SEW | Todo App
As a user, I can create a new TODO.
- A TODO has a description, a timestamp, and a completed flag.
As a user, I can list my open TODOs.
- All open TODOs are displayed.
- The "age" of each TODO is displayed in days, hours and minutes (updated only when reloading the page).
- If there are no open TODOs, a suitable message is displayed.
As a user, I can mark a TODO as completed.
- TODOs can be marked as completed in a user-friendly way.
As a user, I find the TODO app easy and enjoyable to use.
- Styles are applied.
As a developer, my app should be well-structured.
- The app consists of multiple vue components.
As a developer, I know how to use the Composition and Options API of Vue.
- At least one component is written in your non-preferred API.