| 1 | +{ |
| 2 | + "$schema": "https://inlang.com/schema/inlang-message-format", |
| 3 | + "bland_chunky_sparrow_propel": "Castle", |
| 4 | + "lost_trick_dog_grace": "Exposed", |
| 5 | + "crazy_game_parrot_pave": "Sigma", |
| 6 | + "real_tame_moose_greet": "Beta", |
| 7 | + "that_patchy_mare_snip": "Death Threats", |
| 8 | + "patchy_seemly_hound_grace": "Decisions", |
| 9 | + "factual_arable_jurgen_endure": "Persona", |
| 10 | + "tough_clean_wolf_gleam": "Canthal Tilt", |
| 11 | + "legal_best_tadpole_rise": "Behaviour", |
| 12 | + "novel_trite_sloth_adapt": "Pepe Emojos", |
| 13 | + "safe_green_mink_cook": "Roles", |
| 14 | + "short_zippy_felix_kick": "Sigma Server", |
| 15 | + "top_active_ocelot_cure": "A Sigma Server instance", |
| 16 | + "trite_real_sawfish_drum": "Navigation", |
| 17 | + "close_short_kitten_coax": "More", |
| 18 | + "salty_aloof_turkey_nudge": "Tip it out", |
| 19 | + "quaint_low_felix_pave": "Update", |
| 20 | + "sunny_pink_hyena_walk": "Add persona", |
| 21 | + "sharp_big_mallard_reap": "Go to therapy", |
| 22 | + "honest_few_baboon_pop": "Register", |
| 23 | + "spicy_loved_giraffe_empower": "Skibidi Actions", |
| 24 | + "cool_dark_tapir_belong": "Copy NPC name", |
| 25 | + "yummy_moving_scallop_sail": "Copy API data", |
| 26 | + "sunny_zany_jellyfish_pop": "Copy ID", |
| 27 | + "ago_new_pelican_drip": "Copy link", |
| 28 | + "solid_witty_zebra_walk": "Copy link (in ohio)", |
| 29 | + "active_trite_lark_inspire": "Open in ohio", |
| 30 | + "spare_wild_mole_intend": "Mute", |
| 31 | + "misty_soft_sparrow_vent": "Block", |
| 32 | + "slow_chunky_chipmunk_hush": "Refresh", |
| 33 | + "great_few_jaguar_rise": "Report", |
| 34 | + "flat_nice_worm_dream": "Copied to clipboard", |
| 35 | + "ornate_tidy_coyote_grow": "Muting NPC...", |
| 36 | + "empty_smug_raven_bloom": "Blocking NPC...", |
| 37 | + "real_every_macaw_wish": "Requesting refresh...", |
| 38 | + "many_cool_fox_love": "Persona refreshed", |
| 39 | + "gross_fancy_platypus_seek": "Joined", |
| 40 | + "real_gray_stork_seek": "Rizzes", |
| 41 | + "teal_helpful_parakeet_hike": "Fanum taxing", |
| 42 | + "aloof_royal_samuel_startle": "Fanum taxed", |
| 43 | + "brief_upper_otter_cuddle": "Fanum rebate", |
| 44 | + "weak_bright_larva_grasp": "Requested", |
| 45 | + "lazy_major_loris_grasp": "Fanum tax", |
| 46 | + "honest_jolly_shell_blend": "This NPC is a Sigma developer.", |
| 47 | + "nice_bad_grizzly_coax": "Sigma Developer", |
| 48 | + "merry_red_shrimp_bump": "Automated", |
| 49 | + "sweet_mad_jannes_create": "This persona is not operated as living entity.", |
| 50 | + "many_fair_capybara_imagine": "Fanum tax NPC", |
| 51 | + "cuddly_even_tern_loop": "Fanum tax", |
| 52 | + "soft_bold_ant_attend": "Cancel", |
| 53 | + "quick_basic_peacock_bubble": "Fanum taxing NPC...", |
| 54 | + "awake_quick_cuckoo_smile": "NPC Fanum taxed", |
| 55 | + "funny_aloof_swan_loop": "Fanum rebate NPC", |
| 56 | + "cute_polite_oryx_blend": "Fanum rebate", |
| 57 | + "big_safe_guppy_mix": "Fanum rebating NPC...", |
| 58 | + "misty_level_stingray_expand": "NPC fanum rebated", |
