diff --git a/audits/README.md b/audits/README.md
index 9e68dac..ed2ea9b 100644
--- a/audits/README.md
+++ b/audits/README.md
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ An internal audit with a focus on `Update for Community Multisig (CM)` is locate
 An internal audit with a focus on `OptimismMesseger and WormholeMessenger` is located in this folder: [internal audit 9](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal9).
+An internal audit with a focus on `Guard for Community Multisig (CM) (modular version)` is located in this folder: [internal audit 10](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal10).
 ### External audit
 Following the initial contracts [audit report](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/Valory%20Review%20Final.pdf),
 the recommendations are addressed here: [feedback](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/Addressing%20Initial%20ApeWorX%20Recommentations.pdf).
diff --git a/audits/internal10/README.md b/audits/internal10/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f44b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# autonolas-governance-audit
+The review has been performed based on the contract code in the following repository:<br>
+`https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance` <br>
+commit: `bde297d7dbb601fbe796f56fe03e917d60282cd0` or `tag: v1.1.11-pre-internal-audit` <br> 
+Update: 06-03-2024  <br>
+## Objectives
+The audit focused on Guard contract for community mutisig (modular version). <BR>
+### Flatten version
+Flatten version of contracts. [contracts](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts)
+### Coverage
+Hardhat coverage has been performed before the audit and can be found here:
+File                                  |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
+ contracts/multisigs/                 |    98.18 |    96.15 |      100 |       99 |                |
+  GuardCM.sol                         |    98.11 |    96.05 |      100 |    98.95 |            223 |
+  VerifyData.sol                      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
+ contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ |    49.12 |    47.37 |       50 |    49.44 |                |
+  ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.sol      |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 55,56,60,64 |
+  ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.sol        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
+  ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.sol      |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 75,76,80,83 |
+  ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.sol       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
+  ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.sol      |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 67,72,73,77 |
+  VerifyBridgedData.sol               |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
+Please, pay attention. More tests are needed and magic offsets (like MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) can only be checked during testing
+[x] fixed
+### Storage timelock
+Using sol2uml tools: https://github.com/naddison36/sol2uml <br>
+sol2uml storage . -f png -c GuardCM -o .
+Generated png file GuardCM.png
+Storage: [GuardCM](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal10/analysis/GuardCM.png)
+### Security issues
+Details in [slither_full](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_full.txt) <br>
+All is false positive, discussed https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/arbitrary_call.md
+Minor issue: <br>
+- Cached bytes4(data)
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#25-38):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#30)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#36)
+[x] fixed
+- Checking for verifierL2s is contract in set function.
+function setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(
+if (verifierL2s[i].code.length == 0) {
+    revert AddressEmptyCode(verifierL2s[i]);
+because if verifierL2s[i] is EOA
+bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall - always success, 
+ref: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/Address.sol#L124
+[x] fixed
+- Needing fix revert message
+Code correct. Ref: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/Address.sol#L146
+revert("Function call reverted");
+replace to error-style message 
+revert FailedInnerCall();
+[x] fixed
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/GuardCM.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/GuardCM.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba7839
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/GuardCM.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/GuardCM-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/GuardCM-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c43646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/GuardCM-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// File contracts/multisigs/VerifyData.sol
+// Original license: SPDX_License_Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @title Enum - Collection of enums
+/// @author Richard Meissner - <richard@gnosis.pm>
+contract Enum {
+    enum Operation {Call, DelegateCall}
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/GuardCM.sol
+interface IGovernor {
+    function state(uint256 proposalId) external returns (ProposalState);
+interface IBridgeVerifier {
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external;
+// Governor proposal state
+enum ProposalState {
+    Pending,
+    Active,
+    Canceled,
+    Defeated,
+    Succeeded,
+    Queued,
+    Expired,
+    Executed
+// Struct for bridge parameters
+struct BridgeParams {
+    // Data verifier contract for calls executed on L2
+    address verifierL2;
+    // Bridge mediator (data receiving) contract on L2
+    address bridgeMediatorL2;
+    // Chain Id: this value cannot practically be bigger than `floor(MAX_UINT64 / 2) - 36` as per EIP 2294
+    uint64 chainId;
+/// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+/// @param sender Sender address.
+/// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+/// @dev Only `manager` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+/// @param sender Sender address.
+/// @param manager Required sender address as an owner.
+error ManagerOnly(address sender, address manager);
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided zero value.
+error ZeroValue();
+/// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+/// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+/// @param numValues2 Number of of values in a second array.
+/// @param numValues3 Number of of values in a third array.
+/// @param numValues4 Number of of values in a fourth array.
+error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2, uint256 numValues3, uint256 numValues4);
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev No delegatecall is allowed.
+error NoDelegateCall();
+/// @dev No self multisig call is allowed.
+error NoSelfCall();
+/// @dev The proposal is not defeated.
+/// @param proposalId Proposal Id.
+/// @param state Current proposal state.
+error NotDefeated(uint256 proposalId, ProposalState state);
+/// @dev Passed L2 chain Id is not supported.
+/// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+error L2ChainIdNotSupported(uint256 chainId);
+/// @title GuardCM - Smart contract for Gnosis Safe community multisig (CM) guard
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+contract GuardCM is VerifyData {
+    event GovernorUpdated(address indexed governor);
+    event SetTargetSelectors(address[] indexed targets, bytes4[] indexed selectors, uint256[] chainIds, bool[] statuses);
+    event SetBridgeMediators(address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL1s, address[] indexed verifierL2s,
+        address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL2s, uint256[] chainIds);
+    event GovernorCheckProposalIdChanged(uint256 indexed proposalId);
+    event GuardPaused(address indexed account);
+    event GuardUnpaused();
+    // schedule selector
+    bytes4 public constant SCHEDULE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("schedule(address,uint256,bytes,bytes32,bytes32,uint256)")));
+    // scheduleBatch selector
+    bytes4 public constant SCHEDULE_BATCH = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("scheduleBatch(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32,bytes32,uint256)")));
+    // requireToPassMessage selector (Gnosis chain)
+    // Initial check governance proposal Id
+    // Calculated from the proposalHash function of the GovernorOLAS
+    uint256 public governorCheckProposalId = 88250008686885504216650933897987879122244685460173810624866685274624741477673;
+    // Minimum data length that is encoded for the schedule function,
+    // plus at least 4 bytes or 32 bits for the selector from the payload
+    uint256 public constant MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH = 260;
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    // Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
+    uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
+    // Owner address
+    address public immutable owner;
+    // Multisig address
+    address public immutable multisig;
+    // Governor address
+    address public governor;
+    // Guard pausing possibility
+    uint8 public paused = 1;
+    // Mapping of L1 bridge mediator => (L2 verifier | uint64 supported L2 chain Id | L2 bridge mediator)
+    mapping(address => BridgeParams) public mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams;
+    /// @dev GuardCM constructor.
+    /// @param _timelock Timelock address.
+    /// @param _multisig Community multisig address.
+    /// @param _governor Governor address.
+    constructor(
+        address _timelock,
+        address _multisig,
+        address _governor
+    ) {
+        // Check for zero addresses
+        if (_timelock == address(0) || _multisig == address(0) || _governor == address(0)) {
+            revert ZeroAddress();
+        }
+        owner = _timelock;
+        multisig = _multisig;
+        governor = _governor;
+    }
+    /// @dev Changes the governor.
+    /// @param newGovernor Address of a new governor.
+    function changeGovernor(address newGovernor) external {
+        if (msg.sender != owner) {
+            revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+        }
+        // Check for the zero address
+        if (newGovernor == address(0)) {
+            revert ZeroAddress();
+        }
+        governor = newGovernor;
+        emit GovernorUpdated(newGovernor);
+    }
+    /// @dev Changes the governor check proposal Id.
+    /// @param proposalId Governor check proposal Id.
+    function changeGovernorCheckProposalId(uint256 proposalId) external {
+        if (msg.sender != owner) {
+            revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+        }
+        // Check for the zero value
+        if (proposalId == 0) {
+            revert ZeroValue();
+        }
+        governorCheckProposalId = proposalId;
+        emit GovernorCheckProposalIdChanged(proposalId);
+    }
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized target and selector in the schedule or scheduleBatch function call.
+    /// @param data Data in bytes.
+    /// @param selector Schedule function selector.
+    function _verifySchedule(bytes memory data, bytes4 selector) internal {
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Prepare the decoding data sets
+        address[] memory targets;
+        bytes[] memory callDatas;
+        if (selector == SCHEDULE) {
+            targets = new address[](1);
+            callDatas = new bytes[](1);
+            // Decode the data in the schedule function
+            (targets[0], , callDatas[0], , , ) =
+                abi.decode(payload, (address, uint256, bytes, bytes32, bytes32, uint256));
+        } else {
+            // Decode the data in the scheduleBatch function
+            (targets, , callDatas, , , ) =
+            abi.decode(payload, (address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32, bytes32, uint256));
+        }
+        // Traverse all the schedule targets and selectors extracted from calldatas
+        for (uint i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
+            // Get the verifierL2 and L2 chain Id, if any
+            BridgeParams memory bridgeParams = mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams[targets[i]];
+            // Check if the data goes across the bridge
+            if (bridgeParams.verifierL2 != address(0)) {
+                // Process the bridge logic
+                (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(
+                    IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector, callDatas[i], bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2, bridgeParams.chainId));
+                // Process unsuccessful delegatecall
+                if (!success) {
+                    // Get the revert message bytes
+                    if (returndata.length > 0) {
+                        assembly {
+                            let returndata_size := mload(returndata)
+                            revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        revert("Function call reverted");
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                // Verify the data right away as it is not the bridged one
+                _verifyData(targets[i], callDatas[i], block.chainid);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @dev Checks the transaction for authorized arguments.
+    /// @notice Scheduling in timelock is checked against authorized targets and signatures.
+    /// @notice No self-multisig function calls are allowed.
+    /// @param to Destination address of Safe transaction.
+    /// @param data Data payload of Safe transaction.
+    /// @param operation Operation type of Safe transaction.
+    function checkTransaction(
+        address to,
+        uint256,
+        bytes memory data,
+        Enum.Operation operation,
+        uint256,
+        uint256,
+        uint256,
+        address,
+        address payable,
+        bytes memory,
+        address
+    ) external {
+        // Just return if paused
+        if (paused == 1) {
+            // No delegatecall is allowed
+            if (operation == Enum.Operation.DelegateCall) {
+                revert NoDelegateCall();
+            }
+            // Call to the timelock
+            if (to == owner) {
+                // Data needs to have enough bytes at least to fit the selector
+                if (data.length < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                    revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+                }
+                // Get the function signature
+                bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+                // Check the schedule or scheduleBatch function authorized parameters
+                // All other functions are not checked for
+                if (functionSig == SCHEDULE || functionSig == SCHEDULE_BATCH) {
+                    // Data length is too short: need to have enough bytes for the schedule() function
+                    // with one selector extracted from the payload
+                    if (data.length < MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                        revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH);
+                    }
+                    _verifySchedule(data, functionSig);
+                }
+            } else if (to == multisig) {
+                // No self multisig call is allowed
+                revert NoSelfCall();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @dev Authorizes combinations of targets, selectors and chain Ids.
+    /// @notice It is the contract owner responsibility to set correct L1 chain Ids where the contract is deployed
+    ///         and corresponding supported L2-s, if the contract interacts with them.
+    /// @param targets Array of target addresses.
+    /// @param selectors Array of selectors for targets.
+    /// @param chainIds Chain Ids for authorized functions.
+    /// @param statuses Authorize if true, and restrict otherwise.
+    function setTargetSelectorChainIds(
+        address[] memory targets,
+        bytes4[] memory selectors,
+        uint256[] memory chainIds,
+        bool[] memory statuses
+    ) external {
+        // Check for the ownership
+        if (msg.sender != owner) {
+            revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+        }
+        // Check array length
+        if (targets.length != selectors.length || targets.length != statuses.length || targets.length != chainIds.length) {
+            revert WrongArrayLength(targets.length, selectors.length, statuses.length, chainIds.length);
+        }
+        // Traverse all the targets and selectors to build their paired values
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
+            // Check for zero address targets
+            if (targets[i] == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // Check selector for zero selector value
+            if (selectors[i] == bytes4(0)) {
+                revert ZeroValue();
+            }
+            // Check chain Ids to be greater than zero
+            if (chainIds[i] == 0) {
+                revert ZeroValue();
+            }
+            // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+            // target occupies first 160 bits
+            uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(targets[i]));
+            // selector occupies next 32 bits
+            targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(selectors[i])) << 160;
+            // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+            targetSelectorChainId |= chainIds[i] << 192;
+            // Set the status of the target and selector combination
+            mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId] = statuses[i];
+        }
+        emit SetTargetSelectors(targets, selectors, chainIds, statuses);
+    }
+    /// @dev Sets bridge mediator and L2 verifier contracts addresses on L1 and L2 chain Ids.
+    /// @notice It is the contract owner responsibility to set correct L1 bridge mediator contracts,
+    ///         corresponding L2 verifier contracts, and supported chain Ids.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL1s Bridge mediator contract addresses on L1.
