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1157 lines (941 loc) · 56.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1157 lines (941 loc) · 56.3 KB


  • add gem{rubocop}
  • add a docker registry service
  • start adding & preparing needed tooling for various CICD methodologies
  • for docker images, begin better utilization of docker tags to enable a more hierarchical design
    • (enabling more layer caching, code re-use, reducing build times, etc)
  • start formal division between Ruuuby as a gem and as a stateful engine (latter requiring gem + git source)
    • Ruuuby as a gem will converge to TDD towards {0.1.0}
    • Ruuuby as a stateful engine to accelerate ad hoc refactorings & design testing towards {0.1.0}


  • continue DB migrations
  • apply miscellaneous clean ups
  • (unofficially) add gems{rails, keycutter, github-linguist}
  • remove rng tests among others while reviewing scope of needed statistics formulas and approaches
  • start of (critically needed) migration for more formal CICD
    • begin preparation for proper git branching w/ git hooks on both client and server side
    • begin preparation for proper build pipelines w/ a hybrid of custom code + a (to be chosen) CICD framework(s)
    • iterative refactor of mapping between features & code; Ruuuby Dockerization to resume following more cleanup


  • add gem{open3}
  • continue DB migrations
  • iterative improvement for custom builds, lazy-loading, and separation between dev/test/prod environments
  • apply clean ups, any removed core functionality to return closer to version{0.1.0}


  • modify .gitattributes to track .sql files
  • update gem{activerecord}
  • continue DB migration
  • apply miscellaneous clean ups


  • start migration from to History.txt
  • update gems{tty-command,rspec}
  • continue migration for RabbitMQ and DB
  • apply miscellaneous clean ups


abstract: Kintsugi!

  • upgrade to Ruby version{3.0.0-preview1}
    • gems{tty-command, rugged} require source code modification for compatibility, alternative solutions to be sought towards end of migration to version{0.1.0}
  • better isolate feature interdependency, helping lazy-loading but also enables setting targeted completion of Ruuuby Dockerization for version{0.1.0}
    • ⚠️: following suite, almost all DB related code will finally be getting overhauled (to re-enable versioning & documentation 'automation' but with more micro granularity covered as to enable smaller code pushes w/o changing time spent on dev)
  • begin structure overhaul of commands, tasks, jobs, etc, functionality designation to be re-balanced amongst shell scripts, Ruby gems, Ruuuby scripts, RabbitMQ + DB, etc

noticeable mentions:

  • add gem{bunny} and a Docker service to help monitor RabbitMQ
  • add gem{finite-machine}, apply some design cleanup (w/ lots more to be done)
  • for web-based services: add webmanifest file and JSON minification to the existing node.js REST end-point
    • generating file & directory checksums also added (wip) w/ results cross-checked between JS and Ruuuby
  • iterative upgrade for being able to set & apply development preferences such as OS level configurations



  • ⚠️: intermediate version release for organizational purposes, many Classes/functions added are temporary, intentionally created with later removal planned)


  • add Docker{service_js}
    • create node.js server, add first REST end-point offering minification of HTML and CSS files
  • add multi-stage-builds to existing services
    • add zsh to development-environment based images


  • further organize/upgrade various utility APIs: git, docker, zsh, brew, etc
  • further enable lazy-loading, lots more to be done
  • for mac-os, start utilizing osascript
    • (enables niche automation areas, silly ex: compiling w/ voice commands)
gem updated version previous version current
docker-api 1.34.2 2.0.0.pre.1
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/module/bundler.rb Bundler
lib/ruuuby/module/gem.rb Gem
services/web_assets/* multiple files & dirs code not directly relating to ruuuby engine will not normally be documented (until pending DB overhaul)
lib/ruuuby/api/docker/docker_service.rb RuuubyService temp util
lib/ruuuby/api/docker/docker_service_set.rb RuuubyServiceSet temp util
bin/console_docker RuuubyServiceSetDev offers funcs like: build_web_assets, build_js, build_html, build_css, run_dev
for method(s) added
Object attribute_versionable
ENV ∀🔑∃_value?
Hash ∄🔑?, ∀🔑∃_value?
Array convert_to_json
String clean!
Heuristics clean
Net::HTTPResponse time_received, content_length
💎.engine.api_zsh run_script
💎.engine run_apple_script!, curl_get
💎.engine.api_locale healthy?, healthy_encoding?
🍺 doctor, cleanup, healthy?, analytics?, analytics_disabled?, analytics_set_on, analytics_set_off
💎.engine.api_git ∃index_conflicts?, ∃fixable_syntax_errors?
🐋`/`💎.engine.api_locale.api_docker ∀🐋, connected?, connect, connect!, disconnect, disconnect!, version_compose
Docker::Container alpine?, debian?, dev?, prod?, healthy?, env_vars, os, os_version, linux_kernel_version, os_architecture, mounts, ∃mount?, file_create, cmd!


