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Stefan van der Walt edited this page Feb 15, 2014 · 13 revisions

PSF student guidelines:

Advice on writing a proposal (written with the Mailman project in mind, but generally applicable)

Application template for 2013

Community bonding

An important part of the GSoC is to connect with the community, both so that we can get to know one another and so that we may gauge your programming skills before selection. Pull requests provide an excellent opportunity to learn how the library fits together, so tackle one of the issues or implement a suggested feature.

Summer of code project ideas

These are core ideas for new projects, but may need to be expanded to have the correct scope, level of challenge and significance of contribution to qualify.

  • Interactive gallery

    Currently, the examples gallery is a static collection of code snippets and output images. We'd like users to be able to modify the code there and see the result. The outcome of this project would be a web-app that launches a sandboxed, resource-controller Python environment (probably built on top of Docker) that executes code snippets and provides the resulting image as a response.

  • Image registration

    Image registration forms part applications such as panorama stitching and super-resolution. It is also an important pre-processing step in many types of medical imaging. Some work has been done on implementing image registration in Python, e.g. the imreg project ( The outcome of this project would be a registration sub-module that implements, e.g., dense registration (mutual information), sparse registration (ransac + features).

  • Blind deconvolution

  • Non-patent-encumbered face detection

  • Text detection algorithms