a0022z ctpr This was an email I sent to Dario Nardi and then later uploaded to my notes on Jun 20, 2012, 12:43 PM I changed a couple things for clarification before uploading it to github 10 years later.
'The idea for this (Neo Mind Cycle) experiment came to me while I had been reading about CI Therapy (Constraint Induced) in the book "The brain that changes itself" I decided to try my Neo Mind Cycle with a blindfold on, shutting out all the light, so that my visual cortex would go to work for the audio cortex and or whatever else I was doing.
What happened was a fusion of feelings, emotions, internal representations including internal visualizations, with the audio feedback that represented my brainwaves. Since this is neurofeedback, and it measures the neo cortex, how is it that it measures emotions which come from the limbic system beyond the reach of the sensors?
I had conscious control over this fusion of feelings, visualizations, and sound. I played with visualizing body with different colors, to change the sound, and gradually I learned to make myself feel amazing. When I took the goggles off, it was 430 in the morning. I had literally spent five hours in the machine and not realized it because I was so engaged. I had felt something that was more intense, profound, pleasant, and visually stimulating than the two times I had been in a sensory deprivation tank. I was visualizing (and feeling my visualizations) the kinds of things that someone would expect to see and feel if they were at Burning Man on powerful psychoactives. I want to emphasize that I had done this with only technology, there were no drugs involved.
"It is a great way to bring people into a growth process that is more sensory and surely less "clinical" (and thus less intimidating)." I love this sentence, yes Neo Mind Cycle uses medical grade EEG, and my brain is really benefiting, but the "sensory" experience makes this feel like a recreational activity, and it really is also a recreational activity! I love using it!
Since contacting you feels thrilling to me, and very important, I wonder if my use of words like these words creates a prediction in your mind of how much brain activity I am using, and from what regions. Do you visualize another person's brain activity as you talk to people?
Yesterday I found myself visualizing the neural activity in a woman's mind as she explained to me her experience with one of her oldest girls being diagnosed with SPD and working very hard for many years to "grow" the child's brain with traditional therapy options and newer brain games.
So I am researching the history of SPD, so I can realize useful predictions regarding what to expect when something like Neo Mind Cycle is applied to patients with SPD. (I like you said a more "sensor" variant relative to traditional ideas about how to use EEG.)
I am excited about the upcoming occasions to chat with you over the next few weeks. Thrilled with the idea of meeting you in person in early October. I am already visualizing showing you some of the neat things I've been working on. Maybe I will have something new and amazing to share then! I'd naturally be thrilled to meet with you in person again in December! It's all very thrilling.'
Jun 20, 2012, 12:43 PM
Tags: brainwaves, killed, neurofeedback