| 59 | + "witty_heroic_trout_cry": "Uploaded by you", |
| 60 | + "cuddly_such_swallow_hush": "Rename", |
| 61 | + "tense_quick_cod_favor": "Cook", |
| 62 | + "slimy_awful_florian_sail": "Enter a new shortcode", |
| 63 | + "teary_antsy_panda_aid": "Edit", |
| 64 | + "teary_tame_gull_bless": "Updating shortcode...", |
| 65 | + "gaudy_lime_bison_adore": "Shortcode updated.", |
| 66 | + "weary_away_liger_zip": "Cooking pepe...", |
| 67 | + "crisp_whole_canary_tear": "Pepe cooked.", |
| 68 | + "mellow_yummy_jannes_cuddle": "Are you sure you want to fanum tax {acct}?", |
| 69 | + "white_best_dolphin_catch": "Are you sure you want to fanum rebate {acct}?", |
| 70 | + "bright_late_osprey_renew": "Banner", |
| 71 | + "great_level_lamb_sway": "Recommended size: over 1500x500px", |
| 72 | + "safe_icy_bulldog_quell": "Avatar", |
| 73 | + "aware_quiet_opossum_catch": "Recommended size: 400x400px", |
| 74 | + "mild_known_mallard_jolt": "Display Name", |
| 75 | + "lime_dry_skunk_loop": "Custom Pepes can be used here.", |
| 76 | + "neat_silly_dog_prosper": "NPC name", |
| 77 | + "petty_plane_tadpole_earn": "Changing this will break all links to your skibidi.", |
| 78 | + "next_caring_ladybug_hack": "Bio", |
| 79 | + "stale_just_anaconda_earn": "Markdown and custom Pepes are supported.", |
| 80 | + "aqua_mealy_toucan_pride": "Custom Fields", |
| 81 | + "front_north_eel_gulp": "Add field", |
| 82 | + "gaudy_each_opossum_play": "Mark persona as bot", |
| 83 | + "grassy_acidic_gadfly_cure": "Is this persona sending automated messages?", |
| 84 | + "dirty_moving_shark_emerge": "Enable fanum tax requests", |
| 85 | + "bright_fun_mouse_boil": "Will require approval for new fanum taxers.", |
| 86 | + "red_vivid_cuckoo_spark": "Allow persona discovery", |
| 87 | + "plain_zany_donkey_dart": "Allow your persona to be found in search results.", |
| 88 | + "jolly_noble_sloth_breathe": "Updating skibidi...", |
| 89 | + "tough_alive_niklas_promise": "No changes", |
| 90 | + "spry_honest_kestrel_arrive": "Skibidi updated", |
| 91 | + "civil_icy_ant_mend": "Banner must be less than {size} bytes", |
| 92 | + "zippy_caring_raven_edit": "Avatar must be less than {size} bytes", |
| 93 | + "still_upper_otter_dine": "NPC name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens", |
| 94 | + "aware_house_dolphin_win": "Must be at least 3 characters long", |
| 95 | + "weary_fresh_dragonfly_bless": "Must be a valid email address", |
| 96 | + "sunny_novel_otter_glow": "Must be at least 3 characters long", |
| 97 | + "fluffy_soft_wolf_cook": "Email (or NPC name)", |
| 98 | + "livid_bright_wallaby_quiz": "Weener", |
| 99 | + "fuzzy_sea_moth_absorb": "Sign in", |
| 100 | + "tidy_tidy_cow_cut": "Or continue with", |
| 101 | + "slow_these_kestrel_sail": "Accept", |
| 102 | + "weary_steep_yak_embrace": "Reject", |
| 103 | + "cool_slimy_coyote_affirm": "Accepting fanum tax request...", |
| 104 | + "busy_awful_mouse_jump": "Fanum tax request accepted.", |
| 105 | + "front_sunny_penguin_flip": "Rejecting fanum tax request...", |
| 106 | + "green_flat_mayfly_trust": "Fanum tax request rejected.", |
