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Here are the one by one steps to create the datasets, and to train and test all the models from the results reported in the paper. All the created datasets will be directed to be stored inside the /data directory, and the trained models (from the best epoch) will be directed to be stored in the /models directory.

Note: Check the file to change the output paths where the datasets and models will be stored in your system.

From the /code folder run the following commands:

1. Creating datasets

1.1 Splits of the original MNIST

Note that the original MNIST dataset does not provide the train-dev splits, we use the following command to create train, dev, test splits from the original MNIST data. This creates a training set of size 50000 and a development set of size 10000.

python3 --seed 20

1.2 Datasets for main experiments

We have two types of classifiers, ones for images containing single digits, and other ones for classifying a pair of digits, obtained from concatenation of two single digits.

Additionally, to evaluate the effectiveness of t-norms in various data regimes, we further sample training sets of different sizes. This can be done using the following command:

python3 --mnist_seed 20 --single_size 1000 --operator_train_size 1000 --operator_test_size 50000 --option 2 --seed 20 

This creates a pickle file containing the following datasets:

DIGIT: Sub-sampled (single digit) dataset for training
PAIR: Creates examples containing (unlabeled) pair of digits for training the operator (Sum/Product) classifiers. This is created from the sub-sampled dataset: DIGIT.
PairDEV: The development set of (unlabeled) pair of images created from the MNIST development set (created in step 1.1).
PairTEST: The test set of a pair of images created from the MNIST test set (from step 1.1).

1.3 Evaluation Sets

To evaluate Commutativity, Associativity, Distributivity, we create corresponding evaluation sets:

python3 --mnist_seed 20 --associativity_size 50000 --commutativity_size 50000 --distributivity_size 50000 --seed 20

Arguments description for 1.1, 1.2, 1.3:

--single_size : [1000, 5000, 25000] - the size of sub-sampled DIGIT training set.
--operator_train_size : [1000, 5000, 25000] - the size of the PAIR training set.
--operator_test_size: [50000] - size of PairDEV, PairTEST. 
--option: 2 - Please do not change this.
--seed: Seed value (20) for creating train, dev splits of original MNIST.
--mnist_seed: (same as --seed)
--associativity_size: Size of the Associativity evaluation set (Similarly for Commutativity, and Distributivity).

2. Joint Learning

We jointly train the Digit, Sum and Product classifiers (we use the DIGIT data to train Digit and the (unlabeled) PAIR data to instantiate the coherence constraint and train the Sum and Product classifiers).

We run experiments for each t-norm relaxation we are considering and for all dataset sizes combinations:

--tnorm: [prod (S-Product), rprod (R-Product), luka (Lukasiewicz), godel (Gödel)]
--DIGIT_size: [1000, 5000, 25000]
--PAIR_size: [ 1000, 5000, 25000]

2.1 Model tuning

For model tuning we perform grid search over the following hyper-parameters using PairDEV set for development:

--train_batch_size: [8, 16, 32, 64]
--learning_rate: [10^−1, 5×10^−2, 10^−2, 5×10^−3, 10^−3, 5×10^−4, 10^−4, 5×10^−5, 10^−5]
--optimizer: [0 (SGD), 1 (Adam)]
--lambda_coef [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2] - Lambda coeficients for Coherence constraints.
--nepochs: We trained each hyper-paramenter combination for 300 epochs to find the best one.

2.2 Experiments

We run the experiments three times using different seeds for each data combination with their corresponding best hyperparameters combinations from model tuning process. We use the models from the epoch with best average development accuracy between Digit accuracy, Product Coherence accuracy and Sum Coherence accuracy:

