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esmock / 2.5.0

esmock 2.5.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @iambumblehead/esmock@2.5.0
Install via package.json:
"@iambumblehead/esmock": "2.5.0"

About this version

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esmock provides native ESM import and globals mocking for unit tests. Use examples below as a quick-start guide, see the descriptive and friendly esmock guide here, or browse esmock's test runner examples.

Note: For versions of node prior to v20.6.0, "--loader" command line arguments must be used with esmock as demonstrated in the wiki. Current versions of node do not require "--loader".

esmock has the below signature

await esmock(
  './to/module.js', // path to target module being tested
  { ...childmocks }, // mock definitions imported by target module
  { ...globalmocks }) // mock definitions imported everywhere

esmock examples

import test from 'node:test'
import assert from 'node:assert/strict'
import esmock from 'esmock'

test('package, alias and local file mocks', async () => {
  const cookup = await esmock('../src/cookup.js', {
    addpkg: (a, b) => a + b,
    '#icon': { coffee: '☕', bacon: '🥓' },
    '../src/breakfast.js': {
      default: () => ['coffee', 'bacon'],
      addSalt: meal => meal + '🧂'

  assert.equal(cookup('breakfast'), '☕🥓🧂')

test('full import tree mocks —third param', async () => {
  const { getFile } = await esmock('../src/main.js', {}, {
    // mocks *every* fs.readFileSync inside the import tree
    fs: { readFileSync: () => 'returned to 🌲 every caller in the tree' }

  assert.equal(getFile(), 'returned to 🌲 every caller in the tree')

test('mock fetch, Date, setTimeout and any globals', async () => {
  const { userCount } = await esmock('../Users.js', {
    '../req.js': await esmock('../req.js', {
      import: { // define globals like 'fetch' on the import namespace
        fetch: async () => ({
          status: 200,
          json: async () => [['jim','😄'],['jen','😊']]

  assert.equal(await userCount(), 2)

test('mocks "await import()" using esmock.p', async () => {
  // using esmock.p, mock definitions are kept in cache
  const doAwaitImport = await esmock.p('../awaitImportLint.js', {
    eslint: { ESLint: cfg => cfg }

  // mock definition is returned from cache, when import is called
  assert.equal(await doAwaitImport('cfg🛠️'), 'cfg🛠️')
  // a bit more info are found in the wiki guide

test('esmock.strict mocks', async () => {
  // replace original module definitions and do not merge them
  const pathWrapper = await esmock.strict('../src/pathWrapper.js', {
    path: { dirname: () => '/path/to/file' }

  // error, because "path" mock above does not define path.basename
  assert.rejects(() => pathWrapper.basename('/dog.🐶.png'), {
    name: 'TypeError',
    message: 'path.basename is not a function'



  • esmock-2.5.0.tgz

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