+    /// @param verifierL2s Corresponding L2 verifier contract addresses on L1.
+    /// @param chainIds Corresponding L2 chain Ids.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2s Corresponding L2 bridge mediators.
+    function setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(
+        address[] memory bridgeMediatorL1s,
+        address[] memory verifierL2s,
+        uint256[] memory chainIds,
+        address[] memory bridgeMediatorL2s
+    ) external {
+        // Check for the ownership
+        if (msg.sender != owner) {
+            revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+        }
+        // Check for array correctness
+        if (bridgeMediatorL1s.length != verifierL2s.length || bridgeMediatorL1s.length != chainIds.length ||
+            bridgeMediatorL1s.length != bridgeMediatorL2s.length) {
+            revert WrongArrayLength(bridgeMediatorL1s.length, verifierL2s.length, chainIds.length, bridgeMediatorL2s.length);
+        }
+        // Link L1 and L2 bridge mediators, set L2 chain Ids and L2 verifiers
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
+            // Check for zero addresses
+            // Note that bridgeMediatorL2-s can be zero addresses, for example, for Arbitrum case
+            if (bridgeMediatorL1s[i] == address(0) || verifierL2s[i] == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // Check chain Id
+            uint256 chainId = chainIds[i];
+            if (chainId == 0 || chainId > MAX_CHAIN_ID) {
+                revert L2ChainIdNotSupported(chainId);
+            }
+            // Set bridge params
+            BridgeParams storage bridgeParams = mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams[bridgeMediatorL1s[i]];
+            bridgeParams.verifierL2 = verifierL2s[i];
+            bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2 = bridgeMediatorL2s[i];
+            bridgeParams.chainId = uint64(chainIds[i]);
+        }
+        emit SetBridgeMediators(bridgeMediatorL1s, verifierL2s, bridgeMediatorL2s, chainIds);
+    }
+    /// @dev Pauses the guard restoring a full CM functionality.
+    /// @notice The timeline is able to pause the guard via the voting.
+    /// @notice The CM can request pausing the guard is there was a proposal to check if the governance is alive.
+    ///         If the proposal is defeated (not enough votes or never voted on),
+    ///         the governance is considered inactive for about a week.
+    function pause() external {
+        if (msg.sender == owner) {
+            // Timelock can release the community multisig right away
+            paused = 2;
+        } else if (msg.sender == multisig) {
+            // Multisig needs to check if the governor check proposal Id state is defeated
+            ProposalState state = IGovernor(governor).state(governorCheckProposalId);
+            if (state == ProposalState.Defeated) {
+                paused = 2;
+            } else {
+                revert NotDefeated(governorCheckProposalId, state);
+            }
+        } else {
+            // msg.sender is not a timelock, nor a multisig
+            revert ManagerOnly(msg.sender, multisig);
+        }
+        emit GuardPaused(msg.sender);
+    }
+    /// @dev Unpauses the guard restricting the CM functionality back.
+    function unpause() external {
+        // Check for the ownership
+        if (msg.sender != owner) {
+            revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+        }
+        paused = 1;
+        emit GuardUnpaused();
+    }
+    /// @dev Guards the multisig call after its execution.
+    function checkAfterExecution(bytes32, bool) external {}
+    /// @dev Gets the status of a target-selector-chainId combination.
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param selector Selector for a target.
+    /// @param chainId Corresponding chain Id.
+    /// @return status True, if the target-selector-chainId combination is authorized.
+    function getTargetSelectorChainId(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId) external view
+        returns (bool status)
+    {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(selector)) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        status = mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId];
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd49c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Arbitrum
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // unsafeCreateRetryableTicket selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("unsafeCreateRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)")));
+    // createRetryableTicket selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant CREATE_TICKET = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("createRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Arbitrum accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 584;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE && functionSig != CREATE_TICKET) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the payload depending on the selector
+        (address targetAddress, , , , , , , , bytes memory targetPayload) =
+            abi.decode(payload, (address, uint256, uint256, address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256, bytes));
+        // Verify the scope of the data
+        _verifyData(targetAddress, targetPayload, chainId);
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ea7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.sol
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataGnosis - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Gnosis
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // requireToPassMessage selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("requireToPassMessage(address,bytes,uint256)")));
+    // processMessageFromForeign selector (Gnosis chain)
+    bytes4 public constant PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("processMessageFromForeign(bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Gnosis accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 292;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the requireToPassMessage payload: homeMediator (L2), mediatorPayload (needs decoding), requestGasLimit
+        (address homeMediator, bytes memory mediatorPayload, ) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes, uint256));
+        // Check that the home mediator matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (homeMediator != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(homeMediator, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Check the L2 initial selector
+        functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload);
+        if (functionSig != PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without a selector
+        bytes memory bridgePayload = new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < bridgePayload.length; ++i) {
+            bridgePayload[i] = mediatorPayload[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode the processMessageFromForeign payload: l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(bridgePayload, (bytes));
+        // Verify processMessageFromForeign payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a03965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.sol
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataOptimism - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Optimism and Base
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendMessage selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendMessage(address,bytes,uint32)")));
+    // processMessageFromSource selector (Optimism and Base chains)
+    bytes4 public constant PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("processMessageFromSource(bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Optimism accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 264;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the sendMessage payload: optimismMessenger (L2), mediatorPayload (needs decoding), minGasLimit
+        (address optimismMessenger, bytes memory mediatorPayload, ) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes, uint32));
+        // Check that the optimism messenger matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (optimismMessenger != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(optimismMessenger, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Check the L2 initial selector
+        functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload);
+        if (functionSig != PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without a selector
+        bytes memory bridgePayload = new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < bridgePayload.length; ++i) {
+            bridgePayload[i] = mediatorPayload[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode the processMessageFromSource payload: l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(bridgePayload, (bytes));
+        // Verify processMessageFromSource payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42882a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.sol
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataPolygon - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Polygon
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendMessageToChild selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendMessageToChild(address,bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Polygon accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 164;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode sendMessageToChild payload: fxGovernorTunnel (L2), l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (address fxGovernorTunnel, bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes));
+        // Check that the fxGovernorTunnel matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (fxGovernorTunnel != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(fxGovernorTunnel, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Verify sendMessageToChild payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e6090d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.20.1 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
+// File contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.sol
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataWormhole - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on L2 via Wormhole standard
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendPayloadToEvm selector in bridge mediator L1 with the possibility of refund for reverted calls
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint16,address)")));
+    // sendPayloadToEvm selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message sent via Wormhole accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 520;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE && functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the payload depending on the selector
+        address wormholeMessenger;
+        bytes memory l2Message;
+        if (functionSig == SEND_MESSAGE) {
+            (, wormholeMessenger, l2Message, , ) =
+                abi.decode(payload, (uint16, address, bytes, uint256, uint256));
+        } else {
+            (, wormholeMessenger, l2Message, , , , ) =
+                abi.decode(payload, (uint16, address, bytes, uint256, uint256, uint16, address));
+        }
+        // Check that the wormhole messenger matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (wormholeMessenger != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(wormholeMessenger, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Verify processMessageFromSource payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/script.sh b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..286784b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts/script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    slither_options=("call-graph" "constructor-calls" "contract-summary" "data-dependency" "function-summary"
+        "human-summary" "inheritance" "inheritance-graph"	"modifiers"	"require"	"variable-order" "vars-and-auth")
+    echo -e "\nRunning slither routines ..."
+    for so in "${slither_options[@]}"; do
+        echo -e "\t$so"
+        slither . --print ${so} &> "slither_$so.txt"
+    done
+    echo -e "\tfull report"
+    slither . &> "slither_full.txt"
+    # moving generated .dot files to the audit folder
+    count=`ls -1 *.dot 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+    echo -e "\tgenerated $count .dot files"
+    for _filename in *.dot; do
+        filename="${_filename%.*}"
+        cat $_filename | dot -Tpng > slither_$filename.png
+    done
+    rm *.dot
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.Enum.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.Enum.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcaf83a
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.Enum.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.GuardCM.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.GuardCM.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac0e9e
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.GuardCM.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IBridgeVerifier.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IBridgeVerifier.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8248a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IBridgeVerifier.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IGovernor.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IGovernor.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88705cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.IGovernor.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113aa5e
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905d35e
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_GuardCM-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd50b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43807c9
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467c945
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a941233
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30972cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9612b
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c0e69
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb09dd2
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eee122
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..727b54b
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee93180
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff3bc2
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1429139
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fcaf49
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b7139e
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..426267e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.Enum.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.IGovernor.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.IBridgeVerifier.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.GuardCM.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04edf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+####### GuardCM #######
+## Constructor Call Sequence
+	- GuardCM
+## Constructor Definitions
+### GuardCM
+     constructor(
+        address _timelock,
+        address _multisig,
+        address _governor
+    ) {
+        // Check for zero addresses
+        if (_timelock == address(0) || _multisig == address(0) || _governor == address(0)) {
+            revert ZeroAddress();
+        }
+        owner = _timelock;
+        multisig = _multisig;
+        governor = _governor;
+    }
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a065fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract VerifyBridgedData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract VerifyBridgedData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract Enum (Most derived contract)
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract IGovernor (Most derived contract)
+  - From IGovernor
+    - state(uint256) (external)
++ Contract IBridgeVerifier (Most derived contract)
+  - From IBridgeVerifier
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract GuardCM (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From GuardCM
+    - _verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (internal)
+    - changeGovernor(address) (external)
+    - changeGovernorCheckProposalId(uint256) (external)
+    - checkAfterExecution(bytes32,bool) (external)
+    - checkTransaction(address,uint256,bytes,Enum.Operation,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,address) (external)
+    - constructor(address,address,address) (public)
+    - getTargetSelectorChainId(address,bytes4,uint256) (external)
+    - pause() (external)
+    - setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[]) (external)
+    - setTargetSelectorChainIds(address[],bytes4[],uint256[],bool[]) (external)
+    - unpause() (external)
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract VerifyBridgedData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract VerifyBridgedData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract VerifyData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
++ Contract VerifyBridgedData
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
++ Contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism (Most derived contract)
+  - From VerifyBridgedData
+    - _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From VerifyData
+    - _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (internal)
+  - From ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+    - processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (external)
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a4999b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+|                     data                    |      []      |
+|               bridgeMediatorL2              |      []      |
+|                   chainId                   |      []      |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Function _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                Dependencies               |
+|                     data                    |                  ['data']                 |
+|                   chainId                   |                     []                    |
+|                      i                      |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                    target                   |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                payloadLength                |               ['data', 'i']               |
+|                   payload                   | ['data', 'i', 'payload', 'payloadLength'] |
+|                      j                      |                   ['j']                   |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |                     []                    |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |          ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']         |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+|                     data                    |      []      |
+|               bridgeMediatorL2              |      []      |
+|                   chainId                   |      []      |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Function _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                Dependencies               |
+|                     data                    |                  ['data']                 |
+|                   chainId                   |                     []                    |
+|                      i                      |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                    target                   |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                payloadLength                |               ['data', 'i']               |
+|                   payload                   | ['data', 'i', 'payload', 'payloadLength'] |
+|                      j                      |                   ['j']                   |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |                     []                    |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |          ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']         |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+|       CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE       |       ['CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE']       |
+|          CREATE_TICKET           |          ['CREATE_TICKET']           |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                        Variable                        |                                      Dependencies                                     |
+|                          data                          |                                        ['data']                                       |
+|                                                        |                                           []                                          |
+|                        chainId                         |                                           []                                          |
+|                      functionSig                       |                                        ['data']                                       |
+|                        payload                         |                      ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'data', 'payload']                      |
+|                           i                            |                                         ['i']                                         |
+|                     targetAddress                      | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'TUPLE_0', 'address', 'bytes', 'data', 'payload', 'uint256'] |
+|                     targetPayload                      | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'TUPLE_0', 'address', 'bytes', 'data', 'payload', 'uint256'] |
+|      VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds       |                                           []                                          |
+|         VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH         |                                ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                               |
+|    ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE     |                                ['CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE']                               |
+|        ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.CREATE_TICKET        |                                   ['CREATE_TICKET']                                   |
+| ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH |                            ['MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH']                            |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                        Variable                        | Dependencies |
+|      VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds       |      []      |
+|         VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH         |      []      |
+|    ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE     |      []      |
+|        ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.CREATE_TICKET        |      []      |
+| ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH |      []      |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+|                     data                    |      []      |
+|               bridgeMediatorL2              |      []      |
+|                   chainId                   |      []      |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Function _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                Dependencies               |
+|                     data                    |                  ['data']                 |
+|                   chainId                   |                     []                    |
+|                      i                      |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                    target                   |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                payloadLength                |               ['data', 'i']               |
+|                   payload                   | ['data', 'i', 'payload', 'payloadLength'] |
+|                      j                      |                   ['j']                   |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |                     []                    |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |          ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']         |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+|                     data                    |      []      |
+|               bridgeMediatorL2              |      []      |
+|                   chainId                   |      []      |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Function _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                Dependencies               |
+|                     data                    |                  ['data']                 |
+|                   chainId                   |                     []                    |
+|                      i                      |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                    target                   |       ['data', 'i', 'payloadLength']      |
+|                payloadLength                |               ['data', 'i']               |
+|                   payload                   | ['data', 'i', 'payload', 'payloadLength'] |
+|                      j                      |                   ['j']                   |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |                     []                    |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |          ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']         |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                   Variable                  | Dependencies |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |      []      |
+|    VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH   |      []      |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+|       SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH       |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |
+|       SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND        |       ['SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND']        |
+|           SEND_MESSAGE           |           ['SEND_MESSAGE']           |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|                        Variable                        |                                                           Dependencies                                                          |
+|                          data                          |                                                             ['data']                                                            |
+|                    bridgeMediatorL2                    |                                                                []                                                               |
+|                        chainId                         |                                                                []                                                               |
+|                      functionSig                       |                                                             ['data']                                                            |
+|                        payload                         |                                           ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'data', 'payload']                                           |
+|                           i                            |                                                              ['i']                                                              |
+|                   wormholeMessenger                    | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'TUPLE_0', 'TUPLE_1', 'address', 'bytes', 'data', 'payload', 'uint16', 'uint256', 'wormholeMessenger'] |
+|                       l2Message                        |     ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'TUPLE_0', 'TUPLE_1', 'address', 'bytes', 'data', 'l2Message', 'payload', 'uint16', 'uint256']     |
+|      VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds       |                                                                []                                                               |
+|         VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH         |                                                     ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                                                    |
+|     ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND     |                                                     ['SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND']                                                     |
+|        ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.SEND_MESSAGE         |                                                         ['SEND_MESSAGE']                                                        |
+| ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH |                                                 ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH']                                                 |
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+|                        Variable                        | Dependencies |
+|      VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds       |      []      |
+|         VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH         |      []      |
+|     ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND     |      []      |
+|        ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.SEND_MESSAGE         |      []      |
+| ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH |      []      |
+Contract Enum
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Contract Enum
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract Enum
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract IGovernor
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Function state(uint256)
+|  Variable  | Dependencies |
+| proposalId |      []      |
+|            |      []      |
+Contract Enum
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Contract VerifyData
+|             Variable             |             Dependencies             |
+| mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |
+Function _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)
+|                   Variable                  |                      Dependencies                      |
+|                    target                   |                           []                           |
+|                     data                    |                           []                           |
+|                   chainId                   |                           []                           |
+|            targetSelectorChainId            | ['chainId', 'data', 'target', 'targetSelectorChainId'] |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |
+Contract IGovernor
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Function state(uint256)
+|  Variable  | Dependencies |
+| proposalId |      []      |
+|            |      []      |
+Contract IBridgeVerifier
+| Variable | Dependencies |
+Function processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256)
+|     Variable     | Dependencies |
+|       data       |      []      |
+| bridgeMediatorL2 |      []      |
+|     chainId      |      []      |
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 814, in main_impl
+    ) = process_all(filename, args, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 102, in process_all
+    ) = process_single(compilation, args, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 82, in process_single
+    return _process(slither, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 138, in _process
+    printer_results = slither.run_printers()
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/slither.py", line 236, in run_printers
+    return [p.output(self._crytic_compile.target).data for p in self._printers]
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/slither.py", line 236, in <listcomp>
+    return [p.output(self._crytic_compile.target).data for p in self._printers]
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 56, in output
+    table.add_row([v.name, sorted(_get(v, f))])
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 16, in _get
+    {
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 19, in <setcomp>
+    if not isinstance(d, (TemporaryVariable, ReferenceVariable)) and d.name
+AttributeError: 'ArrayType' object has no attribute 'name'
+ERROR:root:Error in .
+ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 814, in main_impl
+    ) = process_all(filename, args, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 102, in process_all
+    ) = process_single(compilation, args, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 82, in process_single
+    return _process(slither, detector_classes, printer_classes)
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/__main__.py", line 138, in _process
+    printer_results = slither.run_printers()
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/slither.py", line 236, in run_printers
+    return [p.output(self._crytic_compile.target).data for p in self._printers]
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/slither.py", line 236, in <listcomp>
+    return [p.output(self._crytic_compile.target).data for p in self._printers]
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 56, in output
+    table.add_row([v.name, sorted(_get(v, f))])
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 16, in _get
+    {
+  File "/home/andrey/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/slither/printers/summary/data_depenency.py", line 19, in <setcomp>
+    if not isinstance(d, (TemporaryVariable, ReferenceVariable)) and d.name
+AttributeError: 'ArrayType' object has no attribute 'name'
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_full.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_full.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d24d86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_full.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+False positive. Ref: /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+False positive.
+VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#18) is never initialized. It is used in:
+	- VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#25-38)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-state-variables
+Not issue, but good point for optimizing.
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#25-38):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#30)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#36)
+False positive.
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#144-173):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#151)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#133-174):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(unsafeCreateRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)))) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#135)
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in CREATE_TICKET = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(createRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)))) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#137)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+Not issue.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#74-111) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#81-88)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+False positive.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#74-111) is never used and should be removed
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#dead-code
+Not issue.
+Function VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#74-111) contains magic numbers: 20, 16
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#25-38) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol#144-173) contains magic number: 4
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive.
+VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#18) is never initialized. It is used in:
+	- VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#25-38)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-state-variables
+False positive.
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#25-38):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#30)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#36)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#148-189):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#155)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#136-190):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint16,address)))) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#138)
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256)))) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#140)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+False positive.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#74-111) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#81-88)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+Not issue.
+Function VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#74-111) contains magic numbers: 20, 16
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#25-38) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol#148-189) contains magic number: 4
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive. trusted destinations.
+GuardCM._verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#225-274) uses delegatecall to a input-controlled function id
+	- (success,returndata) = bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector,callDatas[i_scope_0],bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2,bridgeParams.chainId)) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#255-256)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#controlled-delegatecall
+Probably False positive. Disputed question.
+Manipulated call found: (success,returndata) = bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector,callDatas[i_scope_0],bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2,bridgeParams.chainId)) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#255-256) in GuardCM._verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#225-274)
+Only the calldata could be manipulated
+	The calldata could be manipulated through GuardCM.checkTransaction(address,uint256,bytes,Enum.Operation,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,address) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#282-327)
+	The calldata could be manipulated through GuardCM.setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[]) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#391-429)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/arbitrary_call.md
+Not issue. For optimization
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#32-45):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (GuardCM-flatten.sol#37)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#43)
+Dubious typecast in GuardCM.checkTransaction(address,uint256,bytes,Enum.Operation,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,address) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#282-327):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#310)
+Dubious typecast in GuardCM.setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[]) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#391-429):
+	uint256 => uint64 casting occurs in bridgeParams.chainId = uint64(chainIds[i]) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#426)
+Not issue. See above.
+Dubious typecast in GuardCM.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (GuardCM-flatten.sol#134-489):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SCHEDULE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(schedule(address,uint256,bytes,bytes32,bytes32,uint256)))) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#144)
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SCHEDULE_BATCH = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(scheduleBatch(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32,bytes32,uint256)))) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#146)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+False positive.
+Reentrancy in GuardCM.pause() (GuardCM-flatten.sol#436-454):
+	External calls:
+	- state = IGovernor(governor).state(governorCheckProposalId) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#442)
+	State variables written after the call(s):
+	- paused = 2 (GuardCM-flatten.sol#444)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#reentrancy-vulnerabilities-2
+False positive.
+Reentrancy in GuardCM.pause() (GuardCM-flatten.sol#436-454):
+	External calls:
+	- state = IGovernor(governor).state(governorCheckProposalId) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#442)
+	Event emitted after the call(s):
+	- GuardPaused(msg.sender) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#453)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#reentrancy-vulnerabilities-3
+Not issue.
+GuardCM._verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#225-274) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (GuardCM-flatten.sol#261-264)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+Not issue.
+Low level call in GuardCM._verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#225-274):
+	- (success,returndata) = bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector,callDatas[i_scope_0],bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2,bridgeParams.chainId)) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#255-256)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#low-level-calls
+Not issue.
+Variable GuardCM.setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[]).bridgeMediatorL1s (GuardCM-flatten.sol#392) is too similar to GuardCM.setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[]).bridgeMediatorL2s (GuardCM-flatten.sol#395)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#variable-names-too-similar
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#32-45) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function GuardCM._verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#225-274) contains magic numbers: 4, 32
+Function GuardCM.setTargetSelectorChainIds(address[],bytes4[],uint256[],bool[]) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#336-382) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function GuardCM.getTargetSelectorChainId(address,bytes4,uint256) (GuardCM-flatten.sol#476-488) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function GuardCM.slitherConstructorVariables() (GuardCM-flatten.sol#134-489) contains magic number: 88250008686885504216650933897987879122244685460173810624866685274624741477673
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive.
+VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#18) is never initialized. It is used in:
+	- VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#25-38)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-state-variables
+False positive. See above.
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#25-38):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#30)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#36)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#147-194):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#154)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#178)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#135-195):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(requireToPassMessage(address,bytes,uint256)))) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#137)
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(processMessageFromForeign(bytes)))) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#139)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+Not issue.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#74-111) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#81-88)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+Not issue.
+Function VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#74-111) contains magic numbers: 20, 16
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#25-38) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#147-194) contains magic number: 4
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive. Not in storage.
+In a function ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#147-194) variable VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH (ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol#57) is read multiple times
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/multiple_storage_read.md
+False positive. 
+VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#19) is never initialized. It is used in:
+	- VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#26-39)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-state-variables
+False positive. See above.
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#26-39):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#31)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#37)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#147-179):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#154)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#137-180):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(sendMessageToChild(address,bytes)))) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#139)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+Not issue.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#75-112) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#82-89)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+Not issue.
+Function VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#75-112) contains magic numbers: 20, 16
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol#26-39) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive.
+VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#18) is never initialized. It is used in:
+	- VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#25-38)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-state-variables
+False positive. See above.
+Dubious typecast in VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#25-38):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160 (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#30)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)(target,bytes4(data),chainId) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#36)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#147-194):
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(data) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#154)
+	bytes => bytes4 casting occurs in functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#178)
+Dubious typecast in ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.slitherConstructorConstantVariables() (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#135-195):
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(sendMessage(address,bytes,uint32)))) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#137)
+	bytes32 => bytes4 casting occurs in PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes)(bytes(processMessageFromSource(bytes)))) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#139)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+Not issue.
+VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#74-111) uses assembly
+	- INLINE ASM (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#81-88)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#assembly-usage
+Not issue.
+Function VerifyBridgedData._verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#74-111) contains magic numbers: 20, 16
+Function VerifyData._verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#25-38) contains magic numbers: 160, 192
+Function ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#147-194) contains magic number: 4
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/magic_number.md
+False positive.
