This is the BTC part of the rgbpp-sdk for BTC/RGBPP transaction construction.
This lib is based on the foundation of the unisat wallet-sdk (license). We've simplified the logic of transaction construction and fee collection process to adapt to the specific needs of RGBPP. You can refer to the unisat wallet-sdk repo for more difference.
# Install via npm:
$ npm i @rgbpp-sdk/btc
# Install via yarn:
$ yarn add @rgbpp-sdk/btc
# Install via pnpm:
$ pnpm add @rgbpp-sdk/btc
import { sendBtc, DataSource, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, NetworkType.TESTNET);
const psbt = await sendBtc({
from: account.address, // your P2WPKH address
tos: [
address: 'to_address', // destination btc address
value: 1000, // transfer satoshi amount
onlyConfirmedUtxos: false, // optional, default to false, only confirmed utxos are allowed in the transaction
feeRate: 1, // optional, default to 1 on the testnet, and it is a floating number on the mainnet
// Sign & finalize inputs
// Broadcast transaction
const tx = psbt.extractTransaction();
const res = await service.sendTransaction(tx.toHex());
console.log('txid:', res.txid);
import { sendBtc, DataSource, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, NetworkType.TESTNET);
const psbt = await sendBtc({
from: account.address, // your P2TR address
fromPubkey: account.publicKey, // your public key, this is required for P2TR
tos: [
address: 'to_address', // destination btc address
value: 1000, // transfer satoshi amount
onlyConfirmedUtxos: false, // optional, default to false, only confirmed utxos are allowed in the transaction
feeRate: 1, // optional, default to 1 on the testnet, and it is a floating number on the mainnet
// Create a tweaked signer
const tweakedSigner = tweakSigner(account.keyPair, {
// Sign & finalize inputs
// Broadcast transaction
const tx = psbt.extractTransaction();
const res = await service.sendTransaction(tx.toHex());
console.log('txid:', res.txid);
import { sendBtc, DataSource, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, NetworkType.TESTNET);
// Create a PSBT
const psbt = await sendBtc({
from: account.address, // your address
tos: [
data: Buffer.from('0x' + '00'.repeat(32), 'hex'), // any data <= 80 bytes
value: 0, // normally the value is 0
changeAddress: account.address, // optional, where to return the change
onlyConfirmedUtxos: false, // optional, default to false, only confirmed utxos are allowed in the transaction
feeRate: 1, // optional, default to 1 on the testnet, and it is a floating number on the mainnet
// Sign & finalize inputs
// Broadcast transaction
const tx = psbt.extractTransaction();
const res = await service.sendTransaction(tx.toHex());
console.log('txid:', res.txid);
import { sendUtxos, DataSource, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, NetworkType.TESTNET);
const psbt = await sendUtxos({
inputs: [
txid: 'txid',
vout: 1,
value: 546,
address: 'btc_address',
addressType: AddressType.P2WPKH,
scriptPk: 'script_publickey_hex',
outputs: [
data: Buffer.from('commentment_hex', 'hex'), // RGBPP commitment
value: 0,
fixed: true, // mark as fixed, so the output.value will not be changed
address: 'to_address',
value: 546,
fixed: true,
minUtxoSatoshi: 546, // customize the dust limit of the output
from: account.address, // provide fee to the transaction
fromPubkey: account.publicKey, // optional, required if "from" is a P2TR address
changeAddress: account.address, // optional, an address to return change, default to "from"
onlyConfirmedUtxos: false, // optional, default to false, only confirmed utxos are allowed in the transaction
feeRate: 1, // optional, default to 1 on the testnet, and it is a floating number on the mainnet
// Sign & finalize inputs
// Broadcast transaction
const tx = psbt.extractTransaction();
const res = await service.sendTransaction(tx.toHex());
console.log('txid:', res.txid);
import { sendRgbppUtxos, networkTypeToConfig, DataSource, Collector, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const networkType = NetworkType.TESTNET;
const config = networkTypeToConfig(networkType);
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, networkType);
const ckbVirtualTx: RawTransaction = {
// ...
