tar -xvzf endly_xxx.tar.gz
cp endly /usr/local/bin
endly -h
endly -v
- Build from source a) install go 1.11+ b) run the following commands: [Note: If you run into go version related issue while running 'go build endly.go' command, try running 'go mod tidy' or if you need specific version try running 'sudo go mod tidy -go=']
git clone https://github.com/viant/endly.git
cd endly/endly
export GO111MODULE=on
go build endly.go
cp endly /usr/local/bin
- Custom build, in case you need additional drivers, dependencies or UDF with additional imports:
package main
//import your udf package or other dependencies here
import "github.com/viant/endly/bootstrap"
func main() {
- Use endly docker image
mkdir -p ~/e2e
mkdir -p ~/.secret
docker run --name endly -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/e2e:/e2e -v ~/e2e/.secret/:/root/.secret/ -p 7722:22 -d endly/endly:latest-ubuntu16.04
ssh [email protected] -p 7722 ## password is dev
endly -v