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File metadata and controls

197 lines (155 loc) · 9.67 KB

Getting Started (ASP.NET Core)

Install Package

> dotnet add package LocalizationProvider.AspNetCore

Configuring Services

In your Startup.cs class you need to add stuff related to Mvc localization (to get required services into DI container - service collection).

And then services.AddDbLocalizationProvider(). You can pass in configuration settings class (parameter name cfg) and setup provider's behavior.

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // add your authorization provider ( identity, identity server, which ever..)
        services.AddDbLocalizationProvider(cfg =>

Following configuration options are available:

Option Description
AssemblyScanningFilter You can specify what assemblies needs to be scanned. By default some of the system ones are excluded (no need to waste time)
CacheManager Gets or sets cache manager used to store resources and translations (InMemory by default)
CustomAttributes Gets or sets list of custom attributes that should be discovered and registered during startup scanning.
DefaultResourceCulture Gets or sets the default resource culture to register translations for newly discovered resources.
DiagnosticsEnabled Gets or sets value enabling or disabling diagnostics for localization provider (e.g. missing keys will be written to log file).
DiscoverAndRegisterResources Gets or sets the flag to control localized models discovery and registration during app startup.
EnableInvariantCultureFallback Gets or sets flag to enable or disable invariant culture fallback (to use resource values discovered & registered from code).
EnableLegacyMode Gets or sets the callback function to check if legacy mode is enabled. Legacy mode is special treatment of old XML file based resources (like resource key /component/properties/property1). If legacy mode is enabled and XML based resource is requested, additional lookup will be performed to resolve translation for these resources.
EnableLocalization Gets or sets the callback function for enabling or disabling localization. If this returns false - requested resource key will be returned as translation.
Export Gets or sets settings used for export of the resources.
FallbackCultures Using this list you can configure language fallback settings.
ForeignResources Gets or sets collection of foreign resources. Foreign resource descriptors are used to include classes without [LocalizedResource] or [LocalizedModel] attributes.
Import Gets or sets settings to be used during resource import.
Logger Gets or sets abstract logger which can bridge log entries down to underlying host/runtime logging infrastructure.
ModelMetadataProviders Settings for model metadata providers.
PopulateCacheOnStartup Gets or sets a value indicating whether cache should be populated during startup (default = true).
ResourceKeyNameFilter If you are looking for a way to allow other characters in resource key name - this is the property to set.
ResourceLookupFilter Callback function to check whether resource lookup should be performed (based on resource key). Use this with precaution or avoid usage at all.
ScanAllAssemblies Forces type scanner to load all referenced assemblies. When enabled, scanner is not relying on current AppDomain.GetAssemblies but checks referenced assemblies recursively (default false).
TypeFactory Returns type factory used internally for creating new services or handlers for commands.
TypeScanners Gets list of all known type scanners.

Following ImportSettings configuration options are available:

Option Description
Providers Gets or sets list of known import handlers. Handlers are based on file format (handles specific file extension).

Following ExportSettings configuration options are available:

Option Description
Providers Gets or sets list of known export handlers. Handlers are based on file format/extension.

Following ModelMetadataProviders configuration options are available:

Option Description
MarkRequiredFields Set true to add translation returned from RequiredFieldResource for required fields.
ReplaceProviders Gets or sets a value to replace ModelMetadataProvider to use new db localization system.
RequiredFieldResource If MarkRequiredFields is set to true, return of this method will be used to indicate required fields (added at the end of label).
SetupCallback If callback action is supplied it's invoked instead of default model medata data providers setup. This is required in cases when model metadata provider infrastructure is different between runtimes.
UseCachedProviders Gets or sets a value to use cached version of ModelMetadataProvider.

Post Configuration

It is also possible to perform post configuration (after you have called AddDbLocalizationProvider()) of the localization provider. This is useful when you are unit testing your web app, after Startup code is executed and you want to make sure that some post configuration settings are applied for your unit tests to execute correctly.

NB! Please note, that it is not possible to configure any types, scanners or anything else that is added to the DI container during AddDbLocalizationProvider() call. This limitation is due to fact that types are added to DI container and post configuration is called afterwards (when IServiceProvider is already built).

To post configure localization provider you have to follow standard .NET Options pattern:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        services.AddDbLocalizationProvider(cfg =>

        // post configuring provider
        services.Configure<ConfigurationContext>(ctx =>
            ctx.EnableInvariantCultureFallback = false;

Adding Services to the App

After then you will need to make sure that you start using the provider:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)


Using localization provider will make sure that resources are discovered and registered in the database (if this process will not be disabled via AddDbLocalizationProvider() method by setting ConfigurationContext.DiscoverAndRegisterResources to false).

Configure Fallback Languages

LocalizationProvider gives you option to configure fallback languages for the library. It means that provider will try to get translation in requested language. And if it does not exist in that language, fallback language list is used to decide which language to try next until either succeeds or fails with no translation found.

To configure fallback languages use code below:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddDbLocalizationProvider(_ =>
                .Try(new CultureInfo("sv"))
                .Then(new CultureInfo("no"))
                .Then(new CultureInfo("en"));

This means that following logic will be used during translation lookup:

  1. Developer requests translation in Swedish culture ("sv") using ILocalizationProvider.GetString(() => ...) method.
  2. If translation does not exist -> provider is looking for translation in Norwegian language ("no" - second language in the fallback list).
  3. If translation is found - one is returned; if not - provider continues process and is looking for translation in English ("en").
  4. If there is no translation in English -> depending on ConfigurationContext.EnableInvariantCultureFallback setting -> translation in InvariantCulture may be returned.

Working with [LocalizedResource] & [LocalizedModel] Attributes

For more information on how localized resources and localized models are working - please read docs in main package repo.

Adding Additional Cultures

Localization is all about translations into multiple languages. So it's often required to add more supported languages to the application. LocalizationProvider uses RequestLocalizationOptions to understand what languages application is supporting. You can configure this setting using ConfigureServices startup method.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // just adding English and Latvian support
    services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>(opts =>
        var supportedCultures = new List<CultureInfo>
                                    new CultureInfo("en"),
                                    new CultureInfo("lv")

        opts.DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture("en");
        opts.SupportedCultures = supportedCultures;
        opts.SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures;

Add AdminUI

For adding AdminUI to your application - refer to instructions here.