copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2022-11-05 |
job stop, schematics interrupt force stop, terminate, force stop |
schematics |
{: #interrupt-job}
After invoking a job on a {{}} Workspaces like a plan
, an apply
, or a destroy
. You may want to stop the running job, or want to stop provisioning resources. Stopping, cancel a job helps you to know whether the job is stuck, or if the job has lot of wait time. {{}} allows users to interrupt
, force-stop
, or terminate
the running job.
{: shortdesc}
{: #interrupt-types}
The table provides the list of interrupting types of the job stop.
Types | Description |
interrupt |
Sends an interrupt signal to the Terraform command that you invoke. Typically if you see the job log and click interrupt expecting an interrupt signal to be sent. Such interrupt signal can be sent as many times as possible while the job is running. {{}} waits for the command to finish and exit. After the command is stopped or finished, state and log files are collected and saved. |
force-stop |
Sends a kill signal to the Terraform command running. In case you want to force kill the Terraform command after seeing the interrupts not stopping the command. A force-stop can be sent as many times as wanted until the command exits and job stops. After the command is stopped or finished, state file and log files are collected and saved. |
terminate |
This terminates the job in backend and mark the job as STOPPED and unlocks the workspace. The {{}} saves log and statefile to the backend periodically while the job is running. If a job is terminated, the job is killed without collecting any files separately at the end. |
{: caption="Types of job interruption" caption-side="bottom"} |
Until the job stops, you can send any number of these stop signals. Typically, you should not send more than three signals. If the Terraform does not respond to interrupt
signals, you can always use force-stop
. If force-stop
does not respond due to some issue in the job, you can always terminate
the job to block.
{: important}
{: #cancelling}
If the job is in a pending
state, any type of stop signal causes the job to cancel. The Cancel
button shows up if the job is in a pending
state, when it can be simply cancel. Cancel removes the job from the pending queue. If the plan
, apply
, or destroy
execution is started in the meanwhile, this end up become an interrupt signal to the Terraform execution.
{: #stop-job-ui} {: ui}
You can follow these steps to stop the {{}} Workspaces running job by using {{}} console.
From the {{}} Workspaces dashboard{: external}, select the workspace that you want to the running job.
You can stop or cancel the running job during a plan, an apply, or a destroy execution. {: note}
Click Job tab to view Interrupt, Force stop, Terminate, and Cancel button.
Button Description Interrupt Removes the job from the pending queue, if it is in pending state. Otherwise, sends an interrupt signal to the Terraform command. Force stop Sends a kill signal to the Terraform command running. Terminate Terminates the job from backend and marks the job as STOPPED and unlocks the workspace. The {{}} saves the log and the statefile
to the backend periodically while the job is running.Cancel The Cancel
button shows up if the job is inpending
state, when it can be simply cancel. Cancel removes the job from the pending queue. If theplan
, ordestroy
execution is started in the meanwhile, this end up become an interrupt signal to the Terraform execution.{: caption="Stop job options" caption-side="bottom"} -
Type your
name in Type option to confirm text box. -
Click Confirm option button.
{: #stop-job-cli} {: cli}
Stops a running job for {{}} Workspaces. {: shortdesc}
ibmcloud schematics workspace job stop --id WORKSPACE_ID --job-id JOB_ID [--stop] [--force-stop] [--terminate] [--no-prompt]
{: pre}
Command options:
Flag | Required / Optional | Description |
--id or -i |
Required | The workspace ID to update. |
--job-id or --jid |
Required | The job ID of the job. |
--interrupt |
Optional | Removes the job from the pending queue, if it is in pending state. Otherwise, sends an interrupt signal to the Terraform command. |
--force-stop or --fs |
Optional | Sends a kill signal to the Terraform execution in the engine attempting to immediately stop the execution. |
--terminate or -t |
Optional | Abruptly kills the engine, marks the job as stopped, and unlocks your workspace. Data is not saved using this flag. |
--no-prompt |
Optional | Set this flag to run the command without an interactive mode. |
{: caption="{{}} job stop flags" caption-side="bottom"} |
ibmcloud schematics workspace job stop --id <WORKSPACE_ID> --force-stop --job-id <JOB_ID>
{: pre}
ibmcloud schematics workspace job stop --id <WORKSPACE_ID> --interrupt --job-id <JOB_ID>
{: pre}
ibmcloud schematics workspace job stop --id <WORKSPACE_ID> --terminate --job-id <JOB_ID>
{: pre}
{: #stop-job-api} {: api}
You can use following CURL commands to stop a running job for {{}} Workspace. {: shortdesc}
{: #stop-jobs-api}
Set up your REST client to execute {{}} API.
Use the syntax and example to interrupt the running job.
curl -X DELETE<wks_id>/actions/{job_id}?signal=interrupt -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
{: codeblock}
curl -X DELETE{job_id}?signal=interrupt -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
{: codeblock}
Use the example to
the running job.Example
curl -X DELETE<wks_id>/actions/{job_id}?signal=force-stop -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
{: codeblock}
Use the example to
the running job.Example
curl -X DELETE<wks_id>/actions/{job_id}?signal=force-stop -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
{: codeblock}
For more information about stopping the running job, see Stop and delete the running Job API. {: note}