All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- minimum required Haxe version is now 4.2.x
- Compilation fails with false-positive Null Safety errors on Haxe >4.3
- Results of tests comparing numbers with null values are inconsistent across targets
- method
- method
- Explicitly flush stdout/stderr before exiting
- Improve parsing of compiler conditions
- Warning
__js__ is deprecated, use js.Syntax.code instead
- disable compiler null safety check for generated test assertions
- add missing extraParams.hxml to distribution
- Improved null safety support
- make hx.doctest.internal.Logger.log function dynamic
- Improved logging on HL
- Improved error reporting
- "Warning: is deprecated. Use Std.isOfType instead." on Haxe 4.2
- compiler conditionals are sometimes interpreted wrong
- Issue #11 Error
Unknown identifier : assertion
on Haxe 4.2-dev
- typedef
- class
- property
- property
- property
- deprecated method
- deprecated method
- wrong character position is reported on test failure
- minimum required Haxe version is now 4.x
- compiler conditionals not respected properly when generating/testing doctest assertions
- fixed method signature of DocTestRunner#assertMax()
- new comparisons operators === and !== to assert reference equality/inequality
- multiline support for assertions
- comparison operators != and == now perform deep comparison of objects instead of reference equality/inequality checks
- the signature of the DocTestGenerator#generateDocTests() has been changed to use the DocTestGeneratorConfig typedef for it's arguments
- support for executing doctests with utest
- respect compiler conditionals when generating/testing doctest assertions
- DocTestRunner#assertInRange()
- DocTestRunner#assertMax()
- DocTestRunner#assertMin()
- raise minimum requirement to Haxe 3.4.x
- DocTestRunner#exit()
- replaced license header by "SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0"
- improved regex matching
- improved exception assertion parsing
- "Class<haxe.macro.Context> has no field currentPos" on some targets
- "Type not found : tink.testrunner.Case" when tink_testrunner is not present
- support for executing doctests with Tink Testrunner
- Allow pattern matching with 'throws' assertions
- DocTestRunner.runAndExit() now also exists with a proper exit code on Flash
- improved support for builds with Travis/travix
- "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')" when running with phantom.js on Travis
- DocTestGenerator.generateDocTests() now automatically adds @:keep to the test class to prevent test methods being DCE-ed
- test methods are sorted by name before executed
- Workaround for Haxe 3.x Lua target bug (using 'continue' in for-loop results in: 'until' expected (to close 'repeat' at line 1862) near 'end')
- logging stacktraces of unexpected exceptions thrown by test assertions
- Eof when scanning Haxe files without package declaration #1
- Support for Node.js
- DocTestRunner#assertFalse()
- DocTestRunner#assertNotEquals()
- DocTestUtils#equals() now handles EnumValues
- "Type not found" in some cases
- the doc-test identifier string is now configurable
- changed license from MIT to Apache License 2.0
- out of memory error when parsing very large files
- improved Lua support
- improved parsing
- added support for other comparison operators: <, >, !=, <=, >=
- added support for asserting exceptions
- improved error reporting
- reduced maximum number of tests per generated test method to avoid "code too large" error in javac
- ReferenceError: Can't find variable: js
- comparing anonymous structures on C# results in System.NullReferenceException
- support for comparing anonymous structures, e.g.
{ cats: 4, dogs: 3 } == { cats: 4, dogs: 3 }
- better error reporting of syntax errors in doctest assertions
- added
- Initial release