First you need to wait while AWS shows that the instance is ready. Go to "Services" - "EC2" and click on "Instances" link under the "Instances" section. you should see your new VM as a first item (if you don't have any sortings of filters applied, in this case you should clear filter and sort instaces by launch date). First several minutes AWS will show it as
But as soon as it's ready you will see
After that you can try to login into it via ssh with a default "core" user and your SSH key
ssh core@<ip> -i <path to Private SSH key generated before>
After that you will see something like that
CoreOS alpha (752.1.0)
Update Strategy: No Reboots
core@ip-10-0-0-65 ~ $
Let's make sure that ETCD is working
etcdctl cluster-health
This command should list all ETCD nodes (in our case it's just one) with their status. Output should be like
cluster is healthy
member 4d061a28954e38d7 is healthy
Let's try to store something to the ETCD
etcdctl set test test
And check that it's in place
etcdctl ls /
Output should be