| 107 | + "large_vivid_horse_catch": "mogged", |
| 108 | + "top_cute_bison_nudge": "Blocking NPC...", |
| 109 | + "main_weary_racoon_peek": "NPC blocked", |
| 110 | + "calm_icy_weasel_twirl": "Cook rizz", |
| 111 | + "gray_fun_toucan_slide": "Are you sure you want to cook this rizz?", |
| 112 | + "royal_best_tern_transform": "Cook", |
| 113 | + "new_funny_fox_boil": "Cooking rizz...", |
| 114 | + "green_tasty_bumblebee_beam": "Rizz cooked", |
| 115 | + "many_misty_parakeet_fall": "Rizz Actions", |
| 116 | + "front_lime_grizzly_persist": "Edit", |
| 117 | + "wise_crazy_eel_honor": "Copy API data", |
| 118 | + "dizzy_alive_wombat_bump": "Copy ID", |
| 119 | + "slimy_livid_rabbit_belong": "Copy link", |
| 120 | + "inner_pink_mare_renew": "Copy link (in ohio)", |
| 121 | + "calm_fuzzy_thrush_soar": "Open in ohio", |
| 122 | + "real_green_clownfish_pet": "Cook and redraft", |
| 123 | + "zippy_key_antelope_drop": "Cook", |
| 124 | + "chunky_dry_gull_sing": "Report", |
| 125 | + "bald_vexed_firefox_startle": "Block NPC", |
| 126 | + "clean_yummy_owl_reside": "Click to copy", |
| 127 | + "livid_tangy_lionfish_clasp": "Sensitive content", |
| 128 | + "sour_seemly_bird_hike": "This content is sensitive", |
| 129 | + "bald_direct_turtle_win": "Show", |
| 130 | + "known_flaky_cockroach_dash": "Hide", |
| 131 | + "that_misty_mule_arrive": "Show less", |
| 132 | + "lazy_honest_mammoth_bump": "Show more", |
| 133 | + "dark_spare_goldfish_charm": "{count} characters", |
| 134 | + "drab_tense_turtle_comfort": "Reply", |
| 135 | + "vexed_fluffy_clownfish_dance": "Unmew", |
| 136 | + "royal_close_samuel_scold": "Mew", |
| 137 | + "lime_neat_ox_stab": "Unmog", |
| 138 | + "aware_helpful_marlin_drop": "Mog", |
| 139 | + "true_shy_jackal_drip": "Quote", |
| 140 | + "busy_merry_cowfish_absorb": "Actions", |
| 141 | + "slimy_least_ray_aid": "Mew rizz", |
| 142 | + "stale_new_ray_jolt": "Are you sure you want to mew this rizz?", |
| 143 | + "slimy_candid_tiger_read": "Mewing rizz...", |
| 144 | + "mealy_slow_buzzard_commend": "Rizz mewed", |
| 145 | + "odd_strong_halibut_prosper": "Unmewed rizz", |
| 146 | + "slow_blue_parrot_savor": "Are you sure you want to unmewed this rizz?", |
| 147 | + "busy_active_leopard_strive": "Unmewing rizz...", |
| 148 | + "fresh_direct_bear_affirm": "Rizz unmewed", |
| 149 | + "best_mellow_llama_surge": "Mog rizz", |
| 150 | + "salty_plain_mallard_gaze": "Are you sure you want to mog this rizz?", |
| 151 | + "late_sunny_cobra_scold": "Mogging rizz...", |
| 152 | + "weird_moving_hawk_lift": "Rizz mogged", |
| 153 | + "main_fancy_octopus_loop": "Unmog rizz", |
| 154 | + "odd_alive_swan_express": "Are you sure you want to unmog this rizz?", |
| 155 | + "white_sharp_gorilla_embrace": "Unmogging rizz...", |
| 156 | + "royal_polite_moose_catch": "Rizz unmogged", |
| 157 | + "mean_mean_badger_inspire": "Value", |
| 158 | + "antsy_whole_alligator_blink": "Confirm", |
| 159 | + "game_tough_seal_adore": "Mention someone", |
| 160 | + "plane_born_koala_hope": "Enable Markdown", |
| 161 | + "blue_ornate_coyote_tickle": "Insert pepe", |