+In a function ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#147-194) variable VerifyBridgedData.SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH (ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol#57) is read multiple times
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72884d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 |          Write           |                              Internal Calls                             |        External Calls        | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |            []            |             ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']            |              []              |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                  []                  |            []            |                                    []                                   |              []              |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |            []            |                    ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                    | ['new bytes(payloadLength)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                      |                          | ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] |                              |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                  []                  | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                    []                                   |              []              |           1           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyBridgedData', 'VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                           Read                          |                          Write                          |                                      Internal Calls                                     |                                                                  External Calls                                                                  | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                            []                           |                            []                           |                                            []                                           |                                                                        []                                                                        |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |                 ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                |                            []                           |                            ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                            |                                                           ['new bytes(payloadLength)']                                                           |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                         |                                                         |         ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']         |                                                                                                                                                  |                       |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    |           ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |                            []                           |                     ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                    |                                                                        []                                                                        |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |        ['CREATE_TICKET', 'CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE']        |                            []                           |                             ['_verifyData', 'abi.decode()']                             | ['abi.decode(payload,(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes))', 'new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)'] |           4           |
+|                                          |            |           | ['MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                                         | ['revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)', 'revert WrongSelector(bytes4,uint256)'] |                                                                                                                                                  |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                            []                           |        ['CREATE_TICKET', 'CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE']        |                                   ['keccak256(bytes)']                                  |                                                                        []                                                                        |           1           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                         | ['MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                                                                         |                                                                                                                                                  |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 |          Write           |                              Internal Calls                             |        External Calls        | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |            []            |             ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']            |              []              |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                  []                  |            []            |                                    []                                   |              []              |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |            []            |                    ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                    | ['new bytes(payloadLength)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                      |                          | ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] |                              |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                  []                  | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                    []                                   |              []              |           1           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyBridgedData', 'VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                           Read                          |                          Write                          |                                          Internal Calls                                          |                                                                External Calls                                                               | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                            []                           |                            []                           |                                                []                                                |                                                                      []                                                                     |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |                 ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                |                            []                           |                                ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                                 |                                                         ['new bytes(payloadLength)']                                                        |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                         |                                                         |             ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']              |                                                                                                                                             |                       |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    |           ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |                            []                           |                         ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                         |                                                                      []                                                                     |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                            []                           |                              ['_verifyBridgedData', 'abi.decode()']                              | ['abi.decode(payload,(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256))', 'abi.decode(payload,(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint16,address))'] |           6           |
+|                                          |            |           |         ['SEND_MESSAGE', 'SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND']         |                                                         | ['revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)', 'revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(address,address)'] |                                              ['new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)']                                              |                       |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                         |                                                         |                             ['revert WrongSelector(bytes4,uint256)']                             |                                                                                                                                             |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                            []                           | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                       ['keccak256(bytes)']                                       |                                                                      []                                                                     |           1           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                         |         ['SEND_MESSAGE', 'SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND']         |                                                                                                  |                                                                                                                                             |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract Enum
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+| Function | Visibility | Modifiers | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract IGovernor
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+|    Function    | Visibility | Modifiers | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| state(uint256) |  external  |     []    |  []  |   []  |       []       |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract IBridgeVerifier
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |  []  |   []  |       []       |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract GuardCM
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SCHEDULE', 'SCHEDULE_BATCH', 'governorCheckProposalId', 'MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'MAX_CHAIN_ID', 'owner', 'multisig', 'governor', 'paused', 'mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                                                   Function                                                   | Visibility | Modifiers |                         Read                         |                    Write                     |                                           Internal Calls                                          |                                                                                                                                                           External Calls                                                                                                                                                           | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|                                      _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)                                      |  internal  |     []    |         ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']         |                      []                      |                          ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                         |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           2           |
+|                                     constructor(address,address,address)                                     |   public   |     []    |                          []                          |           ['governor', 'multisig']           |                                      ['revert ZeroAddress()']                                     |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           2           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |                  ['owner']                   |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                           changeGovernor(address)                                            |  external  |     []    |               ['msg.sender', 'owner']                |                 ['governor']                 |                   ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']                   |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           3           |
+|                                    changeGovernorCheckProposalId(uint256)                                    |  external  |     []    |               ['msg.sender', 'owner']                |         ['governorCheckProposalId']          |                    ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)', 'revert ZeroValue()']                    |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           3           |
+|                                        _verifySchedule(bytes,bytes4)                                         |  internal  |     []    |         ['SCHEDULE', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']         |                      []                      |                                  ['_verifyData', 'abi.decode()']                                  |                                                                                        ['abi.decode(payload,(address,uint256,bytes,bytes32,bytes32,uint256))', 'abi.decode(payload,(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32,bytes32,uint256))']                                                                                        |           7           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           | ['block.chainid', 'mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams'] |                                              |                           ['abi.encodeWithSelector()', 'mload(uint256)']                          | ['abi.encodeWithSelector(IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector,callDatas[i_scope_0],bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2,bridgeParams.chainId)', 'bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector,callDatas[i_scope_0],bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2,bridgeParams.chainId))'] |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |                                              |                           ['revert(string)', 'revert(uint256,uint256)']                           |                                                                                                                               ['new address[](1)', 'new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)']                                                                                                                                |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |                                              |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                         ['new bytes[](1)']                                                                                                                                                         |                       |
+| checkTransaction(address,uint256,bytes,Enum.Operation,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,address) |  external  |     []    |       ['MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH', 'SCHEDULE']       |                      []                      |                 ['_verifySchedule', 'revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)']                |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           8           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |      ['SCHEDULE_BATCH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']      |                                              |                         ['revert NoDelegateCall()', 'revert NoSelfCall()']                        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                ['multisig', 'owner']                 |                                              |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                      ['paused']                      |                                              |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                        setTargetSelectorChainIds(address[],bytes4[],uint256[],bool[])                        |  external  |     []    |               ['msg.sender', 'owner']                |     ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']     | ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)', 'revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)'] |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           7           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |                                              |                           ['revert ZeroAddress()', 'revert ZeroValue()']                          |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                   setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(address[],address[],uint256[],address[])                   |  external  |     []    | ['MAX_CHAIN_ID', 'mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams']  |     ['mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams']      |           ['revert L2ChainIdNotSupported(uint256)', 'revert OwnerOnly(address,address)']          |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           6           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |               ['msg.sender', 'owner']                |                                              |        ['revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                   pause()                                                    |  external  |     []    |       ['governor', 'governorCheckProposalId']        |                  ['paused']                  |        ['revert ManagerOnly(address,address)', 'revert NotDefeated(uint256,ProposalState)']       |                                                                                                                                       ['IGovernor(governor).state(governorCheckProposalId)']                                                                                                                                       |           4           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |              ['msg.sender', 'multisig']              |                                              |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                      ['owner']                       |                                              |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                  unpause()                                                   |  external  |     []    |               ['msg.sender', 'owner']                |                  ['paused']                  |                               ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)']                               |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           2           |
+|                                      checkAfterExecution(bytes32,bool)                                       |  external  |     []    |                          []                          |                      []                      |                                                 []                                                |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           1           |
+|                               getTargetSelectorChainId(address,bytes4,uint256)                               |  external  |     []    |         ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']         |                      []                      |                                                 []                                                |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           1           |
+|                                        slitherConstructorVariables()                                         |  internal  |     []    |                          []                          |    ['governorCheckProposalId', 'paused']     |                                                 []                                                |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           1           |
+|                                    slitherConstructorConstantVariables()                                     |  internal  |     []    |                          []                          | ['MAX_CHAIN_ID', 'MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                        ['keccak256(bytes)']                                       |                                                                                                                                                                 []                                                                                                                                                                 |           1           |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |        ['SCHEDULE', 'SCHEDULE_BATCH']        |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+|                                                                                                              |            |           |                                                      |           ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']           |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 |          Write           |                              Internal Calls                             |        External Calls        | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |            []            |             ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']            |              []              |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                  []                  |            []            |                                    []                                   |              []              |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |            []            |                    ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                    | ['new bytes(payloadLength)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                      |                          | ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] |                              |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                  []                  | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                    []                                   |              []              |           1           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyBridgedData', 'VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                              Read                             |                             Write                             |                                          Internal Calls                                          |                                                 External Calls                                                | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                               []                              |                               []                              |                                                []                                                |                                                       []                                                      |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |                    ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                   |                               []                              |                                ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                                 |                                          ['new bytes(payloadLength)']                                         |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                               |                                                               |             ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']              |                                                                                                               |                       |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    |              ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']             |                               []                              |                         ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                         |                                                       []                                                      |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    | ['MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN'] |                               []                              |                              ['_verifyBridgedData', 'abi.decode()']                              |              ['abi.decode(bridgePayload,(bytes))', 'abi.decode(payload,(address,bytes,uint256))']             |           7           |
+|                                          |            |           |      ['REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']      |                                                               | ['revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)', 'revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(address,address)'] | ['new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)', 'new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)'] |                       |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                               |                                                               |                             ['revert WrongSelector(bytes4,uint256)']                             |                                                                                                               |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                               []                              | ['MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN'] |                                       ['keccak256(bytes)']                                       |                                                       []                                                      |           1           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                               |      ['REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']      |                                                                                                  |                                                                                                               |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 |          Write           |                              Internal Calls                             |        External Calls        | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |            []            |             ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']            |              []              |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                  []                  |            []            |                                    []                                   |              []              |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |            []            |                    ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                    | ['new bytes(payloadLength)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                      |                          | ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] |                              |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                  []                  | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                    []                                   |              []              |           1           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD', 'MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyBridgedData', 'VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                          Read                          |                         Write                          |                                          Internal Calls                                          |                                      External Calls                                      | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                           []                           |                           []                           |                                                []                                                |                                            []                                            |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |                ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                |                           []                           |                                ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                                 |                               ['new bytes(payloadLength)']                               |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                        |                                                        |             ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']              |                                                                                          |                       |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    |          ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']          |                           []                           |                         ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                         |                                            []                                            |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    | ['MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                           []                           |                              ['_verifyBridgedData', 'abi.decode()']                              | ['abi.decode(payload,(address,bytes))', 'new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |               ['SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD']                |                                                        | ['revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)', 'revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(address,address)'] |                                                                                          |                       |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                        |                                                        |                             ['revert WrongSelector(bytes4,uint256)']                             |                                                                                          |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                           []                           | ['MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                       ['keccak256(bytes)']                                       |                                            []                                            |           1           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                        |               ['SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD']                |                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']
+Inheritance:: []
+|              Function              | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 | Write |                  Internal Calls                  | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256) |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |   []  | ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)'] |       []       |           2           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+Contract vars: ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                 Read                 |          Write           |                              Internal Calls                             |        External Calls        | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    | ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds'] |            []            |             ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']            |              []              |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                  []                  |            []            |                                    []                                   |              []              |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |       ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']       |            []            |                    ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                    | ['new bytes(payloadLength)'] |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                      |                          | ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] |                              |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                  []                  | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                                    []                                   |              []              |           1           |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+Inheritance:: ['VerifyBridgedData', 'VerifyData']
+|                 Function                 | Visibility | Modifiers |                              Read                              |                             Write                              |                                          Internal Calls                                          |                                                 External Calls                                                | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    |                               []                               |                               []                               |                                                []                                                |                                                       []                                                      |           2           |
+|    _verifyBridgedData(bytes,uint256)     |  internal  |     []    |                    ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH']                    |                               []                               |                                ['_verifyData', 'mload(uint256)']                                 |                                          ['new bytes(payloadLength)']                                         |           5           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                                |                                                                |             ['revert DataLengthIncorrect(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroAddress()']              |                                                                                                               |                       |
+|    _verifyData(address,bytes,uint256)    |  internal  |     []    |              ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']              |                               []                               |                         ['revert NotAuthorized(address,bytes4,uint256)']                         |                                                       []                                                      |           2           |
+| processBridgeData(bytes,address,uint256) |  external  |     []    | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE'] |                               []                               |                              ['_verifyBridgedData', 'abi.decode()']                              |              ['abi.decode(bridgePayload,(bytes))', 'abi.decode(payload,(address,bytes,uint32))']              |           7           |
+|                                          |            |           |            ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE']            |                                                                | ['revert IncorrectDataLength(uint256,uint256)', 'revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(address,address)'] | ['new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)', 'new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH)'] |                       |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                                |                                                                |                             ['revert WrongSelector(bytes4,uint256)']                             |                                                                                                               |                       |
+|  slitherConstructorConstantVariables()   |  internal  |     []    |                               []                               | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE'] |                                       ['keccak256(bytes)']                                       |                                                       []                                                      |           1           |
+|                                          |            |           |                                                                |            ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE']            |                                                                                                  |                                                                                                               |                       |
+| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls | Cyclomatic Complexity |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5695bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 76
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 0
+Number of informational issues: 7
+Number of low issues: 0
+Number of medium issues: 3
+Number of high issues: 1
+|            Name            | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code | Features |
+| ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum |      5      |      |            |      No      | Assembly |
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 86
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 0
+Number of informational issues: 6
+Number of low issues: 0
+Number of medium issues: 3
+Number of high issues: 1
+|            Name            | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code | Features |
+| ProcessBridgedDataWormhole |      5      |      |            |      No      | Assembly |
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 5
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 260
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 0
+Number of informational issues: 10
+Number of low issues: 2
+Number of medium issues: 4
+Number of high issues: 2
+|       Name      | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code |   Features   |
+|       Enum      |      0      |      |            |      No      |              |
+|    IGovernor    |      1      |      |            |      No      |              |
+| IBridgeVerifier |      1      |      |            |      No      |              |
+|     GuardCM     |      14     |      |            |     Yes      | Delegatecall |
+|                 |             |      |            |              |   Assembly   |
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 87
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 1
+Number of informational issues: 6
+Number of low issues: 0
+Number of medium issues: 3
+Number of high issues: 1
+|           Name           | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code | Features |
+| ProcessBridgedDataGnosis |      5      |      |            |      No      | Assembly |
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 77
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 0
+Number of informational issues: 5
+Number of low issues: 0
+Number of medium issues: 3
+Number of high issues: 1
+|            Name           | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code | Features |
+| ProcessBridgedDataPolygon |      5      |      |            |      No      | Assembly |
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 87
+Number of  assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 1
+Number of informational issues: 6
+Number of low issues: 0
+Number of medium issues: 3
+Number of high issues: 1
+|            Name            | # functions | ERCS | ERC20 info | Complex code | Features |
+| ProcessBridgedDataOptimism |      5      |      |            |      No      | Assembly |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc8db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./GuardCM-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c263a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> VerifyData
++ ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [VerifyData]
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum]
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
++ ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> VerifyData
++ ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [VerifyData]
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [ProcessBridgedDataWormhole]
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
++ ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ Enum
++ VerifyData
++ IGovernor
++ IBridgeVerifier
++ GuardCM
+ -> VerifyData
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ Enum
++ VerifyData
+ -> GuardCM
++ IGovernor
++ IBridgeVerifier
++ GuardCM
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> VerifyData
++ ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [VerifyData]
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [ProcessBridgedDataGnosis]
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
++ ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> VerifyData
++ ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [VerifyData]
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [ProcessBridgedDataPolygon]
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
++ ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> VerifyData
++ ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [VerifyData]
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ VerifyData
+ -> VerifyBridgedData
+, [ProcessBridgedDataOptimism]
++ VerifyBridgedData
+ -> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
++ ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d659f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |     []    |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |     []    |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+Contract Enum
+| Function | Modifiers |
+Contract IGovernor
+| Function | Modifiers |
+|  state   |     []    |
+Contract IBridgeVerifier
+|      Function     | Modifiers |
+| processBridgeData |     []    |
+Contract GuardCM
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|             constructor             |     []    |
+|            changeGovernor           |     []    |
+|    changeGovernorCheckProposalId    |     []    |
+|           _verifySchedule           |     []    |
+|           checkTransaction          |     []    |
+|      setTargetSelectorChainIds      |     []    |
+|   setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams   |     []    |
+|                pause                |     []    |
+|               unpause               |     []    |
+|         checkAfterExecution         |     []    |
+|       getTargetSelectorChainId      |     []    |
+|     slitherConstructorVariables     |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |     []    |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |     []    |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+|               Function              | Modifiers |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |     []    |
+|             _verifyData             |     []    |
+|          processBridgeData          |     []    |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |     []    |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_require.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_require.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..328b480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_require.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                   |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                   |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+Contract Enum
+| Function | require or assert |
+Contract IGovernor
+| Function | require or assert |
+|  state   |                   |
+Contract IBridgeVerifier
+|      Function     | require or assert |
+| processBridgeData |                   |
+Contract GuardCM
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|             constructor             |                   |
+|            changeGovernor           |                   |
+|    changeGovernorCheckProposalId    |                   |
+|           _verifySchedule           |                   |
+|           checkTransaction          |                   |
+|      setTargetSelectorChainIds      |                   |
+|   setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams   |                   |
+|                pause                |                   |
+|               unpause               |                   |
+|         checkAfterExecution         |                   |
+|       getTargetSelectorChainId      |                   |
+|     slitherConstructorVariables     |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                   |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                   |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+|               Function              | require or assert |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                   |
+|             _verifyData             |                   |
+|          processBridgeData          |                   |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables |                   |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aebb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+|                     Name                    |           Type           | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | mapping(uint256 => bool) |  0   |   0    |
+|                     Name                    |           Type           | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | mapping(uint256 => bool) |  0   |   0    |
+| Name | Type | Slot | Offset |
+| Name | Type | Slot | Offset |
+| Name | Type | Slot | Offset |
+|                     Name                    |               Type               | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds |     mapping(uint256 => bool)     |  0   |   0    |
+|       GuardCM.governorCheckProposalId       |             uint256              |  1   |   0    |
+|               GuardCM.governor              |             address              |  2   |   0    |
+|                GuardCM.paused               |              uint8               |  2   |   20   |
+|   GuardCM.mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams   | mapping(address => BridgeParams) |  3   |   0    |
+|                     Name                    |           Type           | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | mapping(uint256 => bool) |  0   |   0    |
+|                     Name                    |           Type           | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | mapping(uint256 => bool) |  0   |   0    |
+|                     Name                    |           Type           | Slot | Offset |
+| VerifyData.mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds | mapping(uint256 => bool) |  0   |   0    |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b14e49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal10/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataWormhole-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./GuardCM-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./GuardCM-flatten.sol:
+Warning: SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. Before publishing, consider adding a comment containing "SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX-License>" to each source file. Use "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" for non-open-source code. Please see https://spdx.org for more information.
