom
- }
+ omega := acos(cosom)
+ sinom := sin(omega)
+ sclp := sin((1.0-t)*omega) / sinom
+ sclq := sin(t*omega) / sinom
+ }
- sclp := 1.0 - t
- sclq := t
- }
+ sclp := 1.0 - t
+ sclq := t
+ }
X := sclp*a.X + sclq*b.X
Y := sclp*a.Y + sclq*b.Y
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ end
method expp()
local m, len
len := sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)
if (len > EPSLN) then
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ method expp()
X *:= m
Y *:= m
- Z *:= m
+ Z *:= m
return self
diff --git a/uni/3d/selection3D.icn b/uni/3d/selection3D.icn
index 20fe004bc..c8f8abdc4 100644
--- a/uni/3d/selection3D.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/selection3D.icn
@@ -11,88 +11,88 @@ class Listener3D(item, obj, action, event_type)
return event_type = ev
class Selection3D( Tleft_click, Tright_click, Tdouble_click, Tleft_drag,
- Tright_drag, counter,
+ Tright_drag, counter,
method handle_event(ev)
local Tselectable, picked_objects := [], t, x, l
static last_click_time, pick_drag
initial last_click_time := 0
case ev of{
- &lpress:{
- t:=&time
- if t-last_click_time > 35 then
- Tselectable := Tleft_click
- else
- Tselectable := Tdouble_click
- last_click_time := t
- }
- &rpress:{ Tselectable := Tright_click }
- &lrelease:{
- pick_drag:=&null
- fail
- }
- &ldrag:{
- if \(l := Tleft_drag[pick_drag] ) then{
- l.action(l.obj)
- return
- }
- fail
- }
- default : {fail}
- } # case
+ &lpress:{
+ t:=&time
+ if t-last_click_time > 35 then
+ Tselectable := Tleft_click
+ else
+ Tselectable := Tdouble_click
+ last_click_time := t
+ }
+ &rpress:{ Tselectable := Tright_click }
+ &lrelease:{
+ pick_drag:=&null
+ fail
+ }
+ &ldrag:{
+ if \(l := Tleft_drag[pick_drag] ) then{
+ l.action(l.obj)
+ return
+ }
+ fail
+ }
+ default : {fail}
+ } # case
if (not &pick) | /&pick then fail
#every write(&pick)
#write("-------------- new pick", image(&pick))
&pick ? {
- while t := tab(find("-") | 0) do{
- push(picked_objects, t)
- move(1)
- #write("picked:", t)
- if pos(0) then break
- } # while
- } # &pick
+ while t := tab(find("-") | 0) do{
+ push(picked_objects, t)
+ move(1)
+ #write("picked:", t)
+ if pos(0) then break
+ } # while
+ } # &pick
every x := !picked_objects do{
- #x := pop(picked_objects)
- #write("work:", image(x))
- pick_drag := x
- if \(l := Tselectable[x] ) then{
- l.action(l.obj)
- return
- }
- } # every
+ #x := pop(picked_objects)
+ #write("work:", image(x))
+ pick_drag := x
+ if \(l := Tselectable[x] ) then{
+ l.action(l.obj)
+ return
+ }
+ } # every
method inc_counter()
counter +:= 1
return counter
method selectable(item, action, event_type ,obj)
- local l, p, selection_id
+ local l, p, selection_id
/event_type := LEFT_CLICK
selection_id := item ||"_3D_"|| string(inc_counter())
if \obj then
- p := lang::find_method(obj, action) | stop("No such method ", action)
+ p := lang::find_method(obj, action) | stop("No such method ", action)
- image(action) ? {
- ="procedure" | stop("No such procedure ", action)
- p := action
- }
+ image(action) ? {
+ ="procedure" | stop("No such procedure ", action)
+ p := action
+ }
l:= Listener3D(item, obj, p)
add_listener3D(selection_id, l)
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ class Selection3D( Tleft_click, Tright_click, Tdouble_click, Tleft_drag,
method add_action(selection_id, action, event_type ,obj)
local l, p, item
/event_type := LEFT_CLICK
if \obj then
- p := lang::find_method(obj, action) | stop("No such method ", action)
+ p := lang::find_method(obj, action) | stop("No such method ", action)
- image(action) ? {
- ="procedure" | stop("No such procedure ", action)
- p := action
- }
+ image(action) ? {
+ ="procedure" | stop("No such procedure ", action)
+ p := action
+ }
selection_id ? {item := tab(find("_3D_")|0)}
l:= Listener3D(item, obj, p)
@@ -122,20 +122,20 @@ class Selection3D( Tleft_click, Tright_click, Tdouble_click, Tleft_drag,
method add_listener3D(selection_id, l)
case l.event_type of{
- LEFT_CLICK : {Tleft_click[selection_id] := l}
- RIGHT_CLICK : {Tright_click[selection_id] := l}
- DOUBLE_CLICK : {Tdouble_click[selection_id] := l}
- CLICK : {Tright_click[selection_id] := Tleft_click[selection_id] := l}
- DRAG : {Tright_drag[selection_id] := Tleft_drag[selection_id] := l}
- LEFT_DRAG : {Tleft_drag[selection_id] := l}
- RIGHT_DRAG : {Tright_drag[selection_id] := l}
- }
+ LEFT_CLICK : {Tleft_click[selection_id] := l}
+ RIGHT_CLICK : {Tright_click[selection_id] := l}
+ DOUBLE_CLICK : {Tdouble_click[selection_id] := l}
+ CLICK : {Tright_click[selection_id] := Tleft_click[selection_id] := l}
+ DRAG : {Tright_drag[selection_id] := Tleft_drag[selection_id] := l}
+ LEFT_DRAG : {Tleft_drag[selection_id] := l}
+ RIGHT_DRAG : {Tright_drag[selection_id] := l}
+ }
#method insert_in(id, ev)
#method listen_to_event(id, event_type)
# if \(l:=Tselectable[new_name]) then l.listen_to(event_type)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class Selection3D( Tleft_click, Tright_click, Tdouble_click, Tleft_drag,
Tleft_drag := table()
Tright_drag := table()
CLICK := 1
diff --git a/uni/3d/skeleton.icn b/uni/3d/skeleton.icn
index 90f83aea4..6a18470d7 100644
--- a/uni/3d/skeleton.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/skeleton.icn
@@ -12,33 +12,33 @@ $include "graphics3dh.icn"
class Skeleton(
- bone_table, # mapping between bones names and their objects
+ bone_table, # mapping between bones names and their objects
method setup(lsmesh)
local root_bone
lst_mesh := lsmesh
- every root_bone := !root_bones do{
- root_bone.build_skin(rendering_mode)
- #write("bone table ")
- create_bone_table(root_bone)
- }
- if rendering_mode=="bone_mesh_local" then create_bone_local_Mesh()
- DEBUGW("done preparing the x model with skeleton")
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do{
+ root_bone.build_skin(rendering_mode)
+ #write("bone table ")
+ create_bone_table(root_bone)
+ }
+ if rendering_mode=="bone_mesh_local" then create_bone_local_Mesh()
+ DEBUGW("done preparing the x model with skeleton")
method add_root_bone(bone)
put(root_bones, bone)
method get_root_bone()
local root_bone
every root_bone := !root_bones do
suspend root_bone
method is_empty()
if /root_bones then return
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ class Skeleton(
method is_not_empty()
if \root_bones then return
method bone_count()
local root_bone, tot:=0
if \root_bones then{
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- tot +:= 1 + root_bone.subtree_count()
- return tot
- }
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ tot +:= 1 + root_bone.subtree_count()
+ return tot
+ }
- return 0
+ return 0
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class Skeleton(
method get_bone_by_label(bname)
local bone, root_bone
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- if bone := root_bone.get_node_by_label(bname) then
- return bone
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ if bone := root_bone.get_node_by_label(bname) then
+ return bone
method create_bone_table(bone)
@@ -98,61 +98,61 @@ class Skeleton(
if tmp_mesh.label==bone.mesh_name then
bone.tmp_mesh := tmp_mesh
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
method render()
if rendering_mode=="bone_mesh_final" then
- render_bones_standalone()
+ render_bones_standalone()
- render_bones_in_displaylist()
+ render_bones_in_displaylist()
method render_bones_in_displaylist()
local root_bone
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- root_bone.render_in_displaylist()
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ root_bone.render_in_displaylist()
method render_bones_standalone()
local root_bone
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- root_bone.render_standalone()
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ root_bone.render_standalone()
method swap_anim_keys(curious)
local mesh
every mesh := !lst_mesh do
- mesh.swap_anim_keys(curious)
+ mesh.swap_anim_keys(curious)
- method calc_animation(anim_clock, curious)
+ method calc_animation(anim_clock, curious)
local mesh, root_bone, t
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- root_bone.calc_animation(anim_clock)
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ root_bone.calc_animation(anim_clock)
DEBUGW(" calc bone animation::", &time-t)
- every root_bone := !root_bones do
- root_bone.build_skin(rendering_mode)
+ every root_bone := !root_bones do
+ root_bone.build_skin(rendering_mode)
DEBUGW(" rebuilding skin:", &time-t)
if rendering_mode == "bone_mesh_final" then{
- every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
- DEBUGW("special rendering!!! mesh: ", mesh.label)
- mesh.update_render(curious)
- DEBUGW(" special render:", &time-t)
- }
+ every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
+ DEBUGW("special rendering!!! mesh: ", mesh.label)
+ mesh.update_render(curious)
+ DEBUGW(" special render:", &time-t)
+ }
- end
+ end
bone_table := table()
diff --git a/uni/3d/skinnedmodelobject3d.icn b/uni/3d/skinnedmodelobject3d.icn
index fdbd353c1..092d21b6f 100644
--- a/uni/3d/skinnedmodelobject3d.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/skinnedmodelobject3d.icn
@@ -13,108 +13,108 @@ $include "graphics3dh.icn"
class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
- skeleton, # Skeleton()
- is_rigid, # null if the model does not have bones
+ skeleton, # Skeleton()
+ is_rigid, # null if the model does not have bones
- animationc, # AnimationController()
+ animationc, # AnimationController()
- rendering_mode, # "mesh", "bone", bone_mesh , "morph", or what else?
+ rendering_mode, # "mesh", "bone", bone_mesh , "morph", or what else?
method load( fname )
local tmp_cs
if load3DModel(fname, self) then{
- DEBUGW(fname, " model file was loaded successfully!!")
+ DEBUGW(fname, " model file was loaded successfully!!")
model_file_name := fname
- setup()
+ setup()
method setup()
local n
DEBUGW("---------------------------------- setup()")
if skeleton.is_not_empty() then{
- #rendering_mode:="bone_mesh_local"
- DEBUGW("reset skin")
- reset_skin()
+ #rendering_mode:="bone_mesh_local"
+ DEBUGW("reset skin")
+ reset_skin()
skeleton.setup(lst_mesh, rendering_mode)
- n:=skeleton.bone_count()
- DEBUGW (" This models has this # of bones : ", n)
+ n:=skeleton.bone_count()
+ DEBUGW (" This models has this # of bones : ", n)
- reset_skin()
- DEBUGW("done preparing the x model with NOOOOOO skeleton")
+ reset_skin()
+ DEBUGW("done preparing the x model with NOOOOOO skeleton")
method reset_skin()
local mesh, v
#write("---------------------------------- reset_skin()")
if rendering_mode=="mesh" then{
- #write("================ copy original vertex data" )
+ #write("================ copy original vertex data" )
every mesh := !lst_mesh do
mesh.lst_vertex_final := mesh.lst_vertex
- }
+ }
#else if rendering_mode:= "bone_mesh_final" then
- # mesh.lst_vertex_final := deepcopy(mesh.lst_vertex)
+ # mesh.lst_vertex_final := deepcopy(mesh.lst_vertex)
every mesh := !lst_mesh do
if \mesh.is_rigid then{
- #DEBUGW("mesh is rigid... creating zero vertexfinal ")
+ #DEBUGW("mesh is rigid... creating zero vertexfinal ")
mesh.lst_vertex_final := []
every v := !(mesh.lst_vertex) do
put(mesh.lst_vertex_final, Vector3(0, 0, 0))
else if \skeleton then{
mesh.lst_vertex_final := []
- #DEBUGW("herereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee")
- }
+ #DEBUGW("herereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee")
+ }
#DEBUGW("----------- copy original vertex data" )
- mesh.lst_vertex_final := mesh.lst_vertex
- }
+ mesh.lst_vertex_final := mesh.lst_vertex
+ }
- end
+ end
method render_details()
local mesh
DEBUGW(" \nRendering model............... ", label )
#every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
# DEBUGW("rendering mesh ", mesh.label)
# mesh.render()
- # }
+ # }
case rendering_mode of{
- "bone_mesh_local" : {skeleton.render(rendering_mode)}
- #"bone_mesh_final" : {skeleton.render(rendering_mode)}
- default : { # "rendering_mode=mesh "
- every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
- DEBUGW("rendering mesh ", mesh.label)
- mesh.render()
- }
- }
- }
+ "bone_mesh_local" : {skeleton.render(rendering_mode)}
+ #"bone_mesh_final" : {skeleton.render(rendering_mode)}
+ default : { # "rendering_mode=mesh "
+ every mesh := !lst_mesh do{
+ DEBUGW("rendering mesh ", mesh.label)
+ mesh.render()
+ }
+ }
+ }
method bone_count()
return skeleton.bone_count()
method animation_count()
return *tbl_animation_sets
@@ -122,34 +122,34 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
method addAnimationSet(aSet)
tbl_animation_sets[aSet.label] := aSet
method get_animationset(nam)
- if member(tbl_animation_sets, nam) then
- return tbl_animation_sets[nam]
+ if member(tbl_animation_sets, nam) then
+ return tbl_animation_sets[nam]
method get_current_animation()
return \current_anim
method pick_animation(nam)
local anim, a
if /nam then anim := ?tbl_animation_sets
else anim := get_animationset(nam)
if \anim then{
- animationc.set_animation_track(anim)
+ animationc.set_animation_track(anim)
current_anim := anim.label
- DEBUGW("picked animation:", anim.label)
- DEBUGW("max key:", anim.maxKey)
- #every a:=!anim.lsAnimation do{
- # DEBUGW("bone:",a.boneName)
- # DEBUGW("*M:",*(a.lst_matrix))
- #DEBUGW("*R:",*(a.lst_rotation))
- #DEBUGW("*S:",*(a.lst_scaling))
- #DEBUGW("*T:",*(a.lst_translation))
- #}
- }
+ DEBUGW("picked animation:", anim.label)
+ DEBUGW("max key:", anim.maxKey)
+ #every a:=!anim.lsAnimation do{
+ # DEBUGW("bone:",a.boneName)
+ # DEBUGW("*M:",*(a.lst_matrix))
+ #DEBUGW("*R:",*(a.lst_rotation))
+ #DEBUGW("*S:",*(a.lst_scaling))
+ #DEBUGW("*T:",*(a.lst_translation))
+ #}
+ }
DEBUGW("No such animation!")
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
method animations()
local a
every a:=!tbl_animation_sets do
- suspend a.get_label()
+ suspend a.get_label()
method get_animation_max_key(nam)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
a:= get_animationset(nam) | fail
return a.get_max_key()
method calc_animation()
if /anim_thread then{
if rendering_mode == "bone_mesh_final" then{
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
if /key_is_ready then{
#if /swap_key then
{ swap_key := 1; signal(cv_anim)}
- }
+ }
key_is_ready := &null
swap_key := 1
- }
+ }
method swap_anim_keys()
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
method wait_key()
- critical cv_anim: while /swap_key & \key_is_ready do wait(cv_anim)
+ critical cv_anim: while /swap_key & \key_is_ready do wait(cv_anim)
method start_anim_thread()
@@ -219,19 +219,18 @@ class SkinnedModelObject3D:ModelObject3D(
initially(myname, rendmod)
if /rendmod then
- rendering_mode := "bone_mesh_local" # just render the mesh as is. no bones, frames, etc...
+ rendering_mode := "bone_mesh_local" # just render the mesh as is. no bones, frames, etc...
- rendering_mode := rendmod
+ rendering_mode := rendmod
skeleton := Skeleton()
skeleton.rendering_mode := rendering_mode
- tbl_animation_sets := table(&null)
+ tbl_animation_sets := table(&null)
animationc := AnimationController()
is_rigid := &null
diff --git a/uni/3d/terrain.icn b/uni/3d/terrain.icn
index 8180d8bf2..e57c888f8 100644
--- a/uni/3d/terrain.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/terrain.icn
@@ -14,110 +14,110 @@ class Terrain:BasicObject3D(
base, rows, cols,
length, width, height)
method generate()
local i, j
base := list(rows)
every i:=1 to rows do
base[i]:= list(cols)
every i:= 1 to rows do
- every j:=1 to cols do{
- base[i][j]:= Vector3(real(i)/rows*length,
- (?1000)/1000.0 * height,
- real(j)/cols*length)
- }
+ every j:=1 to cols do{
+ base[i][j]:= Vector3(real(i)/rows*length,
+ (?1000)/1000.0 * height,
+ real(j)/cols*length)
+ }
method render_details()
local i, j, meshmod, L, Ltex
meshmod := WAttrib("meshmode")
if \texture_file then{
- WAttrib("texmode=on")
- Texture(texture_file)
+ WAttrib("texmode=on")
+ Texture(texture_file)
#DEBUGW("rendering terrain.....")
every i:= 1 to rows-1 by 1 do{
L := list()#(rows*6)
Ltex := list()
- every j:=1 to cols-1 by 1 do{
- put(L,base[i][j].x, base[i][j].y, base[i][j].z,
- base[i][j+1].x, base[i][j+1].y, base[i][j+1].z,
- base[i+1][j].x, base[i+1][j].y, base[i+1][j].z,
- base[i+1][j].x, base[i+1][j].y, base[i+1][j].z,
- base[i][j+1].x, base[i][j+1].y, base[i][j+1].z,
- base[i+1][j+1].x, base[i+1][j+1].y, base[i+1][j+1].z
- )
- put(Ltex, real(i)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
- real(i)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length,
- real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
- real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
- real(i)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length,
- real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length)
- }
- Texcoord (Ltex)
- FillPolygon ! L
- }
+ every j:=1 to cols-1 by 1 do{
+ put(L,base[i][j].x, base[i][j].y, base[i][j].z,
+ base[i][j+1].x, base[i][j+1].y, base[i][j+1].z,
+ base[i+1][j].x, base[i+1][j].y, base[i+1][j].z,
+ base[i+1][j].x, base[i+1][j].y, base[i+1][j].z,
+ base[i][j+1].x, base[i][j+1].y, base[i][j+1].z,
+ base[i+1][j+1].x, base[i+1][j+1].y, base[i+1][j+1].z
+ )
+ put(Ltex, real(i)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
+ real(i)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length,
+ real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
+ real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j)/cols*length,
+ real(i)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length,
+ real(i+1)/rows*length, real(j+1)/cols*length)
+ }
+ Texcoord (Ltex)
+ FillPolygon ! L
+ }
- WAttrib("texmode=off")
+ WAttrib("texmode=off")
#DEBUGW("done with terrain.....")
method load(fname)
local fin, s, p
DEBUGW("loading terrain....")
fin := open(fname) | ( DEBUGW("can't open ", fname) & fail )
if /(p := stat(fin)) then DEBUGW("No stat") & fail
s := reads(fin, p.size) | ( DEBUGW("empty terrain data file?!") & fail )
DEBUGW("DONE loading terrain....")
- return
+ return
method parse_terrain(s)
local base2, i, j, offset
static strmove
initial {
- strmove := proc("move",1)
+ strmove := proc("move",1)
cols := 256
rows := 128
base := list(rows)
every i:=1 to rows do
- base[i]:= list(cols)
+ base[i]:= list(cols)
every i:= 1 to rows do{
- offset := (i-1)*256
- every j:=1 to cols do{
- base[i][j]:= Vector3(real(i)/rows*length,
- real(ord(s[offset+j])) * height,
- real(j)/cols*length)
- }
- }
+ offset := (i-1)*256
+ every j:=1 to cols do{
+ base[i][j]:= Vector3(real(i)/rows*length,
+ real(ord(s[offset+j])) * height,
+ real(j)/cols*length)
+ }
+ }
initially(myname, tex)
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ class Terrain:BasicObject3D(
- #height:=0.25
+ #height:=0.25
diff --git a/uni/3d/vector.icn b/uni/3d/vector.icn
index 319a338f1..07388510a 100644
--- a/uni/3d/vector.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/vector.icn
@@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ u, v
class Vector4:Vector3 (
- w # not used yet, or maybe rarely
+ w # not used yet, or maybe rarely
initially(xx, yy, zz, ww)
self.Vector3.initally(xx, yy, zz)
if /ww then w:=1.0
else w:=ww
class Vector3 (
- method set(v) # set the vector values to vector/list v values
+ method set(v) # set the vector values to vector/list v values
x := v[1]
y := v[2]
z := v[3]
- method setxyz(xx, yy, zz) # set the vector values to vector v values
+ method setxyz(xx, yy, zz) # set the vector values to vector v values
x := xx
y := yy
z := zz
method add(v) # add vector v to the current vector
x +:= v[1]
y +:= v[2]
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ class Vector3 (
y +:= yy
z +:= zz
method sub(v) # subtract vector v from the current vector
x -:= v[1]
y -:= v[2]
z -:= v[3]
method subxyz(xx, yy, zz)
x -:= xx
y -:= yy
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Vector3 (
y *:= s
z *:= s
method div(s)
x *:= s
y *:= s
@@ -106,62 +106,62 @@ class Vector3 (
y := -y
z := -z
method extend (d) # extend the length of the vector by d. (preserve the direction)
- local t, len
+ local t, len
len := length()
if len=0 then len:=3.0
- t := d/len
+ t := d/len
x +:= x * t
y +:= y * t
z +:= z * t
method equal(v)
return x=v.x & y=v.y & z=v.z
method is_zero()
return 0=x=y=z
method LT(v)
return xv[1] & y>v[2] & z>v[3]
method GTOE(v)
return x>=v[1] & y>=[2] & z>=v[3]
method get()
return Vector3(x, y, z)
- method length()
+ method length()
return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
# retunrs the disctance between the vector v and the current vector
- method distance_to(v)
+ method distance_to(v)
local a, b, c
a :=(x - v.x)
b :=(y - v.y)
c :=(z - v.z)
return sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c )
- method dot(v)
+ method dot(v)
return ( x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z)
method cross(v)
return Vector3(( y*v.z - z*v.y ),
( z*v.x - x*v.z ),
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Vector3 (
method get_unit()
local len
- if len~=0 then
+ if len~=0 then
return Vector3(x/len, y/len, z/len)
@@ -183,29 +183,29 @@ class Vector3 (
method mul_matrix(m)
local xx:=x, yy:=y, zz:=z, newv, A
A:= m.A
newv := Vector3()
newv.x := A[1]*xx + A[5]*yy + A[ 9]*zz + A[13]
newv.y := A[2]*xx + A[6]*yy + A[10]*zz + A[14]
newv.z := A[3]*xx + A[7]*yy + A[11]*zz + A[15]
return newv
- initially(xx, yy, zz)
+ initially(xx, yy, zz)
if\xx then{
- x:=xx
- y:=yy
- z:=zz
- }
- else{
- x:=0.0
- y:=0.0
- z:=0.0
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ x:=xx
+ y:=yy
+ z:=zz
+ }
+ else{
+ x:=0.0
+ y:=0.0
+ z:=0.0
+ }
diff --git a/uni/3d/viewer/u3dviewer.icn b/uni/3d/viewer/u3dviewer.icn
index 556d83b23..a88db3670 100644
--- a/uni/3d/viewer/u3dviewer.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/viewer/u3dviewer.icn
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
menubar, mHelp, tianimation, start_dir, wdir, files_history , tblanimation,
tckeys, tcname, check_box_group_animation , tcFrames, mioptions,
mipreferences, treeskeleton)
method component_setup()
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
world.w3d := view_model3d.cwin
\(world.w3d) | write("Window is null!!")
method init_history()
local fin, what, dat, line, mif, f, fname, i
start_dir := wdir := chdir() | ""
files_history := []
fin := open("last_session.ini") | fail
while line := read(fin) do{
- line ? {
- what := tab(find(":")) | next
- move(1)
- dat := tab(0) | next
- case what of{
- "dir" : stat(dat) & wdir := dat
- "file": stat(dat) & put(files_history, dat)
- }
- } # line ?
+ line ? {
+ what := tab(find(":")) | next
+ move(1)
+ dat := tab(0) | next
+ case what of{
+ "dir" : stat(dat) & wdir := dat
+ "file": stat(dat) & put(files_history, dat)
+ }
+ } # line ?
} # while
@@ -48,40 +48,40 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
every i := 1 to *files_history do {
- f := files_history[i]
- mif := TextMenuItem()
- fname := file_name(f)
- mif.set_label(i || ". " ||fname)
- mif.connect(self, "on_mif", ACTION_EVENT)
- mFile.add(mif)
- }
+ f := files_history[i]
+ mif := TextMenuItem()
+ fname := file_name(f)
+ mif.set_label(i || ". " ||fname)
+ mif.connect(self, "on_mif", ACTION_EVENT)
+ mFile.add(mif)
+ }
method add_file_history(f)
local i, replace, mif, items, base
if f==files_history[1] then fail # the new file is already at the top of the list
every i := 2 to *files_history do
- if f == files_history[i] then {
- delete(files_history, i)
- break replace := i
- }
+ if f == files_history[i] then {
+ delete(files_history, i)
+ break replace := i
+ }
push(files_history, f)
#if *files_history=1 then mFile.add(MenuSeparator())
if /replace then{
- mif := TextMenuItem()
- mif.set_label(f)
- mif.connect(self, "on_mif", ACTION_EVENT)
- mFile.add(mif)
- }
+ mif := TextMenuItem()
+ mif.set_label(f)
+ mif.connect(self, "on_mif", ACTION_EVENT)
+ mFile.add(mif)
+ }
- items := mFile.get_children()
- base := *items - *files_history
- mif := items[base+replace]
- mFile.remove(mif)
- mFile.add(mif, base+1)
- }
+ items := mFile.get_children()
+ base := *items - *files_history
+ mif := items[base+replace]
+ mFile.remove(mif)
+ mFile.add(mif, base+1)
+ }
method on_mif(ev)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
\i | fail
method on_miLoadModel(ev)
local fd, fname
#$ifdef _UNIX
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
fname := fd.get_result() | fail
# fname := WinOpenDialog("Open 3D Model File...", "", 50) | fail
- #$endif
+ #$endif
if not(map(fname[-4:0]) == ".s3d" | map(fname[-2:0]) == ".x" )then
method load_file(fname)
world.w3d := view_model3d.cwin
world.load (fname, 1.8) | fail
@@ -118,29 +118,29 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
method fill_animation()
local anim, LL := []
every anim := world.mod3d.animations() do {
- put(LL, [anim, world.mod3d.get_animation_max_key(anim) | "?"])
- }
+ put(LL, [anim, world.mod3d.get_animation_max_key(anim) | "?"])
+ }
method fill_summary()
local LL := [
- [ "meshes", world.mod3d.mesh_count() ],
- [ "vertices", world.mod3d.vertex_count() ],
- [ "normals", world.mod3d.normals_count() ],
- [ "polygons", world.mod3d.face_count() ],
- [ "bones", world.mod3d.bone_count() ],
- [ "animations", world.mod3d.animation_count() ],
- [ "all materials", world.mod3d.material_count() ],
- [ "textured materials", world.mod3d.texmaterial_count() ],
- [ "texture files", world.mod3d.texture_files_count() ],
- [ "texture coords", world.mod3d.texture_coords_count() ]
- ]
+ [ "meshes", world.mod3d.mesh_count() ],
+ [ "vertices", world.mod3d.vertex_count() ],
+ [ "normals", world.mod3d.normals_count() ],
+ [ "polygons", world.mod3d.face_count() ],
+ [ "bones", world.mod3d.bone_count() ],
+ [ "animations", world.mod3d.animation_count() ],
+ [ "all materials", world.mod3d.material_count() ],
+ [ "textured materials", world.mod3d.texmaterial_count() ],
+ [ "texture files", world.mod3d.texture_files_count() ],
+ [ "texture coords", world.mod3d.texture_coords_count() ]
+ ]
@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
local fout, f
fout := open("last_session.ini", "w") |
- stop("can't write last_session.ini")
+ stop("can't write last_session.ini")
write(fout, "dir:",wdir )
every f := !files_history do
- write(fout, "file:", f)
+ write(fout, "file:", f)
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
Notice(" Unicon 3D viewer ",
" Version 1.0 ",
- " Developer : Jafar Al-Gharaibeh ",
- " Email : ",
- " Date : Dec 30, 2010 ")
+ " Developer : Jafar Al-Gharaibeh ",
+ " Email : ",
+ " Date : Dec 30, 2010 ")
&window := win
method logit(msgs[])
local msg := ""
static L
@@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
method on_play()
if on_tblanimation() then
- world.set_auto_refresh()
+ world.set_auto_refresh()
method on_stop()
@@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
method setup_animationbtns()
local animation_toolbar, icnbtn, panel_1
animation_toolbar := ToolBar()
animation_toolbar.set_pos("2", "70%")
animation_toolbar.set_size("96%", "41")
panel_1 := Panel()
panel_1.set_pos("2", "50%")
panel_1.set_size("96%", "35")
panel_1.set_align("l", "c")
check_box_group_animation := CheckBoxGroup()
icnbtn := ToggleIconButton()
icnbtn.set_pos("34", "50%")
icnbtn.set_align("l", "c")
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
icnbtn.connect(self, "on_play", ACTION_EVENT)
icnbtn := ToggleIconButton()
icnbtn.set_pos("68", "50%")
icnbtn.set_align("l", "c")
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
icnbtn.connect(self, "on_pause", ACTION_EVENT)
icnbtn := ToggleIconButton()
icnbtn.set_pos("102", "50%")
icnbtn.set_align("l", "c")
@@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ class U3DViewer : Dialog(view_model3d, mFile, miLoadModel, miQuit,
icnbtn.connect(self, "on_stop", ACTION_EVENT)
- end
+ end
method on_tblanimation(ev)
local LL, a, row
static last_anim
diff --git a/uni/3d/viewer/world.icn b/uni/3d/viewer/world.icn
index 03391e822..4c8d2b898 100644
--- a/uni/3d/viewer/world.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/viewer/world.icn
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class World(
-# load model fname and set its coordinates to "fit" in size
+# load model fname and set its coordinates to "fit" in size
method load(fname, size)
if \fname then{
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ method render()
WAttrib("light1=diffuse white; ambient white; specular white; position 5.0, 5.0, -5.0")
#DrawSphere(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
- logger.logit("Done rendering in " || &time-t || " ms.")
+ logger.logit("Done rendering in " || &time-t || " ms.")
&window :=tmpw
@@ -69,80 +69,80 @@ method handle_event()
while *Pending()>0 do{
case Event() of {
- "\e" : exit()
- "a" : mod3d.move( 0.05, 0, 0)
- "A" : mod3d.move(-0.05, 0, 0)
- "s" : mod3d.move( 0, 0.05, 0)
- "S" : mod3d.move( 0,-0.05, 0)
- "d" : mod3d.move( 0, 0, 0.05)
- "D" : mod3d.move( 0, 0,-0.05)
- "z" : mod3d.rotate( 2, 0, 0)
- "Z" : mod3d.rotate(-2, 0 ,0)
- "x" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 2, 0)
- "X" : mod3d.rotate( 0,-2, 0)
- "c" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 0, 2)
- "C" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 0,-2)
- Key_Up :cam.move( d)
- Key_Down :cam.move(-d)
- Key_Left :cam.rotate(-0.1, 0)
- Key_Right:cam.rotate( 0.1, 0)
- "w" : cam.slide( 0.1, 0)
- "W" : cam.slide(-0.1, 0)
- "e" : cam.slide( 0, 0.1)
- "E" : cam.slide( 0,-0.1)
- "3" : logger.logit("camera step: ", d+:= 0.2)
- "4" : logger.logit("camera step: ", d-:= 0.2)
- "1" : logger.logit("animation step: ", mod3d.animationc.faster() )
- "2" : logger.logit("animation step: ", mod3d.animationc.slower() )
- "0" : (/auto_refresh:=1) | auto_refresh:=&null
- "+" : {
- mod3d.calc_animation()
- }
- " " :{
- mod3d.pick_animation()
- #mod3d.calc_animation()
- }
- "m" :{
- mod3d.pick_animation("Walk")
- #mod3d.calc_animation()
- }
- Key_PgUp : cam.rotate( 0, 0.1)
- Key_PgDn : cam.rotate( 0,-0.1)
+ "\e" : exit()
+ "a" : mod3d.move( 0.05, 0, 0)
+ "A" : mod3d.move(-0.05, 0, 0)
+ "s" : mod3d.move( 0, 0.05, 0)
+ "S" : mod3d.move( 0,-0.05, 0)
+ "d" : mod3d.move( 0, 0, 0.05)
+ "D" : mod3d.move( 0, 0,-0.05)
+ "z" : mod3d.rotate( 2, 0, 0)
+ "Z" : mod3d.rotate(-2, 0 ,0)
+ "x" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 2, 0)
+ "X" : mod3d.rotate( 0,-2, 0)
+ "c" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 0, 2)
+ "C" : mod3d.rotate( 0, 0,-2)
+ Key_Up :cam.move( d)
+ Key_Down :cam.move(-d)
+ Key_Left :cam.rotate(-0.1, 0)
+ Key_Right:cam.rotate( 0.1, 0)
+ "w" : cam.slide( 0.1, 0)
+ "W" : cam.slide(-0.1, 0)
+ "e" : cam.slide( 0, 0.1)
+ "E" : cam.slide( 0,-0.1)
+ "3" : logger.logit("camera step: ", d+:= 0.2)
+ "4" : logger.logit("camera step: ", d-:= 0.2)
+ "1" : logger.logit("animation step: ", mod3d.animationc.faster() )
+ "2" : logger.logit("animation step: ", mod3d.animationc.slower() )
+ "0" : (/auto_refresh:=1) | auto_refresh:=&null
+ "+" : {
+ mod3d.calc_animation()
+ }
+ " " :{
+ mod3d.pick_animation()
+ #mod3d.calc_animation()
+ }
+ "m" :{
+ mod3d.pick_animation("Walk")
+ #mod3d.calc_animation()
+ }
+ Key_PgUp : cam.rotate( 0, 0.1)
+ Key_PgDn : cam.rotate( 0,-0.1)
} #case
if /auto_refresh then Refresh()
if \auto_refresh then{
#t1 := &time
t2 := &time
- Refresh()
+ Refresh()
if t3-t > 5000 then{
#write("refresh time", t3 - t2)
logger.logit( fr / 5.0, " fps")
#write("calc time", t2 - t1)
diff --git a/uni/3d/xparse.icn b/uni/3d/xparse.icn
index 6d75d9fea..13491b729 100644
--- a/uni/3d/xparse.icn
+++ b/uni/3d/xparse.icn
@@ -20,43 +20,43 @@ class XFile(
method load(fname, m3d)
local s, fin, p
filename := fname
- fin := open(filename) |
- ( DEBUGW("can't open "|| filename) & fail )
+ fin := open(filename) |
+ ( DEBUGW("can't open "|| filename) & fail )
s := reads(fin, 16) |
- ( DEBUGW("empty x file?!") & close(fin) & fail)
+ ( DEBUGW("empty x file?!") & close(fin) & fail)
checkHeader(s) | fail
- p := stat(fin) |
- ( DEBUGW("can't stat "|| filename) & close(fin) & fail )
+ p := stat(fin) |
+ ( DEBUGW("can't stat "|| filename) & close(fin) & fail )
+ s := reads(fin, p.size) |
+ ( DEBUGW("empty x file?!") & close(fin) & fail )
- s := reads(fin, p.size) |
- ( DEBUGW("empty x file?!") & close(fin) & fail )
current_model := m3d
current_xfile := self
has_bones := &null
s ? { Xparse() }
- return
+ return
method checkHeader(s)
s ? {
- ="xof " | DEBUGW("Not a .X model file. Aborted...")
+ ="xof " | DEBUGW("Not a .X model file. Aborted...")
integer( move(2) ) <= 3 | DEBUGW("Major version greater than 03. Aborted...")
integer( move(2) ) <= 3 | DEBUGW("Minor version greater than 03. Aborted...")
- ="txt" | DEBUGW(" Not a text file format. Aborted...")
+ ="txt" | DEBUGW(" Not a text file format. Aborted...")
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ method set_texture_path(texpath)
texture_path := texpath
texture_path := texpath || PS
stat(texture_path) | DEBUGW(texture_path || " Doesn't exist!")
# if set, map the texture file names read in the model file` to the new format
-# Probably this function should be extened to check if the underlying unicon
+# Probably this function should be extened to check if the underlying unicon
# supports jpg and png
method set_texture_format(f)
if f == (".gif" | ".png" | ".jpg") then
@@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ end
# i:= *fpath
# while i>0 & fpath[i] ~== (PS) do
# i-:=1
# if i=0 then return fpath
# return fpath[i+1:0]
# end
# method path_name(fpath)
# local i
# i:= *fpath
# while i>0 & fpath[i] ~== (PS) do
# i-:=1
# if i>0 then return fpath[1:i+1]
# end
@@ -119,22 +119,22 @@ method Xparse()
local root_bone
while not(pos(0)) do{
case parseBlock() of {
- "Error" : { DEBUGW("Stopped parseing the file ..."); fail}
- "Comment" : {} # nothing to do
- "}" : {} # end of a block ?!
- "Frame" : parseBone(&null)
- "Mesh" : parseMesh()
- "Material" : parseMaterial(1) # 1? material will be used later
- "AnimationSet" : parseAnimationSets()
+ "Error" : { DEBUGW("Stopped parseing the file ..."); fail}
+ "Comment" : {} # nothing to do
+ "}" : {} # end of a block ?!
+ "Frame" : parseBone(&null)
+ "Mesh" : parseMesh()
+ "Material" : parseMaterial(1) # 1? material will be used later
+ "AnimationSet" : parseAnimationSets()
#"template" :
- #"{" :
+ #"{" :
default: avoidTemplate()
- }
+ }
if \has_bones then
- every root_bone := !current_model.skeleton.root_bones do
- MapMeshToBones(root_bone)
+ every root_bone := !current_model.skeleton.root_bones do
+ MapMeshToBones(root_bone)
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ method parseBlock()
#DEBUGW ("new block")
case move(1) of {
- "{": {
+ "{": {
return "{"
- "}": return "}" # We arrived at the end of the block
+ "}": return "}" # We arrived at the end of the block
"/": {
- if move(1)~=="/" then
- return "Error" #we parseed a block label starting with slash ?!
+ if move(1)~=="/" then
+ return "Error" #we parseed a block label starting with slash ?!
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ method parseBlock()
- Text := parse_identifier()
- /Text:="null"
- #DEBUGW(" Identifier : ", Text)
+ Text := parse_identifier()
+ /Text:="null"
+ #DEBUGW(" Identifier : ", Text)
return BlockID(Text)
} #case
@@ -223,17 +223,17 @@ end
method parseBone(parentBone)
local token, cBoneName, cBone
- cBoneName := parse_identifier() | getID("B")
+ cBoneName := parse_identifier() | getID("B")
if /tempBoneTable then
cBone := Bone()
if member(tempBoneTable, cBoneName) then
- cBone := tempBoneTable[cBoneName]
+ cBone := tempBoneTable[cBoneName]
- cBone := Bone()
+ cBone := Bone()
cBone.set_label( cBoneName )
@@ -248,24 +248,24 @@ method parseBone(parentBone)
DEBUGW(" :sub bone")
token := "{"
while(token ~== "}") do{
case (token := parseBlock()) of{
- "Comment": {} # used for spaces and other kind of comments
- "}" : return # this is the end
- "{" : {
+ "Comment": {} # used for spaces and other kind of comments
+ "}" : return # this is the end
+ "{" : {
cBone.mesh_name := parse_identifier()
- "Frame" : parseBone(cBone)
+ "Frame" : parseBone(cBone)
"FrameTransformMatrix": parseFrameTransformMatrix(cBone)
"Mesh" : {
cBone.mesh_name := current_mesh.label
cBone.mapped_mesh := current_mesh
- default : avoidTemplate()
+ default : avoidTemplate()
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ end
method parseMesh()
local mesh, token, nVertices, nFaces
mesh := Mesh()
- current_mesh := mesh
+ current_mesh := mesh
- DEBUGW(" new mesh was created - Mesh: ", mesh.label)
+ DEBUGW(" new mesh was created - Mesh: ", mesh.label)
- nVertices := parse_int()
+ nVertices := parse_int()
DEBUGW("Number of vertices:", nVertices)
@@ -291,17 +291,17 @@ method parseMesh()
DEBUGW("Number of Faces:", nFaces)
mesh.lst_face := parseArray(nFaces, parseFace)
token := "{"
while(token ~== "}") do{
case token := parseBlock() of {
- "Comment" :{} # used for spaces and other kind of comments
- "}" : return # this is the end
- "MeshNormals" : parseMeshNormals()
- "MeshTextureCoords" : parseMeshTextureCoords()
- "MeshMaterialList" : parseMeshMaterials()
- "SkinWeights" : parseSkinWeights()
- #"XSkinMeshHeader" :
+ "Comment" :{} # used for spaces and other kind of comments
+ "}" : return # this is the end
+ "MeshNormals" : parseMeshNormals()
+ "MeshTextureCoords" : parseMeshTextureCoords()
+ "MeshMaterialList" : parseMeshMaterials()
+ "SkinWeights" : parseSkinWeights()
+ #"XSkinMeshHeader" :
default: avoidTemplate()
@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ method parseMeshTextureCoords()
local nTextureCoords
- nTextureCoords := parse_int()
+ nTextureCoords := parse_int()
DEBUGW("Number of Texture Coords:", nTextureCoords)
- current_mesh.lst_texturecoords :=
+ current_mesh.lst_texturecoords :=
parseArray(nTextureCoords, parseTextureCoords)
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ method parseMeshMaterials()
local id, token, nMaterials, nFace, i, L
- nMaterials := parse_int()
+ nMaterials := parse_int()
#DEBUGW("Number of Materials :", nMaterials)
@@ -347,18 +347,18 @@ method parseMeshMaterials()
token := "{"
while(token ~== "}") do{
case token := parseBlock() of {
- "Comment" : {}
- "}" : return
- "Material" : parseMaterial()
- "{" : {
- jump_after("{")
- skip_whitespace()
- id := parse_identifier()
- if \blockTable[id] then current_mesh.addMaterial(blockTable[id])
- jump_after("}")
- }
+ "Comment" : {}
+ "}" : return
+ "Material" : parseMaterial()
+ "{" : {
+ jump_after("{")
+ skip_whitespace()
+ id := parse_identifier()
+ if \blockTable[id] then current_mesh.addMaterial(blockTable[id])
+ jump_after("}")
+ }
default: avoidTemplate()
- }#case
+ }#case
}# while
@@ -368,19 +368,19 @@ method parseMeshNormals()
nNormals := parse_int()
- #DEBUGW("Number of normals:", nNormals)
+ #DEBUGW("Number of normals:", nNormals)
current_mesh.lst_normal := parseArray(nNormals, parseVertex )
nFace := parse_int()
L:=parseArray(nFace, parseFaceNormals) # parseArray(nFaces, parseFace)
if *L=*current_mesh.lst_face then
every i:=1 to nFace do
- current_mesh.lst_face[i].lst_normal_index := L[i]
+ current_mesh.lst_face[i].lst_normal_index := L[i]
- DEBUGW("ERROR: The number of face normals is not correct:", *L)
+ DEBUGW("ERROR: The number of face normals is not correct:", *L)
@@ -393,31 +393,31 @@ method find_texture(tex_fname)
tex_fname := replace_slash(tex_fname)
- if \texture_format & map(tex_fname[-4:0]) ~== texture_format then
+ if \texture_format & map(tex_fname[-4:0]) ~== texture_format then
tex_fname := map(tex_fname[1:-4]) || texture_format
if stat(tex_fname) then return tex_fname
texfnamebase := file_name(tex_fname)
# try the model's dir
if xpath:=directory_name(filename) then{
tex_fname2 := xpath || texfnamebase
if stat(tex_fname2) then return tex_fname2
- # try the current dir.
+ # try the current dir.
# And better to remember the current dir in case the user changes it
xpath := chdir() || PS
if stat(xpath || texfnamebase) then
return xpath || tex_fname
# try the textures path set by the user
if stat(texture_path || texfnamebase) then
return texture_path || texfnamebase
# couldn't find the texture!
DEBUGW(" Error: texture (", tex_fname, ") doesn't exist for 3D model: ", filename)
method parseMaterial(to_table)
@@ -459,28 +459,28 @@ method parseMaterial(to_table)
token := "{"
while(token ~== "}") do {
case token := parseBlock() of {
- "Comment" : {}
- "}" :{
+ "Comment" : {}
+ "}" :{
if /to_table then
blockTable[id] := newMaterial
- "TextureFilename":{
- jump_after("{")
+ "TextureFilename":{
+ jump_after("{")
#jump_after("\"") | stop("error in texture file label")
tex_fname := tab(upto('"')) | stop("error in texture file label")
- if not (tex_fname := find_texture(tex_fname)) then
- DEBUGW(" file not found..!! ", tex_fname)
+ if not (tex_fname := find_texture(tex_fname)) then
+ DEBUGW(" file not found..!! ", tex_fname)
newMaterial.textureFileName := tex_fname
- # probably should get rid of this. not usefull anymore
- if newMaterial.textureFileName[1]=="." then
+ # probably should get rid of this. not usefull anymore
+ if newMaterial.textureFileName[1]=="." then
newMaterial.textureFileName := newMaterial.textureFileName[5:0]
default: avoidTemplate()
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ end
method parseSkinWeights()
local cBone, temp, nVertices, L
- jump_after("{")
+ jump_after("{")
temp := tab(upto('"'))
@@ -550,15 +550,15 @@ method parseAnimationSets()
"Comment": {}
animationSet.maxKey := maxKey
- DEBUGW("MaxKey:", maxKey)
+ DEBUGW("MaxKey:", maxKey)
current_model.addAnimationSet( animationSet)
"Animation": parseAnimations(animationSet)
default: avoidTemplate()
- }# case
+ }# case
}# while
animationSet.maxKey := maxKey
DEBUGW("MaxKey:", maxKey)
current_model.addAnimationSet( animationSet)
@@ -566,14 +566,14 @@ end
method parseAnimations(animationSet) #Frm::AnimationSet* &pAS);
local token, tempAnimation
tempAnimation := AnimationKeys()
token := "{"
while(token ~== "}") do{
case token := parseBlock() of{
- "Comment": {}
+ "Comment": {}
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ method parseAnimations(animationSet) #Frm::AnimationSet* &pAS);
"AnimationKey": parseAnimationKeys(tempAnimation)
default: avoidTemplate()
- } # case
+ } # case
} #while
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ method parseRotationKey()
if tempRot.the_time > current_xfile.maxKey then
current_xfile.maxKey := tempRot.the_time
- # we could do (parse_int() , semicolon)
+ # we could do (parse_int() , semicolon)
# but we don't want this number (we know it is 4 for rotation) so
@@ -621,17 +621,17 @@ method parseScalingKey()
tempScale := ScaleKey()
tempScale.v := Vector3()
tempScale.the_time := parse_int()
if tempScale.the_time > current_xfile.maxKey then
current_xfile.maxKey := tempScale.the_time
- # we could do (parse_int() , semicolon)
+ # we could do (parse_int() , semicolon)
# but we don't want this number (we know it is 3 for scaling) so
tab(many(' \t\r\n'))
tempScale.v.x := parse_real(), coma() &
@@ -646,54 +646,54 @@ end
method parseAnimationKeys(animation) #Frm::Animation* &pA);
local key_type, Size, Data, tempRot, tempScale, tempPos, tempMatrix
- jump_after("{")
+ jump_after("{")
key_type := parse_int()
Size := parse_int()
case key_type of {
- #DEBUGW(" Rotation Keys:", Size)
+ #DEBUGW(" Rotation Keys:", Size)
animation.lst_rotation := parseArray(Size, graphics3d__XFile_parseRotationKey)
#DEBUGW(" Rotations read: ", *animation.lst_rotation)
} # 0
- #DEBUGW("Scaling Keys : ", Size)
+ #DEBUGW("Scaling Keys : ", Size)
animation.lst_scaling := parseArray(Size, graphics3d__XFile_parseScalingKey)
#DEBUGW(" Scalings read: ", *animation.lst_scaling)
} #1
- #DEBUGW("Position Keys: ", Size)
+ #DEBUGW("Position Keys: ", Size)
animation.lst_translation := parseArray(Size, graphics3d__XFile_parseScalingKey)
#DEBUGW(" positions read: ", *animation.lst_translation)
} # 2
- #DEBUGW(Size, "Matrix Keys")
+ #DEBUGW(Size, "Matrix Keys")
while (Size>0 ) do{
Size -:= 1
tempMatrix := MatrixKey()
- tempMatrix.the_time := parse_int()
- semicolon()
+ tempMatrix.the_time := parse_int()
+ semicolon()
if tempMatrix.the_time > maxKey then
- maxKey := tempMatrix.the_time
+ maxKey := tempMatrix.the_time
tempMatrix.matrix := Matrix4x4()
tempMatrix.matrix.set( parseArray(16, parse_real) )
- coma() | semicolon()
+ coma() | semicolon()
animation.addAnimationKey("matrix", tempMatrix)
} # 4
default: DEBUGW("Unknown Key Type", key_type, " ...")
- }
+ }
@@ -730,10 +730,10 @@ initially()
blockTable := table()
tempBoneTable := &null
X_TemplateID := set( "template" , "FrameTransformMatrix", "Frame",
- "XSkinMeshHeader", "MeshTextureCoords", "MeshMaterialList",
- "MeshNormals","Mesh", "Material", "SkinWeights", "TextureFilename",
- "AnimationSet", "AnimationKey", "Animation", "Header"
- )
+ "XSkinMeshHeader", "MeshTextureCoords", "MeshMaterialList",
+ "MeshNormals","Mesh", "Material", "SkinWeights", "TextureFilename",
+ "AnimationSet", "AnimationKey", "Animation", "Header"
+ )
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ end
procedure parseVertex()
local v
v := Vector3()
( v.x := parse_real(), semicolon() &
v.y := parse_real(), semicolon() &
v.z := parse_real(), semicolon()
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ procedure parseFace()
local face
face := Face()
# we are assuming that each face has exactly 3 vertices! skip next num
- ( parse_int(), semicolon() ) # unused num
+ ( parse_int(), semicolon() ) # unused num
( put( face.lst_vertex_index, parse_int_add_one()), coma() &
put( face.lst_vertex_index, parse_int_add_one()), coma() &
put( face.lst_vertex_index, parse_int_add_one()), semicolon()
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ procedure skip_whitespace() # and comments if they are there
if /ch then return
if ch =="/" then{
- tab(many(' \r\n\t'))
+ tab(many(' \r\n\t'))
From 6a8fe5a2f730cdb664834bb1425c3602e6a713ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:32:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/gui).
uni/gui/addressgui.icn | 14 +-
uni/gui/clipboard.icn | 6 +-
uni/gui/component.icn | 166 ++---
uni/gui/componentscrollarea.icn | 12 +-
uni/gui/dialog.icn | 94 +--
uni/gui/drawscrollarea.icn | 6 +-
uni/gui/editabletextlist.icn | 1092 +++++++++++++++---------------
uni/gui/image.icn | 46 +-
uni/gui/menubar.icn | 22 +-
uni/gui/messagebox.icn | 6 +-
uni/gui/panel.icn | 4 +-
uni/gui/printdlg.icn | 24 +-
uni/gui/scrollarea.icn | 14 +-
uni/gui/selectablescrollarea.icn | 32 +-
uni/gui/stddlg.icn | 304 ++++-----
uni/gui/textbutton.icn | 14 +-
uni/gui/textfield.icn | 28 +-
uni/gui/yesnodialog.icn | 4 +-
18 files changed, 944 insertions(+), 944 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/gui/addressgui.icn b/uni/gui/addressgui.icn
index fa17a6f1e..c49038ccc 100644
--- a/uni/gui/addressgui.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/addressgui.icn
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ procedure getLogin()
if f := open(getenv("HOME")||"/.abook_key") then {
read(f) ? {
- user := tab(upto(':'))
- move(1)
- pw := tab(upto(':')|0)
- }
- close(f)
- }
+ user := tab(upto(':'))
+ move(1)
+ pw := tab(upto(':')|0)
+ }
+ close(f)
+ }
else {
f := LoginDialog()
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ class AddressGui : Dialog(newAddress,helpButton,quitButton,addrListArea,miscText
m := MessageBox(helpMesg)
diff --git a/uni/gui/clipboard.icn b/uni/gui/clipboard.icn
index 4013b3985..5ea65c7b1 100644
--- a/uni/gui/clipboard.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/clipboard.icn
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ class Clipboard(content)
method set_content(o)
if \o then
if \ &window then
- WAttrib("selection=" || o)
+ WAttrib("selection=" || o)
- content := o
+ content := o
#write("set clipboard to " || image(o.get_value()))
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Clipboard(content)
method get_content()
if \ &window then return WAttrib("selection")
- return content
+ return content
diff --git a/uni/gui/component.icn b/uni/gui/component.icn
index 27b44f37a..cd0f3e145 100644
--- a/uni/gui/component.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/component.icn
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@ $include "guih.icn"
class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# x position as specified by {set_pos()}, eg "50%"
- #
+ #
# y position as specified by set_pos().
- # width specifier as specified in set_size(), eg "100%"
+ # width specifier as specified in set_size(), eg "100%"
- w_spec,
+ w_spec,
# height specifier as specified in set_size(),
- h_spec,
+ h_spec,
- # x alignment as specified in set_align(), eg "l".
+ # x alignment as specified in set_align(), eg "l".
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# Absolute y position.
- y, #
+ y, #
# Absolute width in pixels computed from w_spec and the
# dimensions of the enclosing object or window.
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# Flag indicating whether the {Component} currently is shaded;
# {&null} means it isn't.
- is_shaded_flag,
+ is_shaded_flag,
# A cloned window created by combining the Dialog's canvas
# with the Component's attributes, so drawing into this window
# will draw straight to the Dialog window with the correct
# attributes.
- cwin,
+ cwin,
# A cloned window created by combining a buffer window with
# the {Component's} attributes. This is used solely for
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# Tooltip string
- tooltip,
+ tooltip,
# Reference to enclosing {Component} object.
@@ -335,24 +335,24 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
} else if e === (&lrelease | &rrelease | &mrelease) then {
fire_icon_events_on_mouse(MOUSE_RELEASE_EVENT, e)
} else {
- #
- # Non-mouse events. By definition, these generate an ICON_EVENT.
- # If they are key presses, they generate a KEY_PRESS_EVENT.
- # If they are key releases, they generate a KEY_RELEASE_EVENT.
- # KEY_RELEASE_EVENTs do not occur unless input mask requests
- # them, and ivib does not yet know about KEY_RELEASE_EVENTs.
- # The other tricky part here is that in order for subcomponents
- # to get any events out of this, one has to visit children, which
- # is what the fire_..._on_mouse event does, as opposed to fire().
- #
- if (type(e)=="string") | (integer(e)>0) then {
- fire_icon_events_on_mouse(KEY_PRESS_EVENT, e)
- }
- else if integer(e) < -14 then {
- # -14 is the smallest built-in event, aka LASTEVENTCODE
- # need to think about whether this should be defined in guih.icn
- fire_icon_events_on_mouse(KEY_RELEASE_EVENT, e)
- }
+ #
+ # Non-mouse events. By definition, these generate an ICON_EVENT.
+ # If they are key presses, they generate a KEY_PRESS_EVENT.
+ # If they are key releases, they generate a KEY_RELEASE_EVENT.
+ # KEY_RELEASE_EVENTs do not occur unless input mask requests
+ # them, and ivib does not yet know about KEY_RELEASE_EVENTs.
+ # The other tricky part here is that in order for subcomponents
+ # to get any events out of this, one has to visit children, which
+ # is what the fire_..._on_mouse event does, as opposed to fire().
+ #
+ if (type(e)=="string") | (integer(e)>0) then {
+ fire_icon_events_on_mouse(KEY_PRESS_EVENT, e)
+ }
+ else if integer(e) < -14 then {
+ # -14 is the smallest built-in event, aka LASTEVENTCODE
+ # need to think about whether this should be defined in guih.icn
+ fire_icon_events_on_mouse(KEY_RELEASE_EVENT, e)
+ }
fire(ICON_EVENT, e)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
- # Set auto_refresh so that the component
+ # Set auto_refresh so that the component
# resize() itself on add()/remove()
method set_auto_refresh()
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
self.is_shaded_flag := &null
# Toggle whether or not to draw a border around the component.
# Different objects respond differently to this flag being
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# This draws, or re-draws, the component and all its children in the dialog
# window.
- # @param buffer_flag If this parameter is not null, then
+ # @param buffer_flag If this parameter is not null, then
# @ the component is displayed into the buffer window, not
# @ the dialog window (this is used for double-buffering purposes).
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# Set the alignment of the component. Options for
# {x_align} are ``l'', ``c'' and ``r'', for left, centre, and right
- # alignment. Options for {y_align} are ``t'', ``c'' and ``b'',
+ # alignment. Options for {y_align} are ``t'', ``c'' and ``b'',
# for top centre and bottom alignment. The default alignment is ``l'', ``t''.
# @param x_align The x alignment
@@ -641,35 +641,35 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
if /self.parent then
fatal("incorrect ancestry (parent null)")
if /self.cwin | /dont_force_new_win then {
- parent_dialog := parent.get_parent_dialog_reference()
- if cwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cwin_reference()] ||| attribs)) then {
- cbwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cbwin_reference()] ||| attribs))
- }
- else {
- # Clone failed, what to do? Try to drop a single
- # attribute, as that will identify which one is hurting us.
- every i := 1 to *attribs do {
- p := pop(attribs)
- if cwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cwin_reference()] ||| attribs)) then {
- write(&errout, "clone failed, had to discard attribute ", image(p))
- break
- }
- push(attribs, p)
- }
- if /cwin then {
- write(&errout, "clone failed, discarding attributes:")
- every write(&errout, "\t", ! attribs)
- cwin := Clone(parent.get_cwin_reference())
- if /cwin then fatal("multiple bad attributes")
- cbwin := Clone(parent.get_cbwin_reference())
- if /cbwin then fatal("bad cbwin, multiple bad attributes")
- }
- else {
- cbwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cbwin_reference()] ||| attribs))
- if /cbwin then fatal("bad cbwin, not sure why")
- }
- }
- }
+ parent_dialog := parent.get_parent_dialog_reference()
+ if cwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cwin_reference()] ||| attribs)) then {
+ cbwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cbwin_reference()] ||| attribs))
+ }
+ else {
+ # Clone failed, what to do? Try to drop a single
+ # attribute, as that will identify which one is hurting us.
+ every i := 1 to *attribs do {
+ p := pop(attribs)
+ if cwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cwin_reference()] ||| attribs)) then {
+ write(&errout, "clone failed, had to discard attribute ", image(p))
+ break
+ }
+ push(attribs, p)
+ }
+ if /cwin then {
+ write(&errout, "clone failed, discarding attributes:")
+ every write(&errout, "\t", ! attribs)
+ cwin := Clone(parent.get_cwin_reference())
+ if /cwin then fatal("multiple bad attributes")
+ cbwin := Clone(parent.get_cbwin_reference())
+ if /cbwin then fatal("bad cbwin, multiple bad attributes")
+ }
+ else {
+ cbwin := (Clone ! ([parent.get_cbwin_reference()] ||| attribs))
+ if /cbwin then fatal("bad cbwin, not sure why")
+ }
+ }
+ }
every (!self.children).init()
@@ -717,13 +717,13 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
# Parse a position specification into an absolute value.
# @param total The total value
- # @param s The size specifier
+ # @param s The size specifier
method parse_pos(total, s)
local pct, off
s ? {
if pct := 0.01 * integer(tab(upto('%'))) then {
- move(1)
+ move(1)
if ="-" then
off := -integer(tab(0)) | fail
else if ="+" then
@@ -885,10 +885,10 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
j := *self.children
while j>0 do {
if self.children[j]===c then fail # we have it.
- j-:=1
- }
- if /i | i=0 | i=*self.children then
+ j-:=1
+ }
+ if /i | i=0 | i=*self.children then
put(self.children, c)
insert(self.children, i, c)
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
if self.is_dialog_open() & \self.auto_refresh then{
- }
+ }
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
every i := 1 to *self.children do {
if self.children[i] === c then {
delete(self.children, i)
- if self.is_dialog_open() & \(self.auto_refresh) then
+ if self.is_dialog_open() & \(self.auto_refresh) then
@@ -1105,27 +1105,27 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
"pointer" : set_pointer(string_val(attr, val))
"allow_drop" :
if test_flag(attr, val) then
- set_allow_drop()
+ set_allow_drop()
"allow_drag" :
if test_flag(attr, val) then
- set_allow_drag()
+ set_allow_drag()
- "is_shaded" :
+ "is_shaded" :
if test_flag(attr, val) then
- set_is_shaded()
+ set_is_shaded()
- "draw_border" :
+ "draw_border" :
if test_flag(attr, val) then
- set_draw_border()
+ set_draw_border()
- "accepts_focus" :
+ "accepts_focus" :
if test_flag(attr, val) then
- set_accepts_focus()
+ set_accepts_focus()
"pos" : set_pos!string_vals(attr, val)
@@ -1145,13 +1145,13 @@ class Component : Object : SetFields : Connectable(
static attrib_set
initial {
attrib_set := set()
- every insert(attrib_set, "label" | "posx" | "pos" | "posy" | "resize" | "size" | "height" |
- "width" | "lines" | "columns" | "image" | "canvas" | "iconpos" | "iconlabel" |
- "iconimage" | "echo" | "cursor" | "x" | "y" | "row" | "col" | "pointer" |
- "pointerx" | "pointery" | "pointerrow" | "pointercol" | "display" | "depth" |
- "displayheight" | "displaywidth" | "fg" | "bg" | "reverse" | "drawop" | "gamma" |
- "font" | "fheight" | "fwidth" | "ascent" | "descent" | "leading" | "linewidth" |
- "linestyle" | "fillstyle" | "pattern" | "clipx" | "clipy" | "clipw" | "cliph" |
+ every insert(attrib_set, "label" | "posx" | "pos" | "posy" | "resize" | "size" | "height" |
+ "width" | "lines" | "columns" | "image" | "canvas" | "iconpos" | "iconlabel" |
+ "iconimage" | "echo" | "cursor" | "x" | "y" | "row" | "col" | "pointer" |
+ "pointerx" | "pointery" | "pointerrow" | "pointercol" | "display" | "depth" |
+ "displayheight" | "displaywidth" | "fg" | "bg" | "reverse" | "drawop" | "gamma" |
+ "font" | "fheight" | "fwidth" | "ascent" | "descent" | "leading" | "linewidth" |
+ "linestyle" | "fillstyle" | "pattern" | "clipx" | "clipy" | "clipw" | "cliph" |
"dx" | "dy" | "inputmask")
return member(attrib_set, s)
diff --git a/uni/gui/componentscrollarea.icn b/uni/gui/componentscrollarea.icn
index 3a873d13e..92264cbd4 100644
--- a/uni/gui/componentscrollarea.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/componentscrollarea.icn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ link graphics
$include "guih.icn"
-class ComponentScrollAreaView : Component(inner,
+class ComponentScrollAreaView : Component(inner,
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class ComponentScrollAreaView : Component(inner,
if \self.transparent then{
- }
+ }
W := if /buffer_flag then self.cwin else self.cbwin
EraseArea(temp_win, x, y, w, h)
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ class ComponentScrollAreaView : Component(inner,
method set_inner(inner)
self.inner := inner
inner.set_pos(0, 0)
- inner_w := integer(inner.w_spec) |
+ inner_w := integer(inner.w_spec) |
fatal("Inner component of ComponentScrollArea must have absolute width")
- inner_h := integer(inner.h_spec) |
+ inner_h := integer(inner.h_spec) |
fatal("Inner component of ComponentScrollArea must have absolute height")
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ComponentScrollAreaView : Component(inner,
-# This class allows an arbitrary Component to be placed within
+# This class allows an arbitrary Component to be placed within
# the ScrollArea. The component is set with the {set_inner()}
# method, and it must have an absolute size, ie not specified
# in percentage terms.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class ComponentScrollArea : ScrollArea()
method get_subject_width()
- return view.inner_w
+ return view.inner_w
method get_subject_height()
diff --git a/uni/gui/dialog.icn b/uni/gui/dialog.icn
index 04c8b31ae..a2b6a8b18 100644
--- a/uni/gui/dialog.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/dialog.icn
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ class Dialog : Component(
is_open, # Flag indicates whether window is open
- focus, # Component with current focus
+ focus, # Component with current focus
unique_flag, # Flag indicates whether in unique processing mode
re_process_flag, # Flag indicates whether to distribute last
# Icon event during unique mode
buffer_win, # Buffer window for double buffering
- min_width, # Minimum size of window.
- min_height, #
+ min_width, # Minimum size of window.
+ min_height, #
click_count, # Variables controlling multiple clicks
repeat_delay, # Repeat event delays
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
- tooltip_last_obj,
+ tooltip_last_obj,
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
- abs_pos_flag # set if set_pos() has been called
+ abs_pos_flag # set if set_pos() has been called
method invoke_validate()
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
- # Displays the dialog as a modeless dialog. This
+ # Displays the dialog as a modeless dialog. This
# means that window events are processed by this dialog
# and other open dialogs concurrently. The call to
# {show_modeless()} opens the dialog and returns immediately.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
method resize_win(w, h)
WAttrib(, "size=" || w || "," || h)
- Enqueue(, &resize)
+ Enqueue(, &resize)
method init()
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
# This empty method may be overridden to add components to the
# dialog. Alternatively, components may be added in the dialog's
- # {initially} method.
+ # {initially} method.
method component_setup()
@@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ class Dialog : Component(
# giving up and aborting the whole program.
if (not self.open_win()) &
- ((not match("font=",attribs[i:=1 to *\attribs])) |
- ((attribs[i] :=
+ ((not match("font=",attribs[i:=1 to *\attribs])) |
+ ((attribs[i] :=
"font=-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-100-100-100-c-60-iso8859-1") &
- (not self.open_win()))) then
- fatal("couldn't open/show window")
+ (not self.open_win()))) then
+ fatal("couldn't open/show window")
self.is_open := 1
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class Dialog : Component(
if \ (is_open) then
- self.close_win()
+ self.close_win()
self.is_open := &null
delete((\owning_dialog).child_dialogs, self)
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ $endif
if /self.unique_flag & /self.re_process_flag then {
- if /self.curr_drag then
+ if /self.curr_drag then
if \self.curr_drag then
@@ -451,15 +451,15 @@ $endif
if (e === ("\t" | Key_Right | Key_Down)) &
- ( /self.focus | not(self.focus.keeps(e))) then {
+ ( /self.focus | not(self.focus.keeps(e))) then {
if c := find_next_focus() then
self.set_focus(c, e)
- }
+ }
else if (e === (Shift_Tab | Key_Left | Key_Up)) &
- ( /self.focus | not(self.focus.keeps(e))) then {
+ ( /self.focus | not(self.focus.keeps(e))) then {
if c := find_previous_focus() then
self.set_focus(c, e)
- }
+ }
@@ -528,11 +528,11 @@ $endif
ww := WAttrib(, "width")
wh := WAttrib(, "height")
if not (cw := Clone(self.cwin, "bg=pale yellow", "font=sans,14", "fg=black")) then
- # try again with default font
- if not (cw := Clone(self.cwin, "bg=pale yellow", "fg=black")) then
- if not (cw := Clone(self.cwin, "bg=pale yellow", "fg=black",
- "font=-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-100-100-100-c-60-iso8859-1")) then
- fail
+ # try again with default font
+ if not (cw := Clone(self.cwin, "bg=pale yellow", "fg=black")) then
+ if not (cw := Clone(self.cwin, "bg=pale yellow", "fg=black",
+ "font=-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-100-100-100-c-60-iso8859-1")) then
+ fail
fh := WAttrib(cw, "fheight")
if find("\n", obj.tooltip) then multiline := 1
@@ -542,17 +542,17 @@ $endif
numlines := 1
tooltip_w := 0
obj.tooltip ? {
- while line := tab(find("\n")) do {
- put(lines, line)
- ="\n"
- numlines +:= 1
- tooltip_w <:= TextWidth(line) + 4
- }
- if line := tab(0) & *line > 0 then {
- put(lines, line)
- tooltip_w <:= TextWidth(line) + 4
- }
- }
+ while line := tab(find("\n")) do {
+ put(lines, line)
+ ="\n"
+ numlines +:= 1
+ tooltip_w <:= TextWidth(line) + 4
+ }
+ if line := tab(0) & *line > 0 then {
+ put(lines, line)
+ tooltip_w <:= TextWidth(line) + 4
+ }
+ }
tooltip_h := fh*numlines + 6
tooltip_x := x + 8
@@ -564,16 +564,16 @@ $endif
tooltip_y := 0 <= wh - tooltip_h
tooltip_win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=" ||
- tooltip_w || "," || tooltip_h)
+ tooltip_w || "," || tooltip_h)
CopyArea(cwin, tooltip_win, tooltip_x, tooltip_y, tooltip_w, tooltip_h,
- 0, 0)
+ 0, 0)
EraseRectangle(cw, tooltip_x, tooltip_y, tooltip_w, tooltip_h)
Rectangle(cw, tooltip_x, tooltip_y, tooltip_w, tooltip_h)
every i := 1 to *lines do {
- center_string(cw, tooltip_x + tooltip_w / 2,
- tooltip_y + 3 + fh * (i-1) + fh/2, lines[i], obj.accel)
- }
+ center_string(cw, tooltip_x + tooltip_w / 2,
+ tooltip_y + 3 + fh * (i-1) + fh/2, lines[i], obj.accel)
+ }
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ $endif
x1 := WAttrib(, "pointerx")
y1 := WAttrib(, "pointery")
every c := self.generate_components() do {
- if \c.tooltip & c.is_unhidden() & c.in_region(x1, y1) then
+ if \c.tooltip & c.is_unhidden() & c.in_region(x1, y1) then
return c
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ $endif
ps := find_pointer_component()
- if (ps ~=== self.pointer_component) |
+ if (ps ~=== self.pointer_component) |
((\ps).pointer ~== WAttrib(, "pointer")) then {
if \self.pointer_component then
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ $endif
(abs(&x - self.drag_gesture_x) > 3 |
abs(&y - self.drag_gesture_y) > 3 ) then {
# Try to begin a drag.
- self.curr_drag := self.invoke_can_drag(e)
+ self.curr_drag := self.invoke_can_drag(e)
self.tried_drag := 1
if \self.curr_drag then {
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ $endif
- # Process a resize
+ # Process a resize
# @p
method handle_resize(e)
local nw, nh
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ $endif
"repeat_rate" : set_repeat_rate(int_val(attr, val))
"min_size" : set_min_size!int_vals(attr, val)
- # For a dialog, interpret pos and size as Icon attributes, not set_pos
+ # For a dialog, interpret pos and size as Icon attributes, not set_pos
# and set_size method invocations.
"pos" | "size" : set_attribs(as_attrib(attr, val))
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ $endif
method compute_position()
local win,pp,px,py,pw,ph,dx,dy
- win := # just to save some typing later...
+ win := # just to save some typing later...
if \self.abs_pos_flag then { # compute position relative to screen
pw := WAttrib(win,"displaywidth")
ph := WAttrib(win,"displayheight")
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ $endif
self.y := parse_pos(ph, self.y_spec) |
fatal("invalid y position specification: "||image(self.y_spec))
- else { # compute position relative to parent window
+ else { # compute position relative to parent window
pp := WAttrib(win,"pos")
pp ? {
px := integer(1(tab(upto(",")),move(1)))
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ $endif
- # Change the expected location of the dialog relative to the
+ # Change the expected location of the dialog relative to the
# upper-left corner of the display. Position specifications
# can be given in either absolute pixels or as a percentages
# of total range. See comments for Component.set_pos()
diff --git a/uni/gui/drawscrollarea.icn b/uni/gui/drawscrollarea.icn
index 1d0e42eb8..e5bfd9122 100644
--- a/uni/gui/drawscrollarea.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/drawscrollarea.icn
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class DrawScrollAreaView : Component()
if /self.transparent then{
dwin := self.cbwin
EraseRectangle(dwin, x, y, w, h)
- }
- else{
+ }
+ else{
dwin := self.cwin
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class DrawScrollAreaView : Component()
Clip(parent.cwin, x, y, w, h)
parent.draw(parent.get_areax(), parent.get_areay(), x, y, w, h)
- }
+ }
if /buffer_flag & /self.transparent then
diff --git a/uni/gui/editabletextlist.icn b/uni/gui/editabletextlist.icn
index e94382513..c4b88c4b1 100644
--- a/uni/gui/editabletextlist.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/editabletextlist.icn
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class Keybindings(keymap)
method set_key(e,m,ems[])
repeat {
- keymap[e] := m
- if not (e := pop(ems) & m := pop(ems)) then break
- }
+ keymap[e] := m
+ if not (e := pop(ems) & m := pop(ems)) then break
+ }
# The original/default Unicon EditableTextList keybindings.
# Resets the keymap, in case other keys have been bound strangely.
@@ -140,18 +140,18 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method contents_changed()
if *self.contents = 0 then
- #
- # Must have somewhere for the cursor to go.
- #
- self.contents := [""]
+ #
+ # Must have somewhere for the cursor to go.
+ #
+ self.contents := [""]
if is_dialog_open() then {
- self.cursor_y >:= *self.contents
- self.cursor_x >:= *self.contents[self.cursor_y] + 1
- compute_and_invalidate()
- constrain_line()
+ self.cursor_y >:= *self.contents
+ self.cursor_x >:= *self.contents[self.cursor_y] + 1
+ compute_and_invalidate()
+ constrain_line()
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
dest := self.contents[n]
i := 1
while (i <= *dest) & (TextWidthEx(cwin, dest, 1, i, tab_width) < d) do
- i +:= 1
+ i +:= 1
self.cursor_x := i
self.cursor_y := n
@@ -187,36 +187,36 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
vi := get_view_list_index()
if vi < self.get_first_line() then {
- v := view_list[self.get_first_line()]
- self.cursor_y := v.index
- self.cursor_x := v.first
- }
+ v := view_list[self.get_first_line()]
+ self.cursor_y := v.index
+ self.cursor_x := v.first
+ }
else if vi >= self.get_first_line() + self.get_max_lines() then {
- v := view_list[self.get_first_line() + self.get_max_lines() - 1]
- self.cursor_y := v.index
- self.cursor_x := v.first
- }
+ v := view_list[self.get_first_line() + self.get_max_lines() - 1]
+ self.cursor_y := v.index
+ self.cursor_x := v.first
+ }
else {
- v := view_list[vi]
- }
+ v := view_list[vi]
+ }
s := v.str
i := TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width)
j := i + CharWidth(self.cwin, s[self.cursor_x - v.first + 1])
l := self.get_left_pos()
if self.view.x - l > i then {
- while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 < *s) &
- (TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) <
- view.x - l) do {
- cursor_x +:= 1
- }
- }
+ while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 < *s) &
+ (TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) <
+ view.x - l) do {
+ cursor_x +:= 1
+ }
+ }
else if self.view.x - l + self.view.w < j then {
- while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 > 1) &
- TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 2, tab_width) >
- view.x - l + view.w do {
- cursor_x -:= 1
- }
+ while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 > 1) &
+ TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 2, tab_width) >
+ view.x - l + view.w do {
+ cursor_x -:= 1
+ }
@@ -228,36 +228,36 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
local vi, v, s, i, j, l
if not (vi := get_view_list_index()) then {
- # serious error, what to do?
- fail
- }
+ # serious error, what to do?
+ fail
+ }
if \vi < self.get_first_line() then
- self.vsb.set_value(self.line_height * (\vi - 1))
+ self.vsb.set_value(self.line_height * (\vi - 1))
else if \vi > self.get_last_line() then
- self.vsb.set_value(self.line_height * (\vi - self.get_max_lines()))
+ self.vsb.set_value(self.line_height * (\vi - self.get_max_lines()))
if not ( v := view_list[\vi] ) then {
- # serious error, what to do?
- fail
- }
+ # serious error, what to do?
+ fail
+ }
s := (\v).str
i := TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width)
j := i + CharWidth(self.cwin, s[self.cursor_x - v.first + 1])
l := self.get_left_pos()
if \self.hsb then {
if self.view.x - l > \i then
- self.hsb.set_value(i)
+ self.hsb.set_value(i)
else if self.view.x - l + self.view.w < \j then
- self.hsb.set_value(j - self.view.w)
+ self.hsb.set_value(j - self.view.w)
method handle_cut(e)
if has_region() then {
- get_clipboard().set_content(get_region())
- delete_region(e)
+ get_clipboard().set_content(get_region())
+ delete_region(e)
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method handle_copy(e)
if has_region() then {
- get_clipboard().set_content(get_region())
+ get_clipboard().set_content(get_region())
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
# Apply the filter to the string to paste
s := ""
every c := !t do {
- if member(printable, c) then
- s ||:= c
+ if member(printable, c) then
+ s ||:= c
if *s = 0 then fail
return s
@@ -297,19 +297,19 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if s := get_pasteable_clipboard() then {
- ce := CompoundEdit()
- if has_region() then {
- ed := EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit(self)
- ed.redo()
- ce.add_edit(ed)
- }
- ed := EditableTextListPasteEdit(self, s)
- ed.redo()
- ce.add_edit(ed)
- ce.close()
- undo_manager.add_edit(ce)
- changed := 1
+ ce := CompoundEdit()
+ if has_region() then {
+ ed := EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit(self)
+ ed.redo()
+ ce.add_edit(ed)
+ }
+ ed := EditableTextListPasteEdit(self, s)
+ ed.redo()
+ ce.add_edit(ed)
+ ce.close()
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ce)
+ changed := 1
@@ -340,30 +340,30 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method end_handle(e)
local hr, moved
if \changed then {
- if (*view_list ~= old_view_list_size) |
- (old_mw ~= then {
- #
- # Contents changed. Re-compute all internal fields, ensure on
- # screen and re-display whole object.
- #
- self.set_internal_fields()
- self.constrain_line()
- self.invalidate()
- }
- else {
- self.constrain_line()
- self.refresh(1)
- }
- }
+ if (*view_list ~= old_view_list_size) |
+ (old_mw ~= then {
+ #
+ # Contents changed. Re-compute all internal fields, ensure on
+ # screen and re-display whole object.
+ #
+ self.set_internal_fields()
+ self.constrain_line()
+ self.invalidate()
+ }
+ else {
+ self.constrain_line()
+ self.refresh(1)
+ }
+ }
if (cursor_x ~= old_cursor_x) | (cursor_y ~= old_cursor_y) then {
- moved := 1
- if /changed then {
- self.constrain_line()
- self.refresh(1)
- }
+ moved := 1
+ if /changed then {
+ self.constrain_line()
+ self.refresh(1)
+ }
@@ -373,10 +373,10 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
hr := has_region()
if (/old_has_region & \hr) | (\old_has_region & /hr) |
- (\hr & (\moved | \changed)) then {
- self.invalidate()
- }
+ (\hr & (\moved | \changed)) then {
+ self.invalidate()
+ }
method handle_event(e)
@@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then
- handle_press(e)
+ handle_press(e)
else if e === (&ldrag | &rdrag | &mdrag) then
- handle_drag(e)
+ handle_drag(e)
else if e === (&lrelease | &rrelease | &mrelease) then
- handle_release(e)
+ handle_release(e)
else if \self.has_focus then {
- self.__m[\ (kmap.handle_key(e))](self,e)
+ self.__m[\ (kmap.handle_key(e))](self,e)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
l := (&y - self.view.y) / self.line_height
nlines := self.get_curr_lines()
if nlines = 0 then # there are no lines of text, hence no cursor
- fail
+ fail
l <:= 0
l >:= nlines - 1
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
i := 1
l := self.get_left_pos()
while (i < *s) & (TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, i + 1, tab_width) < &x - l) do
- i+:= 1
+ i+:= 1
self.cursor_x := v.first + i - 1
@@ -430,14 +430,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method handle_press(e)
if ((x <= &x < x + view.w + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND) &
- (y <= &y < y + view.h + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_Y_SURROUND)) then {
- #
- # Button down in region - move to cursor position.
- #
- set_cursor_from_pos()
- self.mark_y := self.cursor_y
- self.mark_x := self.cursor_x
- self.is_held := 1
+ (y <= &y < y + view.h + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_Y_SURROUND)) then {
+ #
+ # Button down in region - move to cursor position.
