This repository is the public interface for the Vega Strike Infrastructure <>.
The infrastructure is managed by Vega Strike Infrastructure Admin Team<> and is represented by two Git Hub Repositories: - Vega Strike Infrastructure <> - a private repository for managing the infracturue - Vega Strike Infrastructure-Tracking <> - a public repository for the wider community to interface with the Infrastructure Team.
While we would like to maintain everything in the open, we also have to be pragmatic that there are certain things we must keep secret. The Vega Strike Infrastructure Admin Team has the appropriate access and only members of that team shall have access to the secrets.
That said, while there are secrets that must be kept the team is also to be as transparent and open as possible.
The Vega Strike Infrastructure is funded by the members and community. We owe a great thanks to www2000<> for operating a VPS, managing the Domain Name, etc. We also a great thanks to anyone contributing to the Vega Strike Open Collective <> project. When Vega Strike Open Collective <> falls short our team members will be picking up the additional costs.
Please be respective of the limited funding that we have when selecting systems to use.
This repository isn't really meant to hold code as it's primarily the public partner of the private Infrastructure repository as a place for public discussion.
Issues in this repository will operate as a place for public discussion of anything related to infrastructure that does not have an already existing place. For instance, things related to should be recorded at