+--> GuardCM-flatten.sol
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> GuardCM-flatten.sol:32:5:
+   |
+32 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataGnosis-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataPolygon-flatten.sol:26:5:
+   |
+26 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal10/analysis/contracts' running
+Compilation warnings/errors on ./ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:
+Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
+  --> ProcessBridgedDataOptimism-flatten.sol:25:5:
+   |
+25 |     function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+   |     ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|               Function              | State variables written  | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|             _verifyData             |            []            |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |            []            |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |            []            |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
+|               Function              |                                     State variables written                                      | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                []                                                |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                                                []                                                |            []            |
+|             _verifyData             |                                                []                                                |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                []                                                |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['CREATE_TICKET', 'CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE', 'MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|               Function              | State variables written  | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|             _verifyData             |            []            |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |            []            |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |            []            |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
+|               Function              |                                    State variables written                                     | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                               []                                               |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                                               []                                               |            []            |
+|             _verifyData             |                                               []                                               |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                               []                                               |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE', 'SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND'] |            []            |
+Contract Enum
+| Function | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract IGovernor
+| Function | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|  state   |            []           |            []            |
+Contract IBridgeVerifier
+|      Function     | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| processBridgeData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract GuardCM
+|               Function              |                                      State variables written                                       |              Conditions on msg.sender             |
+|             _verifyData             |                                                 []                                                 |                         []                        |
+|             constructor             |                                 ['governor', 'multisig', 'owner']                                  |                         []                        |
+|            changeGovernor           |                                            ['governor']                                            |              ['msg.sender != owner']              |
+|    changeGovernorCheckProposalId    |                                    ['governorCheckProposalId']                                     |              ['msg.sender != owner']              |
+|           _verifySchedule           |                                                 []                                                 |                         []                        |
+|           checkTransaction          |                                                 []                                                 |                         []                        |
+|      setTargetSelectorChainIds      |                                ['mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds']                                |              ['msg.sender != owner']              |
+|   setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams   |                                ['mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams']                                 |              ['msg.sender != owner']              |
+|                pause                |                                             ['paused']                                             | ['msg.sender == multisig', 'msg.sender == owner'] |
+|               unpause               |                                             ['paused']                                             |              ['msg.sender != owner']              |
+|         checkAfterExecution         |                                                 []                                                 |                         []                        |
+|       getTargetSelectorChainId      |                                                 []                                                 |                         []                        |
+|     slitherConstructorVariables     |                               ['governorCheckProposalId', 'paused']                                |                         []                        |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['MAX_CHAIN_ID', 'MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH', 'SCHEDULE', 'SCHEDULE_BATCH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |                         []                        |
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|               Function              | State variables written  | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|             _verifyData             |            []            |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |            []            |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |            []            |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
+|               Function              |                                             State variables written                                              | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                        []                                                        |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                                                        []                                                        |            []            |
+|             _verifyData             |                                                        []                                                        |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                        []                                                        |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN', 'REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|               Function              | State variables written  | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|             _verifyData             |            []            |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |            []            |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |            []            |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
+|               Function              |                             State variables written                             | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                        []                                       |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                                        []                                       |            []            |
+|             _verifyData             |                                        []                                       |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                        []                                       |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD'] |            []            |
+Contract VerifyData
+|   Function  | State variables written | Conditions on msg.sender |
+| _verifyData |            []           |            []            |
+Contract VerifyBridgedData
+|               Function              | State variables written  | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|             _verifyData             |            []            |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |            []            |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |            []            |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH'] |            []            |
+Contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
+|               Function              |                                        State variables written                                         | Conditions on msg.sender |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                   []                                                   |            []            |
+|          _verifyBridgedData         |                                                   []                                                   |            []            |
+|             _verifyData             |                                                   []                                                   |            []            |
+|          processBridgeData          |                                                   []                                                   |            []            |
+| slitherConstructorConstantVariables | ['MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH', 'PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE', 'SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH', 'SEND_MESSAGE'] |            []            |
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (20 contracts)
diff --git a/contracts/bridges/WormholeMessenger.sol b/contracts/bridges/WormholeMessenger.sol
index e0695ef..123793d 100644
--- a/contracts/bridges/WormholeMessenger.sol
+++ b/contracts/bridges/WormholeMessenger.sol
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ contract WormholeMessenger is BridgeMessenger {
     uint16 public immutable sourceGovernorChainId;
     // Source governor address on L1 that is authorized to propagate the transaction execution across the bridge
     bytes32 public sourceGovernor;
-    // Source governor address on L1 that is authorized to propagate the transaction execution across the bridge
+    // Map of delivery hashes
     mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapDeliveryHashes;
     /// @dev WormholeMessenger constructor.
diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/GuardCM.sol b/contracts/multisigs/GuardCM.sol
index 75a2b2b..6133416 100644
--- a/contracts/multisigs/GuardCM.sol
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/GuardCM.sol
@@ -2,11 +2,24 @@
 pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
 import {Enum} from "@gnosis.pm/safe-contracts/contracts/common/Enum.sol";
+import {VerifyData} from "./VerifyData.sol";
 interface IGovernor {
     function state(uint256 proposalId) external returns (ProposalState);
+interface IBridgeVerifier {
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external;
 // Governor proposal state
 enum ProposalState {
@@ -19,6 +32,16 @@ enum ProposalState {
+// Struct for bridge parameters
+struct BridgeParams {
+    // Data verifier contract for calls executed on L2
+    address verifierL2;
+    // Bridge mediator (data receiving) contract on L2
+    address bridgeMediatorL2;
+    // Chain Id: this value cannot practically be bigger than `floor(MAX_UINT64 / 2) - 36` as per EIP 2294
+    uint64 chainId;
 /// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
 /// @param sender Sender address.
 /// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
@@ -37,15 +60,11 @@ error ZeroValue();
 /// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
 /// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
-/// @param numValues2 Numberf of values in a second array.
-/// @param numValues3 Numberf of values in a third array.
-/// @param numValues4 Numberf of values in a fourth array.
+/// @param numValues2 Number of of values in a second array.
+/// @param numValues3 Number of of values in a third array.
+/// @param numValues4 Number of of values in a fourth array.
 error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2, uint256 numValues3, uint256 numValues4);
-/// @dev Provided bridged mediator is not unique.
-/// @param bridgeMediator Bridge mediator address.
-error BridgeMediatorNotUnique(address bridgeMediator);
 /// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
 /// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
 /// @param provided Provided data length.
@@ -57,38 +76,30 @@ error NoDelegateCall();
 /// @dev No self multisig call is allowed.
 error NoSelfCall();
-/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
-/// @param target Target address.
-/// @param selector Function selector.
-/// @param chainId Chain Id.
-error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
 /// @dev The proposal is not defeated.
 /// @param proposalId Proposal Id.
 /// @param state Current proposal state.
 error NotDefeated(uint256 proposalId, ProposalState state);
+/// @dev Delegatecall reverted.
+error DelegateCallFailed();
+/// @dev Only the contract address is allowed, but the EOA account was provided.
+/// @param account Account address.
+error ContractOnly(address account);
 /// @dev Passed L2 chain Id is not supported.
 /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
 error L2ChainIdNotSupported(uint256 chainId);
-/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
-/// @param functionSig Function selector.
-/// @param chainId Chain Id.
-error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
-/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
-/// @param provided Provided address.
-/// @param expected Expected address.
-error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
 /// @title GuardCM - Smart contract for Gnosis Safe community multisig (CM) guard
 /// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
 /// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
-contract GuardCM {
+contract GuardCM is VerifyData {
     event GovernorUpdated(address indexed governor);
     event SetTargetSelectors(address[] indexed targets, bytes4[] indexed selectors, uint256[] chainIds, bool[] statuses);
-    event SetBridgeMediators(address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL1s, address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL2s, uint256[] chainIds);
+    event SetBridgeMediators(address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL1s, address[] indexed verifierL2s,
+        address[] indexed bridgeMediatorL2s, uint256[] chainIds);
     event GovernorCheckProposalIdChanged(uint256 indexed proposalId);
     event GuardPaused(address indexed account);
     event GuardUnpaused();
@@ -98,11 +109,6 @@ contract GuardCM {
     // scheduleBatch selector
     bytes4 public constant SCHEDULE_BATCH = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("scheduleBatch(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32,bytes32,uint256)")));
     // requireToPassMessage selector (Gnosis chain)
-    bytes4 public constant REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("requireToPassMessage(address,bytes,uint256)")));
-    // processMessageFromForeign selector (Gnosis chain)
-    bytes4 public constant PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("processMessageFromForeign(bytes)")));
-    // sendMessageToChild selector (Polygon)
-    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendMessageToChild(address,bytes)")));
     // Initial check governance proposal Id
     // Calculated from the proposalHash function of the GovernorOLAS
     uint256 public governorCheckProposalId = 88250008686885504216650933897987879122244685460173810624866685274624741477673;
@@ -111,10 +117,8 @@ contract GuardCM {
     uint256 public constant MIN_SCHEDULE_DATA_LENGTH = 260;
     // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
     uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
-    // Minimum payload length for message on Gnosis accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
-    uint256 public constant MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 292;
-    // Minimum payload length for message on Polygon accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
-    uint256 public constant MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 164;
+    // Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
+    uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
     // Owner address
     address public immutable owner;
@@ -126,10 +130,8 @@ contract GuardCM {
     // Guard pausing possibility
     uint8 public paused = 1;
-    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
-    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
-    // Mapping of bridge mediator address L1 => (bridge mediator L2 address | uint64 supported L2 chain Id)
-    mapping(address => uint256) public mapBridgeMediatorL1L2ChainIds;
+    // Mapping of L1 bridge mediator => (L2 verifier | uint64 supported L2 chain Id | L2 bridge mediator)
+    mapping(address => BridgeParams) public mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams;
     /// @dev GuardCM constructor.
     /// @param _timelock Timelock address.