  • add initial Docker services: {nginx, postgresql, pgadmin4} all wip w/ others inc
    • just for development utilities, not anything to be required by gem or for runtime
  • designate feature support/expansion for WebGL based derivatives to fully precede over OpenGL for > 95.0% of scenarios
  • add RSpec categories: {system}
    • system tests for now will act as a combination of acceptance-testing, system-tests, and chaos-monkey-testing
  • apply initial steps for cross-OS compatibility, process of doing so is revealing lots of code areas requiring adjustments, some addressed this version
  • indeterminate hiatus to provide time for math/theory studies to avoid adding tech-debt that would otherwise get created over the next 10+ versions
gem added version previous version current notes
pg N/A 1.2.3 comparing (apples & oranges) use-cases against ActiveRecord
docker-api N/A 1.34.2 offers tons of functionality, way more to be utilized
path(s) added reference notes
services/nginx/includes/*.nginx (multiple files & directories)
services/web_assets/Dockerfile file added early, will be utilizing various JS libs/environments
services/web_assets/ruuuby.html same as above
services/web_assets/ruuuby.js same as above
for method(s) added
Array ∀𝚡λ𝑓🖨️
Hash λ𝑓∀🔑:₍🔑∉₎, λ𝑓∀🔑:₍🔑∉₎!
File::YAML read
💎.engine.os windows?, unix?, mac?, linux?
🐋/💎.engine.api_locale.api_docker healthy?, ∃🌐?, ∃🐋?, find_🌐_by_name, find_🐋_by_name, find_🐋_by_id, ♻️_🌐_by_name


gem updated version previous version current
rake-compiler 1.1.0 1.1.1
rubygems-update 3.1.4 3.2.0.rc.1
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/finance/benchmarks.rb not currently utilized, just file added early
lib/ruuuby/heuristics/heuristics.rb Ruuuby::Heuristics same as above description
for method(s) added
File::CSV read
💎.engine.api pid_terminate
💎.engine.api_locale iconv_version, iconv_supported_encodings
PseudoGraph [], set_edge, set_edge_inverse, num_nodes, empty?, free_memory, print_debugging
TimeSeriesData Q₁, Q₃, IQR, outliers_lower, outliers_upper, boundary_outliers_min, boundary_outliers_max, sum_squared, sum_of_squares, sum_weighted, mean_weighted, mean_geometric, nᵗʰ_percent_rank, healthy?


  • add initial support for Tropical Algebra
  • wip: track OpenMP in same style as w/ OpenGL & OpenCL
  • ⚠️: greatly increase scope of upcoming wide-scale refactors

    tech-debt will out-pace rate of implementation/testing for at least a few versions, then more effective code clean-up will be enabled and performed

path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/physics/physics.rb Math::Physics not currently utilized, just file added early
lib/ruuuby/math/physics/wave.rb Math::Physics::Wave same as above desc.
lib/ruuuby/math/physics/harmonic_analysis.rb Math::Physics::HarmonicAnalysis same as above desc.
lib/ruuuby/math/forex/forex.rb Math::Forex same as above desc.
lib/ruuuby/math/forex/currency_matrix.rb Math::Forex::CurrencyMatrix wip
lib/ruuuby/class/nums/vector.rb Vector Ruby built-in Class (now loaded in)
lib/ruuuby/class/nums/matrix.rb Matrix Ruby built-in Class (now loaded in)
lib/ruuuby/math/algebra/tropical.rb Math::Algebra::Tropical
ext/ruby_class_mods/c8_graphs.h PseudoGraph same creation style as ThetaAngle & TimeSeriesData
lib/ruuuby/protocol/unix_socket.rb UNIXSocket Ruby built-in Class (now loaded in)
for method(s) added
Vector ∅?
Matrix ▣?, ∀ₓ↘, ∀ₓᵢ↘, ↘_to_a, ∀ₓᵢⱼ, num_rows, num_cols
Math::Forex::CurrencyMatrix η̂!,algo_🌴_arbitrage, karps_algorithm
Math::Algebra::Tropical::ContextNumeric ,
Math::Algebra::Tropical::ContextMatrix , ⨁!, , ⨂ⁿ


  • apply iterative upgrade to Ruuuby Engine
    • ex: track GIT attributes w/ 💎.engine.api_git
  • fix various edge-case bugs w/ ThetaAngle bitwise flags; apply same design to TimeSeriesData; start creation of re-usable base code for Bitwise Flags in general
  • ORM: apply start of refactors for proper support of RuuubyChangelog and other automation-functionality; design still wip
    • and thus full DB TDD & documentation is still withheld
  • remove: global{$PRM_MANY}, update funcs as needed and slightly increase testing coverage
  • move various math functions to better suited locations; more to be done
gem updated version previous version current
bundler 2.1.4 2.2.0.rc.1
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/class/bitwise_flag.rb Ruuuby::BitwiseFlag utility/helper, non-core class
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/shape/sphere.rb Math::Geometry::Sphere not currently utilized, just file added early
for method(s) added
ApplicationRecord orm_Ⓣ_🐍, empty?
Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngine num_cpu_cores, current_user, get_compiled_code
💎.engine.api_git validate_attribute
Math::Stats::Descriptive percentage_error
TimeSeriesData ρ, flags, mape, normalize!, print_debugging, first, last, λ, Λ, has_zero?, has_negative?, normalized?, even?, strictly_increasing?, strictly_decreasing?, all_same?


  • enable non-core feature code to be included/excluded during pre-processing as opposed to during start-up and/or runtime
  • (wip) track OpenCL & OpenGL through locale RSpecs (and eventually the 'Ruuuby Engine')
  • update gem(rugged) version from{1.0.0} to{1.0.1}
  • update gem(rspec-benchmark) version from{0.5.1} to{0.6.0}
  • add majority of needed initial ThetaAngle syntax parsing content; remaining is pending implementation of new functionality/refactors for ThetaAngle
  • (wip) create class{TimeSeriesData}, in similair fashion as ThetaAngle (Ruby object wrapper over a C struct instance)
  • increase and track various default-values for Ruby Garbage Collector configs
    • TimeSeriesData will eventually be able to be used for discovering optimal GC-settings
    • ex: finding optimal heap-size and garbage-collection-frequency depending on context of script
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/stats/time_series_data.rb TimeSeriesData
ext/ruby_class_mods/c7_times_series_data.rb TimeSeriesData
for method(s) added
Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngine::F22B00 percentage_protected_from_minor_marks, percentage_fragmentation, stats_bytes_per_object_slot, stats_slots_per_heap_page, perform_quick, perform_full
(Refinement) String ʳ?, ʳ, ᵍ?, , 𝞽?, 𝞽
TimeSeriesData mem_size, free_memory, len, mean, sum, max, min, median, range, σ²=>variance, σ=>std_dev, percentile, mse


