Releases: upconsulting/IsisCB
Releases · upconsulting/IsisCB
IsisCB Explore v0.22
- [ISISCB-723] - Admin: Curation access button does not provide access to curation data
- [ISISCB-820] - Scrolling during Zotero authority resolution
- [ISISCB-836] - Add subject authority list is badly sorted
- [ISISCB-839] - Calling up authority list in curation takes an enormous amount of time.
- [ISISCB-848] - Zotero journal entry problems: too many records
- [ISISCB-849] - Zotero ingest scrolling errors
- [ISISCB-854] - Search terms should be ASCII-normalized in both user-facing and curation search interfaces
- [ISISCB-855] - Curation filters choke on unicode characters
- [ISISCB-859] - Why does the authority curation list load so slowly?
- [ISISCB-813] - In authority resolution search, add hover functionality showing related citations
- [ISISCB-814] - In authority resolution search, format should match suggestion list
- [ISISCB-815] - In authority resolution search, link directly to acrelation tab in authority change view
- [ISISCB-816] - In authority resolution search and suggestions, do not show inactive records
- [ISISCB-817] - In ACRelation change view, add tooltip with related citations for search results
- [ISISCB-818] - In ACRelation change view, do not show inactive suggestions
New Feature
- [ISISCB-327] - In the ACRelation inline for citations, when using the "authority" autocomplete, should provide mechanism for getting more information about authorities
- [ISISCB-328] - In ACRelation, by default, "Name for display in citation" in field should be populated with the name of the authority record
- [ISISCB-391] - In the admin interface, help text should be hidden; maybe with hover icon
- [ISISCB-478] - make toggle respond to tab event
- [ISISCB-575] - Filter on Curation
- [ISISCB-853] - Curation search results list -- add page number column
- [ISISCB-857] - Should be able to search in cyrillic and hebrew and arabic and....
- [ISISCB-860] - Limit by dataset needs to allow "no dataset"
IsisCB Explore v0.21.2
- [ISISCB-851] - Bulk update does not trigger post hooks
IsisCB Explore v0.21.1
- [ISISCB-847] - Inactive records are showing up on search
- Admin users don't need curation interface privileges to access curation interface.
IsisCB Explore v0.21
- [ISISCB-844] - We cannot find book titles to match in ACR interface
IsisCB Explore v0.20
- [ISISCB-837] - ACR list for Authorities does not list all authorities
IsisCB Explore v0.19
New Feature
- [ISISCB-761] - Individual record layout: show item number in found set
- [ISISCB-828] - Save button should not return to list
IsisCB Explore v0.18
- [ISISCB-779] - volume and issue numbers not impoting
- [ISISCB-787] - After saving a record, next and previous buttons in list view are missing
- [ISISCB-600] - Finalizing curation layout
- [ISISCB-755] - Application programming interface
New Feature
- [ISISCB-705] - Citations: Should be able to view tracking records
- [ISISCB-706] - Citations: Should be able to create tracking records in the curation interface
- [ISISCB-716] - During Zotero ingest -- show note field from Zotero
- [ISISCB-789] - In Zotero ingest process, PUBLISHER should be INSTITUTION
- [ISISCB-793] - Authorities: Should be able to view tracking records
- [ISISCB-797] - Add count and hover functionality to Search List in Zotero accession
- [ISISCB-801] - Mark duplicate in Zotero accession
- [ISISCB-804] - Column in Curation list that shows status
- [ISISCB-807] - In ACR record view we need hover and count functionality
IsisCB Explore v0.17
Release Notes - Isis CB - Version v0.17
- [ISISCB-431] - Zotero does not decode page number values correctly.
- [ISISCB-638] - Zotero import: The Publisher and ISBN for book not imported.
- [ISISCB-711] - Sluggish responses on Production
- [ISISCB-722] - Broken Curation link
- [ISISCB-735] - Next and previous buttons in curation edit screens
- [ISISCB-749] - Language is not found in Zotero records on ingest
- [ISISCB-758] - Redirect in Authorities
- [ISISCB-759] - Zotero fielded data should be imported into a notes field
- [ISISCB-769] - Link resolver issue
- [ISISCB-771] - Newly added record not showing on public interface
- [ISISCB-781] - Books with chapters import one linked data record per chapter
- [ISISCB-756] - Filter window adjust
- [ISISCB-757] - Curation interface record display - Data must be bold
- [ISISCB-774] - We must have a fully developed set of features to track editorial workflow
New Feature
- [ISISCB-294] - Test snowball analyzer on staging
- [ISISCB-424] - Mechanism for keeping index up to date
- [ISISCB-631] - Zotero date parsing
- [ISISCB-733] - During ingest, have search auto-set the category
- [ISISCB-734] - Do not try to match book series with periodicals - always skip
- [ISISCB-736] - Free text field for date attribute must be set to year only
- [ISISCB-754] - In Zotero authority resolution interface, show the number of citations associated with each suggested (production) authority record
- [ISISCB-764] - In Zotero authority resolution view, when we open author link it should go immediately to the related citations tab.
