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docker-etebase Etebase Server Docker Images

Docker image for Etebase Server, also known as EteSync 2.0, based on the server repository by Tom Hacohen.


The following tags are built on latest Python image and latest version of Etebase Server

Release builds are available as versioned tags, for example: X.Y.Z or X.Y.Z-type


docker run -d -e SUPER_USER=admin -p 80:3735 -v /path/on/host:/data victorrds/etesync

Create a container running Etebase using http protocol.

You can find more examples, using docker-compose here

Directory Structure and Data Persistence

All Etebase image variants share the same folder structure:


Contains the Etebase Server source code, please avoid any changes or mounting this folder.


By default this is the volume where all user data and server configuration are located

  • /data/etebase-server.ini: Server configuration file, location can be changed using ETEBASE_EASY_CONFIG_PATH environment ;
  • /data/media: The directory where user data is stored, although this location can be changed¹, it's not recommended;
  • /data/secret.txt: File that contains the value for Django's SECRET_KEY, this location can be changed¹
  • /data/db.sqlite3: Database file, if SQLite is chosen, this location can be changed¹

¹ All the locations are set in the etebase-server.ini file, or on the first run startup using environment variables.


Here you will find the static files needed to be shared with a reverse proxy, like nginx, when using uwsgi or asgi protocols, the / checks this files to update or recreate if not found.

Users and Permissions

By default, the container runs with the user and group etebase, both using 373 as the numeric ID. If mounting any directory above to the host, instead of using Docker volumes, there are two options

  1. The directories must have the correct permission, e.g.:

    $ chown -vR 373:373 /host/data/path
    changed ownership of '/host/data/path' from user:group to 373:373
    $ docker run -v /host/data/path:/data victorrds/etebase
  2. Change the user running the container:

    $ stat -c '%u:%g' /host/data/path
    $ docker run -u 1000:1000 -v /host/data/path:/data victorrds/etebase

Settings and Customization

The available Etebase settings are set in the /data/etebase-server.ini file. If not found, the / will generate it based on the Environment Variables explained below.

Environment Variables

  • SERVER: Defines how the container will serve the application. Options are:
    • uvicorn: starts using uvicorn, an ASGI server implementation with HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets support. Runs without SSL and must be used with a reverse-proxy/web server, such as nginx, traefik, and others. Aliases: http, http-socket asgi;
    • uvicorn-https: same as above but with SSL/TLS support enabled. Certificates must be mounted in the container. Alias: https;
    • Older versions had support to uwsgi, daphne and Django-server, but these are no longer supported. See #103;
  • DEBUG: Verbose mode provides additional messages from the / Does not change the output of the etebase server;
  • SHELL_DEBUG: Runs the / with set -x for debug purposes;
  • AUTO_UPDATE: Trigger database update/migration every time the container starts. Default: false, more details below;
  • SUPER_USER: Username of the Django superuser (only used if no previous database is found);
    • SUPER_PASS: Password of the Django superuser (optional, one will be generated if not set);
    • SUPER_EMAIL: Email of the Django superuser (optional);

Related to the etebase-server.ini settings file

  • ETEBASE_EASY_CONFIG_PATH: Set the configuration file location. Default: /data/etebase-server.ini;
  • MEDIA_ROOT²: The path where user data is stored. ⚠️ Default: /data/media;
  • DB_ENGINE: Database engine, currently only accepts sqlite (default) and postgres;
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS²: The ALLOWED_HOSTS setting must be a comma-separated list of valid domains and/or IP addresses. The server uses this list to set Django's CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting. This list must contain the domain name used to access the server. For more details, see etesync/server#183. Default: localhost,,[::1];
  • SECRET_FILE²: Defines file that contains the value for Django's SECRET_KEY. If not found, a new one is generated. Default: /data/secret.txt;
  • AUTO_SIGNUP: Enables automatic signup. Default: false;
  • LANGUAGE_CODE: Django language code. Default: en-us;
  • TIME_ZONE: Time zone, defaults to UTC. Must be a valid tz database name. Valid names can be found at;
  • DEBUG_DJANGO²: Enables Django Debug mode, not recommended for production. Defaults to false;
  • REDIS_URI: Sets Redis URI (optional).