  • add normalizer{∈𝕌} for funcs{flt?, 🛑flt❓}
  • start adding textual parsing for ThetaAngle via Refinement in{ThetaAngle::ContextStrParsing}
  • increase scope tested in some db_audit funcs
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/theta_angle/context_str.rb ThetaAngle::ContextStrParsing Refinements onto String for parsing to and from ThetaAngle
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/engine/ruuuby_engine_component.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngineComponent start of cleaner design w/ RuuubyEngine and relating objs
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/api/api_locale.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::LocaleAPI
bin/manually_execute/clean_up delete any temporary/generated content, quick way to force a full re-compile
for method(s) added
Math::Stats::TimeSeries aroon_up, aroon_down, aroon_oscillator, simple_moving_average
Math::Combinatorics::𝕎¹ len_powerset
Math::Combinatorics::𝕎² len_ordered_with_replacement
(Refinement) String °?, °


  • change normalizer from{!∅} to{∉∅}; add{f06_b03} to provide this normalizer for funcs{ary?, 🛑ary❓}
  • provide function aliases{wma, ema} to Math::Stats::TimeSeries
for method(s) added
ThetaAngle octant?
Math::Stats median
Math::Stats::TimeSeries weighted_moving_average


  • iterative upgrade for 💎.engine's JIT, CLI, and logging
    • (further track stats like memory, cpu, and other OS specifics)
  • apply clean-ups to{ThetaAngle}
    • (increased bitwise-flags utilization, misc bug-fixes, field{repr} represented w/ FIXNUM instead of Symbol, etc)
  • where possible, apply cleaner OOP, remove many Ruuuby functions and/or data
    • ex: remove various Singletons & globals
  • (wip) create logical-divisions within the RSpec categories, significantly enabling more lazy-loading
    • faster start-up time esp. for targeted scripts
    • ex: compare rspec_locale{0.04s} vs rspec_locale_full{1.33s}
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/stats/stats.rb Math::Stats
lib/ruuuby/math/stats/time_series.rb Math::Stats::TimeSeries
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/shape/shape.rb Math::Geometry::Shape not currently utilized, just file added early
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/shape/plane_figure.rb Math::Geometry::PlaneFigure same as ↑
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/shape/quadrilateral.rb Math::Geometry::Triangle same as ↑
lib/ruuuby/math/geometry/shape/shape.rb Math::Geometry::Quadrilateral same as ↑
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/api/abstract_space.rb not currently utilized, just file added early
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/api/api_brew.rb same as ↑
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/api/api_docker.rb same as ↑
for method(s) added
String palindrome?
ApplicationRecord num_where
GitCommit num_release_tags
RuuubyRelease num_released
Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngine memory_peak_this_runtime
Math::NumberTheory semiprime?
Math::Combinatorics permutations
Math::Stats arithmetic_mean
Math::Stats::TimeSeries exponential_moving_average


  • track Just-In-Time Compiler feature through locale RSpecs (and eventually the 'Ruuuby Engine')
  • add first usage of Ruby Refinements w/ using Math::NumberTheory::ℤ³ for func{} w/ Class{Integer}
  • move func{gcd} to Math::NumberTheory::ℤ², core-implementation moved to C-ext
  • start adding content for ORMs: {RuuubyDir, RuuubyFile}
  • start preparing extension code for large scale refactorings to ThetaAngle; (also remove func{to_a}, no use-case identified)
  • switch Ruuuby Engine Logging to utilize the same loading & setup w/ environment variables as ORM-Features do
  • add/track gem 'rubygems-update', '~> 3.1.4'
    • update version from{3.1.2} to{3.1.4}
for method(s) added
Symbol as_source_ruby
ENV parse_feature_behaviors, validate_feature_behavior_syntax!
RuuubyGem fetch_by_type
Math::NumberTheory::ℤ² fast_gcd
Math::NumberTheory::ℤ³ congruent?
(Refinement) Integer


  • update to Ruby version{2.7.1} from{2.7.0}
  • update gem(activerecord) version from{} to{}
  • add RSpec sections: integration & tech_debt
  • add the following Sequence objs to Math::NumberTheory::𝕎¹: seq_pronic, seq_square, seq_fibonacci, seq_lucas, seq_triangle, seq_hexagonal
  • remove some non-ASCII characters in .h and .c files while testing between compilers clang & gcc
  • fix typo for const{ANGLE_TAU}, it is now correctly referenced by{𝞽} and not{τ}
  • various edge-case bugs w/ ThetaAngle identified, some are fixed for this version
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/expr/seq/arithmetic.rb Math::Expr::ArithmeticSequence (Ruby version{2.7.1} just added Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence which will be looked at prior to further modifications & clean-up of these Sequence classes)
lib/ruuuby/math/expr/seq/geometric.rb Math::Expr::GeometricSequence
lib/ruuuby/math/expr/seq/recursive.rb Math::Expr::RecursiveSequence
for method(s) added
Math::NumberTheory digit_sum, digital_root, additive_persistence, almost_perfect?, nᵗʰ_cototient, nᵗʰ_euler_totient, friendly?
Math::Combinatorics n_choose_k


  • replace all usages of c-ext-func{rb_eval_string} and others that were significantly slowing down startup/initial-load time
  • remove funcs{class?, module?, singleton?} from Class(Object); (functionality covered by 🧬)
  • remove func{𝔠} from Kernel (and thus remove functional-style support from previously{f05})
  • track git tags w/ related ORMs & APIs; however, version automation tasks paused until TDD catches up for DB and/or some event/queue-based logic is added (ex: RabbitMQ)
  • apply various misc cleanups w/ others wip
path added reference notes
lib/math/statistics/statistical_learning.rb Math::Stats::StatisticalLearning not currently in use
lib/math/statistics/probability_theory.rb Math::Stats::ProbabilityTheory not currently in use
lib/math/statistics/descriptive_statistics.rb Math::Stats::DescriptiveStatistics not currently in use
lib/math/combinatorics/combinatorics.rb Math::Stats not currently in use
for method(s) added
Math::Space::NucleotideSpace ∋ˢ?
Ruuuby::MetaData::GitAPI release_tags, branch_names, remote_release_current, remote_release_previous
Math::NumberTheory aliquot_sum, deficient?, deficiency, abundant?, abundance, abundancy_index, composite?