--seed: 20 (dataset seed) & [0, 50](experiments seed): [0, 20, 50] (extra runs in some cases with 1, 10, 60)
--nepochs: [1600] (We ran 1600 epochs for all reported experiments, some configurations needed this number of epochs to converge)
  • Using Gödel t-norm: to make it learn, we "warmed-up" the system by initially running (1 or 2) epochs of learning using S-Product t-norm.
--warm_up_epochs: [1, 2] - The number of warm-up epochs. This process will use the hyper-parameters <LEARNING_RATE>, <OPTIMIZER> and <LAMBDA> training with S-Product t-norm for <WARM_UP_EPOCHS> epochs. For these three parameters we used the same ones we obtained from the S-Product hyperparamenter tunning.   
--Godel_Optim: [0, 1] - The optimizer that will be used for training with Gödel t-norm after the warming-up process.
--Godel_lambda: [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2] - Lambda coeficient for Coherence constraints for training with Gödel t-norm after the warming-up process.
--Godel_lr: [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2] - Learning rate for training with Gödel t-norm after the warming-up process.
  • Other remaining input parameters:
--test: True to save the resulting models, False otherwise
--validation_batch_size: 1024 or the biggest size allowed by the system used
--data_option: always 2
--data_seed: 20 or the one used to create the datasets in the previous section
python3 --test False --DIGIT_size 5000 --PAIR_size 5000 --data_option 2 --data_seed 20 --Dev_Test_size 50000 --train_batch_size 64 --validation_batch_size 1024 --tnorm rprod --nepochs 1600 --seed 20 --learning_rate 10^−1 --optimizer 0 --lambda_coef 0.1 --warm_up_epochs 2 --Godel_Optim 0 --Godel_lambda 0.1  --Godel_lr 0.001

Pipelined Learning

We run experiments for each t-norm relaxation we are considering and for all dataset sizes combinations:

--tnorm: [prod (S-Product), rprod (R-Product), luka (Lukasiewicz), godel (Gödel)]
--DIGIT_size: [1000, 5000, 25000]
--PAIR_size: [ 1000, 5000, 25000]

3.1 Digit classifier training

We train the Digit model with DIGIT data alone using each t-norm.

Digit model tunning: we performed grid search over the following hyper-parameters:

--batch_size: 8, 16, 32, 64
--learning_rate: 10^−1, 5×10^−2, 10^−2, 5×10^−3, 10^−3, 5×10^−4, 10^−4, 5×10^−5, 10^−5
--optimizer: 0 (SGD), 1 (Adam)
--nepochs: 300
--seed: 20 (0, 50)

We train the model using the best hyperparameters for each t-norm and save the one from the epoch with best development accuracy.

python3 --size_data 5000 --data_seed 20 --learning_rate 0.001 --optimizer 1 --batch_size 64 --nepochs 1600 --seed 20 --tnorm rprod --test False

3.2 Creating the (noisy) labeled datasets.

We use the predictions of previous Digit models (trained alone) to label the pair of images in the PAIR data

This process is done to crate dataset to for all sizes combinations:

--digit_size: 1000, 5000, 25000
--pair_size: 1000, 5000, 25000
--dev_test_size: Size of PairDEV and PairTEST. We set this size to 50000
--learning_rate: Learning rate that was used to train the Digit classifier that is being used to label the data.
--optimizer: Optimizer that was used to train the Digit classifier that is being used to label the data; 1 Adam, 0 SGD.
--tnorm: t-norm in use. The t-norm we used to train the Digit classifier used to label the data. The resulting data will be used to train the Sum and Prod classifiers using this same t-norm as parameter.
--model_seed: 20 (0, 50).
--nepochs: We used 1600 epochs. This models converge much earlier but we wanted to use the same number of epochs we used in the joint training method given that we are comparing them. 
python3 --digit_size 5000 --pair_size 5000 --dev_test_size 50000 --option 2 --ope_seed 20 --learning_rate 0.001 --optimizer 1 --tnorm rprod --model_seed 20 --nepochs 1600

3.3 Training the Sum and Product operator models independently using the (noisy) labeled datasets.

The following parameters of the program are used to find the right noisy labeled dataset to train the operator models

--data_seed: Seed used to create the PAIR and Noisy labeled (NOISYPAIR) data. We used 20 in our experiments.
--DIGIT_size: 1000, 5000, 25000. Size of the DIGIT data used to train the Digit classifier used to label the NOISYPAIR data. 
--PAIR_size: 1000, 5000, 25000. Size of the NOISYPAIR set.
--PAIR_val_test_size: Size of the PairDEV and PairTEST sets. We use 50,000.
--DigitModel_lr: Learning rate used to train the Digit model used to label de NOISYPAIR data
--Digit_Optimizer: Optimizer used to train the Digit model used to label the NOISYPAIR data. 0 if SGD, 1 if Adam.
--Digit_nepochs: Number of epochs used to train the Digit model. We use 1600 epochs. 
--Digit_seed: seed used to train the Digit model. We used 0, 20, 50.

