This document represents the first version of the USE documentation. Several section will be completed, added or changed in the following versions (e.g. the USE Generator sections).
USE is a system for the specification of information systems. It is based on a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [Obj99].
A USE specification contains a textual description of a model using features found in UML class diagrams (classes, associations, etc.). Expressions written in the Object Constraint Language (OCL) are used to specify additional integrity constraints on the model. A model can be animated to validate the specification against non-formal requirements. System states (snapshots of a running system) can be created and manipulated during an animation. For each snapshot the OCL constraints are automatically checked. Information about a system state is given by graphical views. OCL expressions can be entered and evaluated to query detailed information about a system state.
This section outlines the general workflow for the specification and
validation of a UML model. Figure 1.1
gives a general view of the USE approach. Within this section we use an
example model specifying the class Car
including an attribute
of type Integer
and an operation
with one formal parameter and no return value.
Figure 1.1: Overview of the Specification Workflow
The USE tool expects a textual description of a model and its constraints as input (see section Specifying a UML Model with USE). The example must therefore be translated into a USE specification1 by using an external text editor. The USE specification of the example model is shown below.
model Cars
class Car
mileage : Integer
increaseMileage(kilometers : Integer)
The following command can be used to invoke USE on the example specification.2
use ../examples/Documentation/Cars/Cars.use
This command will compile and check the file Cars.use
. There are
currently two kinds of user interfaces which can be used simultaneously.
The first one is a command line interface where you enter commands at a
prompt. The output should be similar to the following.
loading properties from: /home/opti/use/etc/
loading properties from: /home/opti/.userc
use version 2.3.1, Copyright (C) 1999-2006 University of Bremen
compiling specification...
Model Cars (1 class, 0 associations, 0 invariants, 1 operation, 0 pre-/postconditions)
Enter `help' for a list of available commands.
To start USE without loading a specification use the command use
After loading a specification you can enter commands at the prompt. 3 For example, you can enter OCL expressions by starting the input with a question mark. The expression will be evaluated and its result will be shown, e.g.:
use> ? Set{1,2,3}->select(e | e > 1)
-> Set{2,3} : Set(Integer)
The command line interface is useful for experienced users and for automated validation procedures since commands can be read from a script file. The graphical user interface is easier to learn and provides different ways of visualizing a system state. By default both interfaces are launched. 4
The window that appears after starting USE can be seen in the screen shot in figure 1.2{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:StartCars"}. On the left is a tree view showing the contents (classes, associations, invariants, and pre- and postconditions) of the model.\
The next figure 1.3{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:CarsInv"} shows the expanded tree with all model
elements. The invariant is selected and its definition is shown in the
panel below the tree.\
The large area on the right is a workspace where you can open views
visualizing different aspects of a system. Views can be created any time
by choosing an entry from the view menu or directly by a toolbar button.
There is no limit on active views. The next screenshot shown in figure
reference="fig:WorkingspaceViews"} displays the main window after the
creation of four views.
The two lower views list the names of classes and associations defined in the model and show the number of objects and links in the current system state. The initial system state is empty, i.e., there are no objects and links yet. The view at the upper right displays a list of OCL invariants and their results. As you can see, all invariants are true in the empty system state. Finally, the upper left view will show an object diagram once we have created objects and links.
Now you can create and destroy objects of type Car
and set
their attributes. More complex specifications allow more commands to
manipulate the system state. (see section
5.1{reference-type="ref" reference="ShellCommands"}).
We create two objects smallCar
and bigCar
and set
their mileage to open ../examples/Documentation/Cars/Cars.cmd
!create smallCar : Car
!create bigCar : Car
!set smallCar.mileage := 2000
!set bigCar.mileage := -1500
After creating the system state the Class Invariant View shows that
is violated. (see figure
1.5{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:InvFailed"})\
To get more information you can double click on the failed invariant.
This opens the Evaluation Browser showing the evaluation of the marked
invariant. In figure 1.6{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:InvFailedBrowser"} you can see, that object
violates the invariant because its mileage is a
negative number.
The OCL parser and interpreter of USE allows the evaluation of arbitrary
OCL expressions. The menu item State|Evaluate OCL expression
opens a
dialog where expressions can be entered and evaluated (see figure
The example in figure 1.8{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:EvalSelectExpr"} shows a more complex expression with
and the collection operations select
and exists
The USE specification language is based on UML and OCL. Due to the semi formal definition of early OCL versions, there were language constructs whose interpretation was ambiguous or unclear [@GogollaRichtersUML:1998]. In [@GogollaRichtersOCL:1998] and [@GogollaRichters:1999] we have presented a formalization of OCL which was designed to provide a solution for most of the problems and which became part of UML 1.4/1.5. The USE approach to validation is described in [@GogollaRichters:2000] and [@richters:phd]. Several other papers of our group employing USE can be found in the publications of our group.5
Beside the cars example there are four examples, which are treated in the course of this documentation.
This example specifies employees working in at least one department.
They work on an arbitrary number of projects, which are controlled by
exactly one department.
Persons, departments and projects have names identifying them.
Departments, which have different locations, and projects have specific
budgets. Persons are paid for their job. They have a regular salary.
(see figure 1.9{reference-type="ref"
The UML class diagram in figure
reference="fig:DiagramPersonCompany"} shows an altered model
representing persons and companies. Persons have a name, an age, and a
salary, which can be raised with the operation raiseSalary
a specific amount. They work for at most one company, which has a name
and a location. Companies can hire and fire persons.
This example is modeling a graph structure. Objects of class
represent nodes of a graph that can be connected by
edges. Each node can be connected to an arbitrary number of source and
target nodes. The Node
class contains an operation
. The purpose of this operation is to create a new
node and to insert a new edge between the source node and the new target
The factorial example shows how operation calls may be nested in the
simulation. It also shows that postconditions may be specified on
operations without side effects. An OCL expression can be given to
describe the computation of a side effect free operation. In the
example, we use a recursive definition of the factorial function. There
is only one class Rec
To define a USE specifications you need an external text editor. The syntactic elements are clarified by a grammar defined with the Extended Backus-Naur Form.
Every UML Model has a name and an optional body.
<umlmodel> ::= model <modelnam> [<modelbody>]
<modelname> ::= <name>
The models name is Fruits
model Fruits
The model body consists class definitions and an arbitrary number of association definitions. Enumeration definitions are also allowed. OCL constraints may be defined inside a constraint block.
<modelbody> ::= {<enumerationdefinition> |
<associationdefinition> |
<associationclassdefinition> |
<classdefinition> |
constraints {<constraintdefinition>}}
The following sections describe all available elements, which can be used in the model body.
Enumerations may be added at the top of the model body.
<enumerationdefinition> ::= enum <enumerationname> {<elementname> {, <elementname>}}
<enumerationname> ::= <name>
<elementname> ::= <name>
: An enumeration definition with three elements.
enum Flatware {Spoon, Fork, Knife}
Data types may be added at the top of the model body.
<datatypedefinition> ::= [ abstract ] dataType <datatypename> [ < <datatypename> { , <datatypename> } ]
[ operations { <operationdeclaration> [ = <oclexpression> ]
{ <preconditiondefinition> | <postconditiondefinition> } } ]
[ constraints { <invariantdefinition> } ]
<datatypename> ::= <name>
The example shows four different data type definitions. The data types 'Rectangle' and 'Circle' inherit from abstract data type 'Shape'. 'Shape' defines the attribute 'position' which is of type 'Point' in its constructor. 'Point' defines the attributes 'x' and 'y' which are both of primitive type 'Real'. It also defines the operation 'translate()' which takes two parameters of type 'Real' for shifting 'x' and 'y' with no result type. 'Shape' defines the two operations 'perimeter()' and 'area()'. Since 'Shape' is abstract both 'Rectangle' and 'Circle' implement their specific logic for these operations. Note that a constructor can only have pre- and no postconditions, since it is a stateless operation.
dataType Point
Point(x : Real, y : Real)
translate(dx : Real, dy : Real)(dx) : Point =
Point(self.x + dx, self.y + dy)
abstract dataType Shape
Shape(position : Point)
perimeter() : Real
area() : Real
dataType Rectangle < Shape
Rectangle(position : Point, width : Real, height : Real)(position)
perimeter() : Real = 2.0 * width + 2.0 * height
area() : Real = width * height
dataType Circle < Shape
Circle(position : Point, radius : Real)(position)
perimeter() : Real = 2.0 * 3.14 * radius
area() : Real = 3.14 * radius * radius
Following example shows, how to query data types from the above model 'Shapes' in the shell:
use> ?Point(1, 1)
-> Point{x=1, y=1} : Point
use> ?Point(1, 1).translate(3, 4)
-> Point{x=4, y=5} : Point
use> ?Rectangle(Point(2, 2), 2, 3).perimeter()
-> 10.0 : Real
use> ?Circle(Point(2, 6), 2, 3).area()
-> 12.56 : Real
A class has a name and optionally attribute and operation definitions. It may be defined as an abstract class.
