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268 lines (197 loc) · 9.82 KB

File metadata and controls

268 lines (197 loc) · 9.82 KB

Change Log

Version 1.13.0


  • Okio now uses @Nullable to annotate all possibly-null values. We've added a compile-time dependency on the JSR 305 annotations. This is a provided dependency and does not need to be included in your build configuration, .jar file, or .apk. We use @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault and all parameters and return types are never null unless explicitly annotated @Nullable.

  • Warning: this release is source-incompatible for Kotlin users. Nullability was previously ambiguous and lenient but now the compiler will enforce strict null checks.

Version 1.12.0


  • Fix: Change Pipe's sink.flush() to not block. Previously closing a pipe's sink would block until the source had been exhausted. In practice this blocked the caller for no benefit.
  • Fix: Change writeUtf8CodePoint() to emit ? for partial surrogates. The previous behavior was inconsistent: given a malformed string with a partial surrogate, writeUtf8() emitted ? but writeUtf8CodePoint() threw an IllegalArgumentException. Most applications will never encounter partial surrogates, but for those that do this behavior was unexpected.
  • New: Allow length of readUtf8LineStrict() to be limited.
  • New: Utf8.size() method to get the number of bytes required to encode a string as UTF-8. This may be useful for length-prefixed encodings.
  • New: SHA-512 hash and HMAC APIs.

Version 1.11.0


  • Fix: The four-argument overload of Buffer.writeString() had a major bug where it didn't respect offsets if the specified charset was UTF-8. This was because our short-circuit optimization omitted necessary offset parameters.
  • New: HMAC support in HashingSource, HashingSink, ByteString, and Buffer. This makes it easy to create a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) wherever your data is. Unlike the other hashes, HMAC uses a ByteString secret key for authentication.
  • New: ByteString.of(ByteBuffer) makes it easier to mix NIO with Okio.

Version 1.10.0


  • Fix: Support reading files larger than 2 GiB with GzipSource. Previously attempting to decompress such files would fail due to an overflow when validating the total length.
  • Fix: Exit the watchdog thread after being idle for 60 seconds. This should make it possible for class unloaders to fully unload Okio.
  • New: Okio.blackhole() returns a sink where all bytes written are discarded. This is Okio's equivalent of /dev/null.
  • New: Encode a string with any charset using ByteString.encodeString() and decode strings in any charset using ByteString.string(). Most applications should prefer ByteString.encodeUtf8() and ByteString.utf8() unless it's necessary to support a legacy charset.
  • New: GzipSink.deflater() makes it possible to configure the compression level.

Version 1.9.0


  • New: Pipe makes it easy to connect a producer thread to a consumer thread. Reads block until data is available to read. Writes block if the pipe's is full. Both sources and sinks support timeouts.
  • New: BufferedSource.rangeEquals() makes it easy to compare a range in a stream to an expected value. This does the right thing: it blocks to load the data required return a definitive result. But it won't block unnecessarily.
  • New: Timeout.waitUntilNotified() makes it possible to use nice timeout abstractions on Java's built-in wait/notify primitives.
  • Fix: Don't return incorrect results when HashingSource does large reads. There was a bug where it wasn't traversing through the segments of the buffer being hashed. This means that HashingSource was returning incorrect answers for any writes that spanned multiple segment boundaries.

Version 1.8.0


  • New: API for reading one of a set of expected values.
  • New: Make ByteString.toString() and Buffer.toString() friendlier. These methods return text if the byte string is valid UTF-8.
  • New: APIs to match byte strings: indexOf(), startsWith(), and endsWith().

Version 1.7.0


  • New: Change the segment size to 8 KiB. This has been reported to dramatically improve performance in some applications.
  • New: md5(), sha1(), and sha256() methods on Buffer. Also add a sha1() method on ByteString for symmetry.
  • New: HashingSource and HashingSink. These classes are Okio’s equivalent to the JDK’s DigestInputStream and DigestOutputStream. They offer convenient md5(), sha1(), and sha256() factory methods to avoid an impossible NoSuchAlgorithmException.
  • New: ByteString.asByteBuffer().
  • Fix: Limit snapshot byte strings to requested size.
  • Fix: Change write timeouts to have a maximum write size. Previously large writes could easly suffer timeouts because the entire write was subject to a single timeout.
  • Fix: Recover from EBADF failures, which could be triggered by asynchronously closing a stream on older versions of Android.
  • Fix: Don't share segments if doing so only saves a small copy. This should improve performance for all applications.
  • Fix: Optimize BufferedSource.indexOfElement() and indexOf(ByteString). Previously this method had a bug that caused it to be very slow on large buffers.