² For more details, please refer to the Etebase Server

If DB_ENGINE is set to sqlite:

  • DATABASE_NAME: Database file path. Defaults to /data/db.sqlite3

If DB_ENGINE is set to postgres the following variables can be used (only default values are listed):

  • DATABASE_NAME: etebase;
  • DATABASE_USER: Defaults to the value of DATABASE_NAME if not set;
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD: Defaults to the value of DATABASE_USER if not set;
  • DATABASE_HOST: database

For LDAP integration, use the following variables. This is advanced usage; please refer to the etesync/server@fac36aa commit for details:

  • LDAP_SERVER: The URL to the LDAP server;
  • LDAP_BINDDN: LDAP "user" to bind as. Must be a bind user;
  • LDAP_BIND_PW: The password to authenticate as your bind user;
  • LDAP_FILTER: LDAP filter query ('%%s' will be substituted for the username);
  • LDAP_SEARCH_BASE: Search base;
  • LDAP_CACHE_TTL: Cache TTL in hours. If a cache TTL of 1 hour is too short for you, set cache_ttl to the preferred amount of hours a cache entry should be viewed as valid (optional);

Docker Secrets

As an alternative to passing sensitive information via environment variables, _FILE may be appended to some of the previously listed environment variables, causing the initialization script to load the values for those variables from files present in the container. In particular, this can be used to load passwords from Docker secrets stored in /run/secrets/<secret_name> files. For example:

docker run -d --name etebase \
 -e DB_ENGINE=postgres \
 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres-passwd \



This image exposes the 3735/TCP port.

Questions & Issues

For questions, please use Discussions. Any bugs, please report to the repository Issue Tracker.

How to Build

To build the images, choose a Dockerfile and run:

docker build -f tags/alpine/Dockerfile -t etebase:alpine .

This will create an image using the Etebase master branch. To build using a release version, set the ETE_VERSION build argument:

docker build --build-arg ETE_VERSION=v0.5.3 -f tags/base/Dockerfile -t etebase:dev .

Advanced Usage

How to create a Superuser

Method 1: Environment Variables on first run

Setting the SUPER_ variables on the first run will trigger the creation of a superuser after the database is ready.

Method 2: Python Shell

At any moment after the database is ready, you can create a new superuser by running and following the prompts:

docker exec -it {container_name} python createsuperuser

Upgrade application and database

If AUTO_UPDATE is not set, you can update by running:

docker exec -it {container_name} python migrate

Using Uvicorn with SSL/TLS

To run Etebase Server with uvicorn using HTTPS, you need to mount valid certificates.

By default, Etebase will look for the files /certs/crt.pem and /certs/key.pem. If you change this location, update the X509_CRT and X509_KEY environment variables accordingly.

‼️ Troubleshooting: CSRF Verification Failed

The Etebase server upgraded its Django version to 4.2+, and now a valid value for the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting must be provided. To resolve this issue, add the domain names and/or IP addresses of the server to the [allowed_hosts] section of the etebase-server.ini file.

If you are setting up a new installation and do not have an ini file yet, use the ALLOWED_HOSTS environment variable to generate the correct ini file.


allowed_host1 =
allowed_host2 =
allowed_host3 =
; wildcard are also valid, but * alone will not work
allowed_host4 = *

For more details see this PR: etesync/server#183.

‼️ Deprecation Notice: arm/v7 Images

As of version 0.14.0, I have deprecated the support for arm/v7 Docker images for the Etebase Server. This means that new versions and updates will no longer be provided for the arm/v7 architecture.

Many dependencies required by the Etebase Server have become increasingly difficult or impossible to build on the arm/v7 architecture using the default base Python images.

‼️ Warning Incompatible Versions

Etesync 1.0 and Etebase (Etesync 2.0), database and server, are incompatible. Given the end-to-end encryption nature and structural changes of this software, it is impossible to migrate the data without knowing the users' keys.

To move the data, you must create a new instance with a new database. While running both servers simultaneously, use the web client tool or mobile applications to migrate your data. After all users have migrated, the legacy server can be shut down.

The new images have breaking changes. To avoid any damage, the will check if the database is compatible before making any changes.

Etesync 1.0 images are available through the legacy tags. Base images are outdated and no more work will be done.