<classdefinition> ::= [ abstract ] class <classname> [ < <classname> { , <classname> } ]
[ attributes { <attributename> : <type> } ]
[ operations { <operationdeclaration> [ = <oclexpression> ]
{ <preconditiondefinition> | <postconditiondefinition> } } ]
[ constraints { <invariantdefinition> } ]
<classname> ::= <name>
<attributename> ::= <name>
The example shows five different class definitions. The class
inherits two and the class Banana
class. The class Lemon
is abstract and class
defines pre- and postconditions for the operation
within its body. The class Peach
how invariants can be integrated into the classes body.
class Apple < Orange, Lemon
abstract class Orange
juice : Boolean
class Lemon
squeeze(i : Integer) : Integer = i + 1
class Banana < Lemon
flatware : Set(Sequence(Flatware))
peel() : String = 'abcd'
pre: true
post: 2 = 2
post: result = 'theResult'
class Peach
inv: 3 > 2
inv neverViolated: true
It is possible to define n ary associations . The definition requires a name, at least two participating classes and multiplicity information. Role names are optional.
<associationdefinition> ::= ( association | composition | aggregation )
<associationname> between
<classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ]
<classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ]
{ <classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ] }
<multiplicity> ::= ( * | <digit> { <digit> } [ .. ( * | <digit> { <digit> } ) ] )
{ , ( * | <digit> { <digit> } [ .. ( * | <digit> { <digit> } ) ] ) }
<associationname> ::= <name>
<rolename> ::= <name>
This Examples shows a binary and a tertiary association with
different multiplicities and optional role names. The first
association is defined as a composition. The diamond appears at the
first participating class. You may order the elements by using the
keyword ordered
composition AppleSpritzer between
Apple[*] role base
Lemon[1..8,10,15..*] role flavor
association Ingredients between
Apple[*] role mainIngredient
Lemon[1..*] role lemon ordered
Association classes combine the body elements of classes and associations.
<associationclassdefinition> ::= [ abstract ] associationclass <classname>
[ < <classname> { , <classname> } ] between
<classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ]
<classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ]
{ <classname> [ <multiplicity> ] [ role <rolename> ] [ ordered ] }
[ attributes { <attributename> : <type> } ]
[ operations { <operationdeclaration> [ = <oclexpression> ]
{ <preconditiondefinition> | <postconditiondefinition> } } ]
[ constraints { <invariantdefinition> } ]
The example defines an association class between two classes. It has two attributes and one operation, which is no query.
associationclass FruitSalad < Orange
name : String
weight : Real
putIn(apple : Apple, banana : Banana)
The keyword constraints
indicates the begin of constraint definition
segment. An arbitrary number of invariants may be defined in context of
a class. In addition to that, you may define pre- and postconditions to
constrain operations. Every constraint can be named.
<constraintdefinition> ::= <invariantcontext> | <operationcontext>
<invariantcontext> ::= context [ <variablename> : ] <classname>
{ <invariantdefinition> }
<operationcontext> ::= context <classname> <operationconstraints>
<invariantdefinition> ::= inv [ <invariantname> ] : <booleanoclexpression>
<operationconstraints> ::= :: <operationdeclaration>
( <preconditiondefinition> | <postconditiondefinition> )
{ <preconditiondefinition> | <postconditiondefinition> }
<preconditiondefinition> ::= pre [ <preconditionname> ] : <booleanoclexpression>
<postconditiondefinition> ::= post [ <postconditionname> ] : <booleanoclexpression> )
<invariantname> ::= <name>
<variablename> ::= <name>
<preconditionname> ::= <name>
<postconditionname> ::= <name>
The first two definitions are showing three invariants of the class Orange. The second definition defines the variable orange which may be used in the OCL expression similar to self. The third invariant is not named. USE will assign a name like inv2 to it. Two preconditions and one postcondition constrain the Operation squeeze in class Lemon.
context Orange
inv OrangeInv: 1 = 1
context orange : Orange
inv alwaysTrue: orange = orange
inv: juice = true
context Lemon :: squeeze(i : Integer) : Integer
pre: i > 0
pre lessThanTenOranges: i < 10
post alwaysTrue: true
The declaration of an operation consists of the operation name, optional parameters and the return type.
<operationdeclaration> ::= <operationname> ( [ <parameters> ] ) [ : <type> ]
<parameters> ::= <parametername> : <type> { , <parametername> : <type> }
<operationname> ::= <name>
<parametername> ::= <name>
Three operation declarations are shown within the class definition example.
Protocol state machines can be defined inside the state machines section in class definitions.
<protocolstatemachine> ::= psm <statemachinename>
states <statedefinition>*
transitions <transitiondefinition>*
<statedefinition> ::= <statename> [ : <statetype>] [sateinvariant]
<statename> ::= <name>
<statetype> ::= initial | final
<stateinvariant> ::= <booleanoclexpression>
<transitiondefinition> ::= <sourcestate> -> <targetstate> {'['<precondition>']' (<event> | <operationdeclaration>) '['<postcondition>']'}
<statemachinename> ::= <name>
<precondition> ::= <booleanoclexpression>
<postcondition> ::= <booleanoclexpression>
<event> ::= create
model CoffeeDispenser
class CoffeeDispenser
/* This attribute stores the money inserted into
the dispenser.
It is initialized with 0 during creation.*/
amount : Integer init = 0
/* A coin is inserted into the dispenser.
Valid coins are: 10,20,50,100 and 200. */
self.amount := self.amount + i;
pre: let validCoins = Set{10,20,50,100,200} in validCoins->includes(i)
/* A coffee should be brewed. Note, that there is
* no pre condition. The state machine below handles
* the correct amount.*/
self.amount := 0;
-- Return the coins currently in the dispenser
self.amount := 0;
/* This state machine describes the
* "lifecycle" of the coffee dispenser.
psm Usage
-- The start node
-- The initial state after creation.
noCoins [amount = 0]
-- Some coins were inserted, but not enough.
hasCoins [amount > 0 and amount < 100]
-- Enough coins, ready to brew.
enoughCoins [amount >= 100]
-- Define the first state after creation.
startUp -> noCoins { create }
-- A coin was inserted, but it wasn't enough.
noCoins -> hasCoins { [i + amount < 100] accept() }
-- Enough money was inserted.
noCoins -> enoughCoins { [i + amount >= 100] accept() }
-- Abort
hasCoins -> noCoins { reset() }
-- Enough money was inserted.
hasCoins -> enoughCoins { [i + amount >= 100] accept() }
-- Another coin was inserted, but it wasn't enough.
hasCoins -> hasCoins { [i + amount < 100] accept() }
-- Abort
enoughCoins -> noCoins { reset() }
-- Brew coffee, no change ;-)
enoughCoins -> noCoins { brew() }
Types may be simple (<simpletype>
) or complex (<collectiontype>
<type> ::= <collectiontype> | <simpletype> | <enumerationname>
<collectiontype> ::= ( Set | Bag | Sequence ) (
{ <collectiontype> | <simpletype> | <enumerationname> } )
<simpletype> ::= Integer | Real | Boolean | String | <classname>
The attribute flatware has a complex type.
<name> ::= ( <letter> | _ ) { <letter> | <digit> | _ }
<letter> ::= a | b | ... | z | A | B | ... | Z
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | ... | 9
<oclexpression> ::= (* Replace this symbol by an ordinary OCL expression. *)
<booleanoclexpression> ::= (* Replace this symbol by an ordinary OCL expression.
which results in a boolean value. *)
The USE specification of the example models shown in section 1.4{reference-type="ref" reference="examplesDocu"} are presented in this section.
The first part of the specification shown below describes the structural information of the class diagram. There are classes with attributes and associations with different multiplicities.
model Company
-- classes
class Employee
name : String
salary : Integer
class Department
name : String
location : String
budget : Integer
class Project
name : String
budget : Integer
-- associations
association WorksIn between
association WorksOn between
association Controls between
We extend the model by the following four constraints which place further restrictions on systems conforming to the model. The constraints are first given in natural language and will later be expressed more formally in OCL (Object Constraint Language). Constraints:
The number of employees working in a department must be greater or equal to the number of projects controlled by the department.
Employees get a higher salary when they work on more projects.
The budget of a project must not exceed the budget of the controlling department.
Employees working on a project must also work in the controlling department.
The goal of applying the USE tool is to interactively validate the above
model and the constraints. Objects and links can be created which
constitute a system state reflecting a snapshot of a running system. In
every system state, the constraints are automatically checked for
In the second part of the specification, we define the constraints in
OCL. Each constraint is defined as an invariant in context of a class.
