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162 lines (119 loc) · 4.27 KB

Multiple Covariates Linear Regression


## Loading required package: lattice

## Loading required package: ggplot2

Wage <- subset(Wage, select = -c(logwage))

##       year           age                     maritl           race     
##  Min.   :2003   Min.   :18.00   1. Never Married: 648   1. White:2480  
##  1st Qu.:2004   1st Qu.:33.75   2. Married      :2074   2. Black: 293  
##  Median :2006   Median :42.00   3. Widowed      :  19   3. Asian: 190  
##  Mean   :2006   Mean   :42.41   4. Divorced     : 204   4. Other:  37  
##  3rd Qu.:2008   3rd Qu.:51.00   5. Separated    :  55                  
##  Max.   :2009   Max.   :80.00                                          
##               education                     region               jobclass   
##  1. < HS Grad      :268   2. Middle Atlantic   :3000   1. Industrial :1544  
##  2. HS Grad        :971   1. New England       :   0   2. Information:1456  
##  3. Some College   :650   3. East North Central:   0                        
##  4. College Grad   :685   4. West North Central:   0                        
##  5. Advanced Degree:426   5. South Atlantic    :   0                        
##                           6. East South Central:   0                        
##                           (Other)              :   0                        
##             health      health_ins        wage       
##  1. <=Good     : 858   1. Yes:2083   Min.   : 20.09  
##  2. >=Very Good:2142   2. No : 917   1st Qu.: 85.38  
##                                      Median :104.92  
##                                      Mean   :111.70  
##                                      3rd Qu.:128.68  
##                                      Max.   :318.34  


inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = Wage$wage, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
training <- Wage[inTrain,]
testing <- Wage[-inTrain,]

## [1] 2102   10
## [1] 898  10


Feature Plot

    x = training[, c("age", "education", "jobclass")], 
    y = training$wage, 
    plot = "pairs"

Quick Plots

qplot(age, wage, color = jobclass, data = training)

qplot(age, wage, color = education, data = training)

modFit <- train(wage ~ age + jobclass + education, method = "lm", data = training)

## Linear Regression 
## 2102 samples
##    3 predictor
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##   35.83458  0.2573814  24.80573
## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE
finMod <- modFit$finalModel

plot(finMod, 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.5, col="#00000010")

Plot Fitted Model x Residuals to preview Trends

Color by variables not used in the model

qplot(finMod$fitted, finMod$residuals, color = race, data = training)

Plot by Index

plot(finMod$residuals, pch = 19)

Predicted x Truth in Test Set

Obs: This is not to be used during training!! (it’s a post-test analysis)

pred <- predict(modFit, testing)
qplot(wage, pred, color = year, data = testing)

Trying to use all Covariates

modFitAll <- train(wage ~ ., data = training, method = "lm")
pred <- predict(modFitAll, testing)
qplot(wage, pred, data = testing)