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react-tea-cup manual

This document describes the overall design of tea-cup, and of some libraries that have been ported from / inspired by Elm.


For a tea-cup app, you'll need at least :

  • a Model : this is the state of your application
  • an init function that creates the initial Model, and possibly trigger initial side effects
  • a view function that renders your Model as React VDOM (TSX)
  • some Messages : those are emitted when events occur
  • an update function that modifies the Model and possibly trigger side effects for your Messages

You may also use Subscriptions, which are explained a bit later.


The model is the state of your application. It holds all the data you need in order to display your pages etc.

It can be implemented in different ways. Type, interface, it's up to you to decide. In any case, state should be immutable ! This is a really important point : always make sure your state cannot be mutated.

// state is a number !
type Model = number

// state is a complex object
interface Model {
    readonly foo: Foo
    readonly bar: string
    readonly stuff: ReadonlyArray<Things>


The init function is responsible for creating the initial Model for the app, and to trigger initial side effects, if any (e.g. send an HTTP request, read Local Storage, etc).

It accepts no args, and returns a tuple with the initial Model, and Cmd (if any) :

function init(): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    return [
            foo: ...,
            bar: "baz"
        Cmd.none() // Commands are explained later...


The view function is responsible of turning your Model into React Nodes.

It needs to declare a Dispatcher<Msg> as its first arg, and the Model as the second arg, and it returns a React.Node (usually via TSX) :

function view(dispatch:Dispatcher<Msg>, model: Model) {
    return (
            <button onClick={dispatch(sendEmail( =>}

The view function is invoked by tea-cup at every update, for every Msg that is dispatched.


Messages are the dynamic part of your application. They represent anything that happens, and that requires to update the model, and render the app again. Messages are dispatched in order to respond to DOM events (or to external side effects), and you have to implement their behaviour in the update function.

Messages in tea-cup can be expressed in different ways, unlike in Elm where you'll always use a union type. tea-cup offers several options for implementing Msgs, it is up to you to choose the form that suits you best.

Discriminated unions

Using discriminated unions allows you to model your Messages as data, and have the update logic somewhere else (in the update function) :

// the messages for our app
type Msg 
    = { type: "foo" }
    | { type: "bar", blah: string, stuff: ReadonlyArray<Things> }
    | ...
// the update function 
function update(msg: Msg, model: Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    switch (msg.type) {
        case "foo":
        case "bar":

This is the more "Elm-like" way to model your Messages. Unfortunately, discriminated unions are far from being as powerful and pleasant as they are in Elm, and using them has drawbacks :

  • boilerplate
  • no constructor functions


You may also use a more OOP approach, by defining an abstract class (or interface) for your Msg and have messages hold both data and behavior for this message :

// the base message class
abstract class Msg {
    abstract execute(model:Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] 

// a concrete Msg
class ButtonClicked extends Msg {
    readonly userId: string
    execute(model:Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {

// update function gets very simple !
function update(msg: Msg, model: Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    return msg.execute(model)

Drawbacks :

  • boilerplate
  • messages are not sealed


A last variant is to use plain functions for encapsulating the data (via capture) and the behaviour of the Msgs :

// Msg type : a function
type Msg = (model:Model) => [Model, Cmd<Msg>]

// a simple msg with no payload
const btnClicked: Msg = model => {

// msg with some payload : func returning a func
function sendEmail(recipients: ReadonlyArray<string>): Msg {
    return model => {

// update just delegates to msg 
function update(msg: Msg, model: Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    return msg(model)

This variant is probably the one requiring the less boilerplate, as you have no switch block, no class declaration, and a constructor function, all in one.


  • a bit harder to debug (no msg type, only a func, and captured state)
  • messages are not sealed


Unlike in Elm, where you always return Messages, in tea-cup you need to explicitly dispatch the Messages. This is done using a so-called Dispatcher<Msg>, which is passed to you by tea-cup.