+ #
+ set_cursor_from_pos()
+ self.mark_y := self.cursor_y
+ self.mark_x := self.cursor_x
+ self.is_held := 1
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method handle_undo(e)
if undo_manager.can_undo() then {
- undo_manager.undo()
- changed := 1
+ undo_manager.undo()
+ changed := 1
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method handle_redo(e)
if undo_manager.can_redo() then {
- undo_manager.redo()
- changed := 1
+ undo_manager.redo()
+ changed := 1
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
&window :=
# cursor_x := cursor_y := 1
if TextDialog("String to seek: ",,findstr,1)=="Okay" then {
- parent_dialog.resize()
- if findstr ~===:= dialog_value[1] then
- findstring(findstr, 1, 1)
- else
- findstring(findstr, , cursor_x+1)
+ parent_dialog.resize()
+ if findstr ~===:= dialog_value[1] then
+ findstring(findstr, 1, 1)
+ else
+ findstring(findstr, , cursor_x+1)
first_x := (cursor_x-*dialog_value[1])
second_x := cursor_x
@@ -495,17 +495,17 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
i := startline
foundline := &null
while L[i] do {
- if j := find(s, L[i], startcol) then {
- foundline := i
- foundcol := j
- goto_line(i,1)
- cursor_x := j + *s
- constrain_line()
- refresh(1)
- return
- }
- i +:= 1
- startcol := 1
+ if j := find(s, L[i], startcol) then {
+ foundline := i
+ foundcol := j
+ goto_line(i,1)
+ cursor_x := j + *s
+ constrain_line()
+ refresh(1)
+ return
+ }
+ i +:= 1
+ startcol := 1
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
cursor_x := cn
- return
+ return
@@ -532,32 +532,32 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
method handle_find_next()
if \findstr then {
- findstring(findstr, cursor_y, cursor_x+1)
- handle_select_str(&null, (cursor_x-*findstr), cursor_x, cursor_y)
+ findstring(findstr, cursor_y, cursor_x+1)
+ handle_select_str(&null, (cursor_x-*findstr), cursor_x, cursor_y)
method handle_drag(e)
if \self.is_held then {
- if &y < self.y then
- direction := "up"
- else if &y >= self.y + self.view.h + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_Y_SURROUND then
- direction := "down"
- else if &x < self.x then
- direction := "left"
- else if &x >= self.x + self.view.w + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND then
- direction := "right"
- else
- direction := &null
- if /direction then {
- stop_ticker()
- set_cursor_from_pos()
- }
- else {
- is_ticking() | set_ticker(30)
- }
+ if &y < self.y then
+ direction := "up"
+ else if &y >= self.y + self.view.h + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_Y_SURROUND then
+ direction := "down"
+ else if &x < self.x then
+ direction := "left"
+ else if &x >= self.x + self.view.w + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND then
+ direction := "right"
+ else
+ direction := &null
+ if /direction then {
+ stop_ticker()
+ set_cursor_from_pos()
+ }
+ else {
+ is_ticking() | set_ticker(30)
+ }
@@ -568,67 +568,67 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
vi := get_view_list_index()
case self.direction of {
- "up" : {
- if vi > 1 then {
- v := view_list[vi - 1]
- self.cursor_y := v.index
- self.cursor_x := v.first
- }
- }
- "down" : {
- if vi < *view_list then {
- v := view_list[vi + 1]
- self.cursor_y := v.index
- self.cursor_x := v.first
- }
- }
- "left" : {
- v := view_list[vi]
- l := self.get_left_pos()
- s := v.str
- while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 > 1) &
- TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) >=
- view.x - l do {
- cursor_x -:= 1
- }
- }
- "right" : {
- v := view_list[vi]
- l := self.get_left_pos()
- s := v.str
- while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 < *s) &
- TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) <
- view.x - l + view.w do {
- cursor_x +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
+ "up" : {
+ if vi > 1 then {
+ v := view_list[vi - 1]
+ self.cursor_y := v.index
+ self.cursor_x := v.first
+ }
+ }
+ "down" : {
+ if vi < *view_list then {
+ v := view_list[vi + 1]
+ self.cursor_y := v.index
+ self.cursor_x := v.first
+ }
+ }
+ "left" : {
+ v := view_list[vi]
+ l := self.get_left_pos()
+ s := v.str
+ while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 > 1) &
+ TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) >=
+ view.x - l do {
+ cursor_x -:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ "right" : {
+ v := view_list[vi]
+ l := self.get_left_pos()
+ s := v.str
+ while (self.cursor_x - v.first + 1 < *s) &
+ TextWidthEx(cwin, s, 1, cursor_x - v.first + 1, tab_width) <
+ view.x - l + view.w do {
+ cursor_x +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
method handle_release(e)
if \is_held then {
- #
- # Mouse released after being held down. Clear flag. If there
- # is no region (mouse released where it was pressed), then clear
- # the mark. This prevents selecting when using the scrollbars
- # after release.
- #
- is_held := &null
- has_region() | clear_mark()
- stop_ticker()
+ #
+ # Mouse released after being held down. Clear flag. If there
+ # is no region (mouse released where it was pressed), then clear
+ # the mark. This prevents selecting when using the scrollbars
+ # after release.
+ #
+ is_held := &null
+ has_region() | clear_mark()
+ stop_ticker()
method keyboard_mark()
if &shift then {
- /mark_x := cursor_x
- /mark_y := cursor_y
- }
+ /mark_x := cursor_x
+ /mark_y := cursor_y
+ }
- clear_mark()
+ clear_mark()
method handle_start_of_line(e)
@@ -686,14 +686,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if self.cursor_x = 1 then {
- if self.cursor_y > 1 then {
- self.cursor_y -:= 1
- self.cursor_x := *self.contents[self.cursor_y] + 1
- }
- }
+ if self.cursor_y > 1 then {
+ self.cursor_y -:= 1
+ self.cursor_x := *self.contents[self.cursor_y] + 1
+ }
+ }
else {
- self.cursor_x -:= 1
- }
+ self.cursor_x -:= 1
+ }
@@ -701,14 +701,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if self.cursor_x = *self.contents[self.cursor_y] + 1 then {
- if self.cursor_y < *self.contents then {
- self.cursor_x := 1
- self.cursor_y +:= 1
- }
- }
+ if self.cursor_y < *self.contents then {
+ self.cursor_x := 1
+ self.cursor_y +:= 1
+ }
+ }
else {
- self.cursor_x +:= 1
- }
+ self.cursor_x +:= 1
+ }
@@ -717,9 +717,9 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if i := (\self.vsb).get_value() then {
- self.vsb.set_value(i - self.vsb.page_size)
- self.constrain_cursor()
- self.refresh()
+ self.vsb.set_value(i - self.vsb.page_size)
+ self.constrain_cursor()
+ self.refresh()
@@ -729,9 +729,9 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if i := (\self.vsb).get_value() then {
- self.vsb.set_value(i + self.vsb.page_size)
- self.constrain_cursor()
- self.refresh()
+ self.vsb.set_value(i + self.vsb.page_size)
+ self.constrain_cursor()
+ self.refresh()
@@ -740,10 +740,10 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
local ed
if (cursor_y < *self.contents) | (*self.contents[cursor_y] > 0) then {
- ed := EditableTextListDeleteLineEdit(self)
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- ed.redo()
- changed := 1
+ ed := EditableTextListDeleteLineEdit(self)
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ ed.redo()
+ changed := 1
@@ -753,20 +753,20 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
r := ""
if self.mark_y < self.cursor_y then {
- r := self.contents[self.mark_y][self.mark_x:0] || "\n"
- every r ||:= self.contents[self.mark_y + 1 to self.cursor_y - 1] || "\n"
- r ||:= self.contents[self.cursor_y][1:self.cursor_x]
+ r := self.contents[self.mark_y][self.mark_x:0] || "\n"
+ every r ||:= self.contents[self.mark_y + 1 to self.cursor_y - 1] || "\n"
+ r ||:= self.contents[self.cursor_y][1:self.cursor_x]
} else if self.mark_y > self.cursor_y then {
- r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0] || "\n"
- every r ||:= self.contents[self.cursor_y + 1 to self.mark_y - 1] || "\n"
- r ||:= self.contents[self.mark_y][1:self.mark_x]
+ r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0] || "\n"
+ every r ||:= self.contents[self.cursor_y + 1 to self.mark_y - 1] || "\n"
+ r ||:= self.contents[self.mark_y][1:self.mark_x]
} else {
- # mark_y = cursor_y
- if self.mark_x < self.cursor_x then {
- r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.mark_x:self.cursor_x]
- } else {
- r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:self.mark_x]
- }
+ # mark_y = cursor_y
+ if self.mark_x < self.cursor_x then {
+ r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.mark_x:self.cursor_x]
+ } else {
+ r := self.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:self.mark_x]
+ }
return r
@@ -784,14 +784,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if has_region() then {
- delete_region(e)
+ delete_region(e)
} else {
- if (self.cursor_x > 1) | (self.cursor_y > 1) then {
- ed := EditableTextListDeleteLeftEdit(self)
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- ed.redo()
- changed := 1
- }
+ if (self.cursor_x > 1) | (self.cursor_y > 1) then {
+ ed := EditableTextListDeleteLeftEdit(self)
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ ed.redo()
+ changed := 1
+ }
@@ -801,14 +801,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
if has_region() then {
- delete_region(e)
+ delete_region(e)
} else {
- if (self.cursor_x <= *contents[cursor_y]) | (self.cursor_y < *contents) then {
- ed := EditableTextListDeleteRightEdit(self)
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- ed.redo()
- changed := 1
- }
+ if (self.cursor_x <= *contents[cursor_y]) | (self.cursor_y < *contents) then {
+ ed := EditableTextListDeleteRightEdit(self)
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ ed.redo()
+ changed := 1
+ }
@@ -831,26 +831,26 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
# Add any printable character at cursor position
if type(e) == "string" & not(&control | &meta) & any(printable, e) then {
- if has_region() then {
- ed := EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit(self)
- ed.redo()
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- ed := EditableTextListDefaultEdit(self, e)
- ed.redo()
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- } else {
- ed := EditableTextListDefaultEdit(self, e)
- ed.redo()
- undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
- }
- changed := 1
+ if has_region() then {
+ ed := EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit(self)
+ ed.redo()
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ ed := EditableTextListDefaultEdit(self, e)
+ ed.redo()
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ } else {
+ ed := EditableTextListDefaultEdit(self, e)
+ ed.redo()
+ undo_manager.add_edit(ed)
+ }
+ changed := 1
method resize()
if \wrap_mode == "width" then
- clear_view_list()
+ clear_view_list()
@@ -862,13 +862,13 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
had_vsb := self.vsb
if /view_list then
- create_view_list()
+ create_view_list()
if \wrap_mode == "width" & had_vsb ~=== self.vsb then {
- create_view_list()
- set_internal_fields()
+ create_view_list()
+ set_internal_fields()
@@ -902,8 +902,8 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
# Write the lines
every i := first_line to last_line do {
- draw_line(xp, yp, i, dwin)
- yp +:= self.line_height
+ draw_line(xp, yp, i, dwin)
+ yp +:= self.line_height
@@ -917,74 +917,74 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
si := self.cursor_x - v.first + 1
if (v.index = \self.cursor_y) & (v.first <= \self.cursor_x <= v.last) then {
- if \self.has_focus then {
-# if s[si] ~== "\t" then
-# left_string(cw, xp + off, yp, s[si])
- CursorLine(dwin,
- xp + TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, si, self.tab_width),
- 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
- CharWidth(dwin, s[si]),
- self.line_height)
- }
+ if \self.has_focus then {
+# if s[si] ~== "\t" then
+# left_string(cw, xp + off, yp, s[si])
+ CursorLine(dwin,
+ xp + TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, si, self.tab_width),
+ 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
+ CharWidth(dwin, s[si]),
+ self.line_height)
+ }
if \self.mark_y then {
- if (self.mark_y < v.index < self.cursor_y) | (self.mark_y > v.index > self.cursor_y) then {
- # Whole line selected
- r := [v.first, v.last]
- } else if v.index = self.mark_y = self.cursor_y then {
- # Part of line
- if self.mark_x < self.cursor_x then {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, self.mark_x, self.cursor_x)
- }
- else if self.mark_x > self.cursor_x then {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1 , self.mark_x)
- do_r1 := 1
- }
- } else if v.index = self.mark_y then {
- if self.mark_y < self.cursor_y then {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, self.mark_x,
- *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
- } else {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.mark_x)
- }
- } else if v.index = self.cursor_y then {
- if self.mark_y > self.cursor_y then {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1,
- *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
- do_r1 := 1
- } else {
- r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.cursor_x)
- }
- }
- if \r then {
- if /do_r1 then r1:=r[1]
- else r1 := 1<=r[1]-1 | 1
- off1 := TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, r1 - v.first + 1,
- self.tab_width)
- off2 := TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, r[2] - v.first + 1,
- self.tab_width)
- fc := Fg(dwin)
- Fg(dwin, "blue")
- FillRectangle(dwin, xp + off1, 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
- off2 - off1, self.line_height)
- Fg(dwin, "white")
- left_string(dwin, xp+off1, yp, ds[r1:r[2]])
- Fg(dwin, fc)
- left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds[1:r1])
- left_string(dwin, xp+off2, yp, ds[r[2]:0])
- }
+ if (self.mark_y < v.index < self.cursor_y) | (self.mark_y > v.index > self.cursor_y) then {
+ # Whole line selected
+ r := [v.first, v.last]
+ } else if v.index = self.mark_y = self.cursor_y then {
+ # Part of line
+ if self.mark_x < self.cursor_x then {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, self.mark_x, self.cursor_x)
+ }
+ else if self.mark_x > self.cursor_x then {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1 , self.mark_x)
+ do_r1 := 1
+ }
+ } else if v.index = self.mark_y then {
+ if self.mark_y < self.cursor_y then {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, self.mark_x,
+ *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
+ } else {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.mark_x)
+ }
+ } else if v.index = self.cursor_y then {
+ if self.mark_y > self.cursor_y then {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1,
+ *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
+ do_r1 := 1
+ } else {
+ r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.cursor_x)
+ }
+ }
+ if \r then {
+ if /do_r1 then r1:=r[1]
+ else r1 := 1<=r[1]-1 | 1
+ off1 := TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, r1 - v.first + 1,
+ self.tab_width)
+ off2 := TextWidthEx(dwin, s, 1, r[2] - v.first + 1,
+ self.tab_width)
+ fc := Fg(dwin)
+ Fg(dwin, "blue")
+ FillRectangle(dwin, xp + off1, 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
+ off2 - off1, self.line_height)
+ Fg(dwin, "white")
+ left_string(dwin, xp+off1, yp, ds[r1:r[2]])
+ Fg(dwin, fc)
+ left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds[1:r1])
+ left_string(dwin, xp+off2, yp, ds[r[2]:0])
+ }
- left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds)
- }
+ left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds)
+ }
- left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds)
+ left_string(dwin, xp, yp, ds)
@@ -995,23 +995,23 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
# @p
method range(f1, t1, f2, t2)
if f1 < f2 then {
- if t1 >= f2 then {
- if t1 >= t2 then {
- return [f2, t2]
- }
- else {
- return [f2, t1]
- }
- }
+ if t1 >= f2 then {
+ if t1 >= t2 then {
+ return [f2, t2]
+ }
+ else {
+ return [f2, t1]
+ }
+ }
} else {
- if f1 <= t2 then {
- if t1 >= t2 then {
- return [f1, t2]
- }
- else {
- return [f1, t1]
- }
- }
+ if f1 <= t2 then {
+ if t1 >= t2 then {
+ return [f1, t2]
+ }
+ else {
+ return [f1, t1]
+ }
+ }
@@ -1047,14 +1047,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
j := *view_list
while i <= j do {
- mid := (i+j) / 2
- v := view_list[mid]
- if (v.index = y) & (v.first <= x <= v.last) then
- return mid
- if (v.index < y) | (v.index = y & v.last < x) then
- i := mid + 1
- else
- j := mid - 1
+ mid := (i+j) / 2
+ v := view_list[mid]
+ if (v.index = y) & (v.first <= x <= v.last) then
+ return mid
+ if (v.index < y) | (v.index = y & v.last < x) then
+ i := mid + 1
+ else
+ j := mid - 1
@@ -1066,14 +1066,14 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
view_list := []
every i := 1 to *self.contents do {
- pos := 1
- s := self.contents[i] || " "
- every j := line_splitter.split(s) do {
- p := s[pos:j]
- put(view_list, ViewLine(i, p, pos, j - 1,
- TextWidthEx(cwin, p,,, tab_width)))
- pos := j
- }
+ pos := 1
+ s := self.contents[i] || " "
+ every j := line_splitter.split(s) do {
+ p := s[pos:j]
+ put(view_list, ViewLine(i, p, pos, j - 1,
+ TextWidthEx(cwin, p,,, tab_width)))
+ pos := j
+ }
@@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
local v
long_line := view_list[1]
every v := !view_list do {
- if > then
- long_line := v
+ if > then
+ long_line := v
@@ -1113,38 +1113,38 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
vi := get_view_list_index(1, index)
while view_list[vi].index <= index + del - 1 do {
- if view_list[vi] === long_line then
- long_line := &null
- delete(view_list, vi)
+ if view_list[vi] === long_line then
+ long_line := &null
+ delete(view_list, vi)
if /long_line then
- find_long_line()
+ find_long_line()
every i := index to index + add - 1 do {
- pos := 1
- s := self.contents[i] || " "
- every j := line_splitter.split(s) do {
- p := s[pos:j]
- v := ViewLine(i, p, pos, j - 1, TextWidthEx(cwin, p,,, tab_width))
- if vi > *view_list then
- put(view_list, v)
- else
- insert(view_list, vi, v)
- if /long_line | ( > then
- long_line := v
- pos := j
- vi +:= 1
- }
+ pos := 1
+ s := self.contents[i] || " "
+ every j := line_splitter.split(s) do {
+ p := s[pos:j]
+ v := ViewLine(i, p, pos, j - 1, TextWidthEx(cwin, p,,, tab_width))
+ if vi > *view_list then
+ put(view_list, v)
+ else
+ insert(view_list, vi, v)
+ if /long_line | ( > then
+ long_line := v
+ pos := j
+ vi +:= 1
+ }
# Adjust index values
if del ~= add then
- every view_list[vi to *view_list].index +:= (add - del)
+ every view_list[vi to *view_list].index +:= (add - del)
@@ -1161,18 +1161,18 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
local wc
self.wrap_mode := s
if /s | s == ("" | "false" | "off" | "no") then
- line_splitter := DefaultLineSplitter(self)
+ line_splitter := DefaultLineSplitter(self)
else if wc := integer(s) then
- line_splitter := ColumnLineSplitter(self, wc)
+ line_splitter := ColumnLineSplitter(self, wc)
else if s == "width" then
- line_splitter := WidthLineSplitter(self)
+ line_splitter := WidthLineSplitter(self)
- field_error("Bad wrap mode:" || s)
+ field_error("Bad wrap mode:" || s)
if is_dialog_open() then {
- compute_and_invalidate()
- constrain_line()
+ compute_and_invalidate()
+ constrain_line()
@@ -1183,17 +1183,17 @@ class EditableTextList : LineBasedScrollArea(
self.tab_width := n
if is_dialog_open() then {
- compute_and_invalidate()
- constrain_line()
+ compute_and_invalidate()
+ constrain_line()
method set_one(attr, val)
case attr of {
- "wrap_mode": set_wrap_mode(string_val(attr, val))
- "tab_width": set_tab_width(int_val(attr, val))
- "contents" : set_contents(val)
- default: self.LineBasedScrollArea.set_one(attr, val)
+ "wrap_mode": set_wrap_mode(string_val(attr, val))
+ "tab_width": set_tab_width(int_val(attr, val))
+ "contents" : set_contents(val)
+ default: self.LineBasedScrollArea.set_one(attr, val)
@@ -1210,21 +1210,21 @@ initially(a[])
class ViewLine:Object(index,
- str,
- first,
- last,
- tw)
+ str,
+ first,
+ last,
+ tw)
method to_string()
return "ViewLine(" || index || "," || str || "," || first || "," || last || ")"
class EditableTextListEdit:UndoableEdit(parent,
- cursor_x,
- cursor_y,
- mark_x,
- mark_y
- )
+ cursor_x,
+ cursor_y,
+ mark_x,
+ mark_y
+ )
method redo()
@@ -1260,18 +1260,18 @@ end
class EditableTextListDefaultEdit:EditableTextListEdit(s)
method add_edit(other)
if is_instance(other, "gui::EditableTextListDefaultEdit") &
- (other.cursor_y = self.cursor_y) &
- (other.cursor_x = self.cursor_x + *s) then {
- s ||:= other.s
- return
+ (other.cursor_y = self.cursor_y) &
+ (other.cursor_x = self.cursor_x + *s) then {
+ s ||:= other.s
+ return
method redo_impl()
if parent.cursor_x = 1 then
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := s || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := s || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1] ||:= s
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1] ||:= s
parent.cursor_x +:= *s
parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
@@ -1296,12 +1296,12 @@ class EditableTextListReturnEdit:EditableTextListEdit()
parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 2)
if (\ (parent.mark_y) > parent.cursor_y) |
- (\ (parent.mark_y) = parent.cursor_y &
- \ (parent.mark_x) >= parent.cursor_x) then {
- # Mark was after insertion. Push the mark forward.
- parent.mark_y +:= 1
- parent.mark_x -:= (parent.cursor_x-1)
- }
+ (\ (parent.mark_y) = parent.cursor_y &
+ \ (parent.mark_x) >= parent.cursor_x) then {
+ # Mark was after insertion. Push the mark forward.
+ parent.mark_y +:= 1
+ parent.mark_x -:= (parent.cursor_x-1)
+ }
parent.cursor_y +:= 1
parent.cursor_x := 1
@@ -1320,15 +1320,15 @@ end
class EditableTextListDeleteRightEdit:EditableTextListEdit(ch)
method redo_impl()
if parent.cursor_x = *parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] + 1 then {
- # We know cursor_y < *contents from the handle method above.
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] ||:= parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1]
- parent.contents := parent.contents[1:parent.cursor_y + 1] ||| parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 2 : 0]
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 2, 1)
+ # We know cursor_y < *contents from the handle method above.
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] ||:= parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1]
+ parent.contents := parent.contents[1:parent.cursor_y + 1] ||| parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 2 : 0]
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 2, 1)
} else {
- # Cursor not at end of line
- ch := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x]
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x] := ""
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ # Cursor not at end of line
+ ch := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x]
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x] := ""
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
@@ -1336,16 +1336,16 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteRightEdit:EditableTextListEdit(ch)
method undo_impl()
local t
if /ch then {
- t := parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0]
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0] := ""
- insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y + 1, t)
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 2)
+ t := parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0]
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x:0] := ""
+ insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y + 1, t)
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 2)
} else {
- if self.cursor_x > *parent.contents[self.cursor_y] then
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y] ||:= ch
- else
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x] := ch || parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x]
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ if self.cursor_x > *parent.contents[self.cursor_y] then
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y] ||:= ch
+ else
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x] := ch || parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x]
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
@@ -1356,18 +1356,18 @@ end
class EditableTextListDeleteLeftEdit:EditableTextListEdit(ch, cut)
method redo_impl()
if parent.cursor_x = 1 then {
- # We know parent.cursor_y > 1 from the handle method
- cut := parent.cursor_x := *parent.contents[parent.cursor_y - 1] + 1
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y - 1] ||:= parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
- parent.contents := parent.contents[1:parent.cursor_y] ||| parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1 : 0]
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y - 1, 2, 1)
- parent.cursor_y -:= 1
+ # We know parent.cursor_y > 1 from the handle method
+ cut := parent.cursor_x := *parent.contents[parent.cursor_y - 1] + 1
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y - 1] ||:= parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
+ parent.contents := parent.contents[1:parent.cursor_y] ||| parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1 : 0]
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y - 1, 2, 1)
+ parent.cursor_y -:= 1
} else {
- # parent.cursor_x > 1
- ch := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1]
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1] := ""
- parent.cursor_x -:= 1
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ # parent.cursor_x > 1
+ ch := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1]
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x - 1] := ""
+ parent.cursor_x -:= 1
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
@@ -1375,16 +1375,16 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteLeftEdit:EditableTextListEdit(ch, cut)
method undo_impl()
local t
if /ch then {
- t := parent.contents[self.cursor_y - 1][cut:0]
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y - 1][cut:0] := ""
- insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y, t)
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y - 1, 1, 2)
+ t := parent.contents[self.cursor_y - 1][cut:0]
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y - 1][cut:0] := ""
+ insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y, t)
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y - 1, 1, 2)
} else {
- if self.cursor_x - 1 > *parent.contents[self.cursor_y] then
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y] ||:= ch
- else
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x - 1] := ch || parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x - 1]
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ if self.cursor_x - 1 > *parent.contents[self.cursor_y] then
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y] ||:= ch
+ else
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x - 1] := ch || parent.contents[self.cursor_y][self.cursor_x - 1]
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
@@ -1396,11 +1396,11 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteLineEdit:EditableTextListEdit(s)
method redo_impl()
s := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
if parent.cursor_y = *parent.contents then {
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := ""
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := ""
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 1)
} else {
- delete(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y)
- parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 0)
+ delete(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y)
+ parent.update_view_list(parent.cursor_y, 1, 0)
parent.cursor_x := 1
@@ -1408,11 +1408,11 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteLineEdit:EditableTextListEdit(s)
method undo_impl()
if self.cursor_y = *parent.contents then {
- parent.contents[self.cursor_y] := s
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
+ parent.contents[self.cursor_y] := s
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, 1)
} else {
- insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y, s)
- parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 0, 1)
+ insert(parent.contents, self.cursor_y, s)
+ parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 0, 1)
@@ -1424,33 +1424,33 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit:EditableTextListEdit(l, pos)
method redo_impl()
l := []
if parent.mark_y < parent.cursor_y then {
- pos := parent.mark_y
- put(l, parent.contents[parent.mark_y])
- parent.contents[parent.mark_y] := parent.contents[parent.mark_y][1:parent.mark_x] || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
- every parent.mark_y + 1 to parent.cursor_y do {
- put(l, parent.contents[parent.mark_y + 1])
- delete(parent.contents, parent.mark_y + 1)
- }
- parent.cursor_x := parent.mark_x
- parent.cursor_y := parent.mark_y
+ pos := parent.mark_y
+ put(l, parent.contents[parent.mark_y])
+ parent.contents[parent.mark_y] := parent.contents[parent.mark_y][1:parent.mark_x] || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
+ every parent.mark_y + 1 to parent.cursor_y do {
+ put(l, parent.contents[parent.mark_y + 1])
+ delete(parent.contents, parent.mark_y + 1)
+ }
+ parent.cursor_x := parent.mark_x
+ parent.cursor_y := parent.mark_y
} else if parent.mark_y > parent.cursor_y then {
- pos := parent.cursor_y
- put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y])
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || parent.contents[parent.mark_y][parent.mark_x:0]
- every parent.cursor_y + 1 to parent.mark_y do {
- put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1])
- delete(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y + 1)
- }
+ pos := parent.cursor_y
+ put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y])
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || parent.contents[parent.mark_y][parent.mark_x:0]
+ every parent.cursor_y + 1 to parent.mark_y do {
+ put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y + 1])
+ delete(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y + 1)
+ }
} else {
- # parent.mark_y = cursor_y
- pos := parent.cursor_y
- put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y])
- if parent.mark_x < parent.cursor_x then {
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.mark_x:parent.cursor_x] := ""
- parent.cursor_x := parent.mark_x
- } else {
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:parent.mark_x] := ""
- }
+ # parent.mark_y = cursor_y
+ pos := parent.cursor_y
+ put(l, parent.contents[parent.cursor_y])
+ if parent.mark_x < parent.cursor_x then {
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.mark_x:parent.cursor_x] := ""
+ parent.cursor_x := parent.mark_x
+ } else {
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:parent.mark_x] := ""
+ }
parent.update_view_list(pos, *l, 1)
@@ -1461,9 +1461,9 @@ class EditableTextListDeleteRegionEdit:EditableTextListEdit(l, pos)
n := *l
delete(parent.contents, pos)
if pos > *parent.contents then
- while put(parent.contents, pop(l))
+ while put(parent.contents, pop(l))
- while insert(parent.contents, pos, pull(l))
+ while insert(parent.contents, pos, pull(l))
parent.update_view_list(pos, 1, n)
@@ -1479,24 +1479,24 @@ class EditableTextListPasteEdit:EditableTextListEdit(s, pre, n)
pre := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y]
s ? repeat {
- t := tab(upto('\n') | 0)
- if any('\n') then {
- nl := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || t
- if parent.cursor_y = *parent.contents then
- put(parent.contents, nl)
- else
- insert(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y + 1, nl)
- n +:= 1
- parent.cursor_y +:= 1
- parent.cursor_x := 1
- move(1)
- }
- else {
- parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || t || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
- parent.cursor_x +:= *t
- break
- }
+ t := tab(upto('\n') | 0)
+ if any('\n') then {
+ nl := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || t
+ if parent.cursor_y = *parent.contents then
+ put(parent.contents, nl)
+ else
+ insert(parent.contents, parent.cursor_y + 1, nl)
+ n +:= 1
+ parent.cursor_y +:= 1
+ parent.cursor_x := 1
+ move(1)
+ }
+ else {
+ parent.contents[parent.cursor_y] := parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][1:parent.cursor_x] || t || parent.contents[parent.cursor_y][parent.cursor_x:0]
+ parent.cursor_x +:= *t
+ break
+ }
parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, 1, n + 1)
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ class EditableTextListPasteEdit:EditableTextListEdit(s, pre, n)
method undo_impl()
parent.contents[self.cursor_y] := pre
every 1 to n do
- delete(parent.contents, self.cursor_y + 1)
+ delete(parent.contents, self.cursor_y + 1)
parent.update_view_list(self.cursor_y, n + 1, 1)
@@ -1526,27 +1526,27 @@ class ColumnLineSplitter:LineSplitter(wrap_col)
ds := ""
s ? {
- while ch := move(1) do {
- ds ||:= ch
- if *detab(ds, parent.tab_width + 1) > wrap_col then {
- if *ds > 1 then {
- ds[-1] := ""
- move(-1)
- }
- if upto('\t ', ds) then {
- while any(~'\t ', ds[-1]) do {
- ds[-1] := ""
- move(-1)
- }
- }
- p := &pos
- suspend p
- ds := ""
- }
- }
- if p ~=== &pos then
- suspend .&pos
+ while ch := move(1) do {
+ ds ||:= ch
+ if *detab(ds, parent.tab_width + 1) > wrap_col then {
+ if *ds > 1 then {
+ ds[-1] := ""
+ move(-1)
+ }
+ if upto('\t ', ds) then {
+ while any(~'\t ', ds[-1]) do {
+ ds[-1] := ""
+ move(-1)
+ }
+ }
+ p := &pos
+ suspend p
+ ds := ""
+ }
+ }
+ if p ~=== &pos then
+ suspend .&pos
@@ -1566,36 +1566,36 @@ class WidthLineSplitter:LineSplitter()
local ch, ds, p, width
if \parent.draw_border_flag then {
- width := parent.w - 2 * parent.get_view_x_padding()
+ width := parent.w - 2 * parent.get_view_x_padding()
} else {
- width := parent.w
+ width := parent.w
if \parent.vsb then
- width -:= SB_SIZE
+ width -:= SB_SIZE
ds := ""
s ? {
- while ch := move(1) do {
- ds ||:= ch
- if TextWidthEx(parent.cwin, ds,,, parent.tab_width) > width then {
- if *ds > 1 then {
- ds[-1] := ""
- move(-1)
- }
- if upto('\t ', ds) then {
- while any(~'\t ', ds[-1]) do {
- ds[-1] := ""
- move(-1)
- }
- }
- p := &pos
- suspend p
- ds := ""
- }
- }
- if p ~=== &pos then
- suspend .&pos
+ while ch := move(1) do {
+ ds ||:= ch
+ if TextWidthEx(parent.cwin, ds,,, parent.tab_width) > width then {
+ if *ds > 1 then {
+ ds[-1] := ""
+ move(-1)
+ }
+ if upto('\t ', ds) then {
+ while any(~'\t ', ds[-1]) do {
+ ds[-1] := ""
+ move(-1)
+ }
+ }
+ p := &pos
+ suspend p
+ ds := ""
+ }
+ }
+ if p ~=== &pos then
+ suspend .&pos
diff --git a/uni/gui/image.icn b/uni/gui/image.icn
index 953b4c07f..414185c2f 100644
--- a/uni/gui/image.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/image.icn
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ global image_cache, zoom_cache
# set with {set_size()}.
class Image : Component(
- filename, #
- scale_up_flag, #
+ filename, #
+ scale_up_flag, #
- x_internal_alignment, #
+ x_internal_alignment, #
y_internal_alignment #
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ class Image : Component(
# If set, then the image will be scaled up to fit in the space
- # specified by {set_size()}. The image will not be distorted,
- # but will be expanded to fill one of the dimensions depending
- # on its shape. If the image is bigger than the specified size
+ # specified by {set_size()}. The image will not be distorted,
+ # but will be expanded to fill one of the dimensions depending
+ # on its shape. If the image is bigger than the specified size
# then it will always be scaled down.
method set_scale_up()
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Image : Component(
aspr, aspmax, zoom_w, zoom_h, yoff, xoff, zc
W := if /buffer_flag then self.cwin else self.cbwin
EraseRectangle(W, self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class Image : Component(
"b" : yoff := h1 - zoom_h
"c" : yoff := (h1 - zoom_h) / 2
default : fatal("incorrect y internal_alignment specifier: " ||
- image(self.y_internal_alignment))
+ image(self.y_internal_alignment))
case self.x_internal_alignment of {
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class Image : Component(
"r" : xoff := w1 - zoom_w
"c" : xoff := (w1 - zoom_w) / 2
default : fatal("incorrect x internal_alignment specifier: " ||
- image(self.x_internal_alignment))
+ image(self.x_internal_alignment))
zoom_w <:= 1
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ class Image : Component(
CopyArea(zc, W, , , , , x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff)
Zoom(imwin, W, 0, 0, img_w, img_h,
- x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff, zoom_w, zoom_h)
+ x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff, zoom_w, zoom_h)
else {
zc := WOpen("size=" || zoom_w || "," || zoom_h, "canvas=hidden") |
- fatal("Couldn't open temp window")
+ fatal("Couldn't open temp window")
Zoom(imwin, zc, 0, 0, img_w, img_h, 0, 0, zoom_w, zoom_h)
insert(zoom_cache, filename, zc)
CopyArea(zc, W, , , , , x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Image : Component(
if \self.draw_border_flag then
DrawRaisedRectangle(W, x1+xoff-BORDER_WIDTH, y1+yoff-BORDER_WIDTH,
- zoom_w + 2*BORDER_WIDTH, zoom_h + 2*BORDER_WIDTH)
+ zoom_w + 2*BORDER_WIDTH, zoom_h + 2*BORDER_WIDTH)
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ class Image : Component(
"internal_alignment" : {
- set_internal_alignment!string_vals(attr, val, 2)
- }
+ set_internal_alignment!string_vals(attr, val, 2)
+ }
default: self.Component.set_one(attr, val)
@@ -262,22 +262,22 @@ class TempImage : Image(basewidth, baseheight)
method display(buffer_flag)
if not member(image_cache, filename) then {
- insert(image_cache, filename, WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size="||basewidth||","||baseheight))
- }
+ insert(image_cache, filename, WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size="||basewidth||","||baseheight))
+ }
if match("width=", x := !a) then
- basewidth := integer(x[7:0]) else basewidth := 64
+ basewidth := integer(x[7:0]) else basewidth := 64
if match("height=", x := !a) then
- baseheight := integer(x[8:0]) else baseheight := 64
+ baseheight := integer(x[8:0]) else baseheight := 64
if match("size=", x := !a) then {
- x[6:0] ? {
- basewidth := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- =","
- baseheight := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
+ x[6:0] ? {
+ basewidth := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ =","
+ baseheight := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
diff --git a/uni/gui/menubar.icn b/uni/gui/menubar.icn
index f07b20f22..b03419e18 100644
--- a/uni/gui/menubar.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/menubar.icn
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# font specified.
class MenuBar : Component(
- which_highlight, #
+ which_highlight, #
which_open, #
menus #
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
every m := !menus do {
if m === \which_highlight then
DrawRaisedRectangle(cbwin, m.label_x, y + BORDER_WIDTH,
- m.label_mid_w, h - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH)
+ m.label_mid_w, h - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH)
left_string(cbwin, m.label_x + DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND, y + h / 2,
- m.get_label(), m.get_accel())
+ m.get_label(), m.get_accel())
if \m.is_shaded_flag then
FilterRectangle(cbwin, m.label_x, y + BORDER_WIDTH,
- m.label_mid_w, h - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH)
+ m.label_mid_w, h - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
if /self.which_highlight then
# Open t, possibly just toggling the partial_flag.
@@ -281,16 +281,16 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
- method handle_release(e)
+ method handle_release(e)
local t
if self.in_region() & \self.which_highlight then {
# Released with menu open. If not on a label then close
- if not(t := which_button()) then {
+ if not(t := which_button()) then {
- }
+ }
} else {
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
- } else
+ } else
# Drag with menu open, but not on a label, blank present menu leaving
# sub menus open
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
/self.x_spec := 0
- /self.y_spec := 0
+ /self.y_spec := 0
/self.w_spec := "100%"
/self.h_spec := WAttrib(self.cwin, "fheight") + 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_Y_SURROUND
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class MenuBar : Component(
px := self.x + BORDER_WIDTH
every m := !self.menus do {
- m.set_parent_component(self)
+ m.set_parent_component(self)
m.set_abs_coords(px, self.y + self.h)
m.set_label_pos(px, self.y + BORDER_WIDTH)
diff --git a/uni/gui/messagebox.icn b/uni/gui/messagebox.icn
index 9ee6d0ed4..c262b45fd 100644
--- a/uni/gui/messagebox.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/messagebox.icn
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class MessageBox : Dialog(okButton, messageArea, mesg, mFont, minArea, maxArea)
method setup()
# self.set_attribs("size=644,399") # or some such
messageArea := TextList()
messageArea.set_pos("15", "10")
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class MessageBox : Dialog(okButton, messageArea, mesg, mFont, minArea, maxArea)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ initially (message)
else {
if *message = 0 then
- message := ["This frame unintentionally","left blank."]
+ message := ["This frame unintentionally","left blank."]
mesg := message
diff --git a/uni/gui/panel.icn b/uni/gui/panel.icn
index fe351941d..9133e2024 100644
--- a/uni/gui/panel.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/panel.icn
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ class Panel : Component()
if /buffer_flag then
CopyArea(self.cbwin, self.cwin, self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.x, self.y)
- }
+ }
every (!self.children).display()
- }
+ }
diff --git a/uni/gui/printdlg.icn b/uni/gui/printdlg.icn
index f8e827a35..2177a33ab 100644
--- a/uni/gui/printdlg.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/printdlg.icn
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ end
# stddlg dialogs.
class pdialog : Dialog(printerInfo_tab_item, printer_tabset,
- lprlocation_col, lprname_col, lprstatus_col,
- cancel_btn, print_btn, printer_tbl,
- copies_lbl, copies_txt, copies_lbl_1, printcmd)
+ lprlocation_col, lprname_col, lprstatus_col,
+ cancel_btn, print_btn, printer_tbl,
+ copies_lbl, copies_txt, copies_lbl_1, printcmd)
method component_setup()
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class pdialog : Dialog(printerInfo_tab_item, printer_tabset,
printers_lst := [], name, loc, status, ln, prn, i, log1
printers_tbl := []
-$ifdef _UNIX
+$ifdef _UNIX
system("lpstat -v > prn1.txt")
system("lpstat -p > prn2.txt")
if log1 := open("prn1.txt", "r") then {
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ $ifdef _UNIX
loc := tab(0)
- else stop("death by prn: ", image(prn))
+ else stop("death by prn: ", image(prn))
name := name[12:0]
put(name_lst, name)
put(loc_lst, loc)
- remove("prn1.txt")
+ remove("prn1.txt")
if log1 := open("prn2.txt", "r") then {
while prn := read(log1) do {
@@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ $ifdef _UNIX
\(ln := tab(find(".")))
ln ? {
- status := tab(0)
+ status := tab(0)
- }
+ }
put(stat_lst, status)
- remove("prn2.txt")
- }
+ remove("prn2.txt")
+ }
every i := 1 to * name_lst do {
- printers_lst := [name_lst[i], loc_lst[i], stat_lst[i]]
+ printers_lst := [name_lst[i], loc_lst[i], stat_lst[i]]
put(printers_tbl, printers_lst)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $ifdef _UNIX
printer_tbl.set_contents([["Printing not enabled"], [""], [""]])
diff --git a/uni/gui/scrollarea.icn b/uni/gui/scrollarea.icn
index 99b1c7d1f..8519e66e9 100644
--- a/uni/gui/scrollarea.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/scrollarea.icn
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# requirement for the subclass.
class ScrollArea : Component(
- hsb, #
+ hsb, #
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
# For a scrollarea with a border, return the number of pixels
# between the left of the component and the view component.
- # Different subclasses may override this; by default it returns
+ # Different subclasses may override this; by default it returns
method get_view_x_padding()
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
# For a scrollarea with a border, return the number of pixels
# between the top of the component and the view component.
- # Different subclasses may override this; by default it returns
+ # Different subclasses may override this; by default it returns
method get_view_y_padding()
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
# @p
method set_internal_fields()
local line_count, subject_width, subject_height,
- max_th, max_tw, min_th, min_tw, need_vsb, need_hsb,
+ max_th, max_tw, min_th, min_tw, need_vsb, need_hsb,
new_vsb, new_hsb
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
view.set_pos(0, 0)
max_th := self.h
max_tw := self.w
- }
+ }
# Compute maximum width
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
# Initialize scroll bars.
if \self.vsb then {
- reset_height()
+ reset_height()
if view.h > 0 then
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class ScrollArea : Component(
} else
- }
+ }
if \self.hsb then {
if view.w > 0 then
diff --git a/uni/gui/selectablescrollarea.icn b/uni/gui/selectablescrollarea.icn
index f529bb02e..f402fd1c3 100644
--- a/uni/gui/selectablescrollarea.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/selectablescrollarea.icn
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# event handling and selection handling.
class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
- contents, #
- checked, #
- select_one, #
- select_many, #
- cursor,
+ contents, #
+ checked, #
+ select_one, #
+ select_many, #
+ cursor,
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
every i := 1 to *l do {
insert(self.contents, i + n - 1, l[i])
insert(self.checked, i + n - 1)
- }
+ }
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
local i
if i := (\self.hsb).get_value() then {
- self.hsb.set_value(i - self.hsb.increment_size)
+ self.hsb.set_value(i - self.hsb.increment_size)
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
local i
if i := (\self.hsb).get_value() then {
- self.hsb.set_value(i + self.hsb.increment_size)
+ self.hsb.set_value(i + self.hsb.increment_size)
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
if self.cursor ~= l then {
self.cursor := l
- }
+ }
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
(\self.vsb).set_value(self.vsb.get_value() - self.vsb.increment_size)
} else {
self.cursor := self.get_last_line() + 1
- self.cursor >:= *self.contents
+ self.cursor >:= *self.contents
(\self.vsb).set_value(self.vsb.get_value() + self.vsb.increment_size)
@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
# Clear flag, refresh, return event
if (e === (&lrelease|&rrelease|&mrelease)) &
- (\self.select_one | \self.select_many) &
- (get_line_under_pointer() = self.cursor) then {
+ (\self.select_one | \self.select_many) &
+ (get_line_under_pointer() = self.cursor) then {
l := get_selections()
if \self.select_many & (&shift | &control) then {
@@ -593,15 +593,15 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
self.checked[self.cursor] := 1
- else {
+ else {
self.checked := list(*self.contents)
self.checked[\self.cursor] := 1
if not lang::equals(get_selections(), l) then
selchange := 1
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ class SelectableScrollArea : LineBasedScrollArea(
- # This method is overridden by the subclass to draw the given
+ # This method is overridden by the subclass to draw the given
# line at the given position
# @param xp The left position it should be drawn at
# @param yp The y position it should be drawn at
diff --git a/uni/gui/stddlg.icn b/uni/gui/stddlg.icn
index 4d18ed0d2..98117b6ef 100644
--- a/uni/gui/stddlg.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/stddlg.icn
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ package gui
global dialog_value, dialog_button
-$define ButtonWidth 50 # minimum button width
-$define ButtonHeight 30 # button height
-$define FieldWidth 20 # default field width
-$define OpenWidth 50 # default field width for Open/SaveDialog
+$define ButtonWidth 50 # minimum button width
+$define ButtonHeight 30 # button height
+$define FieldWidth 20 # default field width
+$define OpenWidth 50 # default field width for Open/SaveDialog
-$define XOff 0 # offset for text vidgets
-$define XOffButton 85 # initial x offset for buttons
-$define XOffIncr 15 # space between buttons
+$define XOff 0 # offset for text vidgets
+$define XOffButton 85 # initial x offset for buttons
+$define XOffIncr 15 # space between buttons
# dialog used for selection, dialog_value should be one of choices, or &null
class sdialog : Dialog(captions, choices, dflt, buttons, index, choice_width)
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class sdialog : Dialog(captions, choices, dflt, buttons, index, choice_width)
self.set_attribs("size="||(220+choice_width)||"," || (32 * nlines))
every i := 1 to *captions do {
- cap := Label()
- cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
- cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
- cap.set_label(captions[i])
- self.add(cap)
- }
+ cap := Label()
+ cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
+ cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
+ cap.set_label(captions[i])
+ self.add(cap)
+ }
border_1 := Border()
border_1.set_pos("10", integer((i+1) * 100 / nlines) || "%-5")
@@ -53,27 +53,27 @@ class sdialog : Dialog(captions, choices, dflt, buttons, index, choice_width)
check_box_group_1 := CheckBoxGroup()
every i := 1 to *choices do {
- cb := CheckBox()
- cb.set_pos(10, integer(i*100/nlines) || "%")
- cb.set_toggles()
- check_box_group_1.add(cb)
- cb.set_label(choices[i])
- cb.connect(self, "on_selection", ACTION_EVENT)
- border_1.add(cb)
- }
+ cb := CheckBox()
+ cb.set_pos(10, integer(i*100/nlines) || "%")
+ cb.set_toggles()
+ check_box_group_1.add(cb)
+ cb.set_label(choices[i])
+ cb.connect(self, "on_selection", ACTION_EVENT)
+ border_1.add(cb)
+ }
every i := 1 to *buttons do {
- text_button_1 := TextButton()
- text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
- integer((*captions + *choices + 1)*100/nlines) ||
- "%" )
- text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
- text_button_1.clear_toggles()
- text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
- text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
- self.add(text_button_1)
- }
+ text_button_1 := TextButton()
+ text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
+ integer((*captions + *choices + 1)*100/nlines) ||
+ "%" )
+ text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
+ text_button_1.clear_toggles()
+ text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
+ text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
+ self.add(text_button_1)
+ }
method on_selection(ev)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class sdialog : Dialog(captions, choices, dflt, buttons, index, choice_width)
if ev.param === -12 then fail # do not trigger on mouse moves
dialog_button := buttons[1]
if ev.param === "\r" then
- dispose()
+ dispose()
initially(caps, chocs, dflt, btns, indx, chow)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, choice_width, maxb, lead, pad,
if type(choices) ~== "list" then choices := ([\choices] | [])
if type(buttons) ~== "list" then buttons := [buttons]
- default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
+ default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
default_width := FieldWidth
maxl := 0
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ end
# toggle dialog. myanswer should be a 1 for Okay or &null for cancel.
class tdialog : Dialog(captions, toggles, states, buttons, index, tognam_width,
- myanswer, cboxes)
+ myanswer, cboxes)
method component_setup()
@@ -182,34 +182,34 @@ cboxes := []
self.set_attribs("size="||(220+tognam_width)||"," || (32 * nlines))
every i := 1 to *captions do {
- cap := Label()
- cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
- cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
- cap.set_label(captions[i])
- self.add(cap)
- }
+ cap := Label()
+ cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
+ cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
+ cap.set_label(captions[i])
+ self.add(cap)
+ }
every i := 1 to *toggles do {
- cb := CheckBox()
- cb.set_pos(10, integer((*captions+i)*100/nlines) || "%")
- cb.set_toggles()
- if \ (states[i]) then cb.set_is_checked()
- cb.set_label(toggles[i])
- self.add(cb)
- put(cboxes, cb)
- }
+ cb := CheckBox()
+ cb.set_pos(10, integer((*captions+i)*100/nlines) || "%")
+ cb.set_toggles()
+ if \ (states[i]) then cb.set_is_checked()
+ cb.set_label(toggles[i])
+ self.add(cb)
+ put(cboxes, cb)
+ }
every i := 1 to *buttons do {
- text_button_1 := TextButton()
- text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
- integer((*captions + *toggles + 1)*100/nlines) ||
- "%" )
- text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
- text_button_1.clear_toggles()
- text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
- text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
- self.add(text_button_1)
- }
+ text_button_1 := TextButton()
+ text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
+ integer((*captions + *toggles + 1)*100/nlines) ||
+ "%" )
+ text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
+ text_button_1.clear_toggles()
+ text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
+ text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
+ self.add(text_button_1)
+ }
method on_button(ev)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ cboxes := []
if ev.param === -12 then fail # do not trigger on mouse moves
myanswer := buttons[1]
if ev.param === "\r" then
- dispose()
+ dispose()
initially(caps, togs, stats, btns, indx, togw)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, tognam_width, maxb, lead, pad,
if type(states) ~== "list" then states := ([\states] | [])
if type(buttons) ~== "list" then buttons := [buttons]
- default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
+ default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
default_width := FieldWidth
maxl := 0
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, tognam_width, maxb, lead, pad,
class vdialog : Dialog(captions, labels, buttons, textfields,
- defaults, myanswer, label_width,
- myanswer)
+ defaults, myanswer, label_width,
+ myanswer)
method component_setup()
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ class vdialog : Dialog(captions, labels, buttons, textfields,
maxw <:= 220+label_width
self.resize_win(maxw, (32 * (*captions + *labels +2)))
if textfields[1] then {
- Enqueue(\win, &lpress, textfields[1].x+2, textfields[1].y+2)
- }
+ Enqueue(\win, &lpress, textfields[1].x+2, textfields[1].y+2)
+ }
method setup()
@@ -325,51 +325,51 @@ class vdialog : Dialog(captions, labels, buttons, textfields,
self.set_attribs("size="||(220+label_width)||"," || (32 * nlines))
every i := 1 to *captions do {
- cap := Label()
- cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
- cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
- cap.set_label(captions[i])
- self.add(cap)
- }
+ cap := Label()
+ cap.set_pos("20", integer(i *100 / nlines)|| "%-5")
+ cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
+ cap.set_label(captions[i])
+ self.add(cap)
+ }
every i := 1 to *labels do {
- label_2 := Label()
- label_2.set_pos(20, integer((*captions + i)*100/nlines) || "%")
- label_2.set_internal_alignment("l")
- label_2.set_label(labels[i])
- self.add(label_2)
- }
+ label_2 := Label()
+ label_2.set_pos(20, integer((*captions + i)*100/nlines) || "%")
+ label_2.set_internal_alignment("l")
+ label_2.set_label(labels[i])
+ self.add(label_2)
+ }
every i := 1 to *labels do {
- text_field_1 := TextField()
- text_field_1.set_pos(20+label_width,
- integer((*captions + i)*100/nlines) || "%-10")
- text_field_1.set_size(180, 30)
- text_field_1.set_contents((\defaults)[i])
- text_field_1.set_draw_border()
+ text_field_1 := TextField()
+ text_field_1.set_pos(20+label_width,
+ integer((*captions + i)*100/nlines) || "%-10")
+ text_field_1.set_size(180, 30)
+ text_field_1.set_contents((\defaults)[i])
+ text_field_1.set_draw_border()
if \dialogFor == "find" then
- text_field_1.set_contents(findstr)
+ text_field_1.set_contents(findstr)
else if \dialogFor == "goto" then
- text_field_1.set_contents(gotoln)
+ text_field_1.set_contents(gotoln)
else if \dialogFor == "compile" then
- text_field_1.set_contents(targs)
+ text_field_1.set_contents(targs)
else if \dialogFor == "run" then
- text_field_1.set_contents(xargs)
+ text_field_1.set_contents(xargs)
else text_field_1.set_contents("")
- text_field_1.connect(self, "on_keypress", ACTION_EVENT)
+ text_field_1.connect(self, "on_keypress", ACTION_EVENT)
- self.add(text_field_1)
- put(textfields, text_field_1)
- }
+ self.add(text_field_1)
+ put(textfields, text_field_1)
+ }
every i := 1 to *buttons do {
- text_button_1 := TextButton()
- text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
- integer((*captions + *labels + 1)*100/nlines) ||
- "%" )
- text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
- text_button_1.clear_toggles()
- text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
- text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
- self.add(text_button_1)
- }
+ text_button_1 := TextButton()
+ text_button_1.set_pos( integer(i * 100 / (*buttons+1)) || "%-20",
+ integer((*captions + *labels + 1)*100/nlines) ||
+ "%" )
+ text_button_1.connect(self, "on_button", ACTION_EVENT)
+ text_button_1.clear_toggles()
+ text_button_1.set_label(buttons[i])
+ text_button_1.set_internal_alignment("c")
+ self.add(text_button_1)
+ }
method on_button(ev)
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class vdialog : Dialog(captions, labels, buttons, textfields,
if ev.param === -12 then fail # do not trigger on mouse moves
myanswer := buttons[1]
if ev.param === "\r" then
- dispose()
+ dispose()
initially(caps, labs, btns, dflts, labwid)
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ initially(caps, labs, btns, dflts, labwid)
-procedure TextDialog( #: text dialog
+procedure TextDialog( #: text dialog
win, captions, labels, defaults, widths, buttons, index
local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, label_width, maxb, lead, pad,
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, label_width, maxb, lead, pad,
if type(widths) ~== "list" then widths := ([\widths] | [default_width])
if type(buttons) ~== "list" then buttons := [buttons]
- default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
+ default_button := buttons[index] # null if out of bounds
default_width := widths[-1] | FieldWidth
maxl := 0
@@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ local default_width, default_button, maxl, id, label_width, maxb, lead, pad,
return dialog_button
-procedure Notice(captions[]) #: notice dialog
+procedure Notice(captions[]) #: notice dialog
local win, temp_win, p
static type
- initial type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive name
+ initial type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive name
if type(captions[1]) == "window" then
win := get(captions)
@@ -510,12 +510,12 @@ class ColourRectangle : Component(r, g, b)
method set_hsv(h, s, v)
dialog_value := HSVValue(h||"/"||s||"/"||v) | stop("no HSVValue")
dialog_value ? {
- self.r := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- =","
- self.g := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- =","
- self.b := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
+ self.r := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ =","
+ self.g := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ =","
+ self.b := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
@@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ class ColourRectangle : Component(r, g, b)
class cdialog : Dialog(captions, refcolor, callback, value,
- s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, # RBG, then HSV
- b1, cr, lab, myanswer)
+ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, # RBG, then HSV
+ b1, cr, lab, myanswer)
method init_dialog()
local maxw := 0
every maxw <:= TextWidth(win, !captions)
@@ -555,16 +555,16 @@ if ev.source === (s1 | s2 | s3) then {
# set s4, s5, s6
hsv := HSV(r||","||g||","||b)
hsv ? {
- h := tab(many(&digits))
- ="/"
- s := tab(many(&digits))
- ="/"
- v := tab(many(&digits))
- s4.set_value(h)
- s5.set_value(s)
- s6.set_value(v)
- invalidate()
- }
+ h := tab(many(&digits))
+ ="/"
+ s := tab(many(&digits))
+ ="/"
+ v := tab(many(&digits))
+ s4.set_value(h)
+ s5.set_value(s)
+ s6.set_value(v)
+ invalidate()
+ }
else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
cr.set_hsv((h:=s4.get_value()), (s:=s5.get_value()), (v:=s6.get_value()))
@@ -572,16 +572,16 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
# set s1, s2, s3
rgb := HSVValue(h||"/"||s||"/"||v)
rgb ? {
- r := tab(many(&digits))
- =","
- g := tab(many(&digits))
- =","
- b := tab(many(&digits))
- s1.set_value(r)
- s2.set_value(g)
- s3.set_value(b)
- invalidate()
- }
+ r := tab(many(&digits))
+ =","
+ g := tab(many(&digits))
+ =","
+ b := tab(many(&digits))
+ s1.set_value(r)
+ s2.set_value(g)
+ s3.set_value(b)
+ invalidate()
+ }
lab.set_label("(" || s1.get_value() || ", " || s2.get_value() || ", " || s3.get_value() || ")")
@@ -594,15 +594,15 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
every i := 1 to *captions do {
- cap := Label()
- cap.set_pos("20", string(i * 32))
- cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
- cap.set_label(captions[i])
- self.add(cap)
- }
+ cap := Label()
+ cap.set_pos("20", string(i * 32))
+ cap.set_internal_alignment("l")
+ cap.set_label(captions[i])
+ self.add(cap)
+ }
s1 := Slider()
- s1.set_pos("40", "50%")
+ s1.set_pos("40", "50%")
s1.set_align("c", "c")
s1.set_size(, "50%")
s1.set_range(0, 65535)
@@ -611,9 +611,9 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
s1.connect(self, "on_slider")
s2 := Slider()
- s2.set_pos("80", "50%")
+ s2.set_pos("80", "50%")
s2.set_align("c", "c")
s2.set_size(, "50%")
s2.set_range(0, 65535)
@@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
s2.connect(self, "on_slider")
s3 := Slider()
- s3.set_pos("120", "50%")
+ s3.set_pos("120", "50%")
s3.set_align("c", "c")
s3.set_size(, "50%")
s3.set_range(0, 65535)
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
s4 := Slider()
- s4.set_pos("300", "50%")
+ s4.set_pos("300", "50%")
s4.set_align("c", "c")
s4.set_size(, "50%")
s4.set_range(0, 360)
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
s4.connect(self, "on_slider")
s5 := Slider()
- s5.set_pos("340", "50%")
+ s5.set_pos("340", "50%")
s5.set_align("c", "c")
s5.set_size(, "50%")
s5.set_range(0, 100)
@@ -655,9 +655,9 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
s5.connect(self, "on_slider")
s6 := Slider()
- s6.set_pos("380", "50%")
+ s6.set_pos("380", "50%")
s6.set_align("c", "c")
s6.set_size(, "50%")
s6.set_range(0, 100)
@@ -668,9 +668,9 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
cr := ColourRectangle()
- cr.set_pos("200", "50%")
+ cr.set_pos("200", "50%")
cr.set_align("c", "c")
- cr.set_size(70, 70)
+ cr.set_size(70, 70)
cr.set_colours(0, 0, 0)
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ else if ev.source === (s4 | s5 | s6) then {
lab.set_pos(200, "50%-90")
lab.set_align("c", "c")
b1 := TextButton()
b1.set_pos("35%", "88%")
diff --git a/uni/gui/textbutton.icn b/uni/gui/textbutton.icn
index 166b5d337..0eeb14c40 100644
--- a/uni/gui/textbutton.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/textbutton.icn
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# be left to default to a size based on the given label.
class TextButton : Button(
- internal_alignment, #
- tx, #
+ internal_alignment, #
+ tx, #
tw #
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ class TextButton : Button(
if /self.transparent then{
EraseRectangle(self.cbwin, self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
- dwin := self.cbwin
- }
+ dwin := self.cbwin
+ }
- dwin := self.cwin
+ dwin := self.cwin
case self.internal_alignment of {
"c" : center_string(dwin, self.tx + / 2, yoff, self.label, self.accel)
"l" : left_string(dwin, self.tx, yoff, self.label, self.accel)
"r" : right_string(dwin, self.tx +, yoff, self.label, self.accel)
default : fatal("incorrect internal_alignment specifier: " || image(self.internal_alignment))
- }
+ }
if /self.no_keyboard_flag & \self.has_focus then {
DashedRectangle(dwin, self.x + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, self.y + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, self.w - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH - 2, self.h - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH - 2)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TextButton : Button(
self.tx := self.x + DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND := self.w - 2 * DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND
method set_one(attr, val)
case attr of {
"internal_alignment" : set_internal_alignment(string_val(attr, val))
diff --git a/uni/gui/textfield.icn b/uni/gui/textfield.icn
index 41c033f02..6bfb056fe 100644
--- a/uni/gui/textfield.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/textfield.icn
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ class TextField : Component(
# Clear rectangle, set s to string to display
EraseRectangle(dwin, self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
- }
+ }
dwin := self.cwin
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ class TextField : Component(
mp := cp + 1
} else {
np := cp
- np >:= (*view_str + 1)
+ np >:= (*view_str + 1)
if mark > cursor then
@@ -574,28 +574,28 @@ class TextField : Component(
mp2 := mp
- if (off1 := TextWidth(self.cwin, view_str[1:mp2 ])) &
- (off2 := TextWidth(self.cwin, view_str[1:np])) then {
+ if (off1 := TextWidth(self.cwin, view_str[1:mp2 ])) &
+ (off2 := TextWidth(self.cwin, view_str[1:np])) then {
- left_string(dwin, self.tx, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[1:mp])
+ left_string(dwin, self.tx, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[1:mp])
- cw := Clone(dwin, "fg=blue")
- FillRectangle(cw, self.tx + off1,
+ cw := Clone(dwin, "fg=blue")
+ FillRectangle(cw, self.tx + off1,
1 + self.y + (self.h - fh) / 2,
off2 - off1, fh)
- WAttrib(cw, "fg=white")
- left_string(cw, self.tx+off1, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[mp2:np])
- Uncouple(cw)
+ WAttrib(cw, "fg=white")
+ left_string(cw, self.tx+off1, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[mp2:np])
+ Uncouple(cw)
- left_string(dwin, self.tx+off2, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[np:0])
- nocursor := 1
+ left_string(dwin, self.tx+off2, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str[np:0])
+ nocursor := 1
- #
- # Display view_str centred vertically in box
+ #
+ # Display view_str centred vertically in box
left_string(dwin, self.tx, self.y + self.h / 2 , view_str)
diff --git a/uni/gui/yesnodialog.icn b/uni/gui/yesnodialog.icn
index a9995dee3..da28aa3f9 100644
--- a/uni/gui/yesnodialog.icn
+++ b/uni/gui/yesnodialog.icn
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ class YesNoDialog : Dialog(yesButton, noButton, messageArea, mesg, mFont, minAre
/message := "Yes or No?"
if type(message) == "string" then {
mesg := stringToList(message)
- }
+ }
else {
if *message = 0 then message := ["Yes or No?"]
mesg := message
- }
+ }
From 46775137abfd4251283aeb200d4ecbde0b71aa90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 12:37:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/ide).
uni/ide/buffertabitem.icn | 46 +-
uni/ide/buffertabset.icn | 4 +-
uni/ide/buffertextlist.icn | 396 ++++++++--------
uni/ide/classbrowser.icn | 220 ++++-----
uni/ide/configopt.icn | 6 +-
uni/ide/funclookup.icn | 400 ++++++++--------
uni/ide/hfiledialog.icn | 54 +--
uni/ide/ide.icn | 844 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
uni/ide/ivib/attribtab.icn | 38 +-
uni/ide/ivib/canvas.icn | 182 +++----
uni/ide/ivib/code.icn | 48 +-
uni/ide/ivib/icon/xpmtoims.icn | 12 +-
uni/ide/ivib/main.icn | 96 ++--
uni/ide/ivib/version.icn | 24 +-
uni/ide/mainbar.icn | 566 +++++++++++-----------
uni/ide/matchparen.icn | 18 +-
uni/ide/modified.icn | 18 +-
uni/ide/online.icn | 14 +-
uni/ide/preferences.icn | 80 ++--
uni/ide/ptyDispatcher.icn | 24 +-
uni/ide/qu_replace.icn | 26 +-
uni/ide/shelletl.icn | 194 ++++----
uni/ide/ui.icn | 124 ++---
uni/ide/uproject.icn | 44 +-
uni/ide/utags.icn | 76 +--
uni/ide/verifymake.icn | 12 +-
uni/ide/wu.icn | 822 ++++++++++++++++----------------
27 files changed, 2194 insertions(+), 2194 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/ide/buffertabitem.icn b/uni/ide/buffertabitem.icn
index 2e0d1f122..db74eabe5 100644
--- a/uni/ide/buffertabitem.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/buffertabitem.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: buffertabitem.icn
+# File: buffertabitem.icn
-# Subject: SubClass TabItem
+# Subject: SubClass TabItem
-# Author: Nolan Clayton
+# Author: Nolan Clayton
-# Date: May 26, 2004
+# Date: May 26, 2004
@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ $include "guih.icn"
import gui
-# class BufferTabItem: Overide Display method and add an extra attribute.
+# class BufferTabItem: Overide Display method and add an extra attribute.
class BufferTabItem : TabItem (
filename, # The Complete filename of the TabItem (c:\Unicon ....).
filedirectory # Absolute Path to file
method setfilename(x)
set_label(if \x then file_name (x) else " ")
return filename := x
method get_label()
return label
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class BufferTabItem : TabItem (
method set_label(x)
return label := x
method getfilename()
return filename
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ class BufferTabItem : TabItem (
method display_tab()
local xpw, pslh, updown, ypos, cw
ypos := (line_no - 1) * parent.line_h + parent.y
cw := Clone(parent.cbwin)
xpw := label_x + label_w
pslh := parent.line_h
Fg(cw, "black") #"greyish white")
DrawLine(cw, xpw - 1, ypos, xpw - 1, ypos + pslh - 1)
DrawLine(cw, xpw - 2, ypos + 1, xpw - 2, ypos + pslh - 2)
DrawLine(cw, label_x, ypos + pslh - 1, label_x, ypos, xpw - 1, ypos)
Fg(cw, "white")
DrawLine(cw, label_x + 1, ypos + pslh - 2,
- label_x + 1, ypos + 1, xpw - 2, ypos + 1)
+ label_x + 1, ypos + 1, xpw - 2, ypos + 1)
@@ -66,28 +66,28 @@ class BufferTabItem : TabItem (
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "white")
FillRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x, ypos + 2 + (pslh - 2) / 2,
- label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 2)
+ label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 2)
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "pale greyish white")
FillRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x, ypos + 2 + (pslh - 2) / 2,
- label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 4)
+ label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 4)
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "light greyish white")
FillRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x, ypos + 2,
- label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) /2 )
+ label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) /2 )
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "greyish white")
FillRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x, ypos + 2,
- label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 4)
+ label_w - 2, (pslh - 2) / 4)
updown := -1
if parent.which_one === self then updown := 1
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "pale grey")
BevelRoundedRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x + DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND -1,
- ypos-6 + pslh / 2, TextWidth(parent.cbwin, label),
- 3 + (pslh - 2) / 2, updown)
+ ypos-6 + pslh / 2, TextWidth(parent.cbwin, label),
+ 3 + (pslh - 2) / 2, updown)
Fg(\ (parent.cbwin), "black")
left_string(parent.cbwin, label_x + DEFAULT_TEXT_X_SURROUND,
- ypos + pslh / 2, label)
+ ypos + pslh / 2, label)
if is_shaded() then
FilterRectangle(parent.cbwin, label_x, ypos + 2, label_w - 2, pslh-1)
@@ -102,18 +102,18 @@ end
# Bevel Rounded Rectangle Proc: Draw a Beveled Rounded Rectangle
# to be used for a TabItem.
-procedure BevelRoundedRectangle(win, x, y, w, h, bw)
- local b, upper, lower, xx, yy, r, a, cx, cy, cw, cr, oldfg1, oldfg2
+procedure BevelRoundedRectangle(win, x, y, w, h, bw)
+ local b, upper, lower, xx, yy, r, a, cx, cy, cw, cr, oldfg1, oldfg2
static type
- initial type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive name
+ initial type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive name
if bw >= 0 then {
FillRectangle(win,x, y, w, h)
FillCircle(win,x, y + (h/2), h/2 -1)
FillCircle(win,x +w , y + (h/2), h/2 -1)
if type(win) ~== "window" then
return BevelRectangle((\&window | runerr(140)), win, x, y, w, h)
b := bev_lookup(win)
diff --git a/uni/ide/buffertabset.icn b/uni/ide/buffertabset.icn
index 595c65a85..4d369d06d 100644
--- a/uni/ide/buffertabset.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/buffertabset.icn
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ class BufferTabSet : TabSet()
if /last_on_a_line then
DrawLine(cw, which_one.label_x + which_one.label_w, y + tab_h - 2,
- x + w - 1, y + tab_h - 2)
+ x + w - 1, y + tab_h - 2)
Fg(cw, "black")
DrawLine(cw, x, y + tab_h - 1, which_one.label_x, y + tab_h - 1)
if /last_on_a_line then
DrawLine(cw, which_one.label_x + which_one.label_w, y + tab_h - 1,
- x + w - 2, y + tab_h - 1)
+ x + w - 2, y + tab_h - 1)
diff --git a/uni/ide/buffertextlist.icn b/uni/ide/buffertextlist.icn
index d6db01e6d..f3c9bae0f 100644
--- a/uni/ide/buffertextlist.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/buffertextlist.icn
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ class IDEKeybindings : Keybindings(mode, prefix)
local m
if type(e) == "string" then e := prefix || e
if m := \ (keymap[e]) then {
- if m == "handle_prefix" then prefix ||:= e
- else {
- prefix := ""
- return m
- }
- }
+ if m == "handle_prefix" then prefix ||:= e
+ else {
+ prefix := ""
+ return m
+ }
+ }
method current_mode()
return mode
@@ -55,41 +55,41 @@ class IDEKeybindings : Keybindings(mode, prefix)
method emacs_mode()
mode := "emacs"
set_key("\e", "handle_prefix",
- Key_Home, "ide_key_home",
- Key_End, "ide_key_end",
- "\^a", "handle_start_of_line",
- "\^b", "backward_char",
- "\^c", "handle_prefix",
- "\^f", "forward_char",
- "\^n", "handle_key_down",
- "\^p", "handle_key_up",
- "\^v", "handle_key_page_down",
- "\^x", "handle_prefix",
- "\^y", "handle_paste",
- "\^z", "handle_scrolldown_one_line",
- "\^x\^c", "handle_exit",
- "\^x\^x", "exchange_point_and_mark",
- "\^x\^f", "find_file",
- "\^x\^s", "save_buffer",
- "\^x\^n", "next_error"
+ Key_Home, "ide_key_home",
+ Key_End, "ide_key_end",
+ "\^a", "handle_start_of_line",
+ "\^b", "backward_char",
+ "\^c", "handle_prefix",
+ "\^f", "forward_char",
+ "\^n", "handle_key_down",
+ "\^p", "handle_key_up",
+ "\^v", "handle_key_page_down",
+ "\^x", "handle_prefix",
+ "\^y", "handle_paste",
+ "\^z", "handle_scrolldown_one_line",
+ "\^x\^c", "handle_exit",
+ "\^x\^x", "exchange_point_and_mark",
+ "\^x\^f", "find_file",
+ "\^x\^s", "save_buffer",
+ "\^x\^n", "next_error"
# Proposed function key bindings. Still under construction.
# Loosely based on Borland-style IDE keybindings.
-# Key Base Control Alt Shift
-# F1 Help search@crsr help/srch help index
-# F2 Save file restart Find(next) grep
-# F3 Open file callstack closewin New file
+# Key Base Control Alt Shift
+# F1 Help search@crsr help/srch help index
+# F2 Save file restart Find(next) grep
+# F3 Open file callstack closewin New file
# F4 Run to cursor
-# F5 Toggle breakpt User screen
-# F6 Next win Previous win
-# F7 Step set watchpt
-# F8 Next set breakpt
-# F9 Make Run Compileonly Run/debug
-# F10 Main menu
-# F11 runtime msgs project dlg inspect
-# F12 compiler msgs toggle ivib
+# F5 Toggle breakpt User screen
+# F6 Next win Previous win
+# F7 Step set watchpt
+# F8 Next set breakpt
+# F9 Make Run Compileonly Run/debug
+# F10 Main menu
+# F11 runtime msgs project dlg inspect
+# F12 compiler msgs toggle ivib
# alt-x = exit
- )
+ )
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ initially
class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
- moved, # to-do: check if we need this and if so, implement it.
+ moved, # to-do: check if we need this and if so, implement it.
@@ -138,41 +138,41 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
local t1, t2
self$, param)
if type === CONTENT_CHANGED_EVENT then {
- # Optimize this blind any-change==reparse logic to be more
- # selective. Pressing return won't change the token sequence,
- # nor will editing of comments.
- doReparse := 1
- }
+ # Optimize this blind any-change==reparse logic to be more
+ # selective. Pressing return won't change the token sequence,
+ # nor will editing of comments.
+ doReparse := 1
+ }
if type === CURSOR_MOVED_EVENT & old_cursor_y ~= cursor_y then {
- t1 := &time
- ReparseCode()
- t2 := &time
- if t2 - t1 > 150 then
- write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
- "ms); consider disabling it")
- }
+ t1 := &time
+ ReparseCode()
+ t2 := &time
+ if t2 - t1 > 150 then
+ write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
+ "ms); consider disabling it")
+ }
method on_vsb(ev,y_coor,enter_here)
if /enter_here & \scroll_locked then fail #lock scrollbar
if \enter_here=1 then {
- if \self.vsb then {
- self.vsb.set_value(y_coor)
- enter_here := 0
- }
- }
+ if \self.vsb then {
+ self.vsb.set_value(y_coor)
+ enter_here := 0
+ }
+ }
method on_hsb(ev,x_coor,enter_here)
if /enter_here & \scroll_locked then fail#lock scrollbar
if \enter_here=1 then {
- if \self.hsb then {
- self.hsb.set_value(x_coor)
- enter_here := 0
- }
- }
+ if \self.hsb then {
+ self.hsb.set_value(x_coor)
+ enter_here := 0
+ }
+ }
method handle_press(e,received)
@@ -193,26 +193,26 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
method handle_return(e)
local i, str, t1, t2
- if \autoindent then{
- str := contents[cursor_y - 1]
- i := 1
+ if \autoindent then{
+ str := contents[cursor_y - 1]
+ i := 1
- while i < *str + 1 do {
- case str[i] of {
+ while i < *str + 1 do {
+ case str[i] of {
" " : handle_default(" ")
#"\t" : handle_tab_text("\t")
default : i := *str +2
i +:= 1
- }
+ }
# Reparse code when the cursor moves in the Y axis
t1 := &time
t2 := &time
if t2 - t1 > 150 then
- write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
- "ms); consider disabling it")
+ write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
+ "ms); consider disabling it")
@@ -222,45 +222,45 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
word := known.word_under_cursor()
if word === -1 then {
- #right-clicked on something besides a word
- #popmenu item should be a discription of what it can do
- popup_item.set_label("Method call jumps to definition")
- }
+ #right-clicked on something besides a word
+ #popmenu item should be a discription of what it can do
+ popup_item.set_label("Method call jumps to definition")
+ }
else {
- func_type := known.func_lookup(word)
- if func_type === 1 then {
- #popup menu item should be documentation for (function)
- popup_item.set_label("function "|| word || "()")
- l := popup_item.connect(self, "open_ref", ACTION_EVENT)
- }
- else if func_type === 2 then {
- #popup menu item should be Jump-To (name of function)
- popup_item.set_label("Jump to function definition for: "|| word)
- l := popup_item.connect(self, "jump_to", ACTION_EVENT)
- #popup_item.disconnect(self)
- }
- else if type(func_type) == "list" then {
- popup_item.set_label(func_type[1] || " " || word || " " ||
- func_type[2])
- }
- else {
- #popmenu item should be a discription of what it can do
- popup_item.set_label("Method call jumps to definition")
- }
- }
+ func_type := known.func_lookup(word)
+ if func_type === 1 then {
+ #popup menu item should be documentation for (function)
+ popup_item.set_label("function "|| word || "()")
+ l := popup_item.connect(self, "open_ref", ACTION_EVENT)
+ }
+ else if func_type === 2 then {
+ #popup menu item should be Jump-To (name of function)
+ popup_item.set_label("Jump to function definition for: "|| word)
+ l := popup_item.connect(self, "jump_to", ACTION_EVENT)
+ #popup_item.disconnect(self)
+ }
+ else if type(func_type) == "list" then {
+ popup_item.set_label(func_type[1] || " " || word || " " ||
+ func_type[2])
+ }
+ else {
+ #popmenu item should be a discription of what it can do
+ popup_item.set_label("Method call jumps to definition")
+ }
+ }
# Only add it once.
if *pm_menu.children === 0 then {
- pm_menu.add(popup_item)
- pm.attrib("fg=magenta")
- }
+ pm_menu.add(popup_item)
+ pm.attrib("fg=magenta")
+ }
- pm.set_parent(self.parent_dialog)
+ pm.set_parent(self.parent_dialog)
if !children === pm then {} else
- add(pm)
+ add(pm)
#pm.set_pos(self.cursor_x, self.cursor_y)
@@ -284,27 +284,27 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
method handle_event(e)
local t1, t2
if integer(e) = &mpress then
- simulate_wheelbutton()
+ simulate_wheelbutton()
# turn scroll up/down into a key_up/down in the vsb.
else if integer(e) = -13 then
every 1 to 4 do (\vsb).handle_button_up(e)
else if integer(e) = -14 then
every 1 to 4 do (\vsb).handle_button_down(e)
else if integer(e) === &rrelease then {
- handle_right_click(e)
- }
- else self.EditableTextList.handle_event(e)
+ handle_right_click(e)
+ }
+ else self.EditableTextList.handle_event(e)
if \self.old_cursor_y ~= self.cursor_y then {
- t1 := &time
- ReparseCode()
- t2 := &time
- if t2 - t1 > 150 then
- write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
- "ms); consider disabling it")
- }
+ t1 := &time
+ ReparseCode()
+ t2 := &time
+ if t2 - t1 > 150 then
+ write(&errout, "syntax checking is slow in here (", t2-t1,
+ "ms); consider disabling it")
+ }
if \self.changed then {
if not (ide.CurrentTabItem().label[-1] == "*") then {
@@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
method cursor_update()
- self.cursor_y := self.old_cursor_y
+ self.cursor_y := self.old_cursor_y
self.cursor_x := self.old_cursor_x
method match_paren()
local paren, paren_closing, paren_string, paren_string_rest, paren_grid,
paren_pos, virtual_pos, counter, i, j, msgboxdata
@@ -342,22 +342,22 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
paren_string := ""
paren_string_rest := ""
paren_grid := table()
if member(paren_closing, contents[cursor_y, cursor_x - 1]) then {
every i := 1 to self.cursor_y - 1 do {
paren_string ||:= self.contents[i]
insert(paren_grid, i, self.contents[i])
virtual_pos := *paren_string + self.cursor_x
paren_string_rest := self.contents[self.cursor_y]
paren_string_rest := paren_string_rest[1:self.cursor_x+1]
insert(paren_grid, self.cursor_y, paren_string_rest)
paren_pos := paren.test(\paren_string, virtual_pos)
if \paren_pos then {
counter := 0
self.old_cursor_y := self.cursor_y
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
# The virtual x position of a line in the canvas, except
# that we have line numbering turned on at the left.
@@ -465,39 +465,39 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
left_string_unicon (self.cbwin, xp, yp, detab(s), i)
- if (v.index = \self.cursor_y) &
+ if (v.index = \self.cursor_y) &
(v.first <= \self.cursor_x <= v.last) then {
if \self.has_focus then {
cw := Clone(self.cbwin,
- "bg="||uidlog.ui_Preferences.cursor_highlight_color,
+ "bg="||uidlog.ui_Preferences.cursor_highlight_color,
off := TextWidthEx(self.cbwin, s, 1, si, self.tab_width)
- EraseRectangle(cw, xp + off, yp - self.line_height / 2,
+ EraseRectangle(cw, xp + off, yp - self.line_height / 2,
CharWidth(self.cbwin, s[si]), self.line_height)
if s[si] ~== "\t" then
left_string(cw, xp + off, yp, s[si])
- }
+ }
else {
cw := Clone(self.cbwin,
- "fg="||uidlog.ui_Preferences.cursor_highlight_color)
- Rectangle(cw,
- xp + TextWidthEx(self.cbwin, s, 1, si, self.tab_width),
- 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
- CharWidth(self.cbwin, s[si]),
+ "fg="||uidlog.ui_Preferences.cursor_highlight_color)
+ Rectangle(cw,
+ xp + TextWidthEx(self.cbwin, s, 1, si, self.tab_width),
+ 1 + yp - self.line_height / 2,
+ CharWidth(self.cbwin, s[si]),
if \self.mark_y then {
- if (self.mark_y < v.index < self.cursor_y) |
+ if (self.mark_y < v.index < self.cursor_y) |
(self.mark_y > v.index > self.cursor_y) then {
# Whole line selected
r := [v.first, v.last]
- }
+ }
else if v.index = self.mark_y = self.cursor_y then {
# Part of line
if self.mark_x < self.cursor_x then {
@@ -506,19 +506,19 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
else if self.mark_x > self.cursor_x then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1 , self.mark_x)
- }
+ }
else if v.index = self.mark_y then {
if self.mark_y < self.cursor_y then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, self.mark_x, *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
- }
+ }
else {
r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.mark_x)
- }
+ }
else if v.index = self.cursor_y then {
if self.mark_y > self.cursor_y then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, self.cursor_x + 1, *self.contents[v.index] + 1)
- }
+ }
else {
r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, self.cursor_x)
@@ -544,12 +544,12 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
if \self.has_focus then {
scroll_y := &y
- # five for each press
- handle_key_down()
- handle_key_down()
- handle_key_down()
- handle_key_down()
- handle_key_down()
+ # five for each press
+ handle_key_down()
+ handle_key_down()
+ handle_key_down()
+ handle_key_down()
+ handle_key_down()
while ::Event() === &mdrag do {
if &y > scroll_y then {
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
# Exit this method
- }
+ }
# Reinitialize error counter in the yyerror function. This is done in
# order to avoid the istop() function being called from within the
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
# Add the offset to the x position
x +:= off
# Draw the rest of the string s that was not a token
Fg(win, prefs.comment_text_color)#Very Dark Green
@@ -681,44 +681,44 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
x := 1
s := copy(GetCode()) | []
- # Extract the line number offset
+ # Extract the line number offset
lineNumberOffset := pop(s)
- # Call the preprocessor but instead of passing a file name,
+ # Call the preprocessor but instead of passing a file name,
# pass a list containing the code.
- preproc_err_count := 0
+ preproc_err_count := 0
yyin := ""
every yyin ||:= preprocessor(s, uni_predefs) do yyin ||:= "\n"
- if preproc_err_count = 0 then {
- # Reinitialize lexical analyzer
- yylex_reinit()
- # Initialize variables
- /yydebug := 0
- parsingErrors := []
- # Reparse the code
- rv := yyparse()
- }
- # Display errors
+ if preproc_err_count = 0 then {
+ # Reinitialize lexical analyzer
+ yylex_reinit()
+ # Initialize variables
+ /yydebug := 0
+ parsingErrors := []
+ # Reparse the code
+ rv := yyparse()
+ }
+ # Display errors
if errors + (\yynerrs|0) + preproc_err_count > 0 then {
every errorObject := !parsingErrors do {
# display the error
errorObject.lineNumber +:= lineNumberOffset
- if errorObject.lineNumber <= *contents then {
- SetErrorLineNumber(errorObject.lineNumber)
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([errorObject.lineNumber ||": " ||
- errorObject.errorMessage])
- }
+ if errorObject.lineNumber <= *contents then {
+ SetErrorLineNumber(errorObject.lineNumber)
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([errorObject.lineNumber ||": " ||
+ errorObject.errorMessage])
+ }
- else uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["(no errors)"])
- doReparse := 0
- }
+ else uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["(no errors)"])
+ doReparse := 0
+ }
method GetCode()
local codeSubStringList, originalPositionY, currentPositionY, token,
startPositionY := 0, endPositionY := 0, endsneeded,
- inClass := 0, inMethod := 0
+ inClass := 0, inMethod := 0
# reset parser
@@ -739,12 +739,12 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
- inMethod := 1
+ inMethod := 1
startPositionY := currentPositionY
- inClass := 1
+ inClass := 1
startPositionY := currentPositionY
@@ -762,26 +762,26 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
# Reinitialize lexical analyzer
yyin := contents[ currentPositionY ]
- while countdoublequotes(yyin)%2=1 & yyin[-1]=="_" do {
- currentPositionY +:= 1
- if not (yyin ||:= contents[ currentPositionY ]) then {
- break break
- }
- }
+ while countdoublequotes(yyin)%2=1 & yyin[-1]=="_" do {
+ currentPositionY +:= 1
+ if not (yyin ||:= contents[ currentPositionY ]) then {
+ break break
+ }
+ }
# Get string s tokens
while ( token := yylex() ) ~=== EOFX do {
# Get tokens
case token of {
END: {
- endPositionY := currentPositionY
- break
+ endPositionY := currentPositionY
+ break
- if currentPositionY ~= startPositionY then {
- endPositionY := currentPositionY-1
- break
- }
+ if currentPositionY ~= startPositionY then {
+ endPositionY := currentPositionY-1
+ break
+ }
default : break
@@ -793,26 +793,26 @@ class BuffEditableTextList : EditableTextList(
# Check if a valid enclosing end was found
if endPositionY = 0 then {
# Return all code
- codeSubStringList := [ 0 ] ||| contents
+ codeSubStringList := [ 0 ] ||| contents
return codeSubStringList
# Send only the enclosing sub string list
if startPositionY = 0 then startPositionY := 1
if inMethod = 1 then {
- codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY, "class __Parse()" ] |||
- contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]|||
- ["end"]
- }
+ codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY, "class __Parse()" ] |||
+ contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]|||
+ ["end"]
+ }
else if inClass = 1 then {
- codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY ] |||
- contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]|||
- ["end"]
- }
+ codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY ] |||
+ contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]|||
+ ["end"]
+ }
else {
- codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY ] |||
- contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]
- }
+ codeSubStringList := [ startPositionY ] |||
+ contents[ startPositionY : endPositionY+1 ]
+ }
# check what we came up with to parse
# every write("\t", codeSubStringList[2 to *codeSubStringList])
return codeSubStringList
@@ -844,14 +844,14 @@ procedure countdoublequotes(s)
local i := 0
s ? {
while tab(upto('"\\')) do {
- if ="\"" then
- i +:= 1
- else {
- move(1) # eat \\
- if i % 2 = 1 then
- move(1) # eat escaped things; should make smarter
- }
- }
+ if ="\"" then
+ i +:= 1
+ else {
+ move(1) # eat \\
+ if i % 2 = 1 then
+ move(1) # eat escaped things; should make smarter
+ }
+ }
return i
diff --git a/uni/ide/classbrowser.icn b/uni/ide/classbrowser.icn
index 2ae634c30..f1b54239a 100644
--- a/uni/ide/classbrowser.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/classbrowser.icn
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# File: classbrowser.icn
+# File: classbrowser.icn
-# Subject: Class Browser
+# Subject: Class Browser
-# Author: Nolan Clayton
+# Author: Nolan Clayton
# Date: September 22, 2003
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
# class browser for icon/unicon programs.
# ex. -Files
-# |--foo.icn
-# |-+class blah
-# |--class whatever
-# | |--method bees
-# |--procedure good
+# |--foo.icn
+# |-+class blah
+# |--class whatever
+# | |--method bees
+# |--procedure good
-# result from--> classbrowser foo.icn
+# result from--> classbrowser foo.icn
# Links: graphics
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# class ClassBrowser : is a subclass of Tree used to overide the draw and
-# other methods.