@@ -181,156 +183,6 @@ contract GuardCM {
         emit GovernorCheckProposalIdChanged(proposalId);
-    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
-    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
-    /// @param target Target address.
-    /// @param data Payload bytes.
-    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
-    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
-        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
-        // target occupies first 160 bits
-        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
-        // selector occupies next 32 bits
-        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(bytes4(data))) << 160;
-        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
-        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
-        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
-        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
-            revert NotAuthorized(target, bytes4(data), chainId);
-        }
-    }
-    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
-    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
-    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
-    /// @param data Payload bytes.
-    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
-    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
-        // Unpack and process the data
-        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
-        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
-            address target;
-            uint32 payloadLength;
-            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
-            assembly {
-                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
-                i := add(i, 20)
-                target := mload(add(data, i))
-                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
-                i := add(i, 16)
-                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
-            }
-            // Check for the zero address
-            if (target == address(0)) {
-                revert ZeroAddress();
-            }
-            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
-            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
-                revert IncorrectDataLength(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
-            }
-            // Get the payload
-            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
-            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
-                payload[j] = data[i + j];
-            }
-            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
-            i += payloadLength;
-            // Verify the scope of the data
-            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
-        }
-    }
-    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
-    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
-    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
-    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
-    function _processBridgeData(
-        bytes memory data,
-        address bridgeMediatorL2,
-        uint256 chainId
-    ) internal
-    {
-        // Gnosis chains
-        if (chainId == 100 || chainId == 10200) {
-            // Check the L1 initial selector
-            bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
-            if (functionSig != REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE) {
-                revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
-            }
-            // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
-            if (data.length < MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
-                revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
-            }
-            // Copy the data without the selector
-            bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
-            for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
-                payload[i] = data[i + 4];
-            }
-            // Decode the requireToPassMessage payload: homeMediator (L2), mediatorPayload (need decoding), requestGasLimit
-            (address homeMediator, bytes memory mediatorPayload, ) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes, uint256));
-            // Check that the home mediator matches the L2 bridge mediator address
-            if (homeMediator != bridgeMediatorL2) {
-                revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(homeMediator, bridgeMediatorL2);
-            }
-            // Check the L2 initial selector
-            functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload);
-            if (functionSig != PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN) {
-                revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
-            }
-            // Copy the data without a selector
-            bytes memory bridgePayload = new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
-            for (uint256 i = 0; i < bridgePayload.length; ++i) {
-                bridgePayload[i] = mediatorPayload[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
-            }
-            // Decode the processMessageFromForeign payload: l2Message (executed on L2)
-            (bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(bridgePayload, (bytes));
-            // Verify processMessageFromForeign payload
-            _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
-        }
-        // Polygon chains
-        if (chainId == 137 || chainId == 80001) {
-            // Check the L1 initial selector
-            bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
-            if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD) {
-                revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
-            }
-            // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
-            if (data.length < MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
-                revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
-            }
-            // Copy the data without the selector
-            bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
-            for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
-                payload[i] = data[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
-            }
-            // Decode sendMessageToChild payload: fxGovernorTunnel (L2), l2Message (executed on L2)
-            (address fxGovernorTunnel, bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes));
-            // Check that the fxGovernorTunnel matches the L2 bridge mediator address
-            if (fxGovernorTunnel != bridgeMediatorL2) {
-                revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(fxGovernorTunnel, bridgeMediatorL2);
-            }
-            // Verify sendMessageToChild payload
-            _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
-        }
-    }
     /// @dev Verifies authorized target and selector in the schedule or scheduleBatch function call.
     /// @param data Data in bytes.
     /// @param selector Schedule function selector.
@@ -358,19 +210,26 @@ contract GuardCM {
         // Traverse all the schedule targets and selectors extracted from calldatas
         for (uint i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
-            // Get the bridgeMediatorL2 and L2 chain Id, if any
-            uint256 bridgeMediatorL2ChainId = mapBridgeMediatorL1L2ChainIds[targets[i]];
-            // bridgeMediatorL2 occupies first 160 bits
-            address bridgeMediatorL2 = address(uint160(bridgeMediatorL2ChainId));
+            // Get the verifierL2 and L2 chain Id, if any
+            BridgeParams memory bridgeParams = mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams[targets[i]];
             // Check if the data goes across the bridge
-            if (bridgeMediatorL2 != address(0)) {
-                // Get the chain Id
-                // L2 chain Id occupies next 64 bits
-                uint256 chainId = bridgeMediatorL2ChainId >> 160;
+            if (bridgeParams.verifierL2 != address(0)) {
                 // Process the bridge logic
-                _processBridgeData(callDatas[i], bridgeMediatorL2, chainId);
+                (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = bridgeParams.verifierL2.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSelector(
+                    IBridgeVerifier.processBridgeData.selector, callDatas[i], bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2, bridgeParams.chainId));
+                // Process unsuccessful delegatecall
+                if (!success) {
+                    // Get the revert message bytes
+                    if (returnData.length > 0) {
+                        assembly {
+                            let returnDataSize := mload(returnData)
+                            revert(add(32, returnData), returnDataSize)
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        revert DelegateCallFailed();
+                    }
+                }
             } else {
                 // Verify the data right away as it is not the bridged one
                 _verifyData(targets[i], callDatas[i], block.chainid);
@@ -486,16 +345,20 @@ contract GuardCM {
         emit SetTargetSelectors(targets, selectors, chainIds, statuses);
-    /// @dev Sets bridge mediator contracts addresses and L2 chain Ids.
+    /// @dev Sets bridge mediator and L2 verifier contracts addresses on L1 and L2 chain Ids.
     /// @notice It is the contract owner responsibility to set correct L1 bridge mediator contracts,
-    ///         corresponding L2 bridge mediator contracts, and supported chain Ids.
+    ///         corresponding L2 verifier contracts, and supported chain Ids.
+    ///         Note that it is out of scope of the verification procedure to check if any other chain Id formats,
+    ///         like Wormhole one, is correctly setup during the bridge call.
     /// @param bridgeMediatorL1s Bridge mediator contract addresses on L1.
-    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2s Corresponding bridge mediator contract addresses on L2.
-    /// @param chainIds Corresponding L2 chain Ids.
-    function setBridgeMediatorChainIds(
+    /// @param verifierL2s Corresponding L2 verifier contract addresses on L1.
+    /// @param chainIds Corresponding L2 chain Ids (original EVM numbers).
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2s Corresponding L2 bridge mediators.
+    function setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(
         address[] memory bridgeMediatorL1s,
-        address[] memory bridgeMediatorL2s,
-        uint256[] memory chainIds
+        address[] memory verifierL2s,
+        uint256[] memory chainIds,
+        address[] memory bridgeMediatorL2s
     ) external {
         // Check for the ownership
         if (msg.sender != owner) {
@@ -503,32 +366,37 @@ contract GuardCM {
         // Check for array correctness
-        if (bridgeMediatorL1s.length != bridgeMediatorL2s.length || bridgeMediatorL1s.length != chainIds.length) {
-            revert WrongArrayLength(bridgeMediatorL1s.length, bridgeMediatorL2s.length, chainIds.length, chainIds.length);
+        if (bridgeMediatorL1s.length != verifierL2s.length || bridgeMediatorL1s.length != chainIds.length ||
+            bridgeMediatorL1s.length != bridgeMediatorL2s.length) {
+            revert WrongArrayLength(bridgeMediatorL1s.length, verifierL2s.length, chainIds.length, bridgeMediatorL2s.length);
-        // Link L1 and L2 bridge mediators, set L2 chain Ids
+        // Link L1 and L2 bridge mediators, set L2 chain Ids and L2 verifiers
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
             // Check for zero addresses
-            if (bridgeMediatorL1s[i] == address(0) || bridgeMediatorL2s[i] == address(0)) {
+            // Note that bridgeMediatorL2-s can be zero addresses, for example, for Arbitrum case
+            if (bridgeMediatorL1s[i] == address(0) || verifierL2s[i] == address(0)) {
                 revert ZeroAddress();
-            // Check supported chain Ids on L2
+            // Check that the verifier is a contract
+            if (verifierL2s[i].code.length == 0) {
+                revert ContractOnly(verifierL2s[i]);
+            }
+            // Check chain Id
             uint256 chainId = chainIds[i];
-            if (chainId != 100 && chainId != 137 && chainId != 10200 && chainId != 80001) {
+            if (chainId == 0 || chainId > MAX_CHAIN_ID) {
                 revert L2ChainIdNotSupported(chainId);
-            // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
-            // bridgeMediatorL2 occupies first 160 bits
-            uint256 bridgeMediatorL2ChainId = uint256(uint160(bridgeMediatorL2s[i]));
-            // L2 chain Id occupies next 64 bits
-            bridgeMediatorL2ChainId |= chainId << 160;
-            mapBridgeMediatorL1L2ChainIds[bridgeMediatorL1s[i]] = bridgeMediatorL2ChainId;
+            // Set bridge params
+            BridgeParams storage bridgeParams = mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams[bridgeMediatorL1s[i]];
+            bridgeParams.verifierL2 = verifierL2s[i];
+            bridgeParams.bridgeMediatorL2 = bridgeMediatorL2s[i];
+            bridgeParams.chainId = uint64(chainIds[i]);
-        emit SetBridgeMediators(bridgeMediatorL1s, bridgeMediatorL2s, chainIds);
+        emit SetBridgeMediators(bridgeMediatorL1s, verifierL2s, bridgeMediatorL2s, chainIds);
     /// @dev Pauses the guard restoring a full CM functionality.
@@ -589,19 +457,4 @@ contract GuardCM {
         status = mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId];
-    /// @dev Gets the address of a bridge mediator contract address on L2 and corresponding L2 chain Id.
-    /// @param bridgeMediatorL1 Bridge mediator contract addresses on L1.
-    /// @return bridgeMediatorL2 Corresponding bridge mediator contract addresses on L2.
-    /// @return chainId Corresponding L2 chain Ids.
-    function getBridgeMediatorChainId(address bridgeMediatorL1) external view
-        returns (address bridgeMediatorL2, uint256 chainId)
-    {
-        // Get the bridgeMediatorL2 and L2 chain Id
-        uint256 bridgeMediatorL2ChainId = mapBridgeMediatorL1L2ChainIds[bridgeMediatorL1];
-        // bridgeMediatorL2 occupies first 160 bits
-        bridgeMediatorL2 = address(uint160(bridgeMediatorL2ChainId));
-        // L2 chain Id occupies next 64 bits
-        chainId = bridgeMediatorL2ChainId >> 160;
-    }
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diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/VerifyData.sol b/contracts/multisigs/VerifyData.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c34a77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/VerifyData.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+/// @dev The combination of target and selector is not authorized.
+/// @param target Target address.
+/// @param selector Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error NotAuthorized(address target, bytes4 selector, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title VerifyData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyData {
+    // Mapping of (target address | bytes4 selector | uint64 chain Id) => enabled / disabled
+    mapping(uint256 => bool) public mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds;
+    /// @dev Verifies authorized combinations of target and selector.
