Releases: vergissberlin/bashlight
New feature: GH releases
We added a new feature to create new Releases on GitHub very quickly from the CLI.
Bug fixes
Also, we added a migration script which is needed since we have changed the installation path.
Improve code quality and change git shortcuts
With the help of @TheDevMinerTV we now have bullet proved aliases without collision to other command line tools. Also, we improved the code quality by using linter for YAML configuration files.
There is no manual step needed.
Activate autocomplete
For more convenient I have activated autocomplete for macOS
Documentation on readthedocs
More and more people using this software. To have a good documentation is essential for a software. With read thedocs I have the possibility to publish the documentation for each version.
Slim releases
The releases now included just the files which are needed to execute the script. All development files are excluded now.
Hotfix release for the update script
Without that fix, the users had to pull manually.
Improve code quality
Use shellcheck
to improve the code quality.
Update script improvements
0.1.5 Added update script
Update script improvements
0.1.4 Improve directory structure and file naming
Added Update script
0.1.3 Improve directory structure and file naming