+# other methods.
class ClassBrowser : Tree(
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
- # Draw Method: Each node depending on its type is drawn
+ # Draw Method: Each node depending on its type is drawn
# with a different image.
method draw_line(xp, yp, i, selection_cw, cursor_cw, highlight_cw)
@@ -50,71 +50,71 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
dashed := Clone(cbwin, "pattern=gray", "fillstyle=textured")
lp := xp
every j := 1 to N.depth - 1 do {
- if any('fd', N.draw_line[j]) then
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
- lp + col_w / 2, yp + line_height / 2)
- lp +:= col_w # should this be in the preceding then-block?
- }
- if N.depth > 0 then {
- if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "d" then
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w / 2,
- yp + line_height / 2)
- else if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "f" then
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
- lp + col_w / 2, yp + line_height / 2)
- else if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "u" then
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
- lp + col_w / 2, yp)
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w + col_w / 2, yp)
- lp +:= col_w
- }
+ if any('fd', N.draw_line[j]) then
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
+ lp + col_w / 2, yp + line_height / 2)
+ lp +:= col_w # should this be in the preceding then-block?
+ }
+ if N.depth > 0 then {
+ if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "d" then
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w / 2,
+ yp + line_height / 2)
+ else if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "f" then
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
+ lp + col_w / 2, yp + line_height / 2)
+ else if N.draw_line[N.depth] == "u" then
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp - line_height / 2,
+ lp + col_w / 2, yp)
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w + col_w / 2, yp)
+ lp +:= col_w
+ }
bmps := \N.bmps | default_bmps
if (*N.subnodes = 0) & /N.always_expandable_flag then
- img := bmps[3]
+ img := bmps[3]
else {
- if N.is_expanded() then {
- img := bmps[2]
- little := minus
- if *N.subnodes > 0 then
- DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w / 2,
- yp + line_height / 2)
- }
- else {
- img := bmps[1]
- little := plus
- }
- if not (N.type == ("class" | "editor" | "file")) then
- little := editorimgs("elbow")
- temp := editorimgs(N.type)
- if \temp then img := temp
- EraseArea(cbwin, lp - col_w / 2 - little_w / 2,
- yp - little_h / 2, little_w, little_h)
- DrawImageEx(cbwin, lp - col_w / 2 - little_w / 2,
- yp - little_h/2, little)
- }
+ if N.is_expanded() then {
+ img := bmps[2]
+ little := minus
+ if *N.subnodes > 0 then
+ DrawLine(dashed, lp + col_w / 2, yp, lp + col_w / 2,
+ yp + line_height / 2)
+ }
+ else {
+ img := bmps[1]
+ little := plus
+ }
+ if not (N.type == ("class" | "editor" | "file")) then
+ little := editorimgs("elbow")
+ temp := editorimgs(N.type)
+ if \temp then img := temp
+ EraseArea(cbwin, lp - col_w / 2 - little_w / 2,
+ yp - little_h / 2, little_w, little_h)
+ DrawImageEx(cbwin, lp - col_w / 2 - little_w / 2,
+ yp - little_h/2, little)
+ }
DrawImageEx(cbwin, lp + col_w / 2 - bmp_w / 2, yp - bmp_h / 2, img)
left_string(cbwin, lp + col_w + HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING, yp, N.label)
if \selection_cw then
- FillRectangle(selection_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
- TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) +
- 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING, line_height)
+ FillRectangle(selection_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
+ TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) +
+ 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING, line_height)
if \cursor_cw then {
- Rectangle(cursor_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
- TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) + 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING,
- line_height)
- }
+ Rectangle(cursor_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
+ TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) + 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING,
+ line_height)
+ }
if \highlight_cw then {
- Rectangle(highlight_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
- TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) + 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING,
- line_height)
- }
+ Rectangle(highlight_cw, lp + col_w, yp - line_height / 2,
+ TextWidth(cbwin, N.label) + 2 * HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_SPACING,
+ line_height)
+ }
@@ -126,38 +126,38 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
method handle_press(e)
local l, lno, N, curr_sel, yp, xp, c, i
if (view.x <= &x < view.x + view.w) &
- (view.y <= &y < view.y + view.h) then {
- lno := (&y - view.y) / line_height
- l := lno + get_first_line()
- if l <= get_last_line() then {
- N := contents[l]
- if (N.depth > 0) & (*N.subnodes > 0) |
- \N.always_expandable_flag then {
- #
- # Check for click on little +/- icon.
- #
- yp := view.y + line_height / 2 + line_height * lno - little_h /2
- xp := get_left_pos() + (N.depth - 1) * col_w + little_w / 2
- if (xp <= &x < xp + little_w) & (yp <= &y < yp + little_h) then{
- #
- # Clicking on the little icon ends the sequence, and sets
- # the selection to the given node.
- #
- start_handle(e)
- curr_sel := object_get_selections()
- N.toggle_expanded()
- last_expanded := N
- tree_structure_changed()
- is_held := &null
- if not lang::equals(object_get_selections(), curr_sel) then
- selchange := 1
- end_handle(e)
- }
- }
- if find(".icn",N.parentfile) then {
+ (view.y <= &y < view.y + view.h) then {
+ lno := (&y - view.y) / line_height
+ l := lno + get_first_line()
+ if l <= get_last_line() then {
+ N := contents[l]
+ if (N.depth > 0) & (*N.subnodes > 0) |
+ \N.always_expandable_flag then {
+ #
+ # Check for click on little +/- icon.
+ #
+ yp := view.y + line_height / 2 + line_height * lno - little_h /2
+ xp := get_left_pos() + (N.depth - 1) * col_w + little_w / 2
+ if (xp <= &x < xp + little_w) & (yp <= &y < yp + little_h) then{
+ #
+ # Clicking on the little icon ends the sequence, and sets
+ # the selection to the given node.
+ #
+ start_handle(e)
+ curr_sel := object_get_selections()
+ N.toggle_expanded()
+ last_expanded := N
+ tree_structure_changed()
+ is_held := &null
+ if not lang::equals(object_get_selections(), curr_sel) then
+ selchange := 1
+ end_handle(e)
+ }
+ }
+ if find(".icn",N.parentfile) then {
every i:=!uidlog.FileTabSet.children do {
if i.label == N.parentfile then {
c := uidlog.FileTabSet.get_tabitem(N.parentfile)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
- }
+ }
last_selected := contents[1]
@@ -207,33 +207,33 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
# Node Replace Method: Remove a Node with the same label as Tab Label
- # from the tree (class browser).
+ # from the tree (class browser).
method nodereplace(tab_label)
local i
every i := 1 to *files_root.subnodes do
- if tab_label == files_root.subnodes[i].label then {
- files_root.subnodes := files_root.subnodes[1 : i] |||
- files_root.subnodes[i + 1 : 0]
- return
- }
+ if tab_label == files_root.subnodes[i].label then {
+ files_root.subnodes := files_root.subnodes[1 : i] |||
+ files_root.subnodes[i + 1 : 0]
+ return
+ }
# Go To Method: A Node was clicked. Set the focus on Tab with the label
# Tab Label and go to and highlight the line number Line.
- #
+ #
method goto(line)
local ceb, comment_adjust:=0, i:=1
ceb := ide.CurrentEditBox()
if find("#", ceb.contents[line-2] | ceb.contents[line-1]) then {
comment_adjust +:= 2
every i := 3 to 6 do
if find("#", ceb.contents[line-i]) then comment_adjust +:= 1
ceb.ensure_row_visible(line + ceb.get_max_lines())
ceb.ensure_row_visible(line - comment_adjust)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class ClassBrowser : Tree(
- self$Tree.initially()
+ self$Tree.initially()
fileimgs := table()
files_root := Tag("editor", "Editor",0, &null)
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ end
# class Tag : is a subclass of Node used only to keep track of Node attribs
class Tag : Node (
- type, # what kind of node it is (method, $include, procedure).
- lineno, # The line number on which the Node occurs.
- parentfile # The label(Tab Item) of file in which the Node is a member.
+ type, # what kind of node it is (method, $include, procedure).
+ lineno, # The line number on which the Node occurs.
+ parentfile # The label(Tab Item) of file in which the Node is a member.
method settype( x )
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ initially (args[])
if *\args > 3 then {
type := args[1]
self$set_label( args[2] )
- lineno := args[3]
+ lineno := args[3]
parentfile := args[4]
diff --git a/uni/ide/configopt.icn b/uni/ide/configopt.icn
index 537377b82..f48bb6880 100644
--- a/uni/ide/configopt.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/configopt.icn
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ $include "guih.icn"
class ConfigureOptions : Dialog(ok_btn,
cancel_btn, comp_lbl_4, uniconCompilerCmd_txt,
uniconCompilerFlgs_txt, uniconCompiler_lst, uniconLinkerFlgs_txt,
- uniconLinker_txt, comp_lbl, compflags_lbl, linker_lbl, linkerflags_lbl,
+ uniconLinker_txt, comp_lbl, compflags_lbl, linker_lbl, linkerflags_lbl,
makefileOpts_tabset, unicon_tab_options, uniconCompilerslist
method component_setup()
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class ConfigureOptions : Dialog(ok_btn,
method end_dialog()
- method init_dialog()
+ method init_dialog()
uniconCompilerslist:=["unicon", "wicont"]
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class ConfigureOptions : Dialog(ok_btn,
method on_uniconCompiler_lst(ev)
- uniconLinker_txt.set_contents(uniconCompilerslist[uniconCompiler_lst.get_selection()])
+ uniconLinker_txt.set_contents(uniconCompilerslist[uniconCompiler_lst.get_selection()])
uniconLinkerFlgs_txt.set_contents(" ")
diff --git a/uni/ide/funclookup.icn b/uni/ide/funclookup.icn
index b3a175769..abed43ffa 100644
--- a/uni/ide/funclookup.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/funclookup.icn
@@ -33,203 +33,203 @@ class known_funcs (built_ins, usr_func_table, reserved_words, keywords)
method load_BInames()
local f, func_name
built_ins := set( [
- "abs","acos","any","args","asin","atan","atanh",
- "bal",
- "center","channel","char","chdir","chmod","classname",
- "close","cofail","collect","condvar","constructor",
- "copy","cos","cset","ctime",
- "dbcolumns","dbdriver","dbkeys","dblimits","dbproduct","dbtables",
- "delay","delete","detab","display","dtor",
- "entab","errorclear","eventmask",
- "EvGet","EvSend","exit","exp",
- "fetch","fieldnames","find","flock","flush","function",
- "get","getch","getche","getenv","gettimeofday","globalnames","gtime",
- "iand","icom","image","insert","integer",
- "ior","ishift","istate","ixor",
- "kbhit","key","keyword",
- "left","list","load","loadfunc","localnames","lock","log",
- "many","map","match","max","member","membernames","methodnames",
- "methods","min","mkdir","move","mutex",
- "name","numeric",
- "open","opmask","oprec","ord",
- "paramnames","parent","pipe","pop","pos","proc","pull","push","put",
- "read","reads","ready","real","receive","remove","rename","repl",
- "reverse","right","rmdir","rtod","runerr",
- "seek","select","send","seq","serial","set","setenv",
- "signal","sin","sort","sortf","spawn","sql","sqrt",
- "stat","staticnames","stop","string","system",
- "tab","table","tan","trap","trim","truncate","trylock","type",
- "unlock","upto","utime",
- "variable",
- "wait","where","write","writes",
- "Active","Alert",
- "Bg",
- "Clip","Clone","Color","ColorValue","CopyArea","Couple",
- "DrawArc","DrawCircle","DrawCube","DrawCurve","DrawCylinder",
- "DrawDisk","DrawImage","DrawLine","DrawPoint","DrawPolygon",
- "DrawRectangle","DrawSegment","DrawSphere","DrawString","DrawTorus",
- "EraseArea","Event",
- "Fg","FillArc","FillCircle","FillPolygon","FillRectangle",
- "Font","FreeColor",
- "GotoRC","GotoXY",
- "IdentityMatrix",
- "Lower",
- "MatrixMode","MultMatrix",
- "NewColor",
- "PaletteChars","PaletteColor","PaletteKey","Pattern","Pending",
- "Pixel","PopMatrix","PushMatrix",
- "PushRotate","PushScale","PushTranslate",
- "QueryPointer",
- "Raise","ReadImage","Refresh", "Rotate",
- "Scale",
- "Texcoord","TextWidth","Texture","Translate",
- "Uncouple",
- "WAttrib","WDefault","WFlush","WindowContents",
- "WriteImage","WSection","WSync",
- "Abort","Any","Arb","Arbno",
- "Bal","Break","Breakx",
- "Fail","Fence",
- "Len",
- "NotAny","Nspan",
- "Pos",
- "Rem","Rpos","Rtab",
- "Span","Succeed",
- "Tab",
- "chown","chroot","crypt",
- "exec",
- "fcntl","fdup","filepair","fork",
- "getegid","geteuid","getgid","getgr","gethost",
- "getpgrp","getpid","getppid","getpw","getserv","getuid",
- "hardlink",
- "kill",
- "readlink",
- "setgid","setgrent","sethostent","setpgrp","setpwent",
- "setservent","setuid","symlink","sys_errstr",
- "umask",
- "wait",
- "WinButton","WinColorDialog","WinEditRegion","WinFontDialog",
- "WinMenuBar","WinOpenDialog","WinPlayMedia","WinSaveDialog",
- "WinScrollBar","WinSelectDialog"])
+ "abs","acos","any","args","asin","atan","atanh",
+ "bal",
+ "center","channel","char","chdir","chmod","classname",
+ "close","cofail","collect","condvar","constructor",
+ "copy","cos","cset","ctime",
+ "dbcolumns","dbdriver","dbkeys","dblimits","dbproduct","dbtables",
+ "delay","delete","detab","display","dtor",
+ "entab","errorclear","eventmask",
+ "EvGet","EvSend","exit","exp",
+ "fetch","fieldnames","find","flock","flush","function",
+ "get","getch","getche","getenv","gettimeofday","globalnames","gtime",
+ "iand","icom","image","insert","integer",
+ "ior","ishift","istate","ixor",
+ "kbhit","key","keyword",
+ "left","list","load","loadfunc","localnames","lock","log",
+ "many","map","match","max","member","membernames","methodnames",
+ "methods","min","mkdir","move","mutex",
+ "name","numeric",
+ "open","opmask","oprec","ord",
+ "paramnames","parent","pipe","pop","pos","proc","pull","push","put",
+ "read","reads","ready","real","receive","remove","rename","repl",
+ "reverse","right","rmdir","rtod","runerr",
+ "seek","select","send","seq","serial","set","setenv",
+ "signal","sin","sort","sortf","spawn","sql","sqrt",
+ "stat","staticnames","stop","string","system",
+ "tab","table","tan","trap","trim","truncate","trylock","type",
+ "unlock","upto","utime",
+ "variable",
+ "wait","where","write","writes",
+ "Active","Alert",
+ "Bg",
+ "Clip","Clone","Color","ColorValue","CopyArea","Couple",
+ "DrawArc","DrawCircle","DrawCube","DrawCurve","DrawCylinder",
+ "DrawDisk","DrawImage","DrawLine","DrawPoint","DrawPolygon",
+ "DrawRectangle","DrawSegment","DrawSphere","DrawString","DrawTorus",
+ "EraseArea","Event",
+ "Fg","FillArc","FillCircle","FillPolygon","FillRectangle",
+ "Font","FreeColor",
+ "GotoRC","GotoXY",
+ "IdentityMatrix",
+ "Lower",
+ "MatrixMode","MultMatrix",
+ "NewColor",
+ "PaletteChars","PaletteColor","PaletteKey","Pattern","Pending",
+ "Pixel","PopMatrix","PushMatrix",
+ "PushRotate","PushScale","PushTranslate",
+ "QueryPointer",
+ "Raise","ReadImage","Refresh", "Rotate",
+ "Scale",
+ "Texcoord","TextWidth","Texture","Translate",
+ "Uncouple",
+ "WAttrib","WDefault","WFlush","WindowContents",
+ "WriteImage","WSection","WSync",
+ "Abort","Any","Arb","Arbno",
+ "Bal","Break","Breakx",
+ "Fail","Fence",
+ "Len",
+ "NotAny","Nspan",
+ "Pos",
+ "Rem","Rpos","Rtab",
+ "Span","Succeed",
+ "Tab",
+ "chown","chroot","crypt",
+ "exec",
+ "fcntl","fdup","filepair","fork",
+ "getegid","geteuid","getgid","getgr","gethost",
+ "getpgrp","getpid","getppid","getpw","getserv","getuid",
+ "hardlink",
+ "kill",
+ "readlink",
+ "setgid","setgrent","sethostent","setpgrp","setpwent",
+ "setservent","setuid","symlink","sys_errstr",
+ "umask",
+ "wait",
+ "WinButton","WinColorDialog","WinEditRegion","WinFontDialog",
+ "WinMenuBar","WinOpenDialog","WinPlayMedia","WinSaveDialog",
+ "WinScrollBar","WinSelectDialog"])
method load_reserved_words()
reserved_words := table(
- "abstract", "declare unimplemented method",
- "break", "exits the enclosing loop",
- "by", "specifies the increment used in generating i to j",
- "case", "selects code from alternative values",
- "class", "declares a new object type",
- "create", "constructs an independent co-expression context",
- "critical", "declares a non-concurrent code block",
- "default", "indicates a branch of code to execute",
- "do", "identifies the body of a loop",
- "else", "specifies what to do if a then-part is not executed",
- "end", "indicates the end of a procedure, method, or class",
- "every", "requires all the elements from a generator",
- "fail", "exits the procedure immediately with no return value",
- "global", "declares variables visible throughout the program",
- "if", "executes some code only when an expression succeeds",
- "import", "introduces symbols defined in a package",
- "initial", "gives an expression that executes only on the first call",
- "initially", "executes code each time a class instance is created",
- "invocable", "declares procedures that may be called indirectly",
- "link", "declares library modules that may be used in this program",
- "local", "declares variables used within a procedure or method call",
- "method", "declares a block of code that operates on class instances",
- "next", "executes the next iteration of a loop",
- "not", "succeeds if the following expression fails",
- "of", "identifies the body of a case expression",
- "package", "declares this module to be a member of the named package",
- "procedure", "declares a block of code that may be called by name",
- "record", "declares a new type with fields accessed by name",
- "repeat", "declares a loop that will execute any number of times",
- "return", "exits the procedure immediately, with a return value",
- "static", "declares variables that retain values across calls",
- "suspend", "produces a value to the caller, allowing resumption",
- "then", "identifies the conditional part of an if expression",
- "thread", "executes an expression concurrently",
- "to", "generates incremental values between a start and an end",
- "until", "gives an expression that allows a loop to terminate",
- "while", "gives an expression that allows a loop to continue"
- )
+ "abstract", "declare unimplemented method",
+ "break", "exits the enclosing loop",
+ "by", "specifies the increment used in generating i to j",
+ "case", "selects code from alternative values",
+ "class", "declares a new object type",
+ "create", "constructs an independent co-expression context",
+ "critical", "declares a non-concurrent code block",
+ "default", "indicates a branch of code to execute",
+ "do", "identifies the body of a loop",
+ "else", "specifies what to do if a then-part is not executed",
+ "end", "indicates the end of a procedure, method, or class",
+ "every", "requires all the elements from a generator",
+ "fail", "exits the procedure immediately with no return value",
+ "global", "declares variables visible throughout the program",
+ "if", "executes some code only when an expression succeeds",
+ "import", "introduces symbols defined in a package",
+ "initial", "gives an expression that executes only on the first call",
+ "initially", "executes code each time a class instance is created",
+ "invocable", "declares procedures that may be called indirectly",
+ "link", "declares library modules that may be used in this program",
+ "local", "declares variables used within a procedure or method call",
+ "method", "declares a block of code that operates on class instances",
+ "next", "executes the next iteration of a loop",
+ "not", "succeeds if the following expression fails",
+ "of", "identifies the body of a case expression",
+ "package", "declares this module to be a member of the named package",
+ "procedure", "declares a block of code that may be called by name",
+ "record", "declares a new type with fields accessed by name",
+ "repeat", "declares a loop that will execute any number of times",
+ "return", "exits the procedure immediately, with a return value",
+ "static", "declares variables that retain values across calls",
+ "suspend", "produces a value to the caller, allowing resumption",
+ "then", "identifies the conditional part of an if expression",
+ "thread", "executes an expression concurrently",
+ "to", "generates incremental values between a start and an end",
+ "until", "gives an expression that allows a loop to terminate",
+ "while", "gives an expression that allows a loop to continue"
+ )
method load_keywords()
keywords := table(
- "&allocated", "produces the space used in the storage regions",
- "&ascii", "is a cset consisting of the 128 ASCII characters",
- "&clock", "is a string consisting of the current time of day",
- "&col", "is the mouse horizontal position, in text columns",
- "&collections", "is the number of garbage collections",
- "&column", "is the source column number of the execution point",
- "&control", "succeeds if the control key was pressed last event",
- "&cset", "is a cset consisting of all the 256 characters",
- "¤t", "is the current active co-expression",
- "&date", "is the current date",
- "&dateline", "is the current date and time",
- "&digits", "is a cset consisting of the decimal digits",
- "&dump", "is a variable that controls termination dump",
- "&e", "is the base of the natural logarithms",
- "&errno", "contains an error number from a previous system call",
- "&error", "is a variable that enables/disables error conversion",
- "&errornumber", "is the error number of last error converted to failure",
- "&errortext", "is the error message of the last error converted to failure",
- "&errorvalue", "is the erroneous value of the last error converted to failure",
- "&errout", "is the standard error output file",
- "&eventcode", "indicates the most recent event in a monitored program",
- "&eventsource", "gives the source of events in a monitor program",
- "&eventvalue", "is the value associated with the most recent event in a monitored program",
- "&fail", "is an expression that fails",
- "&features", "generates strings identifying features in this implementation",
- "&file", "is the name of the source file at the execution point",
- "&host", "identifies the host computer",
- "&input", "is the standard input file",
- "&interval", "gives the milliseconds since the previous event",
- "&lcase", "is a cset consisting of the 26 lower case letters",
- "&ldrag", "is the integer code for a left drag event",
- "&letters", "is a cset consisting of the 52 upper and lower case letters",
- "&level", "is the depth (from main) of the current call",
- "&line", "is the source line number of the execution point",
- "&lpress", "is the integer code for a left press event",
- "&lrelease", "is the integer code for a left release event",
- "&main", "is the main co-expression",
- "&mdrag", "is the integer code for a middle-button drag event",
- "&meta", "succeeds if the meta/alt key was pressed last input event",
- "&mpress", "is the integer code for a middle-button press event",
- "&mrelease", "is the integer code for a middle-button release event",
- "&now", "is the current system time",
- "&null", "is a null value",
- "&output", "is the standard output file",
- "&phi", "is the golden ratio, 1.618...",
- "&pi", "is pi, 3.1415...",
- "&pick", "contains the result of 3D selection",
- "&pos", "is the index position at which the subject is being scanned",
- "&progname", "contains the program name",
- "&random", "is a variable that contains the current seed for random operations",
- "&rdrag", "is the integer code for a right-button drag event",
- "®ions", "generates the regions' sizes",
- "&resize", "is the integer code for a window resize event",
- "&row", "is the mouse vertical position in text rows",
- "&rpress", "is the integer code for a right-button press event",
- "&rrelease", "is the integer code for a right-button release event",
- "&shift", "succeeds if the shift key was pressed at the last input event",
- "&source", "is the co-expression that invoked the current co-expression",
- "&storage", "generates the amount of storaged used for each region",
- "&subject", "is the string being scanned",
- "&time", "is the elapsed execution time in milliseconds",
- "&trace", "is an integer specifying how many calls to trace",
- "&ucase", "is a cset containing the 26 upper case letters",
- "&version", "is the current unicon version",
- "&window", "is the default graphics window",
- "&x", "is the mouse x position at the time of the last input event",
- "&y", "is the mouse y position at the time of the last input event",
- )
+ "&allocated", "produces the space used in the storage regions",
+ "&ascii", "is a cset consisting of the 128 ASCII characters",
+ "&clock", "is a string consisting of the current time of day",
+ "&col", "is the mouse horizontal position, in text columns",
+ "&collections", "is the number of garbage collections",
+ "&column", "is the source column number of the execution point",
+ "&control", "succeeds if the control key was pressed last event",
+ "&cset", "is a cset consisting of all the 256 characters",
+ "¤t", "is the current active co-expression",
+ "&date", "is the current date",
+ "&dateline", "is the current date and time",
+ "&digits", "is a cset consisting of the decimal digits",
+ "&dump", "is a variable that controls termination dump",
+ "&e", "is the base of the natural logarithms",
+ "&errno", "contains an error number from a previous system call",
+ "&error", "is a variable that enables/disables error conversion",
+ "&errornumber", "is the error number of last error converted to failure",
+ "&errortext", "is the error message of the last error converted to failure",
+ "&errorvalue", "is the erroneous value of the last error converted to failure",
+ "&errout", "is the standard error output file",
+ "&eventcode", "indicates the most recent event in a monitored program",
+ "&eventsource", "gives the source of events in a monitor program",
+ "&eventvalue", "is the value associated with the most recent event in a monitored program",
+ "&fail", "is an expression that fails",
+ "&features", "generates strings identifying features in this implementation",
+ "&file", "is the name of the source file at the execution point",
+ "&host", "identifies the host computer",
+ "&input", "is the standard input file",
+ "&interval", "gives the milliseconds since the previous event",
+ "&lcase", "is a cset consisting of the 26 lower case letters",
+ "&ldrag", "is the integer code for a left drag event",
+ "&letters", "is a cset consisting of the 52 upper and lower case letters",
+ "&level", "is the depth (from main) of the current call",
+ "&line", "is the source line number of the execution point",
+ "&lpress", "is the integer code for a left press event",
+ "&lrelease", "is the integer code for a left release event",
+ "&main", "is the main co-expression",
+ "&mdrag", "is the integer code for a middle-button drag event",
+ "&meta", "succeeds if the meta/alt key was pressed last input event",
+ "&mpress", "is the integer code for a middle-button press event",
+ "&mrelease", "is the integer code for a middle-button release event",
+ "&now", "is the current system time",
+ "&null", "is a null value",
+ "&output", "is the standard output file",
+ "&phi", "is the golden ratio, 1.618...",
+ "&pi", "is pi, 3.1415...",
+ "&pick", "contains the result of 3D selection",
+ "&pos", "is the index position at which the subject is being scanned",
+ "&progname", "contains the program name",
+ "&random", "is a variable that contains the current seed for random operations",
+ "&rdrag", "is the integer code for a right-button drag event",
+ "®ions", "generates the regions' sizes",
+ "&resize", "is the integer code for a window resize event",
+ "&row", "is the mouse vertical position in text rows",
+ "&rpress", "is the integer code for a right-button press event",
+ "&rrelease", "is the integer code for a right-button release event",
+ "&shift", "succeeds if the shift key was pressed at the last input event",
+ "&source", "is the co-expression that invoked the current co-expression",
+ "&storage", "generates the amount of storaged used for each region",
+ "&subject", "is the string being scanned",
+ "&time", "is the elapsed execution time in milliseconds",
+ "&trace", "is an integer specifying how many calls to trace",
+ "&ucase", "is a cset containing the 26 upper case letters",
+ "&version", "is the current unicon version",
+ "&window", "is the default graphics window",
+ "&x", "is the mouse x position at the time of the last input event",
+ "&y", "is the mouse y position at the time of the last input event",
+ )
method open_reference(func_name)
#load up remote or local utr8 documentation for built-ins
- ""||func_name)
+ ""||func_name)
method usr_funcs(usr_func_name)
@@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ class known_funcs (built_ins, usr_func_table, reserved_words, keywords)
method treeRecursion(N)
local t
every t := 0 to *N.subnodes do {
- treeRecursion(N.subnodes[t])
- }
+ treeRecursion(N.subnodes[t])
+ }
if not (N.label[-4:0] == ".icn") then {
- if not member(usr_func_table, N.label) then
- insert(usr_func_table,N.label, N.lineno)
- }
+ if not member(usr_func_table, N.label) then
+ insert(usr_func_table,N.label, N.lineno)
+ }
# Check user-defined and built in functions for the word under the cursor
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ class known_funcs (built_ins, usr_func_table, reserved_words, keywords)
if member(built_ins, var_tocheck) then #if it's a built in
- return 1 #open_reference(var_tocheck)
+ return 1 #open_reference(var_tocheck)
else if member(usr_func_table, var_tocheck) then #if it's user defined
- return 2 #usr_funcs(var_tocheck)
+ return 2 #usr_funcs(var_tocheck)
else if member(reserved_words, var_tocheck) then #if it's a reserved word
- return ["reserved word", reserved_words[var_tocheck]]
+ return ["reserved word", reserved_words[var_tocheck]]
else if member(keywords, var_tocheck) then #if it's a keyword
- return ["keyword", keywords[var_tocheck]]
+ return ["keyword", keywords[var_tocheck]]
else return -1
@@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ class known_funcs (built_ins, usr_func_table, reserved_words, keywords)
non_whitespace := &cset -- ' \t(.'
if any(non_whitespace,line,x) then {
- while x > 1 & any(non_whitespace,line,x-1) do x -:= 1
- end_of_word := many(non_whitespace,line,x)
- the_word := line[x:end_of_word]
- #look it up in the table of known functions
- #func_lookup(the_word)
- return the_word
- }
+ while x > 1 & any(non_whitespace,line,x-1) do x -:= 1
+ end_of_word := many(non_whitespace,line,x)
+ the_word := line[x:end_of_word]
+ #look it up in the table of known functions
+ #func_lookup(the_word)
+ return the_word
+ }
else return -1 #not a word
diff --git a/uni/ide/hfiledialog.icn b/uni/ide/hfiledialog.icn
index 96d99fe4f..101694992 100644
--- a/uni/ide/hfiledialog.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/hfiledialog.icn
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ $endif
# It maintains file extension information, defaulting to look for .icn files.
class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
- file_extension, # File type extension
- fext_list, # File extension list
+ file_extension, # File type extension
+ fext_list, # File extension list
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
# Set the initial file/directory from a whole path.
- #
+ #
method set_path(s)
self.init_fileType := "*.icn"
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
# Go to parent directory (unless at root directory)
- if \value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
+ if \value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
if s ~== PATHCHAR then {
s[-1] := ""
while s[-1] ~== PATHCHAR do s[-1] := ""
- }
+ }
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
# Go to parent directory (unless at root directory)
- if \value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
- if s ~== PATHCHAR then {
- s[-1] := ""
- while s[-1] ~== PATHCHAR do s[-1] := ""
- }
- dir.set_contents(s)
- }
+ if \value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
+ if s ~== PATHCHAR then {
+ s[-1] := ""
+ while s[-1] ~== PATHCHAR do s[-1] := ""
+ }
+ dir.set_contents(s)
+ }
dir.set_contents(s ||:= \value)
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
method on_flist_lpress(ev)
local sb
if get_click_count() = 2 then {
- if (sb := \ (flist.vsb | flist.hsb)) &
- (sb.x <= &x <= sb.x+sb.w) & (sb.y <= &y <= sb.y+sb.h) then
- fail
- set_result()
- dispose()
- }
+ if (sb := \ (flist.vsb | flist.hsb)) &
+ (sb.x <= &x <= sb.x+sb.w) & (sb.y <= &y <= sb.y+sb.h) then
+ fail
+ set_result()
+ dispose()
+ }
method on_dir()
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
# Defaults if none set by caller.
if /init_dir | (init_dir == "") then {
- init_dir := chdir() | PATHCHAR
- }
+ init_dir := chdir() | PATHCHAR
+ }
/init_file := ""
/init_fileType := ""
if (init_dir[-1] ~== PATHCHAR) then init_dir ||:= PATHCHAR
@@ -177,26 +177,26 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
file_extension.set_pos("100", "80")
file_extension.set_size("100%-150", "20")
file_extension.connect(self, "on_file_extension",
file_extension.set_selection_list(["All Files(*.*)",
- "Unicon Files(*.icn)",
+ "Unicon Files(*.icn)",
"Project Files(*.uprj)"])
l := (get_directory_list(init_dir,
- fext_list[file_extension.get_selection()]) |
- [[],[]])
+ fext_list[file_extension.get_selection()]) |
+ [[],[]])
dlist := TextList("pos=25,110", "size=50%-38,100%-170", "select_one",
- "selection_on_key_moves=f")
+ "selection_on_key_moves=f")
dlist.connect(self, "on_dlist", SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT)
flist := TextList("pos=50%+12,110", "size=50%-38,100%-170", "select_one",
- "selection_on_key_moves=f")
+ "selection_on_key_moves=f")
flist.connect(self, "on_flist", SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT)
flist.connect(self, "on_flist_lpress", MOUSE_PRESS_EVENT)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class HFileDialog : FileDialog(
cancel := TextButton("pos=66%,100%-30", "align=c,c", "label=Cancel",
- "accel=c")
+ "accel=c")
cancel.connect(self, "dispose", ACTION_EVENT)
diff --git a/uni/ide/ide.icn b/uni/ide/ide.icn
index eda6f9953..640e8bfc7 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ide.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ide.icn
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class IDE (
local f, L, line, d
d := pdialog()
# prn_name and copies_num are returned from PrintDialog().
if copies_num === &null then {
uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Printing canceled."])
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ class IDE (
# lpr -P prn_name -# copies_num
if f := open(lpr || " -P " || prn_name || " -\# " || copies_num, "pw") then {
- every write(f, trim(!L,'\^m'))
- close(f)
+ every write(f, trim(!L,'\^m'))
+ close(f)
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Sorry, no printing yet."])
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Sorry, no printing yet."])
method on_new_btn(ev)
@@ -101,33 +101,33 @@ class IDE (
if /filename then {
$ifdef _UNIX
- fd := HFileDialog()
- # set subdialog's position based on ide's position
- # assume subdialog is 400x400
- dwidth := WAttrib(, "width")
- dheight := WAttrib(, "height")
- dposx := WAttrib(, "posx") + dwidth/2 - 200
- dposy := WAttrib(, "posy") + dheight/2 - 200
- # L := []; every put(L, QueryPointer(
- # mousex := L[1]; mousey := L[2]
- fd.attrib("pos=" || dposx || "," || dposy)
+ fd := HFileDialog()
+ # set subdialog's position based on ide's position
+ # assume subdialog is 400x400
+ dwidth := WAttrib(, "width")
+ dheight := WAttrib(, "height")
+ dposx := WAttrib(, "posx") + dwidth/2 - 200
+ dposy := WAttrib(, "posy") + dheight/2 - 200
+ # L := []; every put(L, QueryPointer(
+ # mousex := L[1]; mousey := L[2]
+ fd.attrib("pos=" || dposx || "," || dposy)
- fd.show_modal()
- filename := fd.get_result() | fail
- filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
+ fd.show_modal()
+ filename := fd.get_result() | fail
+ filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
- filename :=
- WinOpenDialog(, "Open File ...", "", 5,,,
- chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
+ filename :=
+ WinOpenDialog(, "Open File ...", "", 5,,,
+ chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
) | fail
- }
+ }
if /filename | filename=="" | filename[-1]==("\\"|"/") then
return \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Error opening file \"" ||
- file_name(filename) || "\""])
+ file_name(filename) || "\""])
# uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents("Enter File Name")
if filename[-2:0]==(".*") then filename := filename[1:-2]
@@ -137,34 +137,34 @@ $endif
nchars := 0
if ufile := open(filename, "ru") then
while line := read(ufile) do {
- if line[-1] == "\^m" then line := line[1:-1]
- put(file_contents, line)
- nchars +:= *line + 1
- }
+ if line[-1] == "\^m" then line := line[1:-1]
+ put(file_contents, line)
+ nchars +:= *line + 1
+ }
# We don't have a file open with the same name, so
# add a new tab with the file name
if not member(opened_files_set, filename) then {
- if is_binary(filename) then
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Cannot open binary "||filename])
- else {
- new_tabitem(,1,file_name(filename),file_contents, filedirectory)
+ if is_binary(filename) then
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Cannot open binary "||filename])
+ else {
+ new_tabitem(,1,file_name(filename),file_contents, filedirectory)
\uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["opened " || filename || ", " ||
- *file_contents || " lines, " ||
- nchars || " characters"])
- uidlog.FileTabSet.set_which_one(CurrentTabItem())
- handle_update()
- insert(opened_files_set, filename)
- }
- }
+ *file_contents || " lines, " ||
+ nchars || " characters"])
+ uidlog.FileTabSet.set_which_one(CurrentTabItem())
+ handle_update()
+ insert(opened_files_set, filename)
+ }
+ }
else {
- c := uidlog.FileTabSet.get_tabitem(file_name(filename))
- uidlog.FileTabSet.set_which_one(\c)
- }
+ c := uidlog.FileTabSet.get_tabitem(file_name(filename))
+ uidlog.FileTabSet.set_which_one(\c)
+ }
CurrentTabItem().filename := file_name(filename)
CurrentTabItem().filedirectory := filename[1:-*CurrentTabItem().filename]
- uidlog.FileTabSet.which_one.filename, 0)
+ uidlog.FileTabSet.which_one.filename, 0)
@@ -222,23 +222,23 @@ $endif
if c.label == (("Untitled"||(""|"*"))|("scratch"||(""|"*"))) then
else {
- if c.label[-5:0] == ".icn*" then {
- c.label := c.label[1:-1]
- if not (save_file(c)) then c.label ||:= "*"
- }
- else
- save_file(c)
+ if c.label[-5:0] == ".icn*" then {
+ c.label := c.label[1:-1]
+ if not (save_file(c)) then c.label ||:= "*"
+ }
+ else
+ save_file(c)
method on_saveas_btn(ev)
local fd, filename, foo, index := i, warntxt, fexist := &null, L,
- i, oldwindow, win, fileslist, fext, isUnicon := 1, filedirectory,
- was_non_icn, c
+ i, oldwindow, win, fileslist, fext, isUnicon := 1, filedirectory,
+ was_non_icn, c
if (\(ide.CurrentTabItem().filename))[-4:0] == ".icn" then
- was_non_icn := &null
+ was_non_icn := &null
else was_non_icn := 1
# this obviously is supposed to be used for something, and isn't yet.
@@ -250,87 +250,87 @@ $endif
if /is_MSWindows then {
- fd := HFileDialog()
- fd.set_attribs("label=Save File As:")
- fd.show_modal()
- #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
- filename := fd.get_result() | fail
- filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
+ fd := HFileDialog()
+ fd.set_attribs("label=Save File As:")
+ fd.show_modal()
+ #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
+ filename := fd.get_result() | fail
+ filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
# Append .icn under certain circumstances. Probably need to fix
# circumstances.
fext := fd.file_extension
if not find(".", file_name(filename)) &
file_name(filename) ~== "Makefile" &
file_name(filename) ~== "makefile" &
- find("Unicon Files", fext.selection_list[fext.get_selection()])
+ find("Unicon Files", fext.selection_list[fext.get_selection()])
filename ||:= ".icn"
- }
+ }
else {
- filename := WinSaveDialog(
+ filename := WinSaveDialog(
&window, "Save File As:", "", 50,,,
- chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
+ chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
) | fail
if filename[-2:0] == ".*" then filename[-2:0] := ".icn"
- }
+ }
if /filename | file_name(filename) ==".icn" | filename[-1]==("\\"|"/")
then {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Error saving file " ||
- file_name(filename)])
- fail
- }
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Error saving file " ||
+ file_name(filename)])
+ fail
+ }
every i := 1 to *fileslist do
- if file_name(filename) === fileslist[i] then {
+ if file_name(filename) === fileslist[i] then {
oldwindow := &window
&window := win
warntxt := UpdatedTextDialog (
"Overwrite file? ",
- "A file named "|| file_name(filename) || " already" ||
+ "A file named "|| file_name(filename) || " already" ||
" exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?")
&window := oldwindow
if (overwrite === "OK") | /fexist then {
- if \project then {
- # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
- # if relative is already in the project.
- # Brute force version in place.
- if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
+ if \project then {
+ # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
+ # if relative is already in the project.
+ # Brute force version in place.
+ if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
(!menu_1.menus).get_label()))) &
- find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
+ find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
foo := TextMenuItem()
self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
- }
- uidlog.FileBrowser.nodereplace(CurrentTabItem().filename)
- CurrentTabItem().set_label(file_name(filename))
- L := CurrentEditBox().get_contents() | []
- uidlog.FileBrowser.addreplace(L, file_name(filename), 0)
- CurrentTabItem().filename := file_name(filename)
- CurrentTabItem().filedirectory := filename[1:-*file_name(filename)]
- save_file(CurrentTabItem())
- # If we changed from non-.icn to .icn extension, do a close/reopen
- # to enable syntax coloring. Open first, so whole IDE doesn't exit
+ }
+ uidlog.FileBrowser.nodereplace(CurrentTabItem().filename)
+ CurrentTabItem().set_label(file_name(filename))
+ L := CurrentEditBox().get_contents() | []
+ uidlog.FileBrowser.addreplace(L, file_name(filename), 0)
+ CurrentTabItem().filename := file_name(filename)
+ CurrentTabItem().filedirectory := filename[1:-*file_name(filename)]
+ save_file(CurrentTabItem())
+ # If we changed from non-.icn to .icn extension, do a close/reopen
+ # to enable syntax coloring. Open first, so whole IDE doesn't exit
# if this is the only buffer.
- if \was_non_icn & (filename[-4:0] == ".icn") then {
+ if \was_non_icn & (filename[-4:0] == ".icn") then {
c := CurrentTabItem()
- handle_openfile( , filename)
- handle_closefile( , c)
- }
+ handle_openfile( , filename)
+ handle_closefile( , c)
+ }
- # The old IDE updated the file list on the File Menu when a
- # project file save occurred. The new IDE should reload/reopen
- # the project and update the navigation tree.
- if CurrentTabItem().filename === project then updateproject()
+ # The old IDE updated the file list on the File Menu when a
+ # project file save occurred. The new IDE should reload/reopen
+ # the project and update the navigation tree.
+ if CurrentTabItem().filename === project then updateproject()
- handle_update()
- }
+ handle_update()
+ }
@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ $endif
l := CurrentEditBox().get_contents() | []
ufile := open(c.filename, "cu") | {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([c.filename ||
- ": failure to open for writing."])
- fail
- }
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([c.filename ||
+ ": failure to open for writing."])
+ fail
+ }
# write the lines to the file, with at most one carriage return
every write(ufile,trim(!l,'\^m'),
- if \linebreak=="CRLF" then "\^m" else "")
+ if \linebreak=="CRLF" then "\^m" else "")
\uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([c.label || " saved."])
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ $endif
# update (i.e. re-populate the navigation tree) from it.
if map(c.label[-4:0]) == ".icp" then updateproject()
- uidlog.FileTabSet.which_one.filename, 0)
+ uidlog.FileTabSet.which_one.filename, 0)
modified := &null
@@ -403,17 +403,17 @@ $endif
# Replaces a simpler function in editabletextlist.icn
local L, startcol, i, j, whichFindFunction := find, direction,
- foundline, foundcol, rd
+ foundline, foundcol, rd
# override the find function if there are special requests
if rd := \uidlog.menubar.replace_dialog then {
- if \rd.check_box_insensitive.is_checked_flag then {
- whichFindFunction := c_find
- }
- else if \rd.check_box_regex.is_checked_flag then {
- whichFindFunction := findre
- }
- }
+ if \rd.check_box_insensitive.is_checked_flag then {
+ whichFindFunction := c_find
+ }
+ else if \rd.check_box_regex.is_checked_flag then {
+ whichFindFunction := findre
+ }
+ }
# find something
L := CurrentEditBox().get_contents()
@@ -457,16 +457,16 @@ $endif
oldwindow := &window
&window := &null
if TextDialog(["Go to line# : "],gotoln,1)=="Okay" then {
- gotoln := integer(dialog_value[1])
- ide.goto_line(gotoln,1)
- }
+ gotoln := integer(dialog_value[1])
+ ide.goto_line(gotoln,1)
+ }
&window := oldwindow
method goto_line(ln,cn)
if not (CurrentEditBox().goto_line(ln,cn)) then {
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["nonexistent line number " || ln])
- }
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["nonexistent line number " || ln])
+ }
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ $endif
local command, str, compile_options, log1, cmd, fname, arglist, fdir
static compile_cmd
initial {
- if &features=="MS Windows NT" then
- compile_cmd := "wunicon -c -quiet -log "
- else
- compile_cmd := "unicon -c "
- }
+ if &features=="MS Windows NT" then
+ compile_cmd := "wunicon -c -quiet -log "
+ else
+ compile_cmd := "unicon -c "
+ }
/targs := ""
/arglist := ""
fdir := chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
@@ -521,20 +521,20 @@ $endif
lst := []
if CurrentTabItem().label ==="Untitled" then {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Open a file to compile "])
- return
- }
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Open a file to compile "])
+ return
+ }
\(CurrentTabItem().filename) | fail
fname:= "\"" || CurrentTabItem().filename || "\""
if /is_MSWindows then
- cmd := compile_cmd || targs || " " ||comp1file(fname)|| " > "||wiconlog||" 2>&1"
+ cmd := compile_cmd || targs || " " ||comp1file(fname)|| " > "||wiconlog||" 2>&1"
- cmd := compile_cmd || wiconlog ||" "||targs|| " "||comp1file(fname)
+ cmd := compile_cmd || wiconlog ||" "||targs|| " "||comp1file(fname)
if find(".icn",fname) then
- system( cmd, lst,1 ,comp1file(fname))
+ system( cmd, lst,1 ,comp1file(fname))
fileCompiled := "TRUE"
showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ $endif
local extended
if s[1]==s[-1]=="\"" then s := s[2:-1] # de-quote if needed
if find(".icn", CurrentTabItem().label) then {
- s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := "" # truncate extension
- extended := s || ".icn"
- }
+ s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := "" # truncate extension
+ extended := s || ".icn"
+ }
return quotes(extended)
@@ -573,20 +573,20 @@ $endif
local L, cmd, s, fdir, fname, cmd2, console, fun, unam, scpt
if /fileset := set() then {
- if fun := open(".") then {
- every insert(fileset, !fun)
- close(fun)
- fun := &null
- }
+ if fun := open(".") then {
+ every insert(fileset, !fun)
+ close(fun)
+ fun := &null
+ }
# Before you run it, make the executable.
# This will save it if it is modified.
- if \(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory) &
+ if \(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory) &
CurrentTabItem().filedirectory ~== "" then
- fdir := chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
+ fdir := chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
else fdir := chdir(".")
fname := CurrentTabItem().filename
@@ -618,14 +618,14 @@ $endif
scpt := " "
# using script is currently hit-and-miss 09/23/14
# path search for local terminal, use it
if pathfind("xterm", getenv("PATH")) then {
if (fun := open("uname","pr")) & # Apple xterm option
(unam := read(fun)) & close(fun) & match("Darwin",unam) then {
console := "xterm -hold -e script " || wiconlog ||" "
cmd2 := console || \cmd || " "
- }
+ }
else { # non-Apple xterm
console := "xterm -hold -e script -c \""
cmd2 := console || \cmd || " \" " || wiconlog
@@ -633,24 +633,24 @@ $endif
else if pathfind("konsole", getenv("PATH")) then {
console := "konsole --vt_sz 70x18 "
- cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
+ cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
else if pathfind("mate-terminal", getenv("PATH")) then {
console := "mate-terminal -e "
- cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
+ cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
else if pathfind("gnome-terminal", getenv("PATH")) then {
console := "gnome-terminal -- "
- cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
+ cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
else if pathfind("lxterminal", getenv("PATH")) then {
console := "lxterminal -e "
- cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
+ cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
else if pathfind("xfce4-terminal", getenv("PATH")) then {
console := "xfce4-terminal --hold -e "
- cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
- }
+ cmd2 := console || \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
+ }
else #just run without "console || ..."
cmd2 := \cmd || " &> " || wiconlog
@@ -662,10 +662,10 @@ $endif
if find(".icn", CurrentTabItem().label) then
cmd2 := "wiconx -l" || wiconlog || " " || quotes(fdir || cmd)
uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Launching the program in its own window.",
- "Finish the run and close that window to return to the IDE."
- ])
+ "Finish the run and close that window to return to the IDE."
+ ])
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ $endif
showanyerror(s, [], 0)
method CurrentDevBox()
local ti
ti := CurrentDevItem() | stop ("No Current DevTabItem")
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ $endif
if \is_MSWindows then
- (\args2) ||:= ".exe"
+ (\args2) ||:= ".exe"
# finds the path to udb
$ifdef _UNIX
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ $endif
if \args2 then {
if /filedirectory then
filedirectory := chdir()
pth := udbprefix || pth || " -line"
pth ||:= " "||filedirectory|| PATHSEP || args2
@@ -748,8 +748,8 @@ $endif
else {
uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents( uidlog.MsgBox.get_contents() |||
- ["UDB not found"])
- }
+ ["UDB not found"])
+ }
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ $endif
showanyerror(wiconlog, dlst)
@@ -791,45 +791,45 @@ $endif
method handle_openproject(ev, projectname, fname)
local line, nchars, fd, file, found, which_tab, fin, tab_id, c
if /projectname then {
- if /is_MSWindows then {
- fd := HFileDialog()
- fd.show_modal()
- projectname := fd.get_result() | fail
- filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
- }
- else
- projectname := WinOpenDialog(&window, "Open Project ...", "", 50) |
- fail
- }
+ if /is_MSWindows then {
+ fd := HFileDialog()
+ fd.show_modal()
+ projectname := fd.get_result() | fail
+ filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
+ }
+ else
+ projectname := WinOpenDialog(&window, "Open Project ...", "", 50) |
+ fail
+ }
if /projectname | projectname=="" | projectname[-1]==("\\"|"/") then {
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter Project Name"])
- }
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter Project Name"])
+ }
if map(projectname)[-4:0] == ".icp" then { # open project
- project := projectname
- updateproject()
- }
+ project := projectname
+ updateproject()
+ }
if projectname[-2:0] == ".*" then projectname := projectname[1:-2]
file := open(projectname, "ru") | {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Could not open project: " ||
- \projectname])
- return
- }
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Could not open project: " ||
+ \projectname])
+ return
+ }
tab_label := fname
found := 1
file_contents := []
nchars := 0
while line := read(file) do {
- if line[-1] == "\^m" then line := line[1:-1]
- put(file_contents, line)
- nchars +:= *line + 1
- }
+ if line[-1] == "\^m" then line := line[1:-1]
+ put(file_contents, line)
+ nchars +:= *line + 1
+ }
# We don't have a files open with the same name, so
# add a new tab with the file name
# if opened_files_num === 0 then {
\uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["opened " || projectname || ", " ||
- *file_contents ||" lines, " || nchars || " characters"])
+ *file_contents ||" lines, " || nchars || " characters"])
@@ -857,37 +857,37 @@ $endif
if /is_MSWindows then {
- fd := HFileDialog()
- fd.show_modal()
- fd.set_attribs("label=Save Project As:")
- #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
- filename := fd.get_result() | fail
- }
+ fd := HFileDialog()
+ fd.show_modal()
+ fd.set_attribs("label=Save Project As:")
+ #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
+ filename := fd.get_result() | fail
+ }
else {
- filename := WinSaveDialog(&window, "Save Project As:", "", 50,
- "Unicon Project (.prj)|*.prj|_
- Unicon Source File (.icn)|*.icn|_
- All Files(*.*)|*.*|",0,chdir()) | fail
- if filename[-2:0] == ".*" then filename[-2:0] := ""
- }
+ filename := WinSaveDialog(&window, "Save Project As:", "", 50,
+ "Unicon Project (.prj)|*.prj|_
+ Unicon Source File (.icn)|*.icn|_
+ All Files(*.*)|*.*|",0,chdir()) | fail
+ if filename[-2:0] == ".*" then filename[-2:0] := ""
+ }
numfiles +:= 1
if /filename | filename=="" | filename[-1]==("\\"|"/") then {
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter project name to save"])
- return
- }
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter project name to save"])
+ return
+ }
if \project then {
- # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
- # if relative is already in the project.
- # Brute force version in place.
- if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
- (!menu_1.menus).get_label()))) & find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
- foo := TextMenuItem()
- foo.set_label(filename)
- menu_1.add(foo)
- self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
- }
- }
+ # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
+ # if relative is already in the project.
+ # Brute force version in place.
+ if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
+ (!menu_1.menus).get_label()))) & find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
+ foo := TextMenuItem()
+ foo.set_label(filename)
+ menu_1.add(foo)
+ self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
+ }
+ }
return filename
@@ -900,14 +900,14 @@ $endif
icodename := project
icodename[find(".icp", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
if f := open(project) then {
- while s := trim(read(f), '\^m') do {
- foo := TextMenuItem()
- foo.set_label(s)
- menu_1.add(foo)
- self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
- }
- close(f)
- }
+ while s := trim(read(f), '\^m') do {
+ foo := TextMenuItem()
+ foo.set_label(s)
+ menu_1.add(foo)
+ self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
+ }
+ close(f)
+ }
@@ -924,97 +924,97 @@ $endif
method complink()
local x, arglist := "", lst := [], logf, i, s, fname, file_name,
- cmd, cmdargs, fdir
+ cmd, cmdargs, fdir
static compile_cmd
initial {
- if &features=="MS Windows NT" then
- compile_cmd := "wunicon -quiet -log "
- else
- compile_cmd := "unicon "
- }
+ if &features=="MS Windows NT" then
+ compile_cmd := "wunicon -quiet -log "
+ else
+ compile_cmd := "unicon "
+ }
/targs := ""
lst := []
if find(".",CurrentTabItem().label) then {
- if \modified == 1 then {
- save_file(CurrentTabItem())
- }
- }
+ if \modified == 1 then {
+ save_file(CurrentTabItem())
+ }
+ }
else {
- on_saveas_btn()
- }
+ on_saveas_btn()
+ }
fdir := chdir(CurrentTabItem().filedirectory)
if /project then {
- if not (arglist := comp1file(\CurrentTabItem().filename)) then {
- s := \CurrentTabItem().filename
+ if not (arglist := comp1file(\CurrentTabItem().filename)) then {
+ s := \CurrentTabItem().filename
if /s then{
fileCompiled := "FALSE"
- if find(".icn", map(s)) then {
- s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := ".u"
- if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) then s ||:= ".u"
- }
- arglist := quotes(s)
- }
- icodename := CurrentTabItem().filename
- if find(".icn", map(icodename)) then
- icodename[find(".icn", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
- }
+ if find(".icn", map(s)) then {
+ s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := ".u"
+ if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) then s ||:= ".u"
+ }
+ arglist := quotes(s)
+ }
+ icodename := CurrentTabItem().filename
+ if find(".icn", map(icodename)) then
+ icodename[find(".icn", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
+ }
else {
- # compile all project sources that need it (in one step)
- # this part is untested under ui.icn yet
- arglist := ""
- i := 1
- while menu_1.menus[i].get_label() ~== "Exit" do i +:= 1
- i +:= 1
- while menu_1.menus[i] do {
- if arglist ||:= comp1file(menu_1.menus[i].get_label()) then
- arglist ||:= " "
- i +:= 1
- }
- if find(".icn",\arglist) then {
- if /is_MSWindows then
- cmdargs := " " || targs || " " || arglist || " > " ||
- wiconlog || " 2>&1"
- else
- cmdargs := " " || wiconlog || " " || targs || " " || arglist
- system( compile_cmd || "-c" || cmdargs , lst,1, "Compiling...")
- showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
- }
- # build a list of all the files to be linked together
- arglist := ""
- i := 1
- while menu_1.menus[i].get_label() ~== "Exit" do i +:= 1
- i +:= 1
- while menu_1.menus[i] do {
- s := menu_1.menus[i].get_label()
- s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := ".u"
- if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) & find(".icn", map(s)) then
- s ||:= ".u"
- arglist ||:= quotes(s) || " "
- i +:= 1
- }
- }
+ # compile all project sources that need it (in one step)
+ # this part is untested under ui.icn yet
+ arglist := ""
+ i := 1
+ while menu_1.menus[i].get_label() ~== "Exit" do i +:= 1
+ i +:= 1
+ while menu_1.menus[i] do {
+ if arglist ||:= comp1file(menu_1.menus[i].get_label()) then
+ arglist ||:= " "
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ if find(".icn",\arglist) then {
+ if /is_MSWindows then
+ cmdargs := " " || targs || " " || arglist || " > " ||
+ wiconlog || " 2>&1"
+ else
+ cmdargs := " " || wiconlog || " " || targs || " " || arglist
+ system( compile_cmd || "-c" || cmdargs , lst,1, "Compiling...")
+ showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
+ }
+ # build a list of all the files to be linked together
+ arglist := ""
+ i := 1
+ while menu_1.menus[i].get_label() ~== "Exit" do i +:= 1
+ i +:= 1
+ while menu_1.menus[i] do {
+ s := menu_1.menus[i].get_label()
+ s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := ".u"
+ if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) & find(".icn", map(s)) then
+ s ||:= ".u"
+ arglist ||:= quotes(s) || " "
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ }
if find(".icn",CurrentTabItem().label) then {
if /is_MSWindows then {
cmdargs := " " || targs || " " || arglist || " > " ||wiconlog||" 2>&1"
- cmd := compile_cmd || "-o " || quotes(icodename) || cmdargs
- }
+ cmd := compile_cmd || "-o " || quotes(icodename) || cmdargs
+ }
else {
- cmdargs := " " || wiconlog || " " || targs || " " || arglist
- cmd := compile_cmd || cmdargs
- }
+ cmdargs := " " || wiconlog || " " || targs || " " || arglist
+ cmd := compile_cmd || cmdargs
+ }
system( cmd, lst,1,"Compiling...")
showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
else {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["UI only compiles .icn files"])
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["UI only compiles .icn files"])
fileCompiled := "TRUE"
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ $endif
method on_error_check(ev)
errLine := "FALSE"
if fileCompiled === "TRUE" then
- GotoErrorLine(errors_list)
+ GotoErrorLine(errors_list)
@@ -1038,35 +1038,35 @@ $endif
local log1, i, s, ln, nerrors := 0
if log1 := open(fn, "r") then {
- while put(\lst, read(log1))
- close(log1)
- remove(fn)
- every s := !lst do {
- if find(CurrentTabItem().label||":", s) then
- nerrors +:= 1
- }
- if find(".icn",CurrentTabItem().label) & nerrors > 0 then
- nerrors -:= 1
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(lst)
- if ( \ (uidlog.MsgBox.vsb)).set_value(*lst - uidlog.MsgBox.vsb.page_size) then
- uidlog.MsgBox.refresh()
- every s := !lst do s ? {
- if (not match("Script")) &
- (fn := ((tab(any(&letters))||=":")|"") ||
- tab(many(&letters++&digits++' .\\/-'))) & =":" &
- ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) & = ":" then {
- if CurrentTabItem().label ~=== fn then
- handle_openfile( , fn)
- goto_line(ln,1)
- CurrentEditBox().highlight_line(ln)
- return
- }
- }
- }
+ while put(\lst, read(log1))
+ close(log1)
+ remove(fn)
+ every s := !lst do {
+ if find(CurrentTabItem().label||":", s) then
+ nerrors +:= 1
+ }
+ if find(".icn",CurrentTabItem().label) & nerrors > 0 then
+ nerrors -:= 1
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(lst)
+ if ( \ (uidlog.MsgBox.vsb)).set_value(*lst - uidlog.MsgBox.vsb.page_size) then
+ uidlog.MsgBox.refresh()
+ every s := !lst do s ? {
+ if (not match("Script")) &
+ (fn := ((tab(any(&letters))||=":")|"") ||
+ tab(many(&letters++&digits++' .\\/-'))) & =":" &
+ ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) & = ":" then {
+ if CurrentTabItem().label ~=== fn then
+ handle_openfile( , fn)
+ goto_line(ln,1)
+ CurrentEditBox().highlight_line(ln)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
else {
- put(lst, "Can't open logfile " || \fn || ": " || \i)
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(lst)
- }
+ put(lst, "Can't open logfile " || \fn || ": " || \i)
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(lst)
+ }
@@ -1076,35 +1076,35 @@ $endif
method GotoErrorLine(errors_list)
local curLine, fileBase, cLineNum, ix, index, fn, ln,
- errmessage
+ errmessage
index := uidlog.MsgBox.get_cursor()
curLine := \lst[\index]
if ( \ (uidlog.MsgBox.vsb)).set_value(*lst - uidlog.MsgBox.vsb.page_size) then
- \uidlog.MsgBox.refresh()
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.refresh()
\curLine ? {
- if ((fn:=((tab(any(&letters))||=":")|"")||
- tab(many(&letters++&digits++' .\\/-'))) &
- = ":" & ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) &= ":") then {
- errLine := "TRUE"
- if map(fn) ~== map(\tab_label) then {
- handle_openfile( , fn)
- uidlog.set_focus(CurrentEditBox())
- }
- goto_line(ln,1)
- }
+ if ((fn:=((tab(any(&letters))||=":")|"")||
+ tab(many(&letters++&digits++' .\\/-'))) &
+ = ":" & ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) &= ":") then {
+ errLine := "TRUE"
+ if map(fn) ~== map(\tab_label) then {
+ handle_openfile( , fn)
+ uidlog.set_focus(CurrentEditBox())
+ }
+ goto_line(ln,1)
+ }
if errLine == "TRUE" then {
- CurrentEditBox().highlight_line(ln)
- return
- }
+ CurrentEditBox().highlight_line(ln)
+ return
+ }
else {
- errmessage := &window
- &window := &null
- Notice("Selected line is not a unicon error message.")
- &window := errmessage
- }
+ errmessage := &window
+ &window := &null
+ Notice("Selected line is not a unicon error message.")
+ &window := errmessage
+ }
@@ -1161,13 +1161,13 @@ $endif
# toggles backwards search and shifts focus to the textfield
if /self.toggle_find_dir_btn.is_checked_flag then {
- # Right Arrow / Search Forwards Image
- toggle_find_dir_btn.set_img("16,c1,554>>54>>555555555464546)555555555454446)<555555544>4>>4>>555555546<>V)6<)555555546<)v)6<)5555554>>>>v>4>>)55555>56<>5><54v55555>56<>5)(54v55555>vvvv5vvvvv55555555555555555555555555555555SS55555555555555SSS55555SSSSSSSSSSSS555555555555SSS5555555555555SS555")
- }
+ # Right Arrow / Search Forwards Image
+ toggle_find_dir_btn.set_img("16,c1,554>>54>>555555555464546)555555555454446)<555555544>4>>4>>555555546<>V)6<)555555546<)v)6<)5555554>>>>v>4>>)55555>56<>5><54v55555>56<>5)(54v55555>vvvv5vvvvv55555555555555555555555555555555SS55555555555555SSS55555SSSSSSSSSSSS555555555555SSS5555555555555SS555")
+ }
else {
- # Left Arrow / Search Backwards Image
- toggle_find_dir_btn.set_img("16,c1,554>>54>>555555555464546)555555555454446)<555555544>4>>4>>555555546<>V)6<)555555546<)v)6<)5555554>>>>v>4>>)55555>56<>5><54v55555>56<>5)(54v55555>vvvv5vvvvv555555555555555555555555SS5555555555555SSS555555555555SSSSSSSSSSSS55555SSS55555555555555SS55555555555")
- }
+ # Left Arrow / Search Backwards Image
+ toggle_find_dir_btn.set_img("16,c1,554>>54>>555555555464546)555555555454446)<555555544>4>>4>>555555546<>V)6<)555555546<)v)6<)5555554>>>>v>4>>)55555>56<>5><54v55555>56<>5)(54v55555>vvvv5vvvvv555555555555555555555555SS5555555555555SSS555555555555SSSSSSSSSSSS55555SSS55555555555555SS55555555555")
+ }
@@ -1215,29 +1215,29 @@ $endif
local tab_item_new, EditBox
tab_item_new := BufferTabItem()
if x == 1 then {
- if filename === "" then {
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["No File Name Specified..."])
- }
- else {
- tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
+ if filename === "" then {
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["No File Name Specified..."])
+ }
+ else {
+ tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
tab_item_new.filedirectory := CurrentTabItem().filedirectory
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
else {
- filename := "Untitled"
- tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
+ filename := "Untitled"
+ tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
tab_item_new.filename := filename
tab_item_new.filedirectory := CurrentTabItem().filedirectory
- }
+ }
if map(\filename)[-4:0] == ".icn" then
- EditBox := BuffEditableTextList()
+ EditBox := BuffEditableTextList()
- EditBox := EditableTextList()
+ EditBox := EditableTextList()
EditBox.set_pos("2", "2")
EditBox.set_size("100%-4", "100%-4")
- "font="||fontname)
+ "font="||fontname)
@@ -1260,19 +1260,19 @@ $endif
local tab_item_new, nullfilename
tab_item_new := BufferTabItem()
if x == 1 then {
- if filename === "" then {
- nullfilename := &window
- &window := &null
- Notice("Enter File Name ...")
- &window := nullfilename
- }
- else tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
- }
+ if filename === "" then {
+ nullfilename := &window
+ &window := &null
+ Notice("Enter File Name ...")
+ &window := nullfilename
+ }
+ else tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
+ }
else {
- if filename === "" then
- tab_item_new.set_label("Untitled")
- else tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
- }
+ if filename === "" then
+ tab_item_new.set_label("Untitled")
+ else tab_item_new.set_label(filename)
+ }
uidlog.EditBox := BuffEditableTextList()
uidlog.EditBox.set_pos("2", "2")
@@ -1298,14 +1298,14 @@ $endif
method on_ivib(ev)
local L := []
if CurrentTabItem().label==="Untitled" then {
- system("ivib " || \tab_label, L) | uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(L)
- handle_closefile()
- handle_openfile( , tab_label)
- }
+ system("ivib " || \tab_label, L) | uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(L)
+ handle_closefile()
+ handle_openfile( , tab_label)
+ }
else {
- if not system("ivib " || CurrentTabItem().label, L) then
+ if not system("ivib " || CurrentTabItem().label, L) then
uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["System Failed"])
- }
+ }
@@ -1530,11 +1530,11 @@ $endif
method save()
if CurrentTabItem().label == ("Untitled"|"scratch") then {
- saveas()
- }
+ saveas()
+ }
else {
- save_file(CurrentTabItem().label)
- }
+ save_file(CurrentTabItem().label)
+ }
modified := &null
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ $endif
method saveas(ev)
local fd, filename, foo, index := i, warntxt, fexist := &null, L,
- i, oldwindow, win, fileslist, fext
+ i, oldwindow, win, fileslist, fext
@@ -1550,69 +1550,69 @@ $endif
every put(fileslist,!open("."))
if /is_MSWindows then {
- fd := HFileDialog()
- fd.set_attribs("label=Save File As:")
- fd.show_modal()
- #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
- filename := fd.get_result() | fail
- filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
+ fd := HFileDialog()
+ fd.set_attribs("label=Save File As:")
+ fd.show_modal()
+ #fd.set_extra_attribs(["label=Save file As:"])
+ filename := fd.get_result() | fail
+ filedirectory := fd.get_directory()
# Append .icn under certain circumstances. Probably need to fix
# circumstances.
fext := fd.file_extension
if (not find(".", file_name(filename))) &
- find("Unicon Files", fext.selection_list[fext.get_selection()])
+ find("Unicon Files", fext.selection_list[fext.get_selection()])
- filename ||:= ".icn"
+ filename ||:= ".icn"
- }
+ }
else {
- filename := WinSaveDialog(&window, "Save File As:", "", 50,
- "Unicon Source File (.icn)|*.icn|_
- All Files(*.*)|*.*|",0,chdir()) | fail
- if filename[-2:0] == ".*" then filename[-2:0] := ".icn"
- }
+ filename := WinSaveDialog(&window, "Save File As:", "", 50,
+ "Unicon Source File (.icn)|*.icn|_
+ All Files(*.*)|*.*|",0,chdir()) | fail
+ if filename[-2:0] == ".*" then filename[-2:0] := ".icn"
+ }
if /filename | filename=="" | filename[-1]==("\\"|"/") then {
- \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter file name to save"])
- return
- }
+ \uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["Enter file name to save"])
+ return
+ }
every i := 1 to *fileslist do
- if file_name(filename) === fileslist[i] then {
- oldwindow := &window
- &window := win
- warntxt := UpdatedTextDialog (
- "Overwrite file? ","A file named "||file_name(filename)||
- " already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?")
- warntxt.show_modal()
- &window := oldwindow
- fexist := 1
- }
+ if file_name(filename) === fileslist[i] then {
+ oldwindow := &window
+ &window := win
+ warntxt := UpdatedTextDialog (
+ "Overwrite file? ","A file named "||file_name(filename)||
+ " already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?")
+ warntxt.show_modal()
+ &window := oldwindow
+ fexist := 1
+ }
if (overwrite === "OK") | /fexist then {
- if \project then {
- # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
- # if relative is already in the project.
- # Brute force version in place.
- if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
- (!menu_1.menus).get_label()))) &
- find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
- foo := TextMenuItem()
- foo.set_label(filename)
- menu_1.add(foo)
- self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
- }
- }
- uidlog.FileBrowser.nodereplace(CurrentTabItem().label)
- CurrentTabItem().set_label(file_name(filename))
- L := CurrentEditBox().get_contents() | []
- uidlog.FileBrowser.addreplace(L, file_name(filename), 0)
- save_file(filename)
- if find(".icp", map(filename)) then { # open project
- project := filename
- updateproject()
- }
- handle_update()
- }
+ if \project then {
+ # Resolve absolute versus relative paths and not add absolute
+ # if relative is already in the project.
+ # Brute force version in place.
+ if (not find(map(filename), map(("" | (chdir() || PATHSEP)) ||
+ (!menu_1.menus).get_label()))) &
+ find(".icn"|".u",filename) then {
+ foo := TextMenuItem()
+ foo.set_label(filename)
+ menu_1.add(foo)
+ self.resize() # recalc with new components in place
+ }
+ }
+ uidlog.FileBrowser.nodereplace(CurrentTabItem().label)
+ CurrentTabItem().set_label(file_name(filename))
+ L := CurrentEditBox().get_contents() | []
+ uidlog.FileBrowser.addreplace(L, file_name(filename), 0)
+ save_file(filename)
+ if find(".icp", map(filename)) then { # open project
+ project := filename
+ updateproject()
+ }
+ handle_update()
+ }
@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ class UpdatedTextDialog : Dialog(caption,message)
method component_setup()
local l, bn1, bn2
l := Label("label="||message,"pos=50%,33%","size=100%,20%",
- "align=c,c","internal_alignment=c")
+ "align=c,c","internal_alignment=c")
bn1 := TextButton("label=OK","pos=45%,66%","size=60,30","align=c,c")
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ class UpdatedTextDialog : Dialog(caption,message)
attrib("label="||caption, "size=460,150", "bg=light gray",
- "font=serif", "resize=on")
+ "font=serif", "resize=on")
method on_ok()
overwrite := "OK"
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/attribtab.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/attribtab.icn
index e16c422c3..5e72e6787 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/attribtab.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/attribtab.icn
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ import lang
$include "guih.icn"
class AttribTab : TabItem(
- tbl,
- add, # Buttons
- delete, #
- apply, #
- contents, # Table contents
- attrib,
- value
- )
+ tbl,
+ add, # Buttons
+ delete, #
+ apply, #
+ contents, # Table contents
+ attrib,
+ value
+ )
method on_add()
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ class AttribTab : TabItem(
# Line in the table clicked - copy the line to the edit area.
if i := tbl.get_selections()[1] then {
- attrib.set_contents(contents[i][1])
- value.set_contents(contents[i][2])
- attrib.clear_is_shaded()
- value.clear_is_shaded()
- delete.clear_is_shaded()
- apply.clear_is_shaded()
- }
+ attrib.set_contents(contents[i][1])
+ value.set_contents(contents[i][2])
+ attrib.clear_is_shaded()
+ value.clear_is_shaded()
+ delete.clear_is_shaded()
+ apply.clear_is_shaded()
+ }
else {
- attrib.set_is_shaded()
- value.set_is_shaded()
- delete.set_is_shaded()
- apply.set_is_shaded()
+ attrib.set_is_shaded()
+ value.set_is_shaded()
+ delete.set_is_shaded()
+ apply.set_is_shaded()
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/canvas.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/canvas.icn
index 05eb16f4a..92edb524b 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/canvas.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/canvas.icn
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $include "guih.icn"
# Length of resize line at bottom right corner
-$define RSW 12
+$define RSW 12
# Width of the border around the Canvas.
$define EDGE 4
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
orig_x_spec, # Original pos/size spec of an item being
- orig_y_spec, # resized/moved
+ orig_y_spec, # resized/moved
x_new, # New pos/size spec of an item being resized/moved
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
method update_pos_label()
if \self.selected then
self.parent_dialog.pos_label.set_label(self.selected.x_spec || "," ||
- self.selected.y_spec || " : " ||
- self.selected.w_spec || "," ||
- self.selected.h_spec)
+ self.selected.y_spec || " : " ||
+ self.selected.w_spec || "," ||
+ self.selected.h_spec)
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
every t := !selections do {
c := t.cp()
- # Set pos of new object.
- #
+ # Set pos of new object.
+ #
c.w := t.w
c.h := t.h
c.x_spec := c.get_x_alignment_offset() + 10 + 7 * (copy_count % 4) + t.x - t.parent.get_x_reference()
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Even-space the selections horizontally.
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- if *self.selections = 1 then
+ if *self.selections = 1 then
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- if *self.selections = 1 then
+ if *self.selections = 1 then
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
cn ||:= "_" || (name_table[cn] +:= 1)
return cn
- end
+ end
# Generate code output (see also code.iol).
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
return c
# Minimum width of canvas.
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- # Called if the canvas has been modified.
+ # Called if the canvas has been modified.
method set_modified()
self.modified === 1 & return
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
local star := if \self.modified then "*" else ""
WAttrib(self.get_parent_win(), "label=Ivib: "||star||(\self.filename|""))
# Set the filename.
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Reset fields to an original state.
