diff --git a/bin/apply-registry.ps1 b/bin/apply-registry.ps1 index b7bc085..3c61efa 100644 --- a/bin/apply-registry.ps1 +++ b/bin/apply-registry.ps1 @@ -5,48 +5,56 @@ param( ) $entries = @{ - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify" = @{ - "DiscontinueEOS" = @{ + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DiscontinueEOS" "max_version" = 9600 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable computer is out of support message") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" = @{ - "WUServer" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "WUServer" "value" = " " "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "WUStatusServer" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "WUStatusServer" "value" = " " "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "UpdateServiceUrlAlternate" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "UpdateServiceUrlAlternate" "value" = " " "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "DisableWindowsUpdateAccess" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableWindowsUpdateAccess" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "DisableOSUpgrade" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableOSUpgrade" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "SetDisableUXWUAccess" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "SetDisableUXWUAccess" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" @@ -55,9 +63,10 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" = @{ - "NoAutoUpdate" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "NoAutoUpdate" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -65,33 +74,38 @@ $entries = @{ "disable automatic windows updates" ) } - "UseWUServer" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "UseWUServer" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" = @{ - # not the same as "Configure Automatic Updates" policy. this key seems to be exclusive to Windows 7/8 - "AUOptions" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" = @( + @{ + # not the same as "Configure Automatic Updates" policy. this key seems to be exclusive to Windows 7/8 + "key_name" = "AUOptions" "max_version" = 9600 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "SetupWizardLaunchTime" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "SetupWizardLaunchTime" "max_version" = 9600 "type" = "REG_DELETE" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - "AcceleratedInstallRequired" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "AcceleratedInstallRequired" "max_version" = 9600 "type" = "REG_DELETE" "apply_if" = @("disable windows update") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DriverSearching" = @{ - "SearchOrderConfig" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DriverSearching" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SearchOrderConfig" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -99,9 +113,10 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Device Metadata" = @{ - "PreventDeviceMetadataFromNetwork" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Device Metadata" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "PreventDeviceMetadataFromNetwork" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -109,9 +124,10 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching" = @{ - "SearchOrderConfig" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SearchOrderConfig" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -119,7 +135,8 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - "DontSearchWindowsUpdate" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DontSearchWindowsUpdate" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -127,9 +144,10 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" = @{ - "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( @@ -137,387 +155,441 @@ $entries = @{ "disable driver installation via windows update" ) } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" = @{ - "DisableAutomaticRestartSignOn" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableAutomaticRestartSignOn" "min_version" = 18362 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable sign-in and lock last interactive user after a restart") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Maintenance" = @{ - "MaintenanceDisabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Maintenance" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "MaintenanceDisabled" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable automatic maintenance") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments" = @{ - "SaveZoneInformation" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SaveZoneInformation" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @( "disable windows marking file attachments with information about their zone of origin" ) } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppCompat" = @{ - "DisablePCA" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppCompat" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisablePCA" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable program compatibility assistant") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows" = @{ - "CEIPEnable" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "CEIPEnable" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable customer experience improvement program") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows" = @{ - "CEIPEnable" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "CEIPEnable" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable customer experience improvement program") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\15.0\SQM" = @{ - "OptIn" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\15.0\SQM" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "OptIn" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable customer experience improvement program") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Messenger\Client" = @{ - "CEIP" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Messenger\Client" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "CEIP" "value" = 2 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable customer experience improvement program") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys" = @{ - "Flags" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Flags" "value" = "506" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable sticky keys") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" = @{ - "DisableAntiSpyware" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableAntiSpyware" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Real-Time