Print 12 month in report ShowFoodConsumptionTotalPrice
Print 12 month in report ShowFoodConsumptionTotalPrice
Print 12 month in report ShowFoodConsumptionTotalPrice
Print 12 month in report ShowFoodConsumptionTotalPrice
FIxt export to excel, show numbers as numbers and not as strings
FIxt export to excel, show numbers as numbers and not as strings
revert Fix N+1 Query on dailymenu/list
revert Fix N+1 Query on dailymenu/list
Docs, about page updates, english translation, new logo
Docs, about page updates, english translation, new logo
Translation switcher into main menu
Translation switcher into main menu
VS Code dev container added, menu refactor, new home page
VS Code dev container added, menu refactor, new home page
Bump sentry-sdk from 1.5.10 to 1.14.0 in /requirements
Bump sentry-sdk from 1.5.10 to 1.14.0 in /requirements