I'm using Python since ~2003. So some resources maybe outdated or for Python 2. If you are starting with Python, please, please start with Python 3.
- 29 common beginner Python errors on one page it's from 2010 so be aware of Python 2, but some is still relevant.
- Python regular expression cheatsheet and examples
- 🌶️ Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- Scientific Python Cheatsheet
- 🌶️ Cheat Sheets for Python Crash Course, Third Edition
- Setting up Python Projects: Part I
- Setting Up Python Projects: Part II
- Setting up Python Projects: Part III
- Setting up Python Projects: Part IV
- Setting up Python Projects: Part V
- Setting up Python Projects: Part VI
- 🌶️ 18 Coding Tools for Your Python Developer Sandbox
- Transform the Python IDE Into a DevOps Tool
- Forty-Seven Best Practice Refactoring Techniques for Better Python Code
- For books take a look here
- 🌶️ Harvard CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python – Full University Course
- 🌶️ Harvard CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript – Full University Course
- 🌶️ Python API Development - Comprehensive Course for Beginners
- Intermediate Python Programming Course
- Algorithms in Python – Full Course for Beginners
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - Full Course for Beginners