Example of a message dispatch using discriminated unions :

// somewhere in view
        type: "add-user", 
    Add user


As explained above, the update function can be implemented in different ways, depending on how you model your messages. In any case, update needs the Msg and the current Model, and it should return the next model, as well as side effects to trigger, if any (via Cmd) :

function update(msg:Msg, model:Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {

Side effects

Side effects are everything that is not pure, and that happens outside of the Model -> View -> Update loop.

Examples of such side effects include browser events like Window resize, global mouse / keyboard events (that you don't listen to in your views), websocket messages, etc.

Management of side effects is done through Commands, Tasks, and Subscriptions.


Let's say you want to send an HTTP request, and be notified when the response comes back.

In tea-cup, this goes like :

  1. create a Cmd object that describes the HTTP request (could be anything else of course)
  2. instruct tea-cup to actually do the job, and execute your Cmd
  3. get the result as a Msg, passed to your update function

It's part of the update function's job to return the commands, if any (along with the new Model). Depending on what happened, at every update, you may return Commands in order to trigger side effects, and have those re-enter your update loop as Messages.


A Task is an asynchronous unit of work that may either succeed, or fail. It can perform side effects, like sending HTTP requests, accessing the Local Storage etc.

Like Commands, Tasks are declarative : you don't execute them yourself, this is the runtime's job.

In order to actually execute a Task, you need to turn it into a Command (and return it from your update function) :

// create a task that fetches 
// stuff over HTTP using the 
// Http module
const fetchTask: Task<Error,Response> = Http.fetch(...)
// turn the Task into a Cmd, and 
// get the result as a Msg in a 
// subsequent update
const cmd: Cmd<Msg> = Task.attempt(fetchTask, onFetchResult)

// msg creator function.
// Your message receives the 
// result of the task : it's either 
// an Error, or a Response
function onFetchResult(r:Result<Error,Response>): Msg {

Tasks are base building blocks that can be combined, with map and andThen. They are a good place to encapsulate some native, non-pure JS calls, and make those cleanly available in your TEA loop.


Subscriptions allow you to be notified of events happening outside of your program, and turn them into Msgs that you handle in update. Such events can be global keyboard or mouse events on the document, web socket messages, etc.

In order to subscribe, you need to implement the subscriptions function :

function subscriptions(model: Model) : Sub<Msg> {
    // conditionally subscribe to requestAnimationFrame
    // using the Animation module 
    if (model.isAnimated) {
        // need animation : return a sub and 
        // use a Msg to re-enter our update loop 
        return onAnimationFrame(t:number => {
            return {
                time: t
    } else {
        // no subs
        return Sub.none()

As you can see, the subscriptions function takes the Model as its sole argument, allowing to conditionally subscribe to various things depending on the current state. This function is evaluated at every update.

Program : Wiring everything up

Just like in Elm, you need to pass your init, view, update and subscriptions functions to a Program so that everything is wired up, and the magic happens.

tea-cup's Program is a (stateful) React Component, that acts as the root container of your application. You can include this program anywhere in your React App.

Here's a full recap :

interface Model {

type Msg 
    = ...

function init(): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {

function view(dispatch:Dispatcher<Msg>, model:Model) {

function update(msg:Msg, model:Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {

function subscriptions(model:Model): Sub<Msg> {

// wire our functions with a tea-cup Program
const program = ( 

// render this as a regular React component
ReactDOM.render(program, document.getElementById('root'))


A React application that is made of stateful components does not render all components every time that one of them updates its local state. It usually will call render() only on a subset of the whole component tree, without the developer needing to know (this is the theory : there are hooks in React especially to deal with this). This is good for the application's performance.

Redux, and probably other state management libs, also have a solution for rendering only what has changed (again, in theory). They will render only components that are "connected" to a subset of the whole state that has been updated.

In tea-cup, just like in Elm, there's one single update loop. Updating anything in the model means that Program.render() is called, which in turns invokes the top-level view function, ending-up re-rendering the whole tree. This can lead to performance issues much faster than one could expect.

The solution to this problem is to use memoization explicity in your view functions when you see performance degrading in the rendering phase. Using a JS profiler will help you find the hotspots.

