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124 lines (108 loc) · 8.08 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (108 loc) · 8.08 KB

Overview of Code Structures

  • /abstract: contains abstract/interface class
    • abstract.midtrans-gateway.php: refer to that file comments. Main blueprint implementation for the main gateway
    • abstract.midtrans-gateway-sub.php: refer to that file comments. main blueprint implementation for the Separated Payment Buttons gateway, see below section.
  • /class: the concrete class implementations for each of
  • /midtrans-gateway.php: refer to that file comments.
  • /lib: Midtrans API PHP library, commited dependency, need be manually updated to latest Midtrans PHP library on github/composer
  • /public: public asset folder for images, css, js on user facing UI
    • /images/payment-methods: folder of payment method icons
      • all image directly used should not be prefixed with alt_
      • if filename is prefixed with alt_, it is not directly used, and only there as alternative image.
  • /readme: required file, act as WP plugin manifest, see this reference.


  • WC/WP have hook functions that will be auto called when certain action are triggered on WC system, e.g: when payment is initiated, when refund occurs, when thank you page showed, etc.
    • see ref of "docs WC Payment Gateway" below, to know which functions are built-in function from WC. If not defined there, likely it is our own custom/helper function.
    • so most of functions implemented in the code are to implement those built-in functions.



  • Due to the feature of "custom order_id suffix to prevent duplicated order_id", order_id input and output may need to be handled non-traditionally, look for @TAG: order-suffix-separator in the code comments. e.g:
    • when sending order_id to Midtrans, it may need to go thru func WC_Midtrans_Utils::generate_non_duplicate_order_id
    • when receiving order_id, it may need to go thru func WC_Midtrans_Utils::check_and_restore_original_order_id

Separted Payment Buttons

To implement separated payment buttons (separate WC payment gateway) for each of Midtrans' supported payment methods, the following implementations are made:

  • within /class/sub-specific-buttons those are the class files
    • these class extends abstract /abstract/abstract.midtrans-gateway-sub.php
    • which extends main gateway/button /class/abstract.midtrans-gateway.php, and most of the core logic are using the logic in implemented in this file. Like: Snap API calling, Notif handling, etc.
    • which extends main abstract /abstract/abstract.midtrans-gateway.php
    • so becareful when modifying these chain of files, as it may impact many other files.
  • each of them is imported into /midtrans-gateway.php to register the buttons into WC

Quick guide to add new separate button for future payment methods:

  • copy one of the file at /class/sub-specific-buttons, e.g: class.midtrans-gateway-sub-gopay.php as template. Rename the new file into e.g: class.midtrans-gateway-sub-bni-va.php
  • within the file, replace all the gopay keyword with the new payment method's keyword e.g: bni_va
    • mind the upper/lower case
  • within file /midtrans-gateway.php:
    • add code to import require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class/sub-specific-buttons/class.midtrans-gateway-sub-bni-va.php';
    • add code to register WC gateway $methods[] = 'WC_Gateway_Midtrans_Sub_BNI_VA';
  • add new image files (for the payment method's icon) into /public/images/payment-methods. e.g: bni_va.png
  • also change the image file names values, you can refer to the file's code comments.

Alternatively, you can also refer to commit history of when a separate button is added, for example one commit w/ msg: add basic separate button gateway: card.

Note: this section may not be frequently updated and may become outdated. In the case the code itself is more updated than this section, please refer to the code itself.

User Guide

Releasing / Publishing Plugins to Wordpress

Plugin WP Hosted url:


Prepare: Clone svn repo from Wordpress to local

Update plugin

  • On Github repo folder, update version compatibility & tested up to in these files:
    • midtrans-gateway.php:
      • Version: {current plugin version: x.x.x}
      • WC tested up to: {latest WC version: x.x.x}
    • readme.txt:
      • Requires at least: {min version of WP, rarely changes: x.x.x}
      • Tested up to: {latest WP version: x.x.x}
      • Stable tag: {latest/stable version of this plugin (must have its own /trunk folder): x.x.x}
  • Copy contents of Github root folder Snap-Woocommerce into your SVN folder, under trunk/ folder
  • Create new folder under tags/ folder, name it with the plugin version. e.g: 2.6.3
    • or alternatively, better use SVN command to do it by running script svn copy trunk tags/2.6.3. SVN will copy the trunk folder into new version tag folder.
  • Ensure Stable tag value within readme.txt in folder trunk/ have the same value as above e.g: 2.6.3
    • values that need to be consistent:
      • stable tag in readme.txt trunk/
      • stable tag in readme.txt tags/[new version folder]/
      • version in midtrans-gateway.php

Note, alternatively can also:

  • First, svn push the tags/[new version folder]/, ensure have been pushed on WP svn.
  • Then, edit the readme / trunks version value to match the new version, then push svn again.

Note, if you are deleting commited files:

  • SVN will not auto remove files commited in repo, removing commited files in SVN need to be 1by1, here is helper script to bulk remove commited files:

Push to SVN

Run terminal command:

  • svn add tags/*
  • svn add trunk/*
  • svn add assets/*
  • svn ci -m '<commit message>' --username <your WP SVN username> --password <your WP SVN password>

Alternatively, can also create helper script file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
svn add tags/* --force; 
svn add trunk/* --force; 
svn add assets/* --force;
# svn up; 
svn ci -m 'update' <your WP SVN username> --password <your WP SVN password>;