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Represents the json rpc error base structure, it accepts 3 params: code, message, data as specified by the protocol


Represents the base class from which rpc callable classes can be extended. Extended classes can be wrapped through rpc wrapper and exposed via different transport protocols as json rpc services.


Represents the rpc wrapper class that will wrap requests and responses for any object/instance. This class can be used to rpcify the variables and make them callable through json rpc 2.0 protocol. Keep in mind that only functions can be invoked, there's no way to invoke getting/setting properties of object! This instance will act as a proxy to the wrapped object, and can call any function type in object (with callbacks, async functions and simple functions)



Determines if the value is primitive string or primitive number, in case of number NaN and Infinity values are not considered numbers. It returns true in case of it represents one of these two types


Determines if the value is null or undefined, returns true in case of it represents one of these two types


Returns the functions/methods that belong to object, it excludes the object prototype methods:

  • __defineGetter__,
  • __defineSetter__,
  • __lookupGetter__,
  • __lookupSetter__,
  • constructor,
  • hasOwnProperty,
  • isPrototypeOf,
  • propertyIsEnumerable Methods toLocaleString, toString, valueOf are included


JsonRpcErrorFields : Object

Fields that should be exported during serialization

JsonRpcRequest : Object
JsonRpcResponse : Object


Represents the json rpc error base structure, it accepts 3 params: code, message, data as specified by the protocol

Kind: global class

new RpcError(code, message, [data])

Param Type Default Description
code number json rpc error code
message string json rpc error message
[data] any json rpc additional error data


RpcError.createError(RpcError.INVALID_REQUEST) // RpcError: { code: -32600, message: 'Invalid request' }
RpcError.createError(RpcError.INVALID_REQUEST, null, new Error('foo')) // RpcError: { code: -32600, message: 'Invalid request', data: 'Error: foo' }
RpcError.createError(RpcError.INVALID_REQUEST, 'INV_REQ', new Error('foo')) // RpcError: { code: -32600, message: 'INV_REQ', data: 'Error: foo' }


Kind: instance property of RpcError

Name Type Description
code number Represents json rpc error code, e.g. -32700. If invalid code range is provided -32000 (Server Error) is used, allowed codes: [-32603, -32600], -32700, [-32099, -32000]

Kind: instance property of RpcError

Name Type Description
data any Represents additional error data specified by protocol


Kind: instance property of RpcError

Name Type Description
message string Represents the json rpc error message, e.g. Parse error

rpcError.toString() ⇒ string

Returns the json representing the error, e.g.: '{"code":-32602,"message":"Invalid params","data":"foo param is required"}'

Kind: instance method of RpcError

rpcError.toJSON() ⇒ JsonRpcErrorFields

Returns the fields that should be exposed on json serialization

Kind: instance method of RpcError

RpcError.PARSE_ERROR : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.INVALID_REQUEST : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.METHOD_NOT_FOUND : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.INVALID_PARAMS : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.INTERNAL_ERROR : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.SERVER_ERROR : number


Kind: static constant of RpcError

RpcError.createError(code, [message], [data]) ⇒ RpcError

Kind: static method of RpcError

Param Type Default Description
code number json rpc error code, if invalid code range is provided -32000 (Server Error) is used, allowed codes: [-32603, -32600], -32700, [-32099, -32000]
[message] string null json rpc error message, if omitted it will be generated based on error code
[data] any json rpc additional error data


Represents the base class from which rpc callable classes can be extended. Extended classes can be wrapped through rpc wrapper and exposed via different transport protocols as json rpc services.

Kind: global abstract class


Kind: instance property of RpcServiceBase
Access: protected

Name Type Description
methods Array.<string> Represents the list of methods that are exposed through rpc calls, each method here should be implemented with the same name

rpcServiceBase.validateMethod(method) ⇒ Promise.<void> | void

Checks if the method is available in service and can be called externally, if not it throws the appropriate rpc error It should not be overridden in extended classes!

Kind: instance method of RpcServiceBase

Param Type Description
method string The method that will be checked if it exists and it's available

rpcServiceBase.validateParams(method, params) ⇒ Promise.<void> | void

Checks if the params for the called method through rpc are valid, if not it throws the appropriate rpc error. It should not be overridden in extended classes!