Protection" = @{ - "DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Real-Time Protection" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - "DisableOnAccessProtection" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableOnAccessProtection" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection" = @{ - "DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - "DisableBehaviorMonitoring" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableBehaviorMonitoring" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsSecCore" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsSecCore" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 22000 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" = @{ - "POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT" "value" = "1" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse" = @{ - "MouseSpeed" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "MouseSpeed" "value" = "0" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable pointer acceleration") } - "MouseThreshold1" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "MouseThreshold1" "value" = "0" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable pointer acceleration") } - "MouseThreshold2" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "MouseThreshold2" "value" = "0" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable pointer acceleration") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" = @{ - "HiberbootEnabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "HiberbootEnabled" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable fast startup") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting" = @{ - "DoReport" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DoReport" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows error reporting") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Consent" = @{ - "DefaultConsent" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Consent" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DefaultConsent" "max_version" = 9600 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows error reporting") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" = @{ - "Disabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Disabled" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows error reporting") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" = @{ - "DontSendAdditionalData" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DontSendAdditionalData" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows error reporting") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Remote Assistance" = @{ - "fAllowToGetHelp" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Remote Assistance" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "fAllowToGetHelp" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable remote assistance") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" = @{ - "HideFileExt" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "HideFileExt" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("show file extensions") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdFilter" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdFilter" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdBoot" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdBoot" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdNisSvc" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdNisSvc" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdNisDrv" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WdNisDrv" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search" = @{ - "AllowCortana" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowCortana" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("mitigate web-based search info") } - "ConnectedSearchUseWeb" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "ConnectedSearchUseWeb" "min_version" = 9600 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("mitigate web-based search info") } - "ConnectedSearchPrivacy" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "ConnectedSearchPrivacy" "min_version" = 9600 "max_version" = 9600 "value" = 3 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("mitigate web-based search info") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PushNotifications" = @{ - "NoCloudApplicationNotification" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PushNotifications" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "NoCloudApplicationNotification" "min_version" = 9200 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable notifications network usage") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SecurityHealthService" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SecurityHealthService" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sense" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" = @{ - "SecurityHealth" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SecurityHealth" "min_version" = 10240 "type" = "REG_DELETE" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - "WindowsDefender" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "WindowsDefender" "min_version" = 10240 "type" = "REG_DELETE" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity" = @{ - "Enabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Enabled" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" = @{ - "SpyNetReporting" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SpyNetReporting" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - "SubmitSamplesConsent" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "SubmitSamplesConsent" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" = @{ - "SmartScreenEnabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "SmartScreenEnabled" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = "Off" "type" = "REG_SZ" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" = @{ - "EnableWebContentEvaluation" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "EnableWebContentEvaluation" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled" = @{ - "@" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "@" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRuntime\ActivatableClassId\Windows.Gaming.GameBar.PresenceServer.Internal.PresenceWriter" = @{ - "ActivationType" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRuntime\ActivatableClassId\Windows.Gaming.GameBar.PresenceServer.Internal.PresenceWriter" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "ActivationType" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable gamebarpresencewriter") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DiagTrack" = @{ - "Start" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DiagTrack" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Start" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" = @{ - "AllowTelemetry" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowTelemetry" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - "LimitDiagnosticLogCollection" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "LimitDiagnosticLogCollection" "min_version" = 18363 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - "LimitDumpCollection" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "LimitDumpCollection" "min_version" = 18363 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - "LimitEnhancedDiagnosticDataWindowsAnalytics" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "LimitEnhancedDiagnosticDataWindowsAnalytics" "min_version" = 16299 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - "DoNotShowFeedbackNotifications" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DoNotShowFeedbackNotifications" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable telemetry") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" = @{ - "AllowOnlineTips" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowOnlineTips" "min_version" = 16299 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" @@ -525,198 +597,225 @@ $entries = @{ "disable retrieval of online tips and help in the immersive control panel" ) } - "NoDriveTypeAutoRun" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "NoDriveTypeAutoRun" "value" = 255 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable autoplay") } - "NoAutorun" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "NoAutorun" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable autoplay") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\input\Settings" = @{ - "InsightsEnabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\input\Settings" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "InsightsEnabled" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable typing insights") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppPrivacy" = @{ - "LetAppsRunInBackground" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppPrivacy" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "LetAppsRunInBackground" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 2 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable background apps") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SearchSettings" = @{ - "IsDynamicSearchBoxEnabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SearchSettings" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "IsDynamicSearchBoxEnabled" "min_version" = 22000 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable suggestions in the search box and in search home") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WTDS\Components" = @{ - "ServiceEnabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WTDS\Components" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "ServiceEnabled" "min_version" = 22000 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy" = @{ - "VerifiedAndReputablePolicyState" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "VerifiedAndReputablePolicyState" "min_version" = 22000 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable windows defender") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT" = @{ - "DontOfferThroughWUAU" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DontOfferThroughWUAU" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable malicious software removal tool updates") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Dsh" = @{ - "AllowNewsAndInterests" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Dsh" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowNewsAndInterests" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable widgets") } - } - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" = @{ - "EnableTransparency" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "EnableTransparency" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable transparency effects") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" = @{ - "AutoDownload" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AutoDownload" "min_version" = 9600 "value" = 4 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable automatic store app updates") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" = @{ - "AllowClipboardHistory" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowClipboardHistory" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable clipboard history") } - "AllowCrossDeviceClipboard" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowCrossDeviceClipboard" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable clipboard history") } - "EnableActivityFeed" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "EnableActivityFeed" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable activity feed") } - "PublishUserActivities" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "PublishUserActivities" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable activity feed") } - "UploadUserActivities" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "UploadUserActivities" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable activity feed") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AdvertisingInfo" = @{ - "DisabledByGroupPolicy" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AdvertisingInfo" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisabledByGroupPolicy" "min_version" = 9600 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable advertising id") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" = @{ - "NoAutoplayfornonVolume" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "NoAutoplayfornonVolume" "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable autoplay") } - "DisableGraphRecentItems" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableGraphRecentItems" "min_version" = 22621 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable account-based explorer features") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent" = @{ - "DisableCloudOptimizedContent" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableCloudOptimizedContent" "min_version" = 18363 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable cloud content") } - "DisableConsumerAccountStateContent" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableConsumerAccountStateContent" "min_version" = 18363 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable cloud