-- OCL constraints
context Department
-- the number of employees working in a department must
-- be greater or equal to the number of projects
-- controlled by the department
inv MoreEmployeesThanProjects:
self.employee->size >= self.project->size
context Employee
-- employees get a higher salary when they work on
-- more projects
inv MoreProjectsHigherSalary:
Employee.allInstances->forAll(e1, e2 |
e1.project->size > e2.project->size
implies e1.salary > e2.salary)
context Project
-- the budget of a project must not exceed the
-- budget of the controlling department
inv BudgetWithinDepartmentBudget:
self.budget <= self.department.budget
-- employees working on a project must also work in the
-- controlling department
inv EmployeesInControllingDepartment:
The complete specification is also available in the file Demo.use6 in the example directory of the distribution.
Here is the USE specification of the class diagram shown in figure 1.10{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:DiagramPersonCompany"}.
model Employee
-- classes
class Person
name : String
age : Integer
salary : Real
raiseSalary(rate : Real) : Real
class Company
name : String
location : String
hire(p : Person)
fire(p : Person)
-- associations
association WorksFor between
Person[*] role employee
Company[0..1] role employer
We add pre- and postconditions for the hire
operations in class Company. The USE specification is
extended as follows.
-- constraints
context Company::hire(p : Person)
pre hirePre1: p.isDefined()
pre hirePre2: employee->excludes(p)
post hirePost: employee->includes(p)
context Company::fire(p : Person)
pre firePre: employee->includes(p)
post firePost: employee->excludes(p)
The first precondition of the hire operation is named
and makes sure that the operation can only be called
with a well defined person object.7 The second precondition
makes sure that the person passed as parameter hirePost
guarantees that after the operation has exited, the
person actually has been added to the set of employees. The constraints
for the operation fire
work just the other way round.
The USE specification of the graphs example (1.4.3{reference-type="ref" reference="graphsExample"}) is shown below.
model Graph
class Node
association Edge between
Node[*] role source
Node[*] role target
context Node::newTarget()
-- the operation must link exactly one target node
post oneNewTarget:
(target - target@pre)->size() = 1
-- the target node must not exist before
post targetNodeIsNew:
(target - target@pre)->forAll(n | n.oclIsNew())
The postcondition targetNodeIsNew
also demonstrates the
application of the OCL operation oclIsNew
to check for the
creation of new objects.
The factorial example presented in section 1.4.4{reference-type="ref" reference="factorialExample"} is specified below.
model NestedOperationCalls
class Rec
fac(n : Integer) : Integer =
if n <= 1 then 1 else n * self.fac(n - 1) endif
context Rec::fac(n : Integer) : Integer
pre: n > 0
post: result = n * fac(n - 1)
The postcondition reflects the inductive case of the definition of the factorial function.
After specifying a UML model within a .use
file you can open it with
USE. The USE system will parse and type check the file automatically.
Possible errors are listed in the log window. (see section
4.3.4{reference-type="ref" reference="logWindow"})
The Employees, Departments and Projects example specified in section
2.3.1{reference-type="ref" reference="EDPspec"} is used to
show how system states can be created and invariants evaluated.
Objects can be created by selecting a class and specifying a name for
the object. The menu command State|Create object
opens a dialog where
this information can be entered (shown in figure
Alternatively, the following command can be used at the shell to achieve
the same effect.
use> !create cs:Department
And, even simpler, an object can be created via drag & drop. Just select
a class in the model browser (see section
4.3.3{reference-type="ref" reference="low"}) and drag it to the
object diagram.
Figure 3.2{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:ViewsWithObject"} is similar to figure
reference="fig:WorkingspaceViews"}, but the specification changed to the
Employees, Departments and Projects example and the object cs
was created. The lower left view indicates that there is now one
object, and the object diagram shows this object
A context menu available on a right mouse click in the object diagram
provides several display options. For example, the automatic layout can
be turned off, the layout of the diagram can be saved and restored from
a file, etc. In the previous picture we have turned on the display of
attribute values. You can see that the attribute values of the
object are all undefined. For changing attribute
values, we can use the set
use> !set := 'Computer Science'
use> !set cs.location := 'Bremen'
use> !set cs.budget := 10000
Attributes can also be changed with an Object Properties View. If you
choose View|Create|
Object Properties
from the View
menu and
select the cs
object, you get the view shown in figure
reference="fig:ObjectProperties"} where you can inspect and change
attributes of the selected object.\
We continue by adding two Employee
objects and setting their
use> !create john : Employee
use> !set := 'John'
use> !set john.salary := 4000
use> !create frank : Employee
use> !set := 'Frank'
use> !set frank.salary := 4500
Now we have three objects, a department and two employees, but still no
connections between them. The layout in the object diagram is
continuously refined and updated. This can be turned off by deselecting
the option Auto-Layout
in the context menu of the object diagram.
The previous commands resulted in an invalid system state. This is
discussed in detail in the next section.
The invariant view indicates some problem with the new system state. The
message says: Model inherent constraints violated
. Model inherent
constraints are constraints defined implicitly by a UML model (in
contrast to explicit OCL constraints). The details about this message
are shown in the log panel at the bottom of the screen. (see figure
4.5{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LogWindow"})
They are also available by issuing a check command at the prompt:
use> check
checking structure...
Multiplicity constraint violation in association `WorksIn':
Object `frank' of class `Employee' is connected to 0 objects of
class `Department' via role `department'
but the multiplicity is specified as `1..*'.
Multiplicity constraint violation in association `WorksIn':
Object `john' of class `Employee' is connected to 0 objects of
class `Department' via role `department'
but the multiplicity is specified as `1..*'.
The problem here is that we have specified in the model that each
employee has to be related to at least one department object. (see the
class diagram shown in figure
reference="fig:exampleModel"}) In our current state, no employee has a
link to a department. In order to fix this, we insert the missing links
into the WorksIn
use> !insert (john,cs) into WorksIn
use> !insert (frank,cs) into WorksIn
Links can also be inserted by selecting the objects to be connected in
the object diagram and choosing the insert
command from the context
The new state shows the links in the object diagram as red edges between
the Employee
objects and the Department
(see figure 3.4{reference-type="ref"
We have seen that class invariants are checked automatically each time a system state changes. This section shows how invariants can be analyzed. We continue the example by adding two projects and linking them to the existing employees and the department.
use> !create research : Project
use> !set := 'Research'
use> !set research.budget := 12000
use> !create teaching : Project
use> !set := 'Validating UML'
use> !set teaching.budget := 3000
use> !insert (cs,research) into Controls
use> !insert (cs,teaching) into Controls
use> !insert (frank,research) into WorksOn
use> !insert (frank,teaching) into WorksOn
use> !insert (john,research) into WorksOn
The resulting state is shown in figure 3.5{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ViewsDemo"}.
In this state, three of the four invariants are true but one fails. The
failing one has the name BudgetWithinDepartmentBudget
. This
invariant states that the budget of a project must not exceed the budget
of the controlling department. Obviously, one of the two projects in our
example must have a budget higher than the budget of the department.
The value false
finally resulting from an evaluation of an
invariant is not very helpful in finding the reason for an illegal
system state. An Evaluation Browser provides a more detailed view of an
expression by showing the results of all sub expressions. (see section
reference="evaluationBrowserSec"}) Double clicking on an invariant will
open an Evaluation Browser (see figure
The root node in the evaluation browser shows the complete expression
and its result, which is false for the chosen invariant. For each
component of an expression there are child nodes displaying the sub
expressions and their results. You can see that the argument expression
of the forAll
quantifier is false, thus making the whole
expression result false. In this sub expression, the variable
is bound to the object research
. The
Evaluation Browser has helped to find out that it is the
attribute value of this object which causes the
invariant to fail.
OCL provides special syntax for specifying pre- and postconditions on operations in a UML model. Pre- and postconditions are constraints that define a contract that an implementation of the operation has to fulfill. A precondition must hold when an operation is called, a postcondition must be true when the operation returns. The USE tool allows to validate pre- and postconditions by simulating operation calls. The following describes how this feature works.
We test the pre- and postconditions of the Person & Company example specified in section 2.3.2{reference-type="ref" reference="personCompanySpec"}. First we start the USE tool with the specification of the example model.
use> open ../examples/Documentation/Employee/Employee.use
compiling specification...
Model Employee (2 classes, 1 association, 0 invariants, 3 operations,
7 pre-/postconditions)
At the prompt, we enter the following commands to create two objects.
use> !create ibm : Company
use> !create joe : Person
use> !set := 'Joe'
use> !set joe.age := 23
The current system state can be visualized with an object diagram view in USE (see figure 3.7{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EmployeeObjects"}).\
Next, we want to call the operation hire
on the company
object to hire joe
as a new employee.
