All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.6 (2021-10-08)
- prevent reporter from failing if in verbose mode (daaabfa)
0.1.5 (2021-03-09)
0.1.3 (2021-01-24)
- add module to validate config schema (e27e467)
- run config schema validation when running the reporter (0c96538)
0.1.2 (2021-01-09)
- reporting: display multiple errors at the same time if reporter failed (8c04447)
- make unknown errors only be reported if they are unique (89ec8f6)
- config: rename json config file (41c03f5)
- configuration: add failIfUnknownWarningsFound config (74ce5a8)
- configuration: add module to load config from different sources (8f0f467)
- configuration: add possibility to configure via reporter options (a20ae62)
- configuration: add support for logsWithoutLimit array (48afb37)
- reporter: make reporter fail if verbose isn't set to false (64d55f0)
- reporting: colorize output and use tables when possible (da0e2c5)
- improve log messages (aa9204a)
- initial commit with subset of features from reporter (adacdd5)
- require all patterns in message validations to match the message before validating (b490875)