- [ISISCB-765] - In Zotero authority resolution interface, we should be able to hover over the suggested authority link to see the related citations.
- [ISISCB-766] - Curation Filtering: Ordering should be done using the column headers not using a filter box.
- [ISISCB-767] - Curation filtering: Add "Count of total records = ##" to the right of the button "Add to existing collection".
- [ISISCB-768] - Curation filtering: make active filters more visible
IsisCB Explore v0.16.1
fixed typo
IsisCB Explore v0.16
- [ISISCB-410] - Do we need https to protect user credentials?
- [ISISCB-656] - Fix article field breakpoints (e.g. volume)
- [ISISCB-669] - Search/autocompletes in curation interface are generating too many ajax calls
- [ISISCB-675] - Linkage from zotero accession to filtered citation list does not filter; grab GET parameter in citation list view
- [ISISCB-682] - In authorities, Classification types in Authorities are incorrect
- [ISISCB-683] - error trying to create new authority record
- [ISISCB-685] - 0 records showing in search
- [ISISCB-686] - Authority display is broken on Public Interface
- [ISISCB-693] - Error in looking at Zotero accessions in curation interface
- [ISISCB-694] - Zotero Ingest problem -- Concepts are importing as Categories
- [ISISCB-696] - wrong things matching as Periodcals
- [ISISCB-701] - why are subjects linked as categories
- [ISISCB-702] - VIAF links not working
- [ISISCB-703] - staging server all full of errors
- [ISISCB-719] - Admin user interface: assign role
- [ISISCB-724] - Ignore this ticket
- [ISISCB-725] - Zotero import does not import full book data
- [ISISCB-726] - Zotero page ingest not working well
- [ISISCB-737] - Back to List link is broken in curation interface
- [ISISCB-627] - Warnings before saving
- [ISISCB-438] - Email 06/10: Update data
- [ISISCB-439] - Email 06/10: secure server for passwords
- [ISISCB-440] - Email 06/10: migrate server
- [ISISCB-664] - Upload new data to Explore system database
- [ISISCB-673] - after Zotero ingest, a POST request has to be made to show the filtered citation list
New Feature
- [ISISCB-564] - Add permission checks to Zotero module
- [ISISCB-586] - In citation and authority curation views, should be able to progress through queryset from last filter
- [ISISCB-592] - Display title of review in public interface if it exists.
- [ISISCB-608] - Allow skipping of authority match in Accession phase
- [ISISCB-611] - Simply fixes to accession layout
- [ISISCB-614] - Match suggestion box needs "No match found" message
- [ISISCB-615] - Ingest of classification term =150= should auto link to "Medicine, general"
- [ISISCB-632] - Zotero ingest back button
- [ISISCB-634] - Resolve before Ingest in Zotero Ingest list
- [ISISCB-639] - Clear search tab after Zotero authority match
- [ISISCB-642] - Add link to authority on accession suggestions list
- [ISISCB-646] - Zotero authority search -- special characters must be typed in
- [ISISCB-657] - In change views, links should be black(ish?) (pointer on hover)
- [ISISCB-658] - Add record history field to change views in curation interface
- [ISISCB-663] - Citation Warnings
- [ISISCB-672] - ACR Warnings when creating for authority
- [ISISCB-676] - In citation list filter, "imported by" should have only users with curation roles, or who have actually imported data
- [ISISCB-677] - On accession detail view, if a DraftAuthority was previously skipped, then reverse resolution to curate_authority raises NoReverseMatch
- [ISISCB-678] - In accession list view, should be able to go directly to filtered citation list view
- [ISISCB-689] - Link from curation to authority is broken
- [ISISCB-690] - Zotero: in resolution interface, "Skip" should be a button (not a tab)
- [ISISCB-691] - Zotero: in resolution interface, "Create" should be a button (not a tab)
- [ISISCB-692] - Zotero: when search tab is selected, automatically focus on search input
- [ISISCB-700] - Matching chapters and reviews to books
- [ISISCB-715] - Zotero ingest -- modifying authority names upon ingest
- [ISISCB-718] - Make Google not index the search