This is a machine learning based application which makes use of the delhi weather kaggle dataset.
The application makes use of lagged datasets
We have made use of logistic regression and linear regression for the prediction of rain and temperature respectively
The application predicts average temperature for the day in degree celsius
Our Parameter for calling a day as hot is if the average temperature for the day is above 25 degree celsius
Hosting with heroku is pretty simple, just follow the following steps:
Heroku Login
- This will open up the browser through which you can log in to your heroku account -
git clone (your repo link)
- This clones your repo -
into the folder of interest and use the following commands:-1. git init - It will initialize an empty repository 2. git add . - It will add the files to the repository 3. git commit -m "message" - It will commit the changes
heroku create (your desirable app name)
and then useheroku git:remote -a (the git link generated from heroku create command)
Finally use
git push heroku master
- Add a requirements.txt to your repository
- Add Procfile to your repository
Our weather prediction app is available at
For any doubts drop an email to me