For operator models tuning we perform grid search over the following hyper-parameters using PairDEV set for development:

--train_batch_size: 8, 16, 32, 64
--training_lr: 10^−1, 5×10^−2, 10^−2, 5×10^−3, 10^−3, 5×10^−4, 10^−4, 5×10^−5, 10^−5
--training_optimizer: 0 (SGD), 1 (Adam)
--training_n_epochs: We trained each hyper-paramenter combination for 300 epochs to find the best one.
--training_seed: 0, 20, 50

Parameters used for training the operator (Sum or Product):

--arithmethic_operator: sum or prod
--training_n_epochs:  Number of epochs to train the models
--warm_nepochs: Only for Godel t-norm. This is the number of epochs we "warm-up" the system using the (s)product t-norm (We used 6-10 epochs)
python3 --test False --data_seed 20 --DIGIT_size 5000 --PAIR_size 5000 --data_option 2 --PAIR_val_test_size 50000 --DigitModel_lr 0.001 --Digit_Optimizer 1 --Digit_nepochs 1600 --Digit_seed 20 --tnorm rprod --arithmethic_operator sum --train_batch_size 64 --valid_batch_size 1024 --training_n_epochs 1600 --training_optimizer 0 --training_lr 10^−1 --training_seed 20 --warm_nepochs -1

4. Testing

We test the three models: Digit, Sum and Product obtained from a given data configuration, hyperparamenter setting, and learning protocol (joint or pipeline).

The following command outputs the Digit classifier accuracy on the test set, Sum/Product classifiers accuracies on PairTEST, fraction of examples in PairTEST where the coherence constraints and the commutativity,associativity and distributivity properties are satisfied for Sum and Product.

python3 --test_baseline False --seed_digit 20 --seed_operator 20 --tnorm rprod --digit_size 5000 --digit_lr 0.001 --digit_optim 1 --digit_epochs 250 --ope_size 5000 --data_option 2 --ope_lr 0.1 --ope_optim 0 --ope_epochs 250 --joint_lr 0.001 --joint_optim 0 --lamb 0.05 --joint_epochs 250

Arguments description for 4:

--test_baseline: True if it the pipelined setting that its being tested. False if it the joint setting.
--seed_digit: Seed used to train the Digit model. (It should always be the same as the one used to train the operator models).
--seed_operator: Seed used to train the Sum and Prod operator models. (It should be the same as the one used to train the digit model).
--tnorm: t-norm in use
--digit_size: Size of the DIGIT set used.
--digit_lr:  Learning rate used to train the Digit model used to label de NOISYPAIR data.
--digit_optim: Optimizer used to train the Digit model used to label the NOISYPAIR data. 0 if SGD, 1 if Adam.
--digit_epochs: Number of epochs used to train the Digit classifier.
--ope_size: Size of the NOISYPAIR set.
--data_option: Data option used during training. It should always be 2.
--ope_lr: Learning rate used to train the Sum and Prod operator models.
--ope_optim: Optimizer used to train the Sum and Prod operator models. 0 if SGD, 1 if Adam.
--ope_epochs: Number of epochs used to train the Sum and Prod operator classifiers.
--joint_lr: Learning rate used for the joint learning process. (Only active if test_baseline is False)
--joint_optim: Optimizer used used for the joint learning process. (Only active if test_baseline is False). 0 if SGD, 1 if Adam.
--lamb: Lambda coefficient used in the joint learning process (Only active if test_baseline is False).
--joint_epochs: Number of epochs used to train the joint classifier.