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
c.event_handlers := copy(\self.event_handlers)
c.set_pos(self.x, self.y)
c.set_size(self.w, self.h)
- #
+ #
# Copy the items.
c.items := []
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
return c
- #
+ #
# Open the preferences dialog.
method dialog()
@@ -850,14 +850,14 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
parent_dlg := self.get_parent_dialog()
WAttrib(Canvas_temp_win, "size=" || parent_dlg.get_w_reference() -
- self.x + 2 * EDGE || "," || parent_dlg.get_h_reference() -
- self.y + 2 * EDGE)
+ self.x + 2 * EDGE || "," || parent_dlg.get_h_reference() -
+ self.y + 2 * EDGE)
# Reset the cloned and buffer windows created by gui.iol to match the
# Canvas's own attributes, rather than the program's.
- #
+ #
method reset_windows()
local t1, t2
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
self.cbwin := (Clone ! ([t2] ||| self.dialog_struct.attribs))
- #
+ #
# The above will change the main window's pointer if this attrib is set
# in its attrib list; so reset the pointer to normal just in case it's
# changed.
@@ -891,31 +891,31 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# between right and bottom edge of canvas and edge of window.
EraseArea(, self.x + self.w + EDGE, self.y - EDGE,
- parent.get_w_reference(), parent.get_h_reference())
+ parent.get_w_reference(), parent.get_h_reference())
EraseArea(, self.x - EDGE, self.y + self.h + EDGE,
- parent.get_w_reference(), parent.get_h_reference())
+ parent.get_w_reference(), parent.get_h_reference())
clear_borders_flag := &null
- }
+ }
if \self.is_held then {
- #
+ #
# During a drag of a component
- # Copy saved original to buffer.
+ # Copy saved original to buffer.
CopyArea(Canvas_temp_win, self.cbwin,
- 0, 0, self.w, self.h, self.x, self.y)
+ 0, 0, self.w, self.h, self.x, self.y)
# Highlight moving object
# Display from buffer.
- #
+ #
CopyArea(self.cbwin, self.cwin,
- self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.x, self.y)
+ self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.x, self.y)
else if \self.is_resizing then {
@@ -926,25 +926,25 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Copy saved original to buffer.
CopyArea(Canvas_temp_win, self.cbwin, 0, 0,
- parent.get_w_reference() - self.x + 2 * EDGE,
- parent.get_h_reference() - self.y + 2 * EDGE,
- self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE)
+ parent.get_w_reference() - self.x + 2 * EDGE,
+ parent.get_h_reference() - self.y + 2 * EDGE,
+ self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE)
# Draw outline of new Canvas into buffer.
cw := Clone(self.cbwin, "linestyle=dashed")
Rectangle(cw, self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE,
- self.w + 2 * EDGE, self.h + 2 * EDGE)
+ self.w + 2 * EDGE, self.h + 2 * EDGE)
# Copy buffer to display.
CopyArea(self.cbwin, self.cwin, self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE,
- parent.get_w_reference() - self.x + 2 * EDGE,
- parent.get_h_reference() - self.y + 2 * EDGE,
- self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE)
+ parent.get_w_reference() - self.x + 2 * EDGE,
+ parent.get_h_reference() - self.y + 2 * EDGE,
+ self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE)
else {
@@ -972,15 +972,15 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
WAttrib(cw, "fg=red")
every i := 1 to EDGE do
DrawLine(cw, self.x + self.w - 1 - RSW, self.y + self.h - 1 + i,
- self.x + self.w - 1 + i, self.y + self.h - 1 + i,
- self.x + self.w - 1 + i, self.y + self.h - 1 - RSW)
+ self.x + self.w - 1 + i, self.y + self.h - 1 + i,
+ self.x + self.w - 1 + i, self.y + self.h - 1 - RSW)
if /buffer_flag then
CopyArea(self.cbwin, self.cwin, self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE,
- self.w + 2 * EDGE, self.h + 2 * EDGE, self.x - EDGE,
- self.y - EDGE)
+ self.w + 2 * EDGE, self.h + 2 * EDGE, self.x - EDGE,
+ self.y - EDGE)
@@ -991,9 +991,9 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
method in_resize_corner()
return ((self.x + self.w <= &x < self.x + self.w + EDGE) &
- (self.y + self.h + EDGE - RSW <= &y < self.y + self.h + EDGE)) |
+ (self.y + self.h + EDGE - RSW <= &y < self.y + self.h + EDGE)) |
((self.x + self.w + EDGE - RSW <= &x < self.x + self.w + EDGE) &
- (self.y + self.h <= &y < self.y + self.h + EDGE))
+ (self.y + self.h <= &y < self.y + self.h + EDGE))
@@ -1001,11 +1001,11 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
method handle_event(e)
if e === (Key_Up | Key_Down | Key_Left | Key_Right) then
- handle_key_move(e)
+ handle_key_move(e)
else {
case e of {
&lpress : handle_lpress()
- &ldrag : handle_ldrag()
+ &ldrag : handle_ldrag()
&lrelease : handle_lrelease()
&rpress : handle_rpress()
@@ -1055,13 +1055,13 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
if orig_w_spec ~== w_new then
moving.w_default := &null
if orig_h_spec ~== h_new then
moving.h_default := &null
- moving.set_pos(x_new, y_new)
+ moving.set_pos(x_new, y_new)
moving.set_size(w_new, h_new)
- moving.resize()
+ moving.resize()
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
y1 <:= orig_y + orig_h - (orig_h - moving.min_height()) / 2
h_new := orig_h + 2 * (y1 - (orig_y + orig_h))
} else if /moving.y_fixed | moving.y_align ~== "b" then {
- y1 >:= self.y + self.h
+ y1 >:= self.y + self.h
y1 <:= orig_y + moving.min_height()
h_new := orig_h + (y1 - (orig_y + orig_h))
if moving.y_align == "b" then
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
x1 <:= orig_x + orig_w - (orig_w - moving.min_width()) / 2
w_new := orig_w + 2 * (x1 - (orig_x + orig_w))
} else if /moving.x_fixed | moving.x_align ~== "r" then {
- x1 >:= self.x + self.w
+ x1 >:= self.x + self.w
x1 <:= orig_x + moving.min_width()
w_new := orig_w + (x1 - (orig_x + orig_w))
if moving.x_align == "r" then
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
if /moving.w_fixed then {
if moving.x_align == "c" then {
- # x won't change; work out new width.
+ # x won't change; work out new width.
x1 <:= max(self.x, orig_x - (self.x + self.w - orig_x - orig_w))
x1 >:= orig_x + (orig_w - moving.min_width()) / 2
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Not in old container. Post a message.
self.parent_dialog.info_label.set_label(if obj === self then
- "Placed back in canvas" else "Placed inside container")
+ "Placed back in canvas" else "Placed inside container")
# Take it out of the one it's currently in ...
@@ -1186,8 +1186,8 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# ... and put it in the new one.
- obj.place_inside(moving)
- }
+ obj.place_inside(moving)
+ }
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
WAttrib(self.get_parent_win(), "pointer=bottom right corner")
self.drag_x_offset := &x - (moving.x + moving.w)
self.drag_y_offset := &y - (moving.y + moving.h)
- }
+ }
# Moving, not resizing.
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
self.drag_y_offset := &y - moving.y
# Save original pos and size.
@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Copy present screen to Canvas_temp_win
CopyArea(self.cwin, Canvas_temp_win,
- self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, 0, 0)
+ self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, 0, 0)
} else if in_resize_corner() then {
# Save for possible push onto undo list.
@@ -1314,9 +1314,9 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Copy present screen to Canvas_temp_win
CopyArea(self.cwin, Canvas_temp_win, self.x - EDGE, self.y - EDGE,
- self.get_parent_dialog().get_w_reference() -self.x + 2*EDGE,
- self.get_parent_dialog().get_h_reference() - self.y + 2*EDGE,
- 0, 0)
+ self.get_parent_dialog().get_w_reference() -self.x + 2*EDGE,
+ self.get_parent_dialog().get_h_reference() - self.y + 2*EDGE,
+ 0, 0)
# Set offsets.
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Calculate new x position and width
- #
+ #
case self.resize_mode of {
# Resizing x from left hand side of object.
@@ -1374,22 +1374,22 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Moving
default : move_horizontally(x1)
- }
+ }
# Calculate new y position and height
- #
+ #
case self.resize_mode of {
# Resizing y from top of object.
1 | 2 : resize_up(y1)
# Resizing y from bottom
3 | 4 : resize_down(y1)
# Moving
@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Move the moving object to new position.
- moving.set_pos(x_new, y_new)
+ moving.set_pos(x_new, y_new)
moving.set_size(w_new, h_new)
@@ -1441,19 +1441,19 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- #
+ #
# Left button released.
method handle_lrelease()
if \self.is_held then {
if orig_x_spec ~== moving.x_spec | orig_y_spec ~== moving.y_spec |
orig_w_spec ~== moving.w_spec | orig_h_spec ~== moving.h_spec then {
- self.parent_dialog.push_onto_undo(self.tmp_dup)
+ self.parent_dialog.push_onto_undo(self.tmp_dup)
if orig_w_spec ~== moving.w_spec then
moving.w_default := &null
if orig_h_spec ~== moving.h_spec then
moving.h_default := &null
@@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
# Resizing or moving an object.
- #
+ #
# Reset the pointer to normal.
WAttrib(self.get_parent_win(), "pointer=top left arrow")
@@ -1487,11 +1487,11 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
} else if \self.is_resizing then {
- #
+ #
# Finished resizing whole canvas.
- if orig_w ~= self.w | orig_h ~= self.h then {
- self.parent_dialog.push_onto_undo(self.tmp_dup)
+ if orig_w ~= self.w | orig_h ~= self.h then {
+ self.parent_dialog.push_onto_undo(self.tmp_dup)
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
is_resizing := &null
- #
+ #
# Reset the pointer to normal.
WAttrib(self.get_parent_win(), "pointer=top left arrow")
@@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
every (!self.items).reset(self)
- #
+ #
# Redisplay after erasing any rubbish outside the new area
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- # Unfix the selected objects.
+ # Unfix the selected objects.
method unfix()
local e
@@ -1615,11 +1615,11 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
method still_inside(c)
- #
+ #
# Add c to the list of items.
method add(c)
- put(items, c)
+ put(items, c)
@@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
if /e.is_button_subclass then
return alert_error("You can only have subclasses of Button _
in a CheckBoxGroup")
- }
+ }
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- # Create a new button group.
+ # Create a new button group.
n :=
@@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- # Clear selections.
+ # Clear selections.
@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@ class Canvas : Component : SelectiveClassCoding(
- initially
+ initially
Canvas_temp_win := WOpen("canvas=hidden")
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ end
# Preferences for Canvas.
class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
c, # The object being edited
okay, # Okay button
@@ -1821,12 +1821,12 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
# Get the result
- #
+ #
method get_okay_result()
return self.okay_result
- method on_set_min_w()
+ method on_set_min_w()
@@ -1842,10 +1842,10 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
method on_has_ticker()
method on_okay()
local pair
- #
+ #
# Validate data
if set_min_w.is_checked() & not(integer(min_w_spec.get_contents())) then
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
if set_min_h.is_checked() & not(integer(min_h_spec.get_contents())) then
return alert_error("Min height not integer")
integer(self.gen_indent.get_contents()) |
- return alert_error("Indent not integer")
+ return alert_error("Indent not integer")
integer(w_spec.get_contents()) | return alert_error("Invalid width")
integer(h_spec.get_contents()) | return alert_error("Invalid height")
util_check_attribs(self, attrib_tab.get_contents()) | fail
@@ -1880,7 +1880,7 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
c.gen_component_setup := if self.gen_component_setup.is_checked() then 1 else &null
c.gen_init_dialog := if self.gen_init_dialog.is_checked() then 1 else &null
c.gen_initially := if self.gen_initially.is_checked() then 1 else &null
- c.gen_indent := integer(self.gen_indent.get_contents())
+ c.gen_indent := integer(self.gen_indent.get_contents())
c.set_size(w_spec.get_contents(), h_spec.get_contents())
@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
} else {
- }
+ }
l := Label()
@@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ class CanvasPreferencesDialog : CommonDialog(
gen_indent.set_align("l", "c")
code_tab := TabItem()
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/code.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/code.icn
index 32a7b1489..4c81e71a8 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/code.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/code.icn
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ record a_method(name, params, body)
# Class to process code generation
class Code(
- class_vars, # Class variables which have methods
- local_vars, # Variables local to the setup method
+ class_vars, # Class variables which have methods
+ local_vars, # Variables local to the setup method
imports, # Set of import declarations
methods, # Methods to be generated, a table of names->a_method records
- code, # List of strings to generate in the setup method
- parent_Canvas, #
- indent1, # Spaces for indentation
+ code, # List of strings to generate in the setup method
+ parent_Canvas, #
+ indent1, # Spaces for indentation
indent2, #
indent3, #
indent4 #
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ class Code(
if f := open(s) then {
- ivib_maindialog.source := []
- while put(ivib_maindialog.source, read(f))
- close(f)
- }
+ ivib_maindialog.source := []
+ while put(ivib_maindialog.source, read(f))
+ close(f)
+ }
@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ class Code(
if not (f := open(src_name)) then {
- alert_error("warning, couldn't open " || src_name)
- # the file has disappeared, try writing it from the copy we saved
- if f := open(src_name, "w") then {
- every write(f, !ivib_maindialog.source)
- close(f)
- if not (f := open(src_name)) then
- return alert_error("Couldn't open " || src_name)
- }
- else
- return alert_error("Couldn't open " || src_name)
- }
+ alert_error("warning, couldn't open " || src_name)
+ # the file has disappeared, try writing it from the copy we saved
+ if f := open(src_name, "w") then {
+ every write(f, !ivib_maindialog.source)
+ close(f)
+ if not (f := open(src_name)) then
+ return alert_error("Couldn't open " || src_name)
+ }
+ else
+ return alert_error("Couldn't open " || src_name)
+ }
# Save contents up to setup() method
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class Code(
delete(imports, tab(many(idchars)))
- put(part1, t)
+ put(part1, t)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class Code(
s ? {
if ="class " then {
# Substitute our own class and superclass name
- s := "class " || || " : " ||
+ s := "class " || || " : " ||
self.parent_Canvas.superclass_name || "("
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class Code(
every write(f, indent2, !rec.body)
write(f, indent1, "end")
count +:= 1
- }
+ }
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ class Code(
- # Generate a main procedure.
+ # Generate a main procedure.
method main_out(f)
write(f, "procedure main()")
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/icon/xpmtoims.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/icon/xpmtoims.icn
index 3a0ea2d1e..5bc0a586a 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/icon/xpmtoims.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/icon/xpmtoims.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: xpmtoims.icn
+# File: xpmtoims.icn
-# Subject: Program to make Icon images from XPM files
+# Subject: Program to make Icon images from XPM files
-# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
-# Date: May 23, 1996
+# Date: May 23, 1996
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ procedure dofile(f, fname)
EraseArea(0, 0)
DrawImage(0, 0, s)
while e := Event() do case e of {
- QuitEvents(): exit() # quit on "q" etc
- !" \t\r\n": break # continue on "\r" etc
+ QuitEvents(): exit() # quit on "q" etc
+ !" \t\r\n": break # continue on "\r" etc
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/main.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/main.icn
index 385939cb2..f4e543317 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/main.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/main.icn
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ end
# This listens for actions to either the menu/button object creation items.
-class ObjectActionListener(main, object_ui)
+class ObjectActionListener(main, object_ui)
method on_event(event)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
new, # New canvas function
orig_canvas_width, # Variables for re-sizing canvas
orig_canvas_height, #
- tool_area_height, #
+ tool_area_height, #
prog_preferences, # Program preferences function
centre_horiz, # Centre horizontally command
grid, # Grid command
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
centre_vert, # Centre vertically command
popup_component, # Popup on component
- popup_component_delete,
+ popup_component_delete,
popup_component_fix, # Vertically fix command
popup_component_unfix, # Unfix command
popup_component_save, # Save component command
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- source # source file (list of strings)
+ source # source file (list of strings)
method show_tooltip(x, y, label)
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- #
+ #
# Get undo item
method get_undo()
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
if *undo_list = 0 then
return res
- end
+ end
# Push an undo item
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- #
+ #
# Get redo item
method get_redo()
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
if *redo_list = 0 then
return res
- end
+ end
# Push an redo item
@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
if \self.canvas.modified then
s ||:= " *"
- end
+ end
# Special custom show to allow a popup during init
- #
+ #
method custom_show(a)
local s, f, c
self.args := a
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- # Push a canvas onto undo list.
+ # Push a canvas onto undo list.
method push_onto_undo(d)
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
local d, t
if /self.canvas.selected then
- op_preferences()
+ op_preferences()
else {
t := canvas.dup()
d := canvas.selected.dialog()
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
# Add a new CanvasComponent using the given CanvasComponentUI to
# create it.
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- # Save as... operation
+ # Save as... operation
method op_save_as()
local fd, s, c
@@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
method op_about()
local d
- d := InfoDialog(["Ivib Version : " || version_number,
- "Date : " || version_date,
+ d := InfoDialog(["Ivib Version : " || version_number,
+ "Date : " || version_date,
"Author : " || version_author], "About ivib")
@@ -787,34 +787,34 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
local s
source := [ ]
repeat {
- if not (s := read(f)) then {
- cd := ChoiceDialog("No Ivib layout in "||fname||", append one?")
- cd.show_modal()
- if not cd.result() then fail
- # no ivib layout, need to append
- close(f)
- if f := open(fname, "w") then {
- # write L
- every write(f, !source)
- # write the empty layout
- append_ivib(f)
- close(f)
- source := [ ]
- if f := open(fname) then {
- alert_error("added an Ivib interface")
- next
- }
- else return alert_error("Failed to append layout to " || fname)
- }
- else
- return alert_error("No Ivib layout in " || fname)
- }
- if s == v1_marker then
- return load_v1(f, fname)
- if s == v2_marker then
- return load_v2(f, fname)
- put(source, s)
- }
+ if not (s := read(f)) then {
+ cd := ChoiceDialog("No Ivib layout in "||fname||", append one?")
+ cd.show_modal()
+ if not cd.result() then fail
+ # no ivib layout, need to append
+ close(f)
+ if f := open(fname, "w") then {
+ # write L
+ every write(f, !source)
+ # write the empty layout
+ append_ivib(f)
+ close(f)
+ source := [ ]
+ if f := open(fname) then {
+ alert_error("added an Ivib interface")
+ next
+ }
+ else return alert_error("Failed to append layout to " || fname)
+ }
+ else
+ return alert_error("No Ivib layout in " || fname)
+ }
+ if s == v1_marker then
+ return load_v1(f, fname)
+ if s == v2_marker then
+ return load_v2(f, fname)
+ put(source, s)
+ }
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
local s, t
t := ""
while s := read(f) do {
- put(source, s)
+ put(source, s)
if s[1] == "#" then
t ||:= s[2:0]
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
if not(c := lang::decode(s)) then
return alert_error("Invalid file format")
- d := InfoDialog(["Ivib v1 file successfully loaded.",
+ d := InfoDialog(["Ivib v1 file successfully loaded.",
"NB - some manual editing may be needed after",
"the file is next saved."],
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ class Main : CommonDialog(
- }
+ }
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ end
# Preferences for program
class Preferences : CommonDialog(c, okay, cancel, undo_size)
method on_okay()
integer(self.undo_size.get_contents()) | return alert_error("Non-integer undo size")
diff --git a/uni/ide/ivib/version.icn b/uni/ide/ivib/version.icn
index 8107d25d9..d89d78ad4 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ivib/version.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ivib/version.icn
@@ -8,26 +8,26 @@
-# File: version.iol
+# File: version.iol
-# Subject: Version info for Ivib
+# Subject: Version info for Ivib
-# Author: Robert Parlett
+# Author: Robert Parlett
-# Date: 11 June 1999
+# Date: 11 June 1999
# This file is in the public domain.
-# Links:
+# Links:
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ $define version_author "Robert Parlett ("
# 1.01 15 Jun 99 Added saving of program preference info.
# 1.02 15 Jun 99 Fixed bug : clipx in check_attribs was clipxx.
-# 1.03 19 Jun 99 Optimized editable text area component
+# 1.03 19 Jun 99 Optimized editable text area component
# 1.04 20 Jun 99 Improved menu structure edit dialog
-# Enabled configuring of Components' class names
+# Enabled configuring of Components' class names
# 1.05 29 Jun 99 Display of button names now from tick() method
# 1.06 03 Jul 99 Improvement of handling scrollbars in Scroll-
# Area and Table classes.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ $define version_author "Robert Parlett ("
# handling in tree, table and textlist classes.
# PopupMenu class.
# 1.11 24 Jul 99 Supports new event handlers in table/text list
-# classes; popup menus for components and
+# classes; popup menus for components and
# canvas.
# 1.12 25 Jul 99 Flushing of parent dialog window queues.
# Filter facility on text input classes.
diff --git a/uni/ide/mainbar.icn b/uni/ide/mainbar.icn
index 1ee1b6959..0481837f8 100644
--- a/uni/ide/mainbar.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/mainbar.icn
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class Mainbar(
# Or do they just modify &window such that it needs saved/restored?
&window := &null
if TextDialog("Enter compiler options: ",,targs,60) == "Okay" then
- targs := dialog_value[1]
+ targs := dialog_value[1]
&window := oldwindow
# having obtained some compile options, where do they go? Project object?
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class Mainbar(
# Or do they just modify &window such that it needs saved/restored?
&window := &null
if TextDialog("Enter command line arguments: ",,xargs,60) == "Okay" then
- xargs := dialog_value[1]
+ xargs := dialog_value[1]
&window := oldwindow
# having obtained some run arguments, where do they go? Project object?
@@ -258,13 +258,13 @@ class Mainbar(
projectname := ide.ProjectSave()
if \projectname then {
- pname := file_name(projectname)
- filedirectory := projectname[1:(*projectname - *pname)]
+ pname := file_name(projectname)
+ filedirectory := projectname[1:(*projectname - *pname)]
- newUPro := UProject(pname,filedirectory)
+ newUPro := UProject(pname,filedirectory)
- newUPro.show_modal()
- }
+ newUPro.show_modal()
+ }
projecttype := "Unicon"
projectCreated := "TRUE"
uidlog.tab_item_1.set_label("Messages: (Project Mode)")
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ $else # implies Windows for now
if \projecttype == "Unicon" then {
- chdir(filedirectory)
- ide.system("make deps")
- ide.system("make -f " || pname2 || "_uprjMakefile > " ||
- wiconlog || " 2>&1", lst, 1)
- ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
- }
+ chdir(filedirectory)
+ ide.system("make deps")
+ ide.system("make -f " || pname2 || "_uprjMakefile > " ||
+ wiconlog || " 2>&1", lst, 1)
+ ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
+ }
fileCompiled := "TRUE"
@@ -320,13 +320,13 @@ $endif
pname2 := pname[1:*pname-4]
if \ (projectCreated | projectOpened) == "TRUE" then {
- if \projecttype == "Unicon" then {
- chdir(filedirectory)
- ide.system("make clean -f " || pname2 || "_uprjMakefile > " ||
- wiconlog || " 2>&1", lst, 1)
- }
- ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
- }
+ if \projecttype == "Unicon" then {
+ chdir(filedirectory)
+ ide.system("make clean -f " || pname2 || "_uprjMakefile > " ||
+ wiconlog || " 2>&1", lst, 1)
+ }
+ ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
+ }
else on_project_check()
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ $endif
pname2 := pname[1:*pname-4]
if \projectCreated == "TRUE" then {
- if \projecttype == "Unicon" then {
- chdir(filedirectory)
- ide.system("make clean -f "||pname2||"_uprjMakefile"||
- " > "||wiconlog||" 2>&1",lst,1)
- }
- ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
- }
+ if \projecttype == "Unicon" then {
+ chdir(filedirectory)
+ ide.system("make clean -f "||pname2||"_uprjMakefile"||
+ " > "||wiconlog||" 2>&1",lst,1)
+ }
+ ide.showanyerror(wiconlog, lst)
+ }
else on_project_check()
@@ -359,19 +359,19 @@ $else # implies Windows for now
console := "cmd "
if \projecttype == "Unicon" then { #run unicon projects
- chdir(filedirectory)
+ chdir(filedirectory)
$ifdef _UNIX
- # path search, see if xterm exists on path, use it
- if pathfind("xterm", getenv("PATH")) then {
- console :="xterm -hold -e "
- ide.system(console || " ./UProject")
- }
- else #just run without "console || ..."
- ide.system(pname2)
+ # path search, see if xterm exists on path, use it
+ if pathfind("xterm", getenv("PATH")) then {
+ console :="xterm -hold -e "
+ ide.system(console || " ./UProject")
+ }
+ else #just run without "console || ..."
+ ide.system(pname2)
- ide.system(console || " ./UProject")
+ ide.system(console || " ./UProject")
- }
+ }
@@ -379,59 +379,59 @@ $endif
method on_ui_programming_envi(ev)
- "")
+ "")
method on_tutorial_overview(ev)
- "")
+ "")
method on_icon_ref()
- "")
+ "")
method on_unicon_ref()
- "")
+ "")
method on_graphics_ref()
- "")
+ "")
method on_graphics3D_ref()
- "")
+ "")
method on_icon_prog_library()
- "")
+ "")
method on_ivib_interface_builder()
- "")
+ "")
method on_icon_faq()
- "")
+ "")
method on_unicon_faq()
- "")
+ "")
method on_unicon_manpage()
- "")
+ "")
# Launch online help, if we are online.
@@ -440,38 +440,38 @@ $endif
local line, p, s
if /browser then {
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([
- "Sorry, you must configure a browser in order for help to work."])
- fail
- }
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents([
+ "Sorry, you must configure a browser in order for help to work."])
+ fail
+ }
$ifdef _UNIX
if not match("online", is_online()) then {
- # use local copy since UI thinks we are offline
- if \docpath then {
- URL := "file://" || \docpath || filename
- }
- else URL := "file://" || filename
- }
+ # use local copy since UI thinks we are offline
+ if \docpath then {
+ URL := "file://" || \docpath || filename
+ }
+ else URL := "file://" || filename
+ }
if find("netscape"|"firefox", \browser) then {
- if /browserversion then {
- if p := open(\browser || " -version", "p") then {
- s := read(p)
- close(p)
- s ? {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- browserversion := real(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- }
- }
- if \browserversion <36 then
- URL2 := " -remote 'openURL(" || URL || ")'"
- else URL2 := " " || URL
- }
+ if /browserversion then {
+ if p := open(\browser || " -version", "p") then {
+ s := read(p)
+ close(p)
+ s ? {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ browserversion := real(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if \browserversion <36 then
+ URL2 := " -remote 'openURL(" || URL || ")'"
+ else URL2 := " " || URL
+ }
else if browser=="open" then {
- URL2 := " -a Safari " || URL
- }
+ URL2 := " -a Safari " || URL
+ }
else URL2 := " " || URL
foutname := tempname("ui", ".err")
@@ -488,39 +488,39 @@ $ifdef _UNIX
if find("netscape"|"firefox", \browser) then {
if f := open("cat " ||
- (if \fout then foutname else "") ||
- " "||
- (if \fout2 then foutname2 else ""),"p") then {
+ (if \fout then foutname else "") ||
+ " "||
+ (if \fout2 then foutname2 else ""),"p") then {
line := ""
while line ||:= read(f)
map(line) ? {
if tab(find(nonot:=("no"|"not")) + *nonot) & tab(many(' ')) &
- ="running" then {
+ ="running" then {
# write(&errout, \browser, " not running, reverting to URL")
- if \fout then remove(foutname)
- if \fout2 then remove(foutname2)
- fout := fout2 := &null
- fout := open(foutname,"w")
+ if \fout then remove(foutname)
+ if \fout2 then remove(foutname2)
+ fout := fout2 := &null
+ fout := open(foutname,"w")
fout2 := open(foutname2,"w")
proc("system",0)(\browser||" "||URL, , fout, fout2, "nowait")
- close(\fout)
- close(\fout2)
- if \fout then remove(foutname)
- if \fout2 then remove(foutname2)
+ close(\fout)
+ close(\fout2)
+ if \fout then remove(foutname)
+ if \fout2 then remove(foutname2)
else {
# write(&errout, \browser, " was running, so we are good")
- }
+ }
if \docpath then {
- URL := "file://" || map(\docpath || filename,"/",PATHSEP)
- }
+ URL := "file://" || map(\docpath || filename,"/",PATHSEP)
+ }
- "launching " || browser || " " || URL])
+ "launching " || browser || " " || URL])
proc("system",0)(\browser || " " || URL) # || " &")
#s := \browser[2:-1] || " " || URL
@@ -618,27 +618,27 @@ $endif
method update_view_window(ev)
case cur_ide_win_setup of {
- "view_window_all" : on_view_window_all(ev)
- "view_window_files" : on_view_window_files(ev)
- "view_window_filesmsgs" : on_view_window_filesmsgs(ev)
- "view_window_filesclassbrowser" : on_view_window_filesclassbrowser(ev)
- default : write("ERROR")
- }
+ "view_window_all" : on_view_window_all(ev)
+ "view_window_files" : on_view_window_files(ev)
+ "view_window_filesmsgs" : on_view_window_filesmsgs(ev)
+ "view_window_filesclassbrowser" : on_view_window_filesclassbrowser(ev)
+ default : write("ERROR")
+ }
method on_hide_toolbar(ev)
if hide_toolbar.get_label() == "Hide Toolbar" then {
- cur_ide_tb_status := "hide"
- hide_toolbar.set_label("Show Toolbar")
- uidlog.pnlToolbar.set_pos("0", "110%")
- tb_adj := -4
- }
+ cur_ide_tb_status := "hide"
+ hide_toolbar.set_label("Show Toolbar")
+ uidlog.pnlToolbar.set_pos("0", "110%")
+ tb_adj := -4
+ }
else {
- cur_ide_tb_status := "show"
- hide_toolbar.set_label("Hide Toolbar")
- uidlog.pnlToolbar.set_pos("0","4.5%")
- tb_adj := 0
- }
+ cur_ide_tb_status := "show"
+ hide_toolbar.set_label("Hide Toolbar")
+ uidlog.pnlToolbar.set_pos("0","4.5%")
+ tb_adj := 0
+ }
@@ -733,47 +733,47 @@ $endif
method set_font(fname, fcolor)
local tab_item, buff_editable, type, size, style, l, i:=1,
- prefs := uidlog.ui_Preferences
+ prefs := uidlog.ui_Preferences
/fontname := "mono,16"
if not (/fname := fontname) then fontname := fname
fontname ? {
- type := tab(find(","))
- tab(upto(&digits))
- size := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- =","
- style := tab(0)
- }
+ type := tab(find(","))
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ size := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ =","
+ style := tab(0)
+ }
if size > 36 | type == "" then {
- if size > 36 then size := "36"
- if type == "" then type := "mono"
- fontname := type||","||size
- fontname ||:= \style
- }
+ if size > 36 then size := "36"
+ if type == "" then type := "mono"
+ fontname := type||","||size
+ fontname ||:= \style
+ }
uidlog.MsgBox.set_attribs("font=" || fontname)
if \prefs.sample_box then {
- l := prefs.sample_box.attribs
- while i <= *l do {
- if match("font=", l[i]) then
- delete(l, i)
- else
- i +:= 1
- }
- prefs.sample_box.set_attribs("font=" || fontname)
- i := 1
- }
+ l := prefs.sample_box.attribs
+ while i <= *l do {
+ if match("font=", l[i]) then
+ delete(l, i)
+ else
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ prefs.sample_box.set_attribs("font=" || fontname)
+ i := 1
+ }
every tab_item := !uidlog.FileTabSet.children do
- every buff_editable := !tab_item.children do {
- l := buff_editable.attribs
- while i <= *l do {
- if match("font=", l[i]) then
- delete(l, i)
- else
- i +:= 1
- }
- buff_editable.set_attribs("font="||fontname)
- }
+ every buff_editable := !tab_item.children do {
+ l := buff_editable.attribs
+ while i <= *l do {
+ if match("font=", l[i]) then
+ delete(l, i)
+ else
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ buff_editable.set_attribs("font="||fontname)
+ }
@@ -793,19 +793,19 @@ $endif
every tab_item := !uidlog.FileTabSet.children do
- every buff_editable := !tab_item.children do {
- l := buff_editable.attribs
- while i <= *l do {
- if match("bg=", l[i]) then
- delete(l, i)
- else
- i +:= 1
- }
- buff_editable.set_attribs("bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
- WAttrib(\ (buff_editable.cbwin), "bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
- WAttrib(\ (buff_editable.view.cbwin),
- "bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
- }
+ every buff_editable := !tab_item.children do {
+ l := buff_editable.attribs
+ while i <= *l do {
+ if match("bg=", l[i]) then
+ delete(l, i)
+ else
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ buff_editable.set_attribs("bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
+ WAttrib(\ (buff_editable.cbwin), "bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
+ WAttrib(\ (buff_editable.view.cbwin),
+ "bg="||prefs.val_background_color)
+ }
@@ -819,10 +819,10 @@ $endif
method save_config()
local f, pos_x, pos_y, prefs := uidlog.ui_Preferences
WAttrib("pos") ? {
- pos_x := tab(find(","))
- =","
- pos_y := tab(many('-' ++ &digits))
- }
+ pos_x := tab(find(","))
+ =","
+ pos_y := tab(many('-' ++ &digits))
+ }
pos_x := integer(pos_x)
pos_y := integer(pos_y)
if /pos_x | pos_x < 0 then pos_x := 0
@@ -831,139 +831,139 @@ $endif
width := WAttrib("width")
height := WAttrib("height")
if f := open(getenv("HOME"|"HOMEDIR"|"LOCALAPPDATA")||PS||FILE,"w") then {
- write(f, "position=",win_position, "\n",
- "width=",width, "\n",
- "height=",height,"\n",
- "window_setup=", cur_ide_win_setup, "\n",
- "toolbar_status=", cur_ide_tb_status, "\n",
- "msglines=",msglines,"\n",
- "font=",fontname, "\n",
- "linebreak=",linebreak, "\n",
- "val_background_color=", prefs.val_background_color, "\n",
- "linenumber_highlight_color=", prefs.linenumber_highlight_color, "\n",
- "default_text_color=", prefs.default_text_color, "\n",
- "cursor_highlight_color=", prefs.cursor_highlight_color, "\n",
- "cursor_text_color=", prefs.cursor_text_color, "\n",
- "syntax_text_color=", prefs.syntax_text_color, "\n",
- "glob_text_color=", prefs.glob_text_color, "\n",
- "procedure_text_color=", prefs.procedure_text_color, "\n",
- "quote_text_color=", prefs.quote_text_color, "\n",
- "comment_text_color=", prefs.comment_text_color, "\n",
- "linenumber_text_color=", prefs.linenumber_text_color, "\n",
- "text_highlight_color=", prefs.text_highlight_color, "\n",
- "error_text_color=", prefs.error_text_color, "\n",
- "parentheses_match=", prefs.paren_check_box_state, "\n",
- "syntax_highlighting=", prefs.syntax_check_box_state, "\n"
- )
- close(f)
- }
+ write(f, "position=",win_position, "\n",
+ "width=",width, "\n",
+ "height=",height,"\n",
+ "window_setup=", cur_ide_win_setup, "\n",
+ "toolbar_status=", cur_ide_tb_status, "\n",
+ "msglines=",msglines,"\n",
+ "font=",fontname, "\n",
+ "linebreak=",linebreak, "\n",
+ "val_background_color=", prefs.val_background_color, "\n",
+ "linenumber_highlight_color=", prefs.linenumber_highlight_color, "\n",
+ "default_text_color=", prefs.default_text_color, "\n",
+ "cursor_highlight_color=", prefs.cursor_highlight_color, "\n",
+ "cursor_text_color=", prefs.cursor_text_color, "\n",
+ "syntax_text_color=", prefs.syntax_text_color, "\n",
+ "glob_text_color=", prefs.glob_text_color, "\n",
+ "procedure_text_color=", prefs.procedure_text_color, "\n",
+ "quote_text_color=", prefs.quote_text_color, "\n",
+ "comment_text_color=", prefs.comment_text_color, "\n",
+ "linenumber_text_color=", prefs.linenumber_text_color, "\n",
+ "text_highlight_color=", prefs.text_highlight_color, "\n",
+ "error_text_color=", prefs.error_text_color, "\n",
+ "parentheses_match=", prefs.paren_check_box_state, "\n",
+ "syntax_highlighting=", prefs.syntax_check_box_state, "\n"
+ )
+ close(f)
+ }
- uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["couldn't save settings"])
+ uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["couldn't save settings"])
method load_config()
local f, prefs := uidlog.ui_Preferences, line
if f := open(getenv("HOME"|"HOMEDIR"|"LOCALAPPDATA")||PS||FILE,"r") then {
- while line := read(f) do {
- line ? {
- if ="position" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- win_position := tab(many(&digits ++ ','))
- }
- else if ="height" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- height := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="width" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- width := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="window_setup" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- cur_ide_win_setup := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="toolbar_status" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- cur_ide_tb_status := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="msglines" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- msglines := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="font" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- fontname := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="linebreak" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- linebreak := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="val_background_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.val_background_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="linenumber_highlight_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.linenumber_highlight_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="default_text_color=" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.default_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="cursor_highlight_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.cursor_highlight_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="cursor_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.cursor_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="syntax_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.syntax_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="glob_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.glob_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="procedure_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.procedure_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="quote_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.quote_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="comment_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.comment_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="linenumber_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.linenumber_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="text_highlight_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.text_highlight_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="error_text_color" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.error_text_color := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="parentheses_match" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.paren_check_box_state := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="syntax_highlighting" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- prefs.syntax_check_box_state := tab(0)
- }
- }
- }
- close(f)
- }
+ while line := read(f) do {
+ line ? {
+ if ="position" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ win_position := tab(many(&digits ++ ','))
+ }
+ else if ="height" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ height := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="width" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ width := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="window_setup" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ cur_ide_win_setup := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="toolbar_status" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ cur_ide_tb_status := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="msglines" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ msglines := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="font" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ fontname := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="linebreak" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ linebreak := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="val_background_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.val_background_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="linenumber_highlight_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.linenumber_highlight_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="default_text_color=" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.default_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="cursor_highlight_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.cursor_highlight_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="cursor_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.cursor_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="syntax_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.syntax_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="glob_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.glob_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="procedure_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.procedure_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="quote_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.quote_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="comment_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.comment_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="linenumber_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.linenumber_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="text_highlight_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.text_highlight_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="error_text_color" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.error_text_color := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="parentheses_match" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.paren_check_box_state := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="syntax_highlighting" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ prefs.syntax_check_box_state := tab(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(f)
+ }
- return "couldn't load saved settings"
+ return "couldn't load saved settings"
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ $endif
debuggIt := TextMenuItem()
debuggIt.set_label("Debug program")
debuggIt.connect(self, "on_debuggIt", ACTION_EVENT)
- menu_10.add(debuggIt)
+ menu_10.add(debuggIt)
menu_12 := Menu()
diff --git a/uni/ide/matchparen.icn b/uni/ide/matchparen.icn
index dab6f2023..852bab2ef 100644
--- a/uni/ide/matchparen.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/matchparen.icn
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ class MatchParen(stack, matching, closing_paren, opening_paren)
"("|")" : return "("
"["|"]" : return "["
"{"|"}" : return "{"
- }
+ }
- method add_char(c, cur_pos, i)
+ method add_char(c, cur_pos, i)
local n, m := leftMatch(c)
if \m & \cur_pos then {
if m == c then # c is some kind of left parenthesis
push(stack, [m,i]) # push a Character version, m and its position
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ class MatchParen(stack, matching, closing_paren, opening_paren)
return n[2]
else if \m then {
if m == c then # c is some kind of left parenthesis
push(stack, m) # push a Character version, m
else {
if (not (n := pop(stack))) | (n ~=== m) then {
- return matching := "false"
- }
+ return matching := "false"
+ }
method add_string(s, cur_pos)
local i, match_paren_pos
every i := 1 to *s do {
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ class MatchParen(stack, matching, closing_paren, opening_paren)
method test(s, cur_pos)
local match_paren_pos
stack := []
matching := "true"
#if \cur_pos then
# if not member(closing_paren, s[cur_pos-1:cur_pos]) then return
match_paren_pos:=add_string(s, cur_pos)
if \cur_pos & \match_paren_pos then
diff --git a/uni/ide/modified.icn b/uni/ide/modified.icn
index 04f51afe3..a148677ad 100644
--- a/uni/ide/modified.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/modified.icn
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ end
class close_modifieddialog : Dialog(f, position, selection, no_btn,
save_btn, cancel_btn, label_1)
- method component_setup()
+ method component_setup()
local pos_x, pos_y, size_x, size_y
WAttrib("pos") ? {
pos_x := tab(find(","))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class close_modifieddialog : Dialog(f, position, selection, no_btn,
method setup()
self.set_attribs("size=350,75", "pos="||position)
label_1 := Label()
label_1.set_pos(12, 7)
label_1.set_size("320", "15")
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class close_modifieddialog : Dialog(f, position, selection, no_btn,
save_btn := TextButton()
save_btn.set_pos("140", "40")
save_btn.set_size("60", )
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ end
class exit_modifieddialog : Dialog(position, selection, cancel_btn, save_btn,
save_all_btn, exit_without_saving_btn, label_1)
- method component_setup()
+ method component_setup()
local pos_x, pos_y, size_x, size_y
WAttrib("pos") ? {
pos_x := tab(find(","))
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class exit_modifieddialog : Dialog(position, selection, cancel_btn, save_btn,
method setup()
self.set_attribs("size=350,75", "pos="||position)
label_1 := Label()
label_1.set_pos(12, 7)
label_1.set_size("320", "15")
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class exit_modifieddialog : Dialog(position, selection, cancel_btn, save_btn,
save_btn := TextButton()
save_btn.set_pos("80", "40")
save_btn.set_size("60", )
@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ class exit_modifieddialog : Dialog(position, selection, cancel_btn, save_btn,
exit_without_saving_btn.set_label("Exit Anyways")
- self.add(exit_without_saving_btn)
+ self.add(exit_without_saving_btn)
procedure AskSave(fn)
local m := ModifiedDialog()
if \fn then
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ procedure AskSave(fn)
class ModifiedDialog : Dialog(selection, cancel_btn, label_1,
- no_btn, saveas_btn, yes_btn)
+ no_btn, saveas_btn, yes_btn)
method component_setup()
diff --git a/uni/ide/online.icn b/uni/ide/online.icn
index f2a06ec74..ccc67b967 100644
--- a/uni/ide/online.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/online.icn
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ local pathto, rv, f, line
else {
if f := open("/sbin/ifconfig", "p") then {
- while line := read(f) do {
- line ? {
- if tab(find("inet addr:")) then next
- if tab(find("inet addr:")) then return "online, I think"
- }
- }
- }
+ while line := read(f) do {
+ line ? {
+ if tab(find("inet addr:")) then next
+ if tab(find("inet addr:")) then return "online, I think"
+ }
+ }
+ }
return "don't know, assume not"
diff --git a/uni/ide/preferences.icn b/uni/ide/preferences.icn
index ea532bffb..a8ec9c7f3 100644
--- a/uni/ide/preferences.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/preferences.icn
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
pos_x := tab(find(","))
pos_y := tab(many('-0123456789'))
- }
+ }
if /pos_x | pos_x < 0 then pos_x := 0
if /pos_y | pos_y < 0 then pos_y := 0
position := pos_x||","||pos_y
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
delete(l, i)
i +:= 1
- }
+ }
self.set_attribs("pos=" || position)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
method end_dialog()
@@ -87,17 +87,17 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
temp_val_background_color := list_bg_color.get_string_selection()
method on_list_syntax_color(ev)
temp_syntax_text_color := list_syntax_color.get_string_selection()
method on_list_comment_color(ev)
temp_comment_text_color := list_comment_color.get_string_selection()
method on_list_linenumber_color(ev)
temp_linenumber_text_color := list_linenumber_color.get_string_selection()
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
method update()
local i, l
l := sample_box.attribs
i := 1
if \temp_val_background_color then {
@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
cursor_text_color := "black"
- val_background_color := "white"
+ val_background_color := "white"
linenumber_highlight_color := val_background_color
while i <= *l do {
if match("bg=", l[i]) then
delete(l, i)
i +:= 1
- }
+ }
WAttrib(\ (sample_box.cbwin), "bg="||val_background_color)
WAttrib(\ (sample_box.view.cbwin), "bg="||val_background_color)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
method check_box_syntax_highlighting_on(ev)
method on_text_button_ok(ev)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
method exit_without_saving()
local i, l
if \vbc then {
@@ -229,23 +229,23 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
delete(l, i)
i +:= 1
- }
+ }
WAttrib(\ (sample_box.cbwin), "bg="||val_background_color)
WAttrib(\ (sample_box.view.cbwin), "bg="||val_background_color)
- default_text_color := \dtc
+ default_text_color := \dtc
cursor_highlight_color := \chc
- cursor_text_color := \ctc
+ cursor_text_color := \ctc
syntax_text_color := \stc
- linenumber_highlight_color := \lhc
- glob_text_color := \gtc
- procedure_text_color := \ptc
+ linenumber_highlight_color := \lhc
+ glob_text_color := \gtc
+ procedure_text_color := \ptc
quote_text_color := \qtc
- comment_text_color := \mtc
- linenumber_text_color := \ltc
- text_highlight_color := \thc
+ comment_text_color := \mtc
+ linenumber_text_color := \ltc
+ text_highlight_color := \thc
error_text_color := \etc
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
method initialize_values()
if /position then position := "0,0"
if /val_background_color then {
val_background_color := "white"
linenumber_highlight_color := "white"
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
if /error_text_color then
error_text_color := "red"
method setup()
self.set_attribs("size=640,200", "pos="||position)
@@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
sample_box.set_size("75%", "75%-4")
sample_box.set_contents(["# Sample Code w/ Error",
"procedure main()", " local c",
- " c:=Hello()", "end", "",
- "class Hello ()",
- " write(\"Hello World\")", "end"])
+ " c:=Hello()", "end", "",
+ "class Hello ()",
+ " write(\"Hello World\")", "end"])
list_bg_color := List()
list_bg_color.set_pos(25, 25)
@@ -301,22 +301,22 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
list_syntax_color.set_pos(125, 25)
list_syntax_color.connect(self, "on_list_syntax_color",
list_syntax_color.set_selection_list(["light-colors", "dark-colors",
- "bright-colors"])
+ "bright-colors"])
list_comment_color := List()
list_comment_color.set_pos(225, 25)
list_comment_color.connect(self, "on_list_comment_color",
list_comment_color.set_selection_list(["blue", "red", "green"])
list_linenumber_color := List()
list_linenumber_color.set_pos(325, 25)
list_linenumber_color.connect(self, "on_list_linenumber_color",
"dark-yellow", "yellow"])
@@ -324,17 +324,17 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
list_highlight_color.set_pos(425, 25)
list_highlight_color.connect(self, "on_list_highlight_color",
list_highlight_color.set_selection_list(["light-grey", "white-grey",
- "yellow"])
+ "yellow"])
list_error_color := List()
list_error_color.set_pos(525, 25)
list_error_color.connect(self, "on_list_error_color",
list_error_color.set_selection_list(["red", "dark-red", "pink"])
label_background_color := Label()
label_background_color.set_pos("35", "10")
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
label_syntax_color.set_pos("135", "10")
label_comment_color := Label()
label_comment_color.set_pos("235", "10")
@@ -392,16 +392,16 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
label_syntax_highlighting2.set_pos("530", "132")
check_box_syntax_highlighting_on := CheckBox()
check_box_syntax_highlighting_on.set_pos("555", "146")
- "check_box_syntax_highlighting_on", ACTION_EVENT)
+ "check_box_syntax_highlighting_on", ACTION_EVENT)
if \syntax_check_box_state = 1 then
text_button_ok := TextButton()
text_button_ok.set_pos(595, 170)
text_button_ok.connect(self, "on_text_button_ok", BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT)
@@ -411,10 +411,10 @@ class DialogPreferences : Dialog(
text_button_cancel := TextButton()
text_button_cancel.set_pos(535, 170)
text_button_cancel.connect(self, "on_text_button_cancel",
diff --git a/uni/ide/ptyDispatcher.icn b/uni/ide/ptyDispatcher.icn
index 6a10c3487..6eaed3751 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ptyDispatcher.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ptyDispatcher.icn
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ $include "keysyms.icn"
$include "guih.icn"
-class ptyDispatcher : Dispatcher (ptys, connections)
+class ptyDispatcher : Dispatcher (ptys, connections)
method add_pty (n)
insert(ptys, n)
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ class ptyDispatcher : Dispatcher (ptys, connections)
idle_sleep := 3
dialogwins := set()
while \r.is_open do {
connections := []
every insert(dialogwins, (!dialogs).win)
every put(connections, !dialogwins | !ptys)
- if *(L := select(connections,1)) > 0 then {
- every x := !L do {
+ if *(L := select(connections,1)) > 0 then {
+ every x := !L do {
if member(dialogwins, x) then {
- do_event()
+ do_event()
break next
else if member(ptys, x) then {
- ide.do_pty_event()
- break next
- }
+ ide.do_pty_event()
+ break next
+ }
else {
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class ptyDispatcher : Dispatcher (ptys, connections)
initially ()
ptys := set()
connections := []
diff --git a/uni/ide/qu_replace.icn b/uni/ide/qu_replace.icn
index 10ca0a047..929c6a909 100644
--- a/uni/ide/qu_replace.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/qu_replace.icn
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
ceb.cursor_x := second_x
ide.handle_select_str(e, first_x, second_x, ceb.cursor_y)
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
if s1 == "" then fail
if ide.findstring(\s1) then {
- second_x := ceb.cursor_x
- first_x := second_x - *s1
- ide.handle_select_str(&null, first_x, second_x, ceb.cursor_y)
- }
+ second_x := ceb.cursor_x
+ first_x := second_x - *s1
+ ide.handle_select_str(&null, first_x, second_x, ceb.cursor_y)
+ }
# wrap to begining of buffer
else if /direction_flag then {
uidlog.MsgBox.set_contents(["end of buffer.\n searching from the top."])
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
method on_text_button_find(ev)
return do_find(text_field_1.get_contents(),
- check_box_backwards.is_checked_flag)
+ check_box_backwards.is_checked_flag)
method handle_pnl_find(ev)
return do_find(ide.text_field_search.get_contents(),
- ide.toggle_find_dir_btn.is_checked_flag)
+ ide.toggle_find_dir_btn.is_checked_flag)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
s2 := text_field_2.get_contents()
if s1 == "" then fail
if s2 == "" then fail
second_x := ide.CurrentEditBox().cursor_x
first_x := second_x - *s1
wu_replace(ev, first_x, second_x, s2)
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
s2 := text_field_2.get_contents()
if s1 == "" then fail
if s2 == "" then fail
while ide.findstring(s1) do {
second_x := ide.CurrentEditBox().cursor_x
first_x := second_x - (*s1)
- wu_replace(ev, first_x, second_x, s2)
- }
- ide.modified := 1
+ wu_replace(ev, first_x, second_x, s2)
+ }
+ ide.modified := 1
method on_check_box_backwards(ev)
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class qu_replace : Dialog(s1, s2, text_button_close, text_field_1, text_field_2,
diff --git a/uni/ide/shelletl.icn b/uni/ide/shelletl.icn
index 6d41af4c9..6cd9d6ead 100644
--- a/uni/ide/shelletl.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/shelletl.icn
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
changed, moved,
- vi, # virtual line index
- undolist, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- wordlist, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- noedit, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- startdragx, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- enddragx, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- startdragy, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- enddragy, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
- donedrag, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ vi, # virtual line index
+ undolist, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ wordlist, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ noedit, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ startdragx, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ enddragx, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ startdragy, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ enddragy, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
+ donedrag, # Taken from old-version editabletextlist
highlightcolor, # Taken from buffertextlist
- autoindent, # Taken from buffertextlist
- scroll_y, # Taken from buffertextlist
+ autoindent, # Taken from buffertextlist
+ scroll_y, # Taken from buffertextlist
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
if match(attr, attribs[i]) then {
attribs[i] := attrval
- }
+ }
return self$EditableTextList.set_attribs(attrval)
@@ -111,44 +111,44 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
# note that if we aren't at the end of the editable buffer, we
# probably should not be trying to execute anything.
if cursor_y < *contents - 2 then {
- write(&errout, "missing end-of-buffer check before writing to shell")
+ write(&errout, "missing end-of-buffer check before writing to shell")
else {
- cmdln := contents[cursor_y]
- if \cmdln then { # if cmdln is non-null
- write(ide.pty, cmdln) # write it to the pseudo-tty
- cmdln ? { # scan string
- if cmdstr := tab(upto(' ')) then move(1)
- else cmdstr := cmdln
- shellcmd := cmdstr
- case map(\cmdstr) of {
- "b" | "break" : {
- highlightline := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- "r" | "run" : {
- runs := 1
-# every i := 1 to *file_contents do
-# if find("main", file_contents[i]) then rnln := i
- if \rnln < highlightline then {
- rnln := highlightline
- }
- }
- "q" | "quit" : {
- ide.debugger := 0
+ cmdln := contents[cursor_y]
+ if \cmdln then { # if cmdln is non-null
+ write(ide.pty, cmdln) # write it to the pseudo-tty
+ cmdln ? { # scan string
+ if cmdstr := tab(upto(' ')) then move(1)
+ else cmdstr := cmdln
+ shellcmd := cmdstr
+ case map(\cmdstr) of {
+ "b" | "break" : {
+ highlightline := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ "r" | "run" : {
+ runs := 1
+# every i := 1 to *file_contents do
+# if find("main", file_contents[i]) then rnln := i
+ if \rnln < highlightline then {
+ rnln := highlightline
+ }
+ }
+ "q" | "quit" : {
+ ide.debugger := 0
# write("shelletl.handlereturn debugger is ", image(ide.debugger))
# uidlog.DevTabSet.set_which_one(uidlog.tab_item_3)
- }
- default : { highlightline := integer(tab(many(&digits))) }
- }
- }
- f := open(wiconlog, "a") | stop("Can't open the logfile")
- close(f)
- showanyresult(wiconlog, ide.dlst)
- }
- }
+ }
+ default : { highlightline := integer(tab(many(&digits))) }
+ }
+ }
+ f := open(wiconlog, "a") | stop("Can't open the logfile")
+ close(f)
+ showanyresult(wiconlog, ide.dlst)
+ }
+ }
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
msgboxSize := *(uidlog.PtyBox.get_contents())
uidlog.PtyBox.goto_line(msgboxSize, 1)
# #
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
- }
+ }
else if E := (\hsb).handle_event(e) then {
# Handled by HSB; amend left offset and refresh
- }
+ }
else {
if e === -11 then fail # window closed, nothing to do?
old_contents_size := *contents
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
"\^v" : handle_paste(e)
"\^z" : handle_undo(e)
"\^y" : handle_redo(e)
- default : handle_default(e)
+ default : handle_default(e)
if \moved then {
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
return _Event(e, self, 0)
- }
+ }
else if \changed then {
if (*contents ~= old_contents_size) | \long_line |
(old_mw ~= TextWidth(cwin,contents[long_line])) then {
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
# screen and re-display whole object.
- display()
+ display()
if e === -11 then fail
- }
+ }
else {
- }
+ }
return _Event(e, self, 0)
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
if find(".icn", tblbl) then promptlbl := "(udb)"
else uidlog.PtyBox.set_contents(uidlog.PtyBox.get_contents() ||| ["Not a Unicon program."])
pmlbl_width := TextWidthEx(cbwin, promptlbl)
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
left_string(cbwin, xp - pmlbl_width, yp,"(udb)")
else {
left_string(cbwin, xp - pmlbl_width, yp,"(ICI)") # prompt
- }
+ }
else {
Fg(cbwin, "black") #line_num color
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
left_string(cw, xp + off, yp + 1, s[si])
- }
- else {
+ }
+ else {
cw := Clone(cbwin, "fg=red")
xp + TextWidthEx(cbwin, s, 1, si, tab_width),
@@ -373,42 +373,42 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
(mark_y > v.index > cursor_y) then {
# Whole line selected
r := [v.first, v.last]
- }
- else if v.index = mark_y = cursor_y then {
+ }
+ else if v.index = mark_y = cursor_y then {
# Part of line
if mark_x < cursor_x then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, mark_x, cursor_x)
- }
+ }
else if mark_x > cursor_x then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, cursor_x + 1 , mark_x)
- }
- }
- else if v.index = mark_y then {
+ }
+ }
+ else if v.index = mark_y then {
if mark_y < cursor_y then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, mark_x,
- *contents[v.index] + 1)
- }
- else {
+ *contents[v.index] + 1)
+ }
+ else {
r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, mark_x)
- }
- }
- else if v.index = cursor_y then {
+ }
+ }
+ else if v.index = cursor_y then {
if mark_y > cursor_y then {
r := range(v.first, v.last, cursor_x + 1,
- *contents[v.index] + 1)
- }
- else {
+ *contents[v.index] + 1)
+ }
+ else {
r := range(v.first, v.last, 1, cursor_x)
- }
+ }
if \r then {
off1 := TextWidthEx(cbwin, s, 1, r[1] - v.first + 1,
- tab_width)
+ tab_width)
off2 := TextWidthEx(cbwin, s, 1, r[2] - v.first + 1,
- tab_width)
+ tab_width)
FillRectangle(rev, xp + off1, 1 + yp - line_height / 2,
- off2 - off1, line_height)
- }
+ off2 - off1, line_height)
+ }
@@ -426,22 +426,22 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
# if \has_focus then {
# scroll_y := &y
-# while Event() === &mdrag do {
-# if &y > scroll_y then {
-# handle_key_down()
-# handle_key_down()
-# handle_key_down()
-# }
-# if &y < scroll_y then {
-# handle_key_up()
-# handle_key_up()
-# handle_key_up()
-# }
-# constrain_line()
-# refresh(1)
-# # text_area_to_high()
-# }
-# }
+# while Event() === &mdrag do {
+# if &y > scroll_y then {
+# handle_key_down()
+# handle_key_down()
+# handle_key_down()
+# }
+# if &y < scroll_y then {
+# handle_key_up()
+# handle_key_up()
+# handle_key_up()
+# }
+# constrain_line()
+# refresh(1)
+# # text_area_to_high()
+# }
+# }
# end
# #
@@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ class ShellETL : EditableTextList (
tab_line ? {
while x12 := move(1) do {
- linepos +:= 1
+ linepos +:= 1
if /use_selfcontents then {
- if posx == endpos - 1 then # stop at the pos. in the line displayed
+ if posx == endpos - 1 then # stop at the pos. in the line displayed
return sblnks - numtabs
else {
- if linepos == endpos then # stop where at endpos in contents
+ if linepos == endpos then # stop where at endpos in contents
return sblnks - numtabs
if x12 == "\t" then {
diff --git a/uni/ide/ui.icn b/uni/ide/ui.icn
index 9e49953f9..5aca67d2e 100644
--- a/uni/ide/ui.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/ui.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: ui.icn
+# File: ui.icn
-# Subject: Unicon IDE, an integrated programming environment
+# Subject: Unicon IDE, an integrated programming environment
-# Authors: Hani Bani Salameh, Nolan Clayton and Clinton Jeffery
+# Authors: Hani Bani Salameh, Nolan Clayton and Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: July 2, 2007
+# Date: July 2, 2007
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
# for Unicon. It is gradually gaining features and usability.
# To do:
-# keyboard shortcuts
-# multiple edit regions.
+# keyboard shortcuts
+# multiple edit regions.
# Requires: graphics, version 2 GUI libraries, and ivib
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
method open_win()
local i
if not ( := (WOpen ! (["inputmask=mc"] ||| self.attribs))) then {
- every i := 1 to *self.attribs do if match("font=", self.attribs[i]) then {
- delete(self.attribs, i)
- if not ( := (WOpen ! (["inputmask=mc"] ||| self.attribs))) then fatal("couldn't open window")
- else break # might need to do more here to indicate font setting was lost
- }
- }
+ every i := 1 to *self.attribs do if match("font=", self.attribs[i]) then {
+ delete(self.attribs, i)
+ if not ( := (WOpen ! (["inputmask=mc"] ||| self.attribs))) then fatal("couldn't open window")
+ else break # might need to do more here to indicate font setting was lost
+ }
+ }
self.buffer_win := (WOpen ! (["canvas=hidden"] ||| self.attribs)) | fatal("couldn't open window")
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
ui_Preferences := DialogPreferences()
error_msg := menubar.load_config()
if \ui_Preferences.paren_check_box_state == "" then
- ui_Preferences.paren_check_box_state := &null
+ ui_Preferences.paren_check_box_state := &null
if \ui_Preferences.syntax_check_box_state == "" then
- ui_Preferences.syntax_check_box_state := &null
+ ui_Preferences.syntax_check_box_state := &null
if not (blank_window := open("u_ide_blank", "g", "canvas=hidden")) then
- return "can't open window"
+ return "can't open window"
if /win_position then win_position := "2,3"
if /height then height := WAttrib(blank_window, "displayheight") - 150
if /width then width := WAttrib(blank_window, "displaywidth") - 150
@@ -155,31 +155,31 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
if \MsgBox.contents then {
m := ""
every m ||:= !!MsgBox.contents
- }
+ }
if /is_MSWindows then {
# browser search appears random but should actually should be in order
# of how well docs are displayed (in-line, external tool, or not at all)
every browser := getenv("BROWSER") | "qupzilla" | "surf" | "uzbl" | "dillo" |
- "firefox" | "chromium-browser" | "opera" | "netscape" | "open" | "midori" | "mozilla" do {
- if stat(getpaths() || browser) then {
- MsgBox.set_contents(["found browser " || browser, \m])
- break
- }
- else browser := &null
- }
- }
+ "firefox" | "chromium-browser" | "opera" | "netscape" | "open" | "midori" | "mozilla" do {
+ if stat(getpaths() || browser) then {
+ MsgBox.set_contents(["found browser " || browser, \m])
+ break
+ }
+ else browser := &null
+ }
+ }
else {
(browser := "\""|| (
- WinAssociate("HTM") |
+ WinAssociate("HTM") |
(getenv("ProgramW6432"|"ProgramFiles"|"ProgramFiles(x86)") ||
- "\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe")) || "\"") |
+ "\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe")) || "\"") |
write("What, no browser? Unicon's online help won't be readable \n_
until you associate an HTML reader application with the HTM \n_
file extension.\n")
# iexplore runs off http:// but not file://
if (not find("iexplore.exe", \browser)) |
- (not match("online", is_online())) then set_docpath()
+ (not match("online", is_online())) then set_docpath()
# if not verify_make() then on_close()
@@ -195,26 +195,26 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
# queue up an lpress to set the initial focus to the editor buffer
if \win then {
- Enqueue(\win, &lpress, EditBox.x+2, EditBox.y+2)
- }
+ Enqueue(\win, &lpress, EditBox.x+2, EditBox.y+2)
+ }
# Proposed function key bindings. Still under construction.
# Loosely based on Borland-style IDE keybindings.
-# Key Base Control Alt Shift
-# F1 Help search@crsr help/srch help index
-# F2 Save file restart Find(next) grep
-# F3 Open file callstack closewin New file
+# Key Base Control Alt Shift
+# F1 Help search@crsr help/srch help index
+# F2 Save file restart Find(next) grep
+# F3 Open file callstack closewin New file
# F4 Run to cursor
-# F5 Toggle breakpt User screen
-# F6 Next win/tab Previous win
-# F7 Step set watchpt
-# F8 Next set breakpt
-# F9 Make Run Compileonly Run/debug
-# F10 Main menu
-# F11 runtime msgs project dlg inspect
-# F12 compiler msgs toggle ivib
+# F5 Toggle breakpt User screen
+# F6 Next win/tab Previous win
+# F7 Step set watchpt
+# F8 Next set breakpt
+# F9 Make Run Compileonly Run/debug
+# F10 Main menu
+# F11 runtime msgs project dlg inspect
+# F12 compiler msgs toggle ivib
# alt-x = exit
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
method on_function_key(ev)
case ev.param of {
- Key_F1: ide_key_file_menu()
- Key_F2: ide_key_help_menu()
- Key_F3: ide_handle_save()
- Key_F4: ide_handle_open()
- Key_F5: ide_prev_tab()
- Key_F6: ide_next_tab()
- Key_F7: ""#ide_handle_compile()
- Key_F8: ""#ide_handle_run()
- Key_F9: ""
- Key_F10: ""
- Key_F11: ""
- Key_F12: ide_handle_exit()
- }
+ Key_F1: ide_key_file_menu()
+ Key_F2: ide_key_help_menu()
+ Key_F3: ide_handle_save()
+ Key_F4: ide_handle_open()
+ Key_F5: ide_prev_tab()
+ Key_F6: ide_next_tab()
+ Key_F7: ""#ide_handle_compile()
+ Key_F8: ""#ide_handle_run()
+ Key_F9: ""
+ Key_F10: ""
+ Key_F11: ""
+ Key_F12: ide_handle_exit()
+ }
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
self.min_width := 645
self.min_height := 485
self.set_attribs("size="||width||","||height, "pos="||win_position,
- "bg=pale gray",
- "label=Unicon IDE", "font=mono,16", "resize=on")
+ "bg=pale gray",
+ "label=Unicon IDE", "font=mono,16", "resize=on")
DevTabSet := TabSet()
DevTabSet.set_pos("0", "100%-110")
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
PtyBox := ShellETL()
PtyBox.set_pos("2", "2")
- PtyBox.set_size("100%-4", "100%-4")
+ PtyBox.set_size("100%-4", "100%-4")
PtyBox.set_attribs("bg=yellowish white", "font="||fontname)
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
EditBox.set_size("100%-4", "100%-4")
- "font="||fontname)
+ "font="||fontname)
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
DevTabSet.connect(self, "change", SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT)
FileTabSet := BufferTabSet()
FileTabSet.set_pos("150", "9%")
FileTabSet.set_size("100%-150", "100%-160")
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
ClassTabSet := BufferTabSet()
ClassTabSet.set_pos("0", "9%")
ClassTabSet.set_size("150", "100%-160")
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class UIDE : Dialog(
pnlToolbar := Panel()
pnlToolbar.set_pos("0", "4.5%")
pnlToolbar.set_size("100%", "4.5%")
diff --git a/uni/ide/uproject.icn b/uni/ide/uproject.icn
index a90bedf59..00a616d01 100644
--- a/uni/ide/uproject.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/uproject.icn
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ global filedirectory
class UProject : Dialog(filesAdd_btn, filesDel_btn,
sourcefiles_list, Utargetfile, projectname,
- Makefile_name, compilerName, compilerflags,
+ Makefile_name, compilerName, compilerflags,
linkerName, linkerflags, targetFile_name, selectedfile,
uproj_TabSet, files_tab, fileslist, fileslist1, prjPath,
filesloclist, UIDE_VERS, makeName, cc, ld, wcc, wld, lFlags,
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class UProject : Dialog(filesAdd_btn, filesDel_btn,
pname := file_name(projectname)
if find(".uprj"|".icn", projectname) then
- projectname := file_name(projectname)
+ projectname := file_name(projectname)
#else projectname := pname
Makefile_name.set_contents(projectname || "_uprjMakefile")
@@ -90,17 +90,17 @@ $endif
# Append a trailing slash, but only if one isn't there already.
if not any('/\\', filedirectory[-1]) then {
$ifdef _UNIX
- filedirectory ||:= "/"
+ filedirectory ||:= "/"
- filedirectory ||:= "\\"
+ filedirectory ||:= "\\"
- }
+ }
pathname := filedirectory||projectname||"_Makefile"
if not (f := open(pathname, "w")) then {
- write(&errout, "could not open/write ", image(pathname))
- fail
- }
+ write(&errout, "could not open/write ", image(pathname))
+ fail
+ }
write(f,"#", repl("=",55))
writes(f,"#@V@:Note: File automatically generated by UI IDE ")
@@ -114,29 +114,29 @@ $endif
write(f,"\n\nall: order\n")
- write(f,"clean:")
+ write(f,"clean:")
write(f,"\t$(DEL) $(UFILES) uniclass.* *~ ", projectname)
- write(f,"deps:")
+ write(f,"deps:")
writes(f,"\tunidep ")
- every writes(f,file_name(!fileslist), " ")
+ every writes(f,file_name(!fileslist), " ")
- writes(f,"order: ")
- every file := map(!fileslist) do {
+ writes(f,"order: ")
+ every file := map(!fileslist) do {
writes(f,file_name(file[-3:-(*file)])||"u ")
- }
+ }
writes(f,"\t$(UC) -o UProject ")
- every file := map(!fileslist) do {
+ every file := map(!fileslist) do {
writes(f,file_name(file[-3:-(*file)])||"u ")
- }
+ }
- write(f,"%.u: %.icn")
- write(f,"\t$(UC) -c $*")
+ write(f,"%.u: %.icn")
+ write(f,"\t$(UC) -c $*")
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $endif
local file
every file := map(!fileslist) do {
writes(f, " ", file_name(file[1:*file-3]), ".u")
- }
+ }
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ $endif
inputstr := dialog_value[1]
&window := oldwindow
return inputstr
- end
+ end
method on_filesAdd(ev)
files_added +:= 1
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ $endif
method setup()
- local files_tab, names_lbl1, names_lbl2, names_lbl3, names_lbl4,
+ local files_tab, names_lbl1, names_lbl2, names_lbl3, names_lbl4,
names_lbl5, names_lbl6, names_tab, ok_btn, sourcefiles_lbl
- self.set_attribs("size=414,308", "font=serif,bold,14",
+ self.set_attribs("size=414,308", "font=serif,bold,14",
"label=New Unicon Project ", "bg=light gray")
uproj_TabSet := TabSet()
uproj_TabSet.set_pos("5", "5")
diff --git a/uni/ide/utags.icn b/uni/ide/utags.icn
index 7bc3041e0..869d58039 100644
--- a/uni/ide/utags.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/utags.icn
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ procedure utags(contents, parentfile)
line[find("//",line):0] := ""
line ? {
- gword := getword3(line)
+ gword := getword3(line)
### Unicon Tags ###
- if find(".icn", parentfile) then { #Unicon Tags
- gword := getword()
- tab(many(' '))
- case gword of {
- "procedure"|"class": {
- put(outlines, Tag(gword, getword(), lineno, parentfile))
- }
- "method": {
- outlines[-1].add(Tag(gword, getword(), lineno,parentfile))
- }
- "initially": {
- outlines[-1].add(Tag(gword,gword,lineno,parentfile))
- }
- "link"|"$include"|"package": {
- every word := getword() do
- put(outlines, Tag(gword, word, lineno, parentfile) )
- }
- }
- }
- lineno +:= 1
- }
+ if find(".icn", parentfile) then { #Unicon Tags
+ gword := getword()
+ tab(many(' '))
+ case gword of {
+ "procedure"|"class": {
+ put(outlines, Tag(gword, getword(), lineno, parentfile))
+ }
+ "method": {
+ outlines[-1].add(Tag(gword, getword(), lineno,parentfile))
+ }
+ "initially": {
+ outlines[-1].add(Tag(gword,gword,lineno,parentfile))
+ }
+ "link"|"$include"|"package": {
+ every word := getword() do
+ put(outlines, Tag(gword, word, lineno, parentfile) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lineno +:= 1
+ }
return outlines
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ procedure getword3(line)
local i, c, ch1 := 0, ch2, index1, index2, word
-# returns the index of the location of
+# returns the index of the location of
# '(' or '{' in the method header.
index2 := upto('({', line)
- # returns the index of the location of
+ # returns the index of the location of
# the first blank before the method name.
i := \index2-2
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ local i, c, ch1 := 0, ch2, index1, index2, word
i -:= 1
index1 := i
- word := line[\index1:\index2]
+ word := line[\index1:\index2]
suspend word
@@ -109,21 +109,21 @@ global Tags
procedure main(args)
local i, lines, d, name, l, temp
Tags := []
lines := []
l := []
while *args > 0 do {
name := pop(args)
if not (i := open(name,"r")) then
- stop("utags: couldn't open ", image(name))
+ stop("utags: couldn't open ", image(name))
while put(lines, read(i))
l := utags(lines)
temp := Tag("file",name, 0)
- every i := ! l do temp.add(i)
+ every i := ! l do temp.add(i)
put(Tags, temp)
lines := []
@@ -139,31 +139,31 @@ class dialog : _Dialog(class_browser)
method handle_default(ev)
method dialog_event(ev)
case ev.get_component() of {
class_browser : handle_class_browser(ev)
default : handle_default(ev)
- }
+ }
method setup()
local nodes, names, i, j
self.set_attribs("size=500,600", "bg=pale gray")
self.min_width := 200
self.min_height := 200
class_browser := ClassBrowser()
class_browser$set_pos("5", "5")
class_browser$set_size("100%-10", "100%-10")
- "label=Unicon Class File Browser", "resize=on")
+ "label=Unicon Class File Browser", "resize=on")
method component_setup()
diff --git a/uni/ide/verifymake.icn b/uni/ide/verifymake.icn
index 799e5de60..7331ce828 100644
--- a/uni/ide/verifymake.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/verifymake.icn
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ import gui
$include "guih.icn"
-$define CMD "where make.exe >null"
+$define CMD "where make.exe >null"
$define URL ""
-$define CMD "which make >/dev/null"
+$define CMD "which make >/dev/null"
$define URL ""
procedure verify_make()
local m, check
check := system(CMD)
if check = 0 then return
else m := VerifyMakeDlg(); m.show_modal()
- if /m.quit_true then return
+ if /m.quit_true then return
class VerifyMakeDlg : Dialog(
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class VerifyMakeDlg : Dialog(
pos_x := tab(find(","))
pos_y := tab(many('-0123456789'))
- }
+ }
if /pos_x then pos_x := 0
else pos_x +:= 0.40 * WAttrib("width")
if /pos_y then pos_y:=0
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class VerifyMakeDlg : Dialog(
lbl_warning_pt3.set_size(400, 20)
lbl_warning_pt3.set_label("Gnu make facility is availble for download at:")
- self.add(lbl_warning_pt3)
+ self.add(lbl_warning_pt3)
lbl_url := Label()
lbl_url.set_pos(20, 86)
lbl_url.set_size(400, 20)
diff --git a/uni/ide/wu.icn b/uni/ide/wu.icn
index fd24e299b..b1a7777ba 100644
--- a/uni/ide/wu.icn
+++ b/uni/ide/wu.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: wu.icn
+# File: wu.icn
-# Subject: Program environment for Windows Unicon
+# Subject: Program environment for Windows Unicon
-# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
-# Date: June 12, 2000
+# Date: June 12, 2000
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
# It is gradually gaining features and usability.
# To do:
-# keyboard shortcuts
-# multiple edit regions. Also, edit regions > Windows' 32K limit.
-# UNIX port, or equivalent
+# keyboard shortcuts
+# multiple edit regions. Also, edit regions > Windows' 32K limit.
+# UNIX port, or equivalent
# Requires: Version 9 graphics, MS Windows extensions
@@ -32,21 +32,21 @@
link graphics, io
global menu,
- current_file,
- project,
- icodename,
- xargs,
- targs,
- height,
- width,
- font,
- fontheight,
- msglines,
- linebreak,
- findstr,
- findpos,
- wiconlog,
- wi_ini
+ current_file,
+ project,
+ icodename,
+ xargs,
+ targs,
+ height,
+ width,
+ font,
+ fontheight,
+ msglines,
+ linebreak,
+ findstr,
+ findpos,
+ wiconlog,
+ wi_ini
# appendmessage(s) - add message to end of message window contents
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ procedure appendmessage(s, nonl)
if /nonl then nonl := "\r\n" else nonl := ""
WinEditRegion("messagewin", s2 || nonl || s, 0, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
WinEditRegion("editregion", &null, 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
@@ -95,22 +95,22 @@ procedure complink()
while menu[1][i] ~== "E&xit" do i +:= 1
i +:= 1
while menu[1][i] do {
- arglist ||:= comp1file(menu[1][i])
- arglist ||:= " "
- i +:= 1
- }
+ arglist ||:= comp1file(menu[1][i])
+ arglist ||:= " "
+ i +:= 1
+ }
if find(".icn", arglist) then {
- system("wiconx unicon -quiet -log " || wiconlog || " -c " || targs || " " || arglist, log)
- every 1 to 5 do {
- if f := open(wiconlog) then {
- close(f)
- log := readin(wiconlog)
- if showanyerror(log) then fail
- break
- }
- delay(1000)
- }
+ system("wiconx unicon -quiet -log " || wiconlog || " -c " || targs || " " || arglist, log)
+ every 1 to 5 do {
+ if f := open(wiconlog) then {
+ close(f)
+ log := readin(wiconlog)
+ if showanyerror(log) then fail
+ break
+ }
+ delay(1000)
+ }
# build a list of all the files to be linked together
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ procedure complink()
while menu[1][i] ~== "E&xit" do i +:= 1
i +:= 1
while menu[1][i] do {
- s := menu[1][i]
+ s := menu[1][i]
s[find(".icn", map(s)) : 0] := ".u"
- if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) then s ||:= ".u"
- arglist ||:= s
- arglist ||:= " "
- i +:= 1
- }
+ if s[1] ~== "-" & (not find(".", s)) then s ||:= ".u"
+ arglist ||:= s
+ arglist ||:= " "
+ i +:= 1
+ }
system("wiconx unicon -quiet -log " || wiconlog || " -o " || quotes(icodename) || " " || targs || " " || arglist, log)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ end
procedure defextension(s)
s ? {
if tab(find(".")+1) & (tab(many(&letters++&digits))|"") & pos(0) then
- return s
+ return s
else return s ||:= ".icn"
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ procedure findstring(s, i)
s2 := WinEditRegion("editregion")
s2 ? {
if findpos := find(s, , i + 1) then {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", findpos, findpos + *s)
- }
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", findpos, findpos + *s)
+ }
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ procedure gotoline(i)
s2 := WinEditRegion("editregion")
s2 ? {
every i := 1 to i - 1 do {
- tab(find("\n")+1) | fail
- }
+ tab(find("\n")+1) | fail
+ }
j := &pos
tab(find("\n")+1) | fail
WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", j, &pos)
@@ -182,35 +182,35 @@ procedure main(av)
&window := open("Wu","g", "size="||width||","||height, "font="||font,
- "resize=on")
+ "resize=on")
fontheight := WAttrib("fheight")
menu := [
- ["&File", "&New", "&Open...", "&Print", "&Save", "Save &As...", "&IVIB", "E&xit"],
- ["&Edit", "C&opy", "&Cut", "&Paste", "&Select All",
- "&Find...", "Find &Next", "&Replace...", "&Goto line...",
- "&Match parentheses",
- "&Undo" # , "Show &Next Error" # not yet
- ],
- ["&Options", "&Message window size...", "&Font...",
- "Use &DOS (CR-LF) line breaks when saving",
- "Use &UNIX (LF) newlines when saving",
- "&Save options"],
- ["&Compile", "&Make (compile + link) executable",
- "&Compile only",
- # "Make &Everything",
- "&Graphics (Win32) binary (= -G)",
- "&NT (console mode) binary",
- "Compiler &Options..."],
- ["&Run", "&Run", "&Arguments..."],
- ["&Help", "&Wu Programming Environment",
- "Icon &Tutorial Overview",
- "Icon &Language Reference",
- "I&dol Reference",
- "Icon &Graphics Facilities Reference",
- "Icon &Program Library Reference",
- "&Visual Interface Builder Reference",
- "&Frequently Asked Questions",
- "&About..."]]
+ ["&File", "&New", "&Open...", "&Print", "&Save", "Save &As...", "&IVIB", "E&xit"],
+ ["&Edit", "C&opy", "&Cut", "&Paste", "&Select All",
+ "&Find...", "Find &Next", "&Replace...", "&Goto line...",
+ "&Match parentheses",
+ "&Undo" # , "Show &Next Error" # not yet
+ ],
+ ["&Options", "&Message window size...", "&Font...",
+ "Use &DOS (CR-LF) line breaks when saving",
+ "Use &UNIX (LF) newlines when saving",
+ "&Save options"],
+ ["&Compile", "&Make (compile + link) executable",
+ "&Compile only",
+ # "Make &Everything",
+ "&Graphics (Win32) binary (= -G)",
+ "&NT (console mode) binary",
+ "Compiler &Options..."],
+ ["&Run", "&Run", "&Arguments..."],
+ ["&Help", "&Wu Programming Environment",
+ "Icon &Tutorial Overview",
+ "Icon &Language Reference",
+ "I&dol Reference",
+ "Icon &Graphics Facilities Reference",
+ "Icon &Program Library Reference",
+ "&Visual Interface Builder Reference",
+ "&Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "&About..."]]