Kind: instance method of RpcServiceBase

Param Type Description
method string The method that will be called externally
params Object | Array.<any> The params that will be passed to the method

rpcServiceBase.areParamsValid(method, params) ⇒ Promise.<boolean> | boolean

The abstract that will verify if the provided params for the method are valid, it should be implemented in all extended classes

Kind: instance abstract method of RpcServiceBase

Param Type Description
method string The method that will be called externally
params Object | Array.<any> The params that will be passed to the method


Represents the rpc wrapper class that will wrap requests and responses for any object/instance. This class can be used to rpcify the variables and make them callable through json rpc 2.0 protocol. Keep in mind that only functions can be invoked, there's no way to invoke getting/setting properties of object! This instance will act as a proxy to the wrapped object, and can call any function type in object (with callbacks, async functions and simple functions)

Kind: global class

new RpcWrapper(service, [cbMethods])

Param Type Default Description
service RpcServiceBase | Object The object/instance that will be wrapped. It can be any object type but if it's extension of RpcServiceBase it will validate also params passed to method during the call. In case if it's a simple object then it should be responsibility of the method itself to validate the passed arguments. In case it's instance of RpcServiceBase then the service will be stored into service property, otherwise it will be stored in proxy property
[cbMethods] Array.<string> [] Optional methods that use callbacks. Here we should specify all methods that use callbacks to pass the responses. Each method that has callbacks should support this callback structure: (err?: Error, res?: any) => void


// RpcServiceBase extended class
const myService = new ProductService([ { id: 1, name: 'Product 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Product 2' } ])
const rpcProxy = new RpcWrapper(myService)
const payload = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"find","params":[1],"id":"3"}'
const rpcRes = await rpcProxy.callReq(payload) // '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","result":{"id":1,"name":"Product 1"}}'


// Object with callback methods
const service1 = {
  storeContent: (content, cb) => {
    fs.writeFile('test.log', content + '\n', { flag: 'a' }, cb)
const proxy1 = new RpcWrapper(service1, ['storeContent'])


// Simple object
const myService = {
  ping: async () =>,
  echo: (params) => params,
const rpcProxy = new RpcWrapper(myService)


The service that will be proxied

Kind: instance property of RpcWrapper
Access: protected

Name Type
[service] RpcServiceBase


The object that will be proxied

Kind: instance property of RpcWrapper
Access: protected

Name Type
[proxy] Object


Methods of the object that uses callbacks

Kind: instance property of RpcWrapper
Access: protected

Name Type
cbMethods Array.<string>

rpcWrapper.callReq(payload) ⇒ Promise.<(JsonRpcResponse|Array.<JsonRpcResponse>|void)>

This method invokes the json rpc requests against the wrapped object/instance. The response can be an array, single item or void depending on request.

Kind: instance method of RpcWrapper
Returns: Promise.<(JsonRpcResponse|Array.<JsonRpcResponse>|void)> - e.g. {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 7, "id": "1"}
Access: public

Param Type Description
payload string JSON payload that is received through transport layer, e.g. {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sum", "params": [1,2,4], "id": "1"}

rpcWrapper._procReq(req) ⇒ Promise.<(JsonRpcResponse|void)>

Validates the received request and invokes the method on proxied object, and in case of id param returns the response.

Kind: instance method of RpcWrapper
Returns: Promise.<(JsonRpcResponse|void)> - e.g. {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 7, "id": "1"}
Access: protected

Param Type Description
req JsonRpcRequest Request object received through the proxy call

rpcWrapper._createRes([id], [err], [res]) ⇒ JsonRpcResponse

Crafts the json rpc response based on input

Kind: instance method of RpcWrapper
Access: protected

Param Type Description
[id] string | number Optional request id
[err] RpcError Optional error object
[res] any Optional response object, ignored in case when err is present

rpcWrapper._execFunc(func, params) ⇒ any

Calls the function inside the proxied object with specified arguments

Kind: instance method of RpcWrapper
Access: protected

Param Type Description
func function The function of the proxied object that will be invoked
params any The params that will be passed, in case if rpc request is array params are passed in order, otherwise single object is passed

isStringOrNumber(val) ⇒ boolean

Determines if the value is primitive string or primitive number, in case of number NaN and Infinity values are not considered numbers. It returns true in case of it represents one of these two types

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
val any Value that will be checked

isNil(val) ⇒ boolean

Determines if the value is null or undefined, returns true in case of it represents one of these two types

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
val any Value that will be checked

getObjectFunctions(toCheck) ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns the functions/methods that belong to object, it excludes the object prototype methods:

  • __defineGetter__,
  • __defineSetter__,
  • __lookupGetter__,
  • __lookupSetter__,
  • constructor,
  • hasOwnProperty,
  • isPrototypeOf,
  • propertyIsEnumerable Methods toLocaleString, toString, valueOf are included

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
toCheck Object The object from which the function names will be extracted

JsonRpcErrorFields : Object

Fields that should be exported during serialization

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
code number RpcError code field
message string Error message field
[data] any RpcError data field, present only if not nil

JsonRpcRequest : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
jsonrpc '2.0'
method string
[params] Object | Array
[id] string | number

JsonRpcResponse : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
jsonrpc '2.0'
[error] Object
error.code number RpcError code field
error.message string Error message field
[] any RpcError data field, present only if not nil
[result] any
[id] string | number