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Data Management System(DBMS)

A database management system refers to the technology for creating and managing databases. DBMS is a software tool to organize (create, retrieve, update, and manage) data in a database. The main aim of a DBMS is to supply a way to store up and retrieve database information that is both convenient and efficient.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

We will learn about Database, data management system, DBMS types, its uses and advantages of using DBMS.

Chapter 2 - Data Modeling

This chapter tells us about relation data model (relational algebra), Semantic Modeling using entity, UML and Relational Model. Then we have briefly discussed ER and EER models.

Chapter 3 - SQL

This chapter provides you an overview on SQL language. We shall discuss about its syntax, components, data-types, and many more topics.

Chapter 4 - Database Architecture

In this we will learn different phases of database architecture, database storage, database backup and at last database transaction handling.

Chapter 5 - RDBMS

Here, we discussed about RDBMS, normalization, advance database applications and the major limitations of RDBMS.

Chapter 6 - Extensions of DBMS

Will be Updated soon.

Chapter 7 - ORDBMS

ORDBMS is a DBMS based on the Relational model and object-oriented database model. In this we will discuss its features and many more topics in detail.

Chapter 8 - Advanced Management of Data

We will learn about AMD which includes Distributed Data Management System(DDBMS) and NoSQL.

Chapter 9 - MongoDB

We will learn how to install MongoDB on your local system. Believe me, this is going to be very easy if you follow all the steps as discussed. Then we learned about the operations and commands used that can be performed on database and collections. Then we head towards the CRUD operations which are very important to understand. At last we learned about sharding and replication in MongoDB.