content") } - "DisableSoftLanding" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableSoftLanding" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable cloud content") } - "DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures" = @{ + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable cloud content") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MDM" = @{ - "DisableRegistration" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MDM" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisableRegistration" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable mdm enrollment") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\PushToInstall" = @{ - "DisablePushToInstall" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\PushToInstall" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "DisablePushToInstall" "min_version" = 10240 "value" = 1 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable microsoft store push to install feature") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\TextInput" = @{ - "AllowLinguisticDataCollection" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\TextInput" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "AllowLinguisticDataCollection" "min_version" = 17134 "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable sending inking and typing data to microsoft") } - } - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FTH" = @{ - "Enabled" = @{ + ) + "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FTH" = @( + @{ + "key_name" = "Enabled" "value" = 0 "type" = "REG_DWORD" "apply_if" = @("disable fault tolerant heap") } - } + ) } function Is-Admin() { @@ -743,9 +842,7 @@ function Apply-Registry($filePath) { function Get-Option-Keys($optionName, $windowsBuild) { foreach ($path in $entries.Keys) { - foreach ($keyName in $entries[$path].Keys) { - $key = $entries[$path][$keyName] - + foreach ($key in $entries[$path]) { # unspecified versions implies that they key should be applied to all versions $minVersion = if ($key.Contains("min_version")) { $key["min_version"] } else { $windowsBuild } $maxVersion = if ($key.Contains("max_version")) { $key["max_version"] } else { $windowsBuild } @@ -756,6 +853,8 @@ function Get-Option-Keys($optionName, $windowsBuild) { # check if registry key is associated with option $isKeyAssociated = $key["apply_if"].Contains($optionName) + $keyName = $key["key_name"] + if ($isWinverSupported -and $isKeyAssociated) { Write-Host "$($path)`n $(if ($keyName -eq "@") { "Default" } else { $keyName } ) $($key["type"]) $($key["value"])`n" } @@ -763,8 +862,10 @@ function Get-Option-Keys($optionName, $windowsBuild) { } } -function Get-Key-String($keyName, $keyData) { +function Get-Key-String($keyData) { # default key does not have extra quotes + $keyName = $keyData["key_name"] + if ($keyName -eq "@") { $line = "@" } else { @@ -837,6 +938,13 @@ function Get-WinVer($windowsBuild) { function main() { Set-Location $PSScriptRoot + if (-not (Test-Path "registry-options.json")) { + Write-Host "error: registry-options.json not found" + return 1 + } + + $config = Get-Content -Path "registry-options.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json + if ($build_docs) { # an ordered hashmap must be used to preserve the order of config options $options = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary @@ -850,16 +958,14 @@ function main() { # populate the hashmap with all the option paths and keys foreach ($path in $entries.Keys) { - foreach ($keyName in $entries[$path].Keys) { - $key = $entries[$path][$keyName] - + foreach ($key in $entries[$path]) { foreach ($applyIfOption in $key["apply_if"]) { # initialize path if it doesn't if (-not ($options[$applyIfOption].Contains($path))) { - $options[$applyIfOption].Add($path, (New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary)) + $options[$applyIfOption].Add($path, (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) } - $options[$applyIfOption][$path].Add($keyName, $key) + $options[$applyIfOption][$path].Add($key) } } } @@ -872,7 +978,6 @@ function main() { foreach ($option in $options.Keys) { # create option name subheading $optionSubheading = ConvertTo-TitleCase -string $option - Add-Content -Path $mdfile -Value "## $($optionSubheading)`n" # start code block @@ -885,10 +990,8 @@ function main() { # write path Add-Content -Path $mdfile -Value "[$($path)]" - foreach ($keyName in $options[$option][$path].Keys) { - $key = $options[$option][$path][$keyName] - - $keyString = Get-Key-String -keyName $keyName -keyData $key + foreach ($key in $options[$option][$path]) { + $keyString = Get-Key-String -keyData $key if ($null -eq $keyString) { $hasError = $true @@ -909,10 +1012,10 @@ function main() { } $keyCount++ - $isLastPath = $keyCount -eq $options[$option].Keys.Count if (-not $isLastPath) { + # add new line if not last path Add-Content -Path $mdfile -Value "" } @@ -959,11 +1062,6 @@ function main() { return 1 } - if (-not (Test-Path "registry-options.json")) { - Write-Host "error: registry-options.json not found" - return 1 - } - if (-not (Test-Path "MinSudo.exe")) { Write-Host "error: MinSudo.exe not found in current directory" return 1 @@ -972,8 +1070,6 @@ function main() { # contains keys to apply after all version filtering and config validation $filteredEntries = @{} - $config = Get-Content -Path "registry-options.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json - # track seen options to find unrecognized options in registry-options.json $seenOptions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] $undefinedOptions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] @@ -981,9 +1077,7 @@ function main() { Write-Host "info: parsing config" foreach ($path in $entries.Keys) { - foreach ($keyName in $entries[$path].Keys) { - $key = $entries[$path][$keyName] - + foreach ($key in $entries[$path]) { $isUserApplyKey = $false foreach ($applyIfOption in $key["apply_if"]) { @@ -1012,10 +1106,10 @@ function main() { if ($isUserApplyKey -and $isWinverSupported) { # initialize path if it doesn't exist if (-not $filteredEntries.Contains($path)) { - $filteredEntries.Add($path, @{}) + $filteredEntries.Add($path, (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList)) } - $filteredEntries[$path].Add($keyName, $key) + $filteredEntries[$path].Add($key) } } } @@ -1050,10 +1144,8 @@ function main() { foreach ($path in $filteredEntries.Keys) { Add-Content -Path $registryFile -Value "[$($path)]" - foreach ($keyName in $filteredEntries[$path].Keys) { - $key = $filteredEntries[$path][$keyName] - - $keyString = Get-Key-String -keyName $keyName -keyData $key + foreach ($key in $filteredEntries[$path]) { + $keyString = Get-Key-String -keyData $key if ($null -eq $keyString) { $hasError = $true