  • have ORM: RuuubyRelease and GitCommit include Comparable; replacing redundant funcs{>, <} to the single func{<=>}
  • remove ♾️, ¿ from all sources, textual parsing, code aliases, etc; (too redundant)
  • remove func{∞?} from Class(String)
  • add ORM{RuuubyGem}, some functionality was added; also removed runtime constants needed solely for unit-tests (these tests are now semi-generated w/ ORM data)
  • add RSpec section for locale (local configs); (not final design)
path added reference notes
app/models/ruuuby_gem.rb RuuubyGem
lib/math/complex_analysis/complex_analysis.rb Math::ComplexAnalysis
lib/math/trigonometry/trigonometry.rb Math::Trigonometry
lib/math/graph_theory/graph_theory.rb Math::GraphTheory
lib/math/geometry/geometry.rb Math::Geometry
lib/math/space/discrete/symbolic_numbers_space.rb Math::Space::SymbolicNumbersSpace 𝕊
for method(s) added
Object ,


  • remove func{get_prime_factors} from Integer, newly created module{Math::NumberTheory} now offers that functionality
  • local git-config settings are now enforced with newly created 💎.api_git, version-automation refactorings started
path added reference notes
lib/math/expression/equation.rb Math::Expression::Equation
lib/math/expression/sequence.rb Math::Expression::Sequence
lib/math/group_theory/circle_group.rb Math::GroupTheory::CircleGroup aliased via(𝕋)
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/git_api.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::GitAPI 💎.api_git (to fully replace existing git functionality found in 💎.api and elsewhere)
lib/math/number_theory/number_theory.rb Math::Ruuuby::NumberTheory
for class-method(s) added
Math::NumberTheory::ℕ¹ get_prime_factors, get_divisors, get_proper_divisors, perfect_number?
Math::NumberTheory::ℕ² gcd, coprime?


  • add gem 'rugged', '~> 1.0.0'
  • apply general clean-ups, next few versions to have similar target
  • remove many function calls and variables that didn't need to be executed or exist; start adding extra checks via{mkmf} which will halt/fail even before the compilations step
  • remove alias 🧬?, 🧬 is now a 'global-alias' for the singleton{NucleotideLikeSpace}
  • remove alias 🅱️?, 🛑🅱️❓, etc; just 🅱 is now a 'global-alias' for the single{BooleanLikeSpace}
  • remove funcs{stry?, countable?} and{🛑stry❓, 🛑countable❓}
  • remove ::Ruuuby::VirtualTypes and it's file
  • remove funcs{∃class?, ∃module?} from Kernel, functionality is now covered by singleton{NucleotideLikeSpace} which is aliased via{🧬}
  • remove various redundant emoji aliases as the added feature{f97}, will enable selected character sets without the clutter of unwanted characters and aliases
  • add more detail to various ORM features/funcs, documentation and TDD still intentionally not fully present for these
  • add class DescriptiveStandardError
path added reference notes
lib/math/space/discrete/boolean-like_space.rb Math::Space::BooleanLikeSpace
lib/math/space/discrete/number-like_space.rb Math::Space::NumberLikeSpace
lib/math/space/discrete/nucleotide-like_space.rb Math::Space::NucleotideLikeSpace
for method(s) added
TrueClass, FalseClass to_i, to_b
Rational μ?
String to_🐫⬇, to_🐍⬆


  • increase precision of various funcs (ex: sin² and cos²), by performing calculations in long double instead of double
  • add 𝞽 as a 'global-const' which is a ThetaAngle representing a single complete turn
  • adjust parameter style of class-functions for Math to use named params
  • remove global-alias-funcs{, }; these now correspond to a specific singleton instance of the newly created class(Math::SetTheory::NumberSet)
  • add super golden ratio as Ψ, silver ratio as δ, plastic ratio as ρ, omega constant as Ω
  • remove various out-dated testing helper functions, meta-data generation/processing will eventually replace this
  • remove Array::EMPTY_INSTANCE, by itself now aliases a singleton of type{NumberSet}
  • create ORM{RuuubyFeatureBehavior} which is many to one{RuuubyFeature}
  • remove number-set membership check funcs from Numerics and create singleton instances of NumberSet which covers the previous functionality (just more scalable)
  • remove as much deprecated code as possible, file structure adjustments started
  • move Float's method{≈≈} into C-extensions
  • remove funcs (and related ones): 🛑ℤ❓ and 🛑𝕌❓, these checks are now covered by existing functions w/ new types of normalizers added for existing normalizer feature
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/closure.rb Math::SetTheory::Closure
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/number_set.rb Math::SetTheory::NumberSet
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/algebraic_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::AlgebraicNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/boolean_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::BooleanNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/complex_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::ComplexNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/empty_set.rb Math::SetTheory::EmptySet
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/imaginary_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::ImaginaryNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/integer_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::IntegerNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/irrational_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::IrrationalNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/natural_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::NaturalNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/null_set.rb Math::SetTheory::NullSet
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/rational_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::RationalNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/real_algebraic_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::RealAlgebraicNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/real_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::RealNumbers
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/universal_set.rb Math::SetTheory::UniversalSet
lib/ruuuby/math/set_theory/discrete/whole_numbers.rb Math::SetTheory::WholeNumbers
ext/ruby_class_mods/c4_theta_angle.h for organization
for method(s) added
Object set?, 🛑set❓
Integer get_prime_factors
ThetaAngle normalize, windings