Operation calls are initiated with the command openter
. Its syntax is
presented in section 5.1.12{reference-type="ref"
reference="openterCmd"}. The following command shows the top level
bindings of variables. These variables can be used in expressions to
refer to existing objects.
use> info vars
ibm : Company = @ibm
joe : Person = @joe
We invoke the operation hire
on the receiver object
and pass the object joe
as parameter.
use> !openter ibm hire(joe)
precondition `hirePre1' is true
precondition `hirePre2' is true
The openter command has the following effect.
The source expression is evaluated to determine the receiver object.
The argument expressions are evaluated.
The variable
is bound to the receiver object and the argument values are bound to the formal parameters of the operation. These bindings determine the local scope of the operation. -
All preconditions specified for the operation are evaluated.
If all preconditions are satisfied, the current system state is saved and the operation call is saved on a call stack.
In the example, the call of the operation hire
was successful
because both preconditions are satisfied. The stack of currently active
operations can be viewed by issuing the following command.
use> info opstack
active operations:
1. Company::hire(p : Person)
We can verify the bindings of the self
variable and the
formal parameter
use> info vars
ibm : Company = @ibm
joe : Person = @joe
p : Person = @joe
self : Company = @ibm
We can simulate the execution of an operation with the usual USE
primitives for changing a system state. The postcondition of the
operation requires that a WorksFor
between the person and the company has to be created. We also set the
salary of the new employee.
use> !insert (p, ibm) into WorksFor
use> !set p.salary := 2000
The object diagram in
reference="fig:EmployeeObjectsLinks"} shows the new system state with
the link between the Person
and Company
After generating all side effects of an operation, we are ready to exit
the operation and check its postconditions. The command opexit
simulates a return from the currently active operation. The syntax is:
The optional ReturnValExpr
is only required for operations
with a result value. An example will be given later. The operation
specifies no result, so we can just issue:
use> !opexit
postcondition `hirePost' is true
The opexit command has the following effect.
The currently active operation is popped from the call stack.
If an optional result value is given, it is bound to the special OCL variable
. -
All postconditions specified for the operation are evaluated in context of the current system state and the pre state saved at operation entry time.
All local variable bindings are removed.
In our example, the postcondition hirePost
is satisfied.
The operation has been removed from the call stack:
use> info opstack
no active operations.
All variable bindings local to operations are removed on exit.
use> info vars
ibm : Company = @ibm
joe : Person = @joe
Note that object names are elements of the top level bindings. If you create new objects inside an operation call, their names will still be available after exiting the operation.
The operation raiseSalary
in class Person
is used
for changing the salary of an employee by a given rate. The following
constraints are added to the model specification.
context Person::raiseSalary(rate : Real) : Real
post raiseSalaryPost:
salary = salary@pre * (1.0 + rate)
post resultPost:
result = salary
The first postcondition raiseSalaryPost
requires that the new
value of the salary attribute equals a value that is computed in terms
of the previous value using the resultPost
specifies that the result value of
the operation equals the new salary.
We call raiseSalary
on the new employee joe
. The
use> !openter joe raiseSalary(0.1)
The salary
attribute is assigned a new value with the set
use> !set self.salary := self.salary + self.salary * rate
Since raiseSalary
is an operation with a return value, we
have to specify a result value on exit. This value is bound to the OCL
result variable when the postconditions are evaluated.
use> !opexit 2200
postcondition `raiseSalaryPost' is true
postcondition `resultPost' is true
The USE tool can visualize a sequence of operation calls as a UML sequence diagram. The screenshot in figure 3.9{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EmployeeSequence"} shows the sequence of calls for the example. During a validation session the diagram is automatically updated on each operation call.
The graph model specified in section
2.3.3{reference-type="ref" reference="graphsSpec"}
includes constraints calling the operation oclIsNew
. We use
the following command script for animating the model. The script
simulates three operation calls. The first one is expected to succeed
while the second and third one should violate the postconditions.
!create n1 : Node
-- this call satisfies both postconditions
!openter n1 newTarget()
!create n2 : Node
!insert (n1,n2) into Edge
-- postcondition oneNewTarget fails,
-- because n3 is not linked to n1
!openter n1 newTarget()
!create n3 : Node
-- postcondition targetNodeIsNew fails,
-- because n3 has already been created above
!openter n1 newTarget()
!insert (n1,n3) into Edge
Here is the output of the USE tool confirming our expectations about the success and failure of postconditions. Details during the evaluation of failing postconditions provide hints about what went wrong.
$ use -nogui ../examples/Documentation/Graph/Graph.use
use version 2.3.1-devel, Copyright (C) 1999-2006 University of Bremen
compiling specification...
Model Graph (1 class, 1 association, 0 invariants, 1 operation, 2 pre-/postconditions)
Graph.cmd> -- Opens the class diagram:
Graph.cmd> -- open examples/Documentation/Graph/Graph.use
Graph.cmd> -- Creates the object diagram:
Graph.cmd> -- read examples/Documentation/Graph/Graph.cmd
Graph.cmd> !create n1 : Node
Graph.cmd> -- this call satisfies both postconditions
Graph.cmd> !openter n1 newTarget()
Graph.cmd> !create n2 : Node
Graph.cmd> !insert (n1,n2) into Edge
Graph.cmd> !opexit
postcondition `oneNewTarget' is true
postcondition `targetNodeIsNew' is true
Graph.cmd> -- postcondition oneNewTarget fails,
because n3 is not linked to n1
Graph.cmd> !openter n1 newTarget()
Graph.cmd> !create n3 : Node
Graph.cmd> !opexit
postcondition `oneNewTarget' is false
evaluation results:
self : Node = @n1 : Set(Node) = Set{@n2}
self : Node = @n1 : Set(Node) = Set{@n2}
( - : Set(Node) = Set{}
( ->size : Integer = 0
1 : Integer = 1
(( ->size = 1) : Boolean = false
postcondition `targetNodeIsNew' is true
Graph.cmd> -- postcondition targetNodeIsNew fails,
because n3 has already been create above
Graph.cmd> !openter n1 newTarget()
Graph.cmd> !insert (n1,n3) into Edge
Graph.cmd> !opexit
postcondition `oneNewTarget' is true
postcondition `targetNodeIsNew' is false
evaluation results:
self : Node = @n1 : Set(Node) = Set{@n2,@n3}
self : Node = @n1 : Set(Node) = Set{@n2}
( - : Set(Node) = Set{@n3}
n : Node = @n3
n.oclIsNew : Boolean = false
( ->forAll(n : Node | n.oclIsNew) : Boolean = false
The screenshot in figure 3.10{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:GraphSequence"} shows the sequence diagram automatically generated from the example. Dashed return arrows in red indicate that a postcondition failed on exit from an operation call.
The factorial example specified in section 2.3.4{reference-type="ref" reference="factorialSpec"} includes nested operation calls. The following commands show the computation of 3!.
use> !create r : Rec
use> !openter r fac(3)
precondition `pre1' is true
use> !openter r fac(2)
precondition `pre1' is true
use> !openter r fac(1)
precondition `pre1' is true
The call stack now looks like this.
use> info opstack
active operations:
1. Rec::fac(n : Integer) : Integer
2. Rec::fac(n : Integer) : Integer
3. Rec::fac(n : Integer) : Integer
We exit the operations in reverse order and provide result values that satisfy the postcondition.
use> !opexit 1
postcondition `post1' is true
use> !opexit 2
postcondition `post1' is true
use> !opexit 6
postcondition `post1' is true
The screenshot in figure 3.11{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:NestedSequence"} shows the sequence diagram automatically generated from the example. Note the stacked activation frames resulting from the recursion.
The symbols on the left side of the menu entries indicate that there is a corresponding button available at the toolbar.
Loads an available USE specification from file
Saves all previously entered operation calls and commands which changed
the system state to file (filename``.cmd
Saves a detailed protocol including many GUI and shell activities.
Opens a dialog with modifiable standard printer settings.
Opens the printer window for printing the active diagram with any desired settings.
This function is enabled for sequence diagrams only. It prints the
visible part of the diagram. For printing the whole sequence diagram,
the Print Diagram...
function has to be used.
Quits the running USE system.
This function cancels the commands changing the system state step by step. It makes no difference between GUI and shell commands.
Shows all specified classes. After selecting a class, any number of objects may be created by entering an unique object name.
This function opens an evaluating window which consists of two parts. In
the upper part you can enter a OCL expression. After evaluating the
expression the lower part shows the result with its type. The Clear
button clears the result information. The Browser
button opens the
evaluation browser for analyzing the entered expression and its parts.
If the evaluation browser is still opened and a new expression is
evaluated the browser will be actualized. If the expression cannot be
evaluated the browser window will be closed. This also happens if the
button is pressed.
The model elements like class names, role names etc. may be integrated
into the OCL expression. If a system state is defined, object names may
be used too.
This function checks if all multiplicities defined in the specification are fulfilled by the system state.
Checks the structure for every command, which changed the system state.
Resets the system state to the empty state.