WinMenuBar ! menu | stop("wi: menu bar failed")
WinEditRegion("messagewin", "", 0, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
if av[1] then openfile(av[1])
@@ -221,167 +221,167 @@ end
procedure mainloop()
while e := Event() do
case e of {
- "&Find...": {
- if TextDialog("Enter string to seek: ",,xargs,60)=="Okay" then {
- findstr := dialog_value[1]
- findstring(findstr)
- }
- }
- "Find &Next": {
- findstring(\findstr, findpos)
- }
- "&Replace...": {
- if TextDialog("Replace what with what: ",,
- [(\findstr | ""),""],60)=="Okay" then {
- wu_replace(dialog_value[1], dialog_value[2])
- }
- }
- "&Arguments...": {
- if TextDialog("Enter command line arguments: ",,xargs,60)=="Okay" then
- xargs := dialog_value[1]
- }
- "Compiler &Options...": {
- if TextDialog("Enter compiler options: ",,targs,60)=="Okay" then
- targs := dialog_value[1]
- }
- "&Message window size...": {
- if TextDialog("Enter # of lines for the message window: ",,msglines,60)=="Okay" then {
- msglines := dialog_value[1]
- resize()
- }
- }
- "Use &DOS (CR-LF) line breaks when saving": {
- linebreak := "CRLF"
- }
- "Use &UNIX (LF) newlines when saving": {
- linebreak := "LF"
- }
- "&Font..." : {
- /font := Font()
- if font := WinFontDialog(font) then {
- Font(font)
- fontheight := WAttrib("fheight")
- WinEditRegion("messagewin", "!font=" || font)
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!font=" || font)
- }
- }
- "&Save options": {
- wi_saveoptions()
- }
- "C&opy" : {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!copy", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- }
- "&Cut" : {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!cut", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- }
- "&Paste" : {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!paste", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- }
- "&Goto line..." : {
- if TextDialog("What line shall we go to?",,"",6)=="Okay" then {
- gotoline(integer(dialog_value[1]))
- }
- }
- "&Match parentheses" : {
- i := WinEditRegion("editregion","!getsel",0,0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) |
- stop("can't get selection")
- message("i " || image(i))
- s := WinEditRegion("editregion") || " "
- if s[i] == ( "(" | "{" | "[" ) then {
- every j := (bal(,s[i],map(s[i],"({[",")}]"),s,i) \ 2)
- if j > i then WinEditRegion("editregion","!setsel",i,j)
- }
- else if s[i-1] == (")"|"}"|"]") then {
- every j := (bal(,s[i-1],map(s[i-1],")}]","({["),
- reverse(s[1:i])||" ") \ 2)
- if j > 1 then WinEditRegion("editregion","!setsel",i-(j-1),i)
- }
- }
- "&Undo" : {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!undo", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- }
- "&Select All" : {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", 1, 0)
- }
- "&New": {
- openfile("noname.icn")
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "", 0, 0, width, height-(fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- message("creating new file")
- }
- "&Open..." : {
- openfile()
- }
- "&Print" : {
- printfile()
- }
- "&Save" : {
- save()
- }
- "Save &As..." : {
- saveas()
- }
- "&Compile only": {
- save()
- compile()
- }
- "&IVIB": {
- openfile(current_file)
- system("ivib.exe "|| current_file) |
- write("system failed")
- openfile(current_file)
- }
- "&Make (compile + link) executable": {
- save()
- complink()
- }
- "&Run": run()
- "E&xit" : exit(0)
- "Icon &Language Reference":
- system("winhelp iconref.hlp &")
- "Icon &Graphics Facilities Reference":
- system("winhelp gipd.hlp &")
- "&Wu Programming Environment":
- system("winhelp ipd271.hlp &")
- "Icon &Tutorial Overview":
- system("winhelp iconintr.hlp &")
- "Icon &Program Library Reference":
- system("winhelp iplref.hlp &")
- "&Frequently Asked Questions":
- system("winhelp iconfaq.hlp &")
- "&Visual Interface Builder Reference":
- system("winhelp ipd284.hlp &")
- "&About...": {
- Notice("Windows " || &version,
- "Wu version 1.03 BETA",
- "Clint Jeffery,",
- "Department of Computer Science",
- "University of Idaho")
- }
- &resize: {
- width := &x
- height := &y
- resize()
- }
- default: {
- if e == !(menu[1]) then { # open file in the current project
- openfile(e)
- }
- else {
- appendmessage("dropping extraneous event: " || image(e))
- }
- }
- }
+ "&Find...": {
+ if TextDialog("Enter string to seek: ",,xargs,60)=="Okay" then {
+ findstr := dialog_value[1]
+ findstring(findstr)
+ }
+ }
+ "Find &Next": {
+ findstring(\findstr, findpos)
+ }
+ "&Replace...": {
+ if TextDialog("Replace what with what: ",,
+ [(\findstr | ""),""],60)=="Okay" then {
+ wu_replace(dialog_value[1], dialog_value[2])
+ }
+ }
+ "&Arguments...": {
+ if TextDialog("Enter command line arguments: ",,xargs,60)=="Okay" then
+ xargs := dialog_value[1]
+ }
+ "Compiler &Options...": {
+ if TextDialog("Enter compiler options: ",,targs,60)=="Okay" then
+ targs := dialog_value[1]
+ }
+ "&Message window size...": {
+ if TextDialog("Enter # of lines for the message window: ",,msglines,60)=="Okay" then {
+ msglines := dialog_value[1]
+ resize()
+ }
+ }
+ "Use &DOS (CR-LF) line breaks when saving": {
+ linebreak := "CRLF"
+ }
+ "Use &UNIX (LF) newlines when saving": {
+ linebreak := "LF"
+ }
+ "&Font..." : {
+ /font := Font()
+ if font := WinFontDialog(font) then {
+ Font(font)
+ fontheight := WAttrib("fheight")
+ WinEditRegion("messagewin", "!font=" || font)
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!font=" || font)
+ }
+ }
+ "&Save options": {
+ wi_saveoptions()
+ }
+ "C&opy" : {
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!copy", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ }
+ "&Cut" : {
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!cut", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ }
+ "&Paste" : {
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!paste", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ }
+ "&Goto line..." : {
+ if TextDialog("What line shall we go to?",,"",6)=="Okay" then {
+ gotoline(integer(dialog_value[1]))
+ }
+ }
+ "&Match parentheses" : {
+ i := WinEditRegion("editregion","!getsel",0,0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) |
+ stop("can't get selection")
+ message("i " || image(i))
+ s := WinEditRegion("editregion") || " "
+ if s[i] == ( "(" | "{" | "[" ) then {
+ every j := (bal(,s[i],map(s[i],"({[",")}]"),s,i) \ 2)
+ if j > i then WinEditRegion("editregion","!setsel",i,j)
+ }
+ else if s[i-1] == (")"|"}"|"]") then {
+ every j := (bal(,s[i-1],map(s[i-1],")}]","({["),
+ reverse(s[1:i])||" ") \ 2)
+ if j > 1 then WinEditRegion("editregion","!setsel",i-(j-1),i)
+ }
+ }
+ "&Undo" : {
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!undo", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ }
+ "&Select All" : {
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", 1, 0)
+ }
+ "&New": {
+ openfile("noname.icn")
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "", 0, 0, width, height-(fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ message("creating new file")
+ }
+ "&Open..." : {
+ openfile()
+ }
+ "&Print" : {
+ printfile()
+ }
+ "&Save" : {
+ save()
+ }
+ "Save &As..." : {
+ saveas()
+ }
+ "&Compile only": {
+ save()
+ compile()
+ }
+ "&IVIB": {
+ openfile(current_file)
+ system("ivib.exe "|| current_file) |
+ write("system failed")
+ openfile(current_file)
+ }
+ "&Make (compile + link) executable": {
+ save()
+ complink()
+ }
+ "&Run": run()
+ "E&xit" : exit(0)
+ "Icon &Language Reference":
+ system("winhelp iconref.hlp &")
+ "Icon &Graphics Facilities Reference":
+ system("winhelp gipd.hlp &")
+ "&Wu Programming Environment":
+ system("winhelp ipd271.hlp &")
+ "Icon &Tutorial Overview":
+ system("winhelp iconintr.hlp &")
+ "Icon &Program Library Reference":
+ system("winhelp iplref.hlp &")
+ "&Frequently Asked Questions":
+ system("winhelp iconfaq.hlp &")
+ "&Visual Interface Builder Reference":
+ system("winhelp ipd284.hlp &")
+ "&About...": {
+ Notice("Windows " || &version,
+ "Wu version 1.03 BETA",
+ "Clint Jeffery,",
+ "Department of Computer Science",
+ "University of Idaho")
+ }
+ &resize: {
+ width := &x
+ height := &y
+ resize()
+ }
+ default: {
+ if e == !(menu[1]) then { # open file in the current project
+ openfile(e)
+ }
+ else {
+ appendmessage("dropping extraneous event: " || image(e))
+ }
+ }
+ }
procedure message(s)
WinEditRegion("messagewin", s, 0, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
WinEditRegion("editregion", &null, 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
procedure monthval(s)
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ end
# is t1 newer than t2?
procedure newer(s1, s2)
local month, day, year, hour, minute, second,
- month2, day2, year2, hour2, minute2, second2
+ month2, day2, year2, hour2, minute2, second2
if map(s1|s2) == "util.icn" then Notice("s1 " || s1 || " s2 "||s2)
t1 := stat(s1).mtime | fail
if map(s1|s2) == "util.icn" then Notice("s1 " || s1 || " t1 "||t1)
@@ -461,85 +461,85 @@ end
procedure openfile(s)
oldfilnam := current_file
if WinEditRegion("editregion", "!modified", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) then {
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) then {
case SelectDialog(current_file || " is modified, save it?",,,
- ["Yes", "Save As", "No", "Cancel"]) of {
- "Yes": {
- save()
- }
- "Save As": {
- saveas()
- }
- "Cancel": {
- fail
- }
- }
+ ["Yes", "Save As", "No", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Yes": {
+ save()
+ }
+ "Save As": {
+ saveas()
+ }
+ "Cancel": {
+ fail
+ }
+ }
if current_file := (\s | ((OpenDialog("Open Source File", "noname.icn", 50,
fileextensions()) == "Okay") & \dialog_value)) then {
if find(".icp", map(current_file)) then { # open project
- project := current_file
- updateproject()
- }
+ project := current_file
+ updateproject()
+ }
else { # open a source file
- current_file := defextension(current_file)
- if \project then {
- tmps := current_file
- # probably should only delete the prefix of the project here
- while tmps[1:find("\\",tmps)+1] := ""
- if not find(map(tmps), map(!(menu[1]))) then {
- # opened file not in project, add it, or switch out
- # of project mode?
- case SelectDialog(current_file || " is not in the project",,,
- ["Add it", "Open it", "Cancel"]) of {
- "Add it": {
- f := open(project, "w") |
- stop("can't write to project ", project)
- put(menu[1], current_file)
- i := 1
- while menu[1][i] ~== "E&xit" do i +:= 1
- i +:= 1
- while menu[1][i] do {
- write(f, menu[1][i])
- i +:= 1
- }
- close(f)
- WinMenuBar ! menu
- }
- "Open it": {
- project := &null
- icodename := current_file
- icodename[find(".icn"|".ICN", icodename) : 0] := ""
- while menu[1][-1] ~== "E&xit" do pull(menu[1])
- WinMenuBar ! menu
- }
- "Cancel": {
- current_file := oldfilnam
- fail
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ current_file := defextension(current_file)
+ if \project then {
+ tmps := current_file
+ # probably should only delete the prefix of the project here
+ while tmps[1:find("\\",tmps)+1] := ""
+ if not find(map(tmps), map(!(menu[1]))) then {
+ # opened file not in project, add it, or switch out
+ # of project mode?
+ case SelectDialog(current_file || " is not in the project",,,
+ ["Add it", "Open it", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Add it": {
+ f := open(project, "w") |
+ stop("can't write to project ", project)
+ put(menu[1], current_file)
+ i := 1
+ while menu[1][i] ~== "E&xit" do i +:= 1
+ i +:= 1
+ while menu[1][i] do {
+ write(f, menu[1][i])
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ close(f)
+ WinMenuBar ! menu
+ }
+ "Open it": {
+ project := &null
+ icodename := current_file
+ icodename[find(".icn"|".ICN", icodename) : 0] := ""
+ while menu[1][-1] ~== "E&xit" do pull(menu[1])
+ WinMenuBar ! menu
+ }
+ "Cancel": {
+ current_file := oldfilnam
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
else {
- icodename := current_file
+ icodename := current_file
icodename[find(".icn", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
- }
+ }
if s := readin(current_file) then {
- i := 0
- every find("\n", s) do i +:=1
- WinEditRegion("editregion", s, 0, 0, width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- message("opened " || current_file || ", " || i || " lines, " || *s || " characters")
- setlabel()
- return
- }
+ i := 0
+ every find("\n", s) do i +:=1
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", s, 0, 0, width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ message("opened " || current_file || ", " || i || " lines, " || *s || " characters")
+ setlabel()
+ return
+ }
else {
if /current_file then {
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "# wi won't you please open a file?", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- }
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "# wi won't you please open a file?", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ }
@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ procedure readin(fname)
s2 := ""
s ? {
while s2 ||:= tab(find("\n")) do {
- if s2[*s2] ~== "\r" then s2 ||:= "\r"
- s2 ||:= move(1)
- }
+ if s2[*s2] ~== "\r" then s2 ||:= "\r"
+ s2 ||:= move(1)
+ }
s3 := tab(0)
if *s3 > 0 then s2 ||:= s3
@@ -584,25 +584,25 @@ procedure wu_replace(s1, s2)
while findpos := find(s1, s3, i + 1) do {
WinEditRegion("editregion", "!setsel", findpos, findpos + *s1)
case \yes | SelectDialog("replace "||s1||" with "||s2|| " ?",,,
- ["Yes", "Yes to All", "No", "Cancel"]) of {
- "Yes": {
- s3[findpos : findpos + *s1] := s2
- i := findpos + *s2
- WinEditRegion("editregion", s3)
- }
- "Yes to All": {
- yes := "Yes to All"
- s3[findpos : findpos + *s1] := s2
- i := findpos + *s2
- WinEditRegion("editregion", s3)
- }
- "No": {
- i := findpos + 1
- }
- "Cancel": {
- fail
- }
- }
+ ["Yes", "Yes to All", "No", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Yes": {
+ s3[findpos : findpos + *s1] := s2
+ i := findpos + *s2
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", s3)
+ }
+ "Yes to All": {
+ yes := "Yes to All"
+ s3[findpos : findpos + *s1] := s2
+ i := findpos + *s2
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", s3)
+ }
+ "No": {
+ i := findpos + 1
+ }
+ "Cancel": {
+ fail
+ }
+ }
@@ -611,37 +611,37 @@ procedure resize()
s2 := WinEditRegion("messagewin")
WinEditRegion("messagewin", s2, 0, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
WinEditRegion("editregion", &null, 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
procedure run()
if s := \wiconlog then {
if system( # "wiconx " ||
- icodename || " " || xargs) then {
- s := readin(s)
- showanyerror(s)
- }
+ icodename || " " || xargs) then {
+ s := readin(s)
+ showanyerror(s)
+ }
else {
- s := "system(" || # wiconx " ||
- icodename || " " || xargs ||
- ") failed. Is the PATH setup to run this?"
- showanyerror(s)
- }
+ s := "system(" || # wiconx " ||
+ icodename || " " || xargs ||
+ ") failed. Is the PATH setup to run this?"
+ showanyerror(s)
+ }
else {
if system( # "wiconx " ||
- icodename || " " || xargs) then {
- s := # "wiconx " ||
- icodename || " " || xargs || " completed.\r\n" ||
- "Set your WICONLOG variable for better error support; see Help."
- showanyerror(s)
- }
+ icodename || " " || xargs) then {
+ s := # "wiconx " ||
+ icodename || " " || xargs || " completed.\r\n" ||
+ "Set your WICONLOG variable for better error support; see Help."
+ showanyerror(s)
+ }
else {
- s := # "wiconx " ||
- icodename || " " || xargs || " ... failed.\r\n" ||
- "Set your WICONLOG variable for better error support; see Help."
- showanyerror(s)
- }
+ s := # "wiconx " ||
+ icodename || " " || xargs || " ... failed.\r\n" ||
+ "Set your WICONLOG variable for better error support; see Help."
+ showanyerror(s)
+ }
@@ -652,25 +652,25 @@ procedure save(evenifnotmodified)
if \evenifnotmodified | WinEditRegion("editregion", "!modified", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) then {
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2))) then {
s := WinEditRegion("editregion")
if linebreak === "LF" then
- while s[find("\^m\n", s)] := ""
+ while s[find("\^m\n", s)] := ""
if file := open(current_file, "wu") then {
- writes(file, s)
- close(file)
- if current_file === project then updateproject()
- i := 0
- every find("\n", s) do i +:=1
- message("saved " || current_file || ", " || i || " lines, " || *s || " characters")
- # reset the modified flag in the edit region
- WinEditRegion("editregion", "!modified=0", 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- return
- }
+ writes(file, s)
+ close(file)
+ if current_file === project then updateproject()
+ i := 0
+ every find("\n", s) do i +:=1
+ message("saved " || current_file || ", " || i || " lines, " || *s || " characters")
+ # reset the modified flag in the edit region
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", "!modified=0", 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ return
+ }
else {
- Notice("Can't save " || current_file)
- }
+ Notice("Can't save " || current_file)
+ }
@@ -679,10 +679,10 @@ procedure fileextensions()
static eL
initial {
eL := [
- "Unicon Sources(*.icn)|*.icn",
- "Unicon Projects(*.icp)|*.icp",
- "All Files(*.*)|*.*"
- ]
+ "Unicon Sources(*.icn)|*.icn",
+ "Unicon Projects(*.icp)|*.icp",
+ "All Files(*.*)|*.*"
+ ]
/current_file := "noname.icn"
@@ -699,21 +699,21 @@ procedure saveas()
if s := WinSaveDialog("Save File As...", ,50, fileextensions()) then {
s := defextension(s)
if \project then {
- if (not find(s, !menu[1])) & find(".icn"|".u",s) then {
- put(menu[1], s)
- WinMenuBar ! menu
- }
- }
+ if (not find(s, !menu[1])) & find(".icn"|".u",s) then {
+ put(menu[1], s)
+ WinMenuBar ! menu
+ }
+ }
if match(icodename, current_file) then {
- icodename := s
+ icodename := s
icodename[find(".icn", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
current_file := s
if find(".icp", map(current_file)) then { # open project
- project := current_file
- updateproject()
- }
+ project := current_file
+ updateproject()
+ }
@@ -729,19 +729,19 @@ procedure showanyerror(s)
s := WinEditRegion("messagewin") || "\r\n" || trim(s, '\r\n \t')
WinEditRegion("messagewin", s, 0, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
s ? {
- if tab(find("File ")+5) & fn := tab(find(";")) &
- ="; Line " & ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) then {
- if map(fn) ~== map(current_file) then
+ if tab(find("File ")+5) & fn := tab(find(";")) &
+ ="; Line " & ln := integer(tab(many(&digits))) then {
+ if map(fn) ~== map(current_file) then
if not openfile(fn) then return
- else appendmessage(s)
- gotoline(ln)
- return
- }
- else
- WinEditRegion("editregion", &null, 0, 0,
- width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
- if find("cannot") then return
- }
+ else appendmessage(s)
+ gotoline(ln)
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ WinEditRegion("editregion", &null, 0, 0,
+ width, height - (fontheight * (msglines + 2)))
+ if find("cannot") then return
+ }
procedure system(s, apnd)
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@ procedure updateproject()
icodename[find(".icp", map(icodename)) : 0] := ""
if f := open(project) then {
while s := trim(read(f), '\^m') do {
- put(menu[1], defextension(s))
- }
+ put(menu[1], defextension(s))
+ }
WinMenuBar ! menu
@@ -774,10 +774,10 @@ procedure wi_saveoptions()
local f
if f := open(wi_ini,"w") then {
write(f, "width=",width,"\n",
- "height=",height,"\n",
- "msglines=",msglines,"\n",
- "font=",font,"\n",
- "linebreak=",linebreak)
+ "height=",height,"\n",
+ "msglines=",msglines,"\n",
+ "font=",font,"\n",
+ "linebreak=",linebreak)
else {
@@ -792,29 +792,29 @@ procedure wi_initialize()
linebreak := "CRLF"
if f := open(wi_ini) then {
while line := read(f) do {
- line ? {
- if ="msglines" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- msglines := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="height" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- height := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="width" then {
- tab(upto(&digits))
- width := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
- }
- else if ="font" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- font := tab(0)
- }
- else if ="linebreak" then {
- tab(many('= \t'))
- linebreak := tab(0)
- }
- }
- }
+ line ? {
+ if ="msglines" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ msglines := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="height" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ height := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="width" then {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ width := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ else if ="font" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ font := tab(0)
+ }
+ else if ="linebreak" then {
+ tab(many('= \t'))
+ linebreak := tab(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
From c80c0488362bdcd989a28a096a15e27118dca5e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:23:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/lib).
uni/lib/_image.icn | 12 +-
uni/lib/basicclasscoding.icn | 2 +-
uni/lib/blockread.icn | 34 ++--
uni/lib/checkbox.icn | 2 +-
uni/lib/cltable.icn | 16 +-
uni/lib/component.icn | 4 +-
uni/lib/compoundedit.icn | 4 +-
uni/lib/connectable.icn | 102 ++++++------
uni/lib/contentdisposition.icn | 6 +-
uni/lib/contenttype.icn | 8 +-
uni/lib/database.icn | 28 ++--
uni/lib/dispatcher.icn | 12 +-
uni/lib/doptions.icn | 74 ++++-----
uni/lib/exception.icn | 32 ++--
uni/lib/fcn_util.icn | 44 ++---
uni/lib/file_dlg.icn | 44 ++---
uni/lib/genserve.icn | 228 ++++++++++++-------------
uni/lib/gui.icn | 42 ++---
uni/lib/guiconst.icn | 18 +-
uni/lib/heap.icn | 22 +--
uni/lib/iconbutton.icn | 4 +-
uni/lib/json.icn | 186 ++++++++++-----------
uni/lib/langprocs.icn | 8 +-
uni/lib/mapbytes.icn | 32 ++--
uni/lib/matrix_util.icn | 46 +++---
uni/lib/misc_util.icn | 38 ++---
uni/lib/msgutils.icn | 286 ++++++++++++++++----------------
uni/lib/notifier.icn | 34 ++--
uni/lib/object.icn | 18 +-
uni/lib/pqueue.icn | 24 +--
uni/lib/rfc822pr.icn | 8 +-
uni/lib/scan_util.icn | 26 +--
uni/lib/soap_util.icn | 68 ++++----
uni/lib/soapclient.icn | 34 ++--
uni/lib/soapserver.icn | 92 +++++------
uni/lib/sql.icn | 12 +-
uni/lib/str_replacer.icn | 10 +-
uni/lib/struct.icn | 14 +-
uni/lib/thread.icn | 56 +++----
uni/lib/threadh.icn | 36 ++--
uni/lib/time.icn | 294 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
uni/lib/timezone.icn | 66 ++++----
uni/lib/union.icn | 4 +-
uni/lib/url.icn | 156 ++++++++---------
uni/lib/vgamem.icn | 70 ++++----
uni/lib/webup.icn | 110 ++++++------
46 files changed, 1233 insertions(+), 1233 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/lib/_image.icn b/uni/lib/_image.icn
index 0e8d0407a..7a6cbcc0b 100644
--- a/uni/lib/_image.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/_image.icn
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ class Image : Component(
# Load the image
if \ImageCache then {
- / (cache[filename]) := (open(filename,"g",
- "canvas=hidden","image="||\filename) | fail)
- imwin := cache[filename]
- }
+ / (cache[filename]) := (open(filename,"g",
+ "canvas=hidden","image="||\filename) | fail)
+ imwin := cache[filename]
+ }
else if not(imwin := WOpen("image=" || \self.filename, "canvas=hidden"))
- then fail
+ then fail
# Uncomment the following lines if your multiple images are using
# more than 256 colors and aren't showing properly on X11 systems.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class Image : Component(
else {
Zoom(imwin, W,0,0, img_w, img_h, x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff, zoom_w, zoom_h)
- }
+ }
# Border if required.
diff --git a/uni/lib/basicclasscoding.icn b/uni/lib/basicclasscoding.icn
index c64b6d345..7ffd897d8 100644
--- a/uni/lib/basicclasscoding.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/basicclasscoding.icn
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class BasicClassCoding : ClassCoding()
local i, n
n := ::integer(d.line_in()) | fail
every i := 1 to n do
- self[i] := d.decode() | fail
+ self[i] := d.decode() | fail
diff --git a/uni/lib/blockread.icn b/uni/lib/blockread.icn
index 055ee3a10..e353ae082 100644
--- a/uni/lib/blockread.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/blockread.icn
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ class BlockRead : Object (f, bSize, buffer)
method readBlock(n)
/n := bSize
if s := ::reads(f, n) then {
- i := *s
- while (i > 0) & (s[i] ~== "\n") do {
- i -:= 1
- }
- nbuf := buffer
- buffer := s[i+1:0]
- return nbuf || s[1+:i]
- }
+ i := *s
+ while (i > 0) & (s[i] ~== "\n") do {
+ i -:= 1
+ }
+ nbuf := buffer
+ buffer := s[i+1:0]
+ return nbuf || s[1+:i]
+ }
else if *buffer > 0 then {
- nbuf := buffer
- buffer := ""
- return nbuf
- }
+ nbuf := buffer
+ buffer := ""
+ return nbuf
+ }
else fail
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ initially (fileOrName, blockSize)
else {
if ::type(fileOrName) == "string" then {
- f := ::open(fileOrName) |
- ::stop("BlockRead: Cannot open '",fileOrName,"'!")
- }
+ f := ::open(fileOrName) |
+ ::stop("BlockRead: Cannot open '",fileOrName,"'!")
+ }
else {
- f := fileOrName # Assume it's a file
- }
+ f := fileOrName # Assume it's a file
+ }
/blockSize := 409600 # default to 1/2 MB reads
bSize := blockSize
diff --git a/uni/lib/checkbox.icn b/uni/lib/checkbox.icn
index 429f00ac5..e5fd6f54f 100644
--- a/uni/lib/checkbox.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/checkbox.icn
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class CheckBox : Button()
DrawRaisedRectangle(cw, self.x + 2 * self.img_w, self.y,
self.w - 2 * self.img_w, self.h,1)
- }
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/cltable.icn b/uni/lib/cltable.icn
index 0f9aa3174..4b9c6a647 100644
--- a/uni/lib/cltable.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/cltable.icn
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ class ClTable:Object(lookup, names)
local l, e
l := ::sort(lookup)
every e := !l do
- e[1] := names[e[1]]
+ e[1] := names[e[1]]
return l
method keys()
local e
every e := !::sort(names) do {
- suspend e[2]
- }
+ suspend e[2]
+ }
method to_string(depth, seen)
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ class ClTable:Object(lookup, names)
string_buff.add("ClTable<" || get_id() || ">[")
pairs := sort(names)
every e := !pairs do {
- string_buff.add(lang::to_string(e[1], depth - 1, seen))
- string_buff.add("=")
- string_buff.add(lang::to_string(e[2], depth - 1, seen))
- string_buff.add(";")
- }
+ string_buff.add(lang::to_string(e[1], depth - 1, seen))
+ string_buff.add("=")
+ string_buff.add(lang::to_string(e[2], depth - 1, seen))
+ string_buff.add(";")
+ }
return string_buff.get_string()
diff --git a/uni/lib/component.icn b/uni/lib/component.icn
index 5cce4352e..9bdc86dfe 100644
--- a/uni/lib/component.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/component.icn
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class Component : Ticker : MetaComponent(
self.parent_Dialog := x
self.parent_Component := y
if self.cwin :=
- (Clone!([self.parent_Component$get_cwin_reference()]|||self.attribs))
+ (Clone!([self.parent_Component$get_cwin_reference()]|||self.attribs))
then {
self.cbwin :=
(Clone ! ([self.parent_Component$get_cbwin_reference()] |||
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ class Component : Ticker : MetaComponent(
else {
write(&errout, "clone failed, discarding attributes:")
every write(&errout, "\t", ! self.attribs)
- self.cwin := (Clone ! ([self.parent_Component$get_cwin_reference()]))
+ self.cwin := (Clone ! ([self.parent_Component$get_cwin_reference()]))
if / (self.cwin) then error("window system resource error")
self.cbwin :=(Clone ! ([self.parent_Component$get_cbwin_reference()]))
if / (self.cbwin) then error("window system resource error #2")
diff --git a/uni/lib/compoundedit.icn b/uni/lib/compoundedit.icn
index b5b1a2f62..e07bf44b3 100644
--- a/uni/lib/compoundedit.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/compoundedit.icn
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ class CompoundEdit:UndoableEdit(l, closed)
method undo()
local i
every i := *l to 1 by -1 do
- l[i].undo()
+ l[i].undo()
method add_edit(other)
if \closed then
- fail
+ fail
l[-1].add_edit(other) | ::put(l, other)
diff --git a/uni/lib/connectable.icn b/uni/lib/connectable.icn
index 1069ff303..0e163e6d4 100644
--- a/uni/lib/connectable.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/connectable.icn
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ package util
class Connectable(listeners)
method genlisteners(typ)
case ::type(listeners) of {
- "table": suspend !\(listeners[typ])
- "list": every x := !listeners do
- if x.type === typ then suspend x
- default: if (\listeners).type === typ then return listeners
- }
+ "table": suspend !\(listeners[typ])
+ "list": every x := !listeners do
+ if x.type === typ then suspend x
+ default: if (\listeners).type === typ then return listeners
+ }
@@ -39,28 +39,28 @@ class Connectable(listeners)
e := Notification(self, typ, param)
every l := genlisteners(\typ|&null) do {
- case type(l.obj) of {
- "procedure" | "string" | "integer": {
- suspend l.obj(self, typ, param)
- }
- # list invocation here uses substitution rules per future UniLib
- # integration. This probably won't work well until that happens.
- "list": {
- a := ::copy(l.obj)
- fcn := ::pop(a)
- args := [self, typ, param]
- every i := 1 to *a do if a[i] === Arg then a[i] := ::pop(args)
- suspend fcn ! a
- }
- "co-expression": {
- args := [self, typ, param]
- while suspend args @ l.obj
- }
- default: {
- l.meth(l.obj, e)
- }
- }
- }
+ case type(l.obj) of {
+ "procedure" | "string" | "integer": {
+ suspend l.obj(self, typ, param)
+ }
+ # list invocation here uses substitution rules per future UniLib
+ # integration. This probably won't work well until that happens.
+ "list": {
+ a := ::copy(l.obj)
+ fcn := ::pop(a)
+ args := [self, typ, param]
+ every i := 1 to *a do if a[i] === Arg then a[i] := ::pop(args)
+ suspend fcn ! a
+ }
+ "co-expression": {
+ args := [self, typ, param]
+ while suspend args @ l.obj
+ }
+ default: {
+ l.meth(l.obj, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
return e
@@ -75,27 +75,27 @@ class Connectable(listeners)
# omit duplicate requests
every l := genlisteners(typ) do
- if (l.obj === obj) & (l.meth === p) then
- fail
+ if (l.obj === obj) & (l.meth === p) then
+ fail
l := Subscription(obj, p, typ)
if /listeners then return listeners := l
else if ::type(listeners) ~== "list" & ::type(listeners) ~== "table" then
- listeners := [listeners] # promote to list and continue
+ listeners := [listeners] # promote to list and continue
if ::type(listeners) == "list" then {
- if (!listeners).type ~=== typ then {
- T := ::table()
- every x := !listeners do {
- /T[x.type] := []
- ::put(T[x.type], x)
- }
- listeners := T # promote to table and continue
- }
- else { ::put(listeners, l); return l }
- }
+ if (!listeners).type ~=== typ then {
+ T := ::table()
+ every x := !listeners do {
+ /T[x.type] := []
+ ::put(T[x.type], x)
+ }
+ listeners := T # promote to table and continue
+ }
+ else { ::put(listeners, l); return l }
+ }
/listeners[typ] := []
::put(listeners[typ], l)
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ class Connectable(listeners)
local k, t, l
if ::type(listeners) == "table" then {
- every k := ::key(listeners) do
- listeners[k] := disconnect_fromlist(listeners[k], obj)
- }
+ every k := ::key(listeners) do
+ listeners[k] := disconnect_fromlist(listeners[k], obj)
+ }
else if ::type(listeners) == "list" then
- listeners := disconnect_fromlist(listeners, obj)
+ listeners := disconnect_fromlist(listeners, obj)
else if ::type(listeners) == "Subscription" then
- if listeners.obj === obj then listeners := &null
+ if listeners.obj === obj then listeners := &null
@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ class Connectable(listeners)
t := []
if ::type(listeners) == "list" then {
- every ::put(t, l ~=== !listeners)
- listeners := t
- }
+ every ::put(t, l ~=== !listeners)
+ listeners := t
+ }
else if ::type(listeners) == "table" then {
- every ::put(t, l ~=== !listeners[k])
- listeners[k] := t
- }
+ every ::put(t, l ~=== !listeners[k])
+ listeners[k] := t
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/contentdisposition.icn b/uni/lib/contentdisposition.icn
index 04ca4b76d..48485f4c2 100644
--- a/uni/lib/contentdisposition.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/contentdisposition.icn
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class ContentDisposition:Error(type, parameters)
method rfc1521_parameters()
local e, s := ""
every e := !parameters.sort() do
- s ||:= " ; " || e[1] || "=" || e[2]
+ s ||:= " ; " || e[1] || "=" || e[2]
return s
@@ -75,6 +75,6 @@ class ContentDisposition:Error(type, parameters)
parameters := ClTable()
if (*a = 1) & (::type(a[1]) == "string") then {
- parse(a[1]) | fail
- }
+ parse(a[1]) | fail
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/contenttype.icn b/uni/lib/contenttype.icn
index 6b3a0bd69..ce2554f55 100644
--- a/uni/lib/contenttype.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/contenttype.icn
@@ -28,20 +28,20 @@ class ContentType:ContentDisposition(subtype)
method parse(s)
local p := mail::RFC822Parser()
return p.parse_content_type(s, self) | error(p)
- end
+ end
method to_rfc1521()
return type || "/" || subtype || rfc1521_parameters()
- # can inherit initially() from superclass once initially-w-parameters
+ # can inherit initially() from superclass once initially-w-parameters
# inheritance bug is fixed, i.e. not yet.
parameters := ClTable()
if (*a = 1) & (::type(a[1]) == "string") then {
- parse(a[1]) | fail
- }
+ parse(a[1]) | fail
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/database.icn b/uni/lib/database.icn
index 5597af09b..a0e3711ef 100644
--- a/uni/lib/database.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/database.icn
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Database : Object (dsn, db_table, db, dbu, blockDepth)
# <[fails if unable to open database]>
method open(user, # Valid database user id
- password) # Password for that user.
+ password) # Password for that user.
static real_open
initial real_open := ::proc("open")
return \accessDb(real_open(dsn,"o",db_table,user,password))
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ class Database : Object (dsn, db_table, db, dbu, blockDepth)
method update(rec, # table of fields (key is field name,
# entry is new field value) to update
# (Can also be a record)
- whereClause # SQL where clause (w/o the 'WHERE')
+ whereClause # SQL where clause (w/o the 'WHERE')
# that identifies rows to modify
s := "UPDATE " || db_table || " SET "
every k := ::key(rec) do {
- s ||:= k ||"="||"'"||dbu.escape(rec[k])||"',"
- }
+ s ||:= k ||"="||"'"||dbu.escape(rec[k])||"',"
+ }
s := s[1:-1] # delete trailing comma?
s ||:= " WHERE "||\whereClause
return sql(s)
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ class Database : Object (dsn, db_table, db, dbu, blockDepth)
method startBlock()
if blockDepth = 0 then {
- sql("BEGIN")
- }
+ sql("BEGIN")
+ }
blockDepth +:= 1
@@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ class Database : Object (dsn, db_table, db, dbu, blockDepth)
method endBlock()
if blockDepth > 0 then {
- blockDepth -:= 1
- if blockDepth = 0 then {
- sql("COMMIT")
- }
- }
+ blockDepth -:= 1
+ if blockDepth = 0 then {
+ sql("COMMIT")
+ }
+ }
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ class Database : Object (dsn, db_table, db, dbu, blockDepth)
method abortBlock()
if blockDepth > 0 then {
- sql("ROLLBACK")
- }
+ sql("ROLLBACK")
+ }
blockDepth := 0
initially(DSN, # Data store name (odbc)
- DB_TABLE) # Table to access at that DSN
+ DB_TABLE) # Table to access at that DSN
dsn := DSN
db_table := DB_TABLE
dbu := DButils()
diff --git a/uni/lib/dispatcher.icn b/uni/lib/dispatcher.icn
index 7d8235dd1..0d3cc4ae9 100644
--- a/uni/lib/dispatcher.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/dispatcher.icn
@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ class Dispatcher(
# Discard the event and beep in the window.
# A close on a blocked window is a bad situation,
- # probably the application should terminate in response
- # to a process_event(), but if not,
+ # probably the application should terminate in response
+ # to a process_event(), but if not,
# use the hidden offscreen window until it is unblocked.
e := Event(
- if integer(e) = -11 then {
- := d.buffer_win
- d$process_event(e)
- }
+ if integer(e) = -11 then {
+ := d.buffer_win
+ d$process_event(e)
+ }
else if not(integer(e) = (&lrelease | &rrelease | &mrelease | &ldrag | &rdrag | &mdrag)) then
diff --git a/uni/lib/doptions.icn b/uni/lib/doptions.icn
index 0e8730f92..d942093ec 100644
--- a/uni/lib/doptions.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/doptions.icn
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
# If you have a large program spread over a number of separately-compiled
# packages, classes, etc., using options that change frequently, you don't
-# want to specify all these options in main().
+# want to specify all these options in main().
# This package allows decentralized processing of options (arguments to
# the main program), according to specification strings that can be defined
-# wherever the particular options are used.
+# wherever the particular options are used.
# Drawback: checking for unrecognized options is more cumbersome in a
# decentralized setting.
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
# B()
# doptions::check()
# end
# procedure A()
# local opts, s
# opts := doptions::get("-a:")
# s := opts["a"]
# end
# procedure B()
# local opts, s
# opts := doptions::get("-b:")
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ procedure get(opt_string)
# Catches unrecognized options. To be called by somebody, possibly main(),
-# after it is known that everyone has finished reading his/her options.
+# after it is known that everyone has finished reading his/her options.
procedure check()
\initialized | stop("doptions::check: init() must be called first!")
return options(main_args, all_opt_string, , 1)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ end
# This is the standard options() from the Icon program library, modified by
# splitting error handling into two:
-# the procedure "errproc" that gets called on incorrect option specifications,
+# the procedure "errproc" that gets called on incorrect option specifications,
# and a flag "unrec", which, when set, checks for unrecognized options.
procedure options(arg,optstring,errproc,unrec)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ procedure options(arg,optstring,errproc,unrec)
while optname := move(1) do {
if optname == " " then next
if optname == "-" then
- optname := tab(many(optcs)) | move(1) | break
+ optname := tab(many(optcs)) | move(1) | break
opttype := tab(any('!:+.')) | "!"
opttable[optname] := opttype
@@ -103,42 +103,42 @@ procedure options(arg,optstring,errproc,unrec)
if /x then ignore := &null # if end of args from file, stop ignoring
else x ? {
if ="-" & not pos(0) & /ignore then {
- if ="-" & pos(0) then ignore := 1 # ignore following args if --
- else {
- tab(0) ? until pos(0) do {
- if opttype := \opttable[optname := ((pos(1),tab(0)) | move(1))] then {
- option[optname] :=
- if any(':+.',opttype) then {
- p := "" ~== tab(0) | ::get(arg) |
- return errproc("No parameter following -" || optname)
- case opttype of {
- ":": p
- "+": integer(p) |
- return errproc("-"||optname||" needs numeric parameter")
- ".": real(p) |
- return errproc("-"||optname||" needs numeric parameter")
- }
- }
- else 1
- }
- else {
- if \unrec then stop("Unrecognized option: -" || optname)
- else break
- }
- }
- }
+ if ="-" & pos(0) then ignore := 1 # ignore following args if --
+ else {
+ tab(0) ? until pos(0) do {
+ if opttype := \opttable[optname := ((pos(1),tab(0)) | move(1))] then {
+ option[optname] :=
+ if any(':+.',opttype) then {
+ p := "" ~== tab(0) | ::get(arg) |
+ return errproc("No parameter following -" || optname)
+ case opttype of {
+ ":": p
+ "+": integer(p) |
+ return errproc("-"||optname||" needs numeric parameter")
+ ".": real(p) |
+ return errproc("-"||optname||" needs numeric parameter")
+ }
+ }
+ else 1
+ }
+ else {
+ if \unrec then stop("Unrecognized option: -" || optname)
+ else break
+ }
+ }
+ }
# If the argument begins with the character "@", fetch option
# words from lines of a text file.
else if ="@" & not pos(0) & /ignore then {
- f := open(fn := tab(0)) | return errproc("Can't open " || fn)
- fileArg := []
- while put(fileArg,read(f))
- close(f)
- push(arg) # push null to signal end of args from file
- while push(arg,pull(fileArg))
+ f := open(fn := tab(0)) | return errproc("Can't open " || fn)
+ fileArg := []
+ while put(fileArg,read(f))
+ close(f)
+ push(arg) # push null to signal end of args from file
+ while push(arg,pull(fileArg))
else put(fList,x)
diff --git a/uni/lib/exception.icn b/uni/lib/exception.icn
index a45f70c1e..e28f615a5 100644
--- a/uni/lib/exception.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/exception.icn
@@ -65,15 +65,15 @@ class Try : Object (sources, exceptions, lastException)
::push(exceptions, &null) # placeholder
# Consider making this a generator!
if result := (@L[1])\1 then {
- ::pop(sources)
- lastException := ::pop(exceptions) | &null
- return result
- }
+ ::pop(sources)
+ lastException := ::pop(exceptions) | &null
+ return result
+ }
else {
- ::pop(sources)
- lastException := ::pop(exceptions) | &null
- fail
- }
+ ::pop(sources)
+ lastException := ::pop(exceptions) | &null
+ fail
+ }
@@ -83,19 +83,19 @@ class Try : Object (sources, exceptions, lastException)
method throw(exception) # Exception to throw.
while *sources > 0 do {
- # Save the exception for checking with catch() later.
- exceptions[1] := exception
- exception @ sources[1]
- # If we get back here, nothing caught exception, propagate up
- # (the sources stack has been popped)
- }
+ # Save the exception for checking with catch() later.
+ exceptions[1] := exception
+ exception @ sources[1]
+ # If we get back here, nothing caught exception, propagate up
+ # (the sources stack has been popped)
+ }
# Quit if exception isn't caught at all...
# If the exception is thrown inside a Try() that doesn't
# catch it, this code is never reached. I.e. uncaught
# exceptions are ignored if any are tried to be caught.
::stop("Exception thrown outside of Try call: ",
- exception.getMessage(),":\n",exception.getLocation())
+ exception.getMessage(),":\n",exception.getLocation())
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Try : Object (sources, exceptions, lastException)
initially ()
sources := [] # Stack of 'try' clauses
exceptions := [] # Stack of thrown exceptions (probably always
- # <= size 1) - this needs more thought!
+ # <= size 1) - this needs more thought!
Try := create |self # Convert to a singleton object
diff --git a/uni/lib/fcn_util.icn b/uni/lib/fcn_util.icn
index 8fa4d3680..68d1acd91 100644
--- a/uni/lib/fcn_util.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/fcn_util.icn
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ class Closure : Object (fcn)
flist := ::copy(flist)
/args := ::list()
every i := 2 to *flist do
- if flist[i] === Arg then
- flist[i] := ::pop(args) | &null
+ if flist[i] === Arg then
+ flist[i] := ::pop(args) | &null
suspend invokeFcn ! (flist ||| args)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class Closure : Object (fcn)
# of invocation using arguments to the calls() method.
initially (f, # function that closure is built around
- args[] # remaining parameters are arguments supplied
+ args[] # remaining parameters are arguments supplied
# as part of closure
/args := []
@@ -217,29 +217,29 @@ procedure invokeFcn(fcn, args[])
/args := ::list()
case ::type(fcn) of {
"procedure" | "integer" | "string" : {
- suspend fcn!args
- }
+ suspend fcn!args
+ }
"list" : {
- fcn := ::copy(fcn)
+ fcn := ::copy(fcn)
f := ::pull(fcn)
- every i := 1 to *fcn do {
- if fcn[i] === Arg then {
- fcn[i] := ::pop(args) | &null
- }
- }
- suspend f!(fcn ||| args)
- }
+ every i := 1 to *fcn do {
+ if fcn[i] === Arg then {
+ fcn[i] := ::pop(args) | &null
+ }
+ }
+ suspend f!(fcn ||| args)
+ }
"co-expression" : {
- while suspend args@fcn
- }
+ while suspend args@fcn
+ }
default : {
- if isClass(fcn) & fcn.instanceOf("lang::Closure") then {
- suspend ! args
- }
- else {
- suspend fcn!args
- }
- }
+ if isClass(fcn) & fcn.instanceOf("lang::Closure") then {
+ suspend ! args
+ }
+ else {
+ suspend fcn!args
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/file_dlg.icn b/uni/lib/file_dlg.icn
index e7568ff98..da6477bf5 100644
--- a/uni/lib/file_dlg.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/file_dlg.icn
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# File: file_dlg.icn
+# File: file_dlg.icn
-# Subject:
+# Subject:
-# Author: Robert Parlett
+# Author: Robert Parlett
-# Date: October, 1998
+# Date: October, 1998
# This file is in the public domain.
# File dialog box
-# Links:
+# Links:
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ $endif
class FileDialog : _Dialog(
init_dir, # Initial directory name
init_file, # Initial file name
- res, # Resulting file path
+ res, # Resulting file path
dir, # TextField directory
file, # TextField filename
- dlist, # TextList of directories
- flist, # TextList of files
- okay, #
- cancel, #
+ dlist, # TextList of directories
+ flist, # TextList of files
+ okay, #
+ cancel, #
extra_attribs # Custom attributes
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
# Set the initial file/directory from a whole path.
- #
+ #
method set_path(s)
self.init_dir := directory_name(s)
self.init_file := file_name(s)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
method dialog_event(ev)
case ev$get_component() of {
cancel : {
- if ev$get_code() > 0 then
+ if ev$get_code() > 0 then
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
# Go to parent directory (unless at root directory)
- if value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
+ if value == (".." || PATHCHAR) then {
if s ~== PATHCHAR then {
s[-1] := ""
while s[-1] ~== PATHCHAR do s[-1] := ""
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
method init_dialog()
method component_setup()
# Defaults if none set by caller.
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
l$set_pos(50, 50)
l$set_align("l", "c")
dir := TextField()
dir$set_pos(150, 50)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class FileDialog : _Dialog(
- l1 := []
+ l1 := []
l2 := []
get_directory_list(init_dir, l1, l2)
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ $ifdef _MS_WINDOWS_NT
if (*s > 1) & (s[-1] == PATHCHAR) then s[-1] := ""
p := open(s) | {
write(&errout, "get_directory_list: can't open ", image(s))
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ $endif
if not (s[-1] == PATHCHAR) then s ||:= PATHCHAR
while s2 := read(p) do {
sr := stat(s||s2) | {
- write(&errout, "get_directory_list: can't stat ", image(s2))
- fail
+ write(&errout, "get_directory_list: can't stat ", image(s2))
+ fail
if sr.mode[1] == "d" then
put(dir_list, s2 || PATHCHAR)
diff --git a/uni/lib/genserve.icn b/uni/lib/genserve.icn
index f8df4a5fb..3b943b090 100644
--- a/uni/lib/genserve.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/genserve.icn
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ $define DEFAULT_PORT 8080
$include "posix.icn"
class SocketDriver(
- socket,
- user, # Associated user object, or &null if none
+ socket,
+ user, # Associated user object, or &null if none
- dtype, # one of "listen", "admin", or "user"
+ dtype, # one of "listen", "admin", or "user"
- pending_output,# string containing generated output not yet sent
- # across the socket barrier.
+ pending_output,# string containing generated output not yet sent
+ # across the socket barrier.
- pending_input, # unhandled input (typically from incomplete lines).
+ pending_input, # unhandled input (typically from incomplete lines).
- partition, # A string that indicates a logical break in the
- # inputs. "\n" for example. This could be extended
- # to be a list of strings.
+ partition, # A string that indicates a logical break in the
+ # inputs. "\n" for example. This could be extended
+ # to be a list of strings.
- Error # Indicates a socket failure if set
- )
+ Error # Indicates a socket failure if set
+ )
# returns the pending input on socket. If partition is set, the input
@@ -39,39 +39,39 @@ class SocketDriver(
method read_socket()
local buffer, buffer2
if buffer2 := pending_input || ready( socket ) then {
- pending_input := ""
- if /partition then # no partitions, return everything
- return buffer2
- buffer2 ? {
- while buffer := tab(find(partition)) do {
- move(*partition)
- pending_input := &subject[&pos:0]
- suspend buffer
- }
- if *(buffer := tab(0)) > 0 then
- pending_input := buffer
- } # buffer2 ? ...
- }
+ pending_input := ""
+ if /partition then # no partitions, return everything
+ return buffer2
+ buffer2 ? {
+ while buffer := tab(find(partition)) do {
+ move(*partition)
+ pending_input := &subject[&pos:0]
+ suspend buffer
+ }
+ if *(buffer := tab(0)) > 0 then
+ pending_input := buffer
+ } # buffer2 ? ...
+ }
- Error := "Failure in reading input from socket: " || image(socket)
+ Error := "Failure in reading input from socket: " || image(socket)
method write_socket(s)
pending_output ||:= s
#writes(socket, s)
- #
+ #
# flushes any pending output on the socket
method flush()
if *(\pending_output) > 0 then {
- writes(socket, pending_output)
- pending_output := ""
- }
+ writes(socket, pending_output)
+ pending_output := ""
+ }
/pending_input := ""
/pending_output := ""
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ class LogHandler()
local msg, s
every s := !L do
- msg ||:= s
+ msg ||:= s
write(&clock," ",msg)
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ end
# A basic server class, ideas from cved
class BasicServer(
- port, # one port for now. Some future servers may need to
- # listen to several ports.
+ port, # one port for now. Some future servers may need to
+ # listen to several ports.
- server_name, # text name of the server. Default: Unicon Server
+ server_name, # text name of the server. Default: Unicon Server
- Tsocket_drivers, # socket to SocketDriver objects
- socket_list,
- logger, # Logger object
- fileHandler # fileTransfer object ? to be added
- )
+ Tsocket_drivers, # socket to SocketDriver objects
+ socket_list,
+ logger, # Logger object
+ fileHandler # fileTransfer object ? to be added
+ )
# Starts listening on a specific port for TCP requests
@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ class BasicServer(
/p := port
if not(listen_sock := server_socket(p)) then {
- "): starting server failed because ", sys_errstr(&errno))
+ "): starting server failed because ", sys_errstr(&errno))
- logger.logit("open_listener_TCP():", server_name,
- " started on port ", port)
+ logger.logit("open_listener_TCP():", server_name,
+ " started on port ", port)
add_socket(listen_sock, &null, "listen")
# add sock to the list of open connections
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class BasicServer(
Tsocket_drivers[sock] := SocketDriver(sock, user, typ)
put(socket_list, sock)
# close connection to sock and remove it with its driver
#@param sock socket to be removed
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ class BasicServer(
local i
Tsocket_drivers[sock].pending_output := ""
delete( Tsocket_drivers, sock )
every i := 1 to *socket_list do {
- if socket_list[i] === sock then {
- delete(socket_list, i)
- }
- }
+ if socket_list[i] === sock then {
+ delete(socket_list, i)
+ }
+ }
close( sock )
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class BasicServer(
method server_socket(p)
return open(":" || p, "nl")
method process_input(driver, buffer)
stop("Error: Server should implement method process_input(driver, buffer)")
@@ -169,62 +169,62 @@ class BasicServer(
local i, sock, L, buffer, driver, listen_sock
repeat {
- L := select( socket_list, SERVER_TIMEOUT*1000)
- every sock := !L do {
- driver := Tsocket_drivers[sock]
- if /driver then {
- logger.logit("Run(): This should not happen! _
- What is the best way to handle this? _
- Driver is null; do not know socket:" || image(sock))
- next # fail?
- }
- case driver.dtype of {
- "listen": {
- # If they can't log in, stop listening to them.
- # login() would have closed the socket already
- if not login(driver) then
- remove_socket(sock)
- # create a net listener socket to replace the last one
- # note that the last one gets connected to a user in the
- # lower level code regardless of whether the login works,
- # and is thus not usable for listening for any new users.
- # This is a feature of the unicon networking design, and
- # probably a good one.
- if listen_sock := server_socket(port) then
- add_socket(listen_sock, &null, "listen")
- else {
- logger.logit("Run(): can't open a new listener!")
- # need to do more here
- }
- }
- # Read from connected, "live" sockets
- "admin" | "user" : {
- every buffer := driver.read_socket() do {
- process_input(driver, buffer)
- }
- if \driver.Error then {
- logger.logit ("Run() :", driver.Error)
- remove_socket(sock)
- }
- }
- default: {
- write("unknown driver.dtype ", image(driver.dtype))
- }
+ L := select( socket_list, SERVER_TIMEOUT*1000)
+ every sock := !L do {
+ driver := Tsocket_drivers[sock]
+ if /driver then {
+ logger.logit("Run(): This should not happen! _
+ What is the best way to handle this? _
+ Driver is null; do not know socket:" || image(sock))
+ next # fail?
+ }
+ case driver.dtype of {
+ "listen": {
+ # If they can't log in, stop listening to them.
+ # login() would have closed the socket already
+ if not login(driver) then
+ remove_socket(sock)
+ # create a net listener socket to replace the last one
+ # note that the last one gets connected to a user in the
+ # lower level code regardless of whether the login works,
+ # and is thus not usable for listening for any new users.
+ # This is a feature of the unicon networking design, and
+ # probably a good one.
+ if listen_sock := server_socket(port) then
+ add_socket(listen_sock, &null, "listen")
+ else {
+ logger.logit("Run(): can't open a new listener!")
+ # need to do more here
+ }
+ }
+ # Read from connected, "live" sockets
+ "admin" | "user" : {
+ every buffer := driver.read_socket() do {
+ process_input(driver, buffer)
+ }
+ if \driver.Error then {
+ logger.logit ("Run() :", driver.Error)
+ remove_socket(sock)
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ write("unknown driver.dtype ", image(driver.dtype))
+ }
# end default
- } # end case
- } # end every sock := !L
+ } # end case
+ } # end every sock := !L
- every driver := !Tsocket_drivers do
- driver.flush()
+ every driver := !Tsocket_drivers do
+ driver.flush()
} # end repeat
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class BasicServer(
driver.dtype := "user"
# shutdown: gracefully shuts down the server.
@@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ class BasicServer(
local sock
# remove sockets
every sock := key(Tsocket_drivers) do
- remove_socket( sock )
+ remove_socket( sock )
logger.logit("shutdown(): ", server_name, " ", server_version())
method server_version()
return "0.1"
/server_name := "Unicon Server"
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ $ifdef MAIN
procedure main()
trap("SIGINT", SIGINT_handler)
server := BasicServer(9000, "Generic Server")
write("opening TCP connection...")
diff --git a/uni/lib/gui.icn b/uni/lib/gui.icn
index 96db6b14a..108f1b386 100644
--- a/uni/lib/gui.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/gui.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: gui.icn
+# File: gui.icn
-# Subject: Set of classes for GUI objects in Unicon
+# Subject: Set of classes for GUI objects in Unicon
-# Authors: Robert Parlett, Clint Jeffery, Susie Jeffery
+# Authors: Robert Parlett, Clint Jeffery, Susie Jeffery
-# Date: 16 January, 2001
+# Date: 16 January, 2001
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class _Dialog : Container(
method process_event(e)
- local res, found, c, wrap, nw, nh, t
+ local res, found, c, wrap, nw, nh, t
if integer(e) = -11 then {
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class _Dialog : Container(
while Pending([1] === e do {
e := Event(
# delay(50)
- }
+ }
nw := &x
nh := &y
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class _Dialog : Container(
if e === (&ldrag | &rdrag | &mdrag) then {
while *Pending( > 0 & Pending([1] === e do {
e := Event(
- }
+ }
every E := (\self.unique_flag)$handle_event(e) do {
@@ -544,16 +544,16 @@ class MetaComponent()
(val := tab(0))
if find(",", val) then {
- vals := []
- val ? {
- while put(vals, tab(find(","))) do move(1)
- put(vals, tab(0))
- }
- self.__m["set_" || attr] ! (push(vals, self))
- }
- else
- self.__m["set_" || attr] (self, val)
- }
+ vals := []
+ val ? {
+ while put(vals, tab(find(","))) do move(1)
+ put(vals, tab(0))
+ }
+ self.__m["set_" || attr] ! (push(vals, self))
+ }
+ else
+ self.__m["set_" || attr] (self, val)
+ }
@@ -758,13 +758,13 @@ end
$include "_panel.icn"
# a panel on which a background attribute should work
-# The parameter "buffer_flag" just tells it whether to draw directly into the
+# The parameter "buffer_flag" just tells it whether to draw directly into the
# visible window, or to use its non-visible buffer window instead (this is
# used for double-buffering).
class FillPanel : Panel()
method display(buffer_flag)
- EraseRectangle(if /buffer_flag then self.cwin else self.cbwin,
+ EraseRectangle(if /buffer_flag then self.cwin else self.cbwin,
self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ procedure CacheImage(win,x,y,w,h,filename)
/cache := table()
/zoomed := table()
/ (cache[filename]) := open(filename,"g",
- "canvas=hidden","image="||filename) |
+ "canvas=hidden","image="||filename) |
stop("can't open ", image(filename))
wc := cache[filename]
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ procedure CacheImage(win,x,y,w,h,filename)
if / (zoomed[filename][w||","||h]) :=
open(filename,"g","size="||w||","||h, "canvas=hidden") then {
Zoom(wc, zoomed[filename][w||","||h],
- 0,0,WAttrib(wc,"width"),WAttrib(wc,"height"),0,0,w,h)
+ 0,0,WAttrib(wc,"width"),WAttrib(wc,"height"),0,0,w,h)
zc := zoomed[filename][w||","||h]
CopyArea(zc, win, 0, 0, w, h, x, y)
diff --git a/uni/lib/guiconst.icn b/uni/lib/guiconst.icn
index be1856c8b..5b24e8e53 100644
--- a/uni/lib/guiconst.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/guiconst.icn
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# File: guiconst.icn
+# File: guiconst.icn
-# Subject: Constants for use with gui.icn
+# Subject: Constants for use with gui.icn
-# Author: Robert Parlett
+# Author: Robert Parlett
-# Date:
+# Date:
# This file is in the public domain.
-# Links:
+# Links:
diff --git a/uni/lib/heap.icn b/uni/lib/heap.icn
index f49edf425..18f4ad0f8 100644
--- a/uni/lib/heap.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/heap.icn
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class Heap : Object (L, f, p)
initial call := invokeFcn
if *L > 0 then {
L[up:=1] :=: L[-1]
- result := ::pull(L)
- while (down := 2*up) <= *L do {
- if call(p,call(f,L[down+1]), call(f,L[down])) then down +:= 1
- if call(p,call(f,L[down]),call(f,L[up])) then L[up]:=:L[down]
- up := down
- }
- return result
- }
+ result := ::pull(L)
+ while (down := 2*up) <= *L do {
+ if call(p,call(f,L[down+1]), call(f,L[down])) then down +:= 1
+ if call(p,call(f,L[down]),call(f,L[up])) then L[up]:=:L[down]
+ up := down
+ }
+ return result
+ }
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ class Heap : Object (L, f, p)
i := *L
while call(p,call(f,L[i]), call(f,L[i/2])) do {
- L[i] :=: L[i/2]
- i /:= 2
- }
+ L[i] :=: L[i/2]
+ i /:= 2
+ }
return a
diff --git a/uni/lib/iconbutton.icn b/uni/lib/iconbutton.icn
index 89e71bf4d..bfca7921c 100644
--- a/uni/lib/iconbutton.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/iconbutton.icn
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class IconButton : Button()
} else {
if \self.draw_border_flag then {
if /self.is_checked_flag then
- DrawRaisedRectangle(self.cbwin,self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h,2)
+ DrawRaisedRectangle(self.cbwin,self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h,2)
- DrawSunkenRectangle(self.cbwin,self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h,2)
+ DrawSunkenRectangle(self.cbwin,self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h,2)
diff --git a/uni/lib/json.icn b/uni/lib/json.icn
index 17b0b55ed..3507014d2 100644
--- a/uni/lib/json.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/json.icn
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
package json
-class ErrorHandler(filename,
- lineno,
+class ErrorHandler(filename,
+ lineno,
- strict # Flag to enforce strict JSON if not null
+ strict # Flag to enforce strict JSON if not null
method init(filename)
self.filename := filename
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class ErrorHandler(filename,
method constr_msg(s)
- if \filename then
+ if \filename then
return tag || " " || filename || ":" || lineno || ": " || s
return tag || " " || s
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class ErrorHandler(filename,
# Write out (error), if it exists, to (errout)
- method get_err()
+ method get_err()
if \error then {
write(errout, error)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $endif
# For scanner speed testing
-$ifdef SCAN
+$ifdef SCAN
procedure main(argv)
local input
if *argv=0 then {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ $endif
# If the conversion fails, jtou() attempts to use s as a
# filename. If it fails, then the function fails.
-# This procedure is a generator. It will return the
+# This procedure is a generator. It will return the
# corresponding unicon objects, one-by-one, until the
# conversion is complete.
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ procedure jtou(s,strict,mode,error)
tok_gen := create json_scanner(s,jerror)
if u := json_parser(tok_gen,jerror) then {
suspend u
- while u := json_parser(tok_gen,jerror) do suspend u
- fail
- }
+ while u := json_parser(tok_gen,jerror) do suspend u
+ fail
+ }
# string conversion failed, run as file
else {
if not (file := open(s)) then {
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ procedure jtou(s,strict,mode,error)
# string mode
- "s" : j := s
- default: return jerror.write_err("Invalid mode "||image(mode))
+ "s" : j := s
+ default: return jerror.write_err("Invalid mode "||image(mode))
# parse
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ end
# Given a Unicon structure, produce a JSON equivalent if possible.
# This function add meta data to the output to aid in reconstructing
-# the original Unicon structure.
+# the original Unicon structure.
# <[param x - a Unicon structure]>
# <[param strict - Flag for specifing strict JSON syntax (non-null)]>
# <[param error - file for error messages (defaults to &errout)]>
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ end
procedure utoj(x,strict,error)
local j;
jerror := ErrorHandler(error,strict)
if j := _utoj(x,jerror) then
return j
@@ -277,14 +277,14 @@ procedure _utoj(u,jerror, raw)
"string": {
return if u == "__true__" then "true"
else if u == "__false__" then "false"
- else jsonify_string(u,jerror)
+ else jsonify_string(u,jerror)
"integer" | "real": return image(u)
"list": {
s := "["
if *u > 0 then s ||:= _utoj(u[1],jerror, raw)
every i := 2 to *u do {
- s ||:= ("," || _utoj(u[i],jerror, raw)) | fail
+ s ||:= ("," || _utoj(u[i],jerror, raw)) | fail
s ||:= "]"
return s
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ procedure _utoj(u,jerror, raw)
i := 1
every x := !u do {
if i>1 then s ||:= ","
- s ||:= _utoj(x,jerror, raw) | fail
+ s ||:= _utoj(x,jerror, raw) | fail
i +:= 1
if \raw then
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ procedure _utoj(u,jerror, raw)
s := "{\"__unitable__\":1"
every k := key(u) do {
- if s[-1] ~== "{" then s ||:= ","
- if type(k) == "string" then
+ if s[-1] ~== "{" then s ||:= ","
+ if type(k) == "string" then
s ||:= jsonify_string(k,jerror, raw)||":"|| _utoj(u[k],jerror, raw) | fail
else {
- if \(jerror.strict) then
+ if \(jerror.strict) then
s ||:= "\""||image(k)||"\":"||_utoj(u[k],jerror, raw) | fail
s ||:= _utoj(k,jerror)||":"||_utoj(u[k],jerror, raw) | fail
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ procedure _utoj(u,jerror, raw)
-# Procedure for converting Unicon escapes and escape sequences to valid
+# Procedure for converting Unicon escapes and escape sequences to valid
# JSON escape sequences.
procedure jsonify_string(s,jerror)
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ procedure jsonify_string(s,jerror)
"\" contains an illegal double quote for JSON strings")
# Handle escape sequences
if c == "\\" then {
- case (c := move(1)) |
+ case (c := move(1)) |
return jerror.set_err("Incomplete escape sequence") of {
# JSON escapes
"\\": ns ||:= "\\\\"
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ procedure jsonify_string(s,jerror)
ns ||:= "\\u00"||tmp
- !oct: { # octal
+ !oct: { # octal
# Taken from octcode() in escape.icn
tmp := c || tab(many(oct)) | ""
if (i := *tmp) > 3 then { # back off if too large
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ end
# Given an octal string, returns a hexadecimal string. Uses Unicon octal
# specifications
-procedure _octtohex(s)
+procedure _octtohex(s)
local val := 0, len := *s, i := len
while i > 0 do {
val +:= integer(s[i]) * 8^(len-i)
@@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ end
# Given an integer value, return a hexidecimal string
procedure _dectohex(val)
- local ns := "", rem
+ local ns := "", rem
while val > 0 do {
rem := val % 16
val := integer(val/16)
- if rem < 10 then ns := string(rem) || ns
+ if rem < 10 then ns := string(rem) || ns
else case rem of {
10: ns := "A" || ns
11: ns := "B" || ns
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ procedure _dectohex(val)
15: ns := "F" || ns
- return ns
+ return ns
@@ -503,13 +503,13 @@ end
-# A string-scanning generator - takes a JSON-formatted string
+# A string-scanning generator - takes a JSON-formatted string
# and returns single JSON tokens until scanning is complete
procedure json_scanner(s,jerror)
local token
local ws, operator, number
- local end_pos := *s + 1
+ local end_pos := *s + 1
ws := ' \t'
operator := '{}[]:,'
@@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ end
procedure scan_true(jerror)
if move(3) == "rue" then return "true"
- else
- return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON true: " ||
+ else
+ return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON true: " ||
"t"||tab(upto(' \t\n{}[]:,')\1))
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@ end
procedure scan_false(jerror)
if move(4) == "alse" then return "false"
- else
- return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON false: " ||
+ else
+ return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON false: " ||
"f"||tab(upto(' \t\n{}[]:,')\1))
@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ end
# String scanning helper function to retrieve JSON value 'null'
procedure scan_null(jerror)
- if move(3) == "ull" then return "null"
- else
- return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON null: " ||
+ if move(3) == "ull" then return "null"
+ else
+ return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON null: " ||
"n"||tab(upto(' \t\n{}[]:,')\1))
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ procedure scan_ctrl_char(jerror)
# This code is modified from escape() from IPL file escape.icn
- case (c := move(1)) |
+ case (c := move(1)) |
return jerror.set_err("Incomplete JSON escape sequence") of {
# JSON escapes
"b": return "\b"
@@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ procedure scan_ctrl_char(jerror)
"/": return "/"
"\"": return "\""
"u": {
- #
+ #
# Code taken from hexcode() in escape.icn and modified to handle
# unicode escape sequence conversion. JSON supports unicode from
# 0020-10FFFF, but this code restricts unicode to 16-bits to remove
# ambiguity from Unicon and JSON escape conversion.
- #
+ #
# If the unicode is extended ASCII, then return a Unicon hex escape.
# Otherwise try to return a unicode escape
- #
+ #
ns := tab(many(hex)) | ""
if (i := *ns) > 4 then {
ns := ns[1:5]
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ procedure scan_ctrl_char(jerror)
-# String scanning helper function that identifies a JSON string and
+# String scanning helper function that identifies a JSON string and
# returns a Unicon string
procedure scan_string(jerror)
@@ -632,14 +632,14 @@ procedure scan_string(jerror)
while any(~'\"', c := move(1)) do {
if c ~== "\\" then str ||:= c
- else {
+ else {
if ctrl := scan_ctrl_char(jerror) then str ||:= ctrl
else fail
if move(1) == "\"" then return "\""||str||"\""
else return jerror.set_err(
- "JSON string missing terminating double-quotes: " || str)
+ "JSON string missing terminating double-quotes: " || str)
@@ -648,14 +648,14 @@ end
procedure scan_number(c,jerror)
local num_str
num_str := ""
# if negative
if c == "-" then {
num_str ||:= c
c := move(1)
- # integer
+ # integer
if any(&digits,c) then {
# append
@@ -664,31 +664,31 @@ procedure scan_number(c,jerror)
# c is 0
if c == "0" then {
# number starting with 0 is either 0, frac, or exp
- if any(&digits,move(1)) then
- return jerror.set_err("JSON int cannot have leading zero: " ||
+ if any(&digits,move(1)) then
+ return jerror.set_err("JSON int cannot have leading zero: " ||
- }
+ }
# c is 1-9, get all sequential digits
- else num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))
+ else num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))
- # fraction
+ # fraction
if (c := move(1)) == "." then {
# append .
num_str ||:= c
# get any/all sequential digits
- if not (num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))) then
- return jerror.set_err("Expected digits after '.' in JSON frac: " ||
+ if not (num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))) then
+ return jerror.set_err("Expected digits after '.' in JSON frac: " ||
# exponent
- if any('eE',c := move(1)) then {
+ if any('eE',c := move(1)) then {
# append e|E
num_str ||:= c
@@ -697,10 +697,10 @@ procedure scan_number(c,jerror)
else if (c := move(1)) == "+" then {}
# check for sequential digits
- if not (num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))) then
+ if not (num_str ||:= tab(many(&digits))) then
return jerror.set_err("Expected digits after 'e' in JSON exp: " ||
- }
+ }
return num_str
@@ -726,9 +726,9 @@ procedure json_parser(token_gen,jerror)
initial {
parse_funcs := table()
- parse_funcs["{"] := parse_object
- parse_funcs["["] := parse_array
- parse_funcs["\""] := parse_string
+ parse_funcs["{"] := parse_object
+ parse_funcs["["] := parse_array
+ parse_funcs["\""] := parse_string
parse_funcs["-"] := parse_number
parse_funcs["0"] := parse_number
parse_funcs["1"] := parse_number
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ end
# there are delimiting single-quotes within the double-quotes.
procedure parse_string(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
- if token[2] == "\'" & token[-2] == "\'" then
+ if token[2] == "\'" & token[-2] == "\'" then
return cset(token[3:-2])
return token[2:-1]
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ end
# Helper parsing function that recognizes the production rules for a
-# JSON object. Returns a Unicon object (table, class, record, set, or cset)
+# JSON object. Returns a Unicon object (table, class, record, set, or cset)
# if successfully parsed.
procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
local constr, attribs, fields, uni_object, i
prev_token := token
- # {json_object} is a table which holds the traditional JSON dictionary.
+ # {json_object} is a table which holds the traditional JSON dictionary.
# {uni_object} is a unicon object which uses unique JSON object encoding,
# "__uniset__", "__unicset__", "__unitable__", "__uniclass__", and
# "__unirecord__". {json_object} is always built in case the unique Unicon
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
while tok := @token_gen do {
# end of object, allow for trailing comma, e.g. {... ,}
if tok == "}" then {
- if \constr then
+ if \constr then
return constr ! attribs # class/record
else if \uni_object then
return uni_object # set/cset
@@ -836,21 +836,21 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
else if prev_token == ("{"|",") then {
# Dictionary - JSON string as key only
if \(jerror.strict) then {
- if tok[1] ~== "\"" then
+ if tok[1] ~== "\"" then
return jerror.set_err("Expecting JSON string for object key, "||
"got "||tok)
json_key := tok[2:-1]
# For Unicon tables where the key can be any JSON value
else {
- if /(func := parse_funcs[tok[1]]) then
+ if /(func := parse_funcs[tok[1]]) then
return jerror.set_err("Invalid JSON object key value: "||tok)
prev_token := tok
json_key := func(tok, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
# Colon
- if (tok := @token_gen) == ":" then prev_token := tok
+ if (tok := @token_gen) == ":" then prev_token := tok
else return jerror.set_err("Expected colon in JSON pair before: "||tok)
# JSON value
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
if \(func := parse_funcs[tok[1]]) then {
json_value := func(tok, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
prev_token := "value"
# Special case for handling Unicon data types
if \first then {
first := &null
@@ -872,36 +872,36 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
# {"__uniset__":[...]}
- "__uniset__": {
- if type(json_value) == "list" then
+ "__uniset__": {
+ if type(json_value) == "list" then
uni_object := set(json_value)
json_object := table()
json_object[json_key] := json_value
# {"__unirecord__":"RecordName", ...}
- #
+ #
# Try to create a class/record with its constructor.
# If the constructor doesn't exist, return a table instead
- "__unirecord__": {
+ "__unirecord__": {
if constr := proc(json_value) then {
tmp := constr()
fields := [: fieldnames(tmp) :] | []
#fields := []
#every put(fields, fieldnames(tmp))
- attribs := list(*fields)
+ attribs := list(*fields)
json_object := table()
# {"__uniclass__":"ClassName", ...}
- #
+ #
# Try to create a class with its constructor.
# If the constructor doesn't exist, return a table instead
- "__uniclass__": {
+ "__uniclass__": {
if constr := proc(json_value) then {
fields := membernames(json_value)
- attribs := list(*fields)
+ attribs := list(*fields)
json_object := table()
@@ -917,15 +917,15 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
default: {
json_object := table()
- }
+ }
if \json_object then {
# Build a table
- if type(\uni_object) ~== "table" then
+ if type(\uni_object) ~== "table" then
uni_object := &null
json_object[json_key] := json_value
- else {
+ else {
# Build an attribute list for the class/record constructor.
# Check field names in case the JSON was user-constructed
# instead of from utoj*()
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
every field := !fields do {
if field == json_key then {
attribs[i] := json_value
- break
+ break
i +:= 1
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ procedure parse_object(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
else return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON value in JSON pair" ||
", got: " || tok)
- }
+ }
else return jerror.set_err("JSON pair missing JSON value")
else return jerror.set_err("Token violated JSON object syntax: " || tok)
@@ -974,22 +974,22 @@ procedure parse_array(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
# value
else if \(func := parse_funcs[tok[1]]) then {
- if prev_token == ("["|",") then {
+ if prev_token == ("["|",") then {
json_value := func(tok, token_gen, parse_funcs, jerror)
prev_token := "value"
- put(json_array, json_value)
+ put(json_array, json_value)
else return jerror.set_err("Expected comma in JSON array before: " ||
# invalid array syntax
- else {
+ else {
if prev_token == ("["|",") then
return jerror.set_err("Expected JSON value, got: " || tok)
- return jerror.set_err("Token violated JSON array syntax: " ||
- tok)
+ return jerror.set_err("Token violated JSON array syntax: " ||
+ tok)
return jerror.set_err("Expected terminating ] for JSON array")
@@ -1079,12 +1079,12 @@ procedure jss_validate(data, schema, strict, error)
# Validate a specific value only at the current level given a schema of that value.
# <[param x is the table]>
# <[param val is the name of the value of a property]>
# <[returns "" if the valid otherwise returns the error string]>
@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ procedure validate_property(x, val)
return val || " is too small. Must be greater than or equal to " || minLength || " characters."
- pattern := x["pattern"]
+ pattern := x["pattern"]
return z
@@ -1304,11 +1304,11 @@ procedure _jsvalidation(obj, sch, schRoot)
if check ~== "" then return check
inc := inc + 1
- }
+ }
- }
+ }
pf := validate_property(sch["properties"][k], obj[k])
if pf ~== "" then return pf
diff --git a/uni/lib/langprocs.icn b/uni/lib/langprocs.icn
index 7a372be89..22eda0730 100644
--- a/uni/lib/langprocs.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/langprocs.icn
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ procedure get_type(object)
::image(object) ? {
if ="record " then {
return "record"
- }
+ }
else {
- return ::type(object)
- }
+ return ::type(object)
+ }
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ procedure get_name(object)
::image(object) ? {
if ="record " then {
return ::type(object)
- }
+ }
else if ="procedure " then
return ::tab(0)
else if ="file(" then
diff --git a/uni/lib/mapbytes.icn b/uni/lib/mapbytes.icn
index 027eea9d6..4564476ce 100644
--- a/uni/lib/mapbytes.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/mapbytes.icn
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ class MapBytes: Object (inM, inMap, outM, outMap, blkSize)
method mapIn(s:"")
local ns := ""
s ? {
- while ns ||:= ::map(outMap, inMap, ::move(*inMap))
- while ns ||:= ::map(outM, inM, ::move(*inM))
- ns ||:= ::tab(0)
- }
+ while ns ||:= ::map(outMap, inMap, ::move(*inMap))
+ while ns ||:= ::map(outM, inM, ::move(*inM))
+ ns ||:= ::tab(0)
+ }
return ns
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ class MapBytes: Object (inM, inMap, outM, outMap, blkSize)
method mapOut(s:"")
local ns := ""
s ? {
- while ns ||:= ::map(inMap, outMap, ::move(*outMap))
- while ns ||:= ::map(inM, outM, ::move(*outM))
- ns ||:= ::tab(0)
- }
+ while ns ||:= ::map(inMap, outMap, ::move(*outMap))
+ while ns ||:= ::map(inM, outM, ::move(*outM))
+ ns ||:= ::tab(0)
+ }
return ns
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ class MapBytes: Object (inM, inMap, outM, outMap, blkSize)
# Copy one file to another with mapping (leaves files open).
method mapInFile(inFile, # Input file (already opened for reading)
- outFile, # Output file (already opened for writing)
- blockSize # If present, overrides class' blkSize
+ outFile, # Output file (already opened for writing)
+ blockSize # If present, overrides class' blkSize
blockSize := adjBlockSize(blockSize)
while ::writes(outFile, mapIn(::reads(inFile, blockSize)))
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class MapBytes: Object (inM, inMap, outM, outMap, blkSize)
# Copy one file to another with reverse mapping (leaves files open)
method mapOutFile(inFile, # Input file (already opened for reading)
- outFile, # Output file (already opened for writing)
- blockSize # If present, overrides class' blkSize
+ outFile, # Output file (already opened for writing)
+ blockSize # If present, overrides class' blkSize
blockSize := adjBlockSize(blockSize)
while ::writes(outFile, mapOut(::reads(inFile, blockSize)))
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ class MapBytes: Object (inM, inMap, outM, outMap, blkSize)
# in a string. Efficiently handles large strings.
initially(in, # Arrangement of bytes found in input string
- out, # Rearrangement of those bytes for output string
- blockSize # Default size of file read/write operations (bytes).
- # Adjusted automatically to be a multiple of *in.
- )
+ out, # Rearrangement of those bytes for output string
+ blockSize # Default size of file read/write operations (bytes).
+ # Adjusted automatically to be a multiple of *in.
+ )
inM := \in | "1"
outM := \out | in # Default is identity mapping
blkSize := 64*1024 # Default is large blocks
diff --git a/uni/lib/matrix_util.icn b/uni/lib/matrix_util.icn
index 564733ef2..5c9c610d5 100644
--- a/uni/lib/matrix_util.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/matrix_util.icn
@@ -221,24 +221,24 @@ procedure m_lupDecomposition(M, subfcn, mulfcn, divfcn,
if invokeFcn(invertMetric, M[i,k]) > p then {
p := ::abs(M[i,k])
k2 := i
- }
+ }
if p = 0 then fail
b[k] :=: b[k2]
every i := 1 to n do
- M[k,i] :=: M[k2,i]
+ M[k,i] :=: M[k2,i]
every i := k+1 to n do {
- M[i,k] := invokeFcn(divfcn, M[i,k], M[k,k]) | fail
- every j := k+1 to n do
- M[i,j] := invokeFcn(subfcn,M[i,j],invokeFcn(mulfcn,M[i,k],M[k,j]))
- }
+ M[i,k] := invokeFcn(divfcn, M[i,k], M[k,k]) | fail
+ every j := k+1 to n do
+ M[i,j] := invokeFcn(subfcn,M[i,j],invokeFcn(mulfcn,M[i,k],M[k,j]))
+ }
L := m_constant(*M, *M[1], addident)
U := m_constant(*M, *M[1], addident)
every (i := 1 to *M, j := 1 to *M[i]) do
if i > j then
- L[i,j] := M[i,j]
+ L[i,j] := M[i,j]
- U[i,j] := M[i,j]
+ U[i,j] := M[i,j]
every i := 1 to *M do
L[i,i] := mulident
return [L,U,b]
@@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ procedure m_lupSolve(L,U,p,b,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,addident:0.0)
every i := 1 to n do {
s := addident
every j := 1 to i-1 do
- s := invokeFcn(addfun,s,invokeFcn(mulfun,L[i,j],y[j]))
+ s := invokeFcn(addfun,s,invokeFcn(mulfun,L[i,j],y[j]))
y[i] := invokeFcn(subfun,b[p[i]],s)
every i := n to 1 by -1 do {
s := addident
every j := i+1 to n do
- s := invokeFcn(addfun,s,invokeFcn(mulfun,U[i,j],x[j]))
+ s := invokeFcn(addfun,s,invokeFcn(mulfun,U[i,j],x[j]))
x[i] := invokeFcn(divfun,invokeFcn(subfun,y[i],s),U[i,i]) | fail
return x
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ procedure m_linearSolve(A,b,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,
local lup, L, U, p
lup := m_lupDecomposition(A,subfun,mulfun,divfun,
- invertMetric,addident,mulident) | fail
+ invertMetric,addident,mulident) | fail
L := lup[1]
U := lup[2]
p := lup[3]
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ procedure m_divide(M1,M2,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,
X := ::list()
every i := 1 to n do {
x := m_linearSolve(M2,m_col(M1, i),addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,
- addident,mulident,invertMetric) | fail
+ addident,mulident,invertMetric) | fail
::put(X, x)
return m_transpose(X)
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ end
procedure m_inverse(M,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,
return m_divide(m_identity(*M,*M,addident,mulident),
- M,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,addident,
- mulident,invertMetric)
+ M,addfun,subfun,mulfun,divfun,addident,
+ mulident,invertMetric)
@@ -344,15 +344,15 @@ procedure m_write(args[]) # Matrices and output files
outfile := &output
while arg := ::get(args) do {
case ::type(arg) of {
- "file": outfile := arg
- "list": { # Assume it's a matrix!
