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class: center, middle

Hey, Erlang

Pre-alpha Kottans courses

class: center,middle

OTP. Application structure.

Lecture 7.

class: center,middle


Application structure

class: center


Application structure

--- # OTP ## Application structure

What is application in OTP? It's a component that can be started and stopped as a stand-alone unit and which can be reused by other applications. Also it's a base module for building OTP application (it uses behaviour application).


Application structure

What is application in OTP? It's a component that can be started and stopped as a stand-alone unit and which can be reused by other applications. Also it's a base module for building OTP application (it uses behaviour application).

At second, application in OTP is, frankly speaking, a supervision tree. Application module launches first supervisor, supervisor launches other workers and supervisors. You can see supervision tree of application using Erlang observer. It usually launches as standalone node in same claster to avoid impact to target system. Let's try it:

1$> erl -sname node1 -setcookie secret
2$> erl -sname observer -setcookie secret -hidden -run observer


Application structure

What is application in OTP? It's a component that can be started and stopped as a stand-alone unit and which can be reused by other applications. Also it's a base module for building OTP application (it uses behaviour application).

At second, application in OTP is, frankly speaking, a supervision tree. Application module launches first supervisor, supervisor launches other workers and supervisors. You can see supervision tree of application using Erlang observer. It usually launches as standalone node in same claster to avoid impact to target system. Let's try it:

1$> erl -sname node1 -setcookie secret
2$> erl -sname observer -setcookie secret -hidden -run observer

For now let's create our first application step by step. It will just receive messages and show them.


Application structure

Please create a folder named app_2. It will be our project root. And we need some additional folders inside - it's ebin, which will contain our BEAMs, it's include which will contain our record definitions (will not be used here) and it's source which will contain our source files.


Application structure

Please create a folder named app_2. It will be our project root. And we need some additional folders inside - it's ebin, which will contain our BEAMs, it's include which will contain our record definitions (will not be used here) and it's source which will contain our source files.

$> mkdir app_2
$> mkdir app_2/{ebin,include,source}


Application structure

Please create a folder named app_2. It will be our project root. And we need some additional folders inside - it's ebin, which will contain our BEAMs, it's include which will contain our record definitions (will not be used here) and it's source which will contain our source files.

$> mkdir app_2
$> mkdir app_2/{ebin,include,source}

Let's start with application resource file.


Application structure

Let's create file in project root. Here is the contents:

{application, app_2,
 [{description, "First application"},
  {vsn, "1.0"},
  {modules, []}, % for now we leave this empty, but we should add modules here after
  {registered, []}, % registered processes
  {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}, % dependecies
  {mod, {app_2,[]}} % it's a module, in which function `start` will be called


Application structure.

If we'll start application with application:load(app_2), we'll receive an error, because we haven't module named app_2 with function start in it. Let's create it in src folder.


-export([start/2, stop/1]).

start(_Type, _Args) ->
stop(_Stop) ->


Application structure

But to compile created file we need to make it first. Let's create Emakefile

  {outdir, "ebin/"},
  {i, "include/."},

And compile it:

%> erl -make
Recompile: src/app_2

app_2.beam appeared in ebin!


Application structure

So, it's time to try to start our application. What we need to do? Let's take a look at loaded applications list before:

1> application:loaded_applications().
[{kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.2"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.4"}]


Application structure

So, it's time to try to start our application. What we need to do? Let's take a look at loaded applications list before:

1> application:loaded_applications().
[{kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.2"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.4"}]

And now it's time to try to load our application.

2> application:load(app_2).
3> application:loaded_applications().
[{app_2,"First application","1.0"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.2"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.4"}]


Application structure

But when we'll try to launch our application, we'll receive failure.

1> application:start(app_2).

