This repo helps to bring contents of the other repo, tier3docs to (RTD). In order NOT to change the layout of the tier3docs repo to fix the need of RTS, we create this repo with the following:
- .readthedocs.yml
- mkdocs.yml (This file contains the structure of the left navegation panel)
- requirements.txt
- tier3docs/ (the actual doc directory)
It seems standalone mkdocs can support >2 nested levels in navegation panel. But at the, only up to 2 levels are supported.
After editing the docs, use the following steps to start a web server at Then point your web browser to this local web server to check the changes you just made.
python3 -m pip install mkdocs mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin
- cd to the root directory of the github repo
mkdocs serve
After new changes are commit to git, will automatically detect the changes and rebuild the docs at