inputs: [
/* RgbppLock cells, and an optional paymaster cell */
outputs: [
/* RgbppLock/RgbppTimeLock cells, and an optional change cell */
} as any;
const ckbCollector = new Collector({
ckbNodeUrl: 'ckb_node_url',
ckbIndexerUrl: 'ckb_indexer_url',
const psbt = await sendRgbppUtxos({
ckbVirtualTx, // a CKB virtual tx containing "L1 -> L1" or "L1 -> L2" action
paymaster: {
// if paymaster cell was included in the ckbVirtualTx, pay to paymaster
address: 'paymaster_btc_address',
value: 10000,
commitment: 'rgbpp_tx_commitment',
tos: [
// the address of the generating outputs, optional, default is "from"
from: accounts.address,
fromPubkey: account.publicKey, // if "from" is a P2TR address, "fromPubkey" is required
changeAddress: 'address_to_return_change', // optional, where should the change satoshi be returned to
minUtxoSatoshi: config.btcUtxoDustLimit, // optional, default to 1000 on the testnet, 1,0000 on the mainnet
rgbppMinUtxoSatoshi: config.rgbppUtxoDustLimit, // optional, default to 546 on both testnet/mainnet
onlyConfirmedUtxos: false, // optional, default to false, only confirmed utxos are allowed in the transaction
feeRate: 1, // optional, default to 1 on the testnet, and it is a floating number on the mainnet
import { sendRbf, networkTypeToConfig, DataSource, Collector, NetworkType } from '@rgbpp-sdk/btc';
import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';
const networkType = NetworkType.TESTNET;
const config = networkTypeToConfig(networkType);
const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('btc_assets_api_url', 'your_token');
const source = new DataSource(service, networkType);
const psbt = await sendRbf({
txHex: 'your_original_transaction_hex',
from: account.address,
feeRate: 40, // the feeRate should be greater than the feeRate of the original transaction
changeIndex: 1, // optional, return change to outputs[changeIndex], will create a new output if not specified
changeAddress: 'address_to_return_change', // optional, where should the change satoshi be returned to
requireValidOutputsValue: false, // optional, default to false, require each output's value to be >= minUtxoSatoshi
requireGreaterFeeAndRate: true, // optional, default to true, require the fee rate&amount to be greater than the original transction
When you catch a TxBuildError
error after calling the BTC Builder APIs (sendBtc
, sendUtxos
, etc), you can access the e.context
object for error tracing, where it should contain a tx
property that is a TxBuilder
try {
await sendBtc({ ... });
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof TxBuildError) {
console.log(e.context.tx); // TxBuilder object for error tracing
declare function sendBtc(props: SendBtcProps): Promise<bitcoin.Psbt>;
declare function createSendBtcBuilder(props: SendBtcProps): Promise<{
builder: TxBuilder;
fee: number;
feeRate: number;
changeIndex: number;
interface SendBtcProps {
from: string;
tos: InitOutput[];
source: DataSource;
feeRate?: number;
fromPubkey?: string;
changeAddress?: string;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
onlyConfirmedUtxos?: boolean;
declare function sendUtxos(props: SendUtxosProps): Promise<bitcoin.Psbt>;
declare function createSendUtxosBuilder(props: SendUtxosProps): Promise<{
builder: TxBuilder;
fee: number;
feeRate: number;
changeIndex: number;
interface SendUtxosProps {
inputs: Utxo[];
outputs: InitOutput[];
source: DataSource;
from: string;
feeRate?: number;
fromPubkey?: string;
changeAddress?: string;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
onlyConfirmedUtxos?: boolean;
excludeUtxos?: BaseOutput[];
// EXPERIMENTAL: the below props are unstable and can be altered at any time
skipInputsValidation?: boolean;
pubkeyMap?: AddressToPubkeyMap;
declare function sendRgbppUtxos(props: SendRgbppUtxosProps): Promise<bitcoin.Psbt>;
declare function createSendRgbppUtxosBuilder(props: SendRgbppUtxosProps): Promise<{
builder: TxBuilder;
fee: number;
feeRate: number;
changeIndex: number;
interface SendRgbppUtxosProps {
ckbVirtualTx: RawTransaction;
commitment: Hash;
tos?: string[];
paymaster?: TxAddressOutput;
ckbNodeUrl: string;
rgbppLockCodeHash: Hash;
rgbppTimeLockCodeHash: Hash;
rgbppMinUtxoSatoshi?: number;
source: DataSource;
from: string;
feeRate?: number;
fromPubkey?: string;
changeAddress?: string;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
onlyConfirmedUtxos?: boolean;
excludeUtxos?: BaseOutput[];
// EXPERIMENTAL: the below props are experimental and can be altered at any time
pubkeyMap?: AddressToPubkeyMap;
declare function sendRbf(props: SendRbfProps): Promise<bitcoin.Psbt>;
declare function createSendRbfBuilder(props: SendRbfProps): Promise<{
builder: TxBuilder;
fee: number;
feeRate: number;
changeIndex: number;
interface SendRbfProps {
from: string;
txHex: string;
source: DataSource;
feeRate?: number;
fromPubkey?: string;
changeIndex?: number;
changeAddress?: string;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
onlyConfirmedUtxos?: boolean;
requireValidOutputsValue?: boolean;
requireGreaterFeeAndRate?: boolean;
// EXPERIMENTAL: the below props are experimental and can be altered at any time
pubkeyMap?: AddressToPubkeyMap;
type InitOutput = TxAddressOutput | TxDataOutput | TxScriptOutput;
interface TxAddressOutput extends TxBaseOutput {
address: string;
interface TxDataOutput extends TxBaseOutput {
data: Buffer | string;
interface TxScriptOutput extends TxBaseOutput {
script: Buffer;
interface TxBaseOutput {
value: number;
fixed?: boolean;
protected?: boolean;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
interface DataSource {
constructor(service: BtcAssetsApi, networkType: NetworkType): void;
getUtxo(hex: string, number: number, requireConfirmed?: boolean): Promise<Utxo | undefined>;
getOutput(hex: string, number: number, requireConfirmed?: boolean): Promise<Output | Utxo | undefined>;
getUtxos(address: string, params?: BtcAssetsApiUtxoParams): Promise<Utxo[]>;
collectSatoshi(props: {
address: string;
targetAmount: number;
minUtxoSatoshi?: number;
allowInsufficient?: boolean;
onlyNonRgbppUtxos?: boolean;
onlyConfirmedUtxos?: boolean;
noAssetsApiCache?: boolean;
internalCacheKey?: string;
excludeUtxos?: BaseOutput[];
}): Promise<{
utxos: Utxo[];
satoshi: number;
exceedSatoshi: number;
interface FeesRecommended {
fastestFee: number;
halfHourFee: number;
hourFee: number;
minimumFee: number;
interface BaseOutput {
txid: string;
vout: number;
interface Output extends BaseOutput {
value: number;
scriptPk: string;
interface Utxo extends Output {
addressType: AddressType;
address: string;
pubkey?: string;
enum AddressType {
enum NetworkType {
type AddressToPubkeyMap = Record<string, string>;