  • create new Class(ThetaAngle) which is essentially a wrapper over a C-struct
  • modify global-funcs sin, cos, tan, etc to utilize the ThetaAngle class
  • add empty code file(lib/ruuuby/class/method/math_function.rb) for future versions
  • apply lots of misc clean-ups and/or adjustments
  • v0.0.34 to resolve missing parts from ThetaAngle and clean-up relating funcs from String
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/class/nums/theta_angle.rb ThetaAngle
for method(s) added
Object θ?, 🛑θ❓, enumerable?, 🛑enumerable❓
Math pythagoras_τ³?, cot, csc, sec, sin², cos²
TOPLEVEL_BINDING , logₑ, log₂, log₁₀, arcsin, arccos, arctan, cot, csc, sec, sin², cos²
TOPLEVEL_BINDING , , ,,,,,, , , , , ,
TOPLEVEL_BINDING θ°, θʳ, θᵍ, θ𝞽
ThetaAngle real, repr, as_radian, as_degree, as_gon, as_turn, radians?, degrees?, gons?, turns?, -@, +@, coerce, ~, !, +, -, *, %,==, /, <=>, angle?, normal?, normalize!, golden_with?, explementary_with?, supplementary_with?, complementary_with?,
from methods/aliases removed
Kernel ∠ᶜ, ∠°


  • add flags to the compilation and linker steps (wip); replace locations in C-extensions that were previously accessing pointers not intended to be used beyond its internal scope (internal to Ruby)
  • global-func(φ) removed, reference replaced with(𝚽), a Kernel constant; also add the golden-angle constant()
  • start utilizing more generic math notation where possible, ex-func(∀τ²∈λ𝑓₍ᵢ،ᵢ₊₁₎), very useful as this automatically applies (for example) to both regular objects like Array and also ORM objects like RuuubyRelease while still applicable to both
  • v0.0.33 to utilize golden-angle as well as dramatically alter angle-trig related functions
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/includable/singleton.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Includable::RuuubySingleton
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/extendable/singleton.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Extendable::RuuubySingleton
lib/ruuuby/class/proc.rb Proc
for method(s) added
Enumerable ∀τ²∈λ𝑓₍ᵢ،ᵢ₊₁₎


  • remove constants needed previous for supporting exponential operations from m(Numeric), needed values are now dynamically generated by C-extensions instead of relying on pre-existing constants (created specifically for just this purpose)
  • lots of misc edits/clean-ups in C-extensions
  • remove various un-used or now deprecated Modules such as Ruuuby::MetaData::Vocabulary (was a temporary location for normalizers)
  • engine/configs cleaned up and support started for multi-flag ENV_VARs
  • automation for db/seeds/git_commits.rb updated to better handle scenario where release had multiple commits, still lots of TODOs and missing TDD to be added
  • various modifications & additions to existing ORM Classes for general stability/reliability
  • flipped functionality of String's funcs to_iso8601 and as_iso8601 to closer match Ruby style
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/virtual/env ENV note: class << ENV
db/seeds/ruuuby_releases/future_ruuuby_releases.rb not currently used
for method(s) added
String as_utf8
File insert_lines_before_expr
GitCommit get_latest, query_get_newest_within_version
RuuubyRelease on_before_save
from methods/aliases removed
Symbol power?, pow_to_i


  • add normalizers to sym?
  • continued ORM cleanups started in v0.0.29
  • iterative step in enabling textual parsing for more useful code-file automations
path added reference notes
for method(s) added notes
Object singleton?
Object 🅱?, 🛑🅱❓, 🧬?
Module get_all_defined_modules, get_all_defined_classes
String iso8601?, to_iso8601, as_iso8601


  • misc cleanup for ORM, example: remove un-needed m(ApplicationRecord::ORMAttributeCache)
  • general cleanup for QA/RSpecs, especially w/ file loading order
  • add initial start of ORM schemas RuuubyFiles and RuuubyDirs
  • general functionality increases for Ruuuby MetaData, add global func 💎 for quicker reference
  • add logger with output in directory{tmp}, file{ruuuby.log}
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/engine/ruuuby_engine.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngine alias{💎.engine}
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/engine/ruuuby_logging.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyEngine.instance.logger alias{💎.engine.logger}
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/metadata/ruuuby_metadata_constants.rb Ruuuby::MetaData
app/models/ruuuby_dir RuuubyDir directory operations specifically for ORM related context/use-cases
app/models/ruuuby_file RuuubyFile file operations specifically for ORM related context/use-cases
for method(s) added notes
Array starting point of adding similar immutable references like nil but for (assumable to be immutable) objects that are
Object 🛑sym❓
Ruuuby::MetaData orm, orm_meta, paths, engine shortcuts to either modules or singleton-instanced objects
Ruuuby::MetaData info, debug shortcuts for logging statements
TOPLEVEL_BINDING , alias to Complex
alias to Rational
Kernel 💎 alias to Ruuuby::MetaData
File insert_line_before_expr


