We know people aren’t going to maintain an apis.json file at least for awhile, so building tools or processes around this doesn’t make sense yet. So, we will begin by making a static site with a web form so that people can submit info about their APIs; then that dtaa will be accessible in a standardized format (apis.json) and searchable from the site.
Info needed for each API: https://github.com/apis-json/api-json/blob/5d3e77683884f46a6077bb3d49dc5d2d1035bfd5/spec/apisjson.txt#L185
- Name [Mandatory]: name of the API
- Description [Mandatory]: human readable text description of the API.
- Image [Optional]: URL of an image which can be used as an "icon" for the API if displayed by a search engine.
- humanUrl: Web URL corresponding to human readable information about the API.
- baseUrl: Web URL corresponding to the root URL of the API or primary endpoint.
- Version [Optional]: String representing the version number of the API this description refers to.
- Tags: (collection) [Optional]: this is a list of descriptive strings which identify the API. as an array.
- properties (collection):
- type: please see reserved keywords below.
- url or value.
- contact (collection)
- [Person or Organization - see below]
We'd also like:
- auth info
Code.gov Problems:
- Incentivizing maintaining these files
- Validating json files
UK API catalogue https://alphagov.github.io/api-catalogue/#uk-government-apis
New Zealand
Data.gov Mandated to have data.json files at root of agency websites