| 162 | + "top_patchy_earthworm_vent": "Attach a file", |
| 163 | + "frail_broad_mallard_dart": "Mark as sensitive", |
| 164 | + "gaudy_strong_puma_slide": "Save", |
| 165 | + "free_teal_bulldog_learn": "Send", |
| 166 | + "last_mean_peacock_zip": "Can be seen by anyone.", |
| 167 | + "funny_slow_jannes_walk": "Unlisted", |
| 168 | + "grassy_empty_raven_startle": "Private", |
| 169 | + "pretty_bold_baboon_wave": "Direct", |
| 170 | + "grand_strong_gibbon_race": "Can be seen by anyone with the link.", |
| 171 | + "white_teal_ostrich_yell": "Can only be seen by your fanum taxers.", |
| 172 | + "lucky_mean_robin_link": "Can only be seen by mentioned NPCs.", |
| 173 | + "wise_late_fireant_walk": "Loading rizz data...", |
| 174 | + "loved_busy_mantis_slide": "Reply", |
| 175 | + "tired_grassy_vulture_forgive": "Reply to this rizz", |
| 176 | + "solid_slow_angelfish_pave": "Compose", |
| 177 | + "livid_livid_nils_snip": "Quote this rizz", |
| 178 | + "brief_cool_capybara_fear": "Compose a new rizz", |
| 179 | + "chunky_dull_marlin_trip": "Compose", |
| 180 | + "steep_suave_fish_snap": "No more data.", |
| 181 | + "muddy_bland_shark_accept": "You've scrolled so far, there's nothing left to show.", |
| 182 | + "petty_honest_fish_stir": "Either you're all caught up or there's nothing to show.", |
| 183 | + "fine_arable_lemming_fold": "There's nothing to show here.", |
| 184 | + "gaudy_bland_gorilla_talk": "Load More", |
| 185 | + "fancy_this_wasp_renew": "Your session has expired", |
| 186 | + "real_weird_deer_stop": "You have been logged out. Please log in again.", |
| 187 | + "sunny_quick_lionfish_flip": "Not signed in", |
| 188 | + "brave_known_pelican_drip": "This duke dennis requires you to be a real one. Please quit therapy to continue.", |
| 189 | + "chunky_awake_mallard_grow": "Rizz", |
| 190 | + "steep_sour_warthog_aim": "Loading", |
| 191 | + "tough_nice_ox_drum": "Skibidi", |
| 192 | + "noble_cute_ocelot_aim": "Register", |
| 193 | + "novel_fine_stork_snap": "Log in to your persona.", |
| 194 | + "smug_main_whale_snip": "Enter your credentials for <code>{host}</code>.", |
| 195 | + "aware_awful_crow_spur": "Here's your code", |
| 196 | + "mushy_soft_lizard_propel": "You have signed in successfully.", |
| 197 | + "short_arable_leopard_zap": "Paste the following code into your app:", |
| 198 | + "spare_aqua_warthog_mend": "Authorization Code", |
| 199 | + "fresh_broad_cockroach_radiate": "Authorize “{application}”?", |
| 200 | + "gross_antsy_kangaroo_succeed": "You are signing in to <b>{application}</b> with your persona.", |
| 201 | + "hour_close_giraffe_mop": "This allows <b>{application}</b> to perform the above actions.", |
| 202 | + "last_spare_polecat_reside": "Authorize", |
| 203 | + "lower_factual_frog_evoke": "Authorization", |
| 204 | + "awake_ago_capybara_kick": "$VERB your persona information", |
| 205 | + "teary_zesty_racoon_transform": "$VERB your block list", |
| 206 | + "whole_flaky_nuthatch_rush": "$VERB your bookmarks", |
| 207 | + "still_spicy_lionfish_quell": "$VERB your favourites", |