=INFO REPORT==== 10-Aug-2015::17:49:20 ===
    application: app_2
    exited: {bad_return,
    type: temporary


Application structure

This happened because application behaviour expects from us return in other format. Let's take a look at kernel/application_master:start_it_old.

start_it_old(Tag, From, Type, ApplData) ->
    {M,A} = ApplData#appl_data.mod,
    case catch M:start(Type, A) of
  {ok, Pid} ->
      From ! {Tag, {ok, self()}},
      loop_it(From, Pid, M, []);
  {ok, Pid, AppState} ->
      From ! {Tag, {ok, self()}},
      loop_it(From, Pid, M, AppState);
  {'EXIT', normal} ->
      From ! {Tag, {error, {{'EXIT',normal},{M,start,[Type,A]}}}};
  {error, Reason} ->
      From ! {Tag, {error, {Reason, {M,start,[Type,A]}}}};
  Other ->
      From ! {Tag, {error, {bad_return,{{M,start,[Type,A]},Other}}}}


Application structure

Ah ok. So we need to return tuple with {ok, PID} or {ok, PID, AppState}. The simpliest solution will be to return PID. But which process we need to launch? So, let's come back to supervisor and their trees.


Application structure

Ah ok. So we need to return tuple with {ok, PID} or {ok, PID, AppState}. The simpliest solution will be to return PID. But which process we need to launch? So, let's come back to supervisor and their trees.

As you remember from previous explanations, application launches master, or root, supervisor which is needed to run all other processes within our applications. Let's go deeper with supervisor and how it works.

class: center,middle



class: center



--- # OTP ## Supervisor

So, supervisor is responsible for starting, stopping and monitoring it's child processes. List of child processes is specified by child specification list. It's passed as argument by first function you need from this behaviour named start_link.



So, supervisor is responsible for starting, stopping and monitoring it's child processes. List of child processes is specified by child specification list. It's passed as argument by first function you need from this behaviour named start_link.

What is child specification? It's next tuple:

child_spec() = #{id => child_id(),       % mandatory
                 start => mfargs(),      % mandatory
                 restart => restart(),   % optional
                 shutdown => shutdown(), % optional
                 type => worker(),       % optional
                 modules => modules()}   % optional
    child_id() = term()
    mfargs() = {M :: module(), F :: atom(), A :: [term()]}
    modules() = [module()] | dynamic
    restart() = permanent | transient | temporary
    shutdown() = brutal_kill | timeout()
    worker() = worker | supervisor



Let's take a look at easiest form of child specification:

#{id => ch3, % id of child
  start => {ch3, start_link, []} % we'll call ch3:start_link
  shutdown => brutal_kill} % we'll terminate child using exit(Child,kill). another option is integer timeout(), 
  % and supervisor will send exit(Child, shutdown) and await corresponding exit signal from child.



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:

  • id - it's internal id of this child in supervisor registry.



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:

  • id - it's internal id of this child in supervisor registry.
  • start - defines a function call used to start the child process. It must return {ok, Pid} with PID of child, or {ok, Pid, State}, but this State is ignored by supervisor.



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:

  • id - it's internal id of this child in supervisor registry.
  • start - defines a function call used to start the child process. It must return {ok, Pid} with PID of child, or {ok, Pid, State}, but this State is ignored by supervisor.
  • restart - defines a strategy of children relaunch. permanent will always be restarted, temporary will never be restarted and transient will restart if exit signal of child differs from normal, shutdown or {shutdown, Term}.



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:

  • id - it's internal id of this child in supervisor registry.
  • start - defines a function call used to start the child process. It must return {ok, Pid} with PID of child, or {ok, Pid, State}, but this State is ignored by supervisor.
  • restart - defines a strategy of children relaunch. permanent will always be restarted, temporary will never be restarted and transient will restart if exit signal of child differs from normal, shutdown or {shutdown, Term}.
  • shutdown - defines how child process will be terminated. You can pass brutal_kill or integer timeout here. In case of brutal_kill supervisor will just terminate child using exit(Child, kill) signal, and in case of timeout we'll send exit(Child, shutdown) and await for answer first, but finish with exit(Child,kill) if timeout has been reached.



