- Build site:
bundle exec jekyll build
- Run development server:
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Run with live reload:
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
: Collection of project markdown files (displayed on the projects page)_layouts/
: HTML templates for different page typesassets/
: Static files (CSS, images, fonts)
- Markdown: Use consistent heading levels (# for title, ## for sections)
- Front Matter: Include layout, title, description, permalink, og_image, og_image_width, og_image_height
- Images: Use WebP format, placed in assets/images/
- CSS: Follow existing BEM-like naming conventions
- Indentation: 4 spaces
- Use blockquotes (>) for highlighted text/quotes
- Use italic (text) for emphasis
- For embedded videos, use the provided
containers - Image captions: Use