All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- We've added the ability to override settings in the default config file by passing in a config file with the settings needing to be overridden when instantiating a Unity object. 56
- Collection creation (create_collection) through dataService library
- Added support for defining custom metadata for project and venue.
- Added methods to return STAC content instead of unity domain objects if requested
- Added properties parsing of stac metadata to dataset objects
- Updated get_collections and get_collection_data to support limit parameter.
- Updated get_collection_data to support filter parameter which takes CQL string.
- fixed an issue with encoding a json deploy request twice 71
- We now use the asset URI/HREF as the key into the assets, and use the "metadata" and "data" types as asset-roles: 69
- Added project/venue support 5
- python code coverage via coveralls
- updated install to support python 3.8 and above.
- python code coverage via coveralls
- updated install to support python 3.8 and above.
- Added parsing of collection in stac items
- fixed release workflow to test against
- updated package name so that imports reference
- added method for retrieving datasets
from a collection
- Added some directory slash stripping to ensure no trailing slash when specifying "to_stac" output director
- Changed name of package from unity-py to unity-sds-client
- Added pypi repository publication to unity-py repository [7].
- Added to_stac methods for writing STAC from unity-py resources (e.g. collection, dataset, datafiles)
- Added from_stac methods for creating unity-py resources (e.g. collection, dataset, datafiles) from STAC files
- Added capability to add files to published application catalogs
- added dependency on pystac > 1.7.3 to unity-py
- added addition of dataset properties to stac read/write
- Added functionality to download latest available version of the application parameter files stored in the Dockstore [30]
- Added some directory slash stripping to ensure no trailing slash when specifying "to_stac" output director
- all assets written out to STAC items are made relative (if they are non-URIs, relative, or exist in the same directory tree of the STAC files)
- Changed name of package from unity-py to unity-sds-client
- Removed support for python 3.8
- Added Services and Classes to ecapsulate funcionality per Unity Service Area
- Process Service & Class — Deploy a process, List processes, get metadata about a processes, query jobs per process, execute a job
- Job Class — Facilitate API calls to U-SPS to monitor jobs, get job results, or dismiss jobs.
- Application Service — Courtesy of U-ADS (James and Masha) (See Application Registry below).
- Mercury Dashboard Example
- Miscellaneous quality of life improvements to ease code developing (type hinting, annotations, etc)
- unity-ads-deployment #79 Add Dockstore API access to
- unity-ads-deployment #87 Convert Application Package API to use Hosted Workflows