- every i := !M do {
- every ::writes(outfile, !i," ")
- ::write(outfile)
- }
- }
- default: ::writes(outfile, arg)
- }
+ "file": outfile := arg
+ "list": { # Assume it's a matrix!
+ every i := !M do {
+ every ::writes(outfile, !i," ")
+ ::write(outfile)
+ }
+ }
+ default: ::writes(outfile, arg)
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/misc_util.icn b/uni/lib/misc_util.icn
index 8896fe57c..7e7c8399a 100644
--- a/uni/lib/misc_util.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/misc_util.icn
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ procedure deepcopy(A, cache)
case ::type(A) of {
"table"|"list": {
- cache[A] := ::copy(A)
- every cache[A][k := ::key(A)] := deepcopy(A[k], cache)
- }
+ cache[A] := ::copy(A)
+ every cache[A][k := ::key(A)] := deepcopy(A[k], cache)
+ }
"set": {
- cache[A] := ::set()
- every ::insert(cache[A], deepcopy(!A, cache))
- }
+ cache[A] := ::set()
+ every ::insert(cache[A], deepcopy(!A, cache))
+ }
default: {
- cache[A] := ::copy(A)
- if ::match("record ",::image(A)) then {
- every cache[A][k := ::key(A)] := deepcopy(A[k], cache)
- }
- }
+ cache[A] := ::copy(A)
+ if ::match("record ",::image(A)) then {
+ every cache[A][k := ::key(A)] := deepcopy(A[k], cache)
+ }
+ }
return .cache[A]
@@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ end
# end
procedure breadthwalk(root, # node of graph to start walk at
- getChildren) # function that generates a node's children
+ getChildren) # function that generates a node's children
local node, child, queue, visited
/getChildren := defaultGenChildren
queue := [root]
visited := ::set([root])
while node := ::get(queue) do {
every child := getChildren(node) do {
- if not ::member(visited, child) then {
- ::insert(visited, child)
- ::put(queue, child)
- }
- }
+ if not ::member(visited, child) then {
+ ::insert(visited, child)
+ ::put(queue, child)
+ }
+ }
suspend node
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ end
# be given by the user.
procedure depthwalk(root, # node of graph to start walk at
- getChildren, # function that generates a node's children
- visited) # ignore, used internally.
+ getChildren, # function that generates a node's children
+ visited) # ignore, used internally.
/getChildren := defaultGenChildren
/visited := ::set()
if not ::member(visited, root) then {
diff --git a/uni/lib/msgutils.icn b/uni/lib/msgutils.icn
index 10ad50352..bdde44363 100644
--- a/uni/lib/msgutils.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/msgutils.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: msgutils.icn
+# File: msgutils.icn
-# Subject: Miscellaneous routines for messaging
+# Subject: Miscellaneous routines for messaging
-# Author: Steve Lumos
+# Author: Steve Lumos
-# Date: 22 Apr 2000
+# Date: 22 Apr 2000
@@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ procedure FormOpen(url, fields)
boundry := "--"
every 1 to 30 do boundry ||:= ?(&letters++&digits)
formdata := boundry
every nam := key(fields) do {
- formdata ||:= "\r\n" ||
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" || nam || "\"\r\n" ||
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" || "\r\n"
- formdata ||:= fields[nam] || "\r\n"
- formdata ||:= boundry
+ formdata ||:= "\r\n" ||
+ "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" || nam || "\"\r\n" ||
+ "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" || "\r\n"
+ formdata ||:= fields[nam] || "\r\n"
+ formdata ||:= boundry
formdata ||:= "--\r\n"
- web := open(url, "m",
- "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; " ||
+ web := open(url, "m",
+ "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; " ||
"boundry=" || boundry[3:0],
- "Content-Length: " || *formdata)
+ "Content-Length: " || *formdata)
writes(web, formdata)
return web
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ procedure UploadFile(filename, url)
f := open(filename) | fail
if match(typ, "text/") then {
- enc := "7bit"
- s := reads(f, 1000000)
+ enc := "7bit"
+ s := reads(f, 1000000)
else {
- enc := "base64"
- s := base64encode(reads(f, 10000000))
+ enc := "base64"
+ s := base64encode(reads(f, 10000000))
- close(f)
+ close(f)
server := open(url, "m",
- "Content-Type: " || typ,
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " || enc,
- "Content-Length: " || *s) | fail
+ "Content-Type: " || typ,
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " || enc,
+ "Content-Length: " || *s) | fail
writes(server, s)
return server
@@ -77,132 +77,132 @@ procedure ContentType(filename)
local ext
initial {
- typemap := table("application/octet-stream")
+ typemap := table("application/octet-stream")
- # These are from the mime.types included with Apache
- typemap["ez"] := "application/andrew-inset"
- typemap["hqx"] := "application/mac-binhex40"
- typemap["cpt"] := "application/mac-compactpro"
- typemap["doc"] := "application/msword"
- typemap["oda"] := "application/oda"
- typemap["pdf"] := "application/pdf"
- typemap["ai"] := "application/postscript"
- typemap["ps"] := "application/postscript"
- typemap["eps"] := "application/postscript"
- typemap["rtf"] := "application/rtf"
- typemap["smi"] := "application/smil"
- typemap["smil"] := "application/smil"
- typemap["mif"] := "application/vnd.mif"
- typemap["xls"] := "application/"
- typemap["ppt"] := "application/"
- typemap["bcpio"] := "application/x-bcpio"
- typemap["vcd"] := "application/x-cdlink"
- typemap["pgn"] := "application/x-chess-pgn"
- typemap["cpio"] := "application/x-cpio"
- typemap["csh"] := "application/x-csh"
- typemap["dcr"] := "application/x-director"
- typemap["dir"] := "application/x-director"
- typemap["dxr"] := "application/x-director"
- typemap["dvi"] := "application/x-dvi"
- typemap["spl"] := "application/x-futuresplash"
- typemap["gtar"] := "application/x-gtar"
- typemap["hdf"] := "application/x-hdf"
- typemap["js"] := "application/x-javascript"
- typemap["skp"] := "application/x-koan"
- typemap["skd"] := "application/x-koan"
- typemap["skt"] := "application/x-koan"
- typemap["skm"] := "application/x-koan"
- typemap["latex"] := "application/x-latex"
- typemap["nc"] := "application/x-netcdf"
- typemap["cdf"] := "application/x-netcdf"
- typemap["sh"] := "application/x-sh"
- typemap["shar"] := "application/x-shar"
- typemap["swf"] := "application/x-shockwave-flash"
- typemap["sit"] := "application/x-stuffit"
- typemap["sv4cpio"] := "application/x-sv4cpio"
- typemap["sv4crc"] := "application/x-sv4crc"
- typemap["tar"] := "application/x-tar"
- typemap["tcl"] := "application/x-tcl"
- typemap["tex"] := "application/x-tex"
- typemap["texi"] := "application/x-texinfo"
- typemap["texinfo"] := "application/x-texinfo"
- typemap["t"] := "application/x-troff"
- typemap["tr"] := "application/x-troff"
- typemap["roff"] := "application/x-troff"
- typemap["man"] := "application/x-troff-man"
- typemap["me"] := "application/x-troff-me"
- typemap["ms"] := "application/x-troff-ms"
- typemap["ustar"] := "application/x-ustar"
- typemap["src"] := "application/x-wais-source"
- typemap["zip"] := "application/zip"
- typemap["au"] := "audio/basic"
- typemap["snd"] := "audio/basic"
- typemap["mid"] := "audio/midi"
- typemap["midi"] := "audio/midi"
- typemap["kar"] := "audio/midi"
- typemap["mpga"] := "audio/mpeg"
- typemap["mp2"] := "audio/mpeg"
- typemap["mp3"] := "audio/mpeg"
- typemap["aif"] := "audio/x-aiff"
- typemap["aiff"] := "audio/x-aiff"
- typemap["aifc"] := "audio/x-aiff"
- typemap["ram"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
- typemap["rm"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
- typemap["rpm"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"
- typemap["ra"] := "audio/x-realaudio"
- typemap["wav"] := "audio/x-wav"
- typemap["pdb"] := "chemical/x-pdb"
- typemap["xyz"] := "chemical/x-pdb"
- typemap["bmp"] := "image/bmp"
- typemap["gif"] := "image/gif"
- typemap["ief"] := "image/ief"
- typemap["jpeg"] := "image/jpeg"
- typemap["jpg"] := "image/jpeg"
- typemap["jpe"] := "image/jpeg"
- typemap["png"] := "image/png"
- typemap["tiff"] := "image/tiff"
- typemap["tif"] := "image/tiff"
- typemap["ras"] := "image/x-cmu-raster"
- typemap["pnm"] := "image/x-portable-anymap"
- typemap["pbm"] := "image/x-portable-bitmap"
- typemap["pgm"] := "image/x-portable-graymap"
- typemap["ppm"] := "image/x-portable-pixmap"
- typemap["rgb"] := "image/x-rgb"
- typemap["xbm"] := "image/x-xbitmap"
- typemap["xpm"] := "image/x-xpixmap"
- typemap["xwd"] := "image/x-xwindowdump"
- typemap["igs"] := "model/iges"
- typemap["iges"] := "model/iges"
- typemap["msh"] := "model/mesh"
- typemap["mesh"] := "model/mesh"
- typemap["silo"] := "model/mesh"
- typemap["wrl"] := "model/vrml"
- typemap["vrml"] := "model/vrml"
- typemap["css"] := "text/css"
- typemap["html"] := "text/html"
- typemap["htm"] := "text/html"
- typemap["asc"] := "text/plain"
- typemap["txt"] := "text/plain"
- typemap["rtx"] := "text/richtext"
- typemap["rtf"] := "text/rtf"
- typemap["sgml"] := "text/sgml"
- typemap["sgm"] := "text/sgml"
- typemap["tsv"] := "text/tab-separated-values"
- typemap["etx"] := "text/x-setext"
- typemap["xml"] := "text/xml"
- typemap["mpeg"] := "video/mpeg"
- typemap["mpg"] := "video/mpeg"
- typemap["mpe"] := "video/mpeg"
- typemap["qt"] := "video/quicktime"
- typemap["mov"] := "video/quicktime"
- typemap["avi"] := "video/x-msvideo"
- typemap["movie"] := "video/x-sgi-movie"
- typemap["ice"] := "x-conference/x-cooltalk"
+ # These are from the mime.types included with Apache
+ typemap["ez"] := "application/andrew-inset"
+ typemap["hqx"] := "application/mac-binhex40"
+ typemap["cpt"] := "application/mac-compactpro"
+ typemap["doc"] := "application/msword"
+ typemap["oda"] := "application/oda"
+ typemap["pdf"] := "application/pdf"
+ typemap["ai"] := "application/postscript"
+ typemap["ps"] := "application/postscript"
+ typemap["eps"] := "application/postscript"
+ typemap["rtf"] := "application/rtf"
+ typemap["smi"] := "application/smil"
+ typemap["smil"] := "application/smil"
+ typemap["mif"] := "application/vnd.mif"
+ typemap["xls"] := "application/"
+ typemap["ppt"] := "application/"
+ typemap["bcpio"] := "application/x-bcpio"
+ typemap["vcd"] := "application/x-cdlink"
+ typemap["pgn"] := "application/x-chess-pgn"
+ typemap["cpio"] := "application/x-cpio"
+ typemap["csh"] := "application/x-csh"
+ typemap["dcr"] := "application/x-director"
+ typemap["dir"] := "application/x-director"
+ typemap["dxr"] := "application/x-director"
+ typemap["dvi"] := "application/x-dvi"
+ typemap["spl"] := "application/x-futuresplash"
+ typemap["gtar"] := "application/x-gtar"
+ typemap["hdf"] := "application/x-hdf"
+ typemap["js"] := "application/x-javascript"
+ typemap["skp"] := "application/x-koan"
+ typemap["skd"] := "application/x-koan"
+ typemap["skt"] := "application/x-koan"
+ typemap["skm"] := "application/x-koan"
+ typemap["latex"] := "application/x-latex"
+ typemap["nc"] := "application/x-netcdf"
+ typemap["cdf"] := "application/x-netcdf"
+ typemap["sh"] := "application/x-sh"
+ typemap["shar"] := "application/x-shar"
+ typemap["swf"] := "application/x-shockwave-flash"
+ typemap["sit"] := "application/x-stuffit"
+ typemap["sv4cpio"] := "application/x-sv4cpio"
+ typemap["sv4crc"] := "application/x-sv4crc"
+ typemap["tar"] := "application/x-tar"
+ typemap["tcl"] := "application/x-tcl"
+ typemap["tex"] := "application/x-tex"
+ typemap["texi"] := "application/x-texinfo"
+ typemap["texinfo"] := "application/x-texinfo"
+ typemap["t"] := "application/x-troff"
+ typemap["tr"] := "application/x-troff"
+ typemap["roff"] := "application/x-troff"
+ typemap["man"] := "application/x-troff-man"
+ typemap["me"] := "application/x-troff-me"
+ typemap["ms"] := "application/x-troff-ms"
+ typemap["ustar"] := "application/x-ustar"
+ typemap["src"] := "application/x-wais-source"
+ typemap["zip"] := "application/zip"
+ typemap["au"] := "audio/basic"
+ typemap["snd"] := "audio/basic"
+ typemap["mid"] := "audio/midi"
+ typemap["midi"] := "audio/midi"
+ typemap["kar"] := "audio/midi"
+ typemap["mpga"] := "audio/mpeg"
+ typemap["mp2"] := "audio/mpeg"
+ typemap["mp3"] := "audio/mpeg"
+ typemap["aif"] := "audio/x-aiff"
+ typemap["aiff"] := "audio/x-aiff"
+ typemap["aifc"] := "audio/x-aiff"
+ typemap["ram"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
+ typemap["rm"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
+ typemap["rpm"] := "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"
+ typemap["ra"] := "audio/x-realaudio"
+ typemap["wav"] := "audio/x-wav"
+ typemap["pdb"] := "chemical/x-pdb"
+ typemap["xyz"] := "chemical/x-pdb"
+ typemap["bmp"] := "image/bmp"
+ typemap["gif"] := "image/gif"
+ typemap["ief"] := "image/ief"
+ typemap["jpeg"] := "image/jpeg"
+ typemap["jpg"] := "image/jpeg"
+ typemap["jpe"] := "image/jpeg"
+ typemap["png"] := "image/png"
+ typemap["tiff"] := "image/tiff"
+ typemap["tif"] := "image/tiff"
+ typemap["ras"] := "image/x-cmu-raster"
+ typemap["pnm"] := "image/x-portable-anymap"
+ typemap["pbm"] := "image/x-portable-bitmap"
+ typemap["pgm"] := "image/x-portable-graymap"
+ typemap["ppm"] := "image/x-portable-pixmap"
+ typemap["rgb"] := "image/x-rgb"
+ typemap["xbm"] := "image/x-xbitmap"
+ typemap["xpm"] := "image/x-xpixmap"
+ typemap["xwd"] := "image/x-xwindowdump"
+ typemap["igs"] := "model/iges"
+ typemap["iges"] := "model/iges"
+ typemap["msh"] := "model/mesh"
+ typemap["mesh"] := "model/mesh"
+ typemap["silo"] := "model/mesh"
+ typemap["wrl"] := "model/vrml"
+ typemap["vrml"] := "model/vrml"
+ typemap["css"] := "text/css"
+ typemap["html"] := "text/html"
+ typemap["htm"] := "text/html"
+ typemap["asc"] := "text/plain"
+ typemap["txt"] := "text/plain"
+ typemap["rtx"] := "text/richtext"
+ typemap["rtf"] := "text/rtf"
+ typemap["sgml"] := "text/sgml"
+ typemap["sgm"] := "text/sgml"
+ typemap["tsv"] := "text/tab-separated-values"
+ typemap["etx"] := "text/x-setext"
+ typemap["xml"] := "text/xml"
+ typemap["mpeg"] := "video/mpeg"
+ typemap["mpg"] := "video/mpeg"
+ typemap["mpe"] := "video/mpeg"
+ typemap["qt"] := "video/quicktime"
+ typemap["mov"] := "video/quicktime"
+ typemap["avi"] := "video/x-msvideo"
+ typemap["movie"] := "video/x-sgi-movie"
+ typemap["ice"] := "x-conference/x-cooltalk"
filename ? {
- while tab(upto('.')+1)
- ext := tab(0)
+ while tab(upto('.')+1)
+ ext := tab(0)
return typemap[ext]
diff --git a/uni/lib/notifier.icn b/uni/lib/notifier.icn
index 495e4eaf2..40bc61d28 100644
--- a/uni/lib/notifier.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/notifier.icn
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ class Notifier:Object(listeners)
if lang::Type(l.obj)\1 == "string" then { # Special case
if ::proc(l.obj) === listener then disconnect(l)
- else if (l.obj === listener) then {
+ else if (l.obj === listener) then {
if lang::isClass(listener) &
- (l.meth === lang::find_method(listener, methodname)) then {
- disconnect(l)
+ (l.meth === lang::find_method(listener, methodname)) then {
+ disconnect(l)
else {
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ class Notifier:Object(listeners)
# omit duplicate requests
every l := genListeners(typ) do
- if (l.obj === obj) & (l.meth === p) then
- fail
+ if (l.obj === obj) & (l.meth === p) then
+ fail
l := Subscription(obj, p, typ)
@@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ class Notifier:Object(listeners)
method notify1(l, message)
case ::type(l.obj) of {
- "procedure" | "string" : l.obj(lang::Type(self)\1, l.type, message)
- "co-expression" : [lang::Type(self)\1, l.type , message] @ l.obj
- # list invocation here uses substitution rules per future UniLib
- # integration. This probably won't work well until that happens.
- "list": {
+ "procedure" | "string" : l.obj(lang::Type(self)\1, l.type, message)
+ "co-expression" : [lang::Type(self)\1, l.type , message] @ l.obj
+ # list invocation here uses substitution rules per future UniLib
+ # integration. This probably won't work well until that happens.
+ "list": {
a := ::copy(l.obj)
- fcn := ::pop(a)
- args := [lang::Type(self)\1, l.type, param]
- every i := 1 to *a do if a[i] === Arg then a[i] := ::pop(args)
- suspend fcn ! a
- }
- default: if lang::isClass(l.obj) then notifyClass(l, message)
- }
+ fcn := ::pop(a)
+ args := [lang::Type(self)\1, l.type, param]
+ every i := 1 to *a do if a[i] === Arg then a[i] := ::pop(args)
+ suspend fcn ! a
+ }
+ default: if lang::isClass(l.obj) then notifyClass(l, message)
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/object.icn b/uni/lib/object.icn
index 8479aeabe..b4a9baa5d 100644
--- a/uni/lib/object.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/object.icn
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Object()
# <[returns the classname for the current class in package::class format]>
method className()
- return lang::mapPackageInt2Ext(::classname(self))
+ return lang::mapPackageInt2Ext(::classname(self))
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ class Object()
# <[fails if no method exists with that name]>
method invoke(mName, # Name of method to call
- args[]) # Remaining arguments are arguments to call
+ args[]) # Remaining arguments are arguments to call
if hasMethod(mName) then {
- suspend (self.__m[mName]) ! ::push(args, self)
- }
+ suspend (self.__m[mName]) ! ::push(args, self)
+ }
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ class Object()
method getField(fName) # name of field
if hasField(fName) then {
- return self[fName]
- }
+ return self[fName]
+ }
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ class Object()
# <[fails if no field fName]>
method setField(fName, # name of field
- value) # value to set field to
+ value) # value to set field to
if hasField(fName) then {
- return .(self[fName] := value)
- }
+ return .(self[fName] := value)
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/pqueue.icn b/uni/lib/pqueue.icn
index faa30e7ec..d71dc3ff3 100644
--- a/uni/lib/pqueue.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/pqueue.icn
@@ -19,37 +19,37 @@
# Methods:
-# construct(S) returns a max-priority queue containing the elements
-# in the structure (list, table, or set) S of "elem"
+# construct(S) returns a max-priority queue containing the elements
+# in the structure (list, table, or set) S of "elem"
# records, each containing a "data" and a numeric
# "priority" field.
-# get() removes and returns the highest priority element
-# from the priority queue.
+# get() removes and returns the highest priority element
+# from the priority queue.
-# put(e) adds element e (a "elem" record) to the queue.
+# put(e) adds element e (a "elem" record) to the queue.
-# gen() generates (non-destructively) the elements of the queue
+# gen() generates (non-destructively) the elements of the queue
# in order, highest priority first.
# len() returns the number of elements in the queue.
# maxlen() returns the maximum length reached by the queue during
# its lifetime.
-# elem(d, p) constructs a record with data d and priority p.
+# elem(d, p) constructs a record with data d and priority p.
-# The priority queue is implemented as a max-heap. The heap is
-# implemented by a list in the usual fashion.
+# The priority queue is implemented as a max-heap. The heap is
+# implemented by a list in the usual fashion.
class MaxPQueue(Q, elem, L)
# Create the queue from a list, table, or set of "elem"
- method construct(S)
+ method construct(S)
local i
/S := list()
Q := list()
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class MaxPQueue(Q, elem, L)
# Generate the elements
- method gen()
+ method gen()
local q, e
q := copy(Q)
while e := copy(self.get(q)) do
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class MaxPQueue(Q, elem, L)
right := left + 1
if Q[left].priority > Q[i].priority then
largest := left
- else
+ else
largest := i
if Q[right].priority > Q[largest].priority then largest := right
if largest ~= i then {
diff --git a/uni/lib/rfc822pr.icn b/uni/lib/rfc822pr.icn
index c11e2c131..2e62a5349 100644
--- a/uni/lib/rfc822pr.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/rfc822pr.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: rfc822pr.icn
+# File: rfc822pr.icn
-# Subject: RFC 822 e-mail header parsing
+# Subject: RFC 822 e-mail header parsing
-# Author: Robert Parlett
+# Author: Robert Parlett
-# Date: 15 April, 2002
+# Date: 15 April, 2002
diff --git a/uni/lib/scan_util.icn b/uni/lib/scan_util.icn
index 0ca33720a..ed1988450 100644
--- a/uni/lib/scan_util.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/scan_util.icn
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ class FindFirst : Object(fchars,cMaps,subs,lastMatch)
/i := &pos
/j := 0
if *\s > 0 then {
- suspend 1(p := ::upto(fchars,s,i,j),
- ::match(lastMatch <- !cMaps[s[p]],s,p,j))
- }
+ suspend 1(p := ::upto(fchars,s,i,j),
+ ::match(lastMatch <- !cMaps[s[p]],s,p,j))
+ }
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ class FindFirst : Object(fchars,cMaps,subs,lastMatch)
cMaps := ::table()
fchars := ''
every k := !subs do {
- fchars ++:= k[1]
- /cMaps[k[1]] := []
- ::put(cMaps[k[1]], k)
- }
+ fchars ++:= k[1]
+ /cMaps[k[1]] := []
+ ::put(cMaps[k[1]], k)
+ }
lastMatch := &null
@@ -305,13 +305,13 @@ procedure sbal(keyStrings)
p1 := &pos
w := ff.moveMatch()
if ::member(startStrings, w) then {
- if (inside +:= 1) = 1 then sPos := p1
- }
+ if (inside +:= 1) = 1 then sPos := p1
+ }
else if ::member(stopStrings, w) then {
- if (inside -:= 1) = 0 then {
- suspend .&subject[sPos:&pos]
- }
- }
+ if (inside -:= 1) = 0 then {
+ suspend .&subject[sPos:&pos]
+ }
+ }
if inside < 0 then fail
diff --git a/uni/lib/soap_util.icn b/uni/lib/soap_util.icn
index 511b0e9fb..b13d4721e 100644
--- a/uni/lib/soap_util.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/soap_util.icn
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
package soap
-import util # does it use this, or just lang::
+import util # does it use this, or just lang::
import xml # From Robert Parlett's class library
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ procedure getNonWSChildren(x)
every e := !x.get_children() do {
if ::type(e) ~== "string" then {
- ::put(a, e)
- }
+ ::put(a, e)
+ }
return a
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ procedure encode(x, # Message element
else if lang::istype(x, "table"|"record") then {
s := "\n"||prefix||"<"||label||">\n"
every k := ::key(x) do {
- s ||:= prefix||" "||encode(x[k], prefix,i,k)||"\n"
- }
+ s ||:= prefix||" "||encode(x[k], prefix,i,k)||"\n"
+ }
s ||:= prefix||""||label||">\n"
else if lang::istype(x, "list") then {
s := "\n"||prefix||"<"||label||" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\" "||
- " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"xsd:ur-type["||*x||"]\">\n"
+ " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"xsd:ur-type["||*x||"]\">\n"
every s ||:= encode(!x, prefix||" ", i) || "\n"
s ||:= prefix||""||label||">\n"
@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ procedure decode(x)
"integer" : return ::integer(x.get_children()[1])
"null" : return &null
"list" : {
- every ::put(a := [], decode(!getNonWSChildren(x)))
- return a
- }
+ every ::put(a := [], decode(!getNonWSChildren(x)))
+ return a
+ }
"table" : {
- a := ::table()
- every child := !getNonWSChildren(x) do {
- a[child.get_name()] := decode(child)
- }
- return a
- }
+ a := ::table()
+ every child := !getNonWSChildren(x) do {
+ a[child.get_name()] := decode(child)
+ }
+ return a
+ }
return x[1]
@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ procedure getElementType(x)
a := x.get_attributes()
every k := ::key(a) do {
k ? {
- &pos := ::upto(':')+1 # skip any namespace id
- if ="type" & ::pos(0) then {
- a[k] ? {
- &pos := ::any('\'"')
- &pos := ::upto(':')+1 # skip any namespace id
- return typeMap[::map(::tab(::upto('\'"')|0))]
- }
- }
- }
+ &pos := ::upto(':')+1 # skip any namespace id
+ if ="type" & ::pos(0) then {
+ a[k] ? {
+ &pos := ::any('\'"')
+ &pos := ::upto(':')+1 # skip any namespace id
+ return typeMap[::map(::tab(::upto('\'"')|0))]
+ }
+ }
+ }
return "table" # wild guess!
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ class ErrHandler : xml::DefaultErrorHandler (out_file)
method fatal_error(msg:"", stack)
::writes(\out_file, "Fatal error: " || msg)
if \stack then {
- ::write(\out_file, " at:")
- show_stack(stack)
- }
+ ::write(\out_file, " at:")
+ show_stack(stack)
+ }
@@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ class ErrHandler : xml::DefaultErrorHandler (out_file)
local x, i, t
every x := !stack do {
- if \ then {
- t := x.subject[1:x.pos]
- i := 1
- every ::find("\n", t) do i +:= 1
- ::write(\out_file, || ": "||i)
- }
- }
+ if \ then {
+ t := x.subject[1:x.pos]
+ i := 1
+ every ::find("\n", t) do i +:= 1
+ ::write(\out_file, || ": "||i)
+ }
+ }
initially ()
diff --git a/uni/lib/soapclient.icn b/uni/lib/soapclient.icn
index bb02885d7..afe509167 100644
--- a/uni/lib/soapclient.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/soapclient.icn
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
method setDebugFile(f)
if ::type(f) == "string" then {
- f := ::open(f, "w") | fail
- }
+ f := ::open(f, "w") | fail
+ }
debugFile := f
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
# <[returns result of RPC call]>
method call(rpc, # Name of remote service to invoke
- args[]) # Remaining arguments are arguments to use on rpc
+ args[]) # Remaining arguments are arguments to use on rpc
local msg, host, svc, result
msg := buildSoapMsg ! ([rpc] ||| args)
msg := mkHttpMesgForm(msg)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
host := getHost() | ::stop("Cannot figure out host!")
svc := ::open(host||":"||port, "n") |
- ::stop("Cannot get '",host,"' connection: ", &errortext)
+ ::stop("Cannot get '",host,"' connection: ", &errortext)
::write(svc, msg) | ::stop("Cannot send msg: ",&errortext)
result := ""
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
initial parser := soap::getXmlParser()
::map(result) ? {
- if p := ::find("Internal use only.
method getHost()
proxy ? {
- ="http://"
- return ::tab(::upto('/'))
- }
+ ="http://"
+ return ::tab(::upto('/'))
+ }
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
Internal use only.
method getTarget()
proxy ? {
- ="http://"
- (&pos := ::upto('/')) & return ::tab(0)
- }
+ ="http://"
+ (&pos := ::upto('/')) & return ::tab(0)
+ }
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
#Internal use only.
method buildSoapMsg(rpc, # Name of remote service to invoke
- args[]) # Remaining args are args to use on rpc
+ args[]) # Remaining args are args to use on rpc
local msg, i
i := create ::seq()
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ class SoapClient : Object (uri, proxy, port, debugFile)
# Create a new SOAP client.
initially (newUri, # URI for server
- newProxy, # 'Proxy' information for server (defaults to URI)
- newPort) # Port on server (defaults to 80)
+ newProxy, # 'Proxy' information for server (defaults to URI)
+ newPort) # Port on server (defaults to 80)
uri := newUri
proxy := \newProxy | uri
port := \newPort | ::getserv("http").port | "80"
diff --git a/uni/lib/soapserver.icn b/uni/lib/soapserver.icn
index 1671ff388..9cc539d04 100644
--- a/uni/lib/soapserver.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/soapserver.icn
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
method setDebugFile(f) # File name or open file.
if ::type(f) == "string" then {
- f := ::open(f, "w") | fail
- }
+ f := ::open(f, "w") | fail
+ }
debugFile := f
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
# Add a service.
method addService(sName, # Name of service
- func, # Procedure implementing service
- helpMsg) # (Optional) help message
+ func, # Procedure implementing service
+ helpMsg) # (Optional) help message
services[sName] := func
servicesHelp[sName] := \helpMsg
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
# <result>...</result> element.)
method addSpecialService(sName, # Name of service
- func, # Procedure implementing service
- helpMsg) # (Optional) help message
+ func, # Procedure implementing service
+ helpMsg) # (Optional) help message
addService(sName, func, helpMsg)
::insert(specialServices, sName)
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
method listServices()
local aList := [], sName
every sName := (!::sort(services))[1] do {
- ::put(aList, ::left(sName,30)||(\servicesHelp[sName] | ""))
- }
+ ::put(aList, ::left(sName,30)||(\servicesHelp[sName] | ""))
+ }
return aList
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
#Internal use only.
method invokeService(sName, # Name of service
- aList) # List of arguments for service
+ aList) # List of arguments for service
return (getService(sName) ! aList)
@@ -160,35 +160,35 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
initial Fmt := xml::XmlFormatter()
if request := getRequest() then {
- debugMsg("Request: ",Fmt.format_document(request,0))
- children := request.get_children()
- debugMsg("Children: ",image(children))
- (svc := (!children), ::type(svc) ~== "string")
- debugMsg("SVC: ",::image(svc))
- sName := svc.get_name()
- sName ?:= 2(skipTo(::upto(':')+1),::tab(0))
- debugMsg("Name: ",sName)
- arglist := []
- every param := !soap::getNonWSChildren(svc) do {
- ::put(arglist, soap::decode(param))
- }
- debugMsg("Param count: ",*arglist)
- if sName == "listServices" then {
- return respond(listServices())
- }
- else if msg := invokeService(sName, arglist) then {
- if not ::member(specialServices, sName) then {
- return respond(msg)
- }
- else {
- return respondSpecial(msg)
- }
- }
- else {
- return error("SOAP-ENV:Server",
- "Unknown service '"||sName||"'.")
- }
- }
+ debugMsg("Request: ",Fmt.format_document(request,0))
+ children := request.get_children()
+ debugMsg("Children: ",image(children))
+ (svc := (!children), ::type(svc) ~== "string")
+ debugMsg("SVC: ",::image(svc))
+ sName := svc.get_name()
+ sName ?:= 2(skipTo(::upto(':')+1),::tab(0))
+ debugMsg("Name: ",sName)
+ arglist := []
+ every param := !soap::getNonWSChildren(svc) do {
+ ::put(arglist, soap::decode(param))
+ }
+ debugMsg("Param count: ",*arglist)
+ if sName == "listServices" then {
+ return respond(listServices())
+ }
+ else if msg := invokeService(sName, arglist) then {
+ if not ::member(specialServices, sName) then {
+ return respond(msg)
+ }
+ else {
+ return respondSpecial(msg)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return error("SOAP-ENV:Server",
+ "Unknown service '"||sName||"'.")
+ }
+ }
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
#Internal use only.
method error(code, # SOAP error code
- msg) # Error message text
+ msg) # Error message text
msg := " \n" ||
- " "||code||"\n" ||
+ " "||code||"\n" ||
" "||msg||"\n" ||
" \n"
return respondSpecial(msg)
@@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
initial parser := soap::getXmlParser()
if ::getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "GET" then {
- line := ::getenv("QUERY_STRING")
- }
+ line := ::getenv("QUERY_STRING")
+ }
else {
- line := ::reads(&input, ::getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"))
- }
+ line := ::reads(&input, ::getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"))
+ }
debugMsg("Got: '",line,"'")
root := parser.parse(line).get_root_element()
return root.search_children("SOAP-ENV:Body")
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
local res
res := soap::soapHead() ||
- " \n" ||
+ " \n" ||
response ||
" \n" ||
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class SoapServer : Object(uri, # URI of service
# to procedures.
initially (newUri, # URI indentifying server
- newServices) # (Optional) table mapping procedures to services
+ newServices) # (Optional) table mapping procedures to services
uri := newUri
services := \newServices | ::table()
servicesHelp := ::table()
diff --git a/uni/lib/sql.icn b/uni/lib/sql.icn
index 614a1c157..5a465da03 100644
--- a/uni/lib/sql.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/sql.icn
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
# Received: from (
# by with SMTP; 16 May 2000 19:56:43 -0000
# Received: from localhost (fbalbi@localhost)
-# by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id OAA05480;
-# Tue, 16 May 2000 14:52:58 -0500 (CDT)
+# by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id OAA05480;
+# Tue, 16 May 2000 14:52:58 -0500 (CDT)
# Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:52:58 -0500 (CDT)
# From: Federico Balbi
-# To: Clinton Jeffery ,
+# To: Clinton Jeffery ,
# Phillip Thomas
# Subject: utility
# if you plan to use MySQL w/ Icon I give you this procedure to escape
# strings. In fact, if you do not do it, you can have wrong queries.
# i tested a little bit and it's doing OK. If you find any bugs please do
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ procedure escape(s)
-# Federico Balbi - University of Texas at San Antonio
-# e-mail: - URL:
+# Federico Balbi - University of Texas at San Antonio
+# e-mail: - URL:
diff --git a/uni/lib/str_replacer.icn b/uni/lib/str_replacer.icn
index b2d5da799..b382a6258 100644
--- a/uni/lib/str_replacer.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/str_replacer.icn
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ class StringReplacer : Object (tbl, ff)
method replace(s)
local ns := ""
s ? {
- while ns ||:= ::tab(ff.locate()) do {
- ns ||:= tbl[ff.moveMatch()]
- }
- ns ||:= ::tab(0)
- }
+ while ns ||:= ::tab(ff.locate()) do {
+ ns ||:= tbl[ff.moveMatch()]
+ }
+ ns ||:= ::tab(0)
+ }
return ns
diff --git a/uni/lib/struct.icn b/uni/lib/struct.icn
index 401afb4a5..dc46deca6 100644
--- a/uni/lib/struct.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/struct.icn
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ class Struct : Object (sType, struct)
method fromString(s, prefix:"", terminator:'\n')
terminator := cset(terminator)
::string(s) ? {
- struct := sType() # Clear out old, if any
- while not ::pos(0) do {
- =prefix
- addElement(::tab(::upto(terminator)|0))
- ::move(1) # skip terminator
- }
- }
+ struct := sType() # Clear out old, if any
+ while not ::pos(0) do {
+ =prefix
+ addElement(::tab(::upto(terminator)|0))
+ ::move(1) # skip terminator
+ }
+ }
return self
diff --git a/uni/lib/thread.icn b/uni/lib/thread.icn
index bd908574a..cdc0b17fb 100644
--- a/uni/lib/thread.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/thread.icn
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ procedure channel(x, port)
if ::member(chTableN, x) then
chnl := chTableN[x]
- chTableN[x] := chnl := ::condvar([])
+ chTableN[x] := chnl := ::condvar([])
return chnl
@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ procedure channel(x, port)
if not(::member(chTable, ce)) then chTable[ce] := ::table()
if not(::member(chTable, x)) then chTable[x] := ::table()
- if \(L := chTable[ce][x]) & chnl := ::get(L) then {
- if *L=0 then ::delete(chTable[ce], x)
- }
- else if \(L := chTable[x][ce]) then
- ::put(L, chnl := ::condvar([]))
+ if \(L := chTable[ce][x]) & chnl := ::get(L) then {
+ if *L=0 then ::delete(chTable[ce], x)
+ }
+ else if \(L := chTable[x][ce]) then
+ ::put(L, chnl := ::condvar([]))
else {
- L := []
+ L := []
::put(L, chnl := ::condvar([]))
chTable[x][ce] := L
- }
+ }
} # critical
return chnl
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ procedure channel(x, port)
if not(::member(chTableP, ce)) then chTableP[ce] := ::table()
if not(::member(chTableP, x)) then chTableP[x] := ::table()
- if \(TP := chTableP[ce][x]) & \(chnl := TP[port]) then {
- ::delete(TP, port)
- if *TP=0 then ::delete(chTableP[ce], x)
- }
- else if \(TP := chTableP[x][ce]) then {
- TP[port] := chnl := ::condvar([])
+ if \(TP := chTableP[ce][x]) & \(chnl := TP[port]) then {
+ ::delete(TP, port)
+ if *TP=0 then ::delete(chTableP[ce], x)
+ }
+ else if \(TP := chTableP[x][ce]) then {
+ TP[port] := chnl := ::condvar([])
else {
- TP := ::table()
+ TP := ::table()
TP[port] := chnl := ::condvar([])
chTableP[x][ce] := TP
- }
+ }
} # critical
return chnl
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ initially(work, t)
class Task(
- nthread, # number of threads asked for
- active_threads, # the threads assigned to this task
- func, # proc, what I'm supposed to do
- reduce_func, # proc, how do I combine results
- tttype, # thread task type , repeat, divide, chunk
- chunk_size, #
+ nthread, # number of threads asked for
+ active_threads, # the threads assigned to this task
+ func, # proc, what I'm supposed to do
+ reduce_func, # proc, how do I combine results
+ tttype, # thread task type , repeat, divide, chunk
+ chunk_size, #
- cv_caller, #
+ cv_caller, #
- done # set when done
+ done # set when done
method do_work(args)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class Task(
::insert(active_threads, ¤t)
if \func then {
if rslt := func(args) then done := "Yes"
- }
+ }
else if rslt := do_work(args) then done := "yes"
::delete(active_threads, ¤t)
::put(result_list, rslt)
@@ -273,15 +273,15 @@ method thread_func()
#write("thread is execing task")
- if rslt_lst := tsk.exec_map() then
- ::put(tsk.result_list, tsk.reduce_func(rslt_lst))
+ if rslt_lst := tsk.exec_map() then
+ ::put(tsk.result_list, tsk.reduce_func(rslt_lst))
#write("thread done execing task")
::delete(thread_active, cur_thread)
::insert(thread_ready, cur_thread)
critical task_ready: {
- if *tsk.args>0 & tsk~===task_ready[1] then
+ if *tsk.args>0 & tsk~===task_ready[1] then
::push(task_ready, tsk)
diff --git a/uni/lib/threadh.icn b/uni/lib/threadh.icn
index c28cb742d..4a1e273af 100644
--- a/uni/lib/threadh.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/threadh.icn
@@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
# June/15/2012
-$define OFF 0
-$define ON 1
+$define OFF 0
+$define ON 1
-$define INBOX 1000
-$define OUTBOX 1001
-$define INBOX_SIZE 1002
-$define OUTBOX_SIZE 1003
-$define INBOX_LIMIT 1004
-$define OUTBOX_LIMIT 1005
-$define INBOX_CV_FULL 1006
-$define INBOX_CV_EMPTY 1007
-$define OUTBOX_CV_FULL 1008
-$define OUTBOX_CV_EMPTY 1009
+$define INBOX 1000
+$define OUTBOX 1001
+$define INBOX_SIZE 1002
+$define OUTBOX_SIZE 1003
+$define INBOX_LIMIT 1004
+$define OUTBOX_LIMIT 1005
+$define INBOX_CV_FULL 1006
+$define INBOX_CV_EMPTY 1007
+$define OUTBOX_CV_FULL 1008
+$define OUTBOX_CV_EMPTY 1009
-$define CHANNEL_SIZE 1010
-$define CHANNEL_LIMIT 1011
+$define CHANNEL_SIZE 1010
+$define CHANNEL_LIMIT 1011
-$define MUTEX 1050
-$define CV 1051
-$define CV_FULL 1052
-$define CV_EMPTY 1053
+$define MUTEX 1050
+$define CV 1051
+$define CV_FULL 1052
+$define CV_EMPTY 1053
diff --git a/uni/lib/time.icn b/uni/lib/time.icn
index 9582b61ec..8232d6017 100644
--- a/uni/lib/time.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/time.icn
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ global Time_data_months, Time_data_base_year, Time_data_week_days,
# @ t.set_seconds(n, z) # n seconds past the base date in GMT, +/-z mins
class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
- zone, psub, ppos)
+ zone, psub, ppos)
# Convert to a string
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
local s
s := ::string(n)
if *s < w then
- return ::right(s, w, "0")
+ return ::right(s, w, "0")
- return s
+ return s
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
local s
s := Time_data_week_days[self.week_day() + 1]
if w < 4 then
- return s[1:4]
+ return s[1:4]
- return s
+ return s
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
local s
if w < 3 then
- return format_int(self.month, w)
+ return format_int(self.month, w)
s := Time_data_months[self.month]
if w = 3 then
- return s[1:4]
+ return s[1:4]
- return s
+ return s
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
local s
if w == 2 then
- return format_int(self.year % 100, w)
+ return format_int(self.year % 100, w)
- return format_int(self.year, w)
+ return format_int(self.year, w)
@@ -162,44 +162,44 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
res := ""
p ? {
- while not ::pos(0) do {
- if ::any('EydHMhmsaAz') then {
- ch := p[&pos]
- w := *::tab(::many(ch))
- res ||:= case ch of {
- "E": format_weekday(w)
- "y": format_year(w)
- "M": format_month(w)
- "d": format_int(self.mday, w)
- "h": {
- if self.hour < 13 then
- format_int(self.hour, w)
- else
- format_int(self.hour - 12, w)
- }
- "H": format_int(self.hour, w)
- "m": format_int(self.min, w)
- "s": format_int(self.sec, w)
- "z": zone.get_id()
- "Z": zone.get_offset()
- "a": {
- if self.hour < 12 then
- "am"
- else
- "pm"
- }
- "A": {
- if self.hour < 12 then
- "AM"
- else
- "PM"
- }
- }
- } else if ::any('\'') then
- res ||:= match_literal()
- else
- res ||:= ::move(1)
- }
+ while not ::pos(0) do {
+ if ::any('EydHMhmsaAz') then {
+ ch := p[&pos]
+ w := *::tab(::many(ch))
+ res ||:= case ch of {
+ "E": format_weekday(w)
+ "y": format_year(w)
+ "M": format_month(w)
+ "d": format_int(self.mday, w)
+ "h": {
+ if self.hour < 13 then
+ format_int(self.hour, w)
+ else
+ format_int(self.hour - 12, w)
+ }
+ "H": format_int(self.hour, w)
+ "m": format_int(self.min, w)
+ "s": format_int(self.sec, w)
+ "z": zone.get_id()
+ "Z": zone.get_offset()
+ "a": {
+ if self.hour < 12 then
+ "am"
+ else
+ "pm"
+ }
+ "A": {
+ if self.hour < 12 then
+ "AM"
+ else
+ "PM"
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ::any('\'') then
+ res ||:= match_literal()
+ else
+ res ||:= ::move(1)
+ }
return res
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
# of this field. This allows for example yyyyMMdd to parse 20001201.
if ::any('ydHMhms') then
- j >:= ppos + w
+ j >:= ppos + w
n := ::integer(psub[ppos:j])
ppos := j
@@ -276,13 +276,13 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
s := ""
repeat {
- s ||:= ::tab(::find("\'") | 0)
- if ::pos(0) then
- break
- ::move(1)
- # Two ''s in a row mean a single ' and press on - else break.
- s ||:= ="'" | break
- }
+ s ||:= ::tab(::find("\'") | 0)
+ if ::pos(0) then
+ break
+ ::move(1)
+ # Two ''s in a row mean a single ' and press on - else break.
+ s ||:= ="'" | break
+ }
return s
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
local n
n := parse_int(w) | fail
if n < 70 then
- return 2000 + n
+ return 2000 + n
else if n < 100 then
- return 1900 + n
+ return 1900 + n
- return n
+ return n
@@ -350,33 +350,33 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
ch := p[&pos]
w := *::tab(::many(ch))
case ch of {
- "E": parse_weekday() | fail
- "y": y := parse_year(w) | fail
- "M": m := parse_month(w) | fail
- "d": d := parse_int(w) | fail
- "h"|"H": hh := parse_int(w) | fail
- "m": mm := parse_int(w) | fail
- "s": ss := parse_int(w) | fail
- "z": z := parse_timezone() | fail
- "A"|"a": {
- ampm := parse_ampm() | fail
- if ampm == "pm" & (0 < \hh < 12) then
- hh +:= 12
- }
- }
- }
- else if ::any('\'') then {
- lit := match_literal()
- ppos := ::match(lit, psub, ppos) |
- return error("Expected literal:" || lit)
- }
- else {
- ch := ::move(1)
- while psub[ppos] == ch do
- ppos +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
+ "E": parse_weekday() | fail
+ "y": y := parse_year(w) | fail
+ "M": m := parse_month(w) | fail
+ "d": d := parse_int(w) | fail
+ "h"|"H": hh := parse_int(w) | fail
+ "m": mm := parse_int(w) | fail
+ "s": ss := parse_int(w) | fail
+ "z": z := parse_timezone() | fail
+ "A"|"a": {
+ ampm := parse_ampm() | fail
+ if ampm == "pm" & (0 < \hh < 12) then
+ hh +:= 12
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ::any('\'') then {
+ lit := match_literal()
+ ppos := ::match(lit, psub, ppos) |
+ return error("Expected literal:" || lit)
+ }
+ else {
+ ch := ::move(1)
+ while psub[ppos] == ch do
+ ppos +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
set_fields(y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, z)
@@ -480,9 +480,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
self.min +:= self.sec / 60
self.sec %:= 60
if self.sec < 0 then {
- self.sec +:= 60
- self.min -:= 1
- }
+ self.sec +:= 60
+ self.min -:= 1
+ }
# Normalize minutes
@@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
self.hour +:= self.min / 60
self.min %:= 60
if self.min < 0 then {
- self.min +:= 60
- self.hour -:= 1
- }
+ self.min +:= 60
+ self.hour -:= 1
+ }
# Normalize hours
@@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
self.mday +:= self.hour / 24
self.hour %:= 24
if self.hour < 0 then {
- self.hour +:= 24
- self.mday -:= 1
- }
+ self.hour +:= 24
+ self.mday -:= 1
+ }
# Normalize month, year
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
if self.month < 1 then {
self.year -:= 1
self.month +:= 12
- }
+ }
# Normalize mday downwards, adjusting month, year as we go along
@@ -521,10 +521,10 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
self.mday -:= n
self.month +:= 1
if self.month = 13 then {
- self.month := 1
- self.year +:= 1
- }
- }
+ self.month := 1
+ self.year +:= 1
+ }
+ }
# Normalize mday upwards, adjusting month, year as we go along
@@ -532,19 +532,19 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
while self.mday < 1 do {
self.month -:= 1
if self.month = 0 then {
- self.month := 12
- self.year -:= 1
- }
- self.mday +:= get_days(self.year, self.month)
- }
+ self.month := 12
+ self.year -:= 1
+ }
+ self.mday +:= get_days(self.year, self.month)
+ }
year_diff := self.year - Time_data_base_year
days := 365 * year_diff + (year_diff + 3) / 4 - (year_diff + 99) / 100 +
- (year_diff + 399) / 400 + get_cum_days(year, month) + mday - 1
+ (year_diff + 399) / 400 + get_cum_days(year, month) + mday - 1
return seconds := 86400 * days + 3600 * hour + 60 * min + sec -
- zone.get_offset()
+ zone.get_offset()
@@ -567,51 +567,51 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
# Case analysis within the 400 years to reduce to 4 years of 1460 or 1461
# days. - flag indicates whether block is 1460 or 1461 days
if n < 36525 then { # 1/1/1600 - 31/12/1699 - 25 blocks of 1461 days
- year +:= 4 * (n / 1461)
- n %:= 1461
- flag := 1
- }
+ year +:= 4 * (n / 1461)
+ n %:= 1461
+ flag := 1
+ }
else if n < 37985 then { # 1/1/1700 - 31/12/1703 - 1 block of 1460 days
year +:= 100
n -:= 36525
- }
+ }
else if n < 73049 then { # 1/1/1704 - 31/12/1799 - 24 blocks of 1461 days
- n -:= 37985
- year +:= 104 + 4 * (n / 1461)
- n %:= 1461
- flag := 1
- }
+ n -:= 37985
+ year +:= 104 + 4 * (n / 1461)
+ n %:= 1461
+ flag := 1
+ }
else if n < 74509 then { # 1/1/1800 - 31/12/1803 - 1 block of 1460 days
- year +:= 200
- n -:= 73049
- }
+ year +:= 200
+ n -:= 73049
+ }
else if n < 109573 then { # 1/1/1804 - 31/12/1899 - 24 blocks of 1461 days
- n -:= 74509
- year +:= 204 + 4 * (n / 1461)
- n %:= 1461
- flag := 1
- }
+ n -:= 74509
+ year +:= 204 + 4 * (n / 1461)
+ n %:= 1461
+ flag := 1
+ }
else if n < 111033 then { # 1/1/1900 - 31/12/1903 - 1 block of 1460 days
- year +:= 300
- n -:= 109573
- }
+ year +:= 300
+ n -:= 109573
+ }
else { # n < 146097 1/1/1904 - 31/12/1999 - 24 blocks of 1461 days
- n -:= 111033
- year +:= 304 + 4 * (n / 1461)
- n %:= 1461
- flag := 1
- }
+ n -:= 111033
+ year +:= 304 + 4 * (n / 1461)
+ n %:= 1461
+ flag := 1
+ }
if /flag then { # 4 years of 365 days each
- year +:= n / 365
- n %:= 365
- }
+ year +:= n / 365
+ n %:= 365
+ }
else { # 4 years of 366, 365, 365, 365 days
- if n > 365 then {
- year +:= 1 + (n - 366) / 365
- n := (n - 366) % 365
- }
- }
+ if n > 365 then {
+ year +:= 1 + (n - 366) / 365
+ n := (n - 366) % 365
+ }
+ }
self.year := year
get_cum_days(self.year, i := 1 to 13) > n
@@ -767,9 +767,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
# @p
method get_cum_days(y, m)
- return if (y % 4 = 0) & (y % 100 ~= 0 | y % 400 = 0) then # leap year
+ return if (y % 4 = 0) & (y % 100 ~= 0 | y % 400 = 0) then # leap year
[0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366][m]
- else # non-leap year
+ else # non-leap year
[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365][m]
@@ -778,9 +778,9 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
# @p
method get_days(y, m)
- return if (y % 4 = 0) & (y % 100 ~= 0 | y % 400 = 0) then # leap year
+ return if (y % 4 = 0) & (y % 100 ~= 0 | y % 400 = 0) then # leap year
[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m]
- else # non-leap year
+ else # non-leap year
[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m]
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ class Time : Error : Object(seconds, year, month, mday, hour, min, sec,
ss := get_int() | 0
if ::tab(::upto(Time_data_tzchars)) then
z := get_known_timezone(::tab(::many(Time_data_tzchars))) |
- return error("No timezone")
+ return error("No timezone")
z := get_system_timezone()
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ procedure init_time()
"June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"]
Time_data_week_days := ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
- "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
+ "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
Time_data_tzchars := '+-' ++ &digits ++ &ucase
Time_data_base_year := 1600 # must be a multiple of 400
Time_data_unix_base_offset := 11676096000
diff --git a/uni/lib/timezone.icn b/uni/lib/timezone.icn
index af66682bd..2237eea55 100644
--- a/uni/lib/timezone.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/timezone.icn
@@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ class Timezone(offset, id)
static once
if /once then {
- init_timezone()
- once := 1
- }
+ init_timezone()
+ once := 1
+ }
if *a = 0 then {
- id := "UTC"
- offset := 0
- }
+ id := "UTC"
+ offset := 0
+ }
else if *a = 1 then {
- if ::type(a[1]) == "integer" then {
- offset := a[1]
- id := (if offset < 0 then "-" else "+") ||
- ::right(::abs(offset) / 3600, 2, "0") ||
- ::right((::abs(offset) % 3600) / 60, 2, "0")
- }
- else {
- id := a[1]
- offset := get_known_timezone(id).get_offset() | fail
- }
- }
+ if ::type(a[1]) == "integer" then {
+ offset := a[1]
+ id := (if offset < 0 then "-" else "+") ||
+ ::right(::abs(offset) / 3600, 2, "0") ||
+ ::right((::abs(offset) % 3600) / 60, 2, "0")
+ }
+ else {
+ id := a[1]
+ offset := get_known_timezone(id).get_offset() | fail
+ }
+ }
else {
- offset := a[1]
- id := a[2]
- }
+ offset := a[1]
+ id := a[2]
+ }
procedure init_timezone()
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ procedure init_timezone()
# If possible, use a symbolic representation, eg "EST" instead of -0500
if &features == "UNIX" then {
if f := ::open("date +%Z", "p") then {
- t := ::read(f)
- ::close(f)
- }
+ t := ::read(f)
+ ::close(f)
+ }
# Only use a known symbol whose offset agrees with the one just calculated
if (\known_timezones[\t]).get_offset() = system_timezone.get_offset() then
- system_timezone := known_timezones[t]
+ system_timezone := known_timezones[t]
@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ procedure get_known_timezone(id)
id ? {
if ::any('+-') then {
- if ::any('-') then
- sign := -1
- else
- sign := 1
- ::move(1)
- s := ::tab(::many(&digits)) | fail
- return Timezone(sign * 3600 * ::integer(s[1:3]) + 60 * ::integer(s[3:5]),
- id) | fail
- }
+ if ::any('-') then
+ sign := -1
+ else
+ sign := 1
+ ::move(1)
+ s := ::tab(::many(&digits)) | fail
+ return Timezone(sign * 3600 * ::integer(s[1:3]) + 60 * ::integer(s[3:5]),
+ id) | fail
+ }
diff --git a/uni/lib/union.icn b/uni/lib/union.icn
index 8727cdd68..93f3ae319 100644
--- a/uni/lib/union.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/union.icn
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ procedure parse_record(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, refs, uerror)
local rName, union_object, union_key, union_value, prev_token, tok, r
ref := @token_gen
rName := (@token_gen)[2:-1] # skips ":" and strips quotes
- if not ::proc(rName) then { # No constructor in this context
+ if not ::proc(rName) then { # No constructor in this context
uerror.set_err("No constructor for record '"||rName||" in this context.")
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ procedure parse_class(token, token_gen, parse_funcs, refs, uerror)
local ref
ref := @token_gen
cName := (@token_gen)[2:-1] # skips ":" and strips quotes
- if not ::proc(cName) then { # No constructor in this context
+ if not ::proc(cName) then { # No constructor in this context
uerror.set_err("No constructor for class '"||cName||" in this context.")
diff --git a/uni/lib/url.icn b/uni/lib/url.icn
index 3cbedd07e..5a61ffb95 100644
--- a/uni/lib/url.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/url.icn
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $include "posix.icn"
# This class encapsulates a URL
class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
- port, file_handle, header)
+ port, file_handle, header)
method get_template()
return ["protocol", "address", "file", "ref", "port", "header"]
@@ -125,19 +125,19 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
cgi := ::table()
self.file ? {
- if ::tab(::find("?")) then {
- ::move(1)
- while not ::pos(0) do {
- key := ::tab(::upto('&=') | 0)
- if ="=" then
- val := extract_hex(::tab(::find("&") | 0))
- else
- val := ""
- ="&"
- /cgi[key] := []
- ::put(cgi[key], val)
- }
- }
+ if ::tab(::find("?")) then {
+ ::move(1)
+ while not ::pos(0) do {
+ key := ::tab(::upto('&=') | 0)
+ if ="=" then
+ val := extract_hex(::tab(::find("&") | 0))
+ else
+ val := ""
+ ="&"
+ /cgi[key] := []
+ ::put(cgi[key], val)
+ }
+ }
return cgi
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
local l, s
s := ""
every l := !::sort(cgi) do {
- if ::string(l[2]) then
- s ||:= convert_hex(l[1]) || "=" || convert_hex(l[2]) || "&"
- else
- every s ||:= convert_hex(l[1]) || "=" || convert_hex(!l[2]) || "&"
- }
+ if ::string(l[2]) then
+ s ||:= convert_hex(l[1]) || "=" || convert_hex(l[2]) || "&"
+ else
+ every s ||:= convert_hex(l[1]) || "=" || convert_hex(!l[2]) || "&"
+ }
s[-1] := ""
return s
@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
local res
static convert_chars
- convert_chars := &lcase ++ &ucase ++ &digits ++ '_*.- '
+ convert_chars := &lcase ++ &ucase ++ &digits ++ '_*.- '
res := ""
s ? repeat {
- res ||:= ::tab(::many(convert_chars))
- if ::pos(0) then
- break
- res ||:= "%" || format_int_to_string(::ord(::move(1)),,2)
- }
+ res ||:= ::tab(::many(convert_chars))
+ if ::pos(0) then
+ break
+ res ||:= "%" || format_int_to_string(::ord(::move(1)),,2)
+ }
res := ::map(res, " ", "+")
return res
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
res := ""
s := ::map(s, "+", " ")
s ? repeat {
- res ||:= ::tab(::find("%") | 0)
- if ::pos(0) then
- break
- ::move(1)
- res ||:= ::char(format_string_to_int(::move(2)))
- }
+ res ||:= ::tab(::find("%") | 0)
+ if ::pos(0) then
+ break
+ ::move(1)
+ res ||:= ::char(format_string_to_int(::move(2)))
+ }
return res
@@ -209,26 +209,26 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
method parse(s)
s ? {
- set_protocol(1(::tab(::many(&letters)), ="://") | "http")
- set_address(::tab(::upto(':/') | 0))
- if =":" then {
- set_port(::integer(::tab(::many(&digits)))) | return error("Bad port")
- }
- else
- set_port(getserv(get_protocol() | "www").port) |
- return error("Unknown protocol")
- if ::pos(0) then
- set_file("/")
- else {
- ::any('/') | fail
- set_file(::tab(::find("#") | 0))
- if ::any('#') then {
- ::move(1)
- set_ref(::tab(0))
- }
- }
+ set_protocol(1(::tab(::many(&letters)), ="://") | "http")
+ set_address(::tab(::upto(':/') | 0))
+ if =":" then {
+ set_port(::integer(::tab(::many(&digits)))) | return error("Bad port")
+ }
+ else
+ set_port(getserv(get_protocol() | "www").port) |
+ return error("Unknown protocol")
+ if ::pos(0) then
+ set_file("/")
+ else {
+ ::any('/') | fail
+ set_file(::tab(::find("#") | 0))
+ if ::any('#') then {
+ ::move(1)
+ set_ref(::tab(0))
+ }
+ }
@@ -240,27 +240,27 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
method set_relative(s)
if s[1] == "#" then
- #
- # Just reference, filename doesn't change.
- #
- set_ref(s[2:0])
+ #
+ # Just reference, filename doesn't change.
+ #
+ set_ref(s[2:0])
else {
- #
- # File name and possibly reference. First check whether
- # relative to current directory.
- #
- if s[1] ~== "/" then
- s := get_file_dir() || s
- s ? {
- set_file(::tab(::find("#") | 0))
- if ="#" then {
- set_ref(::tab(0))
- }
- else
- set_ref()
- }
- }
+ #
+ # File name and possibly reference. First check whether
+ # relative to current directory.
+ #
+ if s[1] ~== "/" then
+ s := get_file_dir() || s
+ s ? {
+ set_file(::tab(::find("#") | 0))
+ if ="#" then {
+ set_ref(::tab(0))
+ }
+ else
+ set_ref()
+ }
+ }
@@ -268,9 +268,9 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
method get_file_last()
file ? {
- while ::tab(::find("/")+1)
- return ::tab(0)
- }
+ while ::tab(::find("/")+1)
+ return ::tab(0)
+ }
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@ class URL : Error : Object : SelectiveClassCoding(protocol, address, file, ref,
method get_file_dir()
file ? {
- while ::tab(::find("/")+1)
- return ::tab(1)
- }
+ while ::tab(::find("/")+1)
+ return ::tab(1)
+ }
if *a = 1 then
- parse(a[1]) | fail
+ parse(a[1]) | fail
diff --git a/uni/lib/vgamem.icn b/uni/lib/vgamem.icn
index 827456901..980ab5542 100644
--- a/uni/lib/vgamem.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/vgamem.icn
@@ -14,31 +14,31 @@ $ifdef _UNIX
pin := open("/sbin/lspci -v", "p") | stop("can't run /sbin/lspci")
while line := read(pin) do {
line ? {
- if any(&digits) & find("VGA") then {
- mem := 0
- while line := read(pin) do {
- if line == "" then break
- line ? {
- tab(many(' \t'))
- if ="Memory at" then {
- tab(many(' \t')) | next
- tab(many(&digits ++ 'abcdefABCDEF')) | next
- tab(many(' \t')) | next
- ="(" | next
- tab(many(&digits)) | next
- ="-bit," | next
- tab(many(' \t')) | next
- ="prefetchable" | next
- =")" | next
- tab(many(' \t')) | next
- ="[" | next
- ="size=" | next
- mem <:= KMsize(tab(many(&digits++'KM')))
- }
- }
- }
- put(results, 0 < mem)
- }
+ if any(&digits) & find("VGA") then {
+ mem := 0
+ while line := read(pin) do {
+ if line == "" then break
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="Memory at" then {
+ tab(many(' \t')) | next
+ tab(many(&digits ++ 'abcdefABCDEF')) | next
+ tab(many(' \t')) | next
+ ="(" | next
+ tab(many(&digits)) | next
+ ="-bit," | next
+ tab(many(' \t')) | next
+ ="prefetchable" | next
+ =")" | next
+ tab(many(' \t')) | next
+ ="[" | next
+ ="size=" | next
+ mem <:= KMsize(tab(many(&digits++'KM')))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ put(results, 0 < mem)
+ }
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ $ifdef _MS_WINDOWS_NT
while line := read(fin) do {
line ? {
- # Look for "Adapter RAM" - in MSinfo32's Unicode output
+ # Look for "Adapter RAM" - in MSinfo32's Unicode output
if tab(find("A\0d\0a\0p\0t\0e\0r\0 \0R\0A\0M\0")) then {
- tab(find("(")+2) | fail
- mem := 0
- while c := move(1) do { mem := mem * 10 + integer(c); move(1) }
- close(fin)
- remove(fn)
- return mem
+ tab(find("(")+2) | fail
+ mem := 0
+ while c := move(1) do { mem := mem * 10 + integer(c); move(1) }
+ close(fin)
+ remove(fn)
+ return mem
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ end
procedure KMsize(s)
case s[-1] of {
- "M": return integer(s[1:-1]) * 1024 * 1024
- "K": return integer(s[1:-1]) * 1024
- default: return s
+ "M": return integer(s[1:-1]) * 1024 * 1024
+ "K": return integer(s[1:-1]) * 1024
+ default: return s
diff --git a/uni/lib/webup.icn b/uni/lib/webup.icn
index 2d40e47b2..109ae76fd 100644
--- a/uni/lib/webup.icn
+++ b/uni/lib/webup.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: webup.icn
+# File: webup.icn
-# Subject: A rudimentary web-based updater/patcher.
+# Subject: A rudimentary web-based updater/patcher.
-# Author: Clint Jeffery
+# Author: Clint Jeffery
-# Date: 30 June 2010
+# Date: 30 June 2010
@@ -53,46 +53,46 @@ class dialogtable()
platform :=
$ifdef _UNIX
- "linux"
+ "linux"
- "windows"
+ "windows"
N := 0
every dir := (platform | "shared") do {
- d.syncdir := dir
+ d.syncdir := dir
- if *(L := d.check()) > 0 then {
- N +:= *L
- handle_updates(L, d)
- }
- }
+ if *(L := d.check()) > 0 then {
+ N +:= *L
+ handle_updates(L, d)
+ }
+ }
if N = 0 then {
- d.message("no files updated")
- delay(500)
- d.dispose()
- }
+ d.message("no files updated")
+ delay(500)
+ d.dispose()
+ }
else {
- d.message((N/3) || " files updated")
- delay(3500)
- d.dispose()
- }
+ d.message((N/3) || " files updated")
+ delay(3500)
+ d.dispose()
+ }
method handle_updates(L, d)
local fn, reason, size, errs, nerrs
- errs := ""
+ errs := ""
nerrs := 0
while fn := pop(L) do {
- reason := pop(L)
- size := pop(L)
- errs ||:= d.update(fn, reason, size) || " "
- }
+ reason := pop(L)
+ size := pop(L)
+ errs ||:= d.update(fn, reason, size) || " "
+ }
if errs ~== "" then {
- d.message("exiting because: " || errs)
- dispatcher.message_loop(d)
- exit(-1)
- }
+ d.message("exiting because: " || errs)
+ dispatcher.message_loop(d)
+ exit(-1)
+ }
d.message("updated " || fn || ", continuing")
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class UnicronProgressBar : _Dialog(lab, fnlab, pb, closebtn, syncdir)
closebtn: {
if ev.get_code() > 0 then {
- win := &null
+ win := &null
@@ -175,39 +175,39 @@ class UnicronProgressBar : _Dialog(lab, fnlab, pb, closebtn, syncdir)
message("checking "|| url|| "...")
db := open(url, "m") | {
write("can't update, was trying to read ", image(url))
- fail
+ fail
message("checking... opened " || url)
L := []
while r := read(db) do {
- if (r == "") | (r[1] == "#") | match("filename ",r) then next
- r ? {
+ if (r == "") | (r[1] == "#") | match("filename ",r) then next
+ r ? {
filen := tab(upto(' \t'))|write("no filename in ", image(r))
tab(many(' \t'))
size := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))|
- write("no filesize in ", image(r))
+ write("no filesize in ", image(r))
tab(many(' \t'))
mtime := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))|
- write("no mtime in ", image(r))
- }
+ write("no mtime in ", image(r))
+ }
message("checking " || filen)
if not (fs := stat(filen)) then {
put(L, filen, "because it is a new file", size)
else if fs.size ~= size then {
put(L, filen, "because its size ("||size||
- ") is different than ours (" || fs.size||")", size)
+ ") is different than ours (" || fs.size||")", size)
else if fs.mtime < mtime then {
put(L, filen, "because it is newer ("||mtime||
- ") than ours (" || fs.mtime || ")", size)
+ ") than ours (" || fs.mtime || ")", size)
+ }
+ else {
+ #write("don't think we updated ", filen)
+ #write("\tbecause ", image(fs.size), " = ", image(size))
+ #write("\tbecause ", image(fs.mtime), " >= ", image(mtime))
+ }
- else {
- #write("don't think we updated ", filen)
- #write("\tbecause ", image(fs.size), " = ", image(size))
- #write("\tbecause ", image(fs.mtime), " >= ", image(mtime))
- }
- }
return L
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class UnicronProgressBar : _Dialog(lab, fnlab, pb, closebtn, syncdir)
(fetcher := open(distfile(fn), "m")) | {
s := "can't get contents of " || fn
- message(s)
+ message(s)
WAttrib(win, "pointer=arrow")
return s
@@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ class UnicronProgressBar : _Dialog(lab, fnlab, pb, closebtn, syncdir)
total := 0
while writes(fo, s := reads(fetcher, 1024)) do {
- total +:= *s
- percent := 100 * total / size
- if percent > 100 then percent := 100
- pb.set_percentage(percent)
- }
+ total +:= *s
+ percent := 100 * total / size
+ if percent > 100 then percent := 100
+ pb.set_percentage(percent)
+ }
if match("new-", fn) then {
s := "couldn't write " || fn[4:0] ||
@@ -264,18 +264,18 @@ initially
local t
set_attribs("label=" || webuptitle, "size=644,399",
- "font=sans", "bg=yellowish white", "resize=on")
+ "font=sans", "bg=yellowish white", "resize=on")
t := Label("pos=10%,15%", "size=80%,10%",
- "internal_alignment=c",
- "label=Checking for update files! please wait...")
+ "internal_alignment=c",
+ "label=Checking for update files! please wait...")
lab := Label("pos=50%,80%", "size=90%,10%", "align=c,c",
- "label=initializing...")
+ "label=initializing...")
fnlab := Label("pos=50%,38%", "size=50%,15%", "align=c,c",
- "label=no files updated")
+ "label=no files updated")
pb := ProgressBar("pos=50%,50%", "size=50%", "align=c,c")
From 471f810b7d4bd2ab5314418b57ff595bec58d1e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:12:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/progs).
uni/progs/bored.icn | 56 ++++-----
uni/progs/cleanup.icn | 28 ++---
uni/progs/deen.icn | 158 +++++++++++------------
uni/progs/htmltex.icn | 252 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
uni/progs/ie.icn | 40 +++---
uni/progs/jsvalid.icn | 12 +-
uni/progs/mtrace.icn | 22 ++--
uni/progs/uget.icn | 88 ++++++-------
uni/progs/umake.icn | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
uni/progs/uprof.icn | 144 ++++++++++-----------
uni/progs/ush.icn | 206 +++++++++++++++---------------
uni/progs/uwc.icn | 12 +-
12 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 650 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/progs/bored.icn b/uni/progs/bored.icn
index 11ac1cdf9..b6693b0d2 100755
--- a/uni/progs/bored.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/bored.icn
@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@
# the Master's hints and try to make a better guess based on that.
# Update (Feb 10, 2011)
-# Add new threads that help the master evaluate the guesses.
+# Add new threads that help the master evaluate the guesses.
class MsgData(
- gs, # the thread guess
- mtx_gs, # mutex to protect gs
- rp, # the master reply
- mtx_rp # mutex to protect rp
+ gs, # the thread guess
+ mtx_gs, # mutex to protect gs
+ rp, # the master reply
+ mtx_rp # mutex to protect rp
# post a msg from a thread to the master
method send_guess(g)
@@ -95,23 +95,23 @@ class MsgData(
global msgs, # list that hold msgs between the threads and the master
- # msg[1] : master and thread 1
- # msg[2] : master and thread 2
- # and so forth...
+ # msg[1] : master and thread 1
+ # msg[2] : master and thread 2
+ # and so forth...
go, # flags the begining of the competetion between the threads
Max, # the max guess
- N
-procedure main(argv)
+ N
+procedure main(argv)
local n:=3, threads:=[], answer, ways, names, guesses
if not (&features == "concurrent threads") then
stop("This program requires concurrent threads.")
write("Expect variations in bored output:")
ways:=[trust, notrust, doubt]
names := ["Trust", "Notrust", "Doubt"]
N := n
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ procedure main(argv)
put(guesses, GuessData(Max/2, 1, Max))
- write(" Master: I have a number in mind between 1 and ",
- Max ," (^o^)''{", answer ,"} ...")
+ write(" Master: I have a number in mind between 1 and ",
+ Max ," (^o^)''{", answer ,"} ...")
write(" Can you threads guess what is it ?")
write("Threads are trying ....")
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ procedure main(argv)
every wait(!threads)
write("time:", &now-t, " seconds")
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ end
procedure process_guesses(id, answer, msg)
local r
while /done do{
- if g:=msg.get_guess() then{
- if g=answer then { msg.send_reply("="); break;}
- r := if g"
- ?2=1 | (r:= ?2("<",">")) # 50% chance to "alter" the answer
- msg.send_reply(r)
- }
- else
- delay(1)
+ if g:=msg.get_guess() then{
+ if g=answer then { msg.send_reply("="); break;}
+ r := if g"
+ ?2=1 | (r:= ?2("<",">")) # 50% chance to "alter" the answer
+ msg.send_reply(r)
+ }
+ else
+ delay(1)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class GuessData(gs, lo, hi, GS, LO, HI)
else gs:=hi
return gs
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ procedure work(id, msg, my_way, name, guess)
if r:=msg.get_reply() then
- if r=="=" then (done:=id)& break else := my_way(guess, r)
+ if r=="=" then (done:=id)& break else := my_way(guess, r)
write(name,"\t\t",i,"\t\t",guess.get(), "\t\t\t", if (\r)=="=" then "YES!" else "NO")
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ procedure trust(guess, r)
if last=guess.get() then
return guess.reset()
return last:=guess.get()
diff --git a/uni/progs/cleanup.icn b/uni/progs/cleanup.icn
index 4dab53e72..fc5c5a976 100644
--- a/uni/progs/cleanup.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/cleanup.icn
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# Name: cleanup.icn
+# Name: cleanup.icn
-# Subject: Program to recurse down a directory hierarchy
-# and remove files with # or ~ in their names
+# Subject: Program to recurse down a directory hierarchy
+# and remove files with # or ~ in their names
-# Author: Shea Newton and Clinton Jeffery, from Rosetta Code directory
-# traversal solution at:
+# Author: Shea Newton and Clinton Jeffery, from Rosetta Code directory
+# traversal solution at:
-# Date: May 28, 2013
+# Date: May 28, 2013
$define RM "del /Q "
-$define SL "\\"
+$define SL "\\"
$define RM "rm -f "
$define SL "/"
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ procedure main(argv)
if *argv=0 then put(argv, ".")
# writes out all directories from the current directory down
every d := !getdirs(!argv) do {
# construct file deletion commands around current directory name
- # tilde's behaviour on Windows systems requires two separate expressions
+ # tilde's behaviour on Windows systems requires two separate expressions
cmd1 := RM || d || SL || "*~"
cmd2 := RM || d || SL || "\~*"
cmd3 := RM || d || SL || "*\#*"
# postpend Windows file deletion commands with stdout/stderr redirects.
- # sends stderr to nul so user doesn't see complaints when files
+ # sends stderr to nul so user doesn't see complaints when files
# matching these patterns aren't present
cmd1 ||:= " >nul 2>&1"
cmd2 ||:= " >nul 2>&1"
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ procedure getdirs(s) # return a list of directories beneath the directory 's'
D |||:= getdirs(s || SL || f)
return D
- }
+ }
diff --git a/uni/progs/deen.icn b/uni/progs/deen.icn
index 554bf53d9..af5660f82 100644
--- a/uni/progs/deen.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/deen.icn
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ procedure main(av)
dd := DeenDictionary()
every s := !av do {
if lu := dd.lookup(s) then {
- if \all then
- every write(s, ": ", dd.lookup(s).definition)
- else write(s, ": ", lu.definition)
- }
+ if \all then
+ every write(s, ": ", dd.lookup(s).definition)
+ else write(s, ": ", lu.definition)
+ }
else write(s, " is not in the dictionary.")
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ class buffer(filename, text)
f := open(filename, mode) | stop("can't open ", image(filename))
if filename[-3:0] == ".gz" then {
- if mode=="m" then { # download_to_local_file
- if not (f2 := open("de-en.txt.gz","w")) then stop("can't write")
- while s := reads(f, 1000000) do writes(f2, s)
- close(f)
- close(f2)
- }
- system("gunzip de-en.txt.gz")
- f := open("de-en.txt") | stop("can't read de-en.txt")
- }
+ if mode=="m" then { # download_to_local_file
+ if not (f2 := open("de-en.txt.gz","w")) then stop("can't write")
+ while s := reads(f, 1000000) do writes(f2, s)
+ close(f)
+ close(f2)
+ }
+ system("gunzip de-en.txt.gz")
+ f := open("de-en.txt") | stop("can't read de-en.txt")
+ }
writes("Opened ",image(f),".\nReading")
text := [ ]
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ class buftable : buffer()
tmp := table()
every line := !text do {
- line ? {
- word := tab(many(&letters)) | stop("failed on ", image(line))
- tmp[word] := line
- }
- }
+ line ? {
+ word := tab(many(&letters)) | stop("failed on ", image(line))
+ tmp[word] := line
+ }
+ }
text := tmp
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class dictionaryentry(word, part, etymology, definition)
# assumed format is word;pos;eym;def
method decode(s)
s ? {
- word := tab(find(";"))
- move(1)
- part := tab(find(";"))
- move(1)
- etymology := tab(find(";"))
- move(1)
- definition := tab(0)
- }
+ word := tab(find(";"))
+ move(1)
+ part := tab(find(";"))
+ move(1)
+ etymology := tab(find(";"))
+ move(1)
+ definition := tab(0)
+ }
method encode() # encode a dictionary entry into a string
return word || ";" || part || ";" || etymology || ";" || definition
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ class dictionary : buftable()
tmp := table()
every line := !text do
- line ? {
- word := tab(many(&letters)) | stop("failed on ", image(line))
- tmp[word] := dictionaryentry(line) | fail
- }
+ line ? {
+ word := tab(many(&letters)) | stop("failed on ", image(line))
+ tmp[word] := dictionaryentry(line) | fail
+ }
text := tmp
method Write()
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ initially(de, en)
de ? {
if word := trim(tab(find("{")),,0) then {
- ="{"
- gender := tab(find("}"))
- }
+ ="{"
+ gender := tab(find("}"))
+ }
else { # here is one without gender info
- word := trim(tab(find("[")|0),,0)
- gender := "?"
- }
+ word := trim(tab(find("[")|0),,0)
+ gender := "?"