  • updating contents of db/seeds/git_commits.rb is now automated (starting point, LOTs of TODOs to guard against any edge case scenarios and future functionality requirements)
  • move funcs class?, module?, nucleotide? into C-extensions (also add char?)
  • iterative step in enabling textual parsing for more useful code-file automations
  • add normalizers to funcs int? and str?, allows (mainly-visual) clean-up for Ruuuby funcs 🛑str❓ and 🛑int❓
  • add types to Ruuuby::VirtualTypes
  • rename c(String)'s func{♻️until!} to {remove_until}, add alias(♻️⟶); also add reverse direction w/ func{♻️⟵}
path added reference notes
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/ruuuby_orm.rb Ruuuby::MetaData::RuuubyORM
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/routine_cli.rb Ruuuby::Routine::CommandCLI
for method(s) added
String char?,
String ♻️⟵, ♻️⟶∞
[upcase?, ⬆️?, ⬆?, 🔠?]
[downcase?, ⬇️?, ⬇?, 🔡?]
String 🐫?, [🐫⬇️?, 🐫⬇?, 🐫🔡?], to_🐫
🐍?, [🐍⬆️?, 🐍⬆?, 🐍🔠?], to_🐍


  • contents in db/seed.rb split across files in newly created dir: db/seeds/; also add new ORM: GitCommit, (one RuuubyRelease to many GitCommits)
  • performing update of version number for and lib/ruuuby/version.rb is now automated
  • m{Module}'s func{⨍_add_aliases} converted to alias the func{f_add_aliases} created from C-extensions
gem added version
schema_plus_foreign_keys 0.1.8
path added reference notes
app/models/git_commit.rb ::GitCommit
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/ruuuby_api.rb ::Ruuuby::RuuubyAPI
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/routine.rb example usage:
for method(s) added
File dirname⁴


  • cleanup creation of function aliases (remove redundant declarations, move needed ones into ide_helper, and use new func{⨍_add_aliases} where possible)
  • DRY: attribute-module(Cardinality) now auto-assigns the alias 𝔠
  • reduce number of locations requiring manual edits/checks when releasing version updates
  • add normalizer_option(:ℕ) to func(🛑int❓)
  • add RSpec section db, clean-up various locations where db/seed was loaded before
added path reference notes
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/includable/notation_set_mathematics.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Includable::Notation::SetMathematics
lib/ruuuby/ruuuby/ruuuby_metadata.rb Ruuuby::MetaData design pending
class method(s) added
Module ⨍_add_aliases
File replace_expr_with, replace_expr_with!
RuuubyRelease <, >, get_next_version_uid, get_latest_version_uid
class alias(es) added
Object (freeze) , ❄?


  • start dividing C-code across multiple header files, lots of small misc changes (ex: moved various constants definitions from Ruuuby's Float)
  • re-structure Feature <---> Module mapping, add audit tests to verify pattern is present/consistent
  • move certain funcs out of Kernel and directly add them to TOPLEVEL_BINDING to avoid polluting other classes
  • start formalization of existing funcs w/ name(η̂, normalize) and/or when normalization is applied to args (any context)
  • symbolic-math support being added only for niche use-cases, automatic-differentiation features to take priority in case of any feature-conflicts
added path reference notes
for method(s) added
String ♻️until!
String to_radian
for alias(es) added
Array (remove_empty!): ♻️∅!
Set (remove_empty!): ♻️∅!
String (reverse): ↩️, ↩️!, , ↩!
Array (reverse): , ↩!, ↩∀


  • ensure Ruby data created from C-extensions gets guarded against garbage-collection
  • start utilizing configs for Ruuuby, especially for debugging information
added path reference notes


  • (starting-point) add support for representing Complex Infinity; (for now) via Symbol(∞ℂ)
  • add Attribute(SubscriptIndexing) to Class(Symbol)
  • add missing tests and fix bugs (missing scenario coverage) for c(Object)'s funcs 🛑ℤ❓ and 🛑𝕌❓
  • power-operations given support for working with 'custom' infinitity values, Class(Rational) given support for superscript-power-operations
for method(s) added
Kernel ¿, , ∞ℂ
Integer ¿?, nan?, ∞ℂ?
Float ¿?, ∞ℂ?
Symbol power?, pow_to_i
Rational ^


  • continued (minor) improvements to catching bad parameters & throwing needed errors
  • add func(err_to_num) to class(String) as a utility function for throwing errors
  • start organizing groups of functions into modules labeled by their Feature or Attribute (includable or extendable)
  • tech debt accumulation to be dealt with by v0.1.0 to remove all 🍝 code prior to adding support to automatic differentiation
added path reference notes
lib/ruuuby/class/sym.rb Symbol
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/includable/cardinality.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Includable::Cardinality
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/includable/subscript_indexing.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Includable::SubscriptIndexing
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/includable/syntax_cache.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Includable::SyntaxCache
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute/extendable/syntax_cache.rb Ruuuby::Attribute::Extendable::SyntaxCache
for method(s) added
Object 🛑𝕌❓
Array η̂!
Symbol (downcase, upcase) ⬇️, , 🔡, ⬆️, , 🔠
String (downcase, upcase) ⬇️, , 🔡, ⬆️, , 🔠, ⬇️!, ⬇!, 🔡!, ⬆️!, ⬆!, 🔠!
Enumerable ∀ₓᵢ (each_with_index)
Object define_singleton_⨍ (define_singleton_function)
Kernel 🌽_previous_⨍
String digit?, to_num, to_num?