Then, once you know which function takes too much to render, just memoize it :

function expensiveView(dispatcher: Dispatcher<Msg>, stuff:Stuff) {
    // memoize "stuff" : if it hasn't changed, then no need to build the vdom again 
    return memo(stuff)(stuff => 

Of course this works only because you have immutable state...

Mixing with Stateful Components



tea-cup includes a few useful stuff that we miss from Elm, such as Maybes, Decoders, etc.


A Maybe is either "just something", or "nothing" ! The concept is also known as an "Optional" in other languages.

It serves as a good replacement for optionals (?) in TS, which are not very functional and practical.

// TS optionals
function strLen(s?: string) {
    if (s === null || s === undefined) {
        return 0
    } else {
        return s.length

// using a maybe
function strLen(s?: string) {
    return maybeOf(s).map(str => str.length).withDefault(0)


A Result represent the result of a computation that may either succed in a value, or fail with an error.

// a parser that either returns an Ast, 
// or fails with a parse error

interface ParseError {
    msg: string
    line: number
    col: number

interface Ast {

function parseStuff(text:string): Result<ParseError,Ast> {
    if (weHaveStuff) {
        // assuming it parsed, we return an Ok result 
        // with the ast
        return ok(ast)
    } else {
        // parsing error : return this into an Err result
        return err(parseErr)

// invoke the parser and handle the result :
const parseResult: Result<ParseError,Ast> = parseStuff("...")

// results have map() and mapError()
const mappedResult: Result<string, number> = parseResult
    .map(ast => evaluateAst(ast))
    .mapError(parseError => parseError.msg + ` at line ${parseError.line}, col ${parseError.col}`)
// and even a match() method that is friendlier than a switch :
const reactElem = parseResult.match(
    ast => <p>Result = {evaluateAst(ast)}</p>,
    err => <div className="error">{err.msg}</div>


Elm needs Decoders and Encoders in order to convert values from Elm to JS, and inversely. This is needed because there's 2 disctinct type systems.

TS has the same type system as JS, so the need for decoder is is different. Here, we mostly want to validate that some dynamic JS object is compliant to our TS types.

Decoders avoids to cast and have runtime errors later on. They fail early, at decoding-time, with a nice error message.

class User {
    readonly name: string
    readonly age: number
    readonly roles: ReadonlyArray<string>

const o:any = JSON.parse(...)

A naïve way to turn an any into a TS type :

// let's just cast !
// BAD : who knows what's in "o" ?
const user: User = o as User

A safer way is to use a Decoder for the type User :

const userDecoder: Decoder<User> =
    // map a 3-field object
        // values have been decoded, return our typed object 
        (name:string, age:number, roles: ReadonlyArray<string>) => {
            return {
                name: name,
                age: age,
                roles: roles
        Decode.field("name", Decode.str), // decoder for string field "name"
        Decode.field("age", Decode.num), // decoder for number field "age"
        // decoder for string[] field "roles"
// decoding yields a Result : it may have failed (with a message) !
const user: Result<string,User> = userDecoder.decodeValue(o)    

Decoders can be easily combined and reused easily, and allow to do some mapping/conversion along the way. They provide an elegant way of turning non-structured JS objects into complex TS types, safely.


tea-cup ships with a simple yet useful Http module that makes the fetch API available as Tasks, and provides utilities for managing HTTP requests and responses.

interface User {

// decoder for User type
const userDecoder: Decoder<User> = ...

// task that will fetch the user over HTTP
// and decode the body as a User.
// If anything fails (non-OK response or invalid decoding),
// then you'll get an Error.
const fetchUserTask: Task<Error,User> = 

// the task can be turned into a Cmd so that it can be 
// executed by the runtime, and we'll get the result in 
// a "fetch-user-result" message 
const fetchUserCmd: Cmd<Msg> = 
        (r:Result<Error,User>) => {
            return {
                type: "fetch-user-result",
                result: r


tea-cup ships with an Animation Effect Manager that allows to use requestAnimationFrame in your TEA loop.

Dev Tools

tea-cup comes built-in with productivity / debugging tools. Explained DevTools.