+    /// @notice The bottom-most internal function is still not "view" since some reverts are not explicitly handled
+    /// @param target Target address.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+    function _verifyData(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
+        // target occupies first 160 bits
+        uint256 targetSelectorChainId = uint256(uint160(target));
+        // selector occupies next 32 bits
+        bytes4 targetSelector = bytes4(data);
+        targetSelectorChainId |= uint256(uint32(targetSelector)) << 160;
+        // chainId occupies next 64 bits
+        targetSelectorChainId |= chainId << 192;
+        // Check the authorized combination of target and selector
+        if (!mapAllowedTargetSelectorChainIds[targetSelectorChainId]) {
+            revert NotAuthorized(target, targetSelector, chainId);
+        }
+    }
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diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bce2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyBridgedData} from "./VerifyBridgedData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Arbitrum
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // unsafeCreateRetryableTicket selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("unsafeCreateRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)")));
+    // createRetryableTicket selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant CREATE_TICKET = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("createRetryableTicket(address,uint256,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Arbitrum accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 324;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != CREATE_TICKET_UNSAFE && functionSig != CREATE_TICKET) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_ARBITRUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the payload depending on the selector
+        (address targetAddress, , , , , , , bytes memory targetPayload) =
+            abi.decode(payload, (address, uint256, uint256, address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes));
+        // Verify the scope of the data
+        _verifyData(targetAddress, targetPayload, chainId);
+    }
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diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f0400e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyBridgedData} from "./VerifyBridgedData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataGnosis - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Gnosis
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataGnosis is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // requireToPassMessage selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("requireToPassMessage(address,bytes,uint256)")));
+    // processMessageFromForeign selector (Gnosis chain)
+    bytes4 public constant PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("processMessageFromForeign(bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Gnosis accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 292;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != REQUIRE_TO_PASS_MESSAGE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_GNOSIS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the requireToPassMessage payload: homeMediator (L2), mediatorPayload (needs decoding), requestGasLimit
+        (address homeMediator, bytes memory mediatorPayload, ) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes, uint256));
+        // Check that the home mediator matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (homeMediator != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(homeMediator, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Check the L2 initial selector
+        functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload);
+        if (functionSig != PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_FOREIGN) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without a selector
+        bytes memory bridgePayload = new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < bridgePayload.length; ++i) {
+            bridgePayload[i] = mediatorPayload[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode the processMessageFromForeign payload: l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(bridgePayload, (bytes));
+        // Verify processMessageFromForeign payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98951d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyBridgedData} from "./VerifyBridgedData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataOptimism - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Optimism and Base
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataOptimism is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendMessage selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendMessage(address,bytes,uint32)")));
+    // processMessageFromSource selector (Optimism and Base chains)
+    bytes4 public constant PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("processMessageFromSource(bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Optimism accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 292;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_OPTIMISM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the sendMessage payload: optimismMessenger (L2), mediatorPayload (needs decoding), minGasLimit
+        (address optimismMessenger, bytes memory mediatorPayload, ) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes, uint32));
+        // Check that the optimism messenger matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (optimismMessenger != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(optimismMessenger, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Check the L2 initial selector
+        functionSig = bytes4(mediatorPayload);
+        if (functionSig != PROCESS_MESSAGE_FROM_SOURCE) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without a selector
+        bytes memory bridgePayload = new bytes(mediatorPayload.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < bridgePayload.length; ++i) {
+            bridgePayload[i] = mediatorPayload[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode the processMessageFromSource payload: l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(bridgePayload, (bytes));
+        // Verify processMessageFromSource payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae2e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyBridgedData} from "./VerifyBridgedData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataPolygon - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on Polygon
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataPolygon is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendMessageToChild selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendMessageToChild(address,bytes)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message on Polygon accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 164;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE_TO_CHILD) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_POLYGON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH];
+        }
+        // Decode sendMessageToChild payload: fxGovernorTunnel (L2), l2Message (executed on L2)
+        (address fxGovernorTunnel, bytes memory l2Message) = abi.decode(payload, (address, bytes));
+        // Check that the fxGovernorTunnel matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (fxGovernorTunnel != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(fxGovernorTunnel, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Verify sendMessageToChild payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9cc2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyBridgedData} from "./VerifyBridgedData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error IncorrectDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @dev Provided wrong function selector.
+/// @param functionSig Function selector.
+/// @param chainId Chain Id.
+error WrongSelector(bytes4 functionSig, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Provided wrong L2 bridge mediator address.
+/// @param provided Provided address.
+/// @param expected Expected address.
+error WrongL2BridgeMediator(address provided, address expected);
+/// @title ProcessBridgedDataWormhole - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data on L2 via Wormhole standard
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+contract ProcessBridgedDataWormhole is VerifyBridgedData {
+    // sendPayloadToEvm selector in bridge mediator L1 with the possibility of refund for reverted calls
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint16,address)")));
+    // sendPayloadToEvm selector in bridge mediator L1
+    bytes4 public constant SEND_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("sendPayloadToEvm(uint16,address,bytes,uint256,uint256)")));
+    // Minimum payload length for message sent via Wormhole accounting for all required encoding and at least one selector
+    uint256 public constant MIN_WORMHOLE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 324;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @notice It is out of scope of the verification procedure to check if the Wormhole format chain Id corresponding
+    ///         to the original EVM chain Id is correctly setup during the bridge call.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external override
+    {
+        // Check the L1 initial selector
+        bytes4 functionSig = bytes4(data);
+        if (functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE && functionSig != SEND_MESSAGE_REFUND) {
+            revert WrongSelector(functionSig, chainId);
+        }
+        // Check if the data length is less than a size of a selector plus the message minimum payload size
+        if (data.length < MIN_WORMHOLE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
+            revert IncorrectDataLength(data.length, MIN_WORMHOLE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
+        }
+        // Copy the data without the selector
+        bytes memory payload = new bytes(data.length - SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) {
+            payload[i] = data[i + 4];
+        }
+        // Decode the payload depending on the selector
+        address wormholeMessenger;
+        bytes memory l2Message;
+        if (functionSig == SEND_MESSAGE) {
+            (, wormholeMessenger, l2Message, , ) =
+                abi.decode(payload, (uint16, address, bytes, uint256, uint256));
+        } else {
+            (, wormholeMessenger, l2Message, , , , ) =
+                abi.decode(payload, (uint16, address, bytes, uint256, uint256, uint16, address));
+        }
+        // Check that the wormhole messenger matches the L2 bridge mediator address
+        if (wormholeMessenger != bridgeMediatorL2) {
+            revert WrongL2BridgeMediator(wormholeMessenger, bridgeMediatorL2);
+        }
+        // Verify processMessageFromSource payload
+        _verifyBridgedData(l2Message, chainId);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e77245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/multisigs/bridge_verifier/VerifyBridgedData.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+import {VerifyData} from "../VerifyData.sol";
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Provided incorrect data length.
+/// @param expected Expected minimum data length.
+/// @param provided Provided data length.
+error DataLengthIncorrect(uint256 expected, uint256 provided);
+/// @title VerifyBridgedData - Smart contract for verifying the Guard CM bridged data
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+abstract contract VerifyBridgedData is VerifyData {
+    // Minimum data length that contains at least a selector (4 bytes or 32 bits)
+    uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
+    /// @dev Processes bridged data: checks the header and verifies the payload.
+    /// @param data Full data bytes with the header.
+    /// @param bridgeMediatorL2 Address of a bridged mediator on L2.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function processBridgeData(
+        bytes memory data,
+        address bridgeMediatorL2,
+        uint256 chainId
+    ) external virtual;
+    /// @dev Verifies the bridged data for authorized combinations of targets and selectors.
+    /// @notice The processed data is packed as a set of bytes that are assembled using the following parameters:
+    ///         address target, uint96 value, uint32 payloadLength, bytes payload.
+    /// @param data Payload bytes.
+    /// @param chainId L2 chain Id.
+    function _verifyBridgedData(bytes memory data, uint256 chainId) internal {
+        // Unpack and process the data
+        // We need to skip first 12 bytes as those are zeros from encoding
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length;) {
+            address target;
+            uint32 payloadLength;
+            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+            assembly {
+                // First 20 bytes is the address (160 bits)
+                i := add(i, 20)
+                target := mload(add(data, i))
+                // Offset the data by 12 bytes of value (96 bits) and by 4 bytes of payload length (32 bits)
+                i := add(i, 16)
+                payloadLength := mload(add(data, i))
+            }
+            // Check for the zero address
+            if (target == address(0)) {
+                revert ZeroAddress();
+            }
+            // The payload length must be at least of the a function selector size
+            if (payloadLength < SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH) {
+                revert DataLengthIncorrect(payloadLength, SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH);
+            }
+            // Get the payload
+            bytes memory payload = new bytes(payloadLength);
+            for (uint256 j = 0; j < payloadLength; ++j) {
+                payload[j] = data[i + j];
+            }
+            // Offset the data by the payload number of bytes
+            i += payloadLength;
+            // Verify the scope of the data
+            _verifyData(target, payload, chainId);
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_base_sepolia_governor.js b/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_base_sepolia_governor.js
index 442bf20..dd3eba0 100644
--- a/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_base_sepolia_governor.js
+++ b/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_base_sepolia_governor.js
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ async function main() {
     const balanceETHBefore = await baseSepoliaProvider.getBalance(EOAbaseSepolia.address);
     // Build the final payload to be passed from the imaginary Timelock
-    const messengerPayload = await optimismMessenger.interface.encodeFunctionData("processMessageFromForeign", [data]);
+    const messengerPayload = await optimismMessenger.interface.encodeFunctionData("processMessageFromSource", [data]);
     const minGasLimit = "2000000";
     const timelockPayload = await CDMProxy.interface.encodeFunctionData("sendMessage", [optimismMessengerAddress,
         messengerPayload, minGasLimit]);
diff --git a/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_optimistic_sepolia_governor.js b/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_optimistic_sepolia_governor.js
index 96e38e0..a0665ec 100644
--- a/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_optimistic_sepolia_governor.js
+++ b/scripts/deployment/bridges/optimistic/test/messenger_sepolia_optimistic_sepolia_governor.js
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ async function main() {
     const balanceETHBefore = await optimisticSepoliaProvider.getBalance(EOAoptimisticSepolia.address);
     // Build the final payload to be passed from the imaginary Timelock
-    const messengerPayload = await optimismMessenger.interface.encodeFunctionData("processMessageFromForeign", [data]);
+    const messengerPayload = await optimismMessenger.interface.encodeFunctionData("processMessageFromSource", [data]);
     const minGasLimit = "2000000";
     const timelockPayload = await CDMProxy.interface.encodeFunctionData("sendMessage", [optimismMessengerAddress,
         messengerPayload, minGasLimit]);
diff --git a/test/GuardCM.js b/test/GuardCM.js
index bbb3ff5..29b7a09 100644
--- a/test/GuardCM.js
+++ b/test/GuardCM.js
@@ -16,25 +16,95 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
     let olas;
     let ve;
     let governor;
+    let processBridgedDataGnosis;
+    let processBridgedDataPolygon;
+    let processBridgedDataArbitrum;
+    let processBridgedDataOptimism;
+    let processBridgedDataWormhole;
     let signers;
     let deployer;
-    const l1BridgeMediators = ["0x4C36d2919e407f0Cc2Ee3c993ccF8ac26d9CE64e", "0xfe5e5D361b2ad62c541bAb87C45a0B9B018389a2"];
-    const l2BridgeMediators =["0x15bd56669F57192a97dF41A2aa8f4403e9491776", "0x9338b5153AE39BB89f50468E608eD9d764B755fD"];
-    const l2ChainIds = [100, 137];
     const AddressZero = "0x" + "0".repeat(40);
     const Bytes32Zero = "0x" + "0".repeat(64);
     const Bytes4Zero = "0x" + "0".repeat(8);
+    const l1BridgeMediators = [
+        // gnosis (AMBProxyForeign)
+        "0x4C36d2919e407f0Cc2Ee3c993ccF8ac26d9CE64e",
+        // polygon (FxRoot)
+        "0xfe5e5D361b2ad62c541bAb87C45a0B9B018389a2",
+        // arbitrum (Inbox)
+        "0x4Dbd4fc535Ac27206064B68FfCf827b0A60BAB3f",
+        // arbitrum (Inbox)
+        "0x4Dbd4fc535Ac27206064B68FfCf827b0A60BAB3f",
+        // optimism (L1CrossDomainMessenger)
+        "0x25ace71c97B33Cc4729CF772ae268934F7ab5fA1",
+        // celo (L1WormholeRelayer)
+        "0x27428DD2d3DD32A4D7f7C497eAaa23130d894911",
+        // celo (L1WormholeRelayer)
+        "0x27428DD2d3DD32A4D7f7C497eAaa23130d894911"
+    ];
+    const l2BridgeMediators = [
+        // gnosis (HomeMediator)
+        "0x15bd56669F57192a97dF41A2aa8f4403e9491776",
+        // polygon (FxGovernorTunnel)
+        "0x9338b5153AE39BB89f50468E608eD9d764B755fD",
+        // arbitrum (None)
+        AddressZero,
+        // arbitrum (None)
+        AddressZero,
+        // optimism (OptimismMessenger)
+        "0x670Ac235EE13C0B2a5065282bBB0c61cfB354592",
+        // celo (WormholeMessenger)
+        "0x945550dECe7E40ae70C6ebf5699637927eAF13E9",
+        // celo (WormholeMessenger)
+        "0x945550dECe7E40ae70C6ebf5699637927eAF13E9"
+    ];
+    // gnosis, polygon, arbitrum, arbitrum, optimism, celo, celo
+    const l2ChainIds = [100, 137, 42161, 42161, 10, 42220, 42220];
+    const verifiersL2 = new Array(l2ChainIds.length);
+    // bytes4(keccak256("changeMultisigPermission")) = 0x82694b1d
+    const l2SelectorPermission = "0x82694b1d";
+    // bytes4(keccak256("mint")) = 0x40c10f19
+    const l2SelectorMint = "0x40c10f19";
+    const l2Selectors = [l2SelectorPermission, l2SelectorPermission, l2SelectorMint, l2SelectorMint, l2SelectorMint,
+        l2SelectorMint, l2SelectorMint];
+    // ServiceRegistryL2 on Gnosis
+    const gnosisContractAddress = "0x9338b5153AE39BB89f50468E608eD9d764B755fD";
+    const gnosisPayload = "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";
+    // ServiceRegistryL2 on Polygon
+    const polygonContractAddress = "0xE3607b00E75f6405248323A9417ff6b39B244b50";