Creates one of the available diagram views.
Arranges all displayed views next to each other.
Closes all displayed diagram views.
Opens the About window.
{width="3%"} Open Specification (see section{reference-type="ref" reference="openSpec"})
{width="3%"} Print Diagram (see section{reference-type="ref" reference="printDia"})
{width="3%"} Print View (see section{reference-type="ref" reference="printView"})
{width="3%"} Undo (see section{reference-type="ref" reference="undo"})
{width="3%"} Evaluate OCL expression (see
section{reference-type="ref" reference="evalExpr"})
{width="3%"} Create Class Diagram View (see
section 4.4.2{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Object Diagram
View (see section 4.4.3{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Class Invariant
View (see section 4.4.4{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Object Count
View (see section 4.4.5{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Link Count View
(see section 4.4.6{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create State Evolution
View (see section 4.4.7{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Object
Properties View (see section
{width="3%"} Create Class Extend
View (see section 4.4.9{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Sequence
Diagram View (see section
{width="3%"} Create Call Stack View (see
section 4.4.11{reference-type="ref"
{width="3%"} Create Command List View (see
section 4.4.12{reference-type="ref"
The main part of the window shows the opened diagram views.
The top left window represents the model browser. (see figure 4.2{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:OverviewOfSpec"})
It shows all defined classes, associations, invariants and pre- and postconditions. A right click into this part of the main window opens a context menu. (see figure 4.3{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:OverviewOfSpecSort"})
The menu provides the possibility to sort the specification elements
e.g. by name or use
file order.
The window below the specification overview shows the definition of the
selected specification element as it is defined in the .use
file. (see
figure 4.4{reference-type="ref"
The lower part of the main window show a log of the system activities. (see figure 4.5{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LogWindow"}) It also lists possible syntax resp. type check errors found in the loaded specification and structural errors. Click right to clear the log window.
A line on the bottom of the main window shows the current USE status and tips with reference to the displayed diagrams. (see figure 4.6{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:StatusAndTips"})
There are different views, which can be used to analyze the current system state with reference to the specification.
Double click on the head of an active view to maximize the window resp. reduce it to the previous size. There are three symbols in the upper right corner. They minimize, maximize resp. reduce or close the active window.
This view shows the class diagram defined by the loaded specification. (see figure 4.7{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ClassDiagramView"})
It displays classes, attributes, operations, associations, inheritance,
compositions, aggregations, association classes, enumerations, role
names and multiplicities. Associations connect classes via edges. It is
possible to create movable nodes by double clicking an edge. If an
association is not 2 ary a diamond will connect the three or more
participating classes. A dashed line connects association classes to
their edge. You can move elements like classes, diamonds, role names,
multiplicities etc.. If you select an element, it appears orange. To
mark more than one element hold the shift button and select the
elements. The selected elements can be moved together.
Figure 4.7{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:ClassDiagramView"} shows the context menu, which is
displayed after a right click. You can choose if associations, role
names, multiplicities, attributes or operations should be displayed. If
you enable the Auto-Layout
option, the system tries to arrange the
class diagram elements optimally. The Anti-aliasing
option switches
the anti aliasing on and off. It is possible to save resp. load an
diagram layout to resp. from file (filename``.clt
If you select at least one Element, you can hide it or all other
elements but the selected ones. The Show
command recovers the hidden
elements. (see figure
The Object Diagram View shows the object diagram defined by the actual system state. (see figure 4.9{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ObjectDiagramView"})
It shows objects, attributes, attribute values, links, association names
and role names. The general functions are similar to the Class Diagram
View functions presented in section
Objects are displayed with object name and its type. Double click on an
object to open the object properties view. (see figure
reference="objectpropertiesview"}) Links are represented by a red line.
Association names, role names and attributes are optional elements. To
display them, check the corresponding box in the context menu, which is
shown after a right click. The Auto-Layout
, Anti-aliasing
Load layout...
and Save layout...
functions are explained in section
The Model Browser (see section 4.3.3{reference-type="ref"
reference="low"}) shows all specified classes. To create an instance of
a class just drag the class name and drop it into the object diagram
view. This creates an object with undefined attribute values.
You can destroy existing objects by selecting them. The context menu
shows a new Delete
function, which will destroy the object and the
participating links. (see figure
To insert a link between two or more objects, select the objects and
open the context menu. Hold the shift button to select more than one
object. If there is an appropriate association the context menu shows an
command, which inserts a link between the selected objects.
Association classes are created the same way.
Remove a link by selecting the involved objects. The context menu shows
a delete
Shows all invariants. (see figure 4.11{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ClassInvariantView"})
If no instance of the invariant context violates the corresponding
invariant and no model inherent constraint (see section
3.1.1{reference-type="ref" reference="modelinherent"})
the view shows true
. If an objects violates a model inherent
constraint it appears false
appears otherwise. The
bottom of the window shows the number of violated invariants in the
actual system state. A double click opens the evaluation browser
analyzing the current invariant with respect to the actual system state.
(see section 4.5{reference-type="ref"
Shows all classes on the left side and the number of their instances on the right side. A bar chart shows an overview of the number of instances.
Shows all associations on the left side and the number of links on the right side. A bar chart shows an overview of the number of links.
Shows a line chart. (see figure 4.14{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:StateEvolutionView"})
A blue line represents objects and a red line represents links in the
actual system state. The y axis represents the number of objects resp.
links. The x axis represents the number of changes the user made.
Commands like set
are considered as changes, too.
The drop down menu of this view includes all objects. (see figure 4.15{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ObjectPropertiesView"})
If you choose an object its attributes and their values are displayed.
Double click on a value to change it. The Apply
button saves the
This view shows all objects of the selected class and their attribute values. (see figure 4.16{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ClassExtendView"})
A right click opens a context menu. You can switch on the invariant results for each object and select a class. An invariant receives a check symbol if the given object does not violate it. Otherwise a cross appears. If an object violates model inherent constraints the invariant is not evaluated for this object. Then a question mark appears. A double click opens the evaluation browser with the evaluation of the selected invariant. It marks the sub formula for the corresponding object.
Description will be available in the next document version.
The Call Stack lists all operations which were called with the openter
command and did not terminate yet. They terminate if you use the
command. A right click opens the context menu. You can choose
if the operation signature or the concrete operation call should be
This view lists all commands defining the actual system state. (see figure 4.23{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CommandListView"})
The reset
command resets the system state and empties the command
You can open the Evaluation Browser via the Class Invariant View (see
section 4.4.4{reference-type="ref"
reference="classinvariantview"}), via the Class Extend View (see section
reference="classextendview"}) or the OCL Evaluation Window (see section{reference-type="ref" reference="evalExpr"}). The
figure 4.24{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:EvaluationBrowser"} shows the Evaluation Browser
displaying the evaluation tree for the invariant
in the Employees, Departments and
Projects example.\
A right click opens a large context menu. Its elements are explained in
the following subsections.
You can select which OCL operations (exists
, and
, or
, implies
should be evaluated extendedly. (see figure
Selecting the menu entry exists
implicates that all exists
expressions are evaluated extendedly. The extended evaluation does not
stop if an element fulfilling the body of the exists
expression was already found. The whole collection expression is
evaluated and all elements fulfilling the expression are displayed.
If you select the option forAll
every forAll
expression is
evaluated extendedly. If an element does not fulfill the body of a
expression, the extended evaluation does not stop, but
continues the iteration until the last element was regarded. All
elements and their evaluation results are displayed.
The extended evaluation of and
expressions implies, that the
right side of an and
expression is evaluated even if the left
side is not true. The result of the right side is always displayed.
If the left side of an or
expression is true, USE normally
stops the evaluation of this expression. You can continue the evaluation
even though the left side is already true, by selecting the or
The extended evaluation of implies
expressions evaluate the
conclusions even if the premises are false.
The all
entry selects all options listed above.
If you switch on the Variable Assignment Window, it is displayed on the
right side of the evaluation Tree. 9 It shows all value assignments
of the existing variables in the selected tree node. The example in
figure 4.24{reference-type="ref"
reference="fig:EvaluationBrowser"} shows the variable self
type Department
and its value project
The Subexpression Evaluation Window is displayed on the right side of
the evaluation tree resp. below the Variable Assignment Window. It shows
the subexpressions of the marked tree node, which are evaluated in the
next step. The example in figure
reference="fig:EvaluationBrowser"} marks a tree node with expression
=2$. The
navigation expression has to be evaluated next. So the window shows the
result of this subexpression:
{\mathit{@research},\mathit{@teaching}}-> size
You can choose between different tree views. They are listed in figure 4.26{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserMenuTreeViews"} and explained below.
In this view the tree nodes, showing the variable assignments, are the leafs of the tree. (see figure 4.27{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserLateAssignment"})
This view shows the variable assignment as soon as possible in the evaluation tree. 10 (see figure 4.28{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserEarlyAssignment"}) Simultaneous assignments are shown in the same node. They are separated by commas.
