# If you have already added it, please skip.
$ helm repo add nebula-exporter https://vesoft-inc.github.io/nebula-stats-exporter/charts
$ helm repo update
See helm repo for command documentation.
export NEBULA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE=nebula # the namespace you want to install the nebula exporter
export CHART_VERSION=v3.3.0 # the chart version of Nebula Exporter
$ kubectl create namespace "${NEBULA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE}" # If you have already created it, please skip.
$ helm install nebula-exporter nebula-exporter/nebula-exporter \
# Please wait a while for the cluster to be ready.
$ kubectl -n "${NEBULA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE}" get pod -l "app.kubernetes.io/instance=nebula-exporter"
nebula-exporter-5964b765c9-4xfkm 1/1 Running 0 44s
represents the chart version of Nebula Exporter. For example, v3.3.0. You can view the currently supported versions by running thehelm search repo -l nebula-exporter
See helm install for command documentation.
$ helm upgrade nebula-exporter nebula-exporter/nebula-exporter \
--version=${CHART_VERSION} \
--set replicaCount=2
# Please wait a while for the cluster to be ready.
$ kubectl -n "${NEBULA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE}" get pod -l "app.kubernetes.io/instance=nebula-exporter"
nebula-exporter-5964b765c9-4xfkm 1/1 Running 0 44s
nebula-exporter-5964b765c9-t26n2 1/1 Running 0 83s
See helm upgrade for command documentation.
$ helm uninstall nebula-exporter --namespace="${NEBULA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE}"
See helm uninstall for command documentation.
See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run the following command:
$ helm show values nebula-exporter/nebula-exporter
The following table lists is the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
nameOverride |
Override the name of the chart | "" |
fullnameOverride |
Override the full name of the chart | "" |
cluster |
Which Nebula Cluster's metrics to collect, default is all clusters in the same namespace | "" |
replicaCount |
Nebula stats exporter replica number | 1 |
startUp.listenPort |
The nebula metrics server listening port | 9100 |
startUp.maxRequests |
Maximum number of parallel scrape requests, use 0 for no limit | 40 |
image.repository |
Nebula stats exporter image repository | vesoft/nebula-stats-exporter |
image.tag |
Nebula stats exporter image tag | v3.3.0 |
image.pullPolicy |
Nebula stats exporter imagePullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether a service account should be created | true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} |
serviceAccount.name |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | nebula-exporter |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
Whether to enable serviceMonitor | false |
serviceMonitor.prometheusServiceMatchLabels |
The prometheus ServiceMatchLabels, use kubectl -n ${namespace}get prometheus ${name} -o=jsonpath='{.spec.serviceMonitorSelector.matchLabels}' to find. |
{} |
ingress.enabled |
Whether to enable ingress | false |
ingress.annotations |
The annotations for ingress | {} |
ingress.hosts |
The hosts for ingress | chart-example.local |
ingress.paths |
The paths for ingress | ["/metrics"] |
ingress.tls |
The tls for ingress | [] |
ingress.ingressClass |
The ingressClass for ingress | "" |
podAnnotations |
Nebula stats exporter pod annotations | {} |
podLabels |
Nebula stats exporter pod labels | {} |
livenessProbe |
Nebula stats exporter livenessProbe | {"failureThreshold":2,"httpGet":{"path":"/health","scheme":"HTTP"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":10} |
nodeSelector |
Nebula stats exporter nodeSelector | {} |
tolerations |
Nebula stats exporter tolerations | {} |
affinity |
Nebula stats exporter affinity | {} |
See example for details.