Version 1.6.0


  • New: BufferedSource.indexOf(ByteString) searches a source for the next occurrence of a byte string.
  • Fix: Recover from unexpected AssertionError thrown on Android 4.2.2 and earlier when asynchronously closing a socket.

Version 1.5.0


  • Sockets streams now throw SocketTimeoutException. This builds on new extension point in AsyncTimeout to customize the exception when a timeout occurs.
  • New: ByteString now implements Comparable. The comparison sorts bytes as unsigned: {@code ff} sorts after {@code 00}.

Version 1.4.0


  • Timeout exception changed. Previously Timeout.throwIfReached() would throw InterruptedIOException on thread interruption, and IOException if the deadline was reached. Now it throws InterruptedIOException in both cases.
  • Fix: throw EOFException when attempting to read digits from an empty source. Previously this would crash with an unchecked exception.
  • New: APIs to read and write UTF-8 code points without allocating strings.
  • New: BufferedSink can now write substrings directly, potentially saving an allocation for some callers.
  • New: ForwardingTimeout class.

Version 1.3.0


  • New: Read and write signed decimal and unsigned hexadecimal values in BufferedSource and BufferedSink. Unlike the alternatives, these methods don’t do any memory allocations!
  • New: Segment sharing. This improves the runtime of operations like Buffer.clone() and Buffer.copyTo() by sharing underlying segments between buffers.
  • New: Buffer.snapshot() returns an immutable snapshot of a buffer as a ByteString. This builds on segment sharing so that snapshots are shallow, immutable copies.
  • New: ByteString.rangeEquals().
  • New: ByteString.md5() and ByteString.sha256().
  • New: ByteString.base64Url() returns URL-safe Base64. The existing decoding method has been extended to support URL-safe Base64 input.
  • New: ByteString.substring() returns a prefix, infix, or suffix.
  • New: Sink now implements
  • Fix: Buffer.write(Source, long) now always writes fully. The previous behavior would return as soon as any data had been written; this was inconsistent with all other write() methods in the API.
  • Fix: don't leak empty segments in DeflaterSink and InflaterSource. (This was unlikely to cause problems in practice.)

Version 1.2.0


  • Fix: Okio.buffer() always buffers for better predictability.
  • Fix: Provide context when readUtf8LineStrict() throws.
  • Fix: Buffers do not call through the Source on zero-byte writes.

Version 1.1.0


  • Do UTF-8 encoding natively for a performance increase, particularly on Android.
  • New APIs: BufferedSink.emit(), BufferedSource.request() and BufferedSink.indexOfElement().
  • Fixed a performance bug in Buffer.indexOf()

Version 1.0.1


  • Added read(byte[]), read(byte[], offset, byteCount), and void readFully(byte[]) to BufferedSource.
  • Refined declared checked exceptions on Buffer methods.

Version 1.0.0


  • Bumped release version. No other changes!

Version 0.9.0


  • Use 0 as a sentinel for no timeout.
  • Make AsyncTimeout public.
  • Remove checked exception from Buffer.readByteArray.

Version 0.8.0


  • Eagerly verify preconditions on public APIs.
  • Quick return on Buffer instance equivalence.
  • Add delegate types for Sink and Source.
  • Small changes to the way deadlines are managed.
  • Add append variant of Okio.sink for File.
  • Methods to exhaust BufferedSource to byte[] and ByteString.

Version 0.7.0


  • Don't use getters in timeout.
  • Use the watchdog to interrupt sockets that have reached deadlines.
  • Add and java.nio file source/sink helpers.

Version 0.6.1


  • Methods to read a buffered source fully in UTF-8 or supplied charset.
  • API to read a byte[] directly.
  • New methods to move all data from a source to a sink.
  • Fix a bug on input stream exhaustion.

Version 0.6.0


  • Make ByteString serializable.
  • New API: ByteString.of(byte[] data, int offset, int byteCount)
  • New API: stream-based copy, write, and read helpers.

Version 0.5.0


  • Initial public release.
  • Imported from OkHttp.