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Dylan Klomparens edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 9 revisions

Set up filesystem and external dependencies

You will need a place to store media and static content that NEMO uses:

cd /home/nemo
mkdir media static

You'll need to generate a secret key which is used by Django for password and session hashing. The NEMO package comes with an executable script that assists with this. nemo generate_secret_key will output a random 50 character key to standard output, which can be redirected to a file.

nemo generate_secret_key > django_secret_key.txt

Reference this file in your by assigning
SECRET_KEY = get_file_contents('/path/to/django_secret_key.txt').

Create the database

cd /home/nemo/
python3 makemigrations NEMO
python3 migrate

"Run once" command

To start NEMO on the command line: gunicorn NEMO.wsgi:application

This will serve NEMO on the default address for Gunicorn:

To test NEMO by fetching the root URL, use: curl or curl localhost:8000

TODO: add instructions for

  • systemd configuration (automatic startup on boot, and more)
  • ensure the firewall is open on TCP port 443
  • Nginx reverse proxy and static content server