Let's take a closer look on supervisor child specification params:

  • id - it's internal id of this child in supervisor registry.
  • start - defines a function call used to start the child process. It must return {ok, Pid} with PID of child, or {ok, Pid, State}, but this State is ignored by supervisor.
  • restart - defines a strategy of children relaunch. permanent will always be restarted, temporary will never be restarted and transient will restart if exit signal of child differs from normal, shutdown or {shutdown, Term}.
  • shutdown - defines how child process will be terminated. You can pass brutal_kill or integer timeout here. In case of brutal_kill supervisor will just terminate child using exit(Child, kill) signal, and in case of timeout we'll send exit(Child, shutdown) and await for answer first, but finish with exit(Child,kill) if timeout has been reached.
  • type specifies if child process is supervisor or worker.



Now we are ready to take a look at start_link/0 and init/1 callbacks of supervisor.



Now we are ready to take a look at start_link/0 and init/1 callbacks of supervisor.

start_link/0 is the callback function which need to launch original supervisor:start_link/2 and pass as params the atom name of callback module and params for init/1.



Now we are ready to take a look at start_link/0 and init/1 callbacks of supervisor.

start_link/0 is the callback function which need to launch original supervisor:start_link/2 and pass as params the atom name of callback module and params for init/1.

init/1 in general looks like:

init(_Args) ->
    SupFlags = #{},
    ChildSpecs = [#{id => ch3,
                    start => {ch3, start_link, []},
                    shutdown => brutal_kill}],
    {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.



Let's take a look at supervisor flags.

sup_flags() = #{strategy => strategy(),         % optional
                intensity => non_neg_integer(), % optional
                period => pos_integer()}        % optional
                % If more than "intensity" restarts occurs in "period",
                % supervisor will terminate child processes and then itself.
    strategy() = one_for_all
               | one_for_one
               | rest_for_one
               | simple_one_for_one



Strategies. We know at least:



Strategies. We know at least:

  • one_for_one. If child process is terminated, only that process is restarted.



Strategies. We know at least:

  • one_for_one. If child process is terminated, only that process is restarted.
  • one_for_all. If child process is terminated, all other child processes are terminated, and all of them are restarted.



Strategies. We know at least:

  • one_for_one. If child process is terminated, only that process is restarted.
  • one_for_all. If child process is terminated, all other child processes are terminated, and all of them are restarted.
  • rest_for_one. If child process is terminated, the rest of the child processes (that is, the child processes after the terminated process in start order) are terminated. Then the terminated child process and the rest of the child processes are restarted.


Application structure

Let's come back to our simple application. So to launch application in proper way we need to a supervisor before. Our supervisor have to implement 2 functions: start_link/0 and init/1 which is launched after proper starting of link.


Application structure

Let's come back to our simple application. So to launch application in proper way we need to a supervisor before. Our supervisor have to implement 2 functions: start_link/0 and init/1 which is launched after proper starting of link.

-export([start_link/0, init/1]).


start_link() ->
  supervisor:start_link(app_2_sup, []).

init(_Args) ->
  {ok, {one_for_one, 1, 60}, []}.


Application structure

And we need to change our .app file and application module itself. Application module goes first:


-export([start/2, stop/1]).

start(_Type, _Args) ->
  app_2_sup:start_link(). % we start a root supervisor from application process
stop(_Stop) ->


Application structure

And we need to change our .app file and application module itself. Application specification goes second:

{application, app_2,
 [{description, "First application"},
  {vsn, "1.0"},
  {modules, [app_2_sup]}, % we've added our supervisor here
  {registered, []},
  {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
  {mod, {app_2,[]}}

class: center,middle

End of Lecture 7

Subject of next lecture: OTP. gen_server and gen_fsm

class: center,middle

Bye, folks!

Joe with notebook