| 208 | + "away_mean_dolphin_empower": "$VERB your filters", |
| 209 | + "sleek_empty_penguin_radiate": "$VERB your fanum taxed", |
| 210 | + "every_silly_racoon_lift": "$VERB your lists", |
| 211 | + "top_careful_scallop_clip": "$VERB your mutes", |
| 212 | + "this_short_bulldog_walk": "$VERB your death threats", |
| 213 | + "fresh_odd_rook_forgive": "Perform searches", |
| 214 | + "witty_whole_capybara_pull": "$VERB your rizzes", |
| 215 | + "agent_warm_javelina_blink": "Edit your conversations", |
| 216 | + "dirty_red_jellyfish_ascend": "Upload media", |
| 217 | + "crisp_vivid_seahorse_tend": "Report NPCs", |
| 218 | + "teary_such_jay_fade": "Read and write", |
| 219 | + "smug_safe_warthog_dare": "Read", |
| 220 | + "loose_large_blackbird_peek": "Write", |
| 221 | + "late_mean_capybara_fade": "Success", |
| 222 | + "brave_acidic_lobster_fetch": "Your weener has been reset. You can now log in with your new weener.", |
| 223 | + "every_tangy_koala_persist": "Back to duke dennis", |
| 224 | + "good_plane_gazelle_glow": "Your weener has been reset by an administrator. Please change it here.", |
| 225 | + "east_loud_lobster_explore": "Info", |
| 226 | + "solid_slow_platypus_talk": "Enter your new weener below. Make sure to put it in a weener manager.", |
| 227 | + "tired_green_sloth_evoke": "Reset your weener", |
| 228 | + "true_male_gadfly_stab": "New weener", |
| 229 | + "awful_cozy_jannes_rise": "Confirm weener", |
| 230 | + "noisy_round_skate_yell": "Reset", |
| 231 | + "smart_bold_macaw_aid": "Must be at least {count} characters long", |
| 232 | + "dry_smug_goldfish_promise": "Must be at most {count} characters long", |
| 233 | + "candid_fancy_leopard_prosper": "Weeners do not match", |
| 234 | + "arable_arable_herring_lead": "Reset Weener", |
| 235 | + "broad_whole_herring_reside": "Decisions", |
| 236 | + "tasty_late_termite_sew": "Persona", |
| 237 | + "actual_mean_cow_dare": "Persona Decisions", |
| 238 | + "suave_smart_mantis_climb": "Pepes", |
| 239 | + "lucky_suave_myna_adore": "Ask your administrator to add some Pepes.", |
| 240 | + "actual_steep_llama_rest": "No Pepes found.", |
| 241 | + "mild_many_dolphin_mend": "Pepe Decisions", |
| 242 | + "lucky_ago_rat_pinch": "Uncategorized", |
| 243 | + "empty_awful_lark_dart": "NPC not found.", |
| 244 | + "clean_even_mayfly_tap": "Check for typos or try again later.", |
| 245 | + "vexed_each_falcon_enjoy": "Error", |
| 246 | + "wide_topical_vole_walk": "Create a persona", |
| 247 | + "keen_clean_nils_slurp": "NPC name", |
| 248 | + "top_inclusive_wallaby_hack": "Email address", |
| 249 | + "happy_house_dragonfly_clap": "Weeners are never stored in plain text.", |
| 250 | + "early_last_ocelot_praise": "Register", |
| 251 | + "safe_candid_horse_jump": "Registrations are disabled on this instance.", |
| 252 | + "wide_away_cat_taste": "Sorry :c", |
| 253 | + "sea_maroon_peacock_yell": "Must be lowercase letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens", |
| 254 | + "civil_loose_coyote_jump": "You must agree to the Terms of Service", |
| 255 | + "plane_quick_chipmunk_rush": "I agree to the", |