+ }
definition := en
@@ -138,41 +138,41 @@ procedure get_entries(s)
english := tab(0)
deutsch ? {
- while *(deutschwort := tab(find("|") | 0))>0 do {
- deutschwort := trim(deutschwort,,0)
- ="|"
- tab(many(' '))
- englishword := trim(english[1:find("|",english)|0],,0)
- english ?:= {
- tab(many(' \t'))
- =englishword
- tab(many(' \t'))
- ="|"
- tab(many(' \t'))
- tab(0)
- }
- if i := find(";", deutschwort) then {
- deutschwort ? {
- while *(dword := tab(find(";") | 0))>0 do {
- =";"
- tab(many(' '))
- if gronk:=englishword[1:upto(';|', englishword)|0] then {
- if *gronk>0 then {
- eword := gronk
- }
- }
+ while *(deutschwort := tab(find("|") | 0))>0 do {
+ deutschwort := trim(deutschwort,,0)
+ ="|"
+ tab(many(' '))
+ englishword := trim(english[1:find("|",english)|0],,0)
+ english ?:= {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ =englishword
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ ="|"
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ tab(0)
+ }
+ if i := find(";", deutschwort) then {
+ deutschwort ? {
+ while *(dword := tab(find(";") | 0))>0 do {
+ =";"
+ tab(many(' '))
+ if gronk:=englishword[1:upto(';|', englishword)|0] then {
+ if *gronk>0 then {
+ eword := gronk
+ }
+ }
if /eword then stop("botched eword for dword ",image(dword)," in\n", s,"\n with remaining english of ", image(englishword))
if eword === "" then write("empty eword for ", dword, " in:\n", s)
- put(subentries, DeenEntry(dword, eword))
- englishword ?:= { =eword; =";"; tab(many(' ')); tab(0)}
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- put(subentries, DeenEntry(deutschwort, englishword))
- }
- }
- }
+ put(subentries, DeenEntry(dword, eword))
+ englishword ?:= { =eword; =";"; tab(many(' ')); tab(0)}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ put(subentries, DeenEntry(deutschwort, englishword))
+ }
+ }
+ }
return subentries
@@ -182,16 +182,16 @@ class DeenDictionary : dictionary()
tmp := table()
every line := !text do
- line ? {
- if ="#" | line=="" then next
- if not (L := get_entries(line)) then
- stop("get_entries failing on ", image(line))
- every x := !L do {
- if not member(tmp, x.word) then
- tmp[x.word] := [x]
- else put(tmp[x.word], x)
- }
- }
+ line ? {
+ if ="#" | line=="" then next
+ if not (L := get_entries(line)) then
+ stop("get_entries failing on ", image(line))
+ every x := !L do {
+ if not member(tmp, x.word) then
+ tmp[x.word] := [x]
+ else put(tmp[x.word], x)
+ }
+ }
text := tmp
diff --git a/uni/progs/htmltex.icn b/uni/progs/htmltex.icn
index f90604a15..ebec56d4a 100644
--- a/uni/progs/htmltex.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/htmltex.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: htmltex.icn
+# File: htmltex.icn
-# Subject: Program to convert LaTeX to HTML
+# Subject: Program to convert LaTeX to HTML
-# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
-# Date: February 18, 2015
+# Date: February 18, 2015
@@ -39,39 +39,39 @@ procedure main(args)
else {
i := 1
while args[i][1] == "-" do {
- case args[i] of {
- "-silent": silent := 1
- "-cut" : cut := "-cut"
- default : write(&errout,"dont know option ",args[i])
- }
- i +:= 1
+ case args[i] of {
+ "-silent": silent := 1
+ "-cut" : cut := "-cut"
+ default : write(&errout,"dont know option ",args[i])
+ }
+ i +:= 1
if /silent then write(&errout, vers, " executed on ",date)
if i > *args then {
- every write(\ (htmltex(!&input)))
- return
+ every write(\ (htmltex(!&input)))
+ return
if j := find(".ctex", args[i]) then {
- args[i][j:0] := ""
- system("retex -c -silent " || cut || " " || args[i])
+ args[i][j:0] := ""
+ system("retex -c -silent " || cut || " " || args[i])
else if j := find(".gtex", args[i]) then {
- args[i][j:0] := ""
- s := "pstex " || args[i] || ".gtex >" || args[i] || ".tex"
- mysystem("rm -f " || args[i] || ".tex")
- mysystem(s)
- }
+ args[i][j:0] := ""
+ s := "pstex " || args[i] || ".gtex >" || args[i] || ".tex"
+ mysystem("rm -f " || args[i] || ".tex")
+ mysystem(s)
+ }
else if j := find(".tex", args[i]) then args[i][j:0] := ""
root := args[i]
if not (fout := open(args[i] || ".html","w")) then
- stop("htmltex: couldn't open ",args[i],".html for writing")
+ stop("htmltex: couldn't open ",args[i],".html for writing")
if \bibliography then {
- if not (fin := open(bibliography,"r")) then
- stop(&errout,"htmltex: couldn't open ",bibliography," for reading")
- write(fout,"\n\n",trim(center("References",70)))
- every write(fout,\ (debib(htmltex(!fin))))
- }
+ if not (fin := open(bibliography,"r")) then
+ stop(&errout,"htmltex: couldn't open ",bibliography," for reading")
+ write(fout,"\n\n",trim(center("References",70)))
+ every write(fout,\ (debib(htmltex(!fin))))
+ }
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ while s[find("\\}", s) +: 2] := "\\rightcurly"
if i := find("\\begin{supertabular}", s) then {
in_supertabular := 1
s := ""
if i := find("\\end{supertabular}", s) then {
in_supertabular := &null
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ while s[find("\\}", s) +: 2] := "\\rightcurly"
else {
# eat & in latex by default, but not if it is an HTML-ism
while (x <- find("&",s)) & s[0$", s) +: 3] := ">"
@@ -305,14 +305,14 @@ while s[find("\\}", s) +: 2] := "\\rightcurly"
if i := find("\\hfill",s) then {
s := " " ||s[1:i]|| " "||
- ""||s[i+6:0]|| " "||
- " "
+ ""||s[i+6:0]|| " "||
+ " "
if i := find("\\hline",s) then {
if \in_supertabular then
- s[i +: *"\\hline"] := "\n"
+ s[i +: *"\\hline"] := "\n"
- s[i +: *"\\hline"] := "\n" || repl("-",i) || "\n"
+ s[i +: *"\\hline"] := "\n" || repl("-",i) || "\n"
while s[find("~",s)] := ""
@@ -339,91 +339,91 @@ procedure deline(s)
command := tab(many(&letters))
case command of {
- "noindent": {
- tab(many(' \t'))
- return tab(0)
- }
- "caption": {
- tab(upto('{')+1)
- return "(Figure titled \"" || tab(-1) || "\" omitted.)"
- }
- "include": {
- if ="{" &
- (fname := tab(many(&letters++&digits))) &
- ="}" then {
- include(fname)
- }
- }
- "item": {
- tab(many(' \t'))
- if ="[" then {
- body := tab(upto(']'))
- move(1) # past "]"
- return body || tab(0)
- }
- else return " " || tab(0)
- }
- "bibitem": {
- body := tab(upto(']}')+1)
- return body
- }
- "newblock": {
- move(1)
- body := tab(0)
- return body
- }
- "bibliography": {
- tab(upto('{')+1)
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- bibliography := (\root | body) || ".bbl"
- return ""
- }
- "title": {
- tab(upto('{')+1)
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- return "" || body || "" || "\n" ||
- "
\n" ||
- "" || body || " "
- }
- "author": {
- tab(upto('{')+1)
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- return "" || body || " \n"
- }
- "date": {
- tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- return body || "\n "
- }
- "section" | "subsection" | "subsubsection": {
- tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- return "<" || cmd2tag(command) || ">" || body ||
- "" || cmd2tag(command) || ">"
- }
- "iconcode": {
- return ""
- }
- "trnumber": {
- tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
- if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
- return "TR " || body || " "
- }
- "abstract": {
- return "
+ "noindent": {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ return tab(0)
+ }
+ "caption": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1)
+ return "(Figure titled \"" || tab(-1) || "\" omitted.)"
+ }
+ "include": {
+ if ="{" &
+ (fname := tab(many(&letters++&digits))) &
+ ="}" then {
+ include(fname)
+ }
+ }
+ "item": {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="[" then {
+ body := tab(upto(']'))
+ move(1) # past "]"
+ return body || tab(0)
+ }
+ else return " " || tab(0)
+ }
+ "bibitem": {
+ body := tab(upto(']}')+1)
+ return body
+ }
+ "newblock": {
+ move(1)
+ body := tab(0)
+ return body
+ }
+ "bibliography": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1)
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ bibliography := (\root | body) || ".bbl"
+ return ""
+ }
+ "title": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1)
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ return "" || body || "" || "\n" ||
+ "
\n" ||
+ "" || body || " "
+ }
+ "author": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1)
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ return "" || body || " \n"
+ }
+ "date": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ return body || "\n "
+ }
+ "section" | "subsection" | "subsubsection": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ return "<" || cmd2tag(command) || ">" || body ||
+ "" || cmd2tag(command) || ">"
+ }
+ "iconcode": {
+ return ""
+ }
+ "trnumber": {
+ tab(upto('{')+1) # handle both \section{ and \section*{
+ if not (body := tab(upto('}'))) then body := tab(0)
+ return "TR " || body || " "
+ }
+ "abstract": {
+ return "
Abstract "
- }
- "maketitle": {
- return "
\n" ||
+ }
+ "maketitle": {
+ return "
\n" ||
"Department of Computer Science \n" ||
- "The University of Idaho \n" ||
- "Moscow, ID 83844\n \n" ||
- "(this document generated from latex source by " || vers ||
- ")
- }
- default: {
- return ""
- }
+ "The University of Idaho \n" ||
+ "Moscow, ID 83844\n\n" ||
+ "(this document generated from latex source by " || vers ||
+ ")
+ }
+ default: {
+ return ""
+ }
@@ -440,23 +440,23 @@ procedure debrace(s)
s ||:= " "
while i := find((cmd := "{\\it "|"{\\em "|"{\\texttt "|"{\\tt "|
- "{\\textbf "|"{\\bf "| "{\\textit "|
- "{\\textsf "|"{\\sf "|"{\\ctt "|"{\\sf\\bf "),s) do {
+ "{\\textbf "|"{\\bf "| "{\\textit "|
+ "{\\textsf "|"{\\sf "|"{\\ctt "|"{\\sf\\bf "),s) do {
j := &null
k := 0
every j := bal(&cset,'{','}',s,i,0) \ 2 do k +:= 1
if \j & k=2 then {
- s := s[1:i] ||
- "<" || cmd2tag(cmd) || ">" ||
- s[i+*cmd:j-1] ||
- "" || cmd2tag(cmd) || ">" ||
- s[j:0]
+ s := s[1:i] ||
+ "<" || cmd2tag(cmd) || ">" ||
+ s[i+*cmd:j-1] ||
+ "" || cmd2tag(cmd) || ">" ||
+ s[j:0]
else {
- write(&errout,"check matching brace for ",image(s))
+ write(&errout,"check matching brace for ",image(s))
write(&errout, " j ", image(j), " k ", image(k))
- break
- }
+ break
+ }
while s[find("\\leftcurly", s) +: *"\\leftcurly"] := "{"
while s[find("\\rightcurly", s) +: *"\\rightcurly"] := "}"
diff --git a/uni/progs/ie.icn b/uni/progs/ie.icn
index ce09eed4d..761ac4281 100644
--- a/uni/progs/ie.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/ie.icn
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $endif
else if a == "-w" then
WinIcon :=1
write("Icon Evaluator, Version 1.1, ? for help")
if \NoNum then
tag := create |"r"
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ $endif
writes(if *line = 0 then "][ " else "... ")
inline := (read()|stop())
inline := trim(inline, ' \t')
if match(".type", inline) then {
(/showtype := 1) | (showtype := &null)
write("Will ",(/showtype&"not ")|"","display types")
@@ -122,25 +122,25 @@ $endif
#line[-2:0] := ""
- else
- line[-2:0] := ""
+ else
+ line[-2:0] := ""
- if \showtype then
+ if \showtype then
put(extras, "showtype := 1")
if match(".every ", line) then {
every_exp := (line ? (=".every " & tab(0)))
Generate := 1
tfile := "._ie_tmp.icn"
sfile := open(tfile,"w") |
stop("Can't open ie tmp file (", tfile, ") for writing\n",
"(Is the current directory writable?)")
#sfile := open("icont -s - -x","pw")
every write(sfile, !(header|||prog|||extras))
if \Generate then {
write(sfile, "every WR(\"\",", every_exp, ")")
curexp := "every (" || every_exp || ")"
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ $endif
if \WinIcon then
write(sfile, "WDone()")
write(sfile, "end")
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ $endif
if \WinIcon then icont_cmd := "wicont"
else icont_cmd := "nticont"
rc := system(icont_cmd || " -s ._ie_tmp.icn " ||
atos(incfiles, " "))
if rc = 0 then
@@ -198,16 +198,16 @@ end
procedure WriteSplit(f)
- "procedure split(line,dlms)\n",
- "local w\n",
- "/dlms := ' \t'\n",
- "w := []\n",
- "line ? repeat {\n",
- " tab(upto(~dlms))\n",
+ "procedure split(line,dlms)\n",
+ "local w\n",
+ "/dlms := ' \t'\n",
+ "w := []\n",
+ "line ? repeat {\n",
+ " tab(upto(~dlms))\n",
" put(w,tab(many(~dlms))) | break\n",
" }\n",
- "return w\n",
- "end\n")
+ "return w\n",
+ "end\n")
procedure Help()
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ procedure Edit(p)
f := open("._ie_tmp.icn", "w")
every write(f, !p)
system("$EDITOR ._ie_tmp.icn")
f := open("._ie_tmp.icn")
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ procedure Edit(p)
return p
procedure atos(a,delim)
local e, s
s := ""
diff --git a/uni/progs/jsvalid.icn b/uni/progs/jsvalid.icn
index 949cd0042..78af15180 100644
--- a/uni/progs/jsvalid.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/jsvalid.icn
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# File: jsvalid.icn
+# File: jsvalid.icn
# Subject: This program takes two JSON files (one JSON object file, and one JSON Schema file)
-# and compares the two files to make sure the JSON Object File conforms to the JSON Schema file.
+# and compares the two files to make sure the JSON Object File conforms to the JSON Schema file.
# Author: Hunter Thomas, John Haag, and Zachary Kovalenko
-# Date: April 2021
+# Date: April 2021
diff --git a/uni/progs/mtrace.icn b/uni/progs/mtrace.icn
index 0f8903fb6..aca05f717 100644
--- a/uni/progs/mtrace.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/mtrace.icn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# For example, here is the output from this program when run
# on a test program:
-#Allocation that is not freed:
+#Allocation that is not freed:
# 0x8831f90[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[197]
# 0x88337c0[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[197]
# 0x8832fb0[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[197]
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# 0x88327a0[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[197]
# 0x88333d8[ 50 bytes] <- test.c:[159]
-#Duplicated free:
+#Duplicated free:
# 0x98c1378[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[209]
# 0x98c1b88[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[209]
# 0x98c2398[ 1024 bytes] <- test.c:[209]
@@ -112,29 +112,29 @@ procedure process(f)
tab(many(' \t'))
size := tab(0)
- size ?:= (="0x","16r")||tab(0) # Size to Unicon hex form
+ size ?:= (="0x","16r")||tab(0) # Size to Unicon hex form
- if "+" == action then { # malloc
+ if "+" == action then { # malloc
traceMap[memLoc] :=
traceRecord(name, size, memLoc, codeLoc, &null)
else if "-" == action then { # free
tr := traceMap[memLoc] | &null
- if /tr then { # No matching malloc?
+ if /tr then { # No matching malloc?
put(noMalloc, mkRec(name, codeLoc, memLoc))
- else if \tr.freeAddr then { # Already freed?
+ else if \tr.freeAddr then { # Already freed?
put(dupFree, mkFreeRec(name, codeLoc, memLoc, tr))
else {
- tr.freeAddr := memLoc # Normal free
+ tr.freeAddr := memLoc # Normal free
every tr := !traceMap do {
- if /tr.freeAddr then { # No free for malloc?
+ if /tr.freeAddr then { # No free for malloc?
put(noFree, mkRec(tr.fName, tr.alloAddr, tr.memAddr, tr.size))
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ procedure getFileAndLine(fName, codeLoc)
cmdLine := "gdb -q "||
fName|| "< 0 then {
- url := web["Location"]
- /opts["v"] | write(left("Redirect", 16), ": ", image(url))
- close(web)
- redirect-:=1
- }
- else
- break
+ web := &null
+ web := open(url, mode) | stop("open(", image(url), ") error: ", &errortext )
+ \web | stop("can't open(", url,")")
+ if \opts["v"] | \opts["s"] then
+ showheaders(web)
+ # if this is a redirect then follow it
+ if web["Status-Code"] = (301 | 302) & redirect > 0 then {
+ url := web["Location"]
+ /opts["v"] | write(left("Redirect", 16), ": ", image(url))
+ close(web)
+ redirect-:=1
+ }
+ else
+ break
# make sure the response was OK
if web["Status-Code"] ~= 200 then {
- c := web["Status-Code"]
- p := web["Reason-Phrase"]
- close(web)
- stop("Server response: ", c, " ", p)
+ c := web["Status-Code"]
+ p := web["Reason-Phrase"]
+ close(web)
+ stop("Server response: ", c, " ", p)
# if we are printing headers only then we are done, otherwise save the file
if /opts["h"] then {
- # save to file or print to screen
- if /opts["p"] then {
- write("saving to file ", fname)
- if stat(fname) & /opts["o"] then
- close(web) &
- stop("file already exists, use -o to overwrite or -f for a new filename")
- fout := open(fname, "w") | stop("open(",image(fname), ") error: ", &errortext)
- }
- size := integer(web["Content-Length"]) | -1
- t := &time
- line := reads(web, size) | stop("reads(",image(web),") error: ", &errortext)
- write(fout, line)
- close(\fout)
- if \opts["v"] then {
+ # save to file or print to screen
+ if /opts["p"] then {
+ write("saving to file ", fname)
+ if stat(fname) & /opts["o"] then
+ close(web) &
+ stop("file already exists, use -o to overwrite or -f for a new filename")
+ fout := open(fname, "w") | stop("open(",image(fname), ") error: ", &errortext)
+ }
+ size := integer(web["Content-Length"]) | -1
+ t := &time
+ line := reads(web, size) | stop("reads(",image(web),") error: ", &errortext)
+ write(fout, line)
+ close(\fout)
+ if \opts["v"] then {
write("file size: ", *line, " bytes")
write("time: ", &time-t)
diff --git a/uni/progs/umake.icn b/uni/progs/umake.icn
index 96def86fe..dcde1877d 100644
--- a/uni/progs/umake.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/umake.icn
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# File: umake.icn
+# File: umake.icn
-# Subject: Unicon version of the "make" program.
+# Subject: Unicon version of the "make" program.
-# Author: Clinton Jeffery
+# Author: Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: August 8, 2013
+# Date: August 8, 2013
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ procedure make(argv)
i := 1
while i <= *argv do {
if argv[i]=="-n" then {
- noexec := 1
- delete(argv,i)
- next
- }
+ noexec := 1
+ delete(argv,i)
+ next
+ }
else if argv[i]=="-f" then {
- delete(argv,i) # remove the -f
- makefile := argv[i]
- delete(argv,i) # remove the filename
- }
+ delete(argv,i) # remove the -f
+ makefile := argv[i]
+ delete(argv,i) # remove the filename
+ }
else if argv[i]=="-v" then {
- verbose := 1
- delete(argv,i)
- next
- }
+ verbose := 1
+ delete(argv,i)
+ next
+ }
i +:= 1
/makefile := "makefile"
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ procedure make(argv)
else {
depgraph := DependencyGraph(makefile)
every i := 1 to *argv do {
- depgraph.make(argv[i])
- }
+ depgraph.make(argv[i])
+ }
@@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ class DependencyGraph(targets, initialtarget, marked)
/dependencies := []
/buildrules := []
# if \targets[target] then {
- #
- # Target already exists. Under some circumstances this ought to
- # be an error/fail/warning, but by default we replace silently.
- #
- # write(&errout, "replacing ", image(target))
- # }
+ #
+ # Target already exists. Under some circumstances this ought to
+ # be an error/fail/warning, but by default we replace silently.
+ #
+ # write(&errout, "replacing ", image(target))
+ # }
targets[target] := Rule(target, dependencies, buildrules)
method add_dependency(source,target)
/targets := Rule(target)
if not (source == !(targets[target].dependencies)) then
- put(targets[target].dependencies, source)
+ put(targets[target].dependencies, source)
method mark(s)
@@ -107,40 +107,40 @@ class DependencyGraph(targets, initialtarget, marked)
/targ := initialtarget
if /targ then stop("no initial target? can't make.")
if /(targets[targ]) then {
- # first, check for matching extensions
- every k := key(targets) do {
- if find("%", k) & (k ~=== "%") then {
- s := targ
- kk := k
- while s[1]===k[1] do { s[1] := ""; k[1] := "" }
- while s[-1]===k[-1] do { s[-1] := ""; k[-1] := "" }
- if k == "%" & (*s>0) then {
- # instantiate the generic rule
- if \verbose then
- write("instantiating generic rule for ", targ)
- targets[targ] := targets[kk].clone(s)
- return targets[targ].make()
- }
- }
- }
- # last, try a global
- if t := targets["%"] then {
- write("there exists a universal target")
- targets[targ] := targets["%"].clone(targ)
- return targets[targ].make()
- }
- stop("no target for ", image(targ))
- }
+ # first, check for matching extensions
+ every k := key(targets) do {
+ if find("%", k) & (k ~=== "%") then {
+ s := targ
+ kk := k
+ while s[1]===k[1] do { s[1] := ""; k[1] := "" }
+ while s[-1]===k[-1] do { s[-1] := ""; k[-1] := "" }
+ if k == "%" & (*s>0) then {
+ # instantiate the generic rule
+ if \verbose then
+ write("instantiating generic rule for ", targ)
+ targets[targ] := targets[kk].clone(s)
+ return targets[targ].make()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # last, try a global
+ if t := targets["%"] then {
+ write("there exists a universal target")
+ targets[targ] := targets["%"].clone(targ)
+ return targets[targ].make()
+ }
+ stop("no target for ", image(targ))
+ }
method get_targets(target)
local s
# for version 0, just break on spaces
target ? {
- while s := tab(find(" ")) do { suspend s; =" " }
- s := tab(0)
- suspend s
- }
+ while s := tab(find(" ")) do { suspend s; =" " }
+ s := tab(0)
+ suspend s
+ }
filechars := &letters ++ './_%-'
@@ -150,64 +150,64 @@ initially(filename)
readahead := []
if f := open(\filename) then {
while line := (pop(readahead) | unsplit(f) |
- (close(f) & (f:=pop(fstack)) & unsplit(f))) do {
- line := macroexpand(line)
+ (close(f) & (f:=pop(fstack)) & unsplit(f))) do {
+ line := macroexpand(line)
line ? {
- tab(many(' '))
- if ="#" then { # skip comment
- # write("comment: ", image(line))
- continue
- }
- else if pos(0) then { # skip empty lines
- continue
- }
- else if ="export" & tab(many(' \t')) &
- (envname := tab(many(filechars))) & =":=" & (val:=tab(0)) then {
- #what the heck, let's expand macro names
- val := macroexpand(val)
- if \verbose then
- write("setting ", envname, " to ", image(val))
+ tab(many(' '))
+ if ="#" then { # skip comment
+ # write("comment: ", image(line))
+ continue
+ }
+ else if pos(0) then { # skip empty lines
+ continue
+ }
+ else if ="export" & tab(many(' \t')) &
+ (envname := tab(many(filechars))) & =":=" & (val:=tab(0)) then {
+ #what the heck, let's expand macro names
+ val := macroexpand(val)
+ if \verbose then
+ write("setting ", envname, " to ", image(val))
# if Windows... do we need to map PATH to Path, or is PATH OK?
# need to test. Mebbe PATH is OK.
- setenv(envname, val)
- }
- else if (target:=tab(many(filechars++' '))) & =":" then { # build a target or targets
- tab(many(' '))
- deps := []
- buildrules := []
- while dependency := tab(many(filechars)) do {
- put(deps,dependency)
- tab(many(' '))
- }
- # This is a "recipe line", so continuations should not be concatenated
- # i.e. use read(f) directly, rather than unsplit(f)
- while (line := read(f)) & (line[1]=="\t") do {
- put(buildrules, macroexpand(line[2:0]))
- line := &null
- }
- put(readahead, \line)
- every t := get_targets(target) do {
- r := Rule(target,deps,buildrules)
- targets[t] := r
- }
- if not find("%", target, 1) then
- /initialtarget := target
- }
- else if (macroname:=tab(many(filechars))) &
+ setenv(envname, val)
+ }
+ else if (target:=tab(many(filechars++' '))) & =":" then { # build a target or targets
+ tab(many(' '))
+ deps := []
+ buildrules := []
+ while dependency := tab(many(filechars)) do {
+ put(deps,dependency)
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ # This is a "recipe line", so continuations should not be concatenated
+ # i.e. use read(f) directly, rather than unsplit(f)
+ while (line := read(f)) & (line[1]=="\t") do {
+ put(buildrules, macroexpand(line[2:0]))
+ line := &null
+ }
+ put(readahead, \line)
+ every t := get_targets(target) do {
+ r := Rule(target,deps,buildrules)
+ targets[t] := r
+ }
+ if not find("%", target, 1) then
+ /initialtarget := target
+ }
+ else if (macroname:=tab(many(filechars))) &
(tab(many(' '))|"") & ="=" then { # build a macro
- macros[macroname] := macroexpand(tab(0))
- if \verbose then
- write("macro ", macroname, " defined as ", macros[macroname])
- }
- else if ="include" & tab(many(' \t')) &
- (inclname := tab(many(filechars))) then {
- push(fstack, f)
- if \verbose then
- write("including ", image(inclname))
- f := open(inclname)
- }
- else write("??? ", image(line))
- }
+ macros[macroname] := macroexpand(tab(0))
+ if \verbose then
+ write("macro ", macroname, " defined as ", macros[macroname])
+ }
+ else if ="include" & tab(many(' \t')) &
+ (inclname := tab(many(filechars))) then {
+ push(fstack, f)
+ if \verbose then
+ write("including ", image(inclname))
+ f := open(inclname)
+ }
+ else write("??? ", image(line))
+ }
@@ -224,31 +224,31 @@ class Rule(target, dependencies, buildrules)
newRule := Rule(target, copy(dependencies), copy(buildrules)) := subst(, percent_sub)
every d := 1 to *dependencies do {
- newRule.dependencies[d] := subst(newRule.dependencies[d], percent_sub)
- }
+ newRule.dependencies[d] := subst(newRule.dependencies[d], percent_sub)
+ }
every b := 1 to *buildrules do {
- newRule.buildrules[b] := subst(newRule.buildrules[b],
- newRule.dependencies[1], "$<")
- }
+ newRule.buildrules[b] := subst(newRule.buildrules[b],
+ newRule.dependencies[1], "$<")
+ }
return newRule
method make()
local s
if depgraph.ismarked(target) then {
- if \verbose then write("umake ", target, " (already made)")
- }
+ if \verbose then write("umake ", target, " (already made)")
+ }
else {
- if \verbose then write("umaking ", target)
- depgraph.mark(target)
- }
+ if \verbose then write("umaking ", target)
+ depgraph.mark(target)
+ }
# first, recursively build dependencies
every depgraph.node(!dependencies).make()
# check timestamps of dependencies against my timestamp
if (not stat(target)) | newer(!dependencies) then {
- exec()
- return
- }
+ exec()
+ return
+ }
if \verbose then write("umake: `",target, "' is up to date")
# check me (target timestamp) against d and succeed if d is newer
@@ -256,22 +256,22 @@ class Rule(target, dependencies, buildrules)
local mytimestamp, theirtimestamp
if not (mytimestamp := stat(target).mtime) then return
if not (theirtimestamp := stat(d).mtime) then
- stop(target, " depends on ", d, " but it didn't get built")
+ stop(target, " depends on ", d, " but it didn't get built")
if \verbose then
- write(" ", target,": ", image(mytimestamp), ", ",
- d, ": ", image(theirtimestamp))
+ write(" ", target,": ", image(mytimestamp), ", ",
+ d, ": ", image(theirtimestamp))
if mytimestamp < theirtimestamp then return
method exec()
local r
every r := !buildrules do {
- if \noexec then write(r)
- else {
- if not (rv := system(r)) then
- stop("umake: system(",image(r),") failed")
- if rv ~=== 0 then stop("umake: ", rv, " exit by ", image(r))
- }
- }
+ if \noexec then write(r)
+ else {
+ if not (rv := system(r)) then
+ stop("umake: system(",image(r),") failed")
+ if rv ~=== 0 then stop("umake: ", rv, " exit by ", image(r))
+ }
+ }
method print()
writes("target ", image(target), " : ")
@@ -296,15 +296,15 @@ end
procedure macroexpand(s)
s ? {
while tab(i := find("$")) &
- ="$(" & (mac := tab(many(filechars))) & =")" do {
- if not member(macros, mac) then {
- if val := getenv(mac|initcap(mac)|map(mac)) then
- macros[mac] := val
- else if \verbose then write("warning: empty macro ", mac)
- }
- s[i +: *mac+3] := macros[mac]
- &subject := s; &pos := i
- }
+ ="$(" & (mac := tab(many(filechars))) & =")" do {
+ if not member(macros, mac) then {
+ if val := getenv(mac|initcap(mac)|map(mac)) then
+ macros[mac] := val
+ else if \verbose then write("warning: empty macro ", mac)
+ }
+ s[i +: *mac+3] := macros[mac]
+ &subject := s; &pos := i
+ }
return s
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ end
# and replace the "whitespace \ whitespace" at the join with a single space
procedure unsplit(f)
local line := read(f) | fail
- if line[-1] == "\\"
- then return trim(line, '\t \\') || " " || trim(\unsplit(f), ' \t', 1)
+ if line[-1] == "\\"
+ then return trim(line, '\t \\') || " " || trim(\unsplit(f), ' \t', 1)
else return line
diff --git a/uni/progs/uprof.icn b/uni/progs/uprof.icn
index e900502f3..a24981ea0 100644
--- a/uni/progs/uprof.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/uprof.icn
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ link printf
$include "evdefs.icn"
# Column widths for output formatting
-$define PTIME_WIDTH 5 # %TIME
-$define TIME_WIDTH 7 # TIME
-$define CALL_WIDTH 10 # CALLS
-$define RET_WIDTH 10 # RETURNS
-$define FAIL_WIDTH 6 # FAILS
+$define PTIME_WIDTH 5 # %TIME
+$define TIME_WIDTH 7 # TIME
+$define CALL_WIDTH 10 # CALLS
+$define RET_WIDTH 10 # RETURNS
+$define FAIL_WIDTH 6 # FAILS
global Proc_stack
global Call_time_stack
@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ procedure main(args)
local lastline, lines
local line_time := table(0), line_count := table(0)
local longest_filename_length := 0
if (*args=0) | (args[1] == ("--help"|"-help")) then
stop("Usage: uprof [-l] [-o outfile] prog args\n",
- "\n",
- " -l \t\tEnables line-level time sampling\n",
- " -o outfile \tWwrites output to file 'outfile'\n")
+ "\n",
+ " -l \t\tEnables line-level time sampling\n",
+ " -o outfile \tWwrites output to file 'outfile'\n")
if args[1] == "-l" then { pop(args); lines := 1; mask ++:= E_Line }
- if args[1] == "-o" then {
+ if args[1] == "-o" then {
output := pop(args) | stop("no output file specified for -o option")
if *args = 0 then
@@ -95,22 +95,22 @@ procedure main(args)
#Build the tables
case &eventcode of {
- E_Line: {
- linetime := keyword("time", Monitored)
- linefile := keyword("file", Monitored)
- longest_filename_length <:= *linefile
- line_count[linefile||":"||&eventvalue] +:= 1
- if delta := (0 < linetime-\last_linetime) then {
- line_time[linefile||":"||&eventvalue] +:= delta
- }
- last_linetime := linetime
- }
+ E_Line: {
+ linetime := keyword("time", Monitored)
+ linefile := keyword("file", Monitored)
+ longest_filename_length <:= *linefile
+ line_count[linefile||":"||&eventvalue] +:= 1
+ if delta := (0 < linetime-\last_linetime) then {
+ line_time[linefile||":"||&eventvalue] +:= delta
+ }
+ last_linetime := linetime
+ }
E_Pcall: {
push(Proc_stack, val)
push(Call_time_stack, (keyword("&time", Monitored)))
- Proc_calls[val] +:= 1
+ Proc_calls[val] +:= 1
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ procedure main(args)
Proc_time[Current_proc] +:= curr_proc_time
if *Proc_stack > 0 then {
- # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
- Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
+ # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
+ Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ procedure main(args)
Proc_time[Current_proc] +:= curr_proc_time
if *Proc_stack > 0 then {
- # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
+ # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ procedure main(args)
Proc_time[Current_proc] +:= curr_proc_time
if *Proc_stack > 0 then {
- # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
+ # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ procedure main(args)
proc_end_time := keyword("&time", Monitored)
curr_proc_time := proc_end_time - proc_start_time
- Proc_time[Current_proc] +:= curr_proc_time
+ Proc_time[Current_proc] +:= curr_proc_time
if *Proc_stack > 0 then {
- # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
- Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
+ # subtract this proc's runtime from next proc on stack
+ Proc_time[Proc_stack[1]] -:= curr_proc_time
@@ -209,24 +209,24 @@ procedure main(args)
#every mxname <:= *image((!keys).keyval)[10:0]
if \outfile then {
- write(outfile, left("PROCEDURE",PROC_WIDTH),
- right("%TIME", PTIME_WIDTH),
- right("TIME", TIME_WIDTH),
+ write(outfile, left("PROCEDURE",PROC_WIDTH),
+ right("%TIME", PTIME_WIDTH),
+ right("TIME", TIME_WIDTH),
- right("CALLS", CALL_WIDTH),
+ right("CALLS", CALL_WIDTH),
- right("FAILS", FAIL_WIDTH)
+ right("FAILS", FAIL_WIDTH)
- write(outfile, left("",PROC_WIDTH),
- right("", PTIME_WIDTH),
- right("(ms)", TIME_WIDTH),
+ write(outfile, left("",PROC_WIDTH),
+ right("", PTIME_WIDTH),
+ right("(ms)", TIME_WIDTH),
right("(ms)", CTIME_WIDTH),
- right("", CALL_WIDTH),
+ right("", CALL_WIDTH),
right("", RET_WIDTH),
- right("", SUSP_WIDTH),
- right("",RESUM_WIDTH),
+ right("", SUSP_WIDTH),
+ right("",RESUM_WIDTH),
right("", FAIL_WIDTH)
@@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ procedure main(args)
- right(Proc_calls[y], CALL_WIDTH),
+ right(Proc_calls[y], CALL_WIDTH),
right(Proc_returns[y], RET_WIDTH),
right(Proc_suspends[y], SUSP_WIDTH),
- right(Proc_resumes[y], RESUM_WIDTH),
- right(Proc_fails[y], FAIL_WIDTH)
+ right(Proc_resumes[y], RESUM_WIDTH),
+ right(Proc_fails[y], FAIL_WIDTH)
@@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ procedure main(args)
if \lines then {
write(outfile, sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8s %8s %8s %8s",
- "FILE", "LINE", "TIME", "LINE ", "TIME/LN"))
+ "FILE", "LINE", "TIME", "LINE ", "TIME/LN"))
write(outfile, sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8s %8s %8s %8s",
- " ", " ", "(ms)", "COUNT", " (ms) "))
+ " ", " ", "(ms)", "COUNT", " (ms) "))
L := reverse(sort(line_time,2))
every le := !L do {
write(outfile, sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8d %8d %8d %.3r",
- le[1][1:find(":",le[1])], le[1][find(":",le[1])+1:0],
+ le[1][1:find(":",le[1])], le[1][find(":",le[1])+1:0],
le[2], line_count[le[1]],
divimage(le[2], real(line_count[le[1]]))))
@@ -269,24 +269,24 @@ procedure main(args)
# print to stdout
else {
- write(left("PROCEDURE",PROC_WIDTH),
- right("%TIME", PTIME_WIDTH),
- right("TIME", TIME_WIDTH),
+ write(left("PROCEDURE",PROC_WIDTH),
+ right("%TIME", PTIME_WIDTH),
+ right("TIME", TIME_WIDTH),
- right("CALLS", CALL_WIDTH),
+ right("CALLS", CALL_WIDTH),
- right("FAILS", FAIL_WIDTH)
+ right("FAILS", FAIL_WIDTH)
- write(left("",PROC_WIDTH),
- right("", PTIME_WIDTH),
- right("(ms)", TIME_WIDTH),
+ write(left("",PROC_WIDTH),
+ right("", PTIME_WIDTH),
+ right("(ms)", TIME_WIDTH),
right("(ms)", CTIME_WIDTH),
- right("", CALL_WIDTH),
+ right("", CALL_WIDTH),
right("", RET_WIDTH),
- right("", SUSP_WIDTH),
- right("",RESUM_WIDTH),
+ right("", SUSP_WIDTH),
+ right("",RESUM_WIDTH),
right("", FAIL_WIDTH)
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ procedure main(args)
- right(Proc_calls[y], CALL_WIDTH),
+ right(Proc_calls[y], CALL_WIDTH),
right(Proc_returns[y], RET_WIDTH),
right(Proc_suspends[y], SUSP_WIDTH),
- right(Proc_resumes[y], RESUM_WIDTH),
- right(Proc_fails[y], FAIL_WIDTH)
+ right(Proc_resumes[y], RESUM_WIDTH),
+ right(Proc_fails[y], FAIL_WIDTH)
@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@ procedure main(args)
if \lines then {
write(sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8s %8s %8s %8s",
- "FILE", "LINE", "TIME", "LINE ", "TIME/LN"))
+ "FILE", "LINE", "TIME", "LINE ", "TIME/LN"))
write(sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8s %8s %8s %8s",
- " ", " ", "(ms)", "COUNT", " (ms) "))
+ " ", " ", "(ms)", "COUNT", " (ms) "))
L := reverse(sort(line_time,2))
every le := !L do {
write(sprintf("%"||(longest_filename_length+1)||"s %8d %8d %8d %.3r",
- le[1][1:find(":",le[1])], le[1][find(":",le[1])+1:0],
- le[2], line_count[le[1]],
- divimage(le[2], real(line_count[le[1]]))))
+ le[1][1:find(":",le[1])], le[1][find(":",le[1])+1:0],
+ le[2], line_count[le[1]],
+ divimage(le[2], real(line_count[le[1]]))))
diff --git a/uni/progs/ush.icn b/uni/progs/ush.icn
index 18dd5163d..37bbe5393 100644
--- a/uni/progs/ush.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/ush.icn
@@ -65,44 +65,44 @@ procedure ush(s)
s ? {
tab(many(' \t'))
if ="(" then { # should do paren balancing; too much work for now
- subcmd := tab(find(")")) |stop("unclosed parentheses in\n ",image(s))
- =")"
+ subcmd := tab(find(")")) |stop("unclosed parentheses in\n ",image(s))
+ =")"
#write("trying subcmd ", image(subcmd))
- i2 := system("sh.exe " || subcmd)
- tab(many(' \t'))
- if pos(0) then return
- if ="&&" then {
+ i2 := system("sh.exe " || subcmd)
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if pos(0) then return
+ if ="&&" then {
#write("trying &&, i2 ", image(i2))
- if i2 ~=== 0 then exit(i2)
- return ush(tab(0))
- }
- else if ="||" then {
+ if i2 ~=== 0 then exit(i2)
+ return ush(tab(0))
+ }
+ else if ="||" then {
#write("trying ||, i2 ", image(i2))
- if i2 === 0 then return
- return ush(tab(0))
- }
- else stop("syntax error after parens in\n ",image(s))
- }
+ if i2 === 0 then return
+ return ush(tab(0))
+ }
+ else stop("syntax error after parens in\n ",image(s))
+ }
# perform variable substitution
while tab((i := find("$"))+1) do {
- var := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'_'))
-# write("var ", var, " replaced as ", variables[var])
- s := &subject := s[1:i] || (\variables)[var] || s[i+1+*var:0] |
- stop("can't variable substitute in\n\t", image(s))
+ var := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'_'))
+# write("var ", var, " replaced as ", variables[var])
+ s := &subject := s[1:i] || (\variables)[var] || s[i+1+*var:0] |
+ stop("can't variable substitute in\n\t", image(s))
# perform command substitutions
while tab((i := find("`"))+1) do {
- cmdsub := tab(find("`"))
+ cmdsub := tab(find("`"))
#if match("basename",cmdsub) then cmdsub[1:9] := "c:\\bin\\basename.exe"
if not (fcmd := open(cmdsub, "p")) then
- stop("popen failed ", image(cmdsub))
- cmdout := read(fcmd)
- close(fcmd)
-# write("cmdsub ", cmdsub, " replaced as ", cmdout)
- s := &subject := s[1:i] || cmdout || s[i+2+*cmdsub:0] |
- stop("can't command substitute in\n\t", image(s))
+ stop("popen failed ", image(cmdsub))
+ cmdout := read(fcmd)
+ close(fcmd)
+# write("cmdsub ", cmdsub, " replaced as ", cmdout)
+ s := &subject := s[1:i] || cmdout || s[i+2+*cmdsub:0] |
+ stop("can't command substitute in\n\t", image(s))
tab(many(' \t'))
@@ -112,26 +112,26 @@ procedure ush(s)
# handle assignments, but only in initial position
if ="=" then {
if *av ~=== 0 then {
- cmd ||:= "="
- cmd ||:= tab(many(&cset -- ' \t'))
+ cmd ||:= "="
+ cmd ||:= tab(many(&cset -- ' \t'))
#write("cmd revised to ", cmd)
- put(av, cmd)
- tab(many(' \t'))
- next
- }
- tab(many(' \t'))
- if ="\"" then {
- val := tab(find("\""))
- move(1)
- }
- else val := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'._/'))
- setenv(cmd, val)
+ put(av, cmd)
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ next
+ }
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="\"" then {
+ val := tab(find("\""))
+ move(1)
+ }
+ else val := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'._/'))
+ setenv(cmd, val)
#write("setting ", image(cmd), " -> ", image(val))
/variables := table()
- variables[cmd] := val
+ variables[cmd] := val
tab(many(' \t'))
- next
- }
+ next
+ }
tab(many(' \t'))
if cmd == "&&" then {
if (i := run(av)) ~= 0 then exit(i)
@@ -140,21 +140,21 @@ procedure ush(s)
else if cmd == "#" then {
if (i := run(av)) ~= 0 then exit(i)
av := [ ]
- return
- }
+ return
+ }
else if (av[1] ~=== "if") & (cmd[-1] == ";") then {
- if *cmd>1 then put(av, cmd[1:-1])
+ if *cmd>1 then put(av, cmd[1:-1])
av := [ ]
else {
- sizcmd := *av
- every put(av, glob(cmd))
- if *av = sizcmd then {
- write(image(s), ": no match")
- fail
- }
- }
+ sizcmd := *av
+ every put(av, glob(cmd))
+ if *av = sizcmd then {
+ write(image(s), ": no match")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
if (i := run(av)) ~=== 0 then exit(i)
@@ -182,23 +182,23 @@ procedure catt(av)
pop(av) # discard "cat"
if match(">>", av[-1]) then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1][3:0],"a")) then
- stop("can't append to ", av[3])
+ stop("can't append to ", av[3])
else if match(">", av[-1]) then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1][3:0],"w")) then
- stop("can't write to ", av[3])
+ stop("can't write to ", av[3])
else if av[-2] == ">>" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1],"a")) then
- stop("can't append to ", av[-1])
+ stop("can't append to ", av[-1])
else if av[-2] == ">" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1],"w")) then
- stop("can't write to ", av[-1])
+ stop("can't write to ", av[-1])
@@ -251,18 +251,18 @@ local varname
line := Lscript[Lscript_i]
Lscript_i +:= 1
line ? {
- tab(many(' \t'))
- case tab(0) of {
- "do": numdo +:= 1
- "done": numdo -:= 1
- }
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ case tab(0) of {
+ "do": numdo +:= 1
+ "done": numdo -:= 1
+ }
if numdo > 0 then stop("malformed 'for' block")
Lscript_i -:= 1 #points at "done", will advance to line after that
newList := Lscript[forstart : Lscript_i] # slice not including "done"
every variables[varname] := !av do {
@@ -273,21 +273,21 @@ procedure echo(av)
fout := &output
if av[-2] == ">>" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1],"a")) then
- stop("can't append to ", av[-1])
+ stop("can't append to ", av[-1])
pull(av); pull(av)
if av[-2] == ">" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1],"w")) then
- stop("can't write to ", av[-1])
+ stop("can't write to ", av[-1])
pull(av); pull(av)
} else if av[-1][1:3] == ">>" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1][3:0],"a")) then
- stop("can't append to ", av[-1][3:0])
+ stop("can't append to ", av[-1][3:0])
} else if av[-1][1] == ">" then {
if not (fout := open(av[-1][2:0],"w")) then
- stop("can't write to ", av[-1][2:0])
+ stop("can't write to ", av[-1][2:0])
@@ -326,38 +326,38 @@ local cond
Lscript_i +:= 1
then_start := Lscript_i
until (trim(Lscript[Lscript_i],,0) == "fi") | (Lscript_i > *Lscript) do {
- Lscript_i +:= 1
- }
+ Lscript_i +:= 1
+ }
if trim(Lscript[Lscript_i],,0) == "fi" then {
- newList := Lscript[then_start : Lscript_i] # slice not including "fi"
- }
+ newList := Lscript[then_start : Lscript_i] # slice not including "fi"
+ }
else stop("if without fi: ")
if (i===0 & /ifnot) | (i~===0 & \ifnot) then {
# test passed, execute then-part
if *av == 1 then {
- # executing separate-line then-part
- runlist(newList)
- }
+ # executing separate-line then-part
+ runlist(newList)
+ }
else if av[1] == "then" then {
- pop(av)
- thenpart := [ ]
- while av[1] ~=== "fi" do put(thenpart, pop(av))
- if thenpart[1] == "{" then pop(thenpart)
- if thenpart[-1] == "}" then pull(thenpart)
- ush(stringify(thenpart))
- }
+ pop(av)
+ thenpart := [ ]
+ while av[1] ~=== "fi" do put(thenpart, pop(av))
+ if thenpart[1] == "{" then pop(thenpart)
+ if thenpart[-1] == "}" then pull(thenpart)
+ ush(stringify(thenpart))
+ }
else stop("then expected")
else {
# skipping over then-part on *av words
if *av == 1 then {
- # skip over separate-line then-part
- }
+ # skip over separate-line then-part
+ }
else {
- while av[1] ~=== "fi" do pop(av)
- }
+ while av[1] ~=== "fi" do pop(av)
+ }
@@ -371,17 +371,17 @@ end
procedure test(av)
case av[2] of {
"-f": {
- if (str := stat(av[3])) then {
-# write("test ",av[2]," ",av[3]," succeeded")
- return 0
- }
- else {
-# write("test ",av[2]," ",av[3]," failed")
- return -1
- }
+ if (str := stat(av[3])) then {
+# write("test ",av[2]," ",av[3]," succeeded")
+ return 0
+ }
+ else {
+# write("test ",av[2]," ",av[3]," failed")
+ return -1
+ }
default: {
- stop("don't know how to test ", image(av[2]))
+ stop("don't know how to test ", image(av[2]))
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ procedure cond(L)
if not pull(L) == "]" then stop("conditional trouble, missing ]")
case L[1] of {
"-f": { # should be more picky, and check whether L[2] is regular
- if stat(L[2]) then return 0
+ if stat(L[2]) then return 0
else return -1
@@ -420,13 +420,13 @@ procedure run(av)
# write("first searching for ", line, " in: ", getenv("PATH"))
every foo := ((".\\" | getpaths()) || line) do {
if stat(foo) then {
- line := foo
- if not (line[-4:0] == (".exe" | ".com" | ".bat")) then {
+ line := foo
+ if not (line[-4:0] == (".exe" | ".com" | ".bat")) then {
av[1] := line
- }
- break
+ }
+ break
@@ -459,15 +459,15 @@ dir := "."
if not (fdir := open(dir)) then {
stop("can't open ",image(dir)," in ", chdir(),
- "\n...wanted to glob ", image(s))
+ "\n...wanted to glob ", image(s))
# write("globbing ", s, " in dir ", dir, " (chdir ", chdir(), ")")
while fnam := read(fdir) do {
if (s[1]=="*" & fnam[-(*s-1) : 0] == s[2:0]) |
- (s[-1]=="*" & fnam[1 : (*s)] == s[1:-1]) then {
- if dir ~== "." then suspend dir ||"\\"|| fnam
- else
- suspend fnam
+ (s[-1]=="*" & fnam[1 : (*s)] == s[1:-1]) then {
+ if dir ~== "." then suspend dir ||"\\"|| fnam
+ else
+ suspend fnam
diff --git a/uni/progs/uwc.icn b/uni/progs/uwc.icn
index cc684611b..bab040ea2 100644
--- a/uni/progs/uwc.icn
+++ b/uni/progs/uwc.icn
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ link strings
procedure main(av)
while fn := pop(av) do {
if not (f := open(fn)) then {
- write(&errout, "cannot open ", fn)
- }
+ write(&errout, "cannot open ", fn)
+ }
chars := lines := words := 0
while line := read(f) do {
- lines +:= 1
- chars +:= *line
- words +:= *wordlist(line)
- }
+ lines +:= 1
+ chars +:= *line
+ words +:= *wordlist(line)
+ }
chars +:= lines # newlines
write(" ", lines, " ", words, " ", chars, " ", fn)
From 590b2b22bd0c5033b72b54fd7328eb33e15e5303 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:34:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/udb).
uni/udb/breakpoint.icn | 124 +++++++++++++-------------
uni/udb/data.icn | 126 +++++++++++++-------------
uni/udb/dta/temporals.icn | 158 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
uni/udb/evaluator.icn | 48 +++++-----
uni/udb/help.icn | 76 ++++++++--------
uni/udb/icode.icn | 28 +++---
uni/udb/lib/counter_deref.icn | 22 ++---
uni/udb/lib/counter_line.icn | 22 ++---
uni/udb/lib/counter_pcall.icn | 22 ++---
uni/udb/lib/counter_syntax.icn | 22 ++---
uni/udb/session.icn | 84 +++++++++---------
uni/udb/stack.icn | 34 +++----
uni/udb/state.icn | 74 +++++++--------
uni/udb/stepping.icn | 130 +++++++++++++--------------
uni/udb/symtab.icn | 156 ++++++++++++++++----------------
uni/udb/trace.icn | 104 +++++++++++-----------
uni/udb/udap/dapcom.icn | 24 ++---
uni/udb/watchpoint.icn | 130 +++++++++++++--------------
18 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 692 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/udb/breakpoint.icn b/uni/udb/breakpoint.icn
index c4904668c..ba63af742 100644
--- a/uni/udb/breakpoint.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/breakpoint.icn
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ record breakPt(
line, # The exact line number where the breakpoint is
state, # an integer code with (ENABLED | DISABLED | DELETED)
code, # a copy of the actual source code of that line
- coexp # instance of class Coexp, holds the value of the coexp that the
+ coexp # instance of class Coexp, holds the value of the coexp that the
# breakpoint is applied to, value is &null if applied to all coexps
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ end
method constructBpMsg(bp, verbose)
local breakpoint := "", coexp := "", src_code := ""
local bpTable := table()
if /bp then return "" # null breakpoint?
- breakpoint ||:= "\n Breakpoint #"|| ||
+ breakpoint ||:= "\n Breakpoint #"|| ||
" (" || getBreakState(bp.state) || ") at " ||
- bp.fname || ":" || bp.line
+ bp.fname || ":" || bp.line
bpTable["id"] :=
bpTable["state"] := getBreakState(bp.state)
bpTable["source"] := bp.fname
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ method printBreakInfo(cmd)
else {
if integer(name) then {
- every x := key(breakPoints) do {
+ every x := key(breakPoints) do {
L := breakPoints[x]
every bp := !L do {
if name = then {
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ method printBreakInfo(cmd)
msg||:="\n Breakpoint #"||name||" is not available."
push(resultTable["breakpoints"], bpTable)
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
else {
if not find(".icn",name) then name ||:= ".icn"
if DState.srcFile.isSrcFile(name) then {
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ method isBreakExist(fname, line, breakpoint)
if member(breakPoints, fname) then {
L := breakPoints[fname]
every bp := !L do {
- if bp.line = line & bp.state ~= DELETED then {
+ if bp.line = line & bp.state ~= DELETED then {
# only when trying to add a breakpoint - check if coexp of
# added breakpoint differs from current breakpoint
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ method isBreakExist(fname, line, breakpoint)
# same coexp -> same breakpoint, append to message
else {
- msg := "\n The breakpoint already exists._
- \n Type \"break\" to see all breakpoints"
+ msg := "\n The breakpoint already exists._
+ \n Type \"break\" to see all breakpoints"
# same breakpoint, return id
- return
+ return
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ method deleteBreakPoint(fname, line)
L := breakPoints[fname]
every i := 1 to *L do {
if L[i].line = line then
- delete(L,i)
+ delete(L,i)
if *L = 0 then
delete(breakPoints, fname)
@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ method parse_colon_arg(arg)
s := ""
# parse cmd[2] for word args, :, and ::
- arg ? {
+ arg ? {
# splits words and colons up to last colon
while c := move(1) do {
# word arg
- if c ~== ":" then s ||:= c
+ if c ~== ":" then s ||:= c
# colon arg
- else {
+ else {
num_colon +:= 1
while c := (move(1) == ":") do {
num_colon +:= 1
@@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ method parse_colon_arg(arg)
"\n Try \"help\" or \"help break\" for assistance."
setResultTable(resultTable, DState.cmdHistory[1]||" is not a known command", "__false__", msg)
- DState.Write(resultTable)
+ DState.Write(resultTable)
- # append word argument
+ # append word argument
s := ""
- # append colon argument
+ # append colon argument
every j := 1 to num_colon do s ||:= ":"
num_colon := 0
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
if not (DState.State = (LOAD | PAUSE)) then {
DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n No Program is Loaded_
- \n Type \"help\" for assistance"
+ \n Type \"help\" for assistance"
setResultTable(resultTable, "No program loaded", &null, msg)
resultTable["verified"] := "__false__"
resultTable["reason"] := "failed"
@@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
# [breakcmd] [coexp N] - get co-expression if this syntax is used
if *cmd >= 4 & cmd[-2] == "coexp" then {
if /(coexp := DState.coState.get_coexp(cmd[-1])) then {
- DState.State := ERROR
+ DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n "||cmd[-2]||" "||cmd[-1]||" does not exist."||
- "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
+ "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
setResultTable(resultTable, "coexp error??", "__false__", msg)
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
if *arg_list = 1 then {
arg := cmd[2]
- # arg is a proc/method, get file and lineno
+ # arg is a proc/method, get file and lineno
if not (line := integer(arg)) then {
if (temp := DState.srcFile.findProcMethod(arg)) then {
#if (temp := DState.srcFile.findProc(arg)) then {
@@ -359,32 +359,32 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
- # in the case of 'break line' and no filename
+ # in the case of 'break line' and no filename
if /fname then {
if DState.State = PAUSE then {
- fname := keyword("file",MONITORED)
+ fname := keyword("file",MONITORED)
- fname := DState.srcFile.procMainFile
+ fname := DState.srcFile.procMainFile
- # break file:line
+ # break file:line
else if *arg_list = 3 & arg_list[2] == ":" then {
fname := arg_list[1]
- arg := arg_list[3]
+ arg := arg_list[3]
- if temp := integer(arg) then line := temp
+ if temp := integer(arg) then line := temp
else {
msg := "\n Expected \""||arg||"\" to be a line number." ||
"\n Please try again."
setResultTable(resultTable, "Expected " ||arg|| " to be a line number", "__false__", msg)
- # break class::method | break package::procedure
+ # break class::method | break package::procedure
else if *arg_list = 3 & arg_list[2] == "::" then {
- pkgname := cname := arg_list[1]
- arg := arg_list[3]
+ pkgname := cname := arg_list[1]
+ arg := arg_list[3]
if temp := (DState.srcFile.findPkgProc(pkgname, arg) |
DState.srcFile.findClassMethod(cname, arg)) then {
@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
- # break package::class::method
+ # break package::class::method
else if *arg_list = 5 & arg_list[2] == "::" & arg_list[4] == "::" then {
- pkgname := arg_list[1]
- cname := arg_list[3]
- arg := arg_list[5]
+ pkgname := arg_list[1]
+ cname := arg_list[3]
+ arg := arg_list[5]
if temp := DState.srcFile.findPkgClassMethod(pkgname, cname, arg) then {
fname := temp[1]
@@ -428,11 +428,11 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
- else if *cmd = 3 then { # break file line
+ else if *cmd = 3 then { # break file line
fname := cmd[2]
arg := cmd[3]
- if temp := integer(arg) then line := temp
+ if temp := integer(arg) then line := temp
else {
DState.State := ERROR
@@ -442,13 +442,13 @@ method cmdBreak(cmd)
- if \fname then
+ if \fname then
if not find(".icn",fname) then fname ||:= ".icn"
#debug("trying to set breakpoint at '",fname,":",line,"'")
# create breakpoint
- if code := DState.srcFile.getSrcLine(fname, line) then
+ if code := DState.srcFile.getSrcLine(fname, line) then
break_point := breakPt(count +:= 1, fname, line, ENABLED, code, coexp)
# record breakPt(fname, linenum, code) only if it doesn't exist already
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ method clearAllBreakpoints()
if size > 0 then {
DState.breakMask := set()
every x := key(breakPoints) do
- delete(breakPoints, x)
+ delete(breakPoints, x)
msg := "\n All breakpoints are cleared; ("||size||" total)."
setResultTable(resultTable, &null, "__true__")
resultTable["size"] := size
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ method clearAllBreakpoints()
msg := "\n No breakpoints are available to be cleared."
setResultTable(resultTable, "No breakpoints available", "__false__")
setResultTable(resultTable, &null, &null, msg)
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
if *cmd = 3 then {
arg := cmd[3]
- # arg is a proc/method, get file and lineno
+ # arg is a proc/method, get file and lineno
if not (line := integer(arg)) then {
if (temp := DState.srcFile.findProc(arg)) then {
fname := temp[1]
@@ -536,16 +536,16 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
- # in the case of 'break line' and no filename
+ # in the case of 'break line' and no filename
if /fname then {
if DState.State = PAUSE then {
- fname := keyword("file",MONITORED)
+ fname := keyword("file",MONITORED)
- fname := DState.srcFile.procMainFile
+ fname := DState.srcFile.procMainFile
- # 'break file line' | 'break file all'
+ # 'break file line' | 'break file all'
else if *cmd = 4 then {
if DState.srcFile.isSrcFile(cmd[3]) | DState.srcFile.isSrcFile(cmd[3] || ".icn") then
fname := cmd[3]
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
if \fname then {
if not find(".icn", fname) then
- fname ||:= ".icn"
+ fname ||:= ".icn"
if \line then {
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
else {
msg:="\n Undefined Command: \""||DState.cmdHistory[1]||"\""||
- "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
+ "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
setResultTable(resultTable, "Undefined Command: "||DState.cmdHistory[1], "__false__", msg)
@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
msg := "\n Breakpoint #"||id||" is not available."
setResultTable(resultTable, "Breakpoint #"||id||" is not available", "__false__", msg)
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
else {
msg:="\n Undefined Command: \""||DState.cmdHistory[1]||"\""||
- "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
+ "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
setResultTable(resultTable, "Undefined Command: "||DState.cmdHistory[1], "__false__", msg)
@@ -769,13 +769,13 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
if not cmd[3] then {
every x := key(breakPoints) do {
- L := breakPoints[x]
- every bp := !L do
- if bp.state := ENABLED then {
- bp.state := DISABLED
- j +:= 1
- }
- }
+ L := breakPoints[x]
+ every bp := !L do
+ if bp.state := ENABLED then {
+ bp.state := DISABLED
+ j +:= 1
+ }
+ }
if j > 0 then {
msg := "\n All breakpoints are disabled; ("||j||" total)."
setResultTable(resultTable, "All breakpoints are disabled; ("||j||" total)", "__true__")
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
else {
msg:="\n Undefined Command: \""||DState.cmdHistory[1]||"\""||
- "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
+ "\n Try \"help\" for assistance."
setResultTable(resultTable, "Undefined Command: "||cmdHistory[1], "__false__", msg)
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ method resetBreakpoints()
if size > 0 then {
DState.breakMask := set()
every x := key(breakPoints) do
- delete(breakPoints, x)
+ delete(breakPoints, x)
count := 0
diff --git a/uni/udb/data.icn b/uni/udb/data.icn
index e5f88d548..94a84ef7d 100644
--- a/uni/udb/data.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/data.icn
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Data(
method printGlobals(level)
local x, i, CMonitored :=, output := [], globalsTable, variableTable
- /level :=
+ /level :=
globalsTable := table()
globalsTable["type"] := "globals"
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ end
method printStatics(level)
local x, i, CMonitored :=, output := [], staticsTable, variableTable
- /level :=
+ /level :=
staticsTable := table()
staticsTable["type"] := "statics"
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ method printStatics(level)
put(output, variableTable)
staticsTable["variables"] := output
if /DState.mode | \DState.mode ~== "-adapter" then
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ end
method printParams(level)
local x, i, CMonitored :=, output := [], paramsTable, variableTable
- /level :=
+ /level :=
paramsTable := table()
paramsTable["type"] := "params"
@@ -224,31 +224,31 @@ method getVarReference(Var, index, level)
if \x1 & /x2 then {
if v := variable(x1, CMonitored, level) | integer(x1) then {
if abs(v) <= *Var then {
- Var := Var[v]
- return Var
- }
+ Var := Var[v]
+ return Var
+ }
else {
Message := "\n The string subscript \""||x1||
"\" is out of range."
- }
- else {
- #write("can't get variable reference ", image(Var),
- # "[", image(v), "]")
+ }
+ else {
+ #write("can't get variable reference ", image(Var),
+ # "[", image(v), "]")
Message := "\n The string subscript \""||x1||
"\" is invalid."
- fail
- }
+ fail
+ }
else if \x1 & \x2 then {
- if x2 === "][" then {
+ if x2 === "][" then {
Message := "\n Strings cannot have double subscripts."
- fail
- }
+ fail
+ }
# string slice
- else {
- i1 := variable(x1, CMonitored, level) | integer(x1)
- i2 := variable(x2, CMonitored, level) | integer(x2)
+ else {
+ i1 := variable(x1, CMonitored, level) | integer(x1)
+ i2 := variable(x2, CMonitored, level) | integer(x2)
if abs(i1) > *Var then {
Message := "\n The string subscript \""||x1||
"\" is out of range."
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ method getVarReference(Var, index, level)
"\" is out of range."
- Var := Var[i1:i2]
- return Var
- }
+ Var := Var[i1:i2]
+ return Var
+ }
else {
Message := "\n Invalid expression."
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ method getVarReference(Var, index, level)
Var := Var[v]
return getVarReference(Var, index, level)
- else {
+ else {
Message := "\n The list subscript \""||x1||
"\" is out of range."
- fail
+ fail
else if x1 == "][" then {
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ method getVarReference(Var, index, level)
else {
Message := "\n The list subscript \""||x2||
"\" is out of range."
- fail
+ fail
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ method setVarReference(lvar, index, level, value)
return Var
else {
- Message := "\n Something went wrong."
+ Message := "\n Something went wrong."
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ method printVar(Expr, action, level)
if (type(ref) == ("list" | "table" | "set" | "foreign-local" )|
match("record"|"object",image(ref))) & *ref >= 1 then {
Message ||:= ximage(ref)
- }
+ }
Message ||:= image(ref)
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ method cmdPrint(cmd)
if *(cmd[1]) = 1 then action := pop(cmd[1])
else {
action := cmd[1][1]
- cmd[1] := cmd[1][2:0]
+ cmd[1] := cmd[1][2:0]
every j := 1 to *cmd do {
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ method assignKeyword(lexpr, rexpr, level)
var_ref := variable(lexpr, Monitored, 0, 1) := data
Message := "\n "||lexpr||" = "||image(var_ref)
- return
+ return
@@ -866,20 +866,20 @@ method parsePrintExpression(expr)
# first, split multi-token tokens
x ? {
- if (s := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'_'))) & (*s < *x) then {
- insert(expr,i+1,x[*s+1:0])
- x := expr[i] := s
- }
- else if (c := tab(any('[]'))) & (s := tab(0)) & *s>0 then {
- insert(expr,i+1,s)
- x := expr[i] := c
- }
- else if (c := tab(any(':'))) & (s := tab(0)) & *s>0 &
- (s[1]~=="=") then {
- insert(expr,i+1,s)
- x := expr[i] := c
- }
- }
+ if (s := tab(many(&letters++&digits++'_'))) & (*s < *x) then {
+ insert(expr,i+1,x[*s+1:0])
+ x := expr[i] := s
+ }
+ else if (c := tab(any('[]'))) & (s := tab(0)) & *s>0 then {
+ insert(expr,i+1,s)
+ x := expr[i] := c
+ }
+ else if (c := tab(any(':'))) & (s := tab(0)) & *s>0 &
+ (s[1]~=="=") then {
+ insert(expr,i+1,s)
+ x := expr[i] := c
+ }
+ }
i +:= 1
@@ -894,17 +894,17 @@ method parsePrintExpression(expr)
put(tokens, x[j+1:0])
else {
- if (x === "pos") & (tokens[-1]==="&") &
- (expr[i-2] == ("[" | ":")) then {
- tokens[-1] ||:= x
- }
- else
- put(tokens, x)
- }
+ if (x === "pos") & (tokens[-1]==="&") &
+ (expr[i-2] == ("[" | ":")) then {
+ tokens[-1] ||:= x
+ }
+ else
+ put(tokens, x)
+ }
else if x == "]" & expr[i+1] == "[" then {
# handle p L[3] [2], "][" is used to indicate new sublist. Otherwise
- # a second index is the back of a slice reference.
+ # a second index is the back of a slice reference.
else if x == "]" & expr[i+1][1] == "." then {
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ end
# used to print a summary of all used files
method printSrcSummary(detail)
- local found, missing, ftotal, plural
+ local found, missing, ftotal, plural
local packages, classes, records, procs, globals
local pclasses := [], precords := [], pprocs := [], pglobals := []
@@ -1081,10 +1081,10 @@ method printSrcSummary(detail)
globals := DState.srcFile.getGlobals()
every pkg := !packages do {
- pclasses |||:= DState.srcFile.getClasses(pkg)
- precords |||:= DState.srcFile.getRecords(pkg)
- pprocs |||:= DState.srcFile.getProcedures(pkg)
- pglobals |||:= DState.srcFile.getGlobals(pkg)
+ pclasses |||:= DState.srcFile.getClasses(pkg)
+ precords |||:= DState.srcFile.getRecords(pkg)
+ pprocs |||:= DState.srcFile.getProcedures(pkg)
+ pglobals |||:= DState.srcFile.getGlobals(pkg)
found := *DState.srcFile.foundFiles
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
else if set_pkg == "" then pkg := &null
else {
write("\n Package \"",set_pkg,"\" was not found.",
- "\n Please try again.")
+ "\n Please try again.")
#write("\n Current package: ",(\pkg | "none"))
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
# src file
- else if *cmd = 2 then {
+ else if *cmd = 2 then {
if not find(".icn", cmd[2]) then cmd[2] ||:= ".icn"
if code := DState.srcFile.getSrcCode(cmd[2]) then {
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
# commands with optional arguments - prints specifics about specified
# class or package
- else if *cmd = 3 then {
+ else if *cmd = 3 then {
op := cmd[2] | ""
arg := cmd[3] | ""
if op[1] ~=="-" then op :="-"||op
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
every i := 1 to *names do put(output," #"||i||" "||names[i])
- else
+ else
DState.Write("\n No class fields found.")
@@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
every i := 1 to *names do put(output," #"||i||" "||names[i])
- else
+ else
DState.Write("\n No global names found in package.")
default: {
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
- # invalid syntax
+ # invalid syntax
else {
msg := "\n Undefined command:"
while msg ||:= " " || pop(cmd)
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ method cmdSource(cmd)
diff --git a/uni/udb/dta/temporals.icn b/uni/udb/dta/temporals.icn
index e0b215a54..e1f32b2fa 100644
--- a/uni/udb/dta/temporals.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/dta/temporals.icn
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class TempAssert(
assertTable, # a table that maps each assertion (obj) into its location
assertList, # an ordered list with all assertion's locations
- eventMask, # a cset of all monitored events in regards of all assertions
+ eventMask, # a cset of all monitored events in regards of all assertions
msg # a string with latest message from this class
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ method isValidLocation(cmd)
else if cmd[3] == ":" then{
if find(".icn", cmd[2]) then
fname := cmd[2]
- else
+ else
fname := cmd[2]||".icn"
if x := integer(cmd[4]) then
line := x
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ method isValidLocation(cmd)
# ensure the file name and line number are valid
if DState.srcFile.isSrcFile(fname) then{
if DState.srcFile.isLoaded(fname) then{
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ method isValidLocation(cmd)
msg:="\n Line number "||line||" out of range; "||fname||
- " has "||DState.srcFile.getFileTotalLines(fname)||" lines."
+ " has "||DState.srcFile.getFileTotalLines(fname)||" lines."
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ method cmdAssert(cmd)
count +:= 1
case body[1] of {
# past time assertions
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ method cmdAssert(cmd)
DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n \""||DState.cmdHistory[1]||"\" Bad assertion syntax.\n" ||
- image(body[1]) || " is not a known command." ||
- "\n Try \"help\" or \"help assert\" for assistance."
+ image(body[1]) || " is not a known command." ||
+ "\n Try \"help\" or \"help assert\" for assistance."
count -:= 1
loc := fname ||":"||line
- if /assertTable[loc] then{
+ if /assertTable[loc] then{
assertTable[loc] := obj
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ method cmdAssert(cmd)
count -:= 1
#insert(DState.assertLoc, line)
#DState.assertVars ++:= obj.varNames
- #write("------------cmd---------- : \n", ximage(cmd))
- #write("------------body--------- : \n", ximage(body))
+ #write("------------cmd---------- : \n", ximage(cmd))
+ #write("------------body--------- : \n", ximage(body))
@@ -248,11 +248,11 @@ method cmdInfo(cmd)
-# forwards relevant events to relevant assertions based on their eventmask
+# forwards relevant events to relevant assertions based on their eventmask
method forward()
local x
#write("-Forward---->",evnames(&eventcode), ": ", image(&eventvalue))
every x := !assertTable do{
if x.state = ENABLED & member(x.eventMask, &eventcode) then{
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ method forward()
E_Value: { if x.waitForValue > 0 then x.handle_event() }
E_Line: { x.handle_event() }
E_Deref: { if member(x.varNames, &eventvalue) then x.handle_event() }
- default: { #if x.triggered = TRUE then
- x.handle_event()
+ default: { #if x.triggered = TRUE then
+ x.handle_event()
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ end
## Try to evaluate the assertion when it is ready for evaluation
-## The evaluation is triggered based on the E_Line event
+## The evaluation is triggered based on the E_Line event
#method trigger()
# local x, loc, fname, line
@@ -292,15 +292,15 @@ end
-# it constructs/re-constucts the assertions' eventMask
-# from all active assertions whenever an assertion is
-# inserted, enabled, disabled
+# it constructs/re-constucts the assertions' eventMask
+# from all active assertions whenever an assertion is
+# inserted, enabled, disabled
method updateMasks()
local x, assertLoc:=set(), assertVars:=set()
# write("----------------------Build mask !!!!!!!!!!!!")
# The temporal assertion's eventmask is a union of all enabled
# assertions event masks + the E_Line event that is used to trigger
# the assertion
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ end
# The constructor
count := 0
assertTable := table()
assertList := []
@@ -332,12 +332,12 @@ end
-# This is an abstract class for all kind of assertions
+# This is an abstract class for all kind of assertions
class Assertion(
DState, # (Alias) object of type State class
id, # an integer idetifies the number of the assertion
pname, # the procedure name of assertion's virtuall location
fname, # the file name of assertion's virtuall location
line, # the line number of assertion's virtuall location
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class Assertion(
eventMask, # the set of all monitored events inqured by this assertion
#valueMask, # a table maps monitored variables into their monitored events
varNames, # a set of all internal names of the assertion vars
- msg # a string with the latest message from this class
+ msg # a string with the latest message from this class
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class Assertion(
method setCycles()
local i := 2, x
- if (body[i] == "(" & body[i+1] == ")") | body[i] == "()" then{
+ if (body[i] == "(" & body[i+1] == ")") | body[i] == "()" then{
cycle := &null
else if body[i] == "(" then{
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ method parseBody()
local i, k, x, vname, vscope, param, obj
every i := 1 to *body do
if body[i] == "{" then break
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ method parseBody()
while(i <= *body & body[i] ~== "}") do{
x := body[i]
- if member(OPERATOR, x) then{
+ if member(OPERATOR, x) then{
put(evalList, x)
k := i
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ method parseBody()
k -:= 1
- else
+ else
put(param, body[k])
put(evalList, param)
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ method parseBody()
- #
+ #
# print_evalList()
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ method parseBody()
-# refresh_evalLiat(): frees all previouslly collected
+# refresh_evalLiat(): frees all previouslly collected
# data during the previous hit
method refresh_evalList()
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ end
method handle_event(side)
local i, x
- if state = ENABLED then{
+ if state = ENABLED then{
if /side then{
#write("handle_event ------------ side = &null")
# loop over the entier evalList: just in case that the same variable
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ end
method getResult(oper, val1, val2)
local i, result
- if numeric(val1) & numeric(val2) then{
+ if numeric(val1) & numeric(val2) then{
case oper of{
">": { result := if val1 > val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
">=": { result := if val1 >= val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
@@ -715,10 +715,10 @@ method getResult(oper, val1, val2)
"||": { result := if val1 | val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
"&&": { result := if val1 & val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
- #"==>"|"-->"|"->"|"=>":{ }# implies : stil to be implemented
+ #"==>"|"-->"|"->"|"=>":{ }# implies : stil to be implemented
- else if string(val1) & string(val2) then{
+ else if string(val1) & string(val2) then{
case oper of{
">": { result := if val1 >> val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
">=": { result := if val1 >>= val2 then TRUE else FALSE }
@@ -733,10 +733,10 @@ method getResult(oper, val1, val2)
-## saves the surrent evaluation result for future inquiry
+## saves the surrent evaluation result for future inquiry
#method storeResult(result, side)
# if /side then
# put(evalHistory, result)
# else if side = 1 then
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ method evaluateState(side)
if \implies then{
- if /side then
+ if /side then
else if side = 1 then{
first := evalList[1]
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ method evaluateState(side)
if not (type(oper) == "string" & member(OPERATOR, oper)) then{
result := AssertHistory(val1, val2, oper, NOTVALID, "bad operator!")
- if /side | side = 2 then{
+ if /side | side = 2 then{
/evalStates[hits] := []
put(evalStates[hits], result)
#countFail +:= 1
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ method evaluateState(side)
if /val1 | / val2 then{
result := AssertHistory(image(val1), image(val2),
oper, NOTVALID, "bad operand!")
- if /side | side = 2 then{
+ if /side | side = 2 then{
/evalStates[hits] := []
put(evalStates[hits], result)
#countFail +:= 1
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ method evaluateState(side)
if getResult(oper, val1, val2) = FALSE then{
result := AssertHistory(val1, val2, oper, FALSE, "!")
- if /side | side = 2 then{
+ if /side | side = 2 then{
/evalStates[hits] := []
put(evalStates[hits], result)
#countFail +:= 1
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ method evaluateState(side)
result := AssertHistory(val1, val2, oper, TRUE, "!")
- if /side | side = 2 then{
+ if /side | side = 2 then{
/evalStates[hits] := []
put(evalStates[hits], result)
@@ -844,15 +844,15 @@ end
# check the evaluation suite when the result is TRUE
method check_evalSuite()
case evalSuite of{
- STOP_WHEN_TRUE: { writeState()
+ STOP_WHEN_TRUE: { writeState()
DState.State := PAUSE
SHOW_WHEN_TRUE: { writeState()
- PAUSE_WHEN_TRUE:{ writeState()
+ PAUSE_WHEN_TRUE:{ writeState()
@@ -867,9 +867,9 @@ method checkIntervals()
countTrue := countFalse := 0
every i := 1 to hits do{
- if evalInterval[i] = TRUE then
+ if evalInterval[i] = TRUE then
countTrue +:= 1
- else
+ else
countFalse +:= 1
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ end
-# this methods sets up strCmd with the string body of the assertion
+# this methods sets up strCmd with the string body of the assertion
method setStrBody()
local i, t
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ initially(DebugState, Pname, Fname, Line, Code, Body, ID)
location := 0
state := ENABLED
waitForValue := 0
countFail := 0
countTrue := 0
countFalse := 0
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ end
class AssertHistory(
Val1, # the first value
Val2, # the second value
- Oper, # the operator
+ Oper, # the operator
Result, # the result
line, # the line number of the evaluation
fname, # the file name of the evaluation
@@ -972,22 +972,22 @@ class AssertHistory(
# returns a formated history for the instance
method getInfo(i)
if /i then{
return "\n "||Val1||" "||Oper||" "||Val2||": " ||
- (if Result = TRUE then "True"
+ (if Result = TRUE then "True"
else if Result = FALSE then "False" else "Not Valid") ||
" at file "|| fname||":"||line||"; "||Message
else if i <= 0 then{
return Val1||" "||Oper||" "||Val2||": " ||
- (if Result = TRUE then "True"
+ (if Result = TRUE then "True"
else if Result = FALSE then "False" else "Not Valid") ||
" at file "||fname||":"||line||"; "||Message
return "\n "||i||"# "||Val1||" "||Oper||" "||Val2||": "||
- (if Result = TRUE then "True"
+ (if Result = TRUE then "True"
else if Result = FALSE then "False" else "Not Valid") ||
" at file "||fname||":"||line||"; "||Message
@@ -997,14 +997,14 @@ end
# The constructor of the AssertHistory class
initially(v1, v2, op, result, msg)
- Val1 := v1
+ Val1 := v1
Val2 := v2
Oper := op
Result := result
Message := msg
line := keyword("&line", Monitored)
- fname := keyword("&file", Monitored)
+ fname := keyword("&file", Monitored)
@@ -1021,11 +1021,11 @@ class Always: Assertion()
# this methods handles events received from the evaluator of UDB
method handle_event()
#static param_var
local cur_proc, i, res
#write("-Always[-]---->",evnames(&eventcode), ": ", image(&eventvalue))
if triggered = TRUE then{
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countFalse + countTrue
@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countFalse + countTrue
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ method handle_event()
else if &eventcode ~== E_Assign then{
if evaluateState() = TRUE then
- check_evalSuite()
+ check_evalSuite()
else if &eventcode == (E_Pcall | E_Presum) then{
@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countFalse + countTrue
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ method handle_event()
else{ #if &eventcode ~== E_Line then
- if &eventcode ~== E_Assign then{
+ if &eventcode ~== E_Assign then{
if (res := evaluateState(2)) = FALSE then
else if \res = TRUE then
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countTrue + countFalse
@@ -1609,10 +1609,10 @@ method handle_event()
- if &eventcode ~== E_Assign then{
+ if &eventcode ~== E_Assign then{
if (res := evaluateState()) = TRUE then
- }
+ }
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countTrue + countFalse
@@ -1680,9 +1680,9 @@ end
# This class handles the evaluation of the future time assertion always)
-# which is equivalent to next
-# This kind of assertions is triggered when their virtual location is
-# reached for the first time
+# which is equivalent to next
+# This kind of assertions is triggered when their virtual location is
+# reached for the first time
class AlwaysF: Assertion()
@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countTrue + countFalse
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ method handle_event()
else if &eventcode == E_Line then
location +:= 1
- else{
+ else{
if evaluateState() = TRUE then
@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ method handle_event()
else if &eventcode == E_Line & /pre_triggered then{
cur_file := keyword("&file", Monitored)
if &eventvalue = line & cur_file == fname then{
- pre_triggered := TRUE
+ pre_triggered := TRUE
triggered := TRUE
hits +:= 1
@@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
#x := countTrue + countFalse
@@ -1968,7 +1968,7 @@ end
# at the end of the program, it checks the state of this assertion
method checkEvaluation()
- local x
+ local x
if falseHits > 0 then{
evalValue := FALSE
@@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ method checkEvaluation()
evalValue := TRUE
msg := "\n Assertion #"||id||" at "||fname||","||line||": "||strCmd
msg ||:= ": (Valid "||part2_CountTrue||" out of "||x||")."
- msg ||:= "\n Ended at file "||evaluated_fname||":"||evaluated_line
+ msg ||:= "\n Ended at file "||evaluated_fname||":"||evaluated_line
msg ||:= "\n Its location was hit "||location||" times."
@@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ method checkEvaluation()
evalValue := FALSE
msg := "\n Assertion #"||id||" at "||fname||","||line||": "||strCmd
msg ||:= ": (Failed "||part2_CountTrue||" out of "||x||")."
- msg ||:= "\n Ended at file "||evaluated_fname||":"||evaluated_line
+ msg ||:= "\n Ended at file "||evaluated_fname||":"||evaluated_line
msg ||:= "\n Its location was hit "||location||" times."
@@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@ initially(DebugState, Pname, Fname, Line, Code, Body, ID)
triggered := FALSE
pre_triggered := FALSE
eventMask := cset(E_Line)
self.Assertion.initially(DebugState, Pname, Fname, Line, Code, Body, ID)
diff --git a/uni/udb/evaluator.icn b/uni/udb/evaluator.icn
index f2ec0fa6c..e54f32d5a 100644
--- a/uni/udb/evaluator.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/evaluator.icn
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# evaluator.icn: Handles the main Runtime Monitoring facilities
-# Author: Ziad Al-Sharif,
-# Contributor: Gigi Young
+# Author: Ziad Al-Sharif,
+# Contributor: Gigi Young
$include "evdefs.icn"
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ global ESource
global es_flag # eventsource flag (OWN | MONITORED)
-# Contains the core of the udb debugging facilities
+# Contains the core of the udb debugging facilities
class Evaluator(
- Break, # An object of the BreakPoint() class
- Watch, # An object of the WatchkPoint() class
+ Break, # An object of the BreakPoint() class
+ Watch, # An object of the WatchkPoint() class
Frame, # An object of the Stack() class
Print, # An object of the Data() class
Step, # An object of the Stepping() class
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ class Evaluator(
External, # An object of the Externals() class
DTA, # an object of the TempAssert() class
DState, # An object of the State() class
- BuiltIns, # A table that maps eventcodes to their methods
+ BuiltIns, # A table that maps eventcodes to their methods
Message # a string formated with the current message
# This was adapted from the evaltree.icn unicon library
-# for the needs of the udb debugging facilities.
