(oscillat, thalamus, cortex, neuron)
Book Plan Updated: Book Structure
The book will be 14 cycles with maybe 5 chapters inside each, 10 pages per chapter, or 50 pages per cycle, 3 cycles in the first segment, 8 cycle in the middle, 3 in the end.
700 pages
After reviewing the table of contents of several books I've also settled on a book design that has 14 major cycles, three major sections, the first section has 3 major cycles, the third section has 3 major cycles, and the middle section has major cycles, 6+8 is 14. Each major cycle has 5 chapters or sub cycles. Each subcycle consists of 10 pages, and each page is expected to have 500 words. So each major cycle has 50 pages with 500 words each, and 14 x 50 = 700 pages x 500 words so the planned book has 350,000.
I've created a trello to lay out the sections of the book, starting from the old table of contents which can still be seen in notes c0000x & c0001x, there is a new table of contents that has 14 parts, but I'm in the process of merging the new one with the old one and to lay out the content categories for the book.
The book then is about merging the notes into the 14 part structure, (as described above each Cycle has 5 subcycles that are 10 pages each covering a topic.) If you considered the book as simply subcycles it would have 14x5 = 70 subcycles. Or a book with 70 ten page chapers. I believe that the material I have on each topic exceeds 10 pages, and the number of topics exceeds 70, however it has not been difficult to generate new content if there are infact gaps discovered when the contents of the book are filled in. Filled in meaning moving content from these notes into the chapter or cycle outline.
I'm reviewing the text of the notes in the order of the longest texts to the shortest. So in the beginning the progress will seem slow, but it will accelerate as the audio text notes I'm working on get smaller.
Integrate section a0324z.5level into book structure. (technically everything gets integrated into book structure, but this is more structureful. Humor.)
I write it a little bit differently, but keep the 5 parts.
- Ecosystem level personal & interpersonal experiences. (includes multi-agent experiences) This is the level where the rendering of the experience of being someone is the topic of study, it incorporates the discussion of how macroscale, mesoscale, microscale, and subcellular scales processes resulted in a computationally rendered experience of reality that enables episodic memories, high level problem solving, and higher level coordination including planning for future predicted events.
This level includes the studies of frequency coupling between brains.
"The use of EEG to simultaneously record multiple brains (i.e., hyperscanning) during social interactions has led to the discovery of inter-brain coupling (IBC)" https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.00224.2022?fbclid=IwAR2yEUQmHJmQAZMDKOlHs58eEtC467j8l5CXL_m_PvHQUDvaQlhkSD0xalg
Macroscale: Whole Brain Network Coordination via Thalamic Cortical and Cortical Cortical Loops that link together Mesoscale structures
Mesoscale function of individual Oscillators & Groups of Oscillators such as Cortical Columns, the Hippocampus, Mini Columns & Microcolumns, the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei, brain regions & nuclei, any group of cells that oscillates together as a unit or seems to perform a collective function. Mesoscale structures link together Microscale structures such as Nerve Cells & Glia. At this scale we can discuss how rhythms propagate across cells to become internal representations, internally rendered episodic memories, and or to become highly coordinated actions, or decisions for contingent future movements.
Microscale Structures: Neurons, Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, MicroGlia, White Blood Cells, Neural Circuits, Neural Arrays, Edge Communities, Microscale structures are bodies for subcellular scale structures
Subcellular scale structures: proteins in a viscoelastic phase, proteins, atoms, chemicals, molecules, hormones, ion travel, charge, soliton waves, electromagnetism, electric dipoles, magnetic dipoles, action potentials, plateau potentials, slow wave potentials, proteins, dna, chromosomes, ribosomes, rna, vesicles, transmitters, and the study of quantum effects.
Brain Structure, DMT, Sync, Photocopier Start the book with electricity, gravity, quantum physics
(quantum, decoherence)
This paper: the importance of Quantum Decoherence in Brain States was cited to argue that the brain does not do quantum computation because its warm and because warm quantum physics is too chaotic to contain comprehensible information that the brain could process. https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/9907009.pdf
"Quantum theory of consciousness put in doubt by underground experiment" https://physicsworld.com/a/quantum-theory-of-consciousness-put-in-doubt-by-underground-experiment/
Is there another kind of memory function in the brain that operates with some form of quantum computation such as written about in the Orch Or paper? I lean towards saying no, but at the same time even if such a mechanism existed it would not change the results of the existing theories on human cognition, it would be like adding another layer, an extra memory process, because memory function at the level of synapses is true, and memory activation via the flow of ions is true, regardless of whether or not there is an additional dimension of memory via smaller quantum signals in the cell nucleus, or in the receptors, via the microtubules or the camkii etc... There is plenty of research that disputes & debunks certain ideas that came out of the Orch Or paper, but until we understand everything about the cell, at the quantum scale, we can allow ourselves to be open minded about the future possibility of a quantum computation element to human memory, without disregarding the other theories of memory formation & activation.