  • add const NUCLEOTIDES to Ruuuby::VirtualTypes
  • add missing scenarios & tests for spec/helpers/static_test_data.rb
  • add global-constant($PRM_MANY), param-type checking functions expanded for multi-param check use-cases
  • add modules ORMAttributeUID and ORMAttributeCache to ApplicationRecord as well as module(Syntax), which each ORM Class will also define
added path reference notes
bin/console_db same as /bin/console but also pre-loads db/seed.rb
lib/ruuuby/class/re.rb Regexp
app/models/db_schema.rb RuuubyDBSchema temporary design
lib/ruuuby/module/attribute_extendable/static_attribute_syntax_cache Ruuuby::StaticAttributeSyntaxCache
for method(s) added
Object class?, module?, nucleotide?
Module ∋?, ∌?, ∈?, ∉?
Object 🛑ℤ❓


  • add consts RATIO_DEGREES_TO_RADIAN and RATIO_RADIANS_TO_DEGREE into module Math
  • power-operations for Integer and Float given support for raising from -1 to -9 via superscripts(⁻¹ to ⁻⁹)
added path reference notes
lib/ruuuby/module/math.rb Math
help/math/automatic_differentiation.rb Ruuuby's current main focus to add functionality support to

| for | method(s) added | | --- | --- | --- | | Object | 🛑flt❓ | | Float | ≈≈ | | Kernel | sin | | Kernel | sin° | | Kernel | cos | | Kernel | cos° | | Kernel | ∠ᶜ | | Kernel | ∠° |


  • add some data-type/db-validation for ORM, still lots of TODOs here
  • purge ruuuby/version.rb of all content except constant String: VERSION (as ORM functionality will cover prior needed use-cases)
  • add missing test cases for power-operations and Object's funcs(flt?, num?)
  • power-operations for Float moved into ruby_class_mods.c
  • general improvements for performance-testing and RSpec structuring
  • ruby_class_mods.c to start using non-ascii based #define statements
  • start adding code for negative-exponents
for method(s) added
File, Dir ∅?
ApplicationRecord ♻️, ♻️!
Kernel 🎲, , π, φ, γ
Object ⁻¹, ⁻², ⁻³, ⁻⁴, ⁻⁵, ⁻⁶, ⁻⁷, ⁻⁸, ⁻⁹
Dir normalized_paths


  • renaming existing func(🛑str_or_ary❓) to(🛑countable❓); it now checks for Set as well
  • add gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.4.2'
  • add gem 'activerecord', '~>'
  • start process of tracking language changes across versions into ORM/db
    • start process of auto-generating documentation from these objects
added path reference notes
lib/ruuuby/class/io/file.rb File
lib/ruuuby/class/io/dir.rb Dir
lib/ruuuby/types.rb Ruuuby::VirtualTypes adds (module-scoped) constants 🅱️, STRY, NUMS, COUNTABLES
app/models/application_record.rb ApplicationRecord
app/models/ruuuby_changelog.rb RuuubyChangelog
app/models/ruuuby_feature.rb RuuubyFeature
app/models/ruuuby_release.rb RuuubyRelease
lib/ruuuby/class/method.rb `Method``
conditionals/ide_helper.rb received all duplicated aliases (for playing nice with IDEs, happens from funcs created in C-extension)
class(es) method(s) added
File, Dir ∃?
File dirname², dirname³
Kernel 📁 (File), 📂 (File), 🗄️ (Dir)
Object flt?, num?
Integer, Numeric ♾️? (infinite?)
Method 🏠 (source_location)



  • start general, wide-scale, re-structuring to manage changes into categorized features


  • continued audit on number classes (see notes from v0.0.15-16)
  • for math related RSpecs, move common/shared let definitions into spec_helper.rb, add additional ones to form a general schema for testing data

Methods & Aliases:

for methods/aliases added
Kernel 𝔠
String, Set, Array, Hash 𝔠 (length)
Class 🆕 (new)
Object , ¹, ², ³, , , , , ,
Object 🛡️funcs (protected_methods), 🙈funcs (private_methods)
Module 🛡️ (protected), ∃🛡️func? (protected_method_defined?), 🛡️instance_funcs (protected_instance_methods), 🙈instance_funcs (private_instance_methods), 🙈class_func (private_class_method)
Integer ^, preserved_reference_to_bitwise_or
Float ^

Files Added:

  • ruuuby/class/class.rb


  • modify various functions to not allocate un-necessary memory (ex: call .reverse_each instead of reverse.each)
  • continued audit on number classes (see notes from v0.0.15), add domain checks for 𝕌?, 𝔹?
  • add first multi-step audit test against project file structure (will require better solution, just a starting point)
  • add/move the following methods/aliases:
for methods/aliases added/moved
Array equal_contents? (≈≈ now aliases it)
Array frequency_counts (📊 now aliases it)
Array disjunctive_union ( now aliases it)
Array ↩️ (reverse), ↩️! (reverse!), ↩️∀ (reverse_each)
Object 🅱️? (alias to bool?), 🛑🅱️❓
Integer ∞?, 𝕌?
Float, Complex, BigDecimal 𝕌?
Numeric 𝕌?, 𝔹?
Hash 🗝?, ∃🗝? (both alias key?, same as 🔑?, ∃🔑?)


  • add directory ruuuby/class/enumerable, move ary.rb, hsh.rb and newly created set.rb into it
  • add files: ruuuby/module/enumerable.rb and ruuuby/class/nums/numeric.rb
  • move various existing functions/aliases from sub-classes into common parent modules and/or classes where possible, ex: ∌? out of Array and into enumerable to share common features w/ others like Set
  • move certain module/class initial definition/creation into ruby_class_mods.c
  • for number classes (ex: Integer), fix various logical/performance/test-coverage flaws for funcs like ℕ?
for methods/aliases added/moved
Array start_with?, ensure_start!
Set remove_empty!, ∅? (empty?), (each), ∋?
Enumerable ∌?, (map)
Numeric ∞? (infinite?)
Integer finite?, infinite?


