Submit an issue
If you find errors in documents or want to improve, this is the easiest way to help. You can put your document in any format in the issue comments, then a core developer will format it into Markdown syntax and commit it to the repo.
Send a pull request
This way is for those who are familiar with Git workflow and Markdown. A PR needs to be reviewed by at least one person before merging.
Please follow https://github.com/sparanoid/chinese-copywriting-guidelines/blob/master/README.en.md.
Also, currently we're using Markdownlint and Autocorrect to ensure the quality of the documents. CI would automatically run check on the PRs, and failed PRs would not be merged.
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .env
Activate the virtual environment
# bash source .env/bin/activate # fish source .env/bin/activate.fish
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the documents
Open the documents
# macOS/fish open site/index.html # Linux xdg-open site/index.html
For those who improved the documents, the GitHub username will be mentioned in the document.
提交 issue
如果你发现文档中有错误,你可以在 issue 中提出。你也可以在 issue 中提交改进后的文档。 Issue 中提交的文档可以用任何格式撰写,后面我们会把文档格式化成标准的 Markdown 格式。
提交 pull request
如果你熟悉 Git 的协作流程, 也熟悉 Markdown 格式, 请 pull request。 注意 PR 在合并前至少需要一个人进行 review。
请参考 https://github.com/sparanoid/chinese-copywriting-guidelines。
CI 检查
目前我们配置了 Markdownlint 和 Autocorrect 进行基本的格式检查,CI 会对 pull request 进行检查,未通过检查的 pull request 不会被合并。
python3 -m venv .env
# bash source .env/bin/activate # fish source .env/bin/activate.fish
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# macOS/fish open site/index.html # Linux xdg-open site/index.html
参与任何形式的贡献,相关的 GitHub 用户名会在文档中自动生成。