Then the debate about the granularity of pattern recognition ie the resolution of consciousness (Phi)
Rethinking electricity & gravity, Bose-Einstein Condensates & Fermionic Condensates
Create a picture of the cortical columns as like the Hal's cartridges in 2001 A space Odyssey
And west world maze concept an illustration of the mind's journey to recognize its own self model as the self.
The large scale dipole reflects the horizontal activity of whole cortical column oscillations in partial whole brain oscillations that have 3 phases inhibition, excitation, and tonic.
Sections of the brains cortical activity are at a global level repeating the same pattern to Resulting in whole brain awareness
Sleep is my inhibitory phase, then I have a listening phase, then a speaking phase
What I am writing about in my book is how the brains molecular structure creates conscious maps of reality with frequencies, the frequencies interact with each other, but the same molecular structure that produced these frequencies is required to experience these frequencies. I am going to show from atoms to organs, from electrons to neural circuits, how consciousness works. but NDE Near Death Experiences I think have to be compared to DMT experiences, I think, in terms of thalamic bridge modulations, or in other words both NDE and DMT are taking place inside the human brain the entire time, even if we are experiencing leaving our body or traveling to other realms of existence
SYNC Phasic signals are disbursed more widely, pushing more components to react simultaneously, synchronization is the absorbtion of phasic signals into the tonic oscillation.
The brightest flash of the firefly, or the strongest pulse of the action potential going to cause the most number of fireflies or upstream cells to react at the same time. Sync is a coincident oscillator reaction to broadly distributed high amp low freq signals of any modality type
To have the global sync oscillation altered by the collective action of a neural circuit with different size oscillators might result in a global pattern generation like turning small signals into a flashing image on a screen that down stream neurons receive as an image or a sound or tactile sensation or a feeling which is then observed by another layer
As if the brain is replicating the images it sees outside and the sounds of what it hears outside in the collective signal generated by the oscillator reacting to
Registering an observation to other layers of the network and an observation to the thalamus, the neocortex can function as a tv for the thalamus, like a 32k or human retina display for a virtual reality experience. With the thalamic bridges running its signals to the neocortex and receiving the output of the neocortex on the other side of the cortical columns allowing it to observe, learn from, and coordinate activity pattern learning on each column of neocortex, allowing the whole brain to be in spacetime holistically aware of every part of itself. As frequency patterns in the brain play out across time, space, at at multiple scales.
The oscillator is a photocopier because its pattern is defined by action potentials decay rate setting the phase of inhibition for large groups of neurons, who are expecting to fire because of the signals they are getting from that neuron that fired, but since different neurons have different voltages they end up firing in sequences, so neural oscillators have temporal sequences that adhere to or map to novel neural phasic firing, this takes a small pattern and it magnifies it so it can be seen by another layer of neurons, and the output of cortical columns might be seen by the thalamus which is constructing patterns via the same method outline above
One idea is that the pyramidal cell network in the upper most layers of the neo cortex can be considered like a fractal analogy of the retina of the brain, spreading along the surface,
perhaps we could imagined the thalamus as like a focal point, similar to how the pupil is a focal point, similar to how the neuron's spike is like a focal point.
Columns are reading columns like a mind cycle
Human phenomenological consciousness involves brainwaves, and brainwaves have quantum effects, but the mind is a rendering that is computed at the scale of cells, this means the human mind is not at the quantum scale, even though brainwaves have quantum interactions.
The scale of information doesn't matter to an oscillator, even small oscillations change the timing of larger oscillations when absorbed.
So perhaps if the quantum field is observed, the time has changed to the oscillating mind, and if the time has changed an oscillation has been absorbed (conjecture).
I would like to imagine, for fun, that part of spacetime, in the same frequency range as our brainwaves, is synchronizing with the clock in our mind, our brainwave frequency when we observe something.
Creating entanglement between the observer & the observation with spooky action at a distance.