  • add gem 'tty-command', '~> 0.9.0' to group runtime
  • for use by audit RSpecs: start various means of tracking internal versions, configs, etc; will help form dynamically generated audits and reports
  • temporarily remove .travis.yml (auto-generated at project creation but would be useful to utilize)
  • adjust naming on param check functions (in Ruuuby::ParamErr), ex: 🛑❓bool change to 🛑bool❓


  • move utility functionality from spec_helper.rb and others into newly created Directory: spec/helpers/
  • remove param:use_partial_fill_in from String's funcs ensure_start! and ensure_ending!
  • heavily adjust usage/style for throwing param errors via Ruuuby::Err now(Ruuuby::ParamErr)
  • add new type of RSpec: audit
for methods/aliases added
Hash (each), ∅? (empty)
Kernel 🛑 (raise), (Math.sqrt)
Module ∃func? (func created and alias removed), ∃🙈func? (private_method_defined?)
NilClass, String ∅? (empty)
Array ensure_ending!, end_with?, ∅? (empty), uniq_to_me (∖)
Object 🛑❓bool, 🛑❓int, 🛑❓ary, 🛑❓str, 🛑❓stry, 🛑❓str_or_ary
  • remove the following methods/aliases:
for methods/aliases removed
Ruuuby::Err param¬bool, param¬str, param¬stry, param¬ary, param¬module, param¬class


  • organize ruuuby/version.rb into major, minor, & tiny versions
  • add string generating macros for rb_require in ruby_class_mods.c
  • remove certain helper funcs from spec_helper.rb as core language adds similar wrappers
  • add organization and new information to help/
  • add files: ruuuby/module/kernel.rb, ruuuby/module/module.rb, and ruuuby/arg_err.rb
for methods/aliases added
Module 🙈, 🙈constants⟶, ∃const?, ∃func?, ∃func_alias?
Kernel ∃module?, ∃class?
Ruuuby::Err param¬bool, param¬str, param¬stry, param¬ary, param¬module, param¬class
Ruuuby::Err::WrongParamType generate_error_text, throw
Object stry?


  • add more organization to extconf.rb
  • add bin/audit_quick for faster iterative development
  • add missing section in performance testing tiers and general cleanup to some RSpec structure
  • move/add the following to ruby_class_mods.c
    • move Array's added method >>
    • move String's added method >>
    • add private method disjunctive_union to Array for use in method
for methods/aliases added
Hash 🔑?, ∃🔑?
Array , 📊,
Ruuuby ∃module?, ∃class?


  • move various require statements from ruuuby.rb to ruby_class_mods.c
  • remove all Ruuuby::Enum's and relating references
  • add/update minor details to
  • add help/ to document jruby extensions gotchas along the way
  • add initial Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
class methods added
Integer ℕ?, ℤ?, ℚ?, ℂ?, ℝ?
Float ℕ?, ℤ?, ℚ?, ℂ?, ℝ?
BigDecimal ℕ?, ℤ?, ℚ?, ℂ?, ℝ?
Complex ℕ?, ℤ?, ℚ?, ℂ?, ℝ?
Rational ℕ?, ℤ?, ℚ?, ℂ?, ℝ?


  • add example usage in
  • add various aliases and functions for additional set math operations
class method(s)/alias(es) added
Array ∌?, ∋?
String ∌?, ∋?, ∈?, ∉?


  • mark various files with UTF-8 encoding: # -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
  • add help directory to contain troubleshooting documentation
  • for now, remove gem: simplecov and temporarily stop tracking LOCs coverage until JRuby extensions are added in
  • extend usage of pre-processing for C files
  • increase scope of performance RSpecs, light adjustments to remaining RSpecs for clarity & future scope
  • add various aliases to existing Ruby functions/fields/constants/etc
class base reference alias
Object method: object_id 🆔
Object method: freeze ❄️
Object method: frozen? ❄️?
Array method: each
Array method: map
  • added the following methods:
class method added
Array >>
  • add/replace various Ruby functions with native C-extensions (ruuuby/ext/ruby_class_mods/ruby_class_mods.c):
modified class funcs added/replaced
Object hsh?
Array remove_empty!


  • add gem 'rake-compiler', '~> 1.1.0' to group development
  • adjust bin/audit, ruuuby.gemspec, Rakefile, etc to support native C-extensions
  • added section project layout and update formatting to
  • replace various Ruby functions with native C-extensions (ruuuby/ext/ruby_class_mods/ruby_class_mods.c):
modified class funcs replaced
Object ary?, bool?, int?, str?, sym?
NilClass empty?


  • add {Ruuuby::Enum::Text}
  • minor changes/functions-added to DRY some code
  • add Gemfile.lock to .gitignore
class method added
Object sym?
String >>
String ensure_start!
String ensure_ending!


  • for time being, remove ruby v2.7 requirement
  • freeze various constants and modules
  • slightly clean-up (with helper functions) and expand RSpec scenario coverage
class method added
Object str?


  • add gem 'rspec-benchmark', '~> 0.5.1'
  • remove file .rpsec, add rspec configurations through code
  • add performance tests along with a few missed ones
  • update ruuuby.gemspec to require ruby 2.7.0
  • split testing into the following groups:
category command
all but performance bundle exec rake rspec
only performance bundle exec rake rspec_performance
all tests bundle exec rake rspec_all


  • modify Ruuuby::Enum::Emoji from Strings to Symbols
  • fix gemspec to reflect correct git URLs
added path reference notes
lib/class/ary.rb Array
lib/class/int.rb Integer
class method(s) added
Object int?
Object ary?
Array remove_empty!


class method(s) added
Object bool?


added path reference notes
lib/ruuuby/class/nil.rb NilClass
lib/ruuuby/enum/emoji.rb Ruuuby::Enum::Emoji
bin/audit for running rdoc, rspecs, and coverage reports
class method(s) added
NilClass empty?