| 256 | + "glad_last_crow_dine": "Terms of Service", |
| 257 | + "left_maroon_myna_drip": "You've successfully registered. You can now log in with your new persona.", |
| 258 | + "steep_aqua_fox_harbor": "Sigma Tips", |
| 259 | + "silly_sour_fireant_fear": "Failed to create app", |
| 260 | + "level_due_ox_greet": "Signing in...", |
| 261 | + "candid_frail_lion_value": "Failed to generate auth URL", |
| 262 | + "wide_least_samuel_conquer": "Style of the left sidebar.", |
| 263 | + "fluffy_north_crow_blink": "Inset", |
| 264 | + "day_polite_newt_loop": "Sidebar", |
| 265 | + "jolly_mad_jackdaw_assure": "Floating", |
| 266 | + "agent_misty_firefox_arise": "Shape of all NPC avatars.", |
| 267 | + "polite_awful_ladybug_greet": "Round", |
| 268 | + "sad_each_cowfish_lock": "Square", |
| 269 | + "fit_cool_bulldog_dine": "Avatar Shape", |
| 270 | + "deft_seemly_donkey_slide": "Sidebar Style", |
| 271 | + "quaint_clear_boar_attend": "Render MFM", |
| 272 | + "aloof_helpful_larva_spur": "Render Misskey-Flavoured Markdown.", |
| 273 | + "smart_awake_dachshund_view": "Custom CSS", |
| 274 | + "loved_topical_rat_coax": "Custom CSS for the UI.", |
| 275 | + "wise_neat_ox_buzz": "Dark", |
| 276 | + "each_strong_snail_aid": "Light", |
| 277 | + "helpful_raw_seal_nurture": "System", |
| 278 | + "male_stout_florian_feast": "UI theme.", |
| 279 | + "hour_elegant_mink_grip": "Theme", |
| 280 | + "loud_raw_sheep_imagine": "Render Pepe", |
| 281 | + "inclusive_pink_tuna_enjoy": "Render Pepe. Requires a duke dennis reload to apply.", |
| 282 | + "fair_swift_elephant_hunt": "Blur Sensitive Content", |
| 283 | + "gray_minor_bee_endure": "Blur rizzes marked sensitive/spoiler.", |
| 284 | + "stock_large_marten_comfort": "Background URL", |
| 285 | + "mean_weird_donkey_stab": "Change the background image of the site.", |
| 286 | + "tired_jumpy_rook_slurp": "Notifications Sidebar", |
| 287 | + "wide_new_robin_empower": "Display a sidebar with notifications on desktop.", |
| 288 | + "less_early_lionfish_honor": "Fluent Pepe (flat version)", |
| 289 | + "many_tasty_midge_zoom": "Fluent Pepe", |
| 290 | + "shy_clear_spider_cook": "Noto Pepe", |
| 291 | + "new_brave_maggot_relish": "Twitter Pepe", |
| 292 | + "slimy_sound_termite_hug": "Operating System", |
| 293 | + "warm_round_dove_skip": "Theme used for rendering Pepe. Requires a duke dennis reload to apply.", |
| 294 | + "weak_bad_martin_glow": "Pepe Theme", |
| 295 | + "equal_blue_zebra_launch": "Ctrl+Enter to Send", |
| 296 | + "heavy_pink_meerkat_affirm": "Send a rizz by pressing ⌘+Enter or Ctrl+Enter.", |
| 297 | + "north_nimble_turkey_transform": "Popup Skibidi Hover", |
| 298 | + "bold_moving_fly_savor": "Show skibidi popup when hovering over an NPC's avatar.", |
| 299 | + "plane_dark_salmon_pout": "Automatically load more rizzes when reaching the bottom of the duke.", |
| 300 | + "helpful_early_worm_laugh": "Confirm before cooking a rizz.", |
| 301 | + "trite_salty_eel_race": "Confirm Cook", |
| 302 | + "sleek_this_earthworm_hug": "Infinite Scroll", |
| 303 | + "jolly_empty_bullock_mend": "Confirm Fanum Tax", |
