diff --git a/assets/components/movement-sensor/movement-sensor-control-tab.png b/assets/components/movement-sensor/movement-sensor-control-tab.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92f87f12b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/components/movement-sensor/movement-sensor-control-tab.png differ
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/adxl345.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/adxl345.md
index 3d0483a19a..ca485c4a2d 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/adxl345.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/adxl345.md
@@ -131,3 +131,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Default Value | Description
`interrupt_pin` | string | **Required** | The `name` of the [digital interrupt](/components/board/#digital_interrupts) you configured for the pin on the [board](/components/board/) wired to the `accelerometer_pin`.
`threshold` | float | Optional | The acceleration on each axis is compared with this value to determine if a free-fall event occurred (in milligrams, between 0 and 15,937).
Default: `437.5`
`time_ms` | float | Optional | Unsigned time value representing the minimum time that the value of all axes must be less than `threshold` to generate a free-fall interrupt (in milliseconds, between 0 and 1,275).
Default: `160`
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/cameramono.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/cameramono.md
index 173f931f69..2b03bb53f8 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/cameramono.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/cameramono.md
@@ -96,3 +96,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description
---- | ---- | --------- | -----------
`camera` | string | **Required** | The `name` of the [camera](/components/camera/) you want to use for visual odometry.
`motion_estimation_config` | object | **Required** | See [motionestimation.go in RDK](https://github.com/viamrobotics/rdk/blob/99f62a1640f4c267b744bdfc2924e9fd4f7a3c60/vision/odometry/motionestimation.go).
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/fake.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/fake.md
index d5797fc432..c8ba63ce7a 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/fake.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/fake.md
@@ -59,3 +59,5 @@ Edit and fill in the attributes as applicable.
{{% /tab %}}
{{< /tabs >}}
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-pmtk.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-pmtk.md
index 812953a3df..bd6a7b3d33 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-pmtk.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-pmtk.md
@@ -121,3 +121,5 @@ You will need to research the options available to you.
If you are not sure where to start, check out this [GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide from SparkFun](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/gps-rtk2-hookup-guide/connecting-the-zed-f9p-to-a-correction-source).
{{% /alert %}}
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-serial.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-serial.md
index b194c52f56..efb264f817 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-serial.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea-rtk-serial.md
@@ -119,3 +119,5 @@ You will need to research the options available to you.
If you are not sure where to start, check out this [GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide from SparkFun](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/gps-rtk2-hookup-guide/connecting-the-zed-f9p-to-a-correction-source).
{{% /alert %}}
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea.md
index dd4496668e..4209e6d001 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/gps/gps-nmea.md
@@ -156,3 +156,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description
{{% /tab %}}
{{< /tabs >}}
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-vectornav.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-vectornav.md
index 500b46af55..236d0b6502 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-vectornav.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-vectornav.md
@@ -83,3 +83,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description |
`chip_select_pin` | string | **Required** | The ({{< glossary_tooltip term_id="pin-number" text="pin number" >}}) of the pin on the board (other than the SPI bus pins) connected to the IMU chip. Used to tell the chip whether the current SPI message is meant for it or for another device.
`spi_baud_rate` | int | **Required** | The rate at which data is sent from the IMU.
Default: `115200`
`polling_frequency_hz` | int | **Required** | How many times per second the sensor is polled.
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-wit.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-wit.md
index d7525d8c51..90358aa75e 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-wit.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/imu/imu-wit.md
@@ -84,3 +84,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description
---- | ---- | --------- | -----------
`serial_path` | string | **Required** | The full filesystem path to the serial device, starting with /dev/. With your serial device connected, you can run `sudo dmesg \| grep tty` to show relevant device connection log messages, and then match the returned device name, such as `ttyS0`, to its device file, such as /dev/ttyS0. If you omit this attribute, Viam will attempt to automatically detect the path.
`serial_baud_rate` | int | Optional | The rate at which data is sent from the sensor over the serial connection. Valid rates are `9600` and `115200`. The default rate will work for all models. *Only the HWT901B can have a different serial baud rate.* Refer to your model's data sheet.
Default: `115200`
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/merged.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/merged.md
index 496d5f67e9..198c0fe7ec 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/merged.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/merged.md
@@ -101,3 +101,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description
Note that only one sensor from each array can be used to retrieve each type of reading.
Your robot uses the first sensor in the array that has implemented the relevant API method in its model and does not raise an error at runtime.
For instance, in the **JSON Example** above, if both `"vectornav"` and `"mpu6050"` support returning `angular_velocity`, `"mpu6050"` is only used to read angular velocity on the robot if `"vectornav"` returns an error at runtime.
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/mpu6050.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/mpu6050.md
index 83122827fc..cb09bbec1b 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/mpu6050.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/mpu6050.md
@@ -86,3 +86,5 @@ Name | Type | Inclusion | Description
`board` | string | **Required** | The `name` of the [board](/components/board/) to which the device is wired.
`i2c_bus` | string | **Required** | The `name` of the [I2C bus configured](/components/board/#i2cs) on your [board](/components/board/) wired to this device.
`use_alt_i2c_address` | boolean | **Required** | Depends on whether you wire AD0 low (leaving the default address of 0x68) or high (making the address 0x69). If high, set `true`. If low, set `false`.
Default: `false`
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/viam-visual-odometry.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/viam-visual-odometry.md
index 7e9af1c94e..c5f57d7c29 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/viam-visual-odometry.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/viam-visual-odometry.md
@@ -251,3 +251,5 @@ The following attributes are available to configure the `viam-visual-odometry` m
| `ransac_threshold_px` | float | Optional | `0.5` | Maximum error to be classified as an inlier.|
See the [ORB openCV documentation](https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/db/d95/classcv_1_1ORB.html) for more details.
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
diff --git a/docs/components/movement-sensor/wheeled-odometry.md b/docs/components/movement-sensor/wheeled-odometry.md
index b26ef4dced..728e0a423f 100644
--- a/docs/components/movement-sensor/wheeled-odometry.md
+++ b/docs/components/movement-sensor/wheeled-odometry.md
@@ -61,3 +61,5 @@ The following attributes are available for `wheeled-odometry` movement sensors:
| `left_motors` | object | **Required** | A list containing the name of each of the bases' left [position-reporting motors](/components/motor/gpio/). |
| `right_motors` | object | **Required** | A list containing the name of each of the bases' right [position-reporting motors](/components/motor/gpio/). |
| `time_interval_msec` | number | Optional | The time in milliseconds between each wheeled odometry calculation.
Default: `500.0` |
+{{< readfile "/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md" >}}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d57bcf5bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/include/components/movement-sensor-control.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## Test the movement sensor
+After you configure your movement sensor, navigate to the [Control tab](/manage/fleet/robots/#control) and select the dedicated movement sensor dropdown panel.
+This panel presents the data collected by the movement sensor.
+The sections in the panel include the position, orientation, angular velocity, linear velocity, and linear acceleration.