Releases: unstoppabledomains/resolution
Releases · unstoppabledomains/resolution
Add elliptic package in order to enable Resolution.twitter method by default
Add elliptic
package in order to enable Resolution.twitter method by default
🎉🎉🎉 Add support for new TLD's and UNS naming service
Breaking changes
- Constructor has changed. If you used cns configurations rename "cns" it to "uns" instead.
- For example:
new Resolution({sourceConfig: {uns: {...uns config}}})
- For example:
- Method
was renamed toResolution#fromEthereumEip1193Provider
- Factory methods has changed. All of them requires
{uns: {... uns config}}
in parameters instead ofcns
.- The list of affected factory methods:
- The list of affected factory methods:
method is now asynchronous
New methods and features
- 🎉 🎉 🎉 Added support for new TLD's ( .888, .nft, .coin, .blockchain, .wallet, .x, .bitcoin, .dao )
- Typo fix: Rename
. Old name is still available under the aliasEip1993Factories
- Introduced new method
Resolution#registryAddress -> Retrieves address of registry contract used for domain
- Introduced new method
Resolution#unhash -> Retrieves the domain name from tokenId by parsing registry smart contract event logs
- Introduced new method
Resolution#reverse -> This method is only for ens at the moment. Reverse the ens address to a ens registered domain name
- Introduced new method
Resolution#tokenURI -> Retrieves the tokenURI from the registry smart contract
- Introduced new method
Resolution#tokenURIMetadata -> etrieves the data from the endpoint provided by tokenURI from the registry smart contract
- Introduced new factory method
Resolution#fromZilliqaProvider -> Creates a resolution instance with configured provider from Zilliqa provider
- Introduced new factory method
Resolution#fromResolutionProvider -> Creates a resolution from Resolution compatitable provider
- Introduced new factory method
Resolution#fromEthereumEip1193Provider -> Creates a resolution from EIP-1193 compatitable provider
- Return ENS support
- Add custom network support for ENS