The Variable Assignment & Substitution view is a refinement of the previous presented view. The variable names are substituted by their values. (see figure 4.29{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserAssignmentSubstitution"})
This view is similar to the Variable Assignment & Substitution view, but nodes with variable assignments are not displayed here. (see figure 4.30{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserSubstitution"})
This view does not display tree nodes with variable assignments, and does not substitute variables. (see figure 4.31{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserNoAssignment"})
The context menu includes settings for colored and black/white highlighting of tree nodes. (see figure 4.32{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserMenuTrueFalse"})
Enabling highlighting changes the color resp. font of the tree nodes.
Nodes representing an expression, which evaluates to true
receives a green color resp. a bold font, if the No colors
option is
switched on. If an expression evaluates to false
, the node
appears red resp. inverse colored. Neutral nodes showing value
assignments and undefined expressions are not highlighted. You can
choose between different highlighting modes. They are listed below.
Deactivates the highlighting.
Highlights nodes of boolean type. (see figure 4.33{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserTermHighlighting"})
Highlights nodes of boolean type and its child nodes if they have a different type. Child nodes, which also have a boolean type, receive a color depending on their truth value. The same highlighting rules are applied to their children. (see figure 4.34{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserSubtreeHighlighting"})
The truth values of the immediate child nodes of the root specify the color of their subtrees. (see figure 4.35{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserCompleteHighlighting"}) Other nodes have no influence on the subtree colors.
This command fits the width of the OCL expressions to the width of the Evaluation Browser Window. You do not have to scroll horizontally.
Restores the settings of the default configuration. The command
Set as default
stores these settings. (see section
4.5.8{reference-type="ref" reference="setToDefault"})
There is a USE configuration file etc/
where you can
specify properties for all users. You can also create a local .userc
file in your home directory, which overwrites or extends these settings.
An example is shown below.
#Extended Evaluation Defaults
#Tree-View Default
This commands opens the dialog shown in figure 4.36{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserSetAsDefault"}.
The current properties of the Evaluation Browser are saved, but not permanently. They are saved as long as the USE process is running.
The settings are saved permanently by changing the .userc
file in your
home directory.
The dialog is closed without saving the actual configuration.
You can save the actual Evaluation Browser Window to file. This command
opens a save dialog where you can define the destination directory, the
filename and its format (PNG
or BMP
). PNG
is the standard
The above mentioned commands may be called by using shortcuts. The following table shows the shortcuts and the corresponding commands.
Shortcut | Command |
Alt-x | Extended Evaluation (all) |
Alt-v | Variable Assignment Window |
Alt-e | Subexpression Evaluation Window |
Alt-1..4 | Treeviews 1..4 |
Alt-0 | disable Highlighting |
Alt-7..9 | Highlightings 1..3 |
Alt-f | Fit width |
Alt-d | Default configuration |
Alt-s | Set as default |
Alt-c | Capture to file |
You can click right on a tree node. If the node is closed, the context menu 4.37{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserExpand"} is displayed.
Use the Expand
function to open the node. The Expand all
opens the complete subtree where the current node appears as root. The
command Copy
copies the OCL expression of the marked node to
The context menu changes, if the selected node is opened. (see
The node may be closed by using the Collapse
function. But this
command does not close the child nodes. If you would like to close all
child nodes too, use the Collapse all
function instead.
The Tree Display Menu is a drop down menu shown in figure 4.39{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserTreeDisplayAndClose"}.
It is located on the left side of the close button. The menu entries are listed below.
Opens all nodes existing in the evaluation tree.
All displayed nodes of type boolean and their child nodes are opened if
they evaluate to true
All displayed nodes of type boolean and their child nodes are opened if
they evaluate to false
This commands set the tree back to a state, where all nodes are folded up, but not the root.
The title of the Evaluation Browser shows the analyzed invariant and its definition. (see figure 4.40{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserTitle"})
If no invariant is actually analyzed, the expression of the root node is shown in the title. You can hide the title by double click on it. If it is hidden you can double click at the top margin to display the title again.
The Object Browser shows objects of user defined types, the valuation of
their attributes, their associations and the objects connected via links
of the corresponding associations. Double click on an object in the
Variable Assignment Window to open the Object Browser. (see section
The figure
reference="fig:EvaluationBrowserObjectBrowser"} shows the browser
listing the information about object @research
in the Employees,
Departments and Projects example.
The first column shows its attributes, the second the corresponding
values, the third shows its associations and the fourth shows the
objects which are connected to @research
via links. You can navigate
to connected objects by choosing them in a drop down menu. Click left on
the connected objects. This opens the menu, showing all objects
reachable from the current object. After selecting the destination
object, the Object Browser shows its properties. (see figure
Prints all available commands and a synopsis of their description.
: help
Prints the syntax for the use of command cmd
and its
description with synopsis.
: help
: help !create
Compiles and evaluates the expression OclExpr
. This Shell
command is comparable to the function of the Evaluation Window in the
GUI. (see section{reference-type="ref"
: ?
: The simple expression
User input:
: `? 2=2`
: The result shown in the Shell.
-> true : Boolean
Compiles and evaluates the Expression OclExpr
with verbose
output of subexpression results. After evaluating the expression the
Evaluation Browser is displayed. It shows the evaluation tree for
: ??
: The simple expression
User input:
: `?? 2=2`
: The result shown in the Shell.
Detailed results of subexpressions:
2 : Integer = 2
2 : Integer = 2
(2 = 2) : Boolean = true
-> true : Boolean
Compiles the expression OclExpr
and shows its static type.
: :
: The type of the expression
User input:
: `: 2=2`
: The result shown in the Shell.
-> Boolean
Use \
to enter a multiline mode. Finish with a '.' on a single line.
In multiline mode an OCL expression may be split into several lines.
: The OCL expression is split into
: The Expression
User Input:
: The result shown in the Shell.
-> true : Boolean
Creates one or more objects of a given class or associationclass. The
has to include at least one object name. These
names identify the new objects of the type class
. If
is an association class the link ends given with
have to be specified with the keyword between
. The
order of the names in idList
must conform to the definition
of the associationclass.
: !create
$[between (
Example for classes:
: The following commands create three objects for the class
and one for the classes Lemon
User input:
: The user input.
!create greenApple, redApple, yellowApple : Apple
!create bigLemon : Lemon
!create banana : Banana
Example for association classes:
: This example creates an instance of the associationclass
. The actual link ends are the existing objects
with type Banana
with type Apple
User input:
: The Shell command.
!create smallSalad : FruitSalad between (banana, redApple)
Destroys the objects given by the idList
, which includes at
least one object name. If the destroyed object is a link end, the
corresponding link is deleted resp. the associationclass object is
: !destroy
: The example destroys two objects.
User input:
: `!destroy greenApple, smallSalad`
Inserts a link between the objects in the idList
into the
association assoc
: !insert
: This command inserts a link into the 3 ary association
. The second link end must have the type
. This is an abstract class. It cannot be
instantiated. Apple
is a subtype of this class. That
means we may use the object yellowApple
User input:
: The Shell command.
!insert (redApple, yellowApple, bigLemon) into Ingredients
Deletes the link between the objects in the idList
from the
association assoc
: !delete
: This command deletes the link inserted in section 5.1.9{reference-type="ref" reference="insertInto"}.
User input:
: The Shell command.
!delete (redApple, yellowApple, bigLemon) from Ingredients
Sets the attribute attr
of the object obj
to a new
value given by OclExpr
: !set
: Both commands set the boolean attribute of object
to true. It inherits the juice
attribute from Orange
User input:
: Two shell commands.
!set redApple.juice := 2=2
!set redApple.juice := true
Invokes an operation with the name OpName
on the object
. If the operation has ExprList
: !openter
Example without parameters:
: The object banana
is an instance of class
which defines the operation peel
. This
operation has no parameters.
