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Our 1st place entry for IEEE University of Porto Student Branch 2022 Retro Jam was 'The Operator', a game made in 48 47 hours (we'll never forgive you, summer solstice) for the TIC-80 fantasy console by a team of five software engineers. The jam's theme was ENTANGLEMENT.
See all jam entries on its page.
Set in the 1920s, Nichole Tangle, a phone operator with a grudge against the patriarchy, is invited by a mysterious man to rob a bank. This man has no connections in the criminal world so he resorts to Nichole to try and find people fit for the job by listening into incoming phone calls. Pick the best crew for the job and perform the heist of your life.
Throughout the game you will need to forward incoming calls to the correct recipients. Do this by dragging a wire tip to the incoming (blinking green) light, the other tip to the operator knob located at the bottom, reading the prompt and connecting to the correct location displayed on the switchboard. Don't forget to pay attention to the dialogue so that you can memorize which people will be valuable to your crew! In the game's cutscenes, you can skip the text by pressing 'Z'. | SoundCloud |
This project was made possible due to these blokes' dedication:
- Diogo Dores (@diogodores): script and code
- João Conde (@joao-conde): code
- José Borges (@zepedrob16): code
- Miguel Mano (@aquelemiguel): sound and code
- Pedro Reis (@veryprofessionaldodo): art and code