+# for the needs of the udb debugging facilities.
method startEvaluator()
local obj, eventMask, valueMask
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ method startEvaluator()
if *DState.breakMask > 0 then { Break.checkBreakpoint() }
if DState.RunCode = NEXT then { Step.checkNext() }
if DState.RunCode = STEP then { Step.checkStep() }
- if DState.RunCode = PSTEP then { Step.checkStep() }
+ if DState.RunCode = PSTEP then { Step.checkStep() }
E_Assign | E_Value: {
# check for Watch point on changed vars & keywords
@@ -75,26 +75,26 @@ method startEvaluator()
Step.handle_PatStack() }
# Coexp created, add to list of coexps
- E_CoCreate: {
+ E_CoCreate: {
# parent is current coexp
# Coexp activated, set current coexp to value
- E_Coact: {
+ E_Coact: {
write("[Activating co-expression ",,"]")
# Coexp failed to produce result, remove from list of coexps
- E_Cofail: {
+ E_Cofail: {
write("[Co-expression ",," failed]")
write("[Returning to co-expression ",,"]")
# Coexp returned, set current coexp to value
- E_Coret: {
+ E_Coret: {
write("[Returning to co-expression ",,"]")
@@ -104,20 +104,20 @@ method startEvaluator()
E_Signal: { handle_Signals() }
} # end of case ecode
- # Tracing Features
+ # Tracing Features
if *DState.traceMask > 0 then{
- if member(DState.traceMask, &eventcode) then
+ if member(DState.traceMask, &eventcode) then
- # Internal Extension Agents
+ # Internal Extension Agents
if Internal.enabled > 0 then{
- every obj := !Internal.activeClients do
- if member(obj.eventMask, &eventcode) then
+ every obj := !Internal.activeClients do
+ if member(obj.eventMask, &eventcode) then
- # External Extension Agents
+ # External Extension Agents
if External.enabled > 0 then
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ method startEvaluator()
if DState.State = PAUSE then
- else if DState.State = END then
- return
+ else if DState.State = END then
+ return
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ method initEvaluator()
BuiltIns[E_Value] := self.__s.Watch.__m.checkWatchChange
- BuiltIns[E_Deref] := self.__s.Watch.__m.checkWatchRead
+ BuiltIns[E_Deref] := self.__s.Watch.__m.checkWatchRead
BuiltIns[E_Spos] := self.__s.Watch.__m.checkWatchScan
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ initially()
Print := Data() # The printing techbiques
Step := Stepping() # The stepping and continuing Techniques
Trace := Tracing() # The Dynamic Tracing Techniques
- Internal := Internals() # The Internal monitors and/or visualizers
+ Internal := Internals() # The Internal monitors and/or visualizers
External := Externals() # The External monitors with co-expression switch
DTA := TempAssert() # The Dynamic Temporal Assertions
diff --git a/uni/udb/help.icn b/uni/udb/help.icn
index 94c9010b9..a6b3f073f 100644
--- a/uni/udb/help.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/help.icn
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Author: Ziad Al-Sharif,
# Contributor: Gigi Young
$include "defaults.icn"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class HELP(
# General Help Command
method cmdHelp(cmd)
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ method cmdHelp(cmd)
Message := errorState||cmdClasses||assistance
- }# end of case
+ }# end of case
case cmd[2] of {
Message := basic || breakpoints ||watchpoints || tracepoints ||
- stack || stepping || data || files || memory || shell ||
- assertions || extensions ||
- assistance
+ stack || stepping || data || files || memory || shell ||
+ assertions || extensions ||
+ assistance
Message := basic
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ method cmdHelp(cmd)
\n Sets a watchpoint on some variable._
\n watch : Prints a list of all pre-set watch variables._
\n watch var : Break at every line the (var) can change._
- \n If the program is running, it watches for_
+ \n If the program is running, it watches for_
\n (var) in the local scope, otherwise it_
\n assumes that (var) is a global variable._
\n watch var proc : Watch for local (var) in procedure (proc)."
@@ -298,18 +298,18 @@ method cmdHelp(cmd)
Message:="\n Command not found. Type \"help\" for assistance"
- }
+ }
}#end of case
}# end of else
- #make udb console takes no actions
+ #make udb console takes no actions
DState.State := SKIP
- cmdClasses := "_
- \n_
+ cmdClasses := "_
+ \n_
\n Command classes:_
\n basic : Common essential commands._
\n breakpoints : How to pause the program at source code locations._
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ initially()
coexp := "_
\n coexp n : Changes the viewed co-expression to (coexp n)._
- \n coexp | _
+ \n coexp | _
\n info coexp : Lists the currently activated co-expressions of_
\n the program._
\n _
@@ -467,52 +467,52 @@ initially()
\n the first [count] number of incidents. If [count] is provided and _
\n count < 0, the user is able to trace back the last [count] number of_
\n incidents’ locations and values._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n watch [–silent] var: Silently watches (var) whenever assigned._
\n watch [n] var : Watches var's first (n) number of assignments._
\n watch [-n] var : Watches var's values and tracks its last n'th value._
\n watch var = val : Watches (var) whenever assigned with value._
\n watch var > val : Watches (var) whenever assigned with a value > val._
\n watch –s n var : Silently watches var's first n assignments._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n rwatch [–silent] [count] variable [[=|>|<|<=|>=|~=] value]_
\n Sets a watchpoint on variable whenever read. Other arguments are_
\n similar to the watch command._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n vwatch [–silent] [count] variable [[=|>|<|<=|>=|~=] value]_
\n Sets a watchpoint on variable whenever assigned and the new value_
\n is different from the old one (changed value). Other arguments are_
\n similar to the watch command._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n twatch [–silent] [count] variable [[=|~=] type ]_
\n Sets a watchpoint on variable whenever assigned and the type of new_
\n value is different from the type of the old one (changed type)._
\n Other arguments are similar to the watch command._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n swatch [–silent][count]_
\n Sets a watchpoint on string scanning environment; in particular the_
\n explicit and implicit change of &pos and &subject keywords._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n info watchpoints : Shows a complete list of all watchpoints._
\n info awatch, info rwatch, info vwatch, or info twatch,_
\n each shows a list of the specified type of watchpoints._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n clear watchpoints: Clears all watchpoints regardless of their type._
\n clear awatch, clear rwatch, clear twatch, clear vwatch, or_
\n clear swatch, clears only the specified type of watchpoints._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n delete watchpoints : Deletes all watchpoints._
\n delete awatch, delete rwatch, delete twatch, delete vwatch,_
\n or delete swatch, each deletes only the specified type of_
\n watchpoints._
\n delete watch [n] : Deletes the watchpoint with the id number [n]._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n enable watchpoints : Enables all disabled watchpoints._
\n enable awatch, enable rwatch, enable twatch, enable vwatch,_
\n or enable swatch, each enables only the specified_
\n type of watchpoints_
\n enable watch [n] : Enables the watchpoint with the id number [n]_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n disable watchpoints: Disables all watchpoints._
\n disable awatch, disable rwatch, disable twatch,_
\n disable vwatch, or disable swatch, disable_
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ initially()
\n the first [count] number of incidents. If [count] is provided and _
\n count < 0, the user is able to trace back the last count number_
\n of incidents._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n trace p : Traces all valid behaviors of the procedure (p)._
\n trace p call : Traces whenever (p) is called. This action_
\n is very similar to the break bar command._
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ initially()
\n trace p return <= 1 : Traces whenever (p) returns a value <= 1._
\n trace 10 p resume : Traces the first 10 times that (p) is resumed._
\n trace p fail : Traces whenever (p) fails._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n trace –silent p : Silently traces all valid behaviors of (p)._
\n trace [–silent] [count] function [behavior [op value]]_
@@ -546,13 +546,13 @@ initially()
\n trace p call : Traces whenever p() is called._
\n trace p fail : Traces whenever p() fails._
\n trace p return < 0 : Traces whenever p() returns a value < 0._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n trace [–silent] [count] operator [behavior [op value]]_
\n Sets a tracepoint on a built-in operator whenever the specified_
\n behavior is satisfied. If behavior is not provided, all behaviors_
\n are traced. operator is one of the following: (+, -, *, /, \, =,_
\n ~=, ==, ~==, ===, ~===, <, <=, <<=, >, >=, >>=, ++, --, **,!,?,[])_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n trace [] fail : Traces whenever the [] (subscript) operator fails._
\n trace ! suspend : Traces whenever the ! (apply) operator suspends._
\n trace = fail : Traces whenever the = operator fails._
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ initially()
\n trace ~== return : Traces whenever the ~== returns (succeeds)._
\n trace ~== return = “ab” : Traces the ~== whenever it returns and_
\n the right side is lexically equal to “ab”_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n info tracepoints : Prints a complete list of all tracepoints._
\n info trace [n] : Prints info about the tracepoint with id [n]._
\n info trace [name] : Prints info about the tracepoint on [name]._
@@ -586,14 +586,14 @@ initially()
\n If [n] is provided, it prints the nth innermost frames_
\n when n>0, and the nth outermost frames when_
\n n < 0. The where and bt commands are aliases._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n frame [n]: Selects and displays information of frame number [n]._
\n If [n] is not provided, it displays information about_
\n the currently selected frame. f [n] is an alias_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n up [n] : Moves the selected frame [n] frames up; if [n] is not_
\n provided, it moves the currently frame one frame up_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n down [n] : Moves the selected frame [n] frames down; if [n] is not_
\n provided, it moves the currently frame one frame down"
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ initially()
\n if [count] is specified, it repeats the command count_
\n more times. s and s [count] are aliases._
\n next [count]: Executes the next line and steps over any procedure call._
- \n If [count] is specified, it repeats the command [count]_
+ \n If [count] is specified, it repeats the command [count]_
\n more times. n and n [count] are aliases._
\n return : Completes the execution of the current procedure and_
\n returns back to the place of calling to step on the next_
@@ -612,9 +612,9 @@ initially()
\n print var : Prints the value of (var); if variable is a reference to_
\n a structure, then it displays its ximage, otherwise it_
\n displays its simple value. p is an alias._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n print &keyword : Prints the value of &keyword; i.e. print &pos_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n print expr: Prints the evaluation of (expr). i.e._
\n p L[5] : prints the contents of L[5]._
\n p S[i:10] : prints the characters between i and 10 of S._
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ initially()
\n print x = 10, print L[1] = 1000, print S[4] = \“K\”,_
\n p T[\“one\”]=\“1\”, p S[5:10]=\“insert a string\”_
\n p r.a = 4.5, p x = y; where y is another variable._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n print &keyword = val: Assigns a val to a &keyword;_
\n i.e. p &pos = 1, p &subject = \“ABCcba\”_
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ initially()
\n info dir | _
\n show dir : Prints the source path._
files := "_
\n list : Displays ten lines of source code. If execution is_
\n paused,the printed lines are from the current line_
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ initially()
\n of the file. i.e. l -25: shows ten lines surrounding_
\n the line number 25 counting backward from the end_
\n of file_
- \n_
+ \n_
\n info source : Prints a detailed summary about the loaded executable._
\n info file : Prints a list of all source files in use including_
\n library files._
@@ -704,12 +704,12 @@ initially()
\n -----Internals ------------------------------------------------------_
\n enable internal agent : Enables the internal agent named agent._
\n disable internal agent: Disables the internal agent named agent._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n info internal : Prints information about all internal agents_
\n available in the session and the system._
\n info internal agent : Prints information about the specific internal_
\n agents named agent._
- \n_
+ \n_
\n -----Externals ------------------------------------------------------_
\n load –agent agent : Loads a standalone external agent named agent_
\n on the fly during the debugging session._
diff --git a/uni/udb/icode.icn b/uni/udb/icode.icn
index 7702fb66e..bd88894bf 100644
--- a/uni/udb/icode.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/icode.icn
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $endif
record header (
hsize, # /* size of interpreter code */
trace, # /* initial value of &trace */
- Records, #
+ Records, #
Ftab, # /* location of record/field table */
Fnames, # /* location of names of fields */
Globals, # /* location of global variables */
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Icode(
hdr, # An instance of the header() record
IntBits, # number of bits in an integer
WordBits, # number of bits in a unicon word
- wordSize, # 4 on a 32-bit and 8 on a 64-bit machine
+ wordSize, # 4 on a 32-bit and 8 on a 64-bit machine
FTC, # a flag; when it is not null, it holds FT from icode v
icodeVersion # String holds the Icode Version 32/64 compressed/uncompressed
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ end
-# checks the accessability of the executable and reads the icode
+# checks the accessability of the executable and reads the icode
method openIcodeFile(exeFile)
local statrec, f
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ method openIcodeFile(exeFile)
- # reads all of the executable into the icode
+ # reads all of the executable into the icode
icode := reads(f, statrec.size)
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ end
method printIcodeHeader()
local fn
write(" Icode Version : " || icodeVersion)
every fn := fieldnames(hdr) do
if fn ~=="config" then
- write(" header.", left(fn,8," "), " = ", image(hdr[fn]))
+ write(" header.", left(fn,8," "), " = ", image(hdr[fn]))
# Icode Version depends on the size of the Unicon word,
-# 4-bytes on a 32-bit machine or 8-bytes on a 64-bit machine
+# 4-bytes on a 32-bit machine or 8-bytes on a 64-bit machine
method checkIcodeVersion(p)
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ method checkIcodeVersion(p)
else if not match("I12.U",hdr.config) then
- write("Warning: did not recognize icode version:\n",
- image(hdr.config))
+ write("Warning: did not recognize icode version:\n",
+ image(hdr.config))
icodeVersion := "64-bit"
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ end
method readCompressedIcode()
local ftmp
- # we need to uncompress the rest brute force means:
+ # we need to uncompress the rest brute force means:
# write it out and then read it in an uncompress mode
ftmp := open("tmpfilename","w") | stop("cannot open a tmpfilename")
writes(ftmp, tab(0))
@@ -227,12 +227,12 @@ method readCompressedIcode()
stop("can't read compressed icode")
- else
+ else
stop("cannot open a tmpfilename")
-# I code will be in a compressed format if it exceeds the 1 MB limit
+# I code will be in a compressed format if it exceeds the 1 MB limit
method checkCompressedIcode()
local Z, size
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ method checkCompressedIcode()
hdr.config ? {
tab(find("/")+1) | stop("can't find /")
IntBits := size := integer(tab(many(&digits)))# tabs the IntBits
- move(1) # moves over the /
+ move(1) # moves over the /
WordBits := integer(tab(many(&digits))) # tabs the WordBits
- Z := move(1) # get the Z letter
+ Z := move(1) # get the Z letter
if Z == "Z" then {
diff --git a/uni/udb/lib/counter_deref.icn b/uni/udb/lib/counter_deref.icn
index 9cff6527d..7e346a077 100644
--- a/uni/udb/lib/counter_deref.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/lib/counter_deref.icn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
# StandAlone is defined when this tool is used as a stand-alone monitor.
# Otherwise, this tool can be statically linked into the main utop/udb
-# source code
+# source code
$ifdef StandAlone
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ link evinit
# This main procedure is only used in the standalone mode
# or udb's external co-expression mode
procedure main(tp)
local mask, obj
@@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ procedure main(tp)
mask := obj.eventMask
while EvGet(mask) do{
- if &eventcode == E_Deref then
- obj.handle_E_Deref()
- else
- obj.handle_E_Exit()
+ if &eventcode == E_Deref then
+ obj.handle_E_Deref()
+ else
+ obj.handle_E_Exit()
return 0
-# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
+# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
# inter-program procedure calls
procedure handle_Events(code, value)
static obj
- #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
+ #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
obj := EventCounterDeref()
return obj.eventMask
- }
+ }
&eventcode := code
&eventvalue := value
if &eventcode == E_Deref then
- else
+ else
diff --git a/uni/udb/lib/counter_line.icn b/uni/udb/lib/counter_line.icn
index c467f2198..50375c50d 100644
--- a/uni/udb/lib/counter_line.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/lib/counter_line.icn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
# StandAlone is defined when this tool is used as a stand-alone monitor.
# Otherwise, this tool can be statically linked into the main utop/udb
-# source code
+# source code
$ifdef StandAlone
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ link evinit
# This main procedure is only used in the standalone mode
# or udb's external co-expression mode
procedure main(tp)
local mask, obj
@@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ procedure main(tp)
mask := obj.eventMask
while EvGet(mask) do{
- if &eventcode == E_Line then
- obj.handle_E_Line()
- else
- obj.handle_E_Exit()
+ if &eventcode == E_Line then
+ obj.handle_E_Line()
+ else
+ obj.handle_E_Exit()
return 0
-# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
+# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
# inter-program procedure calls
procedure handle_Events(code, value)
static obj
- #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
+ #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
obj := EventCounterLine()
return obj.eventMask
- }
+ }
&eventcode := code
&eventvalue := value
if &eventcode == E_Line then
- else
+ else
diff --git a/uni/udb/lib/counter_pcall.icn b/uni/udb/lib/counter_pcall.icn
index 8182808f8..7fb596990 100644
--- a/uni/udb/lib/counter_pcall.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/lib/counter_pcall.icn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
# StandAlone is defined when this tool is used as a stand-alone monitor.
# Otherwise, this tool can be statically linked into the main utop/udb
-# source code
+# source code
$ifdef StandAlone
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ link evinit
# This main procedure is only used in the standalone mode
# or udb's external co-expression mode
procedure main(tp)
local mask, obj
@@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ procedure main(tp)
mask := obj.eventMask
while EvGet(mask) do{
- if &eventcode == E_Pcall then
- obj.handle_E_Pcall()
- else
- obj.handle_E_Exit()
+ if &eventcode == E_Pcall then
+ obj.handle_E_Pcall()
+ else
+ obj.handle_E_Exit()
return 0
-# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
+# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
# inter-program procedure calls
procedure handle_Events(code, value)
static obj
- #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
+ #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
obj := EventCounterPcall()
return obj.eventMask
- }
+ }
&eventcode := code
&eventvalue := value
if &eventcode == E_Pcall then
- else
+ else
diff --git a/uni/udb/lib/counter_syntax.icn b/uni/udb/lib/counter_syntax.icn
index 68ee2e40c..5eb2fa7dd 100644
--- a/uni/udb/lib/counter_syntax.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/lib/counter_syntax.icn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
# StandAlone is defined when this tool is used as a stand-alone monitor.
# Otherwise, this tool can be statically linked into the main utop/udb
-# source code
+# source code
$ifdef StandAlone
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ link evinit
# This main procedure is only used in the standalone mode
# or udb's external co-expression mode
procedure main(tp)
local mask, obj
@@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ procedure main(tp)
mask := obj.eventMask
while EvGet(mask) do{
- if &eventcode == E_Syntax then
- obj.handle_E_Syntax()
- else
- obj.handle_E_Exit()
+ if &eventcode == E_Syntax then
+ obj.handle_E_Syntax()
+ else
+ obj.handle_E_Exit()
return 0
-# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
+# This handle_Events procedure is only used udb's external
# inter-program procedure calls
procedure handle_Events(code, value)
static obj
- #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
+ #EvInit(arg) | stop(" **** can not initialize Monitor !!!")
obj := EventCounterSyntax()
return obj.eventMask
- }
+ }
&eventcode := code
&eventvalue := value
if &eventcode == E_Syntax then
- else
+ else
diff --git a/uni/udb/session.icn b/uni/udb/session.icn
index 817492800..9c24f2f35 100644
--- a/uni/udb/session.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/session.icn
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ $include "evdefs.icn"
$include "defaults.icn"
-# This class is used to handle the current debugging state
+# This class is used to handle the current debugging state
class Session(
DState, # an object of the class State()
Help, # an object of the class HELP()
Message, # the formatted output message
- Debug # An object of the class Evaluator()
+ Debug # An object of the class Evaluator()
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ method startSession()
#-- it may need to be in EvInit() for the sake of re-run
&eventsource := &null
if \DState.mode == "-adapter" then
EvInit(DState.TP, DState.progSock, DState.progSock, DState.progSock) | { failed := "__true__" }
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ method startSession()
declare_exit("cant start evinit on " || DState.TP[1], 1)
Message :=" Starting program: "
every arg := !DState.TP do Message ||:=" "||arg
Message ||:="\n"
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ method startSession()
# forcefully quit program to load
- }#end every
+ }#end every
#--- Test
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ method parse_Command(cmd)
"run" :{ cmdRun(cmd) }
"q" |
"quit" :{
- write(&errout, "received ", image(cmd[1]), ", quitting")
- cmdQuit() }
+ write(&errout, "received ", image(cmd[1]), ", quitting")
+ cmdQuit() }
"p" |
"print" :{ cmdPrint(cmd[2:0]) }
"b" |
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ method parse_Command(cmd)
"enable" :{ cmdEnable(cmd) }
"disable":{ cmdDisable(cmd) }
- "coexp" :{ cmdCoexp(cmd) }
+ "coexp" :{ cmdCoexp(cmd) }
- "dir" :{ DState.srcFile.cmdDirectory(cmd) }
+ "dir" :{ DState.srcFile.cmdDirectory(cmd) }
"show" :{ cmdShow(cmd) }
# Temporal Assertions support
"assert" :{ Debug.DTA.cmdAssert(cmd) }
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ method parse_Command(cmd)
"ls"|"ll":{ ls() }
"pwd" :{ pwd() }
"cd" :{ cd(cmd) }
- #-new set of commands for the UDB config script
+ #-new set of commands for the UDB config script
"loadscript" :{ }
"runscript" :{ }
"#" :{ }
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ method parse_Command(cmd)
-# Loads a file after running the UDB Session
+# Loads a file after running the UDB Session
# or loads an external monitor: load -external name
method cmdLoad(cmd)
if cmd[2][1] == "-" then{
#load -agent name
if find("agent", cmd[2]) & \cmd[3] then{
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ method cmdLoad(cmd)
Message := "\n Can not fined agent: \""|| cmd[3] ||"\" !!!."
- }
- #load -semi-internal name
+ }
+ #load -semi-internal name
else if find("semi-internal", cmd[2]) & \cmd[3] then
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ end
method cmdRun(cmd)
local i, ans, args
local resultTable := table()
if DState.State = (LOAD | END | PAUSE) then {
- # run - use args from 'load'
+ # run - use args from 'load'
if *cmd = 1 then {
args := DState.TP
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ method cmdRun(cmd)
every i:=2 to *cmd do put(args, cmd[i])
DState.TP := args
if DState.State = PAUSE then{
Message :="\n The program being debugged has been started already."
Message||:="\n Start it from the beginning? (Y/n)?: "
@@ -243,19 +243,19 @@ method cmdRun(cmd)
- }
+ }
DState.State := SKIP
- }
+ }
# run (like normal)
else {
if DState.RunCount >= 1 then{
- }
+ }
else {
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ method cmdQuit()
# check whether a program is running or not, Paused, etc??????
# do not exit directlly if the program is in the running state
if DState.State = (RUN | PAUSE) then{
- msg := "\n The program \""||
+ msg := "\n The program \""||
DState.srcFile.exeName ||
"\" is running. Exit anyhow (Y/n)?: "
resultTable["consoleMsg"] := msg
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ method cmdQuit()
if (not (ans:=DState.stateRead())) | (*ans=0) | (map(ans[1]) == "y") then {
DState.State := QUIT
- }
+ }
DState.State := SKIP
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ method cmdPrint(cmd)
-# clears breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints
+# clears breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints
method cmdClear(cmd)
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ else{
-# deletes breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints
+# deletes breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints
method cmdDelete(cmd)
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ end
# Allows switching between different co-expressions
method cmdCoexp(cmd)
- # coexp
+ # coexp
if *cmd = 1 then {
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ method cmdInfo(cmd)
"trace" |
#"watchpoint" |
"tracepoints":{ Debug.Trace.printTraceInfo(cmd) }
- "coexp" :{ cmdInfoCoexp(cmd) }
+ "coexp" :{ cmdInfoCoexp(cmd) }
# The following are for source code information
"global" :{ Debug.Print.cmdPrint(["p","-g"]) }
"local" :{ Debug.Print.cmdPrint(["p","-l"]) }
@@ -555,17 +555,17 @@ method cmdInfo(cmd)
"procedure" :{ Debug.Print.cmdSource(["src","-proc"]) }
"func" |
"function" :{ Debug.Print.cmdSource(["src","-func"]) }
"icode" :{ Debug.Print.cmdSource(["src","-icode"])}
"dir" |
"directory" |
- "directories":{ DState.srcFile.cmdShowDir(cmd) }
+ "directories":{ DState.srcFile.cmdShowDir(cmd) }
# the following is to query about agents
- "agent" |
+ "agent" |
"agents" :{ Debug.Internal.cmdInfo(name)
Debug.External.cmdInfo(name) }
- "internal" |
+ "internal" |
"internals" :{ Debug.Internal.cmdInfo(name) }
"external" |
"externals" :{ Debug.External.cmdInfo(name) }
@@ -581,13 +581,13 @@ method cmdInfo(cmd)
-method cmdShow(cmd)
+method cmdShow(cmd)
if *cmd = 2 then {
case cmd[2] of {
"dir" : { DState.srcFile.cmdShowDir(cmd) }
- default: {
+ default: {
DState.State := ERROR
Message := "\n Undefined Command: \""||DState.cmdHistory[1]||
@@ -633,16 +633,16 @@ initially()
Debug := Evaluator()
Help := HELP()
- DState := Help.DState :=
- Debug.DState :=
- Debug.Break.DState :=
- Debug.Watch.DState :=
- Debug.Step.DState :=
- Debug.Frame.DState :=
- Debug.Print.DState :=
- Debug.Trace.DState :=
- Debug.Internal.DState :=
- Debug.External.DState :=
+ DState := Help.DState :=
+ Debug.DState :=
+ Debug.Break.DState :=
+ Debug.Watch.DState :=
+ Debug.Step.DState :=
+ Debug.Frame.DState :=
+ Debug.Print.DState :=
+ Debug.Trace.DState :=
+ Debug.Internal.DState :=
+ Debug.External.DState :=
Debug.DTA.DState := State()
# Test : To test the inter-program event forwarding
diff --git a/uni/udb/stack.icn b/uni/udb/stack.icn
index 5c294c031..fd5a56fb2 100644
--- a/uni/udb/stack.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/stack.icn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class Stack(
DState, # (Alias) object of type State class
MaxFrame, # the max number of frames displayed in one command [bt & where]
BaseFrame, # the initial frame number by default is zero [bt & where]
- Message # a string with latest message from this class
+ Message # a string with latest message from this class
method getLevel(C)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ method getLevel(C)
-# writes down the current frame information,
+# writes down the current frame information,
# used by cmdPrint, cmdFrame, cmdUp, cmdDown
method printFrame(frame, detail:1)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ method printFrame(frame, detail:1)
pfile ||:= keyword("file", CMonitored, frame)
#DState.srcFile.getProcFile(pname) | "?"
- pline ||:= keyword("line", CMonitored, frame)
+ pline ||:= keyword("line", CMonitored, frame)
#DState.srcFile.getProcLine(pname,pfile) | "?"
Message ||:= " at "|| pfile ||":"||pline
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ end
method printFrames(i, j)
local f, level, CMonitored :=
# make sure that i < j
if j < i then i :=: j
if i < 0 then i := 0
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ method printFrames(i, j)
DState.Write(" (More stack frames follow...)")
else if i<=level then{
- DState.Write("")
+ DState.Write("")
every f := i to level do
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ method printFrames(i, j)
DState.State := ERROR
Message := "\n No more frames, end of stack"
- }
+ }
@@ -137,18 +137,18 @@ end
method cmdUp(cmd)
local level, CMonitored :=
- level := keyword("level", CMonitored) - 1
+ level := keyword("level", CMonitored) - 1
if DState.State = PAUSE then {
if = level then
DState.Write("\n No more Frames up !!!")
# move up one frame, need to update curr symbol table
else {
- +:= 1
+ +:= 1
if not printFrame( then {
DState.Write("\n No more Frames up !!!")
- -:= 1
+ -:= 1
- }
+ }
else {
DState.State := ERROR
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ method cmdDown(cmd)
else { -:= 1
- }
+ }
else {
DState.State := ERROR
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ method cmdFrame(cmd)
CMonitored :=
if *cmd = 1 then {
- }
+ }
else {
if frame := integer(cmd[2]) then {
level := keyword("level", CMonitored) - 1
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ method cmdBacktrace(cmd)
if BaseFrame < level then {
Message:= "---Type to continue, or q to quit---"
- if *(ans:=DState.stateRead())~=0 & ans[1]==("q"|"Q") then break
+ if *(ans:=DState.stateRead())~=0 & ans[1]==("q"|"Q") then break
- }
+ }
else if *cmd = 2 & integer(cmd[2]) then{
frames := integer(cmd[2])
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ method cmdBacktrace(cmd)
else if frames < 0 then{
BaseFrame := level + frames
frames := level
- }
+ }
if frames < MaxFrame then
printFrames(BaseFrame, BaseFrame + frames)
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ method cmdBacktrace(cmd)
Message := "---Type to continue, _
or q to quit---"
- if *(ans:=DState.stateRead())~=0 & ans[1]==("q"|"Q") then break
+ if *(ans:=DState.stateRead())~=0 & ans[1]==("q"|"Q") then break
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ end
MaxFrame := 9
- BaseFrame := 0
+ BaseFrame := 0
Message := ""
diff --git a/uni/udb/state.icn b/uni/udb/state.icn
index 13786b4bc..c6e956a61 100644
--- a/uni/udb/state.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/state.icn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import json
link ximage
-# This class is used to handle the current debugging state of UDB
+# This class is used to handle the current debugging state of UDB
class State(
TP, # TargetProgram and its arguments
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ class State(
RunCount, # integer counts number of runs a program has in a session
MaskTable, # a table that maps eventcodes into their value masks
- eventMask, # the cset of the main evaluator set of event codes
+ eventMask, # the cset of the main evaluator set of event codes
valueMask, # table used for breakpoints and watchpoints set of masks
breakMask, # a set of the E_Line values that we like to break on
watchChangeMask, # a set of the E_Assign values that we like to watch
watchReadMask, # a set of the E_Deref values that we like to watch
internalMask, # The cset of the active internals event mask
- externalMask, # The cset of the active externals event mask
+ externalMask, # The cset of the active externals event mask
traceMask, # a cset of &eventcode(s) of wanted traced fetures
assertEventMask, # a cset of the active temporal assertions event masks
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class State(
method Write(Msg)
if /Msg then
Msg := Message
if \mode == "-adapter" then {
if type(Msg) == "table" then {
if member(Msg, "code") then
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ end
method Writes(Msg)
if /Msg then
Msg := Message
if \mode == "-adapter" then {
if type(Msg) == "table" then {
if member(Msg, "code") then
@@ -144,18 +144,18 @@ method constructEventMask()
local x
## write("----> state.icn: re-constructing all of event mask and value mask")
- if *internalMask >0 | *externalMask >0 |
+ if *internalMask >0 | *externalMask >0 |
*traceMask >0 | *assertEventMask >0 then{
eventMask := cset(E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret ||
- E_Error || E_Exit || E_Signal || E_MXevent ||
- E_Collect || E_EndCollect) ++
+ E_Error || E_Exit || E_Signal || E_MXevent ||
+ E_Collect || E_EndCollect) ++
internalMask ++ externalMask ++ traceMask ++ assertEventMask
if *breakMask > 0 | *assertEventMask > 0 then{
if member(traceMask,E_Line) |
member(internalMask,E_Line) | member(externalMask,E_Line) then
- eventMask ++:= cset(E_Line)
+ eventMask ++:= cset(E_Line)
valueMask[E_Line] := breakMask ++ assertLoc
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ method constructEventMask()
else{ # *internalMask = 0 & *externalMask = 0 & *traceMask = 0
eventMask := cset(E_Error || E_Exit || E_Signal ||
- E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret ||
- E_Collect || E_EndCollect)
+ E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret ||
+ E_Collect || E_EndCollect)
if *breakMask > 0 then {
eventMask ++:= cset(E_Line)
valueMask[E_Line] := breakMask
@@ -221,24 +221,24 @@ method constructEventMask()
-# Update the debug state
+# Update the debug state
# cmd =("run" | "rerun" | "continue" | "step" | "next"| "fresh" | "break")
# enable/disable -internal/external,
method Update(state)
if /state then state := State else State := state
case state of {
- #write("\n --- a program just loaded ---")
+ #write("\n --- a program just loaded ---")
RunCount +:= 1
- # maybe should unconditionally set RunCode := RUN here
- if RunCode === SIGNAL then RunCode := RUN
+ # maybe should unconditionally set RunCode := RUN here
+ if RunCode === SIGNAL then RunCode := RUN
- }
+ }
@@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ method Update(state)
if not member(eventMask, E_PatAttempt) then eventMask ++:=
if \valueMask[E_PatAttempt] then delete(valueMask, E_PatAttempt)
- if not member(eventMask, E_PelemAttempt) then eventMask ++:=
+ if not member(eventMask, E_PelemAttempt) then eventMask ++:=
if \valueMask[E_PelemAttempt] then delete(valueMask, E_PelemAttempt)
- if not member(eventMask, E_PatMatch) then eventMask ++:=
- cset(E_PatMatch)
- if \valueMask[E_PatMatch] then delete(valueMask, E_PatMatch)
+ if not member(eventMask, E_PatMatch) then eventMask ++:=
+ cset(E_PatMatch)
+ if \valueMask[E_PatMatch] then delete(valueMask, E_PatMatch)
if not member(eventMask, E_PatFail) then eventMask ++:= cset(E_PatFail)
if \valueMask[E_PatFail] then delete(valueMask, E_PatFail)
if not member(eventMask, E_PelemMatch) then eventMask ++:=
- cset(E_PelemMatch)
- if \valueMask[E_PelemMatch] then delete(valueMask, E_PelemMatch)
+ cset(E_PelemMatch)
+ if \valueMask[E_PelemMatch] then delete(valueMask, E_PelemMatch)
if not member(eventMask, E_PelemFail) then eventMask ++:=
- cset(E_PelemFail)
+ cset(E_PelemFail)
if \valueMask[E_PelemFail] then delete(valueMask, E_PelemFail)
if not member(eventMask, E_PatVal) then eventMask ++:= cset(E_PatVal)
if \valueMask[E_PatValue] then delete(valueMask, E_PatVal)
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ method initializeState(tp)
RunCode := NONE
- # load | load args | udb | udb args
+ # load | load args | udb | udb args
# reload current program or load new program
else if *(\tp) > 0 | *TP > 0 then {
# if a program is running, check for user input
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ method initializeState(tp)
- # no, don't load
+ # no, don't load
if isNo(ans) then {
State := SKIP
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ method initializeState(tp)
# yes, restart session then reinitialize
else {
# Exit out of this run of startSession()
- State := RELOAD
+ State := RELOAD
# renew TP if loading new program
if *tp > 0 & *TP > 0 then {
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ method initializeState(tp)
# load new program, reset TP
- if *(\tp) > 0 then
+ if *(\tp) > 0 then
TP := tp
# check if the TP is loadable and accessable.
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ $ifdef TEST
State := RUN ###### TEST : For the sake of getting the Time right
Message ||:= "\n "|| srcFile.exeName ||" : loaded "||
- srcFile.exeSize||" of "||icode.icodeVersion
+ srcFile.exeSize||" of "||icode.icodeVersion
found := *srcFile.foundFiles
if found > 0 then {
if found > 1 then plural := "s are " else plural := " is "
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ method update_cmdHistory(line)
# cmdHistory[1]=""
every i:=2 to *cmdHistory do
if line == cmdHistory[i] then{
- delete(cmdHistory,i)
+ delete(cmdHistory,i)
@@ -435,23 +435,23 @@ end
# refresh the debugging state to the default settings
-method Fresh()
+method Fresh()
# Initially, eventMask does not contain the E_Line & E_Assign events
# If there is a breakpoint, E_Line will be added to the eventMask,
# and the breakpoint linenum will be inserted in valueMask[E_Line] set
# Also, initially the eventMask will not contain the E_Assign event
- # If there is a watchpoint then the E_Assign will be added and the
+ # If there is a watchpoint then the E_Assign will be added and the
# variable will be added to the watchMask set.
eventMask := cset(E_Error || E_Exit || E_Signal ||
- E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret)
+ E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret)
internalMask :=
externalMask :=
traceMask :=
assertEventMask := ''
- valueMask := table()
+ valueMask := table()
assertVars := set()
breakMask := set()
watchChangeMask := set()
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ initially()
coState := CoexpState()
eventMask := cset(E_Error || E_Exit || E_Signal ||
- E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret)
+ E_CoCreate || E_Coact || E_Cofail || E_Coret)
@@ -546,4 +546,4 @@ end
procedure isYesNo(val)
if match(map(val), ""|"yes"|"no") then return
else fail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni/udb/stepping.icn b/uni/udb/stepping.icn
index 91744b84b..c9145cadf 100644
--- a/uni/udb/stepping.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/stepping.icn
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ $include "patdefs.icn"
record patLevel(
pat, #pattern at nested level
pcode, #the pcode at the ocurrence of the push
- index, #index at which the parent this element recursed.
- parent_off #parent offset from end node (this may be the same for different nodes)
- )
+ index, #index at which the parent this element recursed.
+ parent_off #parent offset from end node (this may be the same for different nodes)
+ )
class Stepping(
DState, # (Alias) object of type State class
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ class Stepping(
nex_level, # used with the next command to skip over a call
msg, # a string with latest message from this class
pat, # store the current pstep pattern
- plevel, # a list that stores the different nested levels of a pmatch
+ plevel, # a list that stores the different nested levels of a pmatch
curPelem, # the current pelem we are on
- pPos, # stores the previous position of the current total match
+ pPos, # stores the previous position of the current total match
evalVal, # stores the value of an unevaluated resolved expression
curPlevel, # the current level of nested pattern (associated with numNodes)
- numNodes # stores the current number of nodes
- )
+ numNodes # stores the current number of nodes
+ )
# while next_count > 0, keep next until it is 0,
# then stop there and change the state to step
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ method checkNext()
if level > nex_level & once = 0 then{
next_count +:=1
once := 1
- }
+ }
if level = nex_level then{
if next_count > 1 then{
@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ end
# Steps only one line of execution, treats procedure call as one operation
-# [next], [next n]; n's default value is one
+# [next], [next n]; n's default value is one
method cmdNext(cmd)
local count
if DState.State = PAUSE & DState.RunCode ~= ERROR then {
if count := integer(cmd[2]) then
- next_count := count
+ next_count := count
- next_count := 1
+ next_count := 1
nex_level := keyword("level", MONITORED)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ method cmdNext(cmd)
else {
DState.State := ERROR
- DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
+ DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
# msg := "\n The program is not being run._
# \n Try \"run\", or Type \"help\" for assistance"
# DState.Write(msg)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ end
# helps return from the current procedure level to the previous level
-method cmdReturn(cmd)
+method cmdReturn(cmd)
if DState.State = PAUSE then {
if DState.RunCode ~= ERROR then {
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ method cmdReturn(cmd)
else {
DState.State := ERROR
- DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
+ DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
else {
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ method checkStep()
step_count -:= 1
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
+ return
if step_count > 1 then {
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ method cmdStep(cmd)
else {
DState.State := ERROR
- DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
+ DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
else {
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ method checkPStep()
cur_file := keyword("file", MONITORED)
cur_line := keyword("line", MONITORED)
if step_count > 1 then {
DState.State := RUN
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ method checkPStep()
else if step_count = 1 then {
if cur_file == "__faux.icn" then {
- DState.State := RUN
- DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
- }
+ DState.State := RUN
+ DState.RunCode := PSTEP
+ return
+ }
step_count -:= 1
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ method checkPStep()
evalVal := &null
pat := &eventvalue
push(plevel, patLevel(&eventvalue, PC_Unanchored, -1, 1))
- pPos := keyword("pos", MONITORED)
+ pPos := keyword("pos", MONITORED)
msg := "\n Pattern match started"
msg||:="\n file "||cur_file||", line "||cur_line||"."
msg||:="\n "||cur_line-1||":"||
@@ -283,14 +283,14 @@ method handle_pstep_fail()
msg ||:= "\n Pat: "||patElem[1]
msg ||:= "\n" || patElem[2]
- step_count := 1
+ step_count := 1
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
- }
- PC_Assign | PC_R_Remove | PC_R_Restore | PC_Arbno_Y :{
+ return
+ }
+ PC_Assign | PC_R_Remove | PC_R_Restore | PC_Arbno_Y :{
step_count := 1 ##Restore Stepping, not really a "step"
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ method handle_pstep_fail()
patElem := getPatElem(pat, cur_index)
if pat ~=== plevel[*plevel].pat then{
upElem := getPatElem(plevel[*plevel - (plevel[1].parent_off - 1)].pat,
- plevel[1].index)
+ plevel[1].index)
if DState.State = ERROR then {
DState.Write("\n Error in pattern element imaging - UDB")
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ end
## several pcodes related to pushing and popping
## require special handling before they hit
-## node_fail. This is where they are handled.
+## node_fail. This is where they are handled.
method handle_pstep_attempt()
local cur_line, cur_file
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ method handle_pstep_attempt()
if curPelem = PC_R_Restore | curPelem = PC_R_Remove then {
if curPelem = PC_R_Restore then
msg := "\n Pattern Element Failed, Entering Nested Layer... "
- else
+ else
msg := "\n Nested Elements Failed , Exiting Nested Layer... "
pat := plevel[1].pat
numNodes -:= 1
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ method handle_pstep_attempt()
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
+ return
else if curPelem = PC_Arbno_X | curPelem = PC_Arbno_S | curPelem = PC_Arb_X then {
cur_index := keyword("patindex", MONITORED)
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ method handle_pstep_match()
PC_Assign_Imm | PC_Assign_OnM | PC_Setcur: {
if curPelem = PC_Assign_Imm then
msg := "\n Value assigned "
- else if curPelem = PC_Assign_OnM then
+ else if curPelem = PC_Assign_OnM then
msg := "\n Value assigned on match "
else if curPelem = PC_Setcur then {
msg := "\n "||"pos:"||keyword("pos", MONITORED)||" assigned"
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ method handle_pstep_match()
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
+ return
PC_Fence_X | PC_R_Enter | PC_Arbno_Y | PC_Unanchored: {
if curPelem = PC_Unanchored then { ## Match is retrying. Reset State
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ method handle_pstep_match()
step_count := 1
DState.State := RUN
DState.RunCode := PSTEP
- return
+ return
default : {
processed := getSub()
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ method handle_pstep_match()
patElem := getPatElem(pat, cur_index)
if pat ~=== plevel[*plevel].pat then{
upElem := getPatElem(plevel[*plevel - (plevel[1].parent_off - 1)].pat,
- plevel[1].index)
+ plevel[1].index)
if DState.State = ERROR then {
DState.Write("\n Error in pattern element imaging - UDB")
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ method handle_pstep_match()
msg ||:= "\n Pat: "||patElem[1]
- msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
+ msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
if curPelem = PC_Rpat | curPelem = PC_Pred_Func | curPelem = PC_Pred_MF | curPelem = PC_String_VF | curPelem = PC_String_MF then
msg ||:= "\n Val: " || image(evalVal)
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ method handle_PatStack()
if &eventcode == E_PatPush then {
if curPelem ~= PC_Rpat & curPelem ~= PC_Pred_Func & curPelem ~= PC_Pred_MF then {
if &eventvalue ~= 0 then { ## 0 indicates single node push. Dont care
- cur_index := plevel[1].index
+ cur_index := plevel[1].index
push(plevel, patLevel(pat, PC_R_Enter, cur_index, curPlevel))
numNodes +:= 1
@@ -490,10 +490,10 @@ method handle_PatStack()
## (once for EOP and once for Assign_?? so they exist twice on the stack
else if &eventcode == E_PatPop then {
- if curPelem = PC_EOP then {
+ if curPelem = PC_EOP then {
pat := plevel[*plevel - (plevel[1].parent_off - 1)].pat
push(plevel, plevel[*plevel - (plevel[1].parent_off - 1)])
- numNodes +:= 1
+ numNodes +:= 1
curPlevel := numNodes
if curPelem = PC_Assign_Imm | curPelem = PC_Assign_OnM then {
@@ -504,11 +504,11 @@ method handle_PatStack()
if type(&eventvalue) ~== "pattern" then evalVal := &eventvalue
else {
- pat := &eventvalue ## push a recursive pattern on the stack
+ pat := &eventvalue ## push a recursive pattern on the stack
numNodes +:= 1
curPlevel := numNodes
push(plevel, patLevel(pat, curPelem, cur_index, curPlevel - 1))
- }
+ }
@@ -530,10 +530,10 @@ method getSub()
every &pos to cur_pos - 1 do images[2] ||:= "."
images[2] ||:= "^"
- else images[2] ||:= " "
+ else images[2] ||:= " "
- if pPos = cur_pos then { ## pPos is the current (no dots)
+ if pPos = cur_pos then { ## pPos is the current (no dots)
every &pos to cur_pos - 1 do images[2] ||:= " "
images[2] ||:= "^"
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ method getPatElem(p, index)
DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n Error: No Bracketed Image found before EOP"
- return
+ return
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ method getPatElem(p, index)
under_image ||:= " "
- else { ##else tab to the element and then
+ else { ##else tab to the element and then
add_image := tab(elemStart) ##allocate white space underneath line
every 1 to *add_image do under_image ||:= " "
final_image ||:= add_image
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ method silentStep()
pat := plevel[*plevel].pat
pPos := keyword("pos", MONITORED)
push(plevel, patLevel(pat, PC_Unanchored, -1, 1))
- return
+ return
default: {
step_count -:= 1
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ method cmdPrintStack()
##Print the first child. Layer 0
- if curPelem == PC_Arb_X then
+ if curPelem == PC_Arb_X then
patElem := getPatElem(cur_pat.pat, keyword("patindex", MONITORED) - 1)
patElem := getPatElem(cur_pat.pat, keyword("patindex", MONITORED))
@@ -780,30 +780,30 @@ method cmdPrintStack()
msg ||:= "\n"||space||"#"||count||": "||patElem[1]
- msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
+ msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
count +:= 1
##Print the parents using the children (as the children have the parent's
##recursive index )
while cur_pat.pat ~=== plevel[*plevel].pat do {
- if curPelem == PC_Arb_X then
+ if curPelem == PC_Arb_X then
patElem := getPatElem(plevel[*plevel - (plevel[level].parent_off - 1)].pat,
- plevel[level].index - 1)
- else
+ plevel[level].index - 1)
+ else
patElem := getPatElem(plevel[*plevel - (plevel[level].parent_off - 1)].pat,
- plevel[level].index)
+ plevel[level].index)
if DState.State = ERROR then {
DState.Write("\n Error in pattern element imaging - UDB")
##if the number grows beyond 100 this will look off but won't fail
if level > 9 then space := " "
else if level > 99 then space := " "
msg ||:= "\n"||space|| "#"||count||": "||patElem[1]
- msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
+ msg ||:= "\n"||patElem[2]
count +:= 1
cur_pat := plevel[*plevel - (plevel[level].parent_off - 1)]
level := *plevel - (plevel[level].parent_off - 1)
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ end
# Steps during pattern execution or on line if a
-# E_Line event has been triggered.
+# E_Line event has been triggered.
# [pstep], [pstep n]; n's default value is one
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ method cmdPStep(cmd)
else {
DState.State := ERROR
- DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
+ DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
else {
@@ -862,10 +862,10 @@ method pEnd()
DState.State := PAUSE
- }
+ }
DState.RunCode := STEP
pPos := 1
realIndex := -1
curPlevel := 1
@@ -887,10 +887,10 @@ method cmdContinue()
if DState.RunCode ~= ERROR then {
DState.Write(" Continuing.")
- }
+ }
else {
DState.State := ERROR
- DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
+ DState.runtimeErrorMsg()
else {
@@ -905,10 +905,10 @@ end
# Initialization
- step_count := 0
+ step_count := 0
next_count := 0
- pPos := 1
+ pPos := 1
curPlevel := 1
numNodes := 1
nex_level := &null
diff --git a/uni/udb/symtab.icn b/uni/udb/symtab.icn
index 89ed93eed..e384dd0aa 100644
--- a/uni/udb/symtab.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/symtab.icn
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-# symtab.icn - creates a symbol table with filename and line number information
+# symtab.icn - creates a symbol table with filename and line number information
# Author - Gigi Young
class Symtab(
- parent, # reference to parent symtab, if any
- tag, # instance type (global, proc, record, class, method, package)
- label, # identifier
- filename, # filename that symbol is contained in
+ parent, # reference to parent symtab, if any
+ tag, # instance type (global, proc, record, class, method, package)
+ label, # identifier
+ filename, # filename that symbol is contained in
abs_filename,# absolute filename that symbol is contained in
- start_line, # starting line number of symbol
- end_line, # endinf line number of symbol
+ start_line, # starting line number of symbol
+ end_line, # endinf line number of symbol
- filetab, # two-layered table that gives a symbol table for a
- # proc, class, or pkg with a filename and line number
- #
- # filetab[filename] => table of symtabs associated with
- # [filename] with lineno as keys (lineno_tab)
- # lineno_tab[line] => symtab of [filename:lineno]
- #
+ filetab, # two-layered table that gives a symbol table for a
+ # proc, class, or pkg with a filename and line number
+ #
+ # filetab[filename] => table of symtabs associated with
+ # [filename] with lineno as keys (lineno_tab)
+ # lineno_tab[line] => symtab of [filename:lineno]
+ #
- nametab, # table that gives the symbol table for a proc, class
- # or package with a name
+ nametab, # table that gives the symbol table for a proc, class
+ # or package with a name
- pkgtab, # procedures and globals may share names with a package.
- # separate table for packages (key: pkg name, value: pkg symtab
+ pkgtab, # procedures and globals may share names with a package.
+ # separate table for packages (key: pkg name, value: pkg symtab
# space vs efficiency - Each time a lookup is called, requires sifting through
# tables to find correct name type, efficiency O(n) where
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Symtab(
# "global", "package" - global variable
# "proc", "method" - local variable
# "class", "record - member variable
- statics, # static variables, only for "proc", "method"
+ statics, # static variables, only for "proc", "method"
params, # parameters, only for "proc", "method"
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ method initialize(fileText)
# globalnames() keeps a reference for strings in the icode
# This is very bad for multiple loaded programs
# So, this image() thing takes care of the problem by
- # allocating a new string in the string region.
+ # allocating a new string in the string region.
x := image(x)[2:-1]
if find("__oprec",x) then next # skip oprecs
- # get TP's variable reference
+ # get TP's variable reference
var_ref := variable(x, Monitored) # &null for global vars for some reason
var_type := type(var_ref)
var_img := image(var_ref)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ method initialize(fileText)
#debug("var_type: '",var_type,"' var_img: '",var_img,"'")
#debug("var_tag: '",var_tag,"' var_name: '", var_name,"'")
- # unmangle name -
+ # unmangle name -
# class order - class constructor, record constructor, [methods], oprec,
# constructor, initialize
pkg := cls := unmangled_name := &null
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ method initialize(fileText)
if temp := tab(find("__")) & move(2) then {
# class constructor/methods vector
if match("state"|"methods"|"oprec") then {
- cls := temp
+ cls := temp
# package
else {
- pkg := temp
+ pkg := temp
# package class constructor
if temp := tab(find("__")) & move(2) then {
if match ("state"|"methods"|"oprec") then {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ method initialize(fileText)
# check if class method
- if temp := tab(find("_")) &
+ if temp := tab(find("_")) &
member(classes, pkg||"__"||temp) & move(1) then {
cls := temp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ method initialize(fileText)
# check if class method
- if temp := tab(find("_")) &
+ if temp := tab(find("_")) &
member(classes, temp) & move(1) then {
cls := temp
@@ -139,19 +139,19 @@ method initialize(fileText)
} # end unmangling
- #debug("package: '",pkg,"' | class: '", cls,"' | unmangled_name: '", unmangled_name,"'")
+ #debug("package: '",pkg,"' | class: '", cls,"' | unmangled_name: '", unmangled_name,"'")
- # add to packages, classes, and packaged classes to sets
+ # add to packages, classes, and packaged classes to sets
if \pkg then {
if not member(packages, pkg) then {
- insert(packages, pkg)
+ insert(packages, pkg)
new_symt := Symtab(self,"package",pkg)
- add_symtab(new_symt,var_ref)
+ add_symtab(new_symt,var_ref)
if \cls then {
- if not member(classes, pkg||"__"||cls) then
+ if not member(classes, pkg||"__"||cls) then
insert(classes, pkg||"__"||cls)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ method initialize(fileText)
# add method
else if cls_symt := symt.lookup_class(cls) then {
- new_symt := Symtab(cls_symt,"method",unmangled_name)
+ new_symt := Symtab(cls_symt,"method",unmangled_name)
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ end
# A simplistic method for find the 'end' reserved word for methods and
-# procedures. This method searches one line of text at a time. Success
+# procedures. This method searches one line of text at a time. Success
# indicates that 'end' was found, and failure if not.
# May need additions/modifications in the future.
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ method find_end_token(line)
line ? {
every i := find("end") do {
- # "end" is at start of line or preceeded by whitespace
- if i = (1|many(ws)) & tab(i+3) then {
+ # "end" is at start of line or preceeded by whitespace
+ if i = (1|many(ws)) & tab(i+3) then {
# "end" is at end of line
if tab(0) == "" then return
@@ -288,12 +288,12 @@ method find_end_token(line)
# else if *tab(0) > 0 {
# while any(ws,move(-1))
# if c := move(-1) == "_" then fail
-# }
+# }
@@ -303,44 +303,44 @@ method add_symtab(symt, var_ref)
local filename, lineno
#debug("adding to [",tag," ",label,"]")
- # check for redeclarations
+ # check for redeclarations
if not add_symtab_name(symt, var_ref) then { fail }
# get filename/lineno info
symt.filename := keyword("file",var_ref) | &null
symt.start_line := keyword("line",var_ref) | &null
- # file/line info needed for method/proc lookups
- if symt.tag == ("method"|"proc") then
+ # file/line info needed for method/proc lookups
+ if symt.tag == ("method"|"proc") then
# add variables and scopes to bookkeeping fields
case symt.tag of {
- "proc": {
+ "proc": {
- insert_sorted(procs, symt.label)
+ insert_sorted(procs, symt.label)
- "method": {
+ "method": {
- insert_sorted(methods, symt.label)
+ insert_sorted(methods, symt.label)
- "class": {
+ "class": {
- insert_sorted(classes, symt.label)
+ insert_sorted(classes, symt.label)
- "record": {
+ "record": {
- insert_sorted(records, symt.label)
+ insert_sorted(records, symt.label)
- "package": {
- insert_sorted(packages, symt.label)
+ "package": {
+ insert_sorted(packages, symt.label)
- default: {
- #debug("add_symtab(): unrecognized tag")
+ default: {
+ #debug("add_symtab(): unrecognized tag")
@@ -352,21 +352,21 @@ end
method add_global(var_name)
#debug("adding to [",tag," ",label,"]")
- if tag == ("global"|"package") & type(var_name) == "string" then {
+ if tag == ("global"|"package") & type(var_name) == "string" then {
if /nametab[var_name] then {
nametab[var_name] := "local"
- insert_sorted(locals, var_name)
- print_add(var_name)
+ insert_sorted(locals, var_name)
+ print_add(var_name)
else {
#debug("redeclaration of global ",var_name)
- }
+ }
-# Helper method that adds a symbol table entry to a symbol table. It fails if a
+# Helper method that adds a symbol table entry to a symbol table. It fails if a
# redeclaration occurs. More specifically, it adds the name to the name table.
method add_symtab_name(symt,var_ref)
@@ -390,21 +390,21 @@ method add_symtab_name(symt,var_ref)
#debug("redeclaration of ",symt.tag," ",s)
- }
+ }
name_table[s] := symt
- print_add(symt)
+ print_add(symt)
-# Adds a symbol table scope entry to the file table.
+# Adds a symbol table scope entry to the file table.
method add_to_filetab(symt)
local filename, i, Self := self
filename := symt.filename
- i := symt.start_line
+ i := symt.start_line
# go to the global symbol table
while Self.tag ~== "global" do Self := Self.parent
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ end
#method add_to_procs(symt)
-# if not member(procs, symt.label) then
+# if not member(procs, symt.label) then
# # insert_sorted(procs, symt.label)
# insert_sorted(procs, symt.label)
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ end
method print_symtab(tabs:"")
if /udb_debug_flag then fail
- writes(tabs,tag, " ", label)
+ writes(tabs,tag, " ", label)
if \filename then
write(" found at ",filename,":",
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ method print_add(x)
case type(x) of {
"Symtab__state": {
write("added '",x.tag," ",x.label,"' to '",tag," ",
- label,"'")
+ label,"'")
"string": {
write("added global ",x," to '",tag," ",label,"'")
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ end
-# Locates and returns the appropriate scope with a filename and line number.
+# Locates and returns the appropriate scope with a filename and line number.
# This search is done via the global symbol table.
method lookup_fileline(filename, lineno)
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ method lookup_fileline(filename, lineno)
if \filename & \lineno then {
if not member(filetab, filename) then fail
line := numeric(lineno)
# check for packages, package is a single file
@@ -530,12 +530,12 @@ method lookup_fileline(filename, lineno)
#debug(image(temp)," is not a symtab")
symt := temp
- # class, search for methods
+ # class, search for methods
if symt.tag == "class" then {
- if \(temp := symt.filetab[filename][line]) then
+ if \(temp := symt.filetab[filename][line]) then
symt := temp
return symt
@@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ method lookup_fileline(filename, lineno)
-method lookup_name(name)
+method lookup_name(name)
local x
if \name then {
- if \(x := nametab[name]) then
- return x
+ if \(x := nametab[name]) then
+ return x
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ method lookup_package(pkg)
-# Used by class Data for printing source information. Looks for a class
+# Used by class Data for printing source information. Looks for a class
# within the global symbol table, or within a package specified by (pkg),
# if given.
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ end
# Gets the unmangled name for a variable, proc, or class in a package
#method get_unmangled_name(s)
# local unmangled_name := s
# s ? {
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ end
#method get_filename(s)
# local filename
# s ? {
# tab(0)
# while (c := move(-1)) ~== "/"
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ end
# init
- start_line :=
+ start_line :=
end_line := "??"
filetab := table()
nametab := table()
diff --git a/uni/udb/trace.icn b/uni/udb/trace.icn
index 05c45988e..a5000af0f 100644
--- a/uni/udb/trace.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/trace.icn
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ link evnames
record LocationRec(
fname, # is the source file name that has the current procedure
- line, # is the line in the source file that starts on
+ line, # is the line in the source file that starts on
level, # is the level of the procedure in the execution stack
ecode # the current event code at that location
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ class TraceRec(
id, # integer identifies the tracepoint number
hitMax, # integer specifies the number of hits before notifying the user
hitCount, # integer counts the total number of Tracepoint hits
- missCount, # integer counts the total number of Tracepoint misses
+ missCount, # integer counts the total number of Tracepoint misses
op, # the operation used in the watch condition
traceValue, # the value that user wants to catch (trace); value of interes
traceList, # a list of LocationRec record, used for tracing back
eventMask, # a cset of the traced events
- state, # an integer code tells if the trace is enabled/disabled/deleted
+ state, # an integer code tells if the trace is enabled/disabled/deleted
silent, # tells when the trace is silent, not null = silent is on
traceType, # a string holds the type of the tracing commaand
cmd, # a string with the used command
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TraceRec(
# public method
- # returns the trace name based on the trace type
+ # returns the trace name based on the trace type
method getTraceName()
return case traceType of {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ method checkTraceValue(name)
fail }
traceBehavior[name].missCount +:= 1
- return
+ return
@@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ method checkTraceBehavior()
traceBehavior[name] ~= then fail
if \ (tbnam := traceBehavior[name]) & tbnam.state = ENABLED &
- member(tbnam.eventMask, &eventcode) then {
+ member(tbnam.eventMask, &eventcode) then {
if /tbnam.hitMax | tbnam.hitCount < abs(tbnam.hitMax) then {
if member(ReturnCode, &eventcode) & \ (tbnam.traceValue) then
return checkTraceValue(name)
- }
+ }
# private method
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ end
method printInfo(name)
local tbn, R := LocationRec(keyword("file", MONITORED) | "?",
- keyword("line", MONITORED) | "?",
- keyword("level", MONITORED)| "?",
- &eventcode)
+ keyword("line", MONITORED) | "?",
+ keyword("level", MONITORED)| "?",
+ &eventcode)
tbn := traceBehavior[name]
push(tbn.traceList, R)
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ method printInfo(name)
DState.State := PAUSE
DState.RunCode := TRACE
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ method printInfo(name)
" coexp "||
msg||:=".\n "||R.line||":"||
- DState.srcFile.getSrcLine(R.fname, R.line)
+ DState.srcFile.getSrcLine(R.fname, R.line)
# private method
-# triggered at the end of a count watch,
+# triggered at the end of a count watch,
# it notfies the user that there is no more watching
method showEndTraceInfo(name)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ method showEndTraceInfo(name)
DState.State := PAUSE
DState.RunCode := WATCH
- if traceBehavior[name].hitMax > 0 then {
+ if traceBehavior[name].hitMax > 0 then {
msg :="\n Reaching the last of "||traceBehavior[name].hitCount||" hits"
if \traceBehavior[name].silent then {
msg ||:=" of:\n Tracepoint(Silent) #"
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ method showEndTraceInfo(name)
resultTable["requireResponse"] := "__true__"
if DState.stateRead() == (""|"y"|"Y"|"yes"|"YES") then {
- if traceBehavior[name].hitMax > 0 then {
+ if traceBehavior[name].hitMax > 0 then {
msg :="\n --------------------------------------------------"
every i := 1 to *traceBehavior[name].traceList do {
r := traceBehavior[name].traceList[i]
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ end
method printOldTraceInfo(name, max)
local i, r
if \traceBehavior[name].traceList then {
msg :="\n Command : " ||traceBehavior[name].cmd
msg||:="\n hit total: " ||traceBehavior[name].hitCount
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ method printOldTraceInfo(name, max)
if \traceBehavior[name].hitMax then
max := abs(traceBehavior[name].hitMax)
every i := 1 to max do {
r := traceBehavior[name].traceList[i]
msg||:="\n "||i||"# at "||r.fname||":"||r.line||
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ method printOldTraceInfo(name, max)
msg := "\n "||name||": has no trace info yet!"
- DState.Write(msg)
+ DState.Write(msg)
method constructTraceMsg(trace)
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ method constructTraceMsg(trace)
msg :="\n Tracepoint #" ||||" on: "||trace.getTraceName()||
- if \(trace.coexp) then
+ if \(trace.coexp) then
msg ||:=" coexp "||
msg ||:="; Traced Behaviors: "||getBehaviorNames(trace.eventMask)||
@@ -514,17 +514,17 @@ method addTracepoint(name, cmd, coexp)
old_id := traceBehavior[name].id
if *cmd > 4 then {
op := cmd[4]
val := cmd[5]
#TraceRec(name, id, hitMax, hitCount, missCount
# op, traceValue, traceList, eventMask, cmd, coexp)
- traceBehavior[name] :=
- TraceRec(cmd[2], (\old_id|id), hits, 0, 0, op, val, [], ecodeSet,
+ traceBehavior[name] :=
+ TraceRec(cmd[2], (\old_id|id), hits, 0, 0, op, val, [], ecodeSet,
ENABLED, silent, traceType, DState.cmdHistory[1], coexp)
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg := "\n Tracepoint #" ||id||" on: "||
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ method addTracepoint(name, cmd, coexp)
-# build Variable(s) and/or Behavior(s) tracer
+# build Variable(s) and/or Behavior(s) tracer
method cmdTrace(cmd)
local name, coexp, resultTable := table()
@@ -553,12 +553,12 @@ method cmdTrace(cmd)
# check for [coexp N]
if *cmd >= 4 & cmd[-2] == "coexp" then {
if /(coexp := DState.coState.get_coexp(cmd[-1])) then {
- DState.State := ERROR
+ DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n "||cmd[-2]||" "||cmd[1]||" does not exist."||
- "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
+ "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
- }
+ }
until pull(cmd) == "coexp"
@@ -602,9 +602,9 @@ end
# resolve tracing info, used by new command
# (udb) trace [-silent] [count] object [behavior [op value]]
method resolveTraceInfo(cmd)
if cmd[2] == ("-s"|"-silent") then {
silent := 1
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
i +:= 1
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints are cleared; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints of type \""||cmd[2]||
"\" are cleared; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
every name := key(traceBehavior) do {
if traceBehavior[name].id = id then {
delete(traceBehavior, name)
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is cleared."
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
if member(traceBehavior, name) then {
id := traceBehavior[name].id
delete(traceBehavior, name)
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" : "|| name ||" is cleared."
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
if cmd[2] == ("trace" | "tracepoints") then {
every (!traceBehavior).condAble(DELETED) do i +:= 1
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints are deleted; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints of type \""||cmd[2]||
"\" are deleted; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
every tb := !traceBehavior do {
if = id then {
if tb.condAble(DELETED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is deleted."
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
- }
+ }
msg := "\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is not available."
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
if member(traceBehavior, name) then {
id := traceBehavior[name].id
if traceBehavior[name].condAble(DELETED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is deleted."
@@ -854,13 +854,13 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
if *cmd = 2 then {
if cmd[2] == ("trace" | "tracepoints") then {
every (!traceBehavior).condAble(ENABLED) do {
- i +:= 1
+ i +:= 1
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints are enabled; ("||i||" total)."
- }
+ }
msg:="\n No tracepoints are available to be enabled."
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All disabled tracepoints of type \""||cmd[2]||
"\" are enabled; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
every name := key(traceBehavior) do {
if traceBehavior[name].id = id then {
if traceBehavior[name].condAble(ENABLED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is enabled."
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
if member(traceBehavior, name) then {
id := traceBehavior[name].id
if traceBehavior[name].condAble(ENABLED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is enabled."
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All tracepoints are enabled; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n All enabled tracepoints of type \""||cmd[2]||
"\" are disabled; ("||i||" total)."
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
every name := key(traceBehavior) do {
if traceBehavior[name].id = id then {
if traceBehavior[name].condAble(DISABLED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is disabled."
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
if member(traceBehavior, name) then {
id := traceBehavior[name].id
if traceBehavior[name].condAble(DISABLED) then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
msg:="\n Tracepoint #"||id||" is disabled."
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ method resetTracepoints()
i +:= 1
if i > 0 then {
- # re-construct the traceMask
+ # re-construct the traceMask
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ initially()
ReturnCode := cset(E_Pret || E_Fret || E_Oret)
traceBehavior := table()
Operator := set( "+","-","*","/","\\","[]","++","--","**","<",">",
- ">=","<=","=","==","===","~=","~==","~===",">>=","<<=")
- Behavior := set("start", "enter", "begin","call","resume",
+ ">=","<=","=","==","===","~=","~==","~===",">>=","<<=")
+ Behavior := set("start", "enter", "begin","call","resume",
"exit", "end","fail","return", "suspend","remove")
diff --git a/uni/udb/udap/dapcom.icn b/uni/udb/udap/dapcom.icn
index 3cb71309f..e65a51b16 100644
--- a/uni/udb/udap/dapcom.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/udap/dapcom.icn
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
global sock
procedure main(argv)
- port := (if &features == "MacOS" then "" else "") || ":" || pop(argv)
- every trap("SIGINT" | "SIGHUP" | "SIGPIPE", onExit)
+ port := (if &features == "MacOS" then "" else "") || ":" || pop(argv)
+ every trap("SIGINT" | "SIGHUP" | "SIGPIPE", onExit)
- every !5 do
- if sock := open(port, "n") then
- break
- else
- delay(1000)
+ every !5 do
+ if sock := open(port, "n") then
+ break
+ else
+ delay(1000)
- \sock | stop("failed to connect to ",port, " ", &errortext )
- repeat every s := !select([sock, &input]) do
- writes(ready(s === sock)) | writes(sock, ready())
+ \sock | stop("failed to connect to ",port, " ", &errortext )
+ repeat every s := !select([sock, &input]) do
+ writes(ready(s === sock)) | writes(sock, ready())
procedure onExit(non)
- close(\sock)
- stop()
+ close(\sock)
+ stop()
diff --git a/uni/udb/watchpoint.icn b/uni/udb/watchpoint.icn
index 6b32496a9..f7783d354 100644
--- a/uni/udb/watchpoint.icn
+++ b/uni/udb/watchpoint.icn
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ $include "defaults.icn"
record oldVarInfo(
fname, # file name
line, # line number
- value # variable value
- )
+ value # variable value
+ )
# This record keeps information about the watched variable
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ record WatchedVar(
hitMax, # integer specifies the number of hits before notifying the user
hitCount, # integer counts the total number of watchpoint hits
missCount, # integer counts the total number of watchpoint misses
- state, # integer code of (ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED)
+ state, # integer code of (ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED)
op, # the operation used in the watch condition
catchValue, # the value that user wants to catch (watched) value of interes
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ class WatchPoint(
varInfo, # a table tracks information about the watched variables
id, # a watchpoint counter
pname, # the procedure name of the variable scope
- chScope, # the character scope ("+"|"-"|"^"|":")
+ chScope, # the character scope ("+"|"-"|"^"|":")
catchValue, # the catched value
var, # the variable name as it is seen internally
- vname, # the variable name as its seen by the programmer
+ vname, # the variable name as its seen by the programmer
initValue, # the initial value at the time of placing the watchpoint
oper, # the relational operation used for the catchvalue (=|<=|>=|>|<)
hits, # the maximum number of watchpoint hits
silent, # to enable variable tracing, when it is null, traceList os null
- msg # a string with latest message from this class
+ msg # a string with latest message from this class
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ class WatchPoint(
method checkWatchRead()
local var := &eventvalue
- if member(DState.watchReadMask,var) &
+ if member(DState.watchReadMask,var) &
varInfo[var].state = ENABLED then {
# static or local and not target coexp
- if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
- \varInfo[var].coexp &
+ if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
+ \varInfo[var].coexp &
varInfo[var] ~= then fail
if /varInfo[var].hitMax | varInfo[var].hitMax < 0 |
@@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ end
# Check the Monitored file for a watchpoint
# it is called when either E_Assign or E_Value is the event
# An E_Value always immediately follows an E_Assign event
method checkWatchChange( )
static var, hit := 0, evalue := 0
- if &eventcode == E_Assign &
+ if &eventcode == E_Assign &
member(DState.watchChangeMask,&eventvalue) &
varInfo[&eventvalue].state = ENABLED then {
var := &eventvalue
# static or local and not target coexp
- if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
- \varInfo[var].coexp &
+ if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
+ \varInfo[var].coexp &
varInfo[var] ~= then fail
if /varInfo[var].hitMax | varInfo[var].hitMax < 0 |
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ method checkWatchScan()
if &eventcode == E_Spos then {
var := "&pos"
# static or local and not target coexp
- if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
- \varInfo[var].coexp &
+ if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
+ \varInfo[var].coexp &
varInfo[var] ~= then fail
if /varInfo[var].hitMax | varInfo[var].hitMax < 0 |
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ method checkWatchScan()
var := "&subject"
# static or local and not target coexp
- if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
- \varInfo[var].coexp &
+ if (not DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name)) &
+ \varInfo[var].coexp &
varInfo[var] ~= then fail
if /varInfo[var].hitMax | varInfo[var].hitMax < 0 |
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ end
method checkCatchValue(var)
- if numeric(varInfo[var].curValue) &
+ if numeric(varInfo[var].curValue) &
numeric(varInfo[var].catchValue) then {
case varInfo[var].op of {
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ method checkCatchValue(var)
varInfo[var].missCount +:= 1
- else if type(varInfo[var].catchValue) == "string" &
+ else if type(varInfo[var].catchValue) == "string" &
string(varInfo[var].curValue) then {
if varInfo[var].watchType = WTYPE then {
case varInfo[var].op of {
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ method checkCatchValue(var)
fail }
- }
+ }
- else {
+ else {
case varInfo[var].op of {
if varInfo[var].curValue == varInfo[var].catchValue then
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ method checkCatchValue(var)
varInfo[var].missCount +:= 1
- return
+ return
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ end
method printWatchedVarInfo(var)
# this is for global vars that must be updated outside of target coexp
- # current coexp isn't the same as watched coexp, exit
- if DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name) & \varInfo[var].coexp &
+ # current coexp isn't the same as watched coexp, exit
+ if DState.srcFile.isGlobal(varInfo[var].name) & \varInfo[var].coexp &
varInfo[var] ~= then fail
if varInfo[var].watchType = (WASSIGN | WSCAN) then {
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ method scanSnapshot(p, len)
/len := 40
prefix := "\n &subject : "
pad := *prefix - 2 - 2
if size <= len then {
pad +:= p #- 3
prefix ||:= subject
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ method printInfo(var)
" : "||type(varInfo[var].curValue)
if var == "&pos" then {
msg ||:= scanSnapshot(varInfo[var].curValue)
- }
+ }
msg||:="\n --------------------------------------------------"
msg||:="\n Watchpoint #" ||varInfo[var].id||" on: "||var||"; "||
cur_file||":"||cur_line|| " coexp "||||"."
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ end
# private method
-# triggered at the end of a count watch,
+# triggered at the end of a count watch,
# it notfies the user that there is no more watching
method showEndWatchInfo(var)
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ method showEndWatchInfo(var)
DState.State := PAUSE
DState.RunCode := WATCH
- if varInfo[var].hitMax > 0 then {
+ if varInfo[var].hitMax > 0 then {
msg :="\n Reaching the last of "||varInfo[var].hitCount||" hits"
if \varInfo[var].silent then {
msg ||:=" of:"
@@ -431,10 +431,10 @@ method showEndWatchInfo(var)
msg := ""
- msg ||:="\n Do you want to display previous info (Y|n)? : "
+ msg ||:="\n Do you want to display previous info (Y|n)? : "
if *(ans := DState.stateRead()) = 0 | ans == ("y"|"Y"|"yes"|"YES") then {
- if varInfo[var].hitMax > 0 then {
+ if varInfo[var].hitMax > 0 then {
msg :="\n --------------------------------------------------"
every i := 1 to *varInfo[var].traceList do {
r := varInfo[var].traceList[i]
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ method buildInternalVarName(cmd)
else {
- msg :="\n Setting a watchpoint is failed;"
+ msg :="\n Setting a watchpoint is failed;"
msg ||:="\n \""||pname||"\" is not procedure in the current binary."
@@ -553,16 +553,16 @@ method buildInternalVarName(cmd)
else { #watch var
if DState.State = PAUSE then {
- # proc name is the current symbol table (scope) label
+ # proc name is the current symbol table (scope) label
pname := DState.srcFile.curr_symtab.label
if (ntype := DState.srcFile.getNameType(var)) then {
case ntype of {
- "local": { var ||:= "-" || pname }
- "param": { var ||:= "^" || pname }
- "static": { var ||:= ":" || pname }
+ "local": { var ||:= "-" || pname }
+ "param": { var ||:= "^" || pname }
+ "static": { var ||:= ":" || pname }
"global": { var ||:= "+" } # globals aren't a part of any proc
default: { debug("got ",var," ",ntype)
- msg :="\n Fail to set watchpoint."
+ msg :="\n Fail to set watchpoint."
msg ||:="\n \""||var||"\" not found."
@@ -575,8 +575,8 @@ method buildInternalVarName(cmd)
-# private method
-# retrieves a symbolic name for the watching type
+# private method
+# retrieves a symbolic name for the watching type
method getWatchTypeName(varRec)
local watchname:="whenever "
@@ -597,8 +597,8 @@ method getWatchTypeName(varRec)
watchname ||:= "changed"
- default:{
- watchname ||:= "??"
+ default:{
+ watchname ||:= "??"
if \varRec.op & \varRec.catchValue then
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ method getWatchTypeName(varRec)
watchname ||:=",(First "||varRec.hitMax||" hits)."
watchname ||:=",(Last "||abs(varRec.hitMax)||" hits are traceable)."
- }
+ }
watchname ||:=""
@@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ method addWatchpoint(coexp)
# watchType, initValue, oldValue, curValue, traceList, cmd, coexp)
- varInfo[var] :=
- WatchedVar(vname, (\old_id|id), silent, hits, 0, 0, ENABLED, oper,
+ varInfo[var] :=
+ WatchedVar(vname, (\old_id|id), silent, hits, 0, 0, ENABLED, oper,
catchValue,watchType,initValue, initValue, initValue, ,
DState.cmdHistory[1], coexp)
@@ -660,20 +660,20 @@ end
method cmdWatch(cmd)
local ans, coexp, resultTable := table()
if not isOKcmdWatch() then fail
# check for [coexp N]
if *cmd >= 4 & cmd[-2] == "coexp" then {
if /(coexp := DState.coState.get_coexp(cmd[-1])) then {
- DState.State := ERROR
+ DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n "||cmd[-2]||" "||cmd[1]||" does not exist."||
- "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
+ "\n Use command \"coexp\" to view activated co-expressions."
- }
+ }
until pull(cmd) == "coexp"
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ method cmdWatch(cmd)
if not resolveWatchType(cmd) then {
DState.State := ERROR
msg := "\n Undefined Command: \""|| DState.cmdHistory[1] ||"\"" ||
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ method cmdWatch(cmd)
else {
- }
+ }
else fail
@@ -739,13 +739,13 @@ method constructWpMsg(var)
msg||:=varInfo[var].id||" on: "||var
if \varInfo[var].coexp then
- msg ||:= " coexp " || varInfo[var]
+ msg ||:= " coexp " || varInfo[var]
msg||:="; "||
- return msg
+ return msg
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ method printWatchInfo(cmd)
if \varInfo[x].traceList & *varInfo[x].traceList > 0 then {
- }
+ }
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ method printWatchInfo(cmd)
if *msg = 0 then
- msg :="\n No watchpoints available."
+ msg :="\n No watchpoints available."
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ end
method printOldInfo(var)
local i, r, max
if \varInfo[var].traceList then {
msg :="\n Command : " ||varInfo[var].cmd
msg||:="\n hit total: " ||varInfo[var].hitCount
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ method printOldInfo(var)
max := abs(varInfo[var].hitMax)
if /max | max > *varInfo[var].traceList then
max := *varInfo[var].traceList
every i := 1 to max do {
r := varInfo[var].traceList[i]
msg||:="\n "||i||"# at "||r.fname||":"||r.line||
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ method cmdClear(cmd)
else {
- setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
+ setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
every x := key(varInfo) do {
if varInfo[x].watchType = watchType then {
delete(varInfo, x)
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
else {
- setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
+ setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
every x := key(varInfo) do {
if varInfo[x].watchType = watchType &
varInfo[x].state ~= DELETED then {
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ method cmdDelete(cmd)
- }
+ }
msg:="\n Watchpoints # "||id|| " is not available to be deleted."
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
else {
- setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
+ setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
every x := key(varInfo) do {
if varInfo[x].watchType = watchType &
varInfo[x].state = DISABLED then {
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ method cmdEnable(cmd)
else {
- msg := "\n Watchpoint #"||id||" is "
+ msg := "\n Watchpoint #"||id||" is "
if varInfo[x].state = ENABLED then
msg := "already enabled."
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
else {
- setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
+ setWatchType(cmd[2], WASSIGN)
every x := key(varInfo) do {
if varInfo[x].watchType = watchType &
varInfo[x].state = ENABLED then {
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ method cmdDisable(cmd)
else {
- msg := "\n Watchpoint #"||id||" is "
+ msg := "\n Watchpoint #"||id||" is "
if varInfo[x].state = DISABLED then
msg ||:= "already disabled."
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ method resetWatchpoints()
if i > 0 then { := 0
- return
+ return
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ end
# Initialization
- varInfo := table() # maps var into WatchedVar()
+ varInfo := table() # maps var into WatchedVar()
id := 0
msg := ""
From 7218a0c589b3844b114f1cfcc236355508fa18d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Ward
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 15:49:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Convert tabs to spaces (uni/ulsp).
uni/ulsp/database.icn | 4 ++--
uni/ulsp/server.icn | 6 +++---
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/uni/ulsp/database.icn b/uni/ulsp/database.icn
index 3606b90a3..ba3143be7 100644
--- a/uni/ulsp/database.icn
+++ b/uni/ulsp/database.icn
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ class LSPDB(
"&row", "&rpress", "&rrelease", "&shift", "&source", "&storage", "&subject",
"&time", "&trace", "&ucase", "&version", "&window", "&x", "&y"]
- preprocessors := ["$define", "$else", "$endif", "$error", "$ifdef", "$ifndef",
+ preprocessors := ["$define", "$else", "$endif", "$error", "$ifdef", "$ifndef",
"$include", "$line", "$undef", "#line"]
- end
+ end
method build_bnf()
local idoc, dirPath, source_table, source_file, _procedure, param_in_procedure, paramName, paramType, paramDef
diff --git a/uni/ulsp/server.icn b/uni/ulsp/server.icn
index afb4910b1..9b1db87d3 100644
--- a/uni/ulsp/server.icn
+++ b/uni/ulsp/server.icn
@@ -255,10 +255,10 @@ class Server(
# $/cancelRequest #
-# One thread for communication
-# Spin up thread(s) for processing requests and tie request_id to thread
+# One thread for communication
+# Spin up thread(s) for processing requests and tie request_id to thread
# Handling cancel requests:
-# kill thread associated with request_id
+# kill thread associated with request_id
method cancelRequest(request_id)
write("We received a cancel request. We need to implement this still...")