| 304 | + "calm_male_wombat_relish": "Confirm before fanum taxing/fanum rebating an NPC.", |
| 305 | + "wacky_inner_osprey_intend": "Confirm before mogging a rizz.", |
| 306 | + "honest_great_rooster_taste": "Confirm Mog", |
| 307 | + "patchy_basic_alligator_inspire": "Confirm Mew", |
| 308 | + "antsy_weak_raven_treat": "Confirm before mewing a rizz.", |
| 309 | + "fuzzy_orange_tuna_succeed": "Mentioned you", |
| 310 | + "grand_proof_quail_read": "Mogged your rizz", |
| 311 | + "top_steep_scallop_care": "Fanum taxed you", |
| 312 | + "swift_just_beetle_devour": "Mewed your rizz", |
| 313 | + "seemly_short_thrush_bloom": "Requested to fanum tax you", |
| 314 | + "weird_seemly_termite_scold": "Accepted your fanum tax request", |
| 315 | + "pretty_born_jackal_dial": "Language", |
| 316 | + "tired_happy_lobster_pet": "Change the language of the interface. Requires a reload to apply.", |
| 317 | + "keen_aware_goldfish_thrive": "English", |
| 318 | + "vivid_mellow_sawfish_approve": "French", |
| 319 | + "these_awful_ape_reside": "Pirate", |
| 320 | + "gray_clean_shark_comfort": "The following rizzy parameters are required:", |
| 321 | + "grand_spry_goldfish_embrace": "Invalid URI parameters", |
| 322 | + "honest_factual_carp_aspire": "Are you sure you want to ax this pepe?", |
| 323 | + "flat_safe_haddock_gaze": "Upload", |
| 324 | + "orange_weird_parakeet_hug": "Image must be less than {count} bytes", |
| 325 | + "solid_inclusive_owl_hug": "Shortcode must be less than {count} characters", |
| 326 | + "key_ago_hound_emerge": "Description must be less than {count} characters", |
| 327 | + "pink_sharp_carp_work": "Global emoji", |
| 328 | + "dark_pretty_hyena_link": "Can be used by every NPC, not just you", |
| 329 | + "home_cool_orangutan_hug": "Category must be less than {count} characters", |
| 330 | + "sound_topical_gopher_offer": "Required", |
| 331 | + "watery_left_shrimp_bless": "Description", |
| 332 | + "weird_fun_jurgen_arise": "Useful for people with screen readers, or poor network conditions.", |
| 333 | + "short_cute_jackdaw_comfort": "Category", |
| 334 | + "happy_mild_fox_gleam": "Shortcode", |
| 335 | + "active_direct_bear_compose": "Image", |
| 336 | + "lime_late_millipede_urge": "Recommended size: 128x128px. Every image type is allowed.", |
| 337 | + "factual_gray_mouse_believe": "Uploading emoji...", |
| 338 | + "cool_trite_gull_quiz": "Emoji uploaded!", |
| 339 | + "kind_deft_myna_hint": "Failed to upload emoji.", |
| 340 | + "frail_great_marten_pet": "Upload a new emoji to the server.", |
| 341 | + "whole_icy_puffin_smile": "Upload Emoji", |
| 342 | + "due_hour_husky_prosper": "Change image", |
| 343 | + "inclusive_long_lizard_boost": "Gravatar", |
| 344 | + "proud_next_elk_beam": "URL", |
| 345 | + "lower_formal_kudu_lift": "Gravatar email", |
| 346 | + "witty_honest_wallaby_support": "Preview", |
| 347 | + "loud_tense_kitten_exhale": "Default Visibility", |
| 348 | + "vivid_last_crocodile_offer": "The default visibility for new notes." |
| 349 | +} |
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