User input:
: `!openter banana peel()`
: The preconditions are checked.
precondition `pre1' is true
Example with formal parameter:
: The operation squeeze
is invoked on object
. It has one explicitly defined parameter of type
User input:
: `!openter bigLemon squeeze(11)`
: The second precondition is false because the argument is greater
than 10. The operation call is canceled.
precondition `pre2' is true
precondition `lessThanTenOranges' is false
User input:
: `!openter bigLemon squeeze(3)`
: Both preconditions are true.
precondition `pre2' is true
precondition `lessThanTenOranges' is true
This command exits the least recently entered operation, i.e. the top of
the call stack. If the operation has a return value it has to be
specified behind the opexit
: !opexit
Example - second call:
: The operation squeeze
is the least recently entered
operation. Its return value has to be of type Integer
User input:
: ` !opexit 20`
: The postconditions are checked.
postcondition `alwaysTrue' is true
Example - first call:
: The operation peel
has been called before. It can be
exited now. The result value has to be a String
User input:
: `!opexit 'failure'`
: One postcondition is false because the result value has to be
$'`theResult`'$. Even though the result value is wrong
the operation is exited.
postcondition `post1' is true
postcondition `post2' is false
evaluation results:
result : String = 'failure'
'theResult' : String = 'theResult'
(result = 'theResult') : Boolean = false
User input:
: `!openter 'theResult'`
: If we exit this operation with the right result value both
preconditions appear true.
postcondition `post1' is true
postcondition `post2' is true
The command checks the structure, i.e. the multiplicity constraints and
the invariant constraints. There are four optional parameters. -v
enables the verbose output of the subexpression results for violated
invariants. The option -d
shows which instances cause an invariant to
fail. The option -a
checks all invariants including the ones loaded by
the generator. You can specify which invariants should be checked by
entering an invList
. Use the following invariant signature:
. The signatures have to be
separated with a blank.
: check
$] [-d
$] [-a
$ | invList
Example without options:
User input:
: `check`
: The result shows several multiplicity constraint violations,
because the example script does not create enough links. One
invariant is violated in the current system state.
checking structure...
Multiplicity constraint violation in association `AppleSpritzer':
Object `yellowApple' of class `Apple'
is connected to 0 objects of class `Lemon' via role `flavor'
but the multiplicity is specified as `1..8,10,15..*'.
Multiplicity constraint violation in association `Ingredients':
Objects `yellowApple, redApple'
are connected to 0 objects of class `Lemon'
but the multiplicity is specified as `1..*'.
checking invariants...
checking invariant (1) `Orange::OrangeInv': OK.
checking invariant (2) `Orange::alwaysTrue': OK.
checking invariant (3) `Orange::inv2': FAILED.
-> false : Boolean
checking invariant (4) `Peach::inv1': OK.
checking invariant (5) `Peach::neverViolated': OK.
checked 5 invariants in 0.046s, 1 failure.
Example with options:
User input:
: `check -d`
: The option `-d` shows, that `redApple` and
`yellowApple` violate the invariant `inv2`.
with these options.
checking invariant (3) `Orange::inv2': FAILED.
-> false : Boolean
Instances of Orange violating the invariant:
-> Set{@redApple,@yellowApple} : Set(Apple)
This command activates the single step mode to read in a script step by step.
: step on
: Read in the script.
User input:
: Enter the step on mode and open the script.
use> step on
Step mode turned on.
use> open ../examples/Documentation/ExampleSpecification/ExampleScript.cmd
[step mode: `return' continues, `escape' followed by `return'
exits step mode.]
: Now you can press return to read in the script command by
Reads information from a file. It may be a USE specification
), a command file (fileName``.cmd
or an invariants file (fileName``.invs
). If a command file is
read in, every line is shown in the Shell. You have to load a
specification before you can read in command files. The -q
allows a quiet reading. If the filename is in the root directory of USE,
there is no need to enter the path. If the file exists in a subdirectory
of the USE root directory (usually named use-``version
), you
have to enter the sub path beginning at the USE root. (see example) If
the file does not exist in the USE directory you have to enter the whole
: open
$( use
$ | cmd
$ | invs
$ )$
Example file in USE sub directory:
: Read in a specification existing in a subdirectory of USE.
User input:
: `open ../examples/Documentation/Demo/Demo.use`
compiling specification...
Model Company (3 classes, 3 associations, 4 invariants,
0 operations, 0 pre-/postconditions)
Example file not in USE directory:
: Read in a specification.
User input:
: `open /home/opti/ExampleSpecification.use`
compiling specification...
Model Fruits (6 classes, 3 associations, 5 invariants,
3 operations, 6 pre-/postconditions)
Resets the USE system state to an empty state. All objects and links are deleted.
: reset
Enter q
, quit
or exit
to exit USE.
: $( q
$ | quit
$ | exit
$ )$
Undoes the last state manipulation command.
: undo
Prints information about a class existing in the specification.
: info class
: Get information about the Apple
User input:
: `info class Apple`
: The result shown in the Shell.
class Apple < Lemon,Orange
2 objects of this class in current state.
Prints all information about the loaded model (classes, associations, constraints).
: info model
: Information about the example model.
User input:
: `info model`
Prints information about the current system state. Shows how many objects and links are created.
: info state
: Information about the current state.
User input:
: `info state`
: The result shown in the Shell.
State: state#4
class : #objects + #objects in subclasses
Apple : 2 2
Banana : 1 1
FruitSalad : 0 0
Lemon : 1 4
(Orange) : 0 2
Peach : 0 0
total : 4
association : #links
AppleSpritzer : 0
FruitSalad : 0
Ingredients : 0
total : 0
Prints all operations, which did not terminate yet, i.e. the operation call stack.
: info opstack
: Invokes an operation and requests information about the operation stack.
User input:
use> !openter bigLemon squeeze(1)
precondition `pre2' is true
precondition `lessThanTenOranges' is true
use> info opstack
: The result shown in the Shell.
active operations:
1. Lemon::squeeze(i : Integer) : Integer | bigLemon.squeeze(1)
Prints information about the USE process (i.e., memory usage).
: info prog
User input:
: `info prog`
: The result shown in the Shell.
(mem: 27% = 793.800 bytes free, 2.916.352 bytes total)
Prints information about global variables.
: info vars
: The simple expression
User input:
: `info vars`
: The result shown in the Shell.
redApple : Apple = @redApple
yellowApple : Apple = @yellowApple
bigLemon : Lemon = @bigLemon
banana : Banana = @banana
i : Integer = 1
self : Lemon = @bigLemon
Description will be available in the next document version.
USE can run test suites similar to other XUnit test suites. This allows to test defined constraints. A more detailed description can be found in Using model unit tests in USE.
The OCL Standard operations are described following [@kyas:phd].
: represents equality between
objects. It evaluates to true if self
is the same as y
Notation: self = y
<>(y:OclAny):Boolean := not(self = y)
represents inequality between objects.
Notation: self <> y
evaluates to true, if the
callee is undefined.
Notation: self.isUndefined()
oclIsNew():Boolean := [email protected]()
can only be used in a
postcondition and states that the object has been newly created during
the execution of an operation.
Notation: self.oclIsNew()
is a "cast" or "retyping" expression,
evaluating to the value of the callee, if it is an instance of T
, and
to Undefined
Notation: self.oclAsType(T)
evaluates to true
if the callee is an instance of type T
Notation: self.oclIsTypeOf(T)
evaluates to true
if the callee is an instance of type T
or one of T
s subtypes, that
is, the callee conforms to the type T
Notation: self.isKindOf(T)
oclIsInState(<statename>) : Boolean
evaluates to true
if the callee has a state machine defined that currently is in the state <statename>
Notation: self.oclIsInState(Ready)
Remark: This operation was implemented incorrectly using the name oclInState
. The wrong name is still supported for backward compatibility.
a | b | not b |
a and b |
a or b |
a implies b |
a xor b |
true |
true |
false |
true |
true |
true |
false |
true |
false |
true |
false |
true |
false |
true |
true |
⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | true |
⊥ | ⊥ |
false |
true |
false |
false |
true |
true |
true |
false |
false |
true |
false |
false |
true |
false |
false |
⊥ | ⊥ | false |
⊥ | true |
⊥ |
⊥ | true |
false |
⊥ | true |
true |
⊥ |
⊥ | false |
true |
false |
⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ |
⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ |
describes the sum of self
and y
Notation: self + y
describes the difference between
and y
Notation: self - y
describes the product of
and y
Notation: self * y
describes the quotient of
and y
Notation: self / y
-():Real := 0 - self
describes the
negation of self
Notation: - self
evaluates to true
, if
the value of self
is less than the value of y
. It evaluates
to false
, if the value of self
is equal to or
greater than the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self < y
evaluates to true
, if
the value of self
is greater than the value of y
. It
evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is less
than or equal to the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self > y
evaluates to true
, if
the value of self
is less than or equal to the value of y
It evaluates to false
, if the value of self
greater than the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self <= y
evaluates to true
, if
the value of self
is equal to or greater than the value of
. It evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is less than the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self >= y
abs():Real := if self < 0 then -self else self endif
describes the absolute
value of self
Notation: self.abs()
describes the largest integer which
is not greater than self
Notation: self.floor()
Note: floor
binds stronger than -
. That means
(-3.3).floor() = -4
and -3.3.floor() = -(3.3.floor()) = -3
round():Integer := self + 0.5).floor()
rounds self
to the nearest integer.