+    const polygonPayload = "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";
+    // ERC20 mock token on Arbitrum
+    const arbitrumContractAddress = "0xeDd71796B90eaCc56B074C39BAC90ED2Ca6D93Ee";
+    const arbitrumPayload = "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";
+    const arbitrumPayload2 = "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";
+    // ERC20 mock token on Optimism
+    const optimismContractAddress = "0x118173028162C1b7c6Bf8488bd5dA2abd7c30F9D";
+    const optimismPayload = "0x3dbb202b000000000000000000000000670ac235ee13c0b2a5065282bbb0c61cfb354592000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e848000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c4d3042d2b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000068118173028162c1b7c6bf8488bd5da2abd7c30f9d0000000000000000000000000000004440c10f1900000000000000000000000052370ee170c0e2767b32687166791973a0de7966000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+    // ERC20 mock token on Celo
+    const celoContractAddress = "0x34235f9D447f9F54167e2Ac7A0F4283cB3fAD669";
+    const celoPayload = "0x4b5ca6f4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e000000000000000000000000945550dece7e40ae70c6ebf5699637927eaf13e900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e8480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e000000000000000000000000945550dece7e40ae70c6ebf5699637927eaf13e9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006834235f9d447f9f54167e2ac7a0f4283cb3fad6690000000000000000000000000000004440c10f1900000000000000000000000052370ee170c0e2767b32687166791973a0de79660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+    const celoPayload2 = "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";
+    const l2ContractAddresses = [
+        gnosisContractAddress,
+        polygonContractAddress,
+        arbitrumContractAddress,
+        arbitrumContractAddress,
+        optimismContractAddress,
+        celoContractAddress,
+        celoContractAddress
+    ];
     const safeThreshold = 7;
     const initialVotingDelay = 5;
     const initialVotingPeriod = 10;
     const initialProposalThreshold = ethers.utils.parseEther("5");
     const quorum = 1;
     const localChainId = 31337;
-    const l2Selector = "0x82694b1d";
-    const gnosisContractAddress = "0x9338b5153AE39BB89f50468E608eD9d764B755fD";
-    const gnosisPayload = "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";
-    const polygonContractAddress = "0xE3607b00E75f6405248323A9417ff6b39B244b50";
-    const polygonPayload = "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";
     beforeEach(async function () {
         const GnosisSafe = await ethers.getContractFactory("GnosisSafe");
@@ -91,11 +161,41 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
         ve = await VotingEscrow.deploy(olas.address, "Voting Escrow OLAS", "veOLAS");
         await ve.deployed();
+        // Deploy the governor
         const Governor = await ethers.getContractFactory("GovernorOLAS");
         governor = await Governor.deploy(ve.address, timelock.address, initialVotingDelay, initialVotingPeriod,
             initialProposalThreshold, quorum);
         await governor.deployed();
+        // Deploy L2 verifiers
+        const ProcessBridgedDataGnosis = await ethers.getContractFactory("ProcessBridgedDataGnosis");
+        processBridgedDataGnosis = await ProcessBridgedDataGnosis.deploy();
+        await processBridgedDataGnosis.deployed();
+        verifiersL2[0] = processBridgedDataGnosis.address;
+        const ProcessBridgedDataPolygon = await ethers.getContractFactory("ProcessBridgedDataPolygon");
+        processBridgedDataPolygon = await ProcessBridgedDataPolygon.deploy();
+        await processBridgedDataPolygon.deployed();
+        verifiersL2[1] = processBridgedDataPolygon.address;
+        const ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum = await ethers.getContractFactory("ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum");
+        processBridgedDataArbitrum = await ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum.deploy();
+        await processBridgedDataArbitrum.deployed();
+        verifiersL2[2] = processBridgedDataArbitrum.address;
+        verifiersL2[3] = processBridgedDataArbitrum.address;
+        const ProcessBridgedDataOptimism = await ethers.getContractFactory("ProcessBridgedDataOptimism");
+        processBridgedDataOptimism = await ProcessBridgedDataOptimism.deploy();
+        await processBridgedDataOptimism.deployed();
+        verifiersL2[4] = processBridgedDataOptimism.address;
+        const ProcessBridgedDataWormhole = await ethers.getContractFactory("ProcessBridgedDataWormhole");
+        processBridgedDataWormhole = await ProcessBridgedDataWormhole.deploy();
+        await processBridgedDataWormhole.deployed();
+        verifiersL2[5] = processBridgedDataWormhole.address;
+        verifiersL2[6] = processBridgedDataWormhole.address;
+        // Deploy Guard CM
         const GuardCM = await ethers.getContractFactory("GuardCM");
         guard = await GuardCM.deploy(timelock.address, multisig.address, governor.address);
         await guard.deployed();
@@ -200,37 +300,57 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
         it("Set bridge mediators", async function () {
             // Try to set selectors not by the timelock
             await expect(
-                guard.setBridgeMediatorChainIds([], [], [])
+                guard.setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams([], [], [], [])
             ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "OwnerOnly");
             // Incorrect L2 setup
-            let setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [l1BridgeMediators, [], []]);
+            let setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[l1BridgeMediators[0]], [], [], []]);
+            await expect(
+                timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
+            ).to.be.reverted;
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[l1BridgeMediators[0]], [verifiersL2[0]], [], []]);
             await expect(
                 timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
-            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [l1BridgeMediators, l2BridgeMediators, []]);
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[l1BridgeMediators[0]], [verifiersL2[0]], [0], []]);
             await expect(
                 timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
             // Zero addresses and chain Ids
-            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [[AddressZero], [AddressZero], [0]]);
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[AddressZero], [AddressZero], [0], [AddressZero]]);
+            await expect(
+                timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
+            ).to.be.reverted;
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[signers[1].address], [AddressZero], [0], [AddressZero]]);
+            await expect(
+                timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
+            ).to.be.reverted;
+            // L2 verifier is an EOA
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[signers[1].address], [signers[2].address], [0], [AddressZero]]);
             await expect(
                 timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
-            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [[signers[1].address], [AddressZero], [0]]);
+            // Chain Id is out of bounds
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[l1BridgeMediators[0]], [verifiersL2[0]], [0], [AddressZero]]);
             await expect(
                 timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
-            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [[signers[1].address], [signers[2].address], [0]]);
+            setBridgeMediatorsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [[l1BridgeMediators[0]], [verifiersL2[0]], [ethers.constants.MaxUint256], [AddressZero]]);
             await expect(
                 timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorsPayload)
@@ -645,6 +765,9 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
         it("Swapping the CM Guard by the Timelock", async function () {
+            // Take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
+            const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();
             // Add timelock as a module
             let nonce = await multisig.nonce();
             let txHashData = await safeContracts.buildContractCall(multisig, "enableModule", [timelock.address], nonce, 0, 0);
@@ -682,26 +805,34 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
             const curGuard = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(multisig.address, guardStorageSlot);
             const guardAddress = "0x" + curGuard.slice(26);
+            // Restore to the state of the snapshot
+            await snapshot.restore();
     context("Timelock manipulation via the CM across the bridge", async function () {
         it("CM Guard with a bridged data in a schedule function", async function () {
+            // Take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
+            const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();
             // Authorize pre-defined target, selector and chainId
+            const permissions = new Array(l2ChainIds.length).fill(true);
             const setTargetSelectorChainIdsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setTargetSelectorChainIds",
-                [[gnosisContractAddress, polygonContractAddress], [l2Selector, l2Selector], [100, 137], [true, true]]);
+                [l2ContractAddresses, l2Selectors, l2ChainIds, permissions]);
             await timelock.execute(guard.address, setTargetSelectorChainIdsPayload);
             // Set bridge mediator contract addresses and chain Ids
-            const setBridgeMediatorChainIdsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [l1BridgeMediators, l2BridgeMediators, l2ChainIds]);
-            await timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorChainIdsPayload);
+            const setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParamsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [l1BridgeMediators, verifiersL2, l2ChainIds, l2BridgeMediators]);
+            await timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParamsPayload);
             // Check that the bridge mediators are set correctly
             for (let i = 0; i < l1BridgeMediators.length; i++) {
-                const result = await guard.getBridgeMediatorChainId(l1BridgeMediators[i]);
-                expect(result.bridgeMediatorL2).to.equal(l2BridgeMediators[i]);
+                const result = await guard.mapBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams(l1BridgeMediators[i]);
+                expect(result.verifierL2).to.equal(verifiersL2[i]);
+                expect(result.bridgeMediatorL2).to.equal(l2BridgeMediators[i]);
             // Check Gnosis payload
@@ -713,18 +844,50 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
             txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[1], 0, polygonPayload,
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Check Arbitrum payload
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[2], 0, arbitrumPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Check Arbitrum payload2
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[2], 0, arbitrumPayload2,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Check Optimism payload
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[4], 0, optimismPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Check celo payload
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[5], 0, celoPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Check celo payload2
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[6], 0, celoPayload2,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero);
+            // Restore to the state of the snapshot
+            await snapshot.restore();
         it("Should fail with the incorrect bridged data in a schedule function", async function () {
+            // Take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
+            const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();
             // Authorize pre-defined target, selector and chainId
+            const permissions = new Array(l2ChainIds.length).fill(true);
             const setTargetSelectorChainIdsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setTargetSelectorChainIds",
-                [[gnosisContractAddress, polygonContractAddress], [l2Selector, l2Selector], [10200, 80001], [true, true]]);
+                [l2ContractAddresses, l2Selectors, l2ChainIds, permissions]);
             await timelock.execute(guard.address, setTargetSelectorChainIdsPayload);
             // Set bridge mediator contract addresses and chain Ids
-            const setBridgeMediatorChainIdsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorChainIds",
-                [l1BridgeMediators, l2BridgeMediators, [10200, 80001]]);
-            await timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorChainIdsPayload);
+            const setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParamsPayload = guard.interface.encodeFunctionData("setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParams",
+                [l1BridgeMediators, verifiersL2, l2ChainIds, l2BridgeMediators]);
+            await timelock.execute(guard.address, setBridgeMediatorL1BridgeParamsPayload);
             // Check Gnosis payload
             // Second payload data has a zero target address
@@ -741,7 +904,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataGnosis, "DataLengthIncorrect");
             // processMessageFromForeign selector is incorrect
             errorGnosisPayload = "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";
@@ -749,7 +912,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "WrongSelector");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataGnosis, "WrongSelector");
             // homeMediator address is incorrect
             errorGnosisPayload = "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";
@@ -757,7 +920,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataGnosis, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
             // requireToPassMessage selector is incorrect
             errorGnosisPayload = "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";
@@ -765,7 +928,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "WrongSelector");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataGnosis, "WrongSelector");
             // gnosis payload length is incorrect
             errorGnosisPayload = "0xdc8601b3";
@@ -773,7 +936,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataGnosis, "IncorrectDataLength");
             // Check Polygon payload
             // fxGovernorTunnel address is incorrect
@@ -782,7 +945,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataPolygon, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
             // sendMessageToChild selector is incorrect
             errorPolygonPayload = "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";
@@ -790,7 +953,7 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "WrongSelector");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataPolygon, "WrongSelector");
             // polygon payload length is incorrect
             errorPolygonPayload = "0xb4720477";
@@ -798,7 +961,85 @@ describe("Community Multisig Guard", function () {
                 Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
             await expect(
                 guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
-            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(guard, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataPolygon, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            // Check Arbitrum payload
+            // createRetryableTicket or unsafeCreateRetryableTicket selector is incorrect
+            let errorArbitrumPayload = "0x679b6de1";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[2], 0, errorArbitrumPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataArbitrum, "WrongSelector");
+            // arbitrum payload length is incorrect
+            errorArbitrumPayload = "0x679b6ded";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[2], 0, errorArbitrumPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataArbitrum, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            // Check Optimism payload
+            // optimismMessenger address is incorrect
+            let errorOptimismPayload = "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";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[4], 0, errorOptimismPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
+            // processMessageFromSource selector is incorrect
+            errorOptimismPayload = "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";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[4], 0, errorOptimismPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "WrongSelector");
+            // optimism sendMessage selector is incorrect
+            errorOptimismPayload = "0x3dbb202a";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[4], 0, errorOptimismPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "WrongSelector");
+            // optimism payload length is incorrect
+            errorOptimismPayload = "0x3dbb202b00";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[4], 0, errorOptimismPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            // Check Celo payload
+            // wormholeMessenger address is incorrect
+            let errorCeloPayload = "0x4b5ca6f4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e000000000000000000000000945550dece7e40ae70c6ebf5699637927eaf13e800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e8480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e000000000000000000000000945550dece7e40ae70c6ebf5699637927eaf13e9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006834235f9d447f9f54167e2ac7a0f4283cb3fad6690000000000000000000000000000004440c10f1900000000000000000000000052370ee170c0e2767b32687166791973a0de79660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[5], 0, errorCeloPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "WrongL2BridgeMediator");
+            // wormhole sendPayloadToEvm selector is incorrect
+            errorCeloPayload = "0x4b5ca6f0";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[5], 0, errorCeloPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "WrongSelector");
+            // celo payload length is incorrect
+            errorCeloPayload = "0x4b5ca6f400";
+            txData = await timelock.interface.encodeFunctionData("schedule", [l1BridgeMediators[5], 0, errorCeloPayload,
+                Bytes32Zero, Bytes32Zero, 0]);
+            await expect(
+                guard.checkTransaction(timelock.address, 0, txData, 0, 0, 0, 0, AddressZero, AddressZero, "0x", AddressZero)
+            ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(processBridgedDataOptimism, "IncorrectDataLength");
+            // Restore to the state of the snapshot
+            await snapshot.restore();