Notation: self.round()
max(y:Real):Real := if self < y then y else self endif
results in the greater
value of self
and y
Notation: self.max(y)
min(y:Real):Real := if self > y then y else self endif
results in the smaller value of
and y
Notation: self.min(y)
describes the sum of
and y
Notation: self + y
describes the difference
between self
and y
Notation: self - y
describes the product of
and y
Notation: self * y
describes the quotient of
and y
Notation: self / y
-():Integer := 0 - self
describes the negation of self
Notation: -self
evaluates to true
if the value of self
is less than the value of y
. It
evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is equal
to or greater than the value of y
. In any other case, it is
Notation: self < y
evaluates to true
if the value of self
is greater than the value of y
. It
evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is less
than or equal to the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self > y
evaluates to true
if the value of self
is less than or equal to the value of
. It evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is greater than the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self <= y
evaluates to true
if the value of self
is equal to or greater than the value of
. It evaluates to false
, if the value of self
is less than the value of y
. In any other case, it is undefined.
Notation: self >= y
abs():Integer := if self < 0 then - self else self endif
describes the absolute value of
Notation: self.abs()
describes Euclidean
division of self
by y
, that is, it results in the unique
integer z
such that there exists an 0 <= r < y
z * y + r = self
Notation: self div y
describes Euclidean
reminder of self
divided by y
, that is, it results in the
unique integer z
z * y + r = self
Notation: self.mod(y)
max(y:Integer):Integer := if self < y then y else self endif
evaluates to the greater value of
and y
Notation: self.max(y)
min(y:Integer):Integer := if self > y then y else self endif
evaluates to the smaller
value of self
and y
Notation: self.min(y)
<col> ::= Set | Bag | Sequence
size():Integer := self->iterate(e; a:Integer = 0 | a + 1)
Notation: self->size()
count(y:T):Integer := self->iterate(i; a:Integer = 0 | if y = i then a + 1 else a endif)
counts how often y
occurs in the collection.
Notation: self->count(y)
includes(y:T):Boolean := self->count(y) > 0
returns true
if and only if y
occurs in the collection.
Notation: self->includes(y)
excludes(y:T):Boolean := self->count(y) = 0
returns true
if and only if y
does not occur in the collection.
Notation: self->excludes(y)
includesAll(y:<col>(T)):Boolean := y->forAll(e | self->includes(e))
Notation: self->includesAll(y)
excludesAll(y:<col>(T)):Boolean := y->forAll(e | self->excludes(e))
Notation: self->excludesAll(y)
isEmpty():Boolean := self->size() = 0
Notation: self->isEmpty()
notEmpty():Boolean := self->size() <> 0
Notation: self->notEmpty()
sum():T := self->iterate(e; a:Iterate = 0 | a + e)
Notation: self->sum()
describes set-equality.
Notation: self = y
describes the set obtained
from self
by including y
Notation: self->including(y)
describes the set obtained
from self
by excluding y
Notation: self->excluding(y)
describes the union
of the set self
and the set y
Notation: self->union(y)
describes the union
of the set obtained from self
by assuming that each element
of self
occurs exactly once and the bag y
Notation: self->union(y)
describes the
intersection of the set self
the set y
Notation: self->intersection(y)
describes the
intersection of the set self
and the set obtained from y
including every element contained in y
Notation: self->intersection(y)
describes the difference of the
set self
the set y
Notation: self - y
. If self
is a set of
collections, then this operation returns the set-union of all its
Notation: self->flatten()
asBag():Bag(T) := self->iterate(e; a:Bag(T) = oclEmpty(Bag(T)) | a->including(e))
returns a bag which includes each
element of self
exactly once.
Notation: self->asBag()
returns a sequence containing all elements of self
exactly once. The order of
the elements is arbitrary. It is equivalent to the expression
self->iterate(e; a:Sequence(T)=oclEmpty(Sequence(T)) | a->append(e))
Notation: self->asSequence()
describes equality of
Notation: self=y
describes the bag obtained
from self
by including y
Notation: self->including(y)
describes the bag obtained
from self
by excluding all occurrences of y
Notation: self->excluding(y)
describes the union
of the bag self
and the bag y
Notation: self->union(y)
describes the union
of the bag self
and the set obtained from y
by including
each element of y
exactly once.
Notation: self->union(y)
describes the
intersection of the bag self
and the bag y
Notation: self->intersection(y)
describes the
intersection of the bag self
and the set y
Notation: self->intersection(y)
. If self
is a bag of
collections, then this operation returns the bag union of all its
Notation: self->flatten(y)
asSet(): Set(T) := self->iterate(e; a:Set(T) = oclEmpty(Set(T)) | a->including(e))
returns a set which contains each
element of self
Notation: self->asSet()
returns a sequence
containing all elements of self
as often as they occur in the
multi-set. The order of the elements is arbitrary. It is equivalent to:
self->iterate(e; a:Sequence(T)=oclEmpty(Sequence(T)) | a->append(e))
Notation: self->asSequence()
results in the element at the y
position of the sequence.
Notation: self->at(y)
=(y:Sequence(T)):Boolean := let s={self->size()} in s={y->size()} \newline and \newline Sequence{1..s}->forAll(i:Integer | self->at(i) = y->at(i))
describes equality of sequences.
Notation: self = y
the concatenation of self
and y
Notation: self->union(y)
If self
is a sequence of collections, then this operation
returns the sequence concatenation of all its elements.
Notation: self->flatten()
append(y:T):Sequence(T) := self->union(Sequence{y})
in the sequence which consists of all elements of self
with y
Notation: self->append(y)
in the sequence which consists of all elements of self
with y
inserted at position index
. All elements that were at a position p
with p >= index
are afterwards at position p + 1
, i.e., they moved right.
Notation: self->insertAt(1, y)
prepend(y:T):Sequence(T) := Sequence{y}->union(self)
results in the sequence which consists of all elements of
with y
Notation: self->prepend(y)
excluding(y:T):Sequence(T) := self->iterate(i; a:Sequence(T)=oclEmpty(Sequence(T)) | if y = i then a else a->append(i) endif)
results in the largest sub-sequence of self
, in which y
does not occur.
Notation: self->excluding(y)
subSequence(y:Integer, z:Integer):Sequence(T)
results in the subsequence of self
starting at index y
ending at index z
. It is equivalent to:
Sequence{1..z}->iterate(i; a:Sequence(T)=oclEmpty(Sequence(T)) |
if y <= i and i <= z then
Notation: self->subSequence(y)
first():T := self->at(1)
Notation: self->first(y)
last():T := self->at(self->size())
Notation: self->last(y)
asSet(): asSet(T) := self->iterate(e; a:Set(T)=oclEmpty(Set(T)) | a->including(e))
returns a set which contains each
element of self
Notation: self->asSet(y)
asBag() : Bag(T) := self->iterate(e; a:Bag(T)=oclEmpty(Bag(T)) | a->including(e))
returns a bag containing all
elements of the sequence self
Notation: self->asBag(y)
[GR98a] Martin Gogolla and Mark Richters. On constraints and queries in UML. In Mar- tin Schader and Axel Korthaus, editors, The Unified Modeling Language - Technical Aspects and Applications, pages 109–121, Heidelberg, 1998. Physica-Verlag.
[GR98b] Martin Gogolla and Mark Richters. On formalizing the uml object constraint language OCL. In Tok Wang Ling, Sudha Ram, and Mong Li Lee, editors, Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Conceptual Modeling (ER’98), volume 1507 of LNCS, pages 449–464, Berlin, 1998. Springer.
[GR99] Martin Gogolla and Mark Richters. A metamodel for OCL. In Robert France and Bernhard Rumpe, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language: UML’99, volume 1723 of LNCS. Springer, 1999.
[GR00] Martin Gogolla and Mark Richters. Validating UML models and OCL constraints. In UML 2000 - The Unified Modeling Language. Advancing the Standard. Third Inter- national Conference, volume 1939 of LNCS, York, UK, 2000. Springer.
[Kya06] Marcel Kyas. Verifying OCL Specifications of UML Models: Tool Support and Com- positionality. Lehmanns Media, Berlin, 2006.
[Obj99] Object Management Group, Inc. OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification, Version 1.3, June 1999. Internet:
[Ric02] Mark Richters. A Precise Approach to Validating UML Models and OCL Constraints, volume 14 of BISS Monographs. Logos, Berlin, 2002.
A possible extension to USE would be the import of an XMI file created by a CASE tool like Argo UML[^11] or Rational Rose ↩
Assuming the current working directory is the top-level directory of the distribution and the bin directory is added to your PATH environment variable. ↩
Try 'help' for a list of available commands. ↩
Unless you specify the switch -nogui at startup time. ↩
- ↩
Note that the operation
is a USE extension. It is not possible to express this constraint with standard OCL. ↩ -
Again, we use the command line interface here, but the same can be achieved by using the previously discussed steps in the graphical user interface. ↩
If the Subexpression Evaluation Window is displayed too, the Variable Assignment Window appears above it. ↩
Assignments can